Imperial New Careers & Equipment v. 1

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Imperial – New Careers & Equipment

by Marcin Aleksander Skupnik

The Imperial sourcebook has sadly received a lot of cuts during production, resulting in the
removal of material. Some other elements have been changed from established canon, and others
mixed up. When writing up the Imperial careers and equipment my main task was to fill the gaps,
correct the errors, and bring in old material that until now has only existed as WarZone or written

Basic Careers:
Military (Highland Clan Warrior) Career (DS, DL, DE)
Description – see page 93 of the Imperial sourcebook.
Strength – 2
Physique – 2
Agility – 3
Awareness – 1
Coordination – 1
Intelligence – 0
Mental Strength – 2
Personality – 0

Mandatory Skills - Athletics, Close Combat, Resistance.

Elective Skills - Acrobatics, Observation, Ranged Weapons.
Signature Skills - Acrobatics, Athletics, Close Combat, Resistance.
Talent - Select one talent from Mandatory Skills.
Equipment - Mk. II Medium Combat Armour, Lyon & Atkinson PSA Mk. XIV ‘Aggressor’
handgun, Punisher shortsword
Earnings – 2

Farmer/Frontiersman (Fisherman)
Fishing has been a source of food for humanity since humans learned to use tools. This ancient art
has become a source of commercial income for many companies since then. The majority of
saltwater fish come now from Venus, with freshwater fishing being predominant on Mars, with
other planets relying on aquaculture.

Strength – 1
Physique – 1
Agility – 2
Awareness – 2
Coordination – 2
Intelligence – 1
Mental Strength – 2
Personality – 0

Mandatory Skills – Pilot, Resistance, Survival.

Elective Skills - Animal Handling, Athletics, Willpower.
Signature Skills - Athletics, Pilot, Resistance, Survival.
Talent - Select one talent from Mandatory Skills.
Equipment - Colonists’ regional survival kit, Compass
Earnings – 1
Iconic Careers:

The core book has based its Bloody Beret IC on the Prodos miniatures, which departed from the
established MC canon. This made the career identical to the old Golden Lions, which were also
changed from what they were in the old canon. I did not like the change, so I decided to revert the
two Iconic Careers to their previous versions, which you can see below. I also took the Golden lion
IC and used it as a special force unit for a new clan, the de Wet's Diamond Dogs.

Golden Lion (Classic) Iconic Career

Mandatory Skills - Athletics, Close Combat, Ranged Weapons.
Elective Skills - Resistance, Willpower, Unarmed Combat.
Signature Skills - Athletics, Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Willpower.
Equipment - Mk. IV ‘Felis Pattern’ Combat Proximity Armour (replaces Mk. III), Dagger, Mk.
XLIII plasma carbine
Earnings – 3

Blood Beret (Classic)

Replace Mk. XLIII plasma carbine with Mk. XIb ‘Invader’ battle rifle.

Imperial Black and Tan Iconic Career (DL, DE)

Her Serenity's Own Heresy Suppression Force or the 'Prodigal Sons' is Imperial's premier urban
anti-heretic unit. It was created during the Venusian Crusade as a penal battalion for the worst
military criminals, to be used for clearing houses. Their service was so exemplary that the soldiers
earned a general pardon and the unit the honor of being named 'Serenity's Own'. Today the unit is a
penal unit no more, though a tradition of preference for applying troublemakers remains. The
unofficial name 'Black and Tans' refers to the brown and black penal uniforms worn by the unit to
this day, the unit also uses different names for its soldiers due to it being part of the IDF's Provost
Marshal's office. The units troopers are known as Magisters, the NCOs as Proctors and the few
officers of the unit are designated as Witch Hunters. Due to the previous history of getting shot by
their criminal underlings, both Proctors and Witch Hunters wear the same uniform as the common
troopers while in combat.
The Black and Tans have a rotten reputation for an anti-heresy unit, this is based on the extensive
collateral damage and body count they tend to leave in the city they are fighting in. Most Imperial
citizens fondly wish for the Heretics and the Prodigals to wipe each other out, instead of destroying
their homes. The Black and Tans are usually deployed besides K-9 Iron Mastiff units, especially
those from ISC-22 Foxhounds. When the unit is not tasked with eradicating heretics its expertise in
urban combat makes it the perfect choice for hostile takeovers of installations belonging to another

