United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,437,075 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,437,075 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,437,075 B2
(54) MULTI-LAYERED HYBRID METAMATERIAL 7,492,329 132* 2/2009 Wang @1211. ................. .. 343/909
STRUCTURE 7,522,124 B2* 4/2009 Smith et a1. . 343/909
7,525,711 B1* 4/2009 Rule et a1. 359/244
7,545,841 B2* 6/2009 Wang et a1. .............. .. 372/5022
(75) Inventors: Chan-Wook Baik, Yongin-si (KR); 7,580,604 B2 8/2009 D’Aguanno et a1.
J ong-min Kim, Yongin-si (KR); 2001/0038325 A1 11/2001 Smith et a1.
Chang-Won Lee, Seoul (KR) 2008/0165079 A1 7/2008 Smith et a1.
2008/0267243 A1* 10/2008 Wang et a1. ................... .. 372/69
2009/0040131 A1* 2/2009 Mosallaei ............... .. 343/911 R
(73) Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., 2009/0096545 A1 4/2009 O’Hara et a1.
SuWon-si (KR) 2009/0160718 A1 6/2009 Yen et a1.
2009/0262766 A1* 10/2009 Chen et a1. .................... .. 372/26
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2010/0019868 A1* 1/2010 Hyde et a1. .................. .. 333/219
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2010/0053763 A1 3/2010 Chowdhury et a1.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 196 days. 2010/0079217 A1 4/2010 Morton et a1.
2010/0109971 A2 5/2010 Gummalla et a1.
2010/0271692 A1* 10/2010 Hor et a1. .................... .. 359/356
(21) App1.No.: 13/095,100 2012/0105970 A1* 5/2012 Ueda ............ .. 359/642
2012/0170114 A1* 7/2012 Domash et a1. 359/359
(22) Filed: Apr. 27, 2011 2012/0236895 A1* 9/2012 Miles ............................ .. 372/55
Sep. 27, 2010 (KR) ...................... .. 10-2010-0093293 Primary Examiner * Mark Hellner
Assistant Examiner * Ari M Diacou
(51) Int. Cl. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Sughrue Mion, PLLC
H01Q 15/0086 (2006.01)
G02B 1/002 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
(52) US. Cl.
USPC ......................................... .. 359/346; 333/219
A metamaterial structure is provided, including a substrate
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 359/333,
and a plurality of resonators that are provided on different
surfaces of the substrate or different layers of the substrate.
359/344, 346; 333/219
See application ?le for complete search history. The resonators have resonance characteristics different from
each other, and the metamaterial structure has a permittivity,
(56) References Cited a permeability, and a refractive index respectively different
from those of the substrate in a predetermined frequency
5,057,803 A * 10/1991 Ooiet a1. .................... .. 333/204
7,386,195 B2* 6/2008 Chern et a1. .................... .. 385/1 21 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
US. Patent May 7, 2013 Sheet 1 0f 10 US 8,437,075 B2
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
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— s11
— s11
FIG. 5
\ 26 25
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FIG. "7
(a) (b)
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FIG. 8
FIG. 9
35 36
\ \ /
D1 35a D2
Y §5b
Z (L— x
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FIG. 10
FIG. 11
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FIG. 12
FIG. 13
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FIG. 14
FIG. 15
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US. Patent May 7, 2013 Sheet 10 0f 10 US 8,437,075 B2
FIG. 17
US 8,437,075 B2
1 2
MULTI-LAYERED HYBRID METAMATERIAL ing resonance frequencies different from each other, an elec
STRUCTURE tromagnetic Wave may be controlled in a Wide bandWidth
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED Each of the resonators may be an SRR having at least one
APPLICATION gap. A ?rst resonator may be provided on a ?rst layer of the
substrate and the second resonator may be provided on a
This application claims the bene?t of Korean Patent Appli second layer of the substrate, and a gap of the ?rst resonator
cation No. 10-2010-093293, ?led on Sep. 27, 2010, in the and a gap of a second resonator may have different siZes.
Korean Intellectual Property Of?ce, the disclosure of Which is Also, the gaps of the ?rst and second resonators may be
incorporated herein in its entirety by reference. oriented in different directions. The polariZing characteristic
of an electromagnetic Wave that passes through the metama
BACKGROUND terial structure may be changed according to the directions in
Which the gaps are oriented. Since the resonators have gaps
1. Field oriented in different directions from each other, the resonators
The present disclosure relates to arti?cial material struc may be less dependent on the polariZing direction. Of course,
tures, electromagnetic characteristics of Which are controlled, the gap of the resonator provided on the ?rst layer and the gap
and more particularly, to multi-layered hybrid metamaterial of the resonator provided on the second layer may be oriented
structures. in the same direction.
2. Description of the Related Art 20 The substrate may be a single layer substrate including one
Recently, many studies have been conducted on metama dielectric material or a multi-layer substrate including at least
terials Which have electromagnetic characteristics that may tWo different dielectric materials. The dielectric may be
be controlled by a neW method. Metamaterials are referred to formed of an insulating material, an n-type semiconductor
as neW materials or structures because their optical charac material, or a p-type semiconductor material.
teristics, such as scattering parameter, refractive index, per 25 The resonators may be provided on opposite surfaces of a
mittivity and permeability, may be arbitrary controlled. A single substrate. Also, if the substrate is a multi-layer sub
neW left-hand rule may be applied to the metamaterial instead strate, at least one resonator may be provided on each of the
of the conventionally Well knoWn Fleming’s right-hand rule, multiple layers. The multi-layer substrate may be a stacked
and actively using the metamaterials, light may be modulated type in Which substrates are stacked after forming the reso
by using electrical variable characteristics. Due to the char 30 nators on each of the substrates, or may be formed through
acteristics of metamaterials, studies have been conducted sequential processes of deposition and plating.
