Amular Crafting Combinations

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This spreadsheet began as a joint effort between two people to create a reference for Amular players interested in crafting. It was opened to the public
for editing and reference via the Amalur wiki so that people would be able to document their own findings without having to start from scratch.

Discussion sheet aside, editing is now disabled: it has been some time since the game was released and people have been messing with established data /
formatting in detrimental ways. You may make a copy of this document and edit that for yourself, you may still email me with additions or suggestions. If you would
like to format / modify the public document extensively, let me know and I can grant permission. Since this spreadsheet was created in a publicly accessible domain,
this spreadsheet's data will remain public. Thanks to everyone who helped format and gather game data to make this document more complete for all Amular players'
reference. Enjoy!

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License

Rank Name Effect 1st Ingredient 2nd Ingredient 3rd Ingredient 4th Ingredient Num Ingr Type
Master Fate Potion A potion to instantly fill you with Fate energy Essence of Fate (4) 1
Master Master Precision Increases the chance that you will perform critical strikes by 30% Scarab Salts (3) Essence of Fate (1) 2
Master Master Serpent's Venom Increases the damage you do with poison-based attacks Cripplespore Caps (3) Essence of Fate (1) 2
Master Master Slashing Fury Increases the damage you do with bleeding-based attacks Scarlet Flowstone (3) Essence of Fate (1) 2
Novice Minor Alchemist's Art Temporarily increases your alchemy skill by 1 Embereyes (1) Sky Blossom (1) 2
Novice Minor Assassin's Evasion Temporarily increases your stealth skill by 1 Cripplespore Caps (1) Sky Blossom (1) 2
Novice Minor Blacksmith's Craft Temporarily increases your blacksmith skill by 1 Tindertwig (1) Sky Blossom (1) 2
Novice Minor Blazing Salve Increases the damage you do with fire-based attacks Tindertwig (2) Scarwood Bark (1) 2
Minor Bleeding
Novice Decreases bleeding damage received by 25% Scarlet Flowstone (2) Ysas Breath (1)
Resistance 2
Novice Minor Burning Sentinel Temporarily gives a 50% chance to Scorch enemies when attacked Tindertwig (2) Edelweiss (1) 2
Novice Minor Current Stopper Decreases lightning damage received by 25% Eel Petal (2) Ysas Breath (1) 2
Novice Minor Dispelling Boost Temporarily increases your dispelling skill by 1 Star Thistle (1) Sky Blossom (1) 2
Novice Minor Experience Booster Increases the XP you receive per kill by 10% Prismere Dust (2) Leechwood Bark (1) 2
Novice Minor Flameguard Decreases fire damage received by 25% Tindertwig (1) Ysas Breath (1) 2
Novice Minor Flesh Eater Increase the damage you do with health absorption attacks Leechwood Bark (2) Black Cohosh (2) 2
Novice Minor Force Potion Increase physical damage Scarwood Bark (2) Sativa Fibers (2) 2
Novice Minor Freezing Sentinel Temporarily gives a 50% chance to Freeze enemies when attacked White Flake (2) Edelweiss (1) 2
Novice Minor Frostbite Increase the damage you do with ice-based attacks White Flake (2) Scarwood Bark (1) 2
Novice Minor Frostguard Decreases ice damage received by 25% White Flake (2) Ysas Breath (1) 2
Novice Minor Hardened Shell Increases your physical-based resistance by 25% Sativa Fibers (2) Ysas Breath (2) 2
Novice Minor Health Regen A potion to restore lost health. Black Cohosh (2) Embereyes (1) 2
Novice Minor Health Regen A potion of rapid Health Regeneration. Black Cohosh (2) Scarlet Flowstone (1) 2
Novice Minor Jeweled Shilelagh Temporarily increases your sagecraft skill by 1 White Flake (1) Sky Blossom (1) 2
Novice Minor Lightning Sentinel Temporarily gives a 50% chance to Shock enemies when attacked Eel Petal (2) Edelweiss (1) 2
Novice Minor Lightning Storm Increase the damage you do with lightning-based attacks Eel Petal (2) Scarwood Bark (1) 2
Novice Minor Magebane Decreases all magic damage received by 25% Star Thistle (2) Ysas Breath (2) 2
Novice Minor Magic Amplification Increase magic damage Star Thistle (2) Scarwood Bark (2) 2
Novice Minor Magic Precision Increases the chance that you will perform critical strikes with magic by 10% Scarab Salts (2) Star Thistle (1) 2
Novice Minor Mana Potion Restores a small amount of your mana Softscrabble Powder (2) Embereyes (1) 2
Novice Minor Mana Regen Increases your mana regeneration rate by a small amount Softscrabble Powder (2) Scarlet Flowstone (1) 2
Novice Minor Mana Sap Increase the damage you do with mana absorption attacks Softscrabble Powder (2) Leechwood Bark (2) 2
Minor Merchant's
Novice Temporarily increases your mercantile skill by 1 Sativa Fibers (1) Sky Blossom (1)
Command 2
Novice Minor Piercing Serum Increase the damage you do with piercing-based attacks Scarwood Bark (2) Ysa's Breath (1) 2
Novice Minor Precision Increases the chance that you will perform critical strikes by 10% Scarab Salts (2) Sativa Fibers (1) 2
Novice Minor Serpent's Venom Increase the damage you do with poison-based attacks Cripplespore Caps (2) Scarwood Bark (1) 2
Novice Minor Slashing Fury Increase the damage you do with bleeding-based attacks Scarlet Flowstone (2) Scarwood Bark (1) 2
Rank Name Effect 1st Ingredient 2nd Ingredient 3rd Ingredient 4th Ingredient Num Ingr Type
Novice Minor Social Grace Temporarily increases your persuasion skill by 1 Leechwood Bark (1) Sky Blossom (1) 2
Minor Sorcerer's
Novice Increases your total mana pool for a limited time by a small amount Star Thistle (2) Softscrabble Powder (2)
Intelligence 2
Novice Minor Steeled Curtain Increase your total armor by 25% Seaflax (2) Ysas Breath (1) 2
Novice Minor Thief's Cunning Temporarily increases your lockpicking skill by 1 Eel Petal (1) Sky Blossom (1) 2
Novice Minor Tracker's Draught Temporarily increases your detect hidden skill by 1 Scarab Salts (1) Sky Blossom (1) 2
Novice Minor Venomguard Decreases poison damage received by 25% Cripplespore Caps (2) Ysas Breath (1) 2
Novice Minor Warrior's Strength Increase your total health for a limited time by a small amount Black Cohosh (2) Sativa Fibers (2) 2
Novice Purification Potion Cures any diseases and grants immunity to all diseases for a short duration Embereyes (2) Ysas Breath (2) 2
Journeyman Greater Alchemist's Art Temporarily increases your alchemy skill by 2 Embereyes (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Greater Assassin's
Journeyman Temporarily increases your stealth skill by 2 Cripplespore Caps (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1)
Evasion 3
Journeyman Greater Blacksmith's Craft Temporarily increases your blacksmith skill by 2 Tindertwig (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Blazing Salve Increases the damage you do with fire-based attacks Tindertwig (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Greater Bleeding