Prerequisites: Imperial, Military Primary Career

Difficulty: 2
Mandatory Skills – Insight, Ranged Weapons, Willpower
Elective Skills – Acrobatics, Close Combat, Observation
Signature Skills - Acrobatics, Insight, Ranged Weapons, Willpower
Talents – One talent from Willpower, one talent from Acrobatics, Insight, or Ranged Weapons.
Equipment - Mk. XIB Invader Battle Rifle, Mk. II Medium Combat Armour, Bayonet, Gas Mask,
Black and Tan uniform.
Earnings - 3
Special – Lose any criminal record you possess when you enter this career.
Imperial Black Hearts Iconic Career (DL, DE)
The newly reformed Black Hearts know that no matter how much they do for Imperial they will
always be despised because of who they are, Kingsfields. The unfair treatment they receive at hands
of the regular military only exacerbates this. But the Black Hearts don't really care, Imperial needs a
terrorist unit and Imperial has one in them. They excel in setting up explosives and traps, and they
love to see the security forces of other corporations running in utter panic like headless chickens, as
the explosions disable and destroy what they were tasked to protect. And then of course comes the
fact that clan Kingsfield gets royally paid for the use of the Black Hearts, deniable terrorists don't
serve in the ISF and can't be bought with platitudes.

Prerequisites: Imperial (Clan Kingsfield), Mechanics Expertise 1, Stealth Expertise 1

Difficulty: 2
Mandatory Skills – Mechanics, Ranged Weapons, Stealth
Elective Skills – Acrobatics, Athletics, Unarmed Combat
Signature Skills – Athletics, Mechanics, Ranged Weapons, Stealth
Talents – Two talents from Athletics, Mechanics, Ranged Weapons, or Stealth.
Equipment - SMG Mk. III Interceptor with attached Silencer, Mk. III Heavy Combat Armour,
Military Grade explosives
Earnings – 3

Imperial Her Serenity's Life Dragoons (DS, DL, DE)

Service as one of the Life Dragoons consists of standing around and watching tourists make fun of
you. There are few greater honors to be had in Imperial service. They do not directly protect the
Serenity, that's what Clan Empaya and the ISC-9 are for. Instead they make sure no one dares to
attack the Imperial heart and brain, the Reading palace and the Parliament. They are also stationed
at Imperial embassies, which is the duty of the 4th Serene Dragoons. At Paladine palace on Victoria,
the 5th Lancers keep watch not only over the city but also on other corporations. The Old Guard is
quartered in the Wood Barracks on Luna together with the 3rd Armored Cavalry. The 2nd Young
Guard travels aboard the HSS Indomitable, a massive assault transport able to quickly deploy them
at a moments notice.

Every single of the Life Dragoon units has a distinctive uniform, which signifies either the heritage
of the unit or their origin.
1st Old Guard “The Contemptibles” - Bearskin hats.
2nd Young Guard “The Black Watch” - Black kilts.
3rd Armored Cavalry “The Greys” - Grey pants.
4th Serene Dragoons “The Blues” - Dark blue uniform.
5th Serene Lancers “The Serenity's Reds” – Blazing red uniform.

Prerequisites: Imperial, Military primary career, Observation Expertise 1.