related to electromagnetic radiation such as radio frequency PoWer sources may be applied to the resonators. For this
(RF) Waves, micrometer Waves, Tera-Hertz (THZ) Waves, purpose, the metamaterial structure may further include elec
infrared rays, and visible light. In particular, metamaterials trodes that are electrically connected to the resonators. The
35 layer Where the resonators are provided may be an n-type or
are very important in applications to ?elds such as biophysics,
p-type semiconductor layer doped With an n-type or p-type
medicine, spectroscopy, imaging, and security. In the case of
dopant. The substrate may further include an insulating layer.
a split-ring resonator (SRR), in Which the characteristics of
The insulating layer may insulate betWeen the conductive
the metamaterials have been Well studied due to their superior
semiconductor layers or insulate the metamaterial structure
resonance characteristics, electrical and magnetic control is 40 from the outside.
possible, and thus, studies on the control of permeability Of the resonators, the resonators provided on different
characteristics have been conducted. layers may be independently electrically controlled.
In a multi-layer substrate, areas of the layers of the sub
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION strate may decrease from a loWermost layer to an uppermost
45 layer, and at least a portion of each of the resonators disposed
Provided are multi-layered hybrid metamaterial structures on the layers may be exposed to the outside.
that have increased resonance characteristics and may be A metamaterial structure according to embodiments
actively controllable. described herein may be used as a modulator for RF Waves,
Additional aspects Will be set forth inpart in the description micrometer Waves, THZ Waves, infrared rays, or visible light.
Which folloWs and, in part, Will be apparent from the descrip 50 In this case, the substrate may be a transparent material With
tion, or may be learned by practice of the presented embodi respect to the corresponding Wavelength of an electromag
ments. netic Wave or may be thin enough to suf?ciently transmit the
According to an aspect of an exemplary embodiment, a corresponding electromagnetic Wave.
metamaterial structure includes: a substrate; and a plurality of
resonators that are provided on different surfaces of the sub 55 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
strate or on different layers of the substrate and have reso
nance characteristics different from each other. The metama These and/or other exemplary aspects Will become appar
terial structure has a permittivity, a permeability, and a ent and more readily appreciated from the folloWing descrip
refractive index respectively different from those of the sub tion of the exemplary embodiments, taken in conjunction
strate in a predetermined frequency bandWidth. The metama 60 With the accompanying draWings of Which:
terial structure may be used as a resonator having a negative FIG. 1 is a schematic perspective vieW of a metamaterial
refractive index (NIM), as a modulator for RF Waves, structure according to an exemplary embodiment;
micrometer Waves, THZ Waves, infrared rays, or visible light, FIG. 2 shoWs resonators provided on both surfaces of the
as a sWitch, as a pause shifter, or as a ?lter. metamaterial structure of FIG. 1;
The resonators may include ?rst and second resonators 65 FIGS. 3A and 3B are graphs shoWing examples of reso
having resonance frequencies different from each other. nance characteristics of the resonator provided on both sur
Since the metamaterial structure includes the resonators hav faces of the metamaterial structure of FIG. 1;
US 8,437,075 B2
3 4
FIG. 4 is a graph showing an example of resonance char ent from each other. The different surfaces of the substrate 11
acteristics of the metamaterial structure of FIG. 1; may be different layers of the substrate 11.
FIG. 5 is a schematic perspective vieW of a con?guration of FIG. 2(a) shoWs the ?rst resonator 15 formed on a ?rst
a metamaterial structure according to a comparative example; surface of the substrate 11, and FIG. 2(b) shoWs the second
FIG. 6 is a graph shoWing the resonance characteristics of resonator 16 formed on a second surface of the substrate 11.
the metamaterial structure of FIG. 5; Referring to FIG. 2, the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16
FIG. 7 shoWs various modi?ed versions of resonators that may be split-ring resonators (SSRs). That is, the ?rst and
may be applied to the metamaterial structure of FIG. 1; second resonators 15 and 16 may be formed as ring shaped
FIG. 8 is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of a con?gura conductive materials respectively having gaps G1 and G2.
tion of a metamaterial structure according to another exem The ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may be disposed so
plary embodiment; that centers of the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may
FIG. 9 shoWs resonators provided on both surfaces of the be on the same axis.
metamaterial structure of FIG. 8; The electromagnetic characteristics of the metamaterial
FIG. 10 is a graph shoWing the resonance characteristics of structure 10 may be closely related to the resonance charac
the metamaterial structure of FIG. 8; teristics of the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16. The
FIG. 11 is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of a modi?ed types and siZes of the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16
version of the metamaterial structure of FIG. 8; may be controlled so that the metamaterial structure 10 may
FIG. 12 is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of a con?gu have a negative permittivity, a negative permeability, or a
ration of a metamaterial structure according to another exem negative refractive index in a predetermined frequency band
plary embodiment; 20 Width. That is, the metamaterial structure 10 may be con
FIG. 13 shoWs resonators provided on both surfaces of the trolled to have metamaterial characteristics, that is, the
metamaterial structure of FIG. 12; metamaterial structure 10 as a Whole may be made to have a
FIG. 14 is a graph shoWing the resonance characteristics of permittivity, a permeability, and a refractive index that are
the metamaterial structure of FIG. 12; different from the inherent permittivity, permeability, and
FIG. 15 is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of a con?gu 25 refractive index of the substrate 11 in a predetermined fre
ration of a metamaterial structure according to another exem quency section resonating an electromagnetic Wave incident
plary embodiment; to the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16.