Journeyman Decreases bleeding damage received by 50% Scarlet Flowstone (2) Ysas Breath (2) Seaflax (1)
Resistance 3
Journeyman Greater Burning Sentinel Temporarily gives a 60% chance to Burn enemies when attacked Tindertwig (3) Edelweiss (2) Seaflax (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Current Stopper Decreases lightning damage received by 50% Eel Petal (2) Ysas Breath (2) Seaflax (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Dispelling Boost Temporarily increases your dispelling skill by 2 Star Thistle (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Greater Experience
Journeyman Increases the XP you receive per kill by 15% Prismere Dust (3) Leechwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (1)
Booster 3
Journeyman Greater Flameguard Decreases fire damage received by 50% Tindertwig (2) Ysas Breath (2) Seaflax (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Flesh Eater Increases the damage you do with health absorption attacks Black Cohosh (3) Leechwood Bark (3) Scarwood Bark (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Force Potion Increases physical damage Sativa Fibers (3) Scarwood Bark (3) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Freezing Sentinel Temporarily gives a 60% chance to Freeze enemies when attacked White Flake (3) Edelweiss (2) Seaflax (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Frostbite Increases the damage you do with ice-based attacks White Flake (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Frostguard Decreases ice damage received by 50% White Flake (2) Ysas Breath (2) Seaflax (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Hardened Shell Increases your physical-based resistance by 50% Sativa Fibers (3) Ysas Breath (3) Seaflax (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Healing Potion Restores a moderate amount of your health Black Cohosh (3) Embereyes (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Health Regen Increases your health regeneration rate by a moderate amount Black Cohosh (3) Scarlet Flowstone (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Jeweled Shilelagh Temporarily increases your sagecraft skill by 2 White Flake (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Lightning Sentinel Temporarily gives a 60% chance to Shock enemies when attacked Eel Petal (3) Edelweiss (2) Seaflax (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Lightning Storm Increases the damage you do with lightning-based attacks Eel Petal (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Magebane Decreases all magic damage received by 50% Star Thistle (3) Ysa's Breath (3) Seaflax (1) 3
Greater Magic
Journeyman Increases magic damage Star Thistle (3) Scarwood Bark (3) Bloodroot (1)
Amplification 3
Journeyman Greater Magic Precision Increases the chance that you will perform critical strikes with magic by 15% Scarab Salts (3) Star Thistle (2) Scarwood Bark (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Mana Potion Restores a moderate amount of your mana Softscrabble Powder (3) Embereyes (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Mana Regen Increases your mana regeneration rate by a moderate amount Softscrabble Powder (3) Scarlet Flowstone (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Mana Sap Increases the damage you do with mana absorption attacks Softscrabble Powder (3) Leechwood Bark (3) Scarwood Bark (1) 3
Rank Name Effect 1st Ingredient 2nd Ingredient 3rd Ingredient 4th Ingredient Num Ingr Type
Greater Merchant's
Journeyman Temporarily increases your mercantile skill by 2 Sativa Fibers (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1)
Command 3
Journeyman Greater Piercing Serum Increases piercing damage Scarwood Bark (3) Scarlet Flowstone (3) Sativa Fibers (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Precision Increases the chance that you will perform critical strikes by 15% Scarab Salts (3) Sativa Fibers (2) Scarwood Bark (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Serpent's Venom Increases the damage you do with poison-based attacks Cripplespore Caps (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Slashing Fury Increases the damage you do with bleeding-based attacks Scarlet Flowstone (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Social Grace Temporarily increases your persuasion skill by 2 Leechwood Bark (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Greater Sorcerer's
Journeyman Increases your total mana pool for a limited time by a moderate amount Softscrabble Powder (3) Star Thistle (3) Bloodroot (1)
Intelligence 3
Journeyman Greater Steeled Curtain Increases your total armor by 50% Seaflax (2) Ysa's Breath (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Thief's Cunning Temporarily increases your lockpicking skill by 2 Eel Petal (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Tracker's Draught Temporarily increases your detect hidden skill by 2 Scarab Salts (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Venomguard Decreases poison damage received by 50% Cripplespore Caps (2) Ysa's Breath (2) Seaflax (1) 3
Journeyman Greater Warrior's Strength Increases your total health for a limited time by a moderate amount Black Cohosh (3) Sativa Fibers (3) Bloodroot (1) 3
Journeyman Liquid Seduction A potion to increase your persuasive skills with the opposite sex Scarwood Bark (1) Tindertwig (1) Sky Blossom (1) 3
Journeyman Minor Damage Boost Increases the damage of all your attacks Sativa Fibers (3) Star Thistle (3) Scarwood Bark (2) 3
Journeyman Minor Damage Deflection Decreases all damage received by 25% Sativa Fibers (2) Star Thistle (2) Ysas Breath (1) 3
Journeyman Minor Phasewalk Renders the user invisible for a duration Star Thistle (2) Cripplespore Caps (1) Sky Blossom (2) 3
Master Greater Damage Boost Increases the damage of all your attacks Sativa Fibers (4) Star Thistle (4) Scarwood Bark (3) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Greater Damage
Master Decreases all damage received by 50% Sativa Fibers (3) Star Thistle (3) Ysas Breath (2) Essence of Fate (1)
Deflection 4
Master Greater Phasewalk Renders the user invisible for a duration Star Thistle (2) Cripplespore Caps (1) Sky Blossom (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Alchemist's Art Temporarily increases your alchemy skill by 3 Embereyes (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Assassin's
Master Temporarily increases your stealth skill by 3 Cripplespore Caps (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1)
Evasion 4
Master Master Blacksmith's Craft Temporarily increases your blacksmith skill by 3 Tindertwig (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Blazing Salve Increases the damage you do with fire-based attacks Tindertwig (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Bleeding
Master Decreases bleeding damage received by 75% Scarlet Flowstone (2) Ysa's Breath (2) Seaflax (1) Essence of Fate (1)
Resistance 4