Difficulty: 3
Mandatory Skills – Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Observation.
Elective Skills – Lifestyle, Persuade, Pilot.
Signature Skills – Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Observation, Pilot.
Talents – Two talents from Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Observation, or Pilot.
Equipment – Life Dragoon uniform, Add the following if previously unowned - Mk. XIB Invader
Battle Rifle, Mk. III Heavy Assault Armor.
Earnings – 3
Imperial Highland Clan Chieftain (DS, DL, DE)
Those serving in the Highland Clan warriors all rally to the call of their chieftains. These men and
women are some of the best swordsmen in Imperial, outfighting even the elite Wolfbanes. Leading
troops across the battlefields of the solar system they are often found where the fighting is thickest,
where their presence and skill will tilt the battle in Imperial's favor. And when the fighting is over
they lead their troops back to the mountain fortress of Strathgordon, to wait for the next call from a
beleaguered Imperial clan in need of their troops.

Prerequisites: Imperial, Highland Clan Warrior primary career.

Difficulty: 2
Mandatory Skills – Athletics, Command, Close Combat.
Elective Skills – Acrobatics, Resistance, Willpower.
Signature Skills – Athletics, Command, Close Combat, Resistance.
Talents – Two talents from Athletics, Command, Close Combat, or Resistance.
Equipment – Clansman Claymore, Mk. III Heavy Combat Armour
Earnings – 3

Imperial Loughton Rams (DS, DL, DE)

The Rams are experts in hostile takeovers of mines and production facilities. They are tall on
toughness and short on subtlety, preferring to slam into the enemy head on. Like a true ram would.

Prerequisites: Imperial, Military Primary Career, Clan Loughton member.

Difficulty: 2
Mandatory Skills – Athletics, Close Combat, Resistance.
Elective Skills – Acrobatics, Ranged Weapons, Willpower.
Signature Skills – Athletics, Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Resistance.
Talents – Two talents from Athletics, Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, or Resistance.
Equipment – Mk. III Heavy Combat Armour, Chainsword, Lyon & Atkinson PSA Mk. XIV
‘Aggressor’ handgun.
Earnings – 3

Imperial Loughton Rams Air Cavalry (DS, DL, DE)

People serving in the Rams Air Cavalry, a small subunit of the larger special force, are insane
maniacs. Because no sane man or woman would strap a small rocket armed helicopter on his back.
Luckily the clan has never had a shortage of maniacs willing to do so.

Prerequisites: Imperial, Military Primary Career, Clan Loughton member.

Difficulty: 2
Mandatory Skills – Heavy Weapons, Pilot, Resistance.
Elective Skills – Acrobatics, Ranged Weapons, Willpower.
Signature Skills – Heavy Weapons, Pilot, Ranged Weapons, Resistance.
Talents – Two talents from Heavy Weapons, Pilot, Ranged Weapons, or Resistance.
Equipment – Barracuda Air Support Vehicle, Mk. I Light Personal Protection Suit, Lyon &
Atkinson PSA Mk. XIV ‘Aggressor’ handgun.
Earnings – 3
Imperial McKendrick's Irregular Flying Column (DS, DL, DE)
If you play fair, you've already lost, that's what Owen McKendrick tells every man he recruits for
his mercenary warband. And he recruits a lot of them since most don't stay long, as not everyone
has the stomach to work for McKendrick or the endurance to risk his life every day. His methods
are ruthless, his troop is not above acts of terrorism and pure mayhem. Whenever a clan wants to
hurt a competitor they hire McKendrick's men. From firebombing hospitals to poisoning water
supplies, the Flying Column is willing to go whole hog on the target. Their anarchic attitude is
controlled only by two rules, payment in Sterlings only and no Imperial targets. Other than that,
you're welcome.

Prerequisites: Imperial, Close Combat expertise 1

Difficulty: 2
Mandatory Skills – Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Stealth
Elective Skills – Athletics, Mechanics, Unarmed Combat
Signature Skills – Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Stealth, Unarmed Combat
Talents – Two talents from Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Stealth, or Unarmed Combat
Equipment – Mk. IX Diemansland Shotgun, 2 Gas grenades, 2 Incendiary grenades, Slicer,
Bulletproof vest, Medium military shoulder pads
Earnings – 3

Special – If you posses a criminal record the difficulty to join is lowered by 1.