FIG. 16 shoWs resonators provided on both surfaces of the The ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may have at least
metamaterial structure of FIG. 15; and one of outer diameters D1 and D2, Widths W1 and W2, and
FIG. 17 is a graph shoWing the resonance characteristics of 30 gaps G1 and G2 different from each other. For example, as
the metamaterial structure of FIG. 15. depicted in FIG. 2, the metamaterial structure 10 according to
the current embodiment may have Wide bandwidth charac
DETAILED DESCRIPTION teristics including both a high resonance frequency fl of the
?rst resonator 15 and a loW resonance frequency f2 of the
Exemplary embodiments Will noW be described more fully 35 second resonator 16 by making the siZe of the ?rst resonator
With reference to the accompanying draWings. It Will be 15 smaller than that of the second resonator 16. The siZes of
understood that When an element or layer is referred to as the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 are closely related to
being “on” another element or layer, the element or layer may a Wavelength of the electromagnetic Wave to be handled. For
be directly on another element or layer or intervening ele example, the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may have
ments or layers. In the draWings, the thickness of each of 40 siZes from a feW millimetres to a feW tens of millimetres With
layers or siZes may be exaggerated for convenience of expla respect to an electromagnetic Wave in a radio frequency (RF)
nation or clarity. Like reference numerals in the draWings region.
denote like elements, and portions nothing to do With the The gap G1 of the ?rst resonator 15 may be oriented in a
description are omitted. direction different from that of the gap G2 of the second
A metamaterial according to an exemplary embodiment is 45 resonator 16. The polariZing characteristic or phase of the
an arti?cial structure having electromagnetic characteristics electromagnetic Wave to be resonated is closely related to the
that may not be readily seen in ordinary materials present in orientation directions of the gaps G1 and G2, and thus, the
nature. The characteristics of a metamaterial are due to its polariZing characteristic or phase of the electromagnetic
structural components, such as resonators, rather than to the Wave to be resonated may be appropriately controlled by
material composition itself, and thus, a metamaterial may be 50 making the gaps G1 and G2 be oriented in different direc
referred to as a metamaterial structure. tions. For example, as depicted in FIG. 2, as seen from the
FIG. 1 is a schematic perspective vieW of a metamaterial center of a ring, the gap G1 of the ?rst resonator 15 may be
structure 10 according to an exemplary embodiment. FIG. 2 provided to be oriented in a +Y direction, and the gap G2 of
shoWs ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 provided on the second resonator 16 may be provided to be oriented in a
opposite surfaces of the metamaterial structure 10 of FIG. 1. 55 —Y direction. According to circumstances, as seen from the
Referring to FIG. 1, the metamaterial structure 10 accord center of the ring, the orientation direction of the gap G1 of
ing to the current embodiment includes a substrate 11 and the the ?rst resonator 15 may be the same as the orientation
?rst and second resonators 15 and 16. direction of the gap G2 of the second resonator 16, or may be
The substrate 11 may be a single layer that includes a single different by 90 degrees.
dielectric material or a multi-layer substrate that includes at 60 In the current embodiment, the con?guration is that the ?rst
least tWo dielectric materials different from each other. The and second resonators 15 and 16 are respectively formed on
one or more dielectric materials that constitute the substrate the ?rst and second surfaces of the substrate 11. HoWever, the
11 may be an insulating material or a semiconductor material. ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 are not limited thereto,
The ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may be formed of that is, the plural ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may be
a conductive material such as Au, Al, or Cu. The ?rst and 65 formed on the ?rst and second surfaces of the substrate 11,
second resonators 15 and 16 are formed on opposite surfaces plural of the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may be
of the substrate 11 and have resonance characteristics differ periodically arranged on the ?rst and second surfaces of the
US 8,437,075 B2
5 6
substrate 11, or the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may SRRs has been explained; hoWever, metamaterial structures
be formed on the same surface of the substrate 11. described herein are not limited thereto. FIG. 7 shoWs various
Next, resonance characteristics of the metamaterial struc modi?ed versions of resonators that may generate metama
ture 10 according to the current embodiment Will noW be terial characteristics. As resonators that may be used as
described. metamaterials, besides the modi?ed versions of resonators
A numerical analysis Was performed through a computer depicted in FIG. 7, although not shoWn, various resonator
simulation With respect to an example of the metamaterial examples are knoWn and may be adapted to the metamaterial
structure 10 in Which the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 structure 10 of the above-described embodiment.
Were formed of Au on the ?rst and second surfaces of the Furthermore, in the above-described embodiments, the
substrate 11, and the substrate Was formed of GaAs having a rings of the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 are formed
permittivity e of 12.9. of a conductive material and the gap is insulated. HoWever,
FIGS. 3A and 3B are S-parameter graphs With respect to the embodiments are not limited thereto, that is, the ?rst and
the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16, respectively, second resonators 15 and 16 may have complementary struc
according to an exemplary embodiment. FIG. 4 is a graph tures, as compared to the previous embodiments. That is, the
shoWing resonance characteristics of the metamaterial struc rings of the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 may be
ture 10 in Which the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 are formed of a dielectric, and regions of both of the surfaces of
designed together as in FIGS. 3A and 3B. the substrate 11 may be coated With a conductive material
Referring to FIG. 3A, the ?rst resonator 15 is designed to except the gaps and the rings of the ?rst and second resonators
resonate in a relatively high frequency region of approxi 15 and 16.
