Tendering methods
1. Open Tendering
2. Selective Tendering
3. Nominated Tendering
Open Tendering
Calling for tender is done openly & although qualified can be applied.Large number of tenders can
be expected and there can be a big competition.Greater competition,open to all,not bias,prevent
collusions are advantage of this method.
Selective Tendering
Instead of open tendering invitations of bids are called from selected party of contractors.Mostly
in private sector this sector this method is adopted.Since there are selected number it will be easy
for evaluation & deviation is minmal.The client in this case expertsto get the job done reliably
rather thann the lower cost.There are two methods foe selection.
Calling for paper notice to pre qualify few contractors
Obtaining the list of professional institute such as ICTAD/CIDA,Contactors
associations or institute of engineers etc.
Only qualified & experienced contractors re considered & saving paper notice publication cost &
Nominated Tendering
In this type tendering,client nominates a contractor by checking his work done in history.It save
money & time for tendering.
Tendering Process
1.0 Issuing bidding documents.
1.1 (a) The bidding document should be made available during business hours.by mail or in
person to any bidder after payment of fees at least before one da before the deadline ,submission
of bid.
(b)In the case of pre-qualification of bidders the bidding document shall be issued only
to the qualified bidders.
1.2. (a) bidding document should be made available for inspection pee of charge ,for any
qualified bidder. Wish to do so.
1.3 The fee of purchase of bedding documents should not be very high to discourage the
1.4 The P.E (procument.It entity) shall keep a recovered regarding the issuing of bidding
2.1 (a) The bidding period shall commence on date of issuing document to bidders.
(b) The period will end with the date of bid submission.
3.1 (a) The bids shall be received only at one location by,
(c ) As mentioned in the instructions to bidders, bids must be sufficient in original & copied.
Both must be seated in two envelope and ex closed in the course envelope with bidders default
mentioned outside the envelope.
It shall be closed at the time specified in bidding document all late bids shall be expected &
return un opened.
(a) The responsibility of bid opening lies with procument committee tender board (p.c) may
delegate authoring to bid opening committee.(at least 2 members approved from p.c.)
(b) Bid shall be opened in front of the bidders or representatives wish to attend ,soon after the
closing of bids.
(c ) Any bid received before the deadline shall not be rejected a the opening.
3.4 (a) only the bids mark as “original” shall be opened and the “copy” should be opened.
(b) If any envelop marked “ withdrawal” of bids is received before the deadline , that should
be opened first. If the bid opening committee is satisfied without any doubt with the contents of
the letter, that bidders , original bid should not be opened. If there is a original should be opened
and verifyng.If there is a mark in envelope “Modification:” that should be opened with the
original bid.
3.5 The bid opening committee shall readout the following to those present.
(a) the names of each bidder & the amount in the form. Of not available the that of the price
3.6 the produce of the bid opening shall be recovered and should be signed by all member of
the bid opening committee.
3.7 the original bids together with minutes of bid opening shall be handed over to the chairmen
of technical committee (TEC).
After receiving bids chairman of procument committee appoint a technical evaluating committee.
TEC generally members of procument committee or tender board are not appointed to TEC.
Only the bid “original” should be evaluated by TEC .Late bids & those bids not open must not be
evaluated. If necessary PC may use “Copy” for comparison purpose. It is to ascertain most
qualified tenderer with the lowest value of the bid.
1. Bid examination
2. Detail bid evaluation
3. Post qualification
To determine the eligibility of bidders and legal validity & most responsive bid.
Stage 01
To ascertain whether,
Stage 02
To ascertain the deviation from the the provisions of bidding documents and categorized them in
to major & minor deviations.Minor deviations are the ones that has no effective validity or legally
of the bid.
And also those bids that have no effect functions & quality of the project work or delivery of goods
& services.All other deviations are counted as major deviations & they are rejected.
The manner in which the bids are evaluated to select the lowest bid must be given in the
bidding document.
Methods & conditions also as mention in the bidding document.
Systematic & logical sequence should be followed as given below
Correction of arithmetical errors
Discount if any to be deducted
Evaluation of acceptable omissions
Completion time or delivery period of goods
Adjustments for minor deviations
Inbalanced bids
Front loading & back loading
Post qualification of bidders serve as safety measure to ensure that lowest evaluated bid is
submitted with responsible and trust worthy manner. Before awarding the contract, it is necessary
to determine the bidder has capacity & resources to carry out the work effectively. Following
informations will be necessary to include in the report.