Imperial Rakshasa (DS, DL, DE)

There are stories going around Quanto, stories about demon tigers in the jungle. Many brave
Samurai serving Lord Maru have disappeared after vowing to hunt the demons down. Even the
mighty Tiger Dragons cannot defeat them. And as the legend of the demon tigers grows larger, the
Imperial Jungle Scouts have more reasons to celebrate, for they are the demons of the jungle.
Created by the IDF as long range scouts, the Rakshasa have recruited heavily from Venusian clans.
These recruits brought with them knowledge about the jungle and traditions that mark the IJS to this
day. Besides the curved and sharp kukri, a perfect weapon for the thick bush, they showed the other
scouts how to strike fear into the hearts of the enemies. Soon after its creation the scouts started to
wear demonic masks depicting legendary monsters. The few survivors that escaped their ambushes
carried with them tales of demon tigers striking from jungle. And so the story of the Rakshasa was

Prerequisites: Imperial, from Venus, Survival expertise 1

Difficulty: 2
Mandatory Skills – Athletics, Close Combat, Survival
Elective Skills – Acrobatics, Ranged Weapons, Stealth
Signature Skills – Athletics, Close Combat, Stealth, Survival
Talents – Two talents from Athletics, Close Combat, Stealth, or Survival
Equipment – Mk. III Eliminator SMG, Kukri, Mk. IIb Jungle Assault Armor,
Earnings – 3

Imperial 'Rook (DS, DL, DE)

The 'Rooks are the smiling criminal masterminds plaguing Imperial society. They are the eternal
foils to the plans of the Yard, and sometimes their greatest allies in rooting out heresy. The way to
become a 'rook is long and perilous, for to become acknowledged as one is to prove oneself
constantly to one's peers. A bare minimum requirement lies in being a great swindler, a skilled thief,
or a highwayman of renown, all this served with panache and bravado to an audience of fellow
criminals, the press, and the Gendarmerie. And after the deed is done, they party as if there was no
tomorrow, because in their line of work you never know.
Prerequisites: Imperial, Criminal primary career
Difficulty: 2
Mandatory Skills – Close Combat, Persuade, Thievery.
Elective Skills – Education, Lifestyle, Stealth.
Signature Skills – Close Combat, Education, Persuade, Thievery.
Talents – Two talents from Close Combat, Education, Persuade, or Thievery
Equipment – Rapier Cane, Ballistic Trenchcoat, Bowler or Top hat.
Earnings – 4

Imperial Serenity's Guard ISC-9 (DS, DL, DE)

Description – see page 87 of the imperial sourcebook.
Prerequisites: Imperial, Military primary career or Intelligence Operative primary career,
Observation Expertise 1.
Difficulty: 3
Mandatory Skills – Insight, Observation, Stealth.
Elective Skills – Close Combat, Ranged Weapons, Unarmed Combat.
Signature Skills – Insight, Observation, Ranged Weapons, Stealth.
Talents – Two talents from Insight, Observation, Ranged Weapons, or Stealth.
Equipment – Ballistic nylon parade uniform, Mk. XIB Invader Battle Rifle, Mk. IV ‘Felis Pattern’
Combat Proximity Armour
Earnings – 3

New Equipment:


Mk. IIb Jungle Combat Armor

Created as a lighter alternative to the standard Mk. II the 'b' variant removed plating from the joints
and the torso to allow for a maximum of mobility on the battlefield. It also is covered in jungle
camouflage unique to the IJS.
Head: 3
Torso: 3
Arms: 3
Legs: 3
Encumbrance: 7
Restriction: 3
Cost: 15

Special: Treat the armor as a camouflage kit (jungle) which grants only one momentum to stealth
checks to avoid being seen.

