Angel of Death

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Angel of Death

“They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give themselves to me.
Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war forge them.
They will be of iron will and steely muscle.
In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be
untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them.
They will have tactics, strategies and machines such that no foe can best them in battle.
They are my bulwark against the Terror.
They are the Defenders of Humanity.
They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear. “

- The God-Emperor of Mankind

Greatest among the defenders of the Imperium in the 41st Millennium are the Adeptus Astartes,
more commonly known as the Space Marines. These are men who have undergone a lifetime of
training and genetic augmentation to become superhuman, a vision of perfection created by the
God-Emperor himself. They strive to protect humanity from the mutant, the heretic, and the xeno,
and do so in a myriad of ways dependent on their chapter.

Angel of Death is a homebrew expansion for Dark Heresy 2nd Edition. It is meant for people who
wish to create a Space Marine character in the latest edition of 40K FFG RPGs. Please do note that
as these are Space Marines, the game balance may be broken. Mileage may vary.
Chapter 1: Space Marine Basics
Choosing a Homeworld
The Chapters of the Space Marines recruit new initiates from specific recruitment worlds, but some
Chapters are willing to accept recruits from anywhere. This basically means that a Space Marine
can, in theory, hail from any type of planet associated with their Chapter. It should be up to the GM
to determine if their homeworld type is appropriate for the character and Chapter.

Picking a Homeworld works exactly the same way as in Dark Heresy 2nd Edition. They will
generate their favoured or unfavoured characteristics the same way. However, they gain a +2 to total
Fate regardless of the Emperor’s Blessing roll. This is to symbolize the blessing of the Emperor
upon his sons. They also gain seven (7) additional Wounds.

Generating Characteristics
Space Marines are considered to be the pinnacle of humanity in the Imperium. They are
superhuman in nature, possessing strength and toughness far beyond that of an average citizen. To
that end, Space Marine characteristics all begin at +25 as opposed to +20.

Starting Skills, Talents, and Traits

While their training may vary Chapter to Chapter, all Space Marines are taught the exact same
basics when it comes to combat survival and knowledge. Combined with their many genetic
implants, such as the highly vital geneseed, the Space Marine is innately able to do several things a
normal person would not be able to do. This is a comprehensive list of all the skills/talents that a
Space Marine character begins with; please note that organ contributions are also here, but will be
elaborated later.

Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Awareness, Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10, Dodge,
Forbidden Lore (Horus Heresy and the Long War), Intimidate, Linguistics (Chapter Runes) +10,
Linguistics (High Gothic) +10, Linguistics (Low Gothic) +10, Medicae, Navigate (Surface),
Operate (Surface), Scholastic Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10, Parry

Starting Talents: Ambidextrous, Bulging Biceps, Die Hard, Hardy, Iron Jaw, Peer (Adeptus
Astartes), Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poison, Disease, Fear), True Grit,
Weapon Training (Astartes, Basic, Pistol, Bolt, Low-Tech)

Starting Traits: Amphibious, Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Unnatural Strength (4),
Unnatural Toughness (4)

Space Marine Organs

Within the body of a Space Marine is a number of unnatural organs implanted into them during
their time as Initiates. These organs provide a myriad of beneficial effects upon their host, enabling
the Space Marine to be harder, faster, and stronger. Listed below is each organ, and their respective

Multi-Lung: Amphibious
Secondary Heart: Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness
Ossmodula: Unnatural Toughness
Biscopea: Unnatural Strength
Melanchromic Organ: Unnatural Toughness
Occulobe: Heightened Senses (Sight)
Lyman’s Ear: Heightened Senses (Hearing)
Preomnor: Resistance (Poison)
Oolitic Kidney: Resistance (Poison)
Neuroglottis: Resistance (Poison)
Mucranoid: Resistance (Cold, Heat)
Omophagea: By consuming the enemy, the character may be gain access to the enemy’s
experiences including gaining a new skill.
Larraman’s Organ: Only a 5% chance of dying from Blood Loss instead of 10%
Catalepsean Node: There is no perception penalty to staying awake for long periods of time.
Sus-an Membrane: When falling unconscious due to Critical Damage, this organ activates and
prevents wounds from becoming worst at the cost of suspending all activities in the Space Marine.
It takes a -20 Medicae test to revive them from this suspended state.
Betcher’s Gland: The Space Marine may spit as a ranged attack with the following profile: Range:
3m, Damage: 1d5E, Pen 4, Toxic. If the DOS of the attack is three (3) or higher, then the target is
blinded for 1d5 rounds as well.
Black Carapace: This incredible skin organ enables the Space Marine to interface perfectly with
his power armour, granting them trait Giant Among Men when they are in their Power Armour.
Progenoids: Perhaps the most vital organ a Space Marine has, this is where their geneseed is kept
until death. A Space Marine’s geneseed is his biological legacy on the Chapter as it can be
implanted into a new Initiate to transform them into a Space Marine. When they die, it is the
responsibility of the Apothecary to extract it and ensure that his legacy is kept safe for the next
generation. These may be extracted with a successful Medicae +0 test and takes two rounds.

Space Marine Starting Gear

All Space Marines have the following gear regardless of their role in the squad. This gear is mostly
to ensure that no matter what, a Space Marine can die a glorious end. This gear is automatically
resupplied whenever the party reaches a supply depot or between missions.
Starting Gear: Astartes Power Armour, Astartes Bolt Pistol, 3 Astartes Frag Grenades, 3 Astartes
Krak Grenades, Astartes Combat Knife, Repair Cement
Chapter 2: Space Marine Chapters
Chapter Introduction
Space Marines hail from a number of Chapters located across the Imperium, with each having their
own culture and combat doctrines. This form of organization hails from Emperor himself, with each
Founding Chapter organized around one of his Primarch sons. Following the Horus Heresy, the
original Chapters have been forced to form successor Chapters so as to never have such great legion
numbers again in the event of this heresy occurring again.

In Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, characters selected a Background to describe their upbringing in the
galaxy. Angel of Death splits this into two parts; firstly, their Chapter origin will take over the
Background slot, and their Chapter history shall take over the Divination slot. This reflects the spirit
of the original Deathwatch. The original nine loyalist chapters of the Imperium are included in the
follow passages as background options.

Squad Leader Abilities

Every Chapter of Space Marines has different approaches when it comes to executing squad tactics,
enabling them to work as a unified group. This is reflected in their Chapter’s ability, where they
boost the overall party’s capability through leadership. However, if they are not focusing on
covering the weaknesses of the party, then the Space Marine is free to focus entirely on improving
their own skills.

It should be determined beforehand which character of the party should be the designated “squad
leader.” This can be interpreted in several different ways for characterization, be it just a formal title
or an actual role for making party decisions. The first part of the ability is for when the Space
Marine is designated the “squad leader,” and the second part is for when they are not.

“Courage and Honour!”
- Ultramarine War Cry
Famous throughout the Imperium for their actions, the Ultramarines are the epitome of the Codex
Astartes, as it was written by their Primarch Roboute Guilliman. They believe in honouring the
Codex above all else, so as to not stray into the temptations of Chaos. This has proven effective as a
large scale fighting force, but it makes them rather inflexible when it comes to individual tactics.
Homeworld: Macragge (Imperial)
Starting Skills: Command, Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)
Starting Talents: Halo of Command, Hatred (Tyranids)
By the Codex: If this character is the Squad Leader, the rest of the squad may use this character’s
total Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) roll as opposed to their own. If this character is not the Squad
Leader, he gains a +20 Modifier to all Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) rolls.
Background Aptitudes: Knowledge or Leadership

Blood Angels
“For the Emperor and Sanguinius!”
- Blood Angels War Cry
Known for their noble but humane outlook in war, the Blood Angels are ferocious close combatants
that seek to kill the enemy. They are constantly burdened by the death of their Primarch Sanguinius,
who gave his life to save the Emperor from Horus. An affliction known as the Black Rage threatens
to constantly consume them as a result of this sacrifice, sending the Space Marine into a never-
ending frenzy in which all they know is war.
Homeworld: Baal (Feral)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Parry
Starting Talents: Counter Attack, Never Die
The Red Thirst: If this character is the squad leader, this character grants the entire party’s melee
weapons a bonus penetration value of two (2). If not, this character’s melee weapons gains four (4)
Background Aptitude: Offence or Leadership

Imperial Fists
“Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of Him on Earth!”
- Imperial Fist War Cry
The Sons of the Primarch Rogal Dorn are famed for their expertise when it comes to siege work and
defences. Once charged with the protection of Holy Terra itself, they have long since spread out in
service of the Imperium. It is said they are forever looking for their lost Primarch, who disappeared
into the Warp several millennia ago.
Homeworld: The Phoenix (Fleet-Based, usually recruits from Hives)
Starting Skills: Logic, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)
Starting Talents: Combat Master, Hatred (Heretics)
Master of Defence: If this character is the squad leader, this character grants the entire party an
Armour Bonus of two (2) when being hit by ranged weapons.. If this character is not the squad
leader, this character gains an Armour Bonus of four (4) when being hit by ranged weapons.
Background Aptitude: Defence or Knowledge

Dark Angels
“Repent! For tomorrow, you die!”
- Dark Angels War Cry
Noble and secretive in nature, the Dark Angels are among the mysterious of the Space Marine
Chapters. Their Primarch Lion El’Jonson was supposedly betrayed again following the Horus
Heresy, and the Chapter’s leadership is always on the hunt for those known as “the Fallen.” None
can doubt the loyalty and tenacity this Chapter has when it comes to hunting the enemies of the
Imperium however, and their fleet is one to behold among the Space Marines.
Homeworld: The Rock (Feudal)
Starting Skills: Deceive, Interrogation
Starting Talents: Constant Vigilance, Coordinated Interrogation
Seek the Traitor: If this character is the squad leader, this character grants the entire party the
Interrogation skill as though it were at a Known level. If this character not the squad leader, this
character gains a +20 Modifier to all Interrogation rolls.
Background Aptitude: Knowledge or Psyker

Space Wolves
“For Russ and the Allfather!”
- Space Wolves War Cry
Among the rowdiest and fiercest of Space Marine Chapters are the Space Wolves, finding comfort
in a good friendly fistfight or knee-deep in the blood of heretics. Leman Russ was Primarch famous
for his laid-back attitude when it came to personal life, but was appointed as the Emperor’s Personal
Executioner for his prowess in combat. Much of the Imperium looks to the Space Wolves as their
saviours, as they are one of the few chapters that is known to be sympathetic to average Imperial
Homeworld: Fenrir (Death)
Starting Skills: Dodge, Parry
Starting Talents: Combat Master, Resistance (Psychic)
Wolf Pack: If this character is the squad leader, each party member may spend their Reaction to
distract a foe and force the next Attack from a party member to be unavoidable. If not the squad
leader, this character’s weapons gain the Proven (2) quality. If the weapon already has the Proven
quality on it, then they increase the value of it by one (1).
Background Aptitude: Offence or Finesse