mately 1.25 THZ, and referring to FIG. 3B, the second reso 20 FIG. 8 is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of a con?gura
nator 16 is designed to resonate in a relatively loW frequency tion of a metamaterial structure 30 according to another
region of approximately 0.65 THZ. exemplary embodiment. FIG. 9 shoWs ?rst and second reso
Referring to FIG. 4, in the metamaterial structure 10 that nators 35 and 36 provided on opposite surfaces of the
includes both the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 metamaterial structure 30 of FIG. 8.
designed as described above, the permeability coef?cient S21 25 Referring to FIGS. 8 and 9, the metamaterial structure 30
has a value of —22 dB at approximately 0.63 THZ Where a according to the current embodiment includes a substrate 31
resonance is generated, and the antiresonance coef?cient S11 and the ?rst and second resonators 35 and 36 formed on
has a value of —25 dB at approximately 0.68 THZ Where opposite surfaces of the substrate 31. At this point, bias volt
anti-resonance is generated. ages may be independently applied to each of the ?rst and
FIG. 5 is a schematic perspective vieW of a con?guration of 30 second resonators 35 and 36 from external ?rst and second
a metamaterial structure 20 according to a comparative poWer sources V1 and V2.
example of the present invention. FIG. 6 is a graph showing The substrate 31 may include ?rst and second doped semi
the resonance characteristics of the metamaterial structure 20 conductor layers 32 and 34 disposed on both surfaces of an
of FIG. 5, according to the comparative example. insulating layer 33. For example, the insulating layer 33 may
Referring to FIG. 5, the metamaterial structure 20 accord 35 be formed of GaAs, Which is a semi-insulating material, and
ing to the comparative example includes ?rst and second the ?rst and second semiconductor layers 32 and 34 may be
resonators 25 and 26 formed on a surface of a substrate 21. formed by doping GaAs With an n-type dopant or a p-type
The metamaterial structure 20 according to the comparative dopant. According to circumstances, the ?rst and second
example is different from the metamaterial structure 10 semiconductor layers 32 and 34 may be formed by stacking
according to the embodiment described above in that, in the 40 semiconductor materials having permittivities different from
metamaterial structure 10, the ?rst and second resonators 15 each other on opposite surfaces of the insulating layer 33. The
and 16 are formed on opposite surfaces of the substrate 11; ?rst and second semiconductor layers 32 and 34 may have
hoWever, in the metamaterial structure 20, both the ?rst and thicknesses equal to or different from each other.
second resonators 25 and 26 are formed on the same surface The ?rst and second resonators 35 and 36 are formed on
of the substrate 21. Except for this, the metamaterial structure 45 opposite surfaces of the substrate 31 and may be formed to
20 is substantially the same as the metamaterial structure 10 have resonance characteristics different from each other.
in that, for example, the substrate 21 and the ?rst and second FIG. 9(a) shoWs the ?rst resonator 35 provided on an upper
resonators 25 and 26 of the metamaterial structure 20 may surface of the ?rst semiconductor layer 32 (refer to FIG. 8),
have the same siZes and may be respectively formed of the and FIG. 9(b) shoWs the second resonator 36 provided on a
same materials as those of the substrate 11 and the ?rst and 50 loWer surface of the second semiconductor layer 34 (refer to
second resonators 15 and 16 of the metamaterial structure 10. FIG. 8). Referring to FIG. 9, the ?rst and second resonators 35
Referring to FIG. 6, in the metamaterial structure 20 and 36 may be SRRs. That is, the ?rst and second resonators
according to the comparative example, the value of the per 35 and 36 may be formed, respectively, of conductive mate
meability coef?cient S21 Where a resonance is generated is rials 35a and 3611 having a ring shape With gaps 35b and 36b.
—l8 dB, and the value of antiresonance coef?cient S11 Where 55 The ?rst and second resonators 35 and 36 may be disposed so
an anti-resonance is generated is —ll dB. that the centers of the ?rst and second resonators 35 and 36
When the graphs of FIG. 4 and FIG. 6 are compared, it is may be on the same axis. At this point, the ?rst and second
seen that the metamaterial structure 10 according to the resonators 35 and 36 may be formed in different siZes (for
above-described embodiment has values of the permeability example, diameters D1 and D2) so that the resonance char
coef?cient S21 Where a resonance is generated and the anti 60 acteristics thereof may be different from each other, or the
resonance coef?cient S11 Where an anti-resonance is gener gaps 35b of the ?rst resonator 35 may be oriented in directions
ated that are respectively reinforced by 4 dB and 14 dB With different from that of the gaps 36b of the second resonator 36.
respect to the comparative metamaterial structure 20. That is, For example, the ?rst resonator 35 is formed in a relatively
the metamaterial structure 10 according to the above-de small siZe to have a relatively high resonance frequency fl,
scribed embodiment has high resonance characteristics. 65 and the second resonator 3 6 is formed in a relatively large siZe
In the described above embodiment, a metamaterial struc to have a relatively loW resonance frequency f2, and thus, as
ture 10 in Which the ?rst and second resonators 15 and 16 are shoWn in FIG. 10, the metamaterial structure 30 according to
US 8,437,075 B2
7 8
the current embodiment may have wide bandwidth charac may be controlled according to the amplitude of the bias
teristics including a high resonance frequency fl of the ?rst voltage applied to the conductive materials 35a and 36a from
resonator 35 and a low resonance frequency f2 of the second the external ?rst and second power sources V1 and V2. Since
resonator 36. the siZes of the depletion regions 32b and 34b change the
In the current embodiment, the three gaps 35b and 36b of resistance and capacitance of the ?rst and second resonators
each of the ?rst and second resonators 35 and 36 are exem 35 and 36, the resonance frequency of an electromagnetic
plary, and as described with reference to FIG. 2, the ?rst and wave may be controlled in real time by controlling the inten
second resonators 35 and 36 respectively may have a one or sity of the applied voltage.
more gaps. Furthermore, as resonators that may be used as Therefore, the metamaterial structure 30 according to the
metamaterials, the modi?ed versions of resonators depicted current embodiment may be used as an active device, such as
in FIG. 7 and various resonator examples (not shown) may be
adapted as the ?rst and second resonators 35 and 36 according
an optical modulator, and thus, may control optical charac
teristics of the metamaterial structure 30 in real time.
to the current embodiment.