Master Master Burning Sentinel Temporarily gives a 75% chance to Burn enemies when attacked Tindertwig (3) Edelweiss (2) Seaflax (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Current Stopper Decreases lightning damage received by 75% Eel Petal (2) Ysa's Breath (2) Seaflax (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Dispelling Boost Temporarily increases your dispelling skill by 3 Star Thistle (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Experience
Master Increases the XP you receive per kill by 20% Prismere Dust (3) Leechwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1)
Booster 4
Master Master Flameguard Decreases fire damage received by 75% Tindertwig (2) Ysa's Breath (2) Seaflax (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Flesh Eater Increases the damage you do with health absorption attacks Black Cohosh (3) Leechwood Bark (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Force Potion Increases physical damage Sativa Fibers (3) Scarwood Bark (3) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Freezing Sentinel Temporarily gives a 75% chance to Freeze enemies when attacked White Flake (3) Edelweiss (2) Seaflax (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Frostbite Increases the damage you do with ice-based attacks White Flake (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Frostguard Decreases ice damage received by 75% White Flake (2) Ysa's Breath (2) Seaflax (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Hardened Shell Increases your physical-based resistance by 75% Sativa Fibers (3) Ysa's Breath (3) Seaflax (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Rank Name Effect 1st Ingredient 2nd Ingredient 3rd Ingredient 4th Ingredient Num Ingr Type
Master Master Healing Potion Restores a large amount of your health Black Cohosh (3) Embereyes (2) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Health Regen Increases your health regeneration rate by a large amount Black Cohsoh (3) Scarlet Flowstone (2) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Jeweled Shilelagh Temporarily increases your sagecraft skill by 3 White Flake (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Lightning Sentinel Temporarily gives a 75% chance to Shock enemies when attacked Eel Petal (3) Edelweiss (2) Seaflax (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Lightning Storm Increases the damage you do with lightning-based attacks Eel Petal (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Star Thistle (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Magebane Decreases all magic damage received by 75% Star Thistle (3) Ysa's Breath (3) Embereyes (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Magic Scarlet Flowstone
Master Increases magic damage Star Thistle (3) Scarwood Bark (3) Essence of Fate (1)
Amplification (2) 4
Master Master Magic Precision Increases the chance that you will perform critical strikes with magic by 30% Scarab Salts (3) Star Thistle (2) Scarwood Bark (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Mana Potion Restores a large amount of your mana Softscrabble Powder (3) Embereyes (2) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Mana Regen Increases your mana regeneration rate by a large amount Softscrabble Powder (3) Leechwood Bark (3) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Mana Sap Increases the damage you do with mana absorption attacks Softscrabble Powder (3) Leechwood Bark (3) Scarwood Bark (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Merchant's
Master Temporarily increases your mercantile skill by 3 Sativa Fibers (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1)
Command 4
Master Master Piercing Serum Increases piercing damage Scarwood Bark (3) Scarlet Flowstone (3) Sativa Fibers (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Social Grace Temporarily increases your persuasion skill by 3 Leechwood Bark (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Sorcerer's
Master Increases your total mana pool for a limited time by a large amount Softscrabble Powder (3) Star Thistle (3) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1)
Intelligence 4
Master Master Steeled Curtain Increases your total armor by 75% Seaflax (2) Ysa's Breath (2) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Thief's Cunning Temporarily increases your lockpicking skill by 3 Eel Petal (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Tracker's Draught Temporarily increases your detect hidden skill by 3 Scarab Salts (2) Sky Blossom (2) Bloodroot (2) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Venomguard Decreases poison damage received by 75% Cripplespore Caps (2) Ysa's Breath (2) Seaflax (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Master Master Warrior's Strength Increases your total health for a limited time by a large amount Black Cohosh (3) Sativa Fibers (3) Bloodroot (1) Essence of Fate (1) 4
Quality Type First Shard Second Shard Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect Type
Pristine Armor Fire Lightning +9% Elemental Resistance Resist Color Type
Pristine Armor Fire Protection +20% Fire Resistance Resist Pink Magic
Pristine Armor Fire Fire +16% Fire Resistance Resist Purple Protection
Pristine Armor Fire Magic +16% Fire Resistance Resist Cyan Ice
Pristine Armor Fire Physical +16% Fire Resistance Resist Green Poison
Pristine Armor Ice Fire +9% Elemental Resistance Resist Red Fire
Pristine Armor Ice Lightning +9% Elemental Resistance Resist Orange Physical
Pristine Armor Ice Protection +20% Ice Resistance Resist Yellow Lightning
Pristine Armor Ice Ice +16% Ice Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Ice Physical +16% Ice Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Ice Magic +16% Ice Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Lightning Lightning +16% Lightning Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Magic Physical +20% Bleeding Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Magic Lightning +16% Lightning Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Magic Magic +12% Elemental Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Magic Protection +12% Elemental Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Physical Lightning +16% Lightning Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Physical Physical +12% Physical Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Poison Physical +35 Armor Armor
Pristine Armor Poison Magic +35 Armor Armor
Pristine Armor Poison Ice +24 Armor Armor
Pristine Armor Poison Fire +24 Armor Armor
Pristine Armor Poison Lightning +24 Armor Armor
Pristine Armor Poison Poison +12% Poison Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Protection Lightning +20% Lightning Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Protection Poison +16% Poison Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Protection Physical +15% Physical Resistance Resist
Pristine Armor Protection Protection +30% Armor Only useful if Core has more than 116 armor Armor