Iron Hands
“The Flesh is Weak!”
- Iron Hands War Cry
The Iron Hands are a Space Marine Chapter looked upon highly by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Their
Primarch Ferrus Manus had, as a result of an unknown circumstances, hands made of literal metal
bearing incredible properties. They strive to emulate him by replacing whatever they can in their
body with a mechanical equivalent, drawing similarities to the Machine Cult in the Imperium.
Homeworld: Medusa (Forge)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Hatred (Heretics), Mighty Shot
Weak Flesh: If this character is the Squad Leader, all critical hits are given a bonus +2 modifier
when rolling. If this character is not the squad leader, this character may acquire Cybernetics at two
degrees more avaiblable.
Background Aptitude: Tech or Fieldcraft

Raven Guard
“Victorus aut Mortis! (Victory or Death!)”
- Raven Guard Motto
One of the few Chapters to employ stealth tactics on a large scale, the Raven Guard believe that
silence was a better sound than the scream of heretics. Taking cues from their Primarch Corvus
Corax, they wait until the perfect moment to attack their enemies. They tend to be very haughty and
look down on the tactics that other Chapters use as a result of this ideology.
Homeworld: Delieverance (Forge)
Starting Skills: Dodge, Stealth
Starting Talents: Assassin Strike, Hatred (Orks)
Quoth the Raven: If this character is the squad leader, the party may move without a Stealth
penalty for being in Power Armour. If this character is not the squad leader, they may re-roll failed
Stealth tests.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Finesse

White Scars
“For the Emperor and the Khan!”
- White Scars War Cry
Known for their lightning strikes on attack bikes, the White Scars prides themselves on being the
fastest Space Marine strike force there is. The Primarch Jaghatai Khan was a fearsome foe, and few
could hope to match his ferocity in vehicular combat. It is said that he disappeared into the Eldar
Webway to chase down the Dark Eldar raiders, as they were the only ones to try to outspeed him.
Homeworld: Quan Zhou (Feudal)
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Crushing Blow, Hatred (Dark Eldar)
The Horde: If this character is the squad leader, they may spend a Fate point to consult with
warrior spirits of their world for a clue in which direction to go (This may be treated as Keen
Intuition). If this character is not the squad leader, he may attempt a Challenging (+0) Operate
(Surface) test to immediately turn a piloted vehicle 180 degrees around.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Offence

“Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvils of War!”
- Salamanders War Cry
Hailing from a volcanic world, the Salamanders are among the best craftsmen one can find among
the Space Marines. Their Primarch Vulkan was a master of his craft, having built many wondrous
Artefacts for his sons to hunt down. The Chapter is also known famously for being close to their
Homeworld population, with their Battle Brothers still interacting with their original families.
Homeworld: Nocturne (Death)
Starting Skills: Tech-Use, Trade (Armourer)
Starting Talents: Armour Monger, Contact Network
Forged in Fire: If this character is the squad leader, the party’s weapons lose any Unreliable or
Unbalanced quality. If this character is not the squad leader, they are immune to the effects of Fire
including damage from Flame weapons.
Background Aptitude: Knowledge or Tech
Chapter 3: Space Marine Roles
Quick Introduction
Space Marines have a selection of roles to fill in the standard deployment of their Companies. They
usually specialize in particular fields, gaining experience in each of them before advancing to
higher ranks of their Chapter. To reflect the original spirit of Deathwatch but to update it to Dark
Heresy 2nd Edition, a number of classes has been combined together to form new broad roles to
allow the characters to specialize in different ways.

Tactical Role
Entirely dedicated to claiming objectives and defending them to their last breath, these Space
Marines are flexible in many tactical doctrines and can adjust their styles to fit the enemy’s attack.
They are ideal for seeking out objectives as well, owing to their multi-approach style. A squad
would be amiss not to have at least one tactical member.
Suggested Classifications: Scout or Tactical Marine
Role Aptitudes: Agility or Toughness, Ballistic Skill, Finesse, Perception, Fieldcraft
Role Talent: Keen Intuition or Nowhere to Hide
Starting Gear: Astartes Bolter or Astartes Stalker Bolter, Magnoculars
Flexible Tactics: Once per combat, following before the damage roll following a successful hit, the
character may declare it to be a critical hit regardless of the damage roll. The target suffers a
random 1d5 critical effect from the critical hit tables.
Special Notes: If the character takes the Agility aptitude, they will trade in their standard Astartes
Power Armour for Astartes Scout Armour.

Specialist Role
Some Space Marines possess a natural aptitude when it comes to assaulting or defending vital
locations, and this translates into their roles in the squad. It takes a very special mindset to be
willing to jump into the midst of enemy forces or lug around a heavy weapon. That is not to say
they are cowardly in any manner however, and few dare to argue with masters of their craft.
Suggested Classifications: Assault or Devastator Marine
Role Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Defence, Willpower, Offence, Perception
Role Talent: Weapon Training (Chain) or Weapon Training (Heavy)
Starting Gear: Astartes Chainsword and Astartes Jump Pack or Astartes Heavy Bolter
Bastion of Fury: Once per combat, this character may gain an additional Half Action during their

Command Role
A commander is vital for any Space Marine squad, as to properly direct them into the most effective
combat formation. This can take form in either powerful psykers or sheer presence on the
battlefield. These types of Space Marines tend to be the ones who go into Chapter legends, but only
for a high bar of expectation is set for them.
Suggested Classifications: Sergeant or Librarian
Role Aptitudes: Leadership or Psyker, Ballistic Skill, Social, Weapon Skill, Willpower
Role Talent: Clues from the Crowd or Jaded
Starting Gear: Astartes Bolter or Astartes Force Staff
Know No Fear: This character may spend a Fate point to break all effects of Fear on friendly
Special Notes: If the character takes the Psyker aptitude, they then gain the Psyker Elite Advance
for free, gaining a psy-rating of two (2) with the Sanctioned trait. They also start out with a Psy-
Focus item.
Support Role
While they possess skills far beyond that of an an average soldier of the Imperium, Space Marines
cannot continue eternally without any aid. To that end, some Space Marines delve into the fields of
technology and medical training, gaining much knowledge on how to keep their squad healthy and
alive. They are still fearsome warriors, and it would not be wise to cross them.
Suggested Classifications: Apothecary or Techmarine
Role Aptitudes: Fieldcraft or Tech, Ballistic Skill, Fellowship, Intelligence, Knowledge
Role Talent: Disarm or Technical Knock
Starting Gear: Astartes Bolter
Squad Saviour: Once per combat, this character may auto-pass an Intelligence test by his
Intelligence Bonus.
Special Notes: If the character takes the Fieldcraft aptitude, they gain as starting gear a Narthecium.
If the character takes the Tech aptitude, they gain the Mechanicus Implants trait.
Chapter 4: Space Marine Pasts
Quick Introduction
Space Marines can come from different walks of life to serve the Emperor, and their service to the
Emperor may differ in nature. Some may have served in a more auxiliary role as opposed to
frontline combat, and some may have had families in what little downtime they have. Nevertheless,
they all warriors of the God-Emperor.

Divinations in Dark Heresy 2nd Edition have been replaced by “Pasts” for Space Marines. This can
be randomly rolled for or selected. There are 10 “universal” pasts that all Space Marines can take,
but for characters belonging to specific Chapters, a unique set of five has been given to take instead.

Universal Pasts
These pasts may be taken by any Space Marine, regardless of Chapter or origin.

Roll Universal Pasts

1 Space Marine Crusader
2 Trainer of Initiates
3 Proven Medic
4 Machine Cult Blessing
5 Duel to the Death
6 Emperor’s Tarot
7 Expert Marksman
8 Rhino Crewmember
9 Former Squad Leader
10 Thunderhawk Pilot

Space Marine Crusader: This character once took part in a great Crusade of Imperial forces, a
great feat that is sure to bring much honour! Starting Modifiers: Toughness +5 and Willpower +5
or Survival

Trainer of Initiates: While not exactly the most glamours role there could be, one cannot deny that
this is a highly vital position in the Chapter and is to be respected for such. Starting Modifiers:
Intelligence +5 and Influence +5 or Charm

Proven Medic: Thanks to this character, the gene-seed of a fallen Battle Brother has been
successfully retrieved and brought back to the Chapter so as to continue their legacy. Starting
Modifiers: Intelligence +5 and Toughness +5 or Medicae

Machine Cult Blessing: This character has performed some great deed for the Adeptus
Mechanicus, and as such, is blessed with the knowledge of their ways.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +5 and Willpower +5 or Tech-Use

Duel to the Death: Duels between champions are common in the battlefield of the 41st Millennium,
and this character has participated in one and triumphed over his foe. Starting Modifiers:
Toughness +5 and Weapon Skill +5 or Intimidate
Emperor’s Tarot: The Emperor’s Tarot is a form of divination that this character heavily believes
in, as it has foretold a rather grim and ominous future that this character has no fear of. Starting
Modifiers: Fellowship +5 and Willpower +5 or Trade (Soothsayer)

Expert Marksman: Even among his peers, this character has a tremendous eye and can hit almost
anything in the most impossible conditions. Starting Modifiers: Agility +5 and Ballistic Skill +5
or Trade (Armourer)

Rhino Crewmember: This character was formerly a dedicated Rhino APC crewmember,
responsible for ferrying around Space Marines to the frontline. Starting Modifiers: Agility +5 and
Perception +5 or Operate (Surface)

Former Squad Leader: The role of a squad leader is never permanent as circumstances change,
and this character once held that role before being forced to surrender it. Starting Modifiers:
Ballistic Skill +5 and Fellowship +5 or Command

Thunderhawk Pilot: A Thunderhawk is the most common gunship used by Space Marines across
the galaxy as these vehicles strafe the ground with devastating payloads, and this character was
once a pilot of such aeronautica. Starting Modifiers: Agility +5 and Intelligence +5 or Operate

Ultramarine Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Ultramarine background.

