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The quotation and tender processes are both used to obtain written offers from
suppliers for the supply of goods and services. The quotation process is normally
used for relatively low value and low risk purchases. For higher value purchases,
which require greater accountability, the more formal tendering process should be
adopted. Both processes are described in more detail below.

Quotation Process
In accordance with the MIoD’s Procurement Policy, three written quotations are
required for any purchases under Rs 100,000. Requests for quotations can be made
verbally or in writing. Generally such purchases are characterised by simple

In seeking written quotations the supplier should be asked to submit details of price,
time required for delivery, trade or early payment discounts, any other costs
associated with delivery and carriage and, where appropriate, the cost of
maintenance. Suppliers should be given a reasonable period to respond to enquiries.

All quotation responses should be recorded on the MIoD Quotation Summary Form.

If 3 quotes for the product or service required cannot be obtained, or it is impractical

to do so, then approval must be given by the CEO to waive this and the waiver
recorded on the Quotation Summary Form.

In accordance with the MIoD’s Procurement Policy, the Board or appropriate Board
Committee must approve any expenditure over Rs 50,000andthis approval should be
recorded on the MIoD Quotation Summary Form.

Tender Process
Any purchases above Rs 100,000 are subject to the MIoD’s competitive tendering
procedures. The tender process is more formal than that required for quotations and
a standard 'Invitation to Tender' comprising of a Tender Submission Form, a
Specification Form, a Schedule of Services and Prices, a Specification and
Compliance Form and other documents. These are issued to suppliers to complete
and return by an agreed closing date.

The Specification Form is the key document because it defines what the MIoD
wishes to purchase and so what the provider must supply.

All invitations to tender for a specific requirement must be identical. Individual

suppliers must not be offered different terms or information. Suppliers must be
allowed a reasonable period to prepare and submit their tenders, this will depend on
the nature of the requirement.

The number of suppliers invited must be appropriate to the nature and size of the
contract. This should be a minimum of 3. However, where it is not possible to secure
the minimum number because of the nature of the goods, services or works the
written approval of the Chairman must be obtained to waiver this requirement.
Tenders should be advertised on the MIoD’s website and in the press.

All tenders should be opened on the due date and in the presence of at least two
members of the Audit Committee. Members of staff and directors should not be
involved in opening, evaluating or awarding tenders from any individual or
organisation with whom they have a family, personal or financial relationship.

Request For Proposal (RFP)




Issued on:

Mauritius Institute of Directors

1st Floor,
Raffles Tower,
19 Cybercity,
Tel 4681010/5
Fax: 4681017
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.miod.mu
Table of Contents
Letter of Invitation……………………………………………………………… 5
Tender Procedures…………………………………………………………….. 6

MIOD Tender Process……………………………………………………………………….. 6

Documents Required…………………………………………………………….…………… 6
Validity of Tender……………………………………………………………….…………..… 7
Sealing and Marking of Tenders……………………………………………………………. 7
Submission of Tenders………………………………………………………………………. 7

Evaluation of Tenders……………….………………………………………..……………… 7

Eligibility Criteria……………………………………………………………………………… 9

Qualification Criteria…………...……………………………………………….……………. 9

Documents Evidencing Eligibility……………………………………………….……………..10

Technical Criteria………………………………………………………….……..…………… 10

Currency of Tender……………………………………………………………….…………….11

Labour Clause……………………………………………………………………..…………….11

Best Evaluated Tender ……………………………………………………………….………..11

Contract…………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Rights of the Mauritius Institute of Directors……………………………………………….... 11

Indemnification…………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Insurance and Liabilities to Third Parties...…………………………………………………. 11

Forms……………………………………………………………………………….. 13

Tender Submission Form…………………..………………………………………………… 13

Specification Form………………………....……………………………………………….… 16

Schedule of Services and Prices………....…………………………………………………. 17

Specification and Compliance Form………..………………………………………………. 18

Checklist…………………………………….…………………………………………………. 19

Letter of Invitation to Tender


Dear Sirs,

Request For Proposal for the Provision of ……………..