Imperial Clansman Broadsword

The traditional weapon, beside the massive Claymores, used by the clansmen of Imperial. Built
around a light blade of a sword with a basket hilt to protect the wielder's hand. The inside of the hilt
is most often covered with a felt lining kept in Imperial colors or the colors of the clan the wielder
belongs to. A similar type of sword called Schiavonna is produced by Bauhaus bladesmiths, with an
elaborate floral hilt, but isn't as popular.
Damage – 1 + 4d6
Encumbrance - 3
Size – 1H
Reliability - 4
Qualities – Dueling, Parry 2
Restriction - 2
Cost – 8

Imperial Kukri
The chopping blade used by the personal bodyguards of the Imperial Serenity. Also used by many
members of the criminal underworld because of its fearsome reputation and stopping power. The
street version is made from steel with a bakelite grip, the blades used by Serenity's bodyguards are
silvered and their handles are made out of ebony.
Damage – 1 + 3d6
Encumbrance - 1
Size – 1H
Reliability - 4
Qualities – Hidden 1, Vicious 2
Restriction - 2
Cost – 4

Imperial Howdah Pistol – Lancaster Arms

For all those needing to kill with one shot, whether a beast or a human, Lancaster Arms has
designed the Howdah Pistol. This massive handgun sports between one and five high caliber
barrels, which are loaded with rifle ammunition or shotgun slugs depending on the particular model.
Damage – 1 + 5d6
Encumbrance – 4
Rate - Semi-Auto
Range - C
Size – Unbalanced
Reliability - 2
Qualities – Close Quarters, Knockdown, Vicious 1
Restriction - 2
Cost – 8

Imperial Mk. IIIs Eliminator (SMG) – Lyon & Atkinson

Created for the ISC as the perfect assassination weapon this SMG has it all, from high caliber
bullets to a superb silencer. After the initial problems were corrected, the Mk. IIIs became a favorite
for ISC-5 agents performing gangland-style hit & run assassinations. A limited number of Mk. IIIs
has reached the open market, and the operators lucky enough to buy them swear that there is no
finest weapon in this category.
Damage – 1 + 4d6
Encumbrance – 2
Rate - Burst
Range - C
Size – 2H
Reliability - 2
Qualities – Hidden 1
Restriction - 4
Cost – 10

Special – The Mk. IIIs Eliminator comes with an integrated silencer. The cost of the silencer has
been already added to the cost of the weapon.

Imperial Mk. IIIc Vindicator (SMG) – Lyon & Atkinson

The Interceptor SMG is a good weapon, fulfilling an important role in the Imperial armory. It is
however completely unsuitable for certain tasks. It is too heavy and cumbersome to be carried in
one hand, it is also too large to be easily hidden. To counter these deficiencies Lyon & Atkinson has
created two modified versions of the Interceptor, the silenced IIIs Eliminator and the light IIIc
Vindicator. The design of the IIIc included the removal of the grenade launcher and the overall
stripping of excess weight to balance the SMG for one handed use. Intended for close combat
special forces, the IIIc Vindicator has recently been issued in small numbers to the Wolfbanes and
Highland Clan Warriors for testing.
Damage – 1 + 5d6
Encumbrance – 3
Rate - Burst
Range - C
Size – Unbalanced
Reliability - 2
Qualities – None
Restriction - 4
Cost – 8

Imperial Mk. LVI Farquhar-Hyte Machine Rifle (Assault Rifle)

The F-H Machine Rifle was an attempt to create a transitional weapon between the Invader Battle
Rifle and the Destroyer LMG. The designers envisioned the deployment of the Mk. LVI with
highly mobile units like the Wolfbanes and the Highlanders, units which have a need for mobile
support weapons. While the preliminary tests were promising, the units were of the opinion that
they had little need for such a new weapon. Undaunted by this the designers finished the rifle and
offered it on the open market, there the Mk. LVI has become a moderate success selling to both
mercenary outfits and clan regiments.
Damage – 1 + 7d6
Encumbrance – 7
Rate – Burst
Range - M
Size – 2H
Reliability - 3
Qualities – Ammo (Spread 1)
Restriction - 3
Cost – 8
Imperial Squire Rifle
The Squire is a catchall term for imperial heavy hunting rifles. These bespoke weapons are custom
made to fit a specific shooter and his intended game. The large caliber and a heavy furniture make
the rifles very stable but also hard to fire for the unprepared. With the ability to take down a
Venusian water bull with one shot, these rifles are the heaviest ordnance a civilian can acquire on
the open market.
Damage – 2 + 4d6
Encumbrance – 6
Rate - Semi-Automatic
Range - M
Size – Unwieldy
Reliability - 3
Qualities – Unforgiving 2
Restriction - 2
Cost – 15