Pristine Epic Magic Ice -20% Mana Cost Mana

Pristine Epic Magic Fire -20% Mana Cost Mana
Pristine Epic Magic Lightning -20% Mana Cost Mana
Pristine Epic Magic Magic +1 to all unlocked Sorcery abilities Abilities
Pristine Epic Magic Poison +1 to all unlocked Finesse abilities Abilities
Pristine Epic Magic Physical +1 to all unlocked Might abilities Abilities
Pristine Epic Magic Protection +1 to the first 4 tiers of all unlocked abilities Abilities
Pristine Epic Physical Physical +15% damage 10% Damage Resistance Damage/Resist
Pristine Epic Ice Physical +20% Gold drops Gold
Pristine Epic Poison Physical +20% Gold drops Gold
Pristine Epic Lightning Physical +20% Gold drops Gold
Pristine Epic Fire Physical +20% Gold drops Gold
Pristine Epic Ice Fire +20% to Fire, Ice and Lightening Damage
Pristine Epic Ice Lightning +20% to Fire, Ice and Lightening Damage
Pristine Epic Fire Lightning +20% to Fire, Ice and Lightening Damage
Pristine Epic Poison Ice +50 HP +50 Mana Health/Mana
Quality Type First Shard Second Shard Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect Type
Pristine Epic Poison Fire +50 HP +50 Mana Health/Mana
Pristine Epic Poison Lightning +50 HP +50 Mana Health/Mana
Pristine Epic Protection Physical +10% EXP Experience
Pristine Epic Protection Protection +60% chance to stun enemies when attacked Reactive
Pristine Epic Fire Fire +75% chance to burn enemies when attacked Reactive
Pristine Epic Ice Ice +75% chance to freeze enemies when attacked Reactive
Pristine Epic Poison Poison +75% chance to poison enemies when attacked Reactive
Pristine Epic Lightning Lightning +75% chance to shock enemies when attacked Reactive
Pristine Epic Protection Ice +8% EXP Experience
Pristine Epic Protection Poison +8% EXP Experience
Pristine Epic Protection Fire +8% EXP Experience
Pristine Epic Protection Lightning +8% EXP Experience