The Mauritius Institute of Directors invites you to submit your best proposal for the
provision of …………….as described in the tender documents.

Tender Documents are available on our Website (http://www.miod.mu) and may be

downloaded by interested suppliers. Copies of the tender documents are also
available from our offices between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Closing Date of Submission of Tenders: ********************** at ****hrs.

Any query should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mauritius Institute of
Directors, 1st Floor, Raffles Tower, 19 Cybercity, Ebene.

Yours faithfully,

Jane Valls
Chief Executive Officer


Instructions to Suppliers

1. MIoD Tender Process

The MIoD is committed to an efficient, effective and transparent procurement system
which reflects the principles of our Procurement Policy:

 Provide the best possible value.

 Conducted in a fair, objective and transparent manner.

 Compliant with all relevant legislation and any other related policies.

 Use best practice in the application of ethical standards

 Consistent with the MIoD’s Vision, Mission and Values.

The objective of the Tender Process is to fairly select suppliers with whom the MIoD
should do business. The Tender Rules and Procedures set out the system by which
our tendering is governed.

All MIoD tenders will be open tenders and will be advertised in the media and on our

The MIoD Audit Committee will be responsible for managing the process and making
the final recommendation to the Board.

The Board of the MIoD will make the final decision and their decision will be final,
confidential and binding.

2. Documents Required
You are requested to tender for the services by completing, signing and returning:
(a) the Tender Submission Form;

(b) the Schedule of Services and Prices;
(c) the Specification and Compliance Form; and
(d) Documents evidencing your qualifications and eligibility (see

paragraphs 8 and 9).

You are advised to carefully read the complete Invitation to Tender document, before
preparing your Tender. The standard forms in this document may be retyped for
completion but the Supplier is responsible for their accurate reproduction.

3. Validity of Tender
The tender validity required is 90 days from the date of submission deadline.

4. Sealing and Marking of Tenders

Tenders should be sealed in a single envelope, clearly marked with the Request for
Proposal Reference Number and the Supplier’s name at the back of the envelope
and addressed to the Mauritius Institute of Directors. Envelopes should be sealed in
such a manner that opening and resealing cannot be achieved undetected.

5. Submission of Tenders

Tenders should be sent to the Mauritius Institute of Directors, 1st Floor,

Raffles Tower, 19 Cybercity, Ebene not later than ********************** at ****hrs.

Late submissions may be rejected.

6. Evaluation of Tenders

6.1 Technical Evaluation

The maximum marks for the Technical Evaluation shall be 100 marks*. The pass marks for
the Technical Evaluation shall be 50* (this may vary according to the product or service

Only those tenders having scored at least the pass marks shall be retained for further
evaluation. Tenders having scored less than the pass marks shall be declared not

Details of Technical Evaluation Markings

Max Marks
Company Profile and Experience

Sub Total (A)

Management and Organization / Methodology and Management Approach

Sub Total (B)

Manpower Policy, Recruitment and Screening Mechanism, Training

Sub Total (C)

Supervision and Monitoring Mechanism

Sub Total (D)


Sub Total (E)

TOTAL MARKS-Technical (A+B+C+D+E) 100

6.2 Financial Evaluation
The Financial Evaluation shall be based on 100* marks, the lowest quote scoring the
highest marks.

*this may vary according to the product or service required

6.3 Ranking of Tenders

Ranking of the tenders shall be made in the order of the highest marks after adding
the technical score to the financial score.

7. Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to participate in this tender exercise, you should:
(a) have the legal capacity to enter into a contract;
(b) not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt, subject to legal proceedings

for any of these circumstances or in the process of being wound up;

(c) not have had your business activities suspended;
(d) have fulfilled all your legal obligations to pay taxes and social security
(e) not have a conflict of interest in relation to this procurement
(f) not have been convicted for an offence involving fraud, corruption or

8. Qualification Criteria
All suppliers shall include the following information and documents with their


(a) copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status,

place of registration, and principal place of business of the Supplier;

confirmation authorizing the signatory of the tender to commit the

(b) experience in services of a similar nature and size for each of the last
three years, and details of services under way or contractually
committed; and clients who may be contacted for further information on
those contracts;