Roll Ultramarine Unique Pasts

1 March for Macragge
2 Codex Flexible
3 Necron-Tau Incident
4 Return of Guillliman
5 Ultramarine Pride

March for Macragge: The greatest threat to have ever threatened destruction of the entire
Ultramarine Chapter was Hive Fleet Behemoth’s invasion of their homeworld Macragge. This
character was taught by a mentor who partook in that drastic event. Starting Modifiers: Toughness
+10 or Hatred (Tyranids)

Codex Flexible: While majority of the Ultramines worship the Codex Astartes and adhere to its
every word, some believe that Guilliman’s teachings are more guidelines on how one should act as
opposed to how one must act. This character is one of those in the minority. Starting Modifiers:
Intelligence +10 or Command

Necron-Tau Incident: One of the more famous conflicts in the Chapter was when an encounter
with the Tau and Necrons on a single world, resulting in an unlikely alliance. This character hails
from that incident or has studied it well. Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 or Hatred

Return of Guilliman: The infamous Cawl came to Macragge following the fall of Cadia to present
a new suit of power armour that would revive the Ultramarine Primarch and allow him to fight once
more! This character witnessed this event with their own eyes during their time as an Initiate.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 or Hatred (Heretics)

Ultramarine Pride: The greatest flaw, many would argue, is that Ultramarines are unable to see
past themselves, having developed an innate sense of pride in being the most known Space Marine
Chapter within the Imperium. This character is unable to contain that pride, and they make it
known. Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 or Charm

Blood Angels Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Blood Angels background.

Roll Blood Angels Unique Pasts

1 Flashes of Rage
2 Nobility Above All
3 The Sanguinor
4 Leviathan Comes
5 War for Armageddon

Flashes of Rage: The geneseed of the Blood Angels is plagued with the genetic memories of
Sanguinius, and many of the Chapter will succumb to the drives of the Black Rage within. This
character sees the occasional glimpse of this in their life.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 or Frenzy

Nobility Above All: While not as known for it as the Salamanders or Space Wolves, the Blood
Angels are considered to be one of the more humane Chapters when it comes to their care for the
average Imperial citizen. This character shares in that belief, that honour and nobility come before
glory. Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 or Command

The Sanguinor: A most mysterious entity that bears a mask of Sanguinus’s face, this figure has
appeared several times in the history of the Blood Angels to aid those in need it the greatest. This
character has encountered this entity, be it in a personal vision or seeing the visage in a heated
battle. Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 or Gain 2 Fate points.

Leviathan Comes: The homeworld of the Blood Angels, Baal, was threatened once by the massive
Hive Fleet Leviathan. This character was an Initiate of the Chapter when this occurred. Starting
Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 or Hatred (Tyranids)

War for Armageddon: One of the greatest Imperial conflicts against the Orks took place on the
planet of Armageddon, where famous heroes such as Commissar Yarrick rose to glory. This
character is a learned student of that incident. Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 or Hatred (Orks)

Imperial Fists Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Imperial Fist background.

The Siege of Cadia: When Cadia was besieged by the forces of Chaos, the Imperial Fists defended
a number of areas on the planet from mutant incursions. While not personally at it, this character
has studied the tactics used against these mutants well. Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 or
Hatred (Mutants)
Roll Imperial Fists Unique Pasts
1 The Siege of Cadia
2 Defenders of Terra
3 Lysander’s Crusade
4 The Phalanx
5 Anti-Eldar Action

Defenders of Terra: Amongst all his sons, the Emperor chose Rogal Dorn to be the chief architect
for the construction of the Imperial Palace on Holy Terra. This has placed a sense of pride in all
Imperial Fists, including this character. Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 or Scholastic Lore
(Tactica Imperialis)

Lysander’s Crusade: Captain of the First Company, Darnath Lysander is a famed hero in the
Imperial Fists and has led his men to many a victory, particularly over Orks. This character has been
taught much about this regard of his Crusade. Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 or Hatred

The Phalanx: The Imperial Fists do not have a homeworld, but instead travel the galaxy in their
Fortress-Monastery ship The Phalanx. This character has spent much of their time onboard this
ship. Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 or Navigate (Stellar)

Anti-Eldar Action: The defences of the Imperial Fists are most frustrating for Eldar foes, as they
are unable to break such a defence without an intense battle they have no desire for. This character
has studied to continue this tradition of denial. Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 or Hatred (Eldar)

Dark Angels Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Dark Angels background.

Roll Dark Angels Unique Pasts

1 Rock Defender
2 Rivalry with Space Wolves
3 Hunting the Fallen
4 Striking the Leviathan
5 Siege of Vraks

Rock Defender: The Rock is the Chapter’s Homeworld, and is constantly vulnerable to voidship
attack as it has been reduced to nothing more than a large asteroid. This character was taught by
fleet admirals how to defend their home. Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 or Operate (Stellar)

Rivalry with Space Wolves: Lion El’Johnson was wronged by Leman Russ, and this grudge has
carried over to the Sons of the Lion as they pick fights with Space Wolves always. This character
has continued this tradition of rivalry! Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 or Deceive

Hunting the Fallen: The deepest and darkest secret of the Dark Angels relates to the mysterious
Fallen Angels that they prioritize hunting over all. This character has been told the secret meaning
behind this so as to continue the hunt. Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 or Interrogation
Striking the Leviathan: Hive Fleet Leviathan has come close to the areas the Dark Angels operate
it in several times, so it is only natural they lead pre-emptive raids to drive off the Tyranids. This
character has been taught anti-Tyranid tactics for this purpose. Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill
+10 or Hatred (Tyranids)

Siege of Vraks: One of the most famous Space Marine battles to be fought, this conflict involved
the Dark Angels fighting against the Alpha Legion in a intense duel of honour and pride. This
character was taught by a veteran of that battle. Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 or Hatred

Space Wolves Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Dark Angels background.

Roll Space Wolves Unique Pasts

1 Wrath of Magnus
2 Rivalry with Dark Angels
3 Defender of the Weak
4 Battle of Armageddon
5 Wolf Rider

Wrath of Magnus: Recently, the Space Marine home system of Fenris came under sustained attack
by the traitor Magnus the Red. This character was an Initiate when it happened. Starting
Modifiers: Willpower +10 or Hatred (Heretics)

Rivalry with Dark Angels: Leman Russ was wronged by Lion El’Johnson, and this grudge has
carried over to the Sons of the Wolf as they pick fights with Dark Angels always. This character has
continued this tradition of rivalry! Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 or Intimidate

Defender of the Weak: Space Wolves believe that it is the responsibility of the strong to defend
those who cannot fight, and will fight for any and all Imperial lives under their responsibility. This
character embraces this morality proudly. Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 or Peer (Imperial

Battle of Armageddon: The Battle for Armageddon was one of the bloodiest battles against Orks
and the Space Wolves sent a portion of its Chapter to defend the planet. This character was taught
be a veteran of that war. Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 or Hatred (Orks)

Wolf Rider: In the more recent centuries, the idea of wolf riding has stricken many a Space Wolf
Initiated and they have adapted to the concept of riding their massive pets into battle at times. This
character was one such Initiate. Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 or Operate (Surface)

Iron Hands Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Iron Hands background.

Machine over Flesh: Sourced from the belief that Ferrus Manus replaced his own hands of flesh
for ones of machine, the Iron Hands believe that all flesh is weak and that iron was the only cure.
This is heavily indoctrinated in this character. Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 or Tech-Use
Roll Iron Hands Unique Pasts
1 Machine over Flesh
2 Drop Site Massacre
3 Containing the Orks
4 Emotional Inhibitor
5 Armoured Force

Drop Site Massacre: Ferrus Manus was betrayed by his very own brother at Istvaan V, the
Emperor’s Children Primarch Fulgrim decapitating his head to commit his soul to Slaanesh. This
character holds a deep burning hatred for this event and seeks to avenge their Primarch however so.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 or Resistance (Psychic)

Containing the Orks: The territories of the Iron Hands push close to Ork infested areas, making
them the first responders to any serious WAAGH invasion by the Greenskins. This character has
been trained to be a part of this response group. Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 or Hatred

Emotional Inhibitor: Iron Hands are constantly enraged by everything, be it their own weak flesh
or the death of their Primarch, to the point where they must be installed inhibitors so as to not run
berserk and feed the Warp with such emotion. This character’s rage is so refined however that it is
possible for it to slip past the inhibitor at times. Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 or Frenzy

Armoured Force: Among all the Space Marine Chapters, the Iron Hands have the most developed
armoured force and they make sure that it is always at fighting capacity. This character was once
trained to become a crewmember of such a force. Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 or Operate

Raven Guard Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Raven Guard background.

Roll Raven Guard Unique Pasts

1 Drop Site Massacre
2 Battle Against Tau
3 Fed the Ravens
4 Guerilla Tactics
5 Dark Eldar Bait

Drop Site Massacre: The shame of the Drop Site Massacre lives on forever in many Space Marine
Chapters, the Raven Guard especially for being ambushed themselves. This character has sworn an
oath of vengeance for those killed in the bloody battle. Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 or
Hatred (Heretic)

Battle Against Tau: The Raven Guard have had several bloody encounters against the Tau Empire,
most notably during the Prefectia Campaign. This character has studied under a veteran of such
conflicts. Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 or Hatred (Tau)
Fed the Ravens: One of the more eccentric traditions of the Raven Guard calls for them to leave
their dead to be eaten by carrion birds following successful extraction of the geneseed. While
repulsive to some humans, this character has witnessed this tradition first hand and understands the
true meaning behind it compared to their peers. Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 or Intimidate

Guerilla Tactics: When Imperial forces are forced to withdraw in hasty fashion following a severe
defeat, the Raven Guard prefers to hide their forces in the background and swap to hit and run
tactics to exhaust their enemy. This character has been trained for such a tactical shift. Starting
Modifiers: Agility +10 or Stealth

Dark Eldar Bait: Nothing pleases the Raven Guard than striking against the Dark Eldar, who pride
themselves on similar tactics but to a more sadistic degree. This character harbours a pride of their
Chapter out smarts these raiders. Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 or Hatred (Dark Eldar)

White Scars Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the White Scars background.