Electrodes (not shown) for connecting electrically are pro The metamaterial structure 30 according to the current
vided on each of the ?rst and second semiconductor layers 32 embodiment has a con?guration in which the insulating layer
and 34 and the ?rst and second resonators 35 and 36. The ?rst 33 is interposed between the ?rst and second semiconductor
power sourceV1 is connected to the conductive materials 35a layers 32 and 34; however, the insulating layer 33 may be
of the ?rst resonator 35 and the ?rst semiconductor layer 32, omitted. FIG. 11 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a
and the second power source V2 is connected to the conduc modi?ed version of the metamaterial structure of FIG. 8.
tive materials 36a of the second resonator 36 and the second 20 Referring to FIG. 11, in a metamaterial structure 30'
semiconductor layer 34. At this point, the conductive materi according to a modi?ed version, a substrate 31' is formed such
als 35a and 36a of the ?rst and second resonators 35 and 36 that the ?rst and second semiconductor layers 32 and 34
are respectively connected to the ?rst and second semicon directly contact each other. As described above, the depletion
ductor layers 32 and 34 via a Schottky contact, and the ?rst regions 32b and 34b are respectively formed in the ?rst and
and second semiconductor layers 32 and 34 are respectively 25 second semiconductor layers 32 and 34 according to bias
connected to the ?rst and secondpower sources V1 andV2 via voltages applied from the external ?rst and second power
an Ohmic contact. sources V1 andV2, and the depletion regions 32b and 34b are
Next, operation of the metamaterial structure 30 according formed in regions of the substrate 31' that are close to outer
to the current embodiment will now be described. For conve surfaces thereof, where the ?rst and second resonators 35 and
nience of explanation, a case when the ?rst and second semi 30 36 are formed. Therefore, although the insulating layer 33 is
conductor layers 32 and 34 are formed of GaAs doped with an omitted, there is no substantial difference in the operation of
n-type dopant will be explained. the metamaterial structure 30'.
When a voltage is not applied to the ?rst resonator 35, the FIG. 12 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a con?gu
conductive materials 35a of the ?rst resonator 35 may be ration of a metamaterial structure 40 according to another
electrically connected by the doping of the ?rst semiconduc 35 exemplary embodiment. FIG. 13 shows ?rst through third
tor layer 32. In this case, a resonance is not substantially resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 provided on surfaces of the
generated in the ?rst resonator 35 by an electromagnetic wave metamaterial structure 40 of FIG. 12.
incident to the metamaterial structure 30. Likewise, when a Referring to FIGS. 12 and 13, the metamaterial structure
voltage is not applied to the second resonator 36, the conduc 40 according to the current embodiment has a structure in
tive materials 36a of the second resonator 36 may be electri 40 which ?rst through third unit metamaterials 40a, 40b, and 400
cally connected by the doping of the second semiconductor are stacked through combination of ?rst through third sub
layer 34, and thus, a resonance is not substantially generated strates 41a, 41b, and 410. In the ?rst through third unit
in the second resonator 36. metamaterials 40a, 40b, and 400, ?rst through third semicon
When a negative (—) voltage is applied to the conductive ductor layers 43a, 43b, and 430 respectively are provided on
materials 35a of the ?rst resonator 35, free electrons in a 45 the ?rst through third substrates 41a, 41b, and 410, and the
region adjacent to the conductive materials 35a of the ?rst ?rst through third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 respectively
semiconductor layer 32 are pushed away, and thus, the region are formed on the ?rst through third semiconductor layers
becomes a depletion region 32b. The depletion region 32b 43a, 43b, and 430. Bias voltages may be independently
blocks the current ?ow between the conductive materials 35a applied to each of the ?rst through third resonators 45a, 45b,
of the ?rst resonator 35, and thus, a resonance may be gener 50 and 450 from external ?rst through third power sources V1,
ated in the ?rst resonator 35 by an incident electromagnetic V2, and V3. Electrodes (not shown) for connecting electri
wave. Likewise, when a negative (—) voltage is applied to the cally are provided on each of the ?rst through third semicon
conductive materials 36a of the second resonator 36, free ductor layers 43a, 43b, and 430 and the ?rst through third
electrons in a region adjacent to the conductive materials 36a resonators 45a, 45b, and 450.