(c) major items of logistics support and strategies proposed to carry out the

(d) qualifications and experience of key supervisory personnel proposed for

the Contract;

(e) reports on the financial standing of the Supplier, such as profit and loss
statements and auditor’s reports for the last financial year;

(f) information regarding any litigation, current or during the last three years,
in which the Supplier was/is involved, the parties concerned, the issues
involved, the disputed amounts; and awards;

9. Documents Evidencing Eligibility

You are requested to submit copies of the following documents as evidence of your

(a) Valid business licence;

(b) Business Registration Card;
(c) Undertaking in respect of labour clause (see paragraph 11)

10. Technical Criteria

The Specification and Compliance Form details the minimum specification of the
services required. The services offered must meet this specification, but no credit will
be given for exceeding the specification.

11. Currency of Tender
Tenders shall be priced in Mauritian rupees and all payments will be made in this

12. Labour Clause

In order to qualify for award of the Contract, the Supplier shall provide an undertaking

that the salaries and wages to be paid in respect of this tender are compliant with the

relevant Laws, Remuneration Order and Award where applicable, if it is awarded

the contract or part thereof.

13. Best Evaluated Tender

The best evaluated tender shall be the tender that is eligible, substantially
responsive to the technical requirements of the Mauritius Institute of Directors,
scores the highest marks and which, in the view of the Directors of the Mauritius
Institute of Directors, best meets the requirements of the company.

14. Contract

14.1 Award of Contract

Award of contract shall be by issued of a Letter of Acceptance.

14.2 Term of Contract

The contract, once signed, shall be for an initial period of one year which may be
renewed upon satisfactory performance, for a maximum of 3 years.

15. Rights of the Mauritius Institute of Directors.

The Mauritius Institute of Directors reserves the right:

(a) to split the contract as per the best evaluated cost per item, and
(b) to accept or reject any tender or to cancel the tender process and reject
all tenders at any time prior to contract award.

16. Indemnification

The Supplier shall indemnify, hold and save harmless, and defend, at its own
expense, the MIOD, its officials, agents, servants and employees from and against
all suits, claims, demands, and liability of any nature or kind, including their costs and
expenses, arising out of acts or omissions of the Supplier, or the Supplier’s
employees, officers, agents or sub-contractors, in the performance of this Contract.
The obligations under this clause do not lapse upon termination of this Contract.

17. Insurance and Liabilities to Third Parties

17.1 The Supplier shall provide and thereafter maintain insurance against all risks
in respect of its property and any equipment used for the execution of this Contract.

17.2 The Supplier shall provide and thereafter maintain all appropriate Employer’s
Liability and Workmen's Compensation insurance, or its equivalent, with respect to
its employees to cover claims for personal injury or death in connection with this

17.3 The Supplier shall also provide and thereafter maintain liability insurance in
an adequate amount to cover third party claims for death or bodily injury, or loss of or
damage to property, arising from or in connection with the provision of services
under this Contract or the operation of any vehicles, or other equipment owned or
leased by the Supplier or its agents, servants, employees or sub-contractors
performing work or services in connection with this Contract.

Tender Submission FORM
(to be completed by Suppliers)

[Complete this form with all the requested details and submit it as the first page of
your Tender with the documents attached as requested in the Checklist. Please
ensure that your Tender is signed and duly authorised below. A signature and
authorisation on this form will confirm that the terms and conditions of this RFP
prevail over any attachments. If your Tender is not signed and duly authorised, it
may be rejected.]

Attn Chief Executive Officer

Mauritius Institute of Directors
1st Floor,
Raffles Tower,
19 Cybercity,

Dear Madam,

Request for Proposal for the Provision of ………………..

RFP Number…..………………………………

Having carefully examined the Invitation to Tender for………..dated…….. and the

documents detailed therein:-

We confirm that we have fully satisfied ourselves as to the nature of the

requirements of the MIoD.

We hereby offer to supply the goods/and or (related) services in accordance with the
services detailed in the Specification Form, in accordance with the terms and
conditions stated in your Invitation to Tender referenced above and we duly submit
our Tender and the necessary enclosures as per the Checklist.