Roll White Scars Unique Pasts

1 The Long Scars
2 Sabbat Worlds Crusade
3 Necron Vengeance
4 Fastest in Space
5 War for Armageddon

The Long Scars: The White Scars have the tradition of creating scars on their body as part of their
Chapter’s tradition, hailing all the way back to Jaghatai Khan. This character takes pride in such
scars. Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 or Command

Sabbat World Crusade: The Sabbat Worlds Crusade was an endeavour by the Imperium to reclaim
the worlds touched by the holy Saint Sabbat when she walked the galaxy, and the White Scars were
participants in it. This character has studied the works of the Saint Sabbat with a fascination of this
particular Crusade. Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 or Hatred (Heretics)

Necron Vengeance: Encounters with the Necrons have usually yielded poorly in the favour of the
White Scars over the years, leaving a sour and rage-filled attitude towards them. This character has
been taught by a veteran of such encounters. Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 or Hatred

Fastest in Space: Assault bikes are the favoured vehicle of the Chapter on land as they are the
fastest, but in the void, the White Scars adapted to using fighter craft instead to remain the fastest.
This character has been trained to fly such voidcraft. Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 or Operate

War for Armageddon: The White Scars were a participant in the great War for Armageddon
against Orks. This character was tutored by a veteran of this massive conflict. Starting Modifiers:
Toughness +10 or Hatred (Orks)

Salamanders Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Salamanders background.
Roll Salamanders Unique Pasts
1 Rites of Fire
2 Artefact Hunters
3 Thieving Necrons
4 Defence of Nocturne
5 The War for Armageddon

Rites of Fire: The Salamanders’ culture heavily revolves many rituals regarding fire as their
homeworld Nocturne is engulfed in volcanoes. This character has taken part in many of them,
burning into their hands the symbols of the Chapter. Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 or
Intimidate +10

Artefact Hunters: The Artefacts of Vulkan are the most sought out relics of the Salamanders, and
it is only through riddles and guesswork they are able to recover them after much struggle. This
character is taught much of the legends regarding these relics. Starting Modifiers: Perception +10
or Scrutiny +10

Thieving Necrons: Such is the quality of the craftsmanship of the Salamanders that a certain
Necron Overlord has expressed interest in “acquiring” some of Vulkan’s relics. This character has
been trained to be aware of this potential theft and react appropriately. Starting Modifiers: Agility
+10 or Hatred (Necrons)

Defence of Nocturne: Nocturne, the homeworld of the Salamanders, has come under assault by
Chaos Space Marines in recent times. This character was but an Initiate of the Chapter when they
witnessed this event. Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 or Hatred (Heretics)

The War for Armageddon: The great Ork incursions of Armageddon have caused such a ripple
amongst all the Imperium that several Space Marine Chapters sent members to fight in it. This
character was taught by a veteran of that ancient war. Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 or
Hatred (Orks)

Finishing Touches to the Character

Weapon Training (Astartes) represents the ability to wield Space Marine weapons without any
penalty. All Space Marines start out with this ability and can use their weapons without any penalty.
However, should a regular character try to do so, they are inflicted with a -60 usage penalty if they
do not posses Weapon Training (Astartes), dropping it down to -30 if they do take that talent. This is
on top of any other modifiers, as Space Marine weapons are far larger than their human

All Space Marines begin with 800 experience to spend starting out. This is to symbolize their time
having undergone Initiate training, and the battles they could have fought prior to this deployment.
Ave Imperator!
Chapter 5: Space Marine Weapons
Weapons of the Space Marine
Space Marine gear is made specifically for them only, and it is practically inpractical to use them
without being one. Thus, it is neigh impossible to find them among the common populace of the
Imperium. It is only at Forge Worlds and Space Marine locations that such equipment is available
for them to requisition.

To represent this, all Space Marine weapons and gear is counted to be three levels higher than the
stated rarity in the common Imperium. The party must be at a location capable of Space Marine
weapon production or have a supply line to one such location for all rarities to be counted as stated.

Space Marine Bolt Weapons

Bolt weapons fire massive shells that explode once they have penetrated into the target. This is the
most common weapon within Space Marine Chapters, as it is easy to produce and use. Bolter shells
can also be customized to provide different effects dependent on the need.

Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Bolter Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10+9X 4 24 Full Tearing Common
Astartes Bolt Pistol Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+9X 4 8 Full Tearing Common
Astartes Stalker Basic 200m S/-/- 1d10+9X 4 20 Full Accurate, Scarce
Bolter Tearing
Astartes Heavy Heavy 150m -/-/6 1d10+12X 5 60 Full Tearing Rare
Astartes Storm Basic 100m S/4/- 1d10+9X 4 60 Full Tearing, Very Rare
Bolter Storm

Astartes Bolter: An iconic symbol of the Space Marine, this weapon is issued to all new Battle-

Astartes Bolt Pistol: A perfect weapon to wield in one hand while holding something in the other,
preferably a Chainsword.

Astartes Stalker Bolter: A modified Bolter variant that has a longer barrel and a higher
magnification scope attached to it, essentially converting the rifle to a sniper rifle.

Astartes Heavy Bolter: Made for Devastator Marines, this weapon is capable of hosing down the
enemies of the Emperor with rapid fire Bolter rounds.

Astartes Storm Bolter: Two Bolters have been intricately combined together to double the
firepower of the weapon whilst keeping it stable for recoil.

Astartes Plasma Weapons

Plasma weapon are powerful tools of war that utilize a liquid-solid form of hydrogen to burn and
vaporize enemies. It is an incredible rare form of weaponry as only those within the Adeptus
Mechanicus can fully understand how to construct these weapons. The ammunition is also quite
rare to get without proper tools.

Astartes Plasma Gun: A popular choice for some Chapter Sergeants, this weapon utilizes Plasma
technology on an ideal scale.
Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Plasma Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+12E 6 24 5Full Maximal, Rare
Gun Overheats
Astartes Plasma Pistol 30m S2/- 1d10+10E 6 8 3Full Maximal, Rare
Pistol Overheats
Astartes Plasma Heavy 150m S/-/- 2d10+12E 8 18 6Full Maximal, Very Rare
Heavy Cannon Overheats,
Blast (3)

Astartes Plasma Pistol: For when one wishes to utilize plasma technology with only a single hand,
this weapon is ideal for such situations.

Astartes Plasma Heavy Cannon: Ridiculously rare to find in all but few armouries, this weapon
utilizes the best of plasma technology to vaporize enemies.

Astartes Melta Weapons

By firing a concentrated stream of molten slag at red-hot temperatures, Melta weapons are capable
of burning through anything. However, this technology is very hard to get a hold on even for a
Space Marine. Very few Forge Worlds possess the knowledge to make these weapons.

Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Meltagun Basic 30m S/-/- 2d10+10E 12 6 Full Melta Very Rare
Astartes Multi- Heavy 60m S/-/- 2d10+12E 12 15 Full Melta, Extremely
Melta Blast (1) Rare
Astartes Inferno Pistol 10m S/-/- 2d10+10E 12 3 Full Melta Near Unique

Astartes Meltagun: A perfect weapon for anti-armour deployments, this gun is able to burn its way
through the hull of any vehicle with ease.

Astartes Multi-Melta: For those who are looking to burn new holes into the toughest of tanks, this
weapon consisting of two Meltaguns strapped together is the perfect tool.

Astartes Inferno Pistol: Notoriously rare due to how difficult it is to downsize Melta technology,
this small and unassuming weapon can burn through armour without hesitation.

Astartes Flame Weapons

Nothing quite says “burn the heretic” like using Flamer weapons. Using promethium as fuel, these
weapons spew out searing flames that will burn alive any unlikely to be on the receiving end. A
favoured weapon type when it comes to fighting foes such as Orks or Tyranids.

Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Flamer Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+9E 2 6 2Full Flame, Spray Scarce
Astartes Hand Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10+6E 2 2 2Full Flame, Spray Scarce
Astartes Heavy Heavy 30m S/-/- 1d10+12E 4 8 2Full Flame, Spray Rare
Astartes Flamer: Used for close-ranged mob situations, this weapon is ideal for keeping the squad
from being overwhelmed.

Astartes Hand Flamer: This portable flamethrower is more of an emergency weapon to pull out as
opposed to a main weapon choice.

Astartes Heavy Flamer: For when a horde descends upon the party, accept no other subsitute.

Astartes Solid Weapons

For weapons that do not require any special ammunition, they fall under the “solid” category. These
weapons tend to be very easy to mass produce and find ammunition for, even when outside normal
supply lines. However, they have a significant damage fall off in comparison.

Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Shotgun Basic 30m S/2/- 1d10+6I 4 18 Full Reliable, Scarce
Astartes Combat Basic 30m S/3/5 1d10+5I 4 20 Full Reliable, Rare
Shotgun Scatter

Astartes Shotgun: A classic weapon for fighting in enclosed spaces, as its short range spread can
hit several foes at once.

Astartes Combat Shotgun: Made especially for those who wish for a faster shotgun ROF, this
weapon can pump more rounds out as opposed to the original.

Astartes Las Weapons

Las weapons focus around using concentrated beams of energy to hit an enemy with. The Space
Marine arsenal does not usually include these weapons, as they tend to be very weak with the
exception of one case. Las weapons can be recharged quite easily by exposing the battery to any
form of energy, including natural sunlight.

Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Lascannon Heavy 300m S/-/- 5d10+10E 10 6 2Full Proven (3) Very Rare

Astartes Lascannon: A heavy laser weapon that is meant to pierce through vehicular armour and
inflict severe heat damage within.

Astartes Grav Weapons

A rare and almost lost technology, grav weapons utilize the power of gravity to destroy heavy
armour as it collapses in on itself. Such technology is incredibly rare to find in the Imperium, and
when a Space Marine wields it, it is devastating. Those who know how to make it are definitely the
elites among the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Astartes Grav Gun: The most common form of a Grav weapon, this weapon is a terror to heavily
armoured enemies.

Astartes Grav Pistol: Scaling down the grav technology is not easy, but when done properly, a
minature tank killer weapon is created.
Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Grav Gun Basic 30m S/3/- 1d10+6I 8 9 2Full Concussive (2), Extremely
Graviton Rare
Astartes Grav Pistol Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10+3I 6 6 Full Concussive (1), Near Unique
Astartes Grav- Heavy 50m -/-/6 1d10+9I 8 12 4Full Concussive (3), Near Unique
Cannon Graviton

Astartes Grav-Cannon: For those with an intent to crush massive vehicles such as Land Raiders,
the Grav-Cannon fits the bill pretty well.

Astartes Launcher Weapons

These weapons do not have actually standard ammunition, as their damage is entirely dependent on
the payload inserted into them. This is a great boon for Space Marines as they are able to utilize
different ammunition on the fly for their needs. To see the damage and their effects of the payload,
consult the grenades/rounds section.

Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Missile Heavy 300m S/-/- * * 1 Full * Rare
Astartes Grenade N/A 60m S/-/- * * 6 2Full * Rare

Astartes Missile Launcher: A single-load rocket launcher made for Space Mairnes to handle
without fear of breaking.