Wolfbane Armory:
The following weapons can only be acquired by characters with the Wolfbane Commando IC or
characters who join the Wolfbanes during play. If using the additional Career Development rules the
weapons are limited as follows:

Nepharite Hammer - War Hound only.

Claws of the Wolf – Mourning Wolf only.
Howler GL – Pathfinder only.

Imperial Wolfbane War Hound "Nepharite" Hammer

This massive weapon has been constructed to serve the War Hound as their primary weapon. The
head has been fitted with a shaped charge which can be activated to deliver an explosive blast
which can fell even a nepharite.
Damage – 2 + 5d6
Encumbrance - 5
Size – 2 handed
Reliability - 3
Qualities – Knockdown, Reach, Unforgiving 3
Restriction - 4
Cost – 14

Imperial Wolfbane Headhunter Battleaxe

The preferred weapon of the infamous Wolfbane Headhunters and Berserkers, this two headed axe
can easily cut the head off of an armored soldier.
Damage – 2 + 5d6
Encumbrance - 4
Size – 2 handed
Reliability - 4
Qualities – AP 2, Dreadful, Reach
Restriction - 3
Cost – 13
Imperial Wolfbane Pick-Hammer
A massive bludgeoning weapon made out of smelted weapons of fallen enemies, often wielded by
the strongest Wolfbanes in lieu of a Claymore.
Damage – 2 + 4d6
Encumbrance - 5
Size – 2 handed
Reliability - 4
Qualities – AP 2, Reach, Vicious 1
Restriction - 3
Cost – 13

Imperial Wolfbane Claws of the Wolf

These three long blades are attached to an armored gauntlet, they are used almost exclusively by the
Mourning Wolves in combination with the Tangle Chain.

Damage – 1 + 3d6
Encumbrance - 1
Size – 1H
Reliability - 4
Qualities – AP 1, Parry 1
Restriction - 3
Cost – 4

Imperial Wolfbane Iron Bola

The Iron Bola is a standard weapon of the Wolfbane Pathfinders, together with the Howler launcher
and pistols. It offers them a capability to capture live prisoners for interrogation or kidnapping.
Damage – 1 + 3d6
Encumbrance - 1
Size – 1H
Reliability - 4
Qualities – Knockdown, Nonlethal, Entangling
Restriction - 2
Cost – 2

As thrown weapons, each iron bola is considered to be both weapon and Reload: each purchase
provides two Reloads, and using the weapon expends one of these Reloads. If you possess no iron
bola Reloads, you possess no iron bola.

Imperial Wolfbane Tangle Chain

A mass of barbed chains used by Mourning Wolves to capture and immobilize their targets before
dispatching them with their Claws.
Damage – 1 + 3d6
Encumbrance - 2
Size – 1H
Reliability - 4
Qualities – Entangling
Restriction - 3
Cost – 5

ENTANGLING - A target hit by this weapon is unable to move or take action except to attempt an
Acrobatics or Athletics test to escape, with a difficulty equal to the number of Dark Symmetry Icons
Imperial Wolfbane Howler Short Range Grenade Launcher
A launcher tube strapped to the forearm of a Wolfbane Pathfinder, this launcher is the perfect
weapon for hit and run attacks.
Damage – As grenade
Encumbrance – 2
Rate - Munition
Range - M
Size – 1H
Reliability - 2
Qualities – As grenade
Restriction - 3
Cost - 6
Special – Can only fire Anti-Personnel and Smoke grenades.

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