In the event that our Tender is accepted we undertake to execute a formal contract
with the MIoD embodying all of the terms and conditions contained within this offer.
Unless and until a formal agreement is executed, this Tender together with the
MIoD’s written acceptance shall constitute a binding Contract between us.

We agree to abide by our Tender for a period of 90 days fixed from the lodgement
date of tenders, and it shall be binding upon us at any time before expiration of that

We confirm that the prices quoted in the Schedule of Services and Prices are fixed
and firm and will not be subject to revision or variation, if we are awarded the
contract prior to the expiry date of the Tender validity.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender received,
nor assign a reason for the rejection of any Tender. We accept that any costs
incurred in Tender preparation are for our own account.

We confirm that we are eligible to participate in this Tender Exercise and meet the
eligibility criteria specified in the Tender Procedures of your Invitation to Tender.

We confirm that the person whose signature is appended to this Tender is a duly
authorised signatory of our Company and has full and formal legal authority to sign
this Tender on behalf of our Company.

We understand that if our Tender is accepted we shall be reimbursed for the goods
and services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract to be
executed between us.

Certificate of Tender

We certify that this is a bona fide Tender, intended to be competitive, and that we
have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Tender in accordance with any other
person, body or association.

Tender Authorised By:

Signature: ____________________ Name: _________________________

Position: ____________________ Date: _________________________


Authorised for and on behalf of:



Tax Account



Scope of Services

1. Background:

2. Purpose of the services/goods required:

3. Supplier response required:

4. Timetable for choosing a supplier:

5. Description of services/goods required

6. Performance monitoring

7. Post contract evaluation

Schedule of Services and Prices

RFP Number: ______________________________

[Complete the unit and total prices for each item listed below of your Tender. Authorise the
prices quoted in the signature block below. The table shown hereunder may be customized
as per the type of services required].

Item Brief Description of Goods or Services Total Price (Rs)

A* B* C

Other additional costs

Enter 0% VAT rate if VAT exempt. VAT @ %


Schedule of Services and Prices Authorised By:

Signature: ______________________ Name: ________________________

Position: ______________________ Date: _________________________

Authorised for and on behalf of: (DD/MM/YY)

Company: ________________________________________________________

Specification and Compliance Form

[Suppliers should complete columns C and D with the specification of the services
offered. Also state “comply” or “not comply” and give details of any non-
compliance/deviation to the specification required. Attach detailed technical literature
if required. Authorise the specification offered in the signature block below.]

Item Specifications and Compliance of Details of Non-Compliance/

No Deviation
Performance Required Specifications and
(if applicable)
Performance Offered
A* B* D E

Specification and Compliance Form Authorised By:

Supplier’s _____________________ Name: _________________________


Position: _____________________ Date: _________________________

Authorised for and on behalf of: (DD/MM/YY)



Tender Checklist

RFP No.: ..................................

Description Attached (please tick if

submitted and cross if
Tender Submission Form
Schedule of Services and Prices
Specification and Compliance Form
Documents evidencing the supplier’s eligibility;
(a) Valid business licence;
(b) Business Registration Card;
(c) Undertaking in respect of labour clause
Documents related to the supplier’s qualification criteria
for tender:
(a) copies of original documents defining the
constitution or legal status, place of
registration, and principal place of business of
the Supplier; confirmation authorizing the
signatory of the tender to commit the Supplier;

(b) experience in services of a similar nature and

size for each of the last three years, and
details of services under way or contractually
committed; and clients who may be contacted
for further information on those contracts;

(c) major items of logistics support and strategies
proposed to carry out the Contract;

(d) qualifications and experience of key

supervisory personnel proposed for the

(e) reports on the financial standing of the

Supplier, such as profit and loss statements
and auditor’s reports for the last financial year;

(f) information regarding any litigation, current or

during the last three years, in which the
Supplier was/is involved, the parties
concerned, the issues involved, the disputed
amounts; and awards;

Name of Supplier:

Contact Phone
Person: Number:

Signature of authorised signatory:

Company Seal


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