Astartes Grenade Launcher Attachment: This weapon is fitted on the underside of a Space
Marine weapon to hold grenades. It takes a Half Action to arm the attachment for use.
Astartes Grenades and Rounds
The Imperium has a wide variety of enemies, so it is only appropriate they have a wide variety of
ammunition to face them. From Frag Grenades to Anti-Plant Rounds, the Adeptus Astartes is never
short of weapon variety when it comes to explosives and missiles. Grenades can be thrown by hand
or be fired using a Grenade Launcher, while Rounds must be loaded into a Launcher or otherwise
appropriate weapon.

Astartes Frag Grenade/Round: A very common form of explosives in the Imperium, but
incredibly effective against light armour.

Astartes Krak Grenade/round: Focused entirely on breaking through heavy armour, this
explosive sacrifice area damage for a concentrated blast.

Astartes Blind Grenade: This grenade is a great utility tool for obscuring enemy line of sight, so
as to allow the party to relocate safely.

Astartes Stun Grenade: A collection of loud pops and bright lights explodes out of this grenade
upon landing, disorienting any who stand in its vicinity.
Weapon Class Range ROF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special Availability
Astartes Frag Thrown SBx3 S/-/- 2d10+2X 0 1 - Blast (3) Common
Astartes Krak Thrown SBx3 S/-/- 2d10+8X 6 1 - Concussive (0) Scarce
Astartes Blind Thrown SBx3 S/-/- - 0 1 - Smoke (4) Scarce
Astartes Stun Thrown SBx3 S/-/- - 0 1 - Blast (2), Rare
Grenade Concussive (3)
Astartes Incendiary Thrown SBx3 S/-/- 1d10+4E 02 1 - Blast (2), Rare
Grenade Flame
Astartes Anti-Plant Thrown SBx3 S/-/- 3d10E 0 1 - Blast (3) Rare
Astartes Haywire Thrown SBx3 S/-/- - 0 1 - Haywire (2) Very Rare
Astartes Plasma Thrown SBx3 S/-/- 2d10+12E 8 1 - Blast (1) Extremely
Grenade Rare
Astartes Melta Placed - - 7d10E 12 1 - Blast (1), Extremely
Bomb Flame, Melta Rare
Astartes Frag - - - 2d10+4X 2 - - Blast (5) Scarce
Astartes Krak - - - 3d10+4X 8 - - Concussive (3), Rare
Round Proven (2)
Astartes Incendiary - - - 1d10+5E 2 - - Blast (3), Very Rare
Round Flame
Astartes Anti-Plant - - - 4d10E 0 - - Blast (5) Very Rare
Astartes Plasma - - - 2d10+12E 12 - - Blast (3) Extremely
Round Rare

Astartes Incendiary Grenade/Round: Packed with flammable promethium within, this explosive
sprays the targets with a wave of flames upon detonation.

Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade/Round: The Imperium, in its many frontiers, have sometimes
encountered dangerous hostile flora and this explosive was developed to deal with them. This
weapon has no effect on non-plant life.

Astartes EMP Grenade: This grenade has been packed with electromagnetic technology that will
fry any electronics in the local area.

Astartes Plasma Grenade/Round: Within this explosive is a chamber that holds active plasma,
which will explode and spray over anything in the blast range.

Astartes Melta Bomb: A massive cylinder filled with molten slag that will, upon arming, explode
out of the canisters and burn through anything in the vicinity.
Astartes Chain Weapons
Chain weapons use serrated teeth edges to tear and rip through enemies in a flurry of blood. There
is no flesh that cannot withstand such devastating attacks. Space Marines have a fondness of using
Chain weapons for their common Battle Brothers.

Weapon Damage Pen Special Rarity

Astartes Chainsword 1d10+5R 2 Tearing, Balanced Common
Astartes Chainaxe 1d10+4R 3 Tearing Very Rare

Astartes Chainsword: A classic one-handed weapon in the 41st Millennium, this weapon is seen in
many Chapters in the hands of Assault Marines.

Astartes Chainaxe: A weapon that has largely been replaced in favour of the Chainsword as this is
far more associated with Chaos Space Marine these days.

Astartes Power Weapons

For veteran Space Marines, power weapons are an ideal upgrade to their weaponry. They are
incredible dangerous and will almost never break so long as the power field that courses through the
material flows. Only other Power or Force weapons can even dare to parry such tools of war!

Weapon Damage Pen Special Rarity

Astartes Power Sword 1d10+6E 6 Power Field, Balanced Rare
Astartes Power Axe 1d10+8E 7 Power Field, Unbalanced Rare
Astartes Power Fist 2d10E 8 Power Field Very Rare
Astartes Lighting 1d10+6E 6 Power Field, Proven (4) Very Rare
Astartes Power 1d10+4E 6 Power Field, Razor Sharp Very Rare
Astartes Power Spear 1d10+6E 7 Power Field Very Rare
Astartes Power 1d10+11E 8 Power Field, Vengeful (9), Extremely Rare
Claymore (2H) Unwieldy
Astartes Power Mace 1d10+5E 6 Power Field, Concussive (0) Extremely Rare
Astartes Thunder 2d10+5E 9 Power Field, Concussive (0), Near Unique
Hammer (2H) Unwieldy
Omnissian Axe 1d10+11E 6 Power Field, Unbalanced Very Rare
(Astartes Pattern) (2H)

Astartes Power Sword: A simple one-handed blade that has a power field coursing through it.

Astartes Power Axe: Far more complex and devastating than it’s simple counterpart, this one-
handed weapon is unfortunately quite tricky to use for defence.

Astartes Power Fist: This weapon encases the user’s fists in a power field, making it a simplistic
but brutal weapon of sheer force. This weapon doubles the SB of the user when it comes to
calculating damage.
Astartes Lighting Claw: A series of sharp blades with power fields coursing through them are
installed on top of the user’s knuckles, with the ability to retract or extend them at will.

Astartes Power Falchion: A one-handed single-edged blade that is meant to smash through

Astartes Power Spear: This weapon is a popular choice for Space Marines that hail from feral or
nomadic cultures, as it is very similar to their past life.

Astartes Power Claymore: A two-handed massive power weapon that is filled with the righteous
fury of the God-Emperor.

Astartes Power Mace: Basically a giant metal ball with a power field coursing through it, this
weapon can vaporize the head of any foe it hits.

Astartes Thunder Hammer: Capable of shaking the heavens themselves, this massive weapon
requires both hands to swing and will smash apart heretic, xeno, and mutant alike.

Omnissian Axe (Astartes Pattern): This weapon is an upscaled version of the Omnissian Axe
available to Techpriests. This weapon mainly only be acquired by characters with classification of

Astartes Force Weapons

Force technology is unique in the sense that it utilizes the psychic energies of the user to augment
the weapon. This energy gives the weapon powerful characteristics, such as the ability to parry
Force weapons without danger. Space Marine Librarians are typically found wielding these
weapons in conjunction with their powers.

Weapon Damage Pen Special Rarity

Astartes Force Staff 1d10+1I 0 Force Very Rare
Astartes Force Sword 1d10+2R 2 Force, Balanced Near Unique

Astartes Force Staff: A simple staff embed with Force technology, and is a common starting item
for all Space Marine Librarians.

Astartes Force Sword: For Librarians who wish to get more involved with combat, this one-
handed blade is the ideal weapon and it preferred by veterans psykers of the Chapter.

Astartes Low-Tech Weapons

Cheap to produce and easy to maintain, these weapons are while weak, a necessity for Space
Marines. They tend to have a bit more utility than other melee weapons as well, or fulfil a
traditional role. And one would do best to remember that these weapons are still wielded by Space

Weapon Damage Pen Special Rarity

Astartes Combat 1d10R 2 - Common
Astartes Ceremonial 1d10+3R 2 Balanced Rare
Astartes Combat Knife: A staple of every Space Marine, this superhuman-sized knife is close to a
normal sword in size.

Astartes Ceremonial Sword: Some Chapters have their Battle-Brothers carry ceremonial weapons
into battle as opposed to standard issue knives.

Special Bolter Ammunition

When it comes to Space Marines, the most common weapon found amongst all of them is the
Bolter. To that end, a series of different ammunition types has been crafted to Bolters, so as to
enable the superhuman to quickly swap to a specialized magazine against certain foes. However,
some of this stuff is incredibly rare, so make sure to use it where it counts!

Special Bolter Ammunition Rarity

Kraken Rounds Scarce
Stalker Rounds Scarce
Metal Storm Rounds Rare
Witch Bolts Rare
Hellfire Rounds Very Rare
Implosion Rounds Very Rare
Dragonfire Shells Very Rare
Vengeance Rounds Extremely Rare

Krarken Rounds: A superior propellent has been added to the shell, granting it more of a kick.
Effects: Range +50%, Pen +5

Stalker Rounds: Stalker Bolters are naturally silent, and use this form of ammunition to maintain
silence. However, these can be repurposed to be used in other Bolter weapons with some
modifications. Effects: Generates no sound on firing. Damage -2.

Metal Storm Rounds: This shells are made so as to detonate just before impact, releasing their
explosive payload over the target as opposed to within it. Effects: Blast (2). Penetration -2, Damage

Witch Bolts: These bullets have been laced with a special anti-Warp components, making them
ridiculously effective against psykers and creatures of the Warp. Effects: Reduce psy-rating of the
target by 1 for 1d10 rounds per hit. This hit also triggers the Warp Instability trait.

Hellfire Rounds: Made especially for the Tyranid threat, these bullets are loaded with acid within
to eat the target from the inside. Effects: Ignores Natural Armour trait. Vengeful (9). Toxic (2).

Implosion Rounds: Rather than creating a concentrated explosion within, these shells have anti-
matter within that destroy matter inside the target. Effects: When damage is done, the target suffers
1d5 Agility damage.

Dragonfire Shells: Built within the explosive charge is a flammable material that reacts explosive
to air, effectively setting the target on fire when hit. Effects: Flame, Blast (2), Damage -2.
Vengeance Rounds: Such is the hatred of the Space Marines on the traitorous brother that they are
willing to use this highly volatile version of the normal bolter shell, meant to pierce through armour
easily. Effects: Felling (1), Pen +5. If the attack roll is between 91-100, then the shell detonates
prematurely, hitting the user instead in the arm and forcing them to drop the weapon whilst taking
damage equivalent to the weapon’s stats.
Chapter 6: Space Marine Power Armour
Armour of the Space Marines
One of the signature details of a Space Marine is the massive Power Armour that they wear,
rendering an armoured giant. This armour is meant to protect them against many things, such as the
vacuum of space. There are many variants of the armour, and the armour often has a long history
stretching beyond that of a Space Marine’s service.