of the second semiconductor layer 34 are pushed away, and 55 The ?rst through third substrates 41a, 41b, and 410 may be
thus, the region becomes a depletion region 34b. The deple formed of the same material or materials having permittivities
tion region 34b blocks the current ?ow between the conduc different from each other. Also, the ?rst through third semi
tive materials 36a of the ?rst resonator 36, and thus, a reso conductor layers 43a, 43b, and 430 may be formed of the
nance may be generated in the ?rst resonator 36 by an incident same material or materials having permittivities different
electromagnetic wave. Reference numerals 32a and 34a rep 60 from each other, and may be doped with an n-type dopant or
resent regions where high concentrations of free electrons are a p-type dopant. For example, the ?rst through third sub
maintained in the ?rst and second semiconductor layers 32 strates 41a, 41b, and 410 may be formed of GaAs, which is
and 34, respectively. semi-insulating, and the ?rst through third semiconductor
As described above, the characteristics of a metamaterial layers 43a, 43b, and 430 may be formed by doping GaAs with
of the metamaterial structure 30 may be on/off controlled in 65 an n-type dopant or a p-type dopant. The ?rst through third
real time according to whether a voltage is applied or not. substrates 41a, 41b, and 410 may have thicknesses equal to or
Furthermore, the siZes of the depletion regions 32b and 34b different from each other, and also, the ?rst through third
US 8,437,075 B2
9 10
semiconductor layers 43a, 43b, and 430 may have thicknesses 45a, 45b, and 450 may be electrically connected to each other
equal to or different from each other. via the highly doped state of the ?rst through third semicon
The ?rst through third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 respec ductor layers 43a, 43b, and 430 by bypassing the gaps, and
tively are provided on the ?rst through third semiconductor thus, a resonance is not substantially generated. HoWever,
layers 43a, 43b, and 430, and may be formed to have reso When voltages are applied to the ?rst through third resonators
nance characteristics different from each other. 45a, 45b, and 450, depletion regions are formed in the ?rst
FIGS. 13(a),(b),(c) respectively illustrate the ?rst through through third semiconductor layers 43a, 43b, and 430 near the
third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450. Referring to FIG. 13, the gaps of the ?rst through third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450,
?rst through third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 may be SRRs. and thus, an electrical How is effectively blocked, and accord
The ?rst through third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 may be ingly, a resonance may be generated by an incident electro
disposed so that the centers thereof may be on the same axis. magnetic Wave.
The ?rst through third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 may be As described above, the metamaterial characteristics of
formed to have siZes (for example, diameters D1, D2, and D3) each of the ?rst through third unit metamaterials 40a, 40b,
different from each other or the gaps thereof may be oriented and 400 may be controlled in real time according to Whether
in directions different from each other so that the resonance a voltage is applied or not or according to the amplitude of the
characteristics thereof may be different from each other. voltage. Therefore, the metamaterial structure 40 according
For example, the ?rst resonator 45a may be formed in a to the current embodiment may function as an active device.
relatively small siZe to have a relatively high resonance fre In the current embodiment, since the second and third
quency fl, the second resonator 45b may be formed in a resonators 45b and 450 have an SRR structure, the second and
relatively medium siZe to have a relatively medium siZe reso 20 third resonators 45b and 450 may be respectively provided on
nance frequency f2, and the third resonator 450 may be the outer regions of the second and third semiconductor layers
formed in a relatively large siZe to have a relatively loW 43b and 430 ; hoWever, the current embodiment is not limited
resonance frequency f3, and thus, as depicted in FIG. 14, the thereto. As resonators that may be used as metamaterials, the
metamaterial structure 40 according to the current embodi modi?ed versions of resonators depicted in FIG. 7 and vari
ment may have Wide bandWidth characteristics including the 25 ous resonator examples (not shoWn) may be used as the ?rst
high, medium, and loW resonance frequencies fl, f2, and f3 of through third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 according to the
the ?rst through third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450. current embodiment. In this case, portions of the second and
The ?rst substrate 41a and the ?rst semiconductor layer third resonators 45b and 450 may be exposed on the exposed
43a have an area smaller than that of the second substrate 41b outer regions of the second and third semiconductor layers
and the second semiconductor layer 43b, and thus, an outer 30 43b and 430.
region of the second semiconductor layer 43b may be Also, in the current embodiment, a case When the metama
exposed to the outside. Since the second resonator 45b terial structure 40 has three unit metamaterial structures is
according to the current embodiment has an SRR structure, described as an example. HoWever, the current embodiment is
the second resonator 45b may be provided on the exposed not limited thereto and the metamaterial structure 40 may
outer region of the second semiconductor layer 43b. Like 35 include tWo unit metamaterial structures, or may include to
Wise, the second substrate 41b and the second semiconductor four or more unit metamaterial structures.
layer 43b have an area smaller than that of the third substrate FIG. 15 is a schematic cross-sectional vieW of a con?gu
410 and the third semiconductor layer 430, and thus, an outer ration of a metamaterial structure 50 according to another
region of the third semiconductor layer 430 is exposed to the exemplary embodiment of. FIG. 16 shoWs ?rst through fourth
outside, and the third resonator 450 may be provided on the 40 resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and 55d provided on surfaces of the
exposed outer region of the third semiconductor layer 430. metamaterial structure 50 of FIG. 15.
