5.4 Contract Management
5.4 Contract Management
5.4 Contract Management
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Objective of Pre-Q/Advantage of Pre-Q
i. Reduces the problem associated with low priced bidding
trends & pattern.
ii. Save bidding expenses of unqualified bidder.
iii. Avoid possibility of rejecting tender due to lack of
capability of contractor.
iv. Well qualified firms can quote their own rate with real
v. improve interest in construction of leading potential
vi. Selection of only experienced & qualified contractors.
vii. Reduces time to evaluate the bids from unqualified
viii. Encourage local firms/bidders to join in joint venture for
resources & work experiences.
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Steps for Pre-Q
are of,
i. Preparation of pre-Q documents for technical proposal.
ii. invitation for pre-qualification
iii. submission of pre-Q documents by the interested bidders.
iv. opening, evaluation & analysis of pre-Q documents.
v. selection & approval of prequalified bidder list.
vi. notification to applicants and invitation for financial bid.
Letter of work order (LoW)/Work order
• is the instruction or order given by the client to execute/
start of work to the selected contractor.
• after submission of performance security & insurances (if
any) by the selected contractor, signing of the contract take
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After signing on the agreement between selected
contractor & employer, the employer issue a letter, called
“notice to proceed to commence work”, known as work
• date of notice to proceed to work (work order) is taken
as reference date from which the beginning of the
project (i.e. starting date for work execution) is counted.
• Also provide mobilization amount not exceeding more
than 20% of the bidding amount as per PPR-2064 for
construction site establishment.
• Instruction to take over the possession of construction
site & take the work in hand.
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5.3.13 Condition of Contract (CoC)
• contract is the legal agreement binding both owner &
• for easy & smooth functioning of work, to minimize dispute
& keep both parties out of the courts for any legal action,
certain clauses, terms & conditions are set up in contract
agreement, such conditions are called condition of contract.
• document that spells out various clauses & conditions
between contract agreement signing parties (owner &
contractor) defining each obligations & responsibilities
related to execution of work as a whole , is called as
condition of contract document.
• for preparing CoC, legal advice of experienced lawyers
should be taken.
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• various version of condition of contract in standardize
documents for construction projects as;
a. ICE ( Institution of Civil Engineers, UK)
b. FIDIC (Federation Internationale Des Ingeneeurs
Councilis); French language; in English known as
International Federation of Consulting Engineers; form
in 1913AD
c. Funding agency as WB (World Bank); ADB (Asian
Development Bank)
d. GoN (Govt. of Nepal), DoR (Department of Road)
e. PPMO of Nepal (Public Procurement Monitoring
Office) in 2009.
• CoC consists of two parts, are of:
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a. Part I – General condition of Contract (GCC)
b. Part II – Condition of Particular Application or Special
Condition of Contract (CPA or SCC)
Condition of contract can be prepared or practiced under
the following groups or headings;
Part I – General Condition of Contract (GCC)
A: General
1. Definition- i.e. BOQ, project manager, owner,
contractor, defects, day works, completion date,
variation, specification.
2. Interpretation
3. Language & Law
4. Project Manager’s decisions
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5. Delegation – PM duties & responsibilities, delegation to
6. Communication – method of communication i.e. writing
7. Subcontracting – employ of subcontractor or not.
8. Other contractors – as plumbing, electrical or others.
9. Personnel – Human resources personnel
10. Employer’s & contractor’s risk
11. Employer’s risk
12. Contractor’s risk
13. Insurance
14. Type of contract – turnkey, lump sum or item rate etc.
15. Queries about the contract data – any confusion explain by
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16. Contractor to construct the works
17. The work to be completed by the intended completion date
18. Approval by the project Manager
19. Safety
20. Discoveries - (historical or ornamental property as
21. Possession of the site
22. Assess to the site
23. Instructions
24. Disputes
25. Procedure for disputes – provision of adjudicator,
arbitration method & settlement
26. Sufficiency of tender
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B. Time control
27. Program
28. Extension of the intended completion date
29. Acceleration
30. Delays ordered by the consultant
31. Management meetings
32. Early warning – for future events or threats.
C. Quality control
33. Identifying defects – checking & inspection of defects
34. Tests
35. Corrections of defects
36. Uncorrected defects after completion date
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D. Cost control
37. Bill of quantities
38. Changes in the quantities
39. Variations
40. Payments for Variations
41. Cash flow forecasts
42. Payment certificate
43. Payment – for advance payments, taxes, retention
44. Compensation events
45. Tax
46. Currencies
48. Retention Ramesh Banstola 25
49. Liquidated damages – not completion of work on time
50. Retention (for advance payment)
51. Securities
52. Days works
53. Cost of repairs
E. Finishing the contract
54. Completion – virtual completion, certificate
55. Taking over – left out from site
56. Final account
57. Operating & maintenance manuals
58. Termination – termination of contract, breaking of
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59. Payment upon termination
60. Property – after termination of contract in between time
61. Release from performance- such as war, flooding
Part II – Special Condition of Contract (SCC)
Additional clauses, specific for special jobs; project or contract,
law of country, nature of work.
62. Safety, security & protection of environment – i.e. air,
water pollutions etc.
63. Local taxation
64. Value added tax
65. Income taxes on staff
66. Duties, taxes, and Royalties – local products & materials
67. Escalation Ramesh Banstola 27
Assignment- 7: Provide tender notice which published on
national any news paper of Nepal by cutting and paste on
the copy or can be in hand written format.
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