Space Marine Armour History

It is almost guaranteed that the Power Armour that a Space Marine wears is older than him. Such is
the excellent craftsmanship of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the quality of the materials used in its
construction that it would have been used by many before the current users. To generate an
armour’s history, the following tables have been provided with descriptions and effects.

Roll Armour History Genre

1 History of Action
2 Battle Scars
3 Legends of War
4 Skills of the Artificer
5 Honour the Legacy

Roll History of Action

1 Cower Not Before the Enemy: This armour is adorned with several trinkets, inspiring the
squad but ruining any hope of concealment. Effects: Command +10 Modifier, Stealth -20
2 None Shall Escape: Within the targeting systems of this suit is an installed advanced
ballistic system that can predict enemy actions, but fails to react adequately to non-expected
needs. Effects: Ballistic Skill +5 Modifier, Dodge -10 Modifier in melee.
3 Thy Arm be the Scourge: The Machine Spirit of this Power Armour seems to be very
attuned to melee attacks, but is poor at keeping one’s aim steady. Effects: Weapon Skill +5
Modifier, Ballistic Skill -5 Modifier.
4 Death is Joy: The Machine Spirit within this Armour takes joy in spilling the blood of the
enemy, and the wearer appreciates it so. Effects: +1 to Critical Hit effects rolls, +2 to all
Critical Damage rolls.
5 Fury Like Lightning: Over the years of its usage, the joints of this Power Armour have
become so accustomed to lightning fast moves that the Space Marine is able to react faster
and quicker than others. Effects: Agility +5 Modifier, Initiative +1
6 Thy Strength be Legend: This Power Armour has been modified so as to grant the wielder
even great strength than normal. Effects: Strength +10 Modifier
7 Terror be thy Friend: Something about this suit positively exudes sheer radiating terror to
those in its vicinity; not that the Space Marine would complain however. Effects: Intimidate
+10 Modifier.
8 Lead From the Front: The vox on this Power Armour has been amplified to a greater
degree, allowing its user’s voice to boom and inspire allies. Effects: Fellowship +5 Modifier
9 Bring Death From Afar: Obviously made for a Devastator Marine, this suit excels in
handling and firing heavy weaponry. Effects: Eliminate all negative Ballistic Skill modifiers
when using a Heavy weapon.
10 Forget Nothing: The Machine Spirit has a long history, and it bears the hatred of one of its
former users well. Effects: Hatred (Choose one)

Roll Battle Scars

1 Blood of the Enemy: There is a splash of enemy blood on this armour that can never was
off, giving a very terrifying visage in battle. Effects: Gain Fear (1)
2 Scarred Pauldron: One shoulder of the suit has a massive and unrepairable gash in it,
angering and shaming the wielder at the same time. Effects: Strength +3 Modifier,
Willpower -5 Modifier.
3 Trophies of Battle: This armour has been decorated with items such as the claws of a
particular foe, making the Machine Spirit energetic in combating that foe. Effects: Ballistic
Skill Modifier +5 against a declared enemy faction.
4 Blood of a Battle-Brother: Rather horrifically, the blood of a fallen Brother has stained this
suit on the outside, marking its wielder as unreliable in battle despite personal vows to never
let it happen again. Effects: Perception +3 Modifier, Fellowship -5 Modifier.
5 Blood of the Previous: The previous owner of the Power Armour died whilst inside this suit,
so this user is reminded always by the stains within of the ultimate sacrifice if one does not
keep moving onwards. Effects: Pinning Tests +10 Modifier.
6 Embedded Shell: A long time ago, a shell struck this armour and has created a weakness
somewhere with its positioning, but it is a sign that this suit can withstand such hits easily.
Effects: -1 AP to a random location of the Armour, Willpower +2 Modifier.
7 Battered by War: There is much dirt and dents that mar the surface of this armour, giving it
a very ruddy look. Effects: Intimidate +10 Modifier, Charm -5 Modifier
8 Smashed Vox Bead: The micro-bead within this suit has been smashed due to extensive
combat damage, and short of ripping the suit apart, the Techpriests are unable to repair it.
Effects: No Vox Bead, Awareness +10 Modifier
9 Pristine Condition: A sense of pride in cleanliness is inside the Machine Spirit of this Power
Armour, operating at peak efficiency until something soils it. Effects: +1 AP to all areas if
unwounded/clean, -3 to Initiative if wounded/dirtied.
10 Rusty Joints: A collection of blood and gore have built up in the joints of the suit and have
condensed into a thick layer of rust. Effects: Toughness +3 Modifier, Agility -5 Modifier.

Roll Legends of War

1 Warp Taint: This Power Armour has been fully exposed to the Warp in some past incident,
and much of it is still residing within. Effects: +10 starting Corruption, Willpower +10
Modifier to Fear tests.
2 A Hero’s Shame: A great captain once used this armour, but they have been disgracefully
shamed and those who use this armour now share in that shame. Effects: Ballistic Skill +5
Modifier, Weapon Skill +5 Modifier, Command Skill -10 Modifier
3 The Emperor’s Finest: The previous owners of this Power Armour have all been honoured
heroes of the Imperium, so this new wielder should strive to join their ranks! Effects:
Fellowship +2 Modifier, Willpower +2 Modifer.
4 Duelling Legends: In the past, this armour has used for many a champion challenge, making
it veteran when it comes to one-on-one fights. Effects: Ballistic Skill +10 Modifier when in
single melee combat
5 Undefeated: With a bit of luck, this particular suit has been never present for a grave defeat,
making the Machine Spirit within confident and reckless. Effects: Willpower +2 Modifier,
Perception -5 Modifier.
6 Last Survivor: The previous owner of this Power Armour had the incredible misfortune of
having his squad wiped out, but the incredible luck of surviving the event. Effects: Begin
every session with a bonus extra Fate point (this is not part of the Fate cap).
7 Legendary Marksman: One of the users of this armour was a sniper of incredible renown,
creating a legacy with this armour that echoes through the generations. Effects: Aim actions
confer a bonus +5 modifier to Ballistic Skill.
8 A Hero’s Spirit: The spirit of a famed hero inhabits this armour, occasionally taking control
and guiding the actions of the wielder. Effects: Once per session, during combat, the
character may gain +5 Weapon Skill and +5 Ballistic Skill until the end of combat, upon
which they suffer 2d10 Insanity points.
9 Preserver of Life: A famed Apothecary once used this armour, and the Machine Spirit
within seems to correlate with that spirit. Effects: Medicae +10 Modifier to being treated on
or treating others.
10 Ancient Origins: Even the oldest of the Chapter are unable to remember anything about this
armour’s history, such is its age. Effects: Interrogation +3 Modifier, Intimidate +3 Modifier

Roll Skill of the Artificer

1 Destroyed and Rebuilt: This armour had once been torn apart by combat, but the Chapter
recovered it and rebuilt it from the shattered pieces. Effects: Toughness +5 Modifier, Charm
-10 Modifier
2 Cannibalized: Pieces of this armour have been lost over time, so Techpriests have been
forced to pull parts off older Power Armour variants to re-complete this set. Effects:
Determine two places randomly on the suit. Then roll on the Armour Marks table (found
later). These places are replaced by those suits.
3 Mark 8 Elements: One part of this Power Armour has been replaced with a part from a
MK8 “Errant” suit. Effects: Randomly determine one location on the armour. It is replaced
with its counterpart from the Mark 8 suit.
4 Mark 7 Elements: One part of this Power Armour has been replaced with a part from a
MK7 “Aquila” suit. Effects: Randomly determine one location on the armour. It is replaced
with its counterpart from the Mark 7 suit.
5 Mark 6 Elements: One part of this Power Armour has been replaced with a part from a
MK6 “Corvus” suit. Effects: Randomly determine one location on the armour. It is replaced
with its counterpart from the Mark 6 suit.
6 Mark 5 Elements: One part of this Power Armour has been replaced with a part from a
MK5“Heresy” suit. Effects: Randomly determine one location on the armour. It is replaced
with its counterpart from the Mark 5 suit.
7 Mark 4 Elements: One part of this Power Armour has been replaced with a part from a
MK4“Maximus” suit. Effects: Randomly determine one location on the armour. It is
replaced with its counterpart from the Mark 4 suit.
8 Mark 3 Elements: One part of this Power Armour has been replaced with a part from a
MK3“Iron” suit. Effects: Randomly determine one location on the armour. It is replaced
with its counterpart from the Mark 3 suit.
9 Mark 2 Elements: One part of this Power Armour has been replaced with a part from a
MK2“Crusade” suit. Effects: Randomly determine one location on the armour. It is replaced
with its counterpart from the Mark 2 suit.
10 Mark 1 Elements: One part of this Power Armour has been replaced with a part from a
MK1“Thunder” suit. Effects: Randomly determine one location on the armour. It is replaced
with its counterpart from the Mark 1 suit.

Roll Honour thy Legacy

1 Scout’s Honour: A previous owner of this Power Armour was a Scout Marine of the highest
calibre, having performed a great deed at immense risk to himself. Effects: Agility +3
Modifier, Toughness -5 Modifier.
2 Captain’s Legacy: This suit once belonged to a famed Captain of the Chapter, imposing on
its user a massive set of expectations. Effects: Command +5 Modifier
3 Storm of Blood: An Assault Marine renown of their bravery had fought in this armour and
died in it, a reminder always to the users of the risks of bravery. Effects: Agility +3 Modifier,
Willpower -5 Modifier.
4 Knee-High in Bodies: Devastator Marines can rack up an impressive kill-count if provided
an excellent firing arc, and at some point during this suit’s life, it has been seeped in
incredible amounts of blood as its user gun downed several bodies at one time. Effects:
Toughness +3 Modifier, Agility -5 Modifier.
5 Mechadendrite Extensions: Several Techmarines have once used this armour before, so
they have installed far more readily connecting ports to interface with their Mechadendrite
limbs. Effects: Add +10 Modifier when using Mechadendrites.
6 Apothecary Tools: An Apothecary Marine has installed on this armour his Narthecium, but
it would appear the tool is jammed firmly into the armour and is now impossible to remove.
Effects: Start out with a Narthecium
7 Librarian Cowl: One of the user of this armour had be a Librarian, and they have installed
on this suit a psychic hood. Effects: Start out with an Astartes Psychic Hood.
8 Hot to the Touch: This armour has only been recently made, and as such, has not been
wielded by anybody to set its legend going. Effects: Toughness +3 Modifier, Fellowship -5
9 Terminator Imitation: For some interesting reason, this armour had been installed with
elements that mimicked that of Terminators, such as a Refractor Field. Effects: This armour
has an inbuilt Common Refractor Field.
10 Reclaimed from Traitors: Whilst hardly ideal, needs assert themselves and this suit of
armour has been taken off the body of Chaos Space Marine and vigorously blessed so as to
remove all taint, but some remains. Effects: Start with +10 Corruption. Toughness +10

Roll Space Marine Power Armour Variants

1 Mk 4 “Maximus”
2 Mk 5 “Heresy”
3 Mk 6 “Corvus”
4 Mk 7 “Aquila”
5 Mk8 “Errant”

Mark 1 Variant “Thunder”

Hailing from the time of the rise of the Emperor, this Power Armour is incredibly ancient and rare
to find in the Imperium. When one is seen wearing this armour, fellow Space Marines have
immediate respect for the individual for wearing such an ancient suit. Effects: Fellowship +20
Modifier with other Space Marines, Command +20 Modifier. Stealth -10 Modifier.