The ?rst resonator 45a is provided on the uppermost surface Referring to FIGS. 15 and 16, the metamaterial structure
of the metamaterial structure 40, and thus, is exposed to the 50 according to the current embodiment has a structure in
outside. In this Way, since the ?rst through third resonators Which ?rst through fourth unit metamaterials 50a, 50b, 50c,
45a, 45b, and 450 are exposed to the outside, the ?rst through 45 and 50d are stacked on a substrate 51. The metamaterial
third resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 respectively may be readily structure 50 is formed by sequentially stacking the ?rst
electrically Wired to external ?rst through third poWer sources through fourth unit metamaterials 50a, 50b, 50c, and 50d on
V1, V2, and V3. the substrate 51 in the order stated. The ?rst through fourth
The ?rst poWer sourceV1 is connected to the ?rst resonator unit metamaterials 50a, 50b, 50c, and 50d respectively
45a and the ?rst semiconductor layer 4311, the second poWer 50 include ?rst through fourth semiconductor layers 53a, 53b,
source V2 is connected to the second resonator 45b and the 53c, and 53d, and the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b,
second semiconductor layer 43b, and the third poWer source 55c, and 55d respectively formed on the ?rst through fourth
V3 is connected to the third resonator 45c and the third semiconductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d. Bias voltages
semiconductor layer 430. At this point, the ?rst through third may be independently applied to each of the ?rst through
resonators 45a, 45b, and 450 respectively are connected to the 55 fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and 55d from external ?rst
?rst through third semiconductor layers 43a, 43b, and 430 via through fourth poWer sources V1, V2, V3, and V4. Electrodes
a Schottky contact, and the ?rst through third semiconductor (not shoWn) for connecting electrically are provided on each
layers 43a, 43b, and 430 respectively are connected to the ?rst of the ?rst through fourth semiconductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c,
through third poWer sources V1, V2, and V3 via an Ohmic and 53d and the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c,
contact. 60 and 55d.
The operation of the metamaterial structure 40 according The substrate 51 may be formed of an insulating material or
to the current embodiment is substantially the same as that of a semiconductor material. The ?rst through fourth semicon
the metamaterial structure 30 described With reference to ductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d may be formed of the
FIGS. 8 through 10 except that the metamaterial structure 40 same semiconductor material or semiconductor materials
includes three resonance frequencies to be controlled. That is, 65 having permittivities different from each other by doping an
When voltages are not applied to the ?rst through third reso n-type dopant or a p-type dopant. For example, the substrate
nators 45a, 45b, and 450, the ?rst through third resonators 51 may be formed of semi-insulating GaAs, and the ?rst
US 8,437,075 B2
11 12
through fourth semiconductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d blocked, and accordingly, a resonance may be generated by
may be formed by doping GaAs With an n-type dopant or a an incident electromagnetic Wave.
p-type dopant. The ?rst through fourth semiconductor layers As described above, the metamaterial characteristics of
53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d may have thicknesses equal to or each of the ?rst through fourth unit metamaterials 50a, 50b,
different from each other. 50c, and 50d may be controlled in real time according to
The ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and 55d Whether a voltage is applied or not or the amplitude of the
respectively are provided on the ?rst through fourth semicon voltage. Therefore, the metamaterial structure 50 according
ductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d, and are formed to have to the current embodiment may function as an active device.
resonance characteristics different from each other. Since the Also, in the current embodiment, a case When the ?rst
?rst through fourth semiconductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c, and through fourth resonators 55a , 55b, 55c, and 55d are SRRs is
53d respectively may be understood as different layers of the described as an example. As resonators that may be used as
substrate 51 in a broad sense, also it may be understood that metamaterials, the modi?ed versions of resonators depicted
the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and 55d are in FIG. 7 and various resonator examples (not shoWn) may be
formed on the different layers of the substrate 51. used as the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and
FIGS. 16(a),(b),(c), and (d) shoW the ?rst through fourth 55d according to the current embodiment. Also, in the current
resonators 55a 55b, 55c, and 55d, respectively. Referring to embodiment, the metamaterial structure 50 having four unit
FIG. 16, the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and metamaterial structures is described as an example; hoWever,
55d may be SRRs. The ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, the current embodiment is not limited thereto and the
55b, 55c, and 55d may be disposed so that the centers thereof 20 metamaterial structure 50 may include tWo or three unit meta
may be on the same axis. The ?rst through fourth resonators material structures, or may extend to more than ?ve unit
55a, 55b, 55c, and 55d may be formed in siZes (for example, metamaterial structures.
diameters D1, D2, D3, and D4) different from each other or The metamaterial structures described in the above
gaps thereof may be oriented in directions different from each embodiments may have one or more of the folloWing advan
other so that the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, 25 tages.
and 55d may have resonance characteristics different from First, the resonance characteristics may be increased by
each other. disposing resonators having resonance frequencies different
For example, the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, from each other on each of the layers of the substrate.
55c, and 55d may be formed to have resonance frequencies fl, Second, resonance frequency and frequency bandWidth
f2, f3, and f4 different from each other by sequentially differ 30
may be actively controlled through an electrical control With
ing the siZes of the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, respect to resonators having resonance characteristics differ
55c, and 55d. In this case, as depicted in FIG. 17, the metama ent from each other.
terial structure 50 according to the current embodiment may
have Wide bandWidth characteristics that include all of the Third, electrical controls With respect to resonators may be
resonance frequencies fl, f2, f3, and f4 of the ?rst through 35
performed in each of the layers.
fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and 55d. While the metamaterial structures described herein have
The ?rst poWer sourceV1 is connected to the ?rst resonator been described With reference to the embodiments depicted in
55a and the ?rst semiconductor layer 5311, the second poWer draWings for better understanding, it Will be understood by
source V2 is connected to the second resonator 55b and the those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details
second semiconductor layer 53b, the third poWer sourceV3 is 40 may be made therein Without departing from the spirit and
connected to the third resonator 55c and the third semicon scope of the inventive concept as de?ned by the appended
ductor layer 530, and the fourth poWer source V4 is connected claims.