Pristine Utility Ice Physical +1.5 Health regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Physical Lightning +1.5 Health regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Fire Physical +1.5 Health regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Ice Fire +1.5 Mana regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Ice Lightning +1.5 Mana regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Fire Lightning +1.5 Mana regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Protection Ice +17% Health Health
Pristine Utility Protection Poison +17% Health Health
Pristine Utility Protection Fire +17% Health Health
Pristine Utility Protection Lightning +17% Health Health
Pristine Utility Ice Ice +17% Mana Mana
Pristine Utility Poison Poison +17% Mana Mana
Pristine Utility Fire Fire +17% Mana Mana
Pristine Utility Lightning Lightning +17% Mana Mana
Pristine Utility Protection Physical +2 Health Regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Magic Ice +2 Mana Regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Magic Fire +2 Mana Regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Magic Lightning +2 Mana Regen per second Regen
Pristine Utility Magic Poison +20% Damage at night Damage
Pristine Utility Magic Physical +20% Damage during the day Damage
Pristine Utility Ice Poison +20% Damage vs. heavily wounded targets Damage
Pristine Utility Poison Fire +20% Damage vs. lightly wounded targets Damage
Pristine Utility Physical Physical +20% Damage vs. lightly wounded targets Damage
Pristine Utility Protection Protection +20% Health Health
Pristine Utility Magic Magic +20% Mana Mana
Pristine Utility Poison Lightning +20% Stun duration Stun
Pristine Utility Magic Protection +30% Stun duration Stun
Pristine Utility Poison Physical +7% Chance to critical hit Crit

Pristine Weapon Protection Poison +15% Critical Hit Damage with Physical Crit
Pristine Weapon Poison Ice 15% Chance to steal 20 Health per hit Health
Quality Type First Shard Second Shard Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect Type
Pristine Weapon Poison Fire 15% Chance to steal 20 Health per hit Health
Pristine Weapon Poison Lightning 15% Chance to steal 20 Health per hit Health
Pristine Weapon Ice Fire 15% Chance to steal 20 Mana per hit Mana
Pristine Weapon Ice Lightning 15% Chance to steal 20 Mana per hit Mana
Pristine Weapon Fire Lightning 15% Chance to steal 20 Mana per hit Mana
Pristine Weapon Magic Physical 15% Chance to steal 25 Health per hit Health
Pristine Weapon Magic Poison 15% Chance to steal 25 Mana per hit Mana
Pristine Weapon Magic Magic 15% Chance to steal 25 Mana per hit Mana
Pristine Weapon Magic Protection 16 Physical Damage Damage
Pristine Weapon Protection Ice 16 Physical Damage Damage
Pristine Weapon Protection Fire 16 Physical Damage Damage
Pristine Weapon Protection Lightning 16 Physical Damage Damage
Pristine Weapon Fire Fire 17 Fire Damage 10 Burning Damage over 6 seconds Damage/Dot
Pristine Weapon Ice Ice 17 Ice Damage 7 Freezing Damage over 4 seconds Damage/Dot
Pristine Weapon Lightning Lightning 17 Lightning Damage 8 Shocking Damage over 7 seconds Damage/Dot
Pristine Weapon Ice Physical 20 Bleeding Damage over 5 seconds Dot
Pristine Weapon Physical Lightning 20 Bleeding Damage over 5 seconds Dot
Pristine Weapon Fire Physical 20 Bleeding Damage over 5 seconds Dot
Pristine Weapon Protection Physical 20 Piercing Damage Damage
Pristine Weapon Poison Poison 24 Poison Damage over 6 seconds Dot
Pristine Weapon Protection Protection 25 Piercing Damage Damage
Pristine Weapon Magic Fire 30 Fire Damage 20 Burning Damage over 7 seconds Damage/Dot
Pristine Weapon Magic Ice 30 Ice Damage 18 Freezing Damage over 6 seconds Damage/Dot
Pristine Weapon Magic Lightning 30 Lightning Damage 15 Shocking Damage over 10 seconds Damage/Dot
Pristine Weapon Physical Physical 30 Physical Damage Damage
Pristine Weapon Poison Physical 48 Poison Damage over 7 seconds Dot
Component Level 0 10 20 30 40
Hides Leather Boiled Leather Studded Leather Trollhide Dreadscale
Cloth Cotton Linen Silk Hexweave Spiritweave
Metals Iron Steel Azurite Sylvanite Prismere
Wood Birch Elm Oak Ash Ebony
Precious Metals Bronze Copper Silver Gold Platinum

Weapon Components
Item Core Required Optional Gem
Sceptre Dowel Handle Bindings Grip Utility
Staff Rod Shaft Rivets Bindings Utility
Chakrams Disc Handle Bindings Grip Utility
Hammer Plumb Shaft Grip Bindings Weapon / Utility
Longbow Limb Fulcrum Rivets Bindings Weapon / Utility
Faeblades Blades Fulcrum Rivets Grip Weapon / Utility
Longsword Blade Hilt Rivets Grip Weapon / Utility
Greatsword Large Blade Hilt Grip Bindings Weapon / Utility
Daggers Small Blades Hilt Rivets Bindings Weapon / Utility