Helmet Armour Value: 6

Chest Armour Value: 8
Arm Armour Value: 6
Leg Armour Value: 4
Strength Bonus: 15
Special Equipment Rules:
No Auto Senses
No Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer
No Pain Suppressants

Mark 2 Variant “Crusader”

This is the standard Power Armour for all Space Marines when the Emperor began his Great
Crusade to reunite humanity following the Age of Strife. Space Marines are often reminded of the
greatest Crusade known to man at the sight of one of their brothers wearing this armour. Effects:
Fellowship +20 Modifier with other Space Marines, Willpower +10 Modifier. Stealth -10 Modifier.

Helmet Armour Value: 7

Chest Armour Value: 9
Arm Armour Value: 7
Leg Armour Value: 7
Strength Bonus: 25
Specialist Equipment Rules:
Auto Senses (Awareness +5)
Pain Suppressants: 6
Mark 3 Variant “Iron”
Developed about halfway through the Great Crusade, this Power Armour is a thicker and heavily
armoured in the front. However, they have severe weaknesses in the back, and as such, one should
try to avoid placing their back to the enemy. Effects: Fellowship +10 Modifier with other Space
Marines, Stealth -20 Modifier.

Helmet Armour Value: 9

Chest Armour Value: 10
Arm Armour Value: 9
Leg Armour Value: 9
Strength Bonus: 25
Specialist Equipment Rules:
Auto Senses (Awareness +5)
Pain Suppressants: 8
When being attacked from the back, the armour for all areas is only

Mark 4 Variant “Maximus”

Near the end of the Great Crusade, this armour variant was deployed for Space Marines. It boosts a
far more flexible joint system than older models whilst keeping the user inside protected from
hostile environments. Effects: Fellowship +10 Modifier with other Space Marines

Helmet Armour Value: 7

Chest Armour Value: 9
Arm Armour Value: 7
Leg Armour Value: 7
Strength Bonus: 20
Specialist Equipment Rules:
Auto Senses (Awareness +10)
Pain Suppressants: 6

Mark 5 Variant “Heresy”

Near the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, all Space Marine legions were given this variant of Power
Armour as a collective standard. Made with a combination of both older designs and a
foreshadowing of future variant designs, this armour was incredibly durable and is often still used
by Chaos Space Marines. Effects: Fellowship +10 Modifier with other Space Marines. Fellowship
-10 Modifier with organizations such as the Inquisition.
Helmet Armour Value: 8
Chest Armour Value: 9
Arm Armour Value: 8
Leg Armour Value: 8
Strength Bonus: 20
Specialist Equipment Rules:
Auto Senses (Awareness +5)
Pain Suppressants: 6

Mark 6 Variant “Corvus”

A light version of Power Armour that was used by Assault Marines in the midst of the Horus
Heresy. It was so light that it actually allowed its users an incredible degree of flexibility not seen
since. Effects: Agility +10 Modifier.

Helmet Armour Value: 8

Chest Armour Value: 9
Arm Armour Value: 8
Leg Armour Value: 8
Strength Bonus: 20
Specialist Equipment Rules:
Auto Senses (Awareness +15)
Pain Suppressants: 6

Mark 7 Variant “Aquila”

This variation of Space Marine Power Armour is the standard set post-Horus Heresy times. It
combines an ideal combination of speed and protection to fulfil any role demanded by its users.
This is the starter Power Armour for all Space Marines except Scout Marines.
Helmet Armour Value: 8
Chest Armour Value: 10
Arm Armour Value: 8
Leg Armour Value: 8
Strength Bonus: 20
Specialist Equipment Rules:
Auto Senses (Awareness +10)
Pain Suppressants: 6

Mark 8 “Errant”
Technology underwent a massive period of stagnation following the Horus Heresy, as many designs
and STCs were forever lost in the wars fought. This armour is the sole modification that has been
crafted for Space Marines since, and is usually worn only by Veteran Sergeants and those of higher
rank. Effects: Command +10 Modifier.

Helmet Armour Value: 8

Chest Armour Value: 11
Arm Armour Value: 8
Leg Armour Value: 8
Strength Bonus: 20
Specialist Equipment Rules:
Auto Senses (Awareness +10)
Pain Suppressants: 6
If the hit lands on the head, roll 1d10. On a result of 8
and above, the hit is redirected to the body instead.
Standard Space Marine Power Armour Features
Built within the Power Armour are several features that further enhance the capabilities of a Space
Marine to beyond human. Many of these are automatic and are handled by the Machine Spirit of the
suit, so a Space Marine need only focus on the combat in front of him. The following lists the
various features of a standard-issued Astartes Power Armour Suit.

Enhanced Strength: The Armour is able to further augment a Space Marine’s strength, depending
on what variant the arms are of.
Auto Senses: While wearing the helmet, a Space Marine gains the Dark Sight trait and gets a bonus
to his awareness based on the variant. Additionally, he gains a bonus +10 to all Hearing and Sight
Vox Link: A micro-bead is installed within the suit’s collars so as to enable constant squad
Magnetized Boot Soles: The Power Armour is installed with soles that, when activates, can turn
into Magboots.
Recoil Suppression: Power Armour is installed with the equivalent of Recoil Gloves, so the
wielder can use basic weapons one-handed without penalty.
Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer: The suit is perfectly air tight and sealed, providing an enclosed
environment. However, this can be ruptured if the Space Marine has taken more wound damage
than his Armour value, in which case Repair Cement must be applied.
Poor Manual Dexterity: The giant gloves of the Power Armour make it difficult to perform
anything remotely delicate, meaning that non-Astartes weapons will suffer a -10 Modifier when
Nutrient Cycling: Built within the Power Armour is a system that takes human waste and
reconverts it into nutrients, keeping the body effectively self-sufficient for 2 weeks. Longer than
that however, and a Toughness test must be made weekly. Failure will grant the user one level of
Giant Among Men: If the user has the Space Marine Black Carapace, then they are able to
interface perfectly with the Power Armour, granting them the trait Giant Among Men. Enemies do
not gain any bonus to the Hulking rating of the Space Marine and the Space Marine also increases
his base movement by 1. However, it still quite makes a racket when trying to sneak!
Bio-Monitor: There is an automated biological monitor installed within the suit that handles the
various aspects of bodily needs and wants. This gives a +10 Modifier to Toxic tests and limits the
Stun duration of the user to a single turn.
Injectors: Astartes Power Armour is outfitted with a number of injectors filled with a pain-
suppressant, allowing them to take critical hits but keep fighting in combat. One dose of this
suppressant grants the user the ability to ignore pain and critical effects for 1d10 turns, though they
will still lose limbs as normal.

Scout Space Marine Armour Features

Space Marine Scouts do not wear the same heavy standard Power Armour as their normal Brothers
would, as it generates far too much noise for them. Instead, they wear a modified suit of Armour
that, while offering less protection than normal, is incredibly light and makes no noise. It should be
noted that there are several systems missing from this in comparison to normal Space Marine
Armour, and that it has a different Armour rating altogether.

Body Glove: The entire body is encased in a tough suit that gives the user +10 to resisting toxic and
radiation in the environment.
Anointment of Obfuscation: The entire armour is covered in a special coating that makes it hard
to detect by enemy equipment. There is a penalty of -20 to trying to detect it with Tech-Use or
Scout’s Vox: A long range vox unit has been installed that allows the Scout to communicate further
away from each other. It has a rough range of 35km.
Interlocutor Beacon: An IFF system is installed inside the suit so as to identify friendly Scouts.
This is also a homing beacon, which aids if the Scout is acting as a forward vanguard.
Auto-Injector Cuff: A combination of a Bio-Monitor and an Injector, this functions virtually the
same way as in a standard Power Armour but can only hold two (2) pain-suppressant doses.

Helmet Armour Value: 0

Chest Armour Value: 7
Arm Armour Value: 7
Leg Armour Value: 5

Additional Astartes Wargear and Drugs

The Adeptus Astartes must remain a flexible force in the Imperium, and to that end, they must have
a wide selection of tools to do so. Majority of them are already listed in Dark Heresy 2nd Edition,
including weapon upgrades and attachments, but the ones listed here are of Space Marine exclusive
use. Remember, this gear can only be found in areas with Space Marine gear production!

Additional Equipment Rarity

Astartes Jump Pack Scarce
Astartes Narthecium Scarce
Astartes Psychic Hood Very Rare

Astartes Jump Pack: With an Operate (Aeronautica) test, the user is able to take flight. They
double their movement for a single round as they leap through the air. Note that they must land by
the end of their turn. They can alternatively gain the Flyer (12) trait for a minute before being
forced to land.

Astartes Narthecium: The signature sign of an Apothecary, this item bears a collection of useful
tools that gives the user a Medicae +20 Modifier when operating on Space Marines. It can also hold
10 doses of a single drug and can refill Injector systems with a +20 Medicae test.

Astartes Psychic Hood: A favoured item by Librarians, this Psychic Hood which attaches to their
armour is a powerful tool for psykers. It grants all their powers a +5 Modifier to Focus Power and
allows the user to negate enemy powers from occurring with a Focus Power Test -10 (Reaction).
Alternatively, they can negate the effects of the enemy power only on themselves at a Focus Power
Test +0 (Reaction).