to the fourth resonator 55d and the fourth semiconductor
layer 53d. At this point, the ?rst through fourth resonators What is claimed is:
55a, 55b, 55c, and 55d respectively are connected to the ?rst 45 1. A metamaterial structure comprising:
through fourth semiconductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d a substrate; and
via a Schottky contact, and the ?rst through fourth semicon at least a ?rst resonator and a second resonator disposed on
ductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d respectively are con different surfaces of the substrate or on different layers
nected to the ?rst through fourth poWer sources V1, V2, V3, of the substrate, Wherein the ?rst and second resonators
and V4 via an Ohmic contact. 50 have resonance characteristics different from each other,
The operation of the metamaterial structure 50 according Wherein the metamaterial structure has a permittivity, a
to the current embodiment is substantially the same as that of permeability, and a refractive index Which are different
the metamaterial structures 30 and 40 described With refer respectively from a permittivity, a permeability, and a
ence to FIGS. 8 through 10 and FIGS. 11 through 13 except refractive index of the substrate in a predetermined fre
that the metamaterial structure 50 includes four resonance 55 quency bandWidth.
frequencies to be controlled. That is, When voltages are not 2. The metamaterial structure of claim 1, Wherein the ?rst
applied to the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and second resonators have resonance frequencies different
and 55d, the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, 55c, and from each other.
55d may be electrically connected to each other via the highly 3. The metamaterial structure of claim 1, Wherein each of
doped state of the ?rst through fourth semiconductor layers 60 the ?rst and second resonators is a split-ring resonator having
53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d by bypassing the gaps, and thus, a at least one gap.
resonance is not substantially generated. HoWever, When 4. The metamaterial structure of claim 3, Wherein
voltages are applied to the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, the substrate comprises at least a ?rst layer and a second
55b, 55c, and 55d, depletion regions are formed in the ?rst layer, the ?rst resonator is disposed on the ?rst layer and
through fourth semiconductor layers 53a, 53b, 53c, and 53d 65 the second resonator is disposed on the second layer, and
near the gaps of the ?rst through fourth resonators 55a, 55b, the at least one gap of the ?rst resonator has a siZe different
55c, and 55d, and thus, an electrical How is effectively from a siZe of the at least one gap of the second resonator.
US 8,437,075 B2
13 14
5. The metamaterial structure of claim 3, wherein the at the gap of the ?rst resonator has a siZe different from the
least one gap of the ?rst resonator is oriented in a direction gap of the second resonator.
different from a direction in Which the gap of the second 16. The metamaterial structure of claim 3, Wherein:
resonator is oriented. the substrate comprises at least a ?rst layer and a second
6. The metamaterial structure of claim 1, Wherein the sub layer;
the ?rst resonator is disposed on the ?rst layer and the
strate is a single layer substrate comprising one dielectric
second resonator is disposed on the second layer; and
material or a multi-layer substrate comprising at least tWo the gap of the ?rst resonator is oriented in a direction Which
different dielectric materials. is different from a direction in Which the gap of the
7. The metamaterial structure of claim 1, Wherein the sub second resonator is oriented.
strate comprises at least one dielectric comprising an insulat 17. A metamaterial structure comprising:
ing material, an n-type semiconductor material, or a p-type a substrate comprising a ?rst surface and a second surface;
semiconductor material. and
8. The metamaterial structure of claim 1, further compris a ?rst resonator disposed on the ?rst surface and a second
ing electrodes that are electrically connected to the resona resonator disposed on the second surface;
Wherein the ?rst resonator has resonance characteristics
9. The metamaterial structure of claim 8, Wherein the sub different from resonance characteristics of the second
strate comprises a conductive semiconductor layer compris resonator; and
Wherein the metamaterial structure has a permittivity, a
ing an n-type carrier or a p-type carrier.
10. The metamaterial structure of claim 9, Wherein the permeability, and a refractive index Which are different
20 respectively from a permittivity, a permeability, and a
substrate further comprises an insulating layer.
11. The metamaterial structure of claim 8, Wherein the ?rst refractive index of the substrate in a predetermined
resonator is disposed on a ?rst layer of the substrate and the bandWidth.
second resonator is disposed on a second layer of the sub 18. The metamaterial structure of claim 17, Wherein:
strate, and the ?rst and second resonators are independently the substrate comprises a ?rst layer and a second layer,
25 Wherein the ?rst surface is on the ?rst layer and the
electrically controlled.
12. The metamaterial structure of claim 1, Wherein: second surface is on the second layer.
the substrate comprises a layered step structure comprising 19. The metamaterial structure of claim 17, Wherein:
a plurality of layers in Which areas of the layers decrease the ?rst resonator is a split-ring resonator having a gap
from a loWermost layer to an uppermost layer, and therein and the second resonator is a split-ring resonator
the at least the ?rst and second resonators comprise a having a gap therein, and
the gap of the ?rst resonator is oriented in a direction
plurality of resonators, each of the plurality of resonators
different from a direction in Which the gap of the second
disposed on one of the plurality of layers of the substrate,
and each of the plurality of resonators exposed outside resonator is oriented.
the substrate. 20. The metamaterial structure of claim 17, Wherein:
35 the ?rst resonator is a split-ring resonator having a gap
13. The metamaterial structure of claim 8, Wherein the ?rst
and second resonators have resonance frequencies different therein and the second resonator is a split-ring resonator
from each other. having a gap therein, and
14. The metamaterial structure of claim 8, Wherein each of an outer diameter of the ?rst resonator is different from an
the ?rst and second resonators is a split-ring resonator com outer diameter of the second resonator.
prising at least one gap. 21. The metamaterial structure of claim 18, further com
15. The metamaterial structure of claim 14, Wherein: prising:
the substrate comprises at least a ?rst layer and a second a third resonator disposed on a third surface,
layer; Wherein the substrate further comprises a third layer and
the ?rst resonator is disposed on the ?rst layer and the the third surface is on the third layer.
second resonator is disposed on the second layer; and * * * * *