Mage Armor Components

Item Core Required Optional Gem
Robes Cloth Trim Bindings String Armor / Utility / Epic
Cowl Headdress Lining Rivets Bindings Armor / Utility
Talisman Guard Grip Bindings Trim Utility
Shoes Heel Lining Bindings Rivets Armor / Utility
Handwraps Mitt Grip String Bindings Armor / Utility

Might Armor Components

Item Core Required Optional Gem
Cuirass Chestpiece Lining Rivets String Armor / Utility / Epic
Helm Headdress Rivets Lining Bindings Armor / Utility
Chausses Brace Rivets String Trim Armor / Utility
Shield Guard Grip Rivets Trim Utility
Greaves Heel Lining Rivets Bindings Armor / Utility
Gauntlets Mitt Grip Lining Rivets Armor / Utility

Rogue Armor Components

Item Core Required Optional Gem
Armor Chestpiece Lining Bindings String Armor / Utility / Epic
Cap Headdress Trim Bindings Grip Armor / Utility
Leggings Brace String Bindings Grip Armor / Utility
Buckler Guard Grip Rivets Trim Utility
Boots Heel Trim Rivets String Armor / Utility
Gloves Mitt Grip String Bindings Armor / Utility
Possible Item and Component Qualities

Found in Component Type

Adjective Qualities and Effects Weapon
Bindings Grip Rivets Lining String Trim
Amplified % Crit Hit Dmg w/ Physical X X
Arcane % Damage with Magic X X
Armored % Armor X X X
Assailing % Damage vs Lightly Wounded X X
Bloodseeker's % Chance to Steal Health X
Butcher's % Damage vs Kobold and Murghan X
Charge Ward % Lightning Resistance X X X
Charged Lightning Damage[2] X X X
Clarity % chance to crit with physical X X
Added Damage (Physical or Straight)
Damaging [3] X X X X
Displacing % Physical Resistance X
Divine % Mana X X
Enchanted %Crit Hit Damage with Magic X
Energizing Health and Mana regen per sec X X
Everlasting % Damage Resistance X X
Executioner's % Damage vs Humanoids X
Expansive Experience Bonus % X X X
Fire Ward % Fire Resist X X X
Flamed Fire Damage[2] X X X X
Fortified % Melee/Ranged/Magic Block X X X
Frost Ward % Ice Resistance X X X
Frosted Ice Damage[2] X X X
Hardened Health X X X
Illuminator's % Damage vs Niskaru X
Immunity % Poison Resistance X X X
Infected Poison Damage[4] X X X
Magnifying % Chance to Crit X X X X
Mending % Bleeding Resistance X
Moonlight Health + % Damage at Night X
Mystic % Chance to Crit w/ Magic X X X
Possible Item and Component Qualities

Found in Component Type

Adjective Qualities and Effects Weapon
Bindings Grip Rivets Lining String Trim
Piercing Piercing Damage[5] X X X
Pillager's % Damage vs Beasts and Constructs X
Prosperous Gold Drop % X X X
Rallying Physical Damage and (minor) Health X X X
Ravenous % Chance to Steal Mana X
Reinforced % block efficacy X X X
Restoring Mana Regen per sec X X X
Rigid Armor X X X
Robust Health and Mana X X X
Sage Mana X X X
Sharpening % Critical Hit Damage X
Slaughtering Bleed Damage over time[4] X X X
Strengthening % Health X X
Sustaining Health regen per sec X X X
Warding % Elemental Resistance X X

Fills Slot (Based on Icon of Component)

Qualities and Effects Weapon
Component Bindings Grip Rivets Lining String Trim
Tangled Hair 5% Elemental Resistance X
Coarse Hair 11% Elemental Resistance X
Fine Hair 20% Elemental Resistance X
Coarse Hide +10% Health X
Tanned Hide +14% Health X
Softened Hide +20% Health X
Strong Sinew +7% Crit X
Dried Gut +5% Crit X
Weak Tendons +3% Crit X
Rough Scales +5% Bleed / Poison Resistance X
Serrated Scales +10% Bleed / Poison Resistance X
Barbed Scales +20% Bleed / Poison Resistance X
Discussions regarding related info may also be held here.

I would love to know Master Crafting. MAGIC

Here's an idea: blacksmithing vendors that sell certain parts, listed and categorized.

Need more room for Adjectives in Blacksmithing

^ made room

Suggestion on Sagecrafting: Instead of coloring the cell and putting the name of the color in the cell, Put the
name of the shard in the colored cell. See right for ex.
^ Good plan, I mixed up the shards on numerous occassions.
^ Done

Sagecrafting -- "Amount 1" units are inconsistent, easier readability with simply Effect 1/Effect 2. Reverted
changes; copy of previous format saved in hidden files (use view -> hidden files to bring up).
Using Amount/Effect makes it easier to find a specific type of effect, esp. when dealing with effects that might
be higher when using a different combination of shards.