Additional Drugs Rarity

Repair Cement Common
Pain Suppressant Common
Resuscitex Common

Repair Cement: This item is a collection of various hardening compounds that will seal up a Space
Marine’s Power Armour. It takes a single turn to use.

Pain Suppressant: A vital drug for Space Marines, it suppresses pain and critical effects for 1d10

Resuscitex: When applied to an unconscious target, it wakes them up. It has no effect on targets
who are unconscious with their Fatigue higher than their TB.

Additional Tools Rarity

Codex Astartes Common
Reductor Scarce
Teleport Homer Scarce

Codex Astartes: This book written by Ultramarine Primarch Roboute Guilliman is the heart of
almost all Space Marine Chapters, as it specifies everything from Chapter organization to squad

Reductor: This tool is to be attached to a Narthecium and makes it easier to remove a Space
Marine’s geneseed by reducing the action to a single turn.

Teleport Homer: Installed or handheld, this item is used for Teleportariums or similar technologies
to lock onto a position and teleport the surrounding area away.
Chapter 7: Insanity and Corruption for a Space Marine
Space Marine Corruption
Space Marine biology is built to resist the taint of the Warp hardily, but never forever. Due to this
nature, they will never generate mutations or malignancies as they acquire corruption. At 100
corruption, the Space Marine is considered damned and the appropriate actions should be taken.

Space Marine Insanity

Majority of Space Marine minds have been conditioned to thrive in the madness of war, seeing and
accepting much in the world. They still will learn to staunch their deepest fears and accept the
ultimate sacrifice they are committing in time, but it is to remember that Space Marines are human
at heart. They will gain Insanity Point as usual but instead of gaining mental disorders, they gain a
level in Primarch’s Curse which is dependent from Chapter to Chapter. This process is
automatically granted and cannot be denied, one’s Primarch is forever in the geneseed of a Space
Marine. Note that these levels stack in effects.

Level 1: Insanity 40
Level 2: Insanity 60
Level 3: Insanity 80

The Pride of Ultramar (Ultramarine Primarch’s Curse)

Ultramarines have always prided themselves on being considered the ideal Space Marine in the
Imperium beginning with their Primarch Roboute Guilliman. The longer they serve, the more they
become engrossed with this pride to the point where they are overwhelmed by it.
Level 1 (The Emperor’s Finest): The character will reckless volunteer the entire team to the most
dangerous of tasks, as it is only natural the Ultramarines should triumph. Perception -10 Modifier.
Level 2 (Sons of the Codex): This character believes that the Codex Astartes is superior to all other
tactics and refuse any deviation from it, especially from non-Codex Compliant Chapters.
Intelligence -10 Modifier.
Level 3 (Leaders not Followers): This character will demand to be a squad leader regardless of the
situation, for he is an Ultramarine! If this character is not the designated Squad Leader, then he
suffers a -50 Fellowship penalty.

Black Rage (Blood Angels Primarch’s Curse)

When the Primarch Sanguinius died at the hands of his brother Horus, all Blood Angels felt a rage
break free of their restraints and went into a frenzy like no other. This disorder has passed down
genetically through the geneseed, and an indistinguishable red haze begins to affect the Space
Marine’s every thought.
Level 1 (Bloodlust): This character will never suffer a foe left alive, and will always attempt to kill
something in every fight unless he passes a Willpower test. Willpower -10 Modifier.
Level 2 (Close Quarters Killing): This character no longer favours ranged combat and will leap
into melee at every chance he can get, frothing and baying for blood. Ballistic Skill -40 Modifier.
Level 3 (Uncontrollable Thirst): A literal thirst for blood consumes this character after every
combat, and he must drink it if possible after every combat. He may make a Willpower -20 Test to
endure this, or suffer five (5) levels of fatigue if he is unable to feed.

Death Before Dishonour (Imperial Fists Primarch’s Curse)

Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, always believed that nothing was flawless and that he
was more flawed than the rest when the Emperor was struck down. This shame of failure has
carried through the geneseed of the Imperial Fists.
Level 1 (Suffer Not Failure): If this character is the Designated Squad Leader, he shall make
unreasonable demands of his subordinates and sees any refuse as insubordination. Fellowship -10
Level 2 (Beware Hubris): This character spends almost every single free thought criticizing his
own actions and constantly vows to do better. Willpower -20 Modifier.
Level 3 (None are Flawless): This character reviews and checks everything obsessively, seeing
faults everywhere and not willing to compromise anything unless there is blood to be spilt.
Fellowship -10 Modifier, Willpower -10 Modifier.

The Secret (Dark Angels Primarch’s Curse)

Lion El’Johnson was a mysterious Primarch, and told little to his sons before he was supposedly
betrayed. Dark Angels are beset with his memories and secrets as they serve, understanding more
about the dark shame the Chapter has.
Level 1 (Dark Dreams): This character is constantly beset by horrid nightmares, perhaps even
memories of the Lion. He must pass a Toughness +0 test beginning every session or suffer one (1)
level of fatigue immediately.
Level 2 (Scorn of Outsiders): This character becomes withdrawn and critical of others who is not
of his Chapter, refusing to even consider becoming the Squad Leader if they are not all the same
Level 3 (Deep Suspicions): This character has lost all trust in outsiders of his Chapter, assuming
that they cannot be trusted at all. Willpower -40 Modifier.

Curse of the Wulfen (Space Wolves Primarch’s Curse)

Raised by literal wolves, Leman Russ was boisterous and antagonistic to those who dared challenge
him in combat. Following in this tradition, Space Wolves will never back down from a fight when
the first battle-cry is shouted.
Level 1 (Shadow of the Wolf): This character embraces ancient wolf-like habits that puzzle and
scare those who are not aware of the traditions of the Space Wolves. Fellowship -20 Modifier.
Level 2 (Prey’s Scent): This character’s senses have been unnaturally sharpened to a dangerous
level as even the slightest scent of his foe’s blood will trigger ancient and unknown instincts. If he
passes a Perception +20 Modifier test after taking a wound off an enemy, he is Stunned for 1d5
Level 3 (Fight or Flight): This character is proud of his warrior tradition and will never back down
from a fight! If he is to flee, he must pass a Willpower Test. If he passes, he suffers 1d10 levels of
Fatigue as shame courses through him.

Steel Over Flesh (Iron Hands Primarch’s Curse)

Iron Hand’s Primarch Ferrus Manus had hands made of iron, and was obsessed with the concepts of
machines. His geneseed sons suffer the same compulsion, always pushing to replace what they
perceive to be the weak flesh with the strong metal.
Level 1 (A Disdain for Flesh): This character is engulfed in a hatred of his own flesh, purposely
and openly mocking it at every chance. Unless he has at least five cybernetics, he suffers a
Fellowship -30 Modifier.
Level 2 (Cold Fury): This character has no tolerance whatsoever for what he considers to be
“weak” compared to him. He must pass a Willpower test whenever this happens, and should he fail
by three DOF, then he will attempt to destroy the weakness.
Level 3 (Zero Tolerance): This character’s hatred of weakness has begun to encompass his entire
team, as he sees weakness everywhere that must be replaced by machine. If he is the squad leader,
Willpower -30 Modifier.

Lure of the Shadows (Raven Guard Primarch’s Curse)

Corvus Corax, Primarch of the Raven Guard, suffered from a very independent and aloof nature. As
a Raven Guard Space Marine serves, he too begins to develop an aloof attitude towards others.
Level 1 (Bird’s Eye): This character becomes disdainful of frontal attacks and will refuse any order
as such to the point of insubordination. Fellowship -20 Modifier.
Level 2 (On a Branch): This character becomes severely aloof and says or talks very little with
anybody else. Fellowship -20 Modifier.
Level 3 (Flying Alone): This character does not follow squad tactics any more and works alone. If
the Squad Leader is not of the same Chapter, he is unaffected by the Squad Leader’s ability.
Fellowship -20 Modifier.

Chogorian Savagery (White Scars Primarch’s Curse)

The homeworld of Jaghatai Khan was a savage and brutal warrior culture, with barbaric acts that
continued into his adulthood. All White Scars share this savage attitude within them and are
constantly trying to hold it back, but time chips away at these restraints.
Level 1 (A Moment Unrestrained): This character is consumed by the need to kill everything and
hunt it down to the ends of the galaxy. Upon charging an enemy, he must pass a Willpower +0 test
or be engulfed in a reckless fury where he will continue to charge the enemy until they or he is
Level 2 (Suppressed Rage): This character’s attitude has begun slipping back into his original
warrior culture, making harsh remarks constantly with a hint of edge behind them. Fellowship -30
Level 3 (Uncontrolled Battle-lust): This character is unable to contain himself and looks for every
opportunity to express his rage, such as killing enemies of the Emperor wherever they may be.
Willpower -40 Modifier.

Unyielding (Salamanders Primarch’s Curse)

The Primarch Vulkan was notoriously stubborn when his mind was set, be it on rescuing civilians or
killing his foes. This attitudes has been inherited through his geneseed, with Salamanders sharing in
the same unmoving will.
Level 1 (Unrelenting): This character’s mind is one-track and when it is made up, it cannot be
changed. He must make a Willpower +10 Test to even consider an alternative. Perception -20
Level 2 (Intransigent): This character is stubborn to a fault and refuses to even consider another’s
viewpoint, making it hard for anybody to cooperate. Fellowship -30 Modifier.
Level 3 (Obstinate): This character no longer will ever change his mind, such is the extent of his
unmoving will. If he is the squad leader, all other characters do have their abilities surpressed.

Written by: Erik Hastings

Co-Writer: Hawkeye

A special thanks goes to Ordos Discordia for helping me. Shoutout to Messiahcide’s
TMA series for inspiring me to write this, as well as Bacon’s AoS series. Thank you
for reading!

This is a fan work and is not meant to be sold for profit. All copyrights wherever
mentioned are the property of Games Workshop and FFG. I do not own Warhammer
40K nor own a license to write and publish it officially.
Patch Notes:
Version 1.0: - Initial Release!
Version 1.0.1: - Changed the wording on some stuff to make it clearer. - Fixed a few typos
Version 1.1.0: - Buffed role abilities a bit. - Clarified that Sniper Rifle is the Stalker Bolter. -
Massively nerfed starting xp.
Version 1.1.1: - Increase overall starting wound counts.
Version 1.2.0: - Reworked a lot of stuff thanks to community contributions, particularly Magos of
the Mind!

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