Blacksmithing - Added columns for adjectives to start tracking what type of components they can be found in,
in case someone is looking for a specific adj, they know where to look.

^I suspect Bindings\Rivets\Grip can be combined as one as well as Lining\Trim\String, but cannot confirm
definitively. Also there are two types of the damaging adjectives (Infected, Charged, Piercing, etc.). When on
a required weapon component is gives straight damage (9 poison damage over 5 sec), but on a support
component it modifies the damage (+7% poison damage). Do we want to have a second entry, lengthen the
description (Poison Damage or % Poison Damage), or ignore it and leave that to the wiki?
RE: combining Bindings/Rivets/Grips and Lining/Trim/String as the weapon cores are... The weapon
"Handles" are ALWAYS used for weapons ONLY. However, the other 6 components are mixed between
Armor and Weapons, and different components are used on different pieces, therefore making it much more
difficult to combine them together.
RE: Separating +damage and +% damage, this would greatly increase the amount of lines in the adjective
list and might make it somewhat confusing. I think leave it as is.
Hi, in Blacksmithing Stats: separate type of bonus (% or +) column possibly, and add columns for value of
bonus for the different levels (basic, greater, flawless, etc.) ex.: Armored b:10 i:15 g:20 m:25 f:30
Hi, add in description, that gems and "Rigid" items add armor to the finished item only, while "Armored"
applies cumulative +% to all armor (same as lorestone bonuses)
any info on how to prepare the purification potion?
Not sure what's happened to the nice color coding on the sagecrafting page, but it's been removed and the
entire page has been reordered. The readability of the new version is pretty much nil... Would it be possible
to put a backup there?
Done :3
Hi there, I added in a page for Alchemy recipes since I didn't see one. I formatted it slightly, but if you want to
put in data ranges, please do so. :)
Someone deleted the original searchable Alchemy page. Thanks for pointing that out and contributing! I've
restored the original page and simply hidden the new one to avoid redundancy (should still be viewable).
Type First Shard Name Effect Type
Weapon Protection Magic Bolstering Gem Damage
Weapon Protection Ice Bolstering Gem Damage
Weapon Protection Fire Bolstering Gem Damage
Weapon Protection Lightning Bolstering Gem Damage
Utility Poison Fire Conqueror's Gem Damage
Utility Physical Physical Conqueror's Gem Damage
Armor Protection Protection Flawless Gem Armor
Weapon Physical Physical Galvanizing Gem Damage
Epic Magic Ice Gem of Abatement Mana
Epic Magic Fire Gem of Abatement Mana
Epic Magic Lightning Gem of Abatement Mana
Weapon Protection Poison Gem of Amplitude Crit
Armor Protection Poison Gem of Antidote Resist
Weapon Magic Physical Gem of Bloodletting Health
Armor Magic Physical Gem of Coagulation Resist
Weapon Fire Fire Gem of Combustion Damage/Dot
Weapon Poison Ice Gem of Devouring Health
Weapon Poison Fire Gem of Devouring Health
Weapon Poison Lightning Gem of Devouring Health
Armor Physical Physical Gem of Displacing Resist
Armor Poison Poison Gem of Elixer Resist
Epic Magic Protection Gem of Enlightenment Abilities
Weapon Ice Fire Gem of Ferocity Mana
Weapon Ice Lightning Gem of Ferocity Mana
Weapon Fire Lightning Gem of Ferocity Mana
Weapon Magic Poison Gem of Ferocity Mana
Armor Fire Protection Gem of Fire Attenuation Resist
Armor Fire Fire Gem of Fire Hinderance Resist
Armor Fire Magic Gem of Fire Hinderance Resist
Armor Fire Physical Gem of Fire Hinderance Resist
Weapon Ice Ice Gem of Frost Damage/Dot
Weapon Magic Magic Gem of Gluttony Mana
Armor Magic Magic Gem of Haven Resist
Armor Magic Protection Gem of Haven Resist
Armor Ice Protection Gem of Ice Attenuation Resist
Type First Shard Name Effect Type
Armor Ice Ice Gem of Ice Hinderance Resist
Armor Ice Physical Gem of Ice Hinderance Resist
Armor Ice Magic Gem of Ice Hinderance Resist
Weapon Magic Fire Gem of Incineration Damage/Dot
Armor Protection Lightning Gem of Lightning Attenuation Resist
Armor Physical Lightning Gem of Lightning Hinderance Resist
Armor Magic Lightning Gem of Lightning Hinderance Resist
Armor Lightning Lightning Gem of Lightning Hinderance Resist
Epic Ice Fire Gem of Magic Resonance Damage
Epic Ice Lightning Gem of Magic Resonance Damage
Epic Fire Lightning Gem of Magic Resonance Damage
Utility Magic Poison Gem of Night Damage
Epic Ice Physical Gem of Opulence Gold
Epic Poison Physical Gem of Opulence Gold
Epic Lightning Physical Gem of Opulence Gold
Epic Fire Physical Gem of Opulence Gold
Epic Protection Protection Gem of Paralyzing Vengeance Reactive
Epic Poison Poison Gem of Plague's Vengeance Reactive
Utility Poison Physical Gem of Precision Crit
Weapon Poison Poison Gem of Putrefication Dot
Utility Magic Physical Gem of Radiance Damage
Weapon Poison Physical Gem of Rot Dot
Armor Ice Fire Gem of Shelter Resist
Armor Ice Lightning Gem of Shelter Resist
Armor Fire Lightning Gem of Shelter Resist
Weapon Physical Ice Gem of Slaughter Dot
Weapon Physical Lightning Gem of Slaughter Dot
Weapon Physical Fire Gem of Slaughter Dot
Weapon Lightning Lightning Gem of Sparks Damage/Dot
Utility Magic Protection Gem of Staggering Stun
Utility Poison Lightning Gem of Stupefication Stun
Epic Fire Fire Gem of Summer's Vengeance Reactive
Armor Protection Physical Gem of Tempering Resist
Weapon Magic Lightning Gem of Tempest Damage/Dot
Epic Lightning Lightning Gem of Tempest's Vengeance Reactive
Type First Shard Name Effect Type
Epic Protection Ice Gem of the Assiduous Experience
Epic Protection Poison Gem of the Assiduous Experience
Epic Protection Fire Gem of the Assiduous Experience
Epic Protection Lightning Gem of the Assiduous Experience
Epic Protection Physical Gem of the Enlightened Experience
Epic Physical Physical Gem of the Subjugator Damage/Resist
Epic Poison Ice Gem of Unrivaled Vitality Health/Mana
Epic Poison Fire Gem of Unrivaled Vitality Health/Mana
Epic Poison Lightning Gem of Unrivaled Vitality Health/Mana
Weapon Magic Ice Gem of Winter Damage/Dot
Epic Ice Ice Gem of Winter's Vengeance Reactive
Utility Protection Protection Hero's Gem Health
Armor Poison Physical Impregnable Gem Armor
Armor Poison Magic Impregnable Gem Armor
Utility Ice Fire Infusing Gem Mana Regen
Utility Ice Lightning Infusing Gem Mana Regen
Utility Fire Lightning Infusing Gem Mana Regen
Utility Ice Ice Mage's Gem Mana
Utility Poison Poison Mage's Gem Mana
Utility Fire Fire Mage's Gem Mana
Utility Lightning Lightning Mage's Gem Mana
Utility Magic Magic Oracle's Gem Mana
Utility Protection Physical Regenerating Gem Health Regen
Utility Magic Ice Rejuvenating Gem Mana Regen
Utility Magic Fire Rejuvenating Gem Mana Regen
Utility Magic Lightning Rejuvenating Gem Mana Regen
Utility Ice Physical Renewing Gem Health Regen
Utility Physical Lightning Renewing Gem Health Regen
Utility Fire Physical Renewing Gem Health Regen
Epic Magic Poison Rogue's Gem Abilities
Weapon Protection Protection Saboteur's Gem Damage
Epic Magic Magic Sorcerer's Gem Abilities
Weapon Protection Physical Stalker's Gem Damage
Armor Poison Ice Tempered Gem Armor
Armor Poison Fire Tempered Gem Armor
Type First Shard Name Effect Type
Armor Poison Lightning Tempered Gem Armor
Utility Protection Ice Templar's Gem Health
Utility Protection Poison Templar's Gem Health
Utility Protection Fire Templar's Gem Health
Utility Protection Lightning Templar's Gem Health
Utility Ice Poison Tormentor's Gem Damage
Epic Magic Physical Warrior's Gem Abilities
Novice Potions
Potion Reagent Mixture Effects
1x Embereyes
Minor Alchemist's Art 1x Sky Blossom +1 Alchemy
1x Cripplespore Caps
Minor Assasin's Evasion 1x Sky Blossom +1 Stealth
1x Tindertwig
Minor Blacksmith's Craft 1x Sky Blossom +1 Blacksmith skill
2x Tindertwig
Minor Blazing Salve 1x Scarwood Bark + Fire Damage
2x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Bleeding Resistance 1x Ysa's Breath + Bleeding Resistance
2x Tindertwig
Minor Burning Sentinel 1x Edelweiss 50% chance to Burn enemies when attacked
2x Eel Petal
Minor Current Stopper 1x Ysa's Breath + Lightning Resistance
1x Star Thistle
Minor Dispelling Boost 1x Sky Blossom +1 Dispelling
2x Prismere Dust
Minor Experience Booster 1x Leechwood Bark +10% Experience from Kills
1x Tindertwig
Minor Flameguard 1x Ysa's Breath +10% Fire Resistance
2x Black Cohosh
Minor Flesh Eater 2x Leechwood Bark +10 health per hit
2x Sativa Fibers
Minor Force Potion 1x Scarwood Bark +10% Physical Damage
2x White Flake
Minor Freezing Sentinel 1x Edelweiss 50% chance to Freeze enemies when attacked
2x White Flake
Minor Frostbite 1x Scarwood Bark + Ice Damage
1x White Flake
Minor Frostguard 1x Ysa's Breath + Ice Resistance
2x Sativa Fibers
Minor Hardened Shell 2x Ysa's Breath Increases armor rating
2x Black Cohosh
Minor Healing Potion 1x Embereyes Small amount of Health
2x Black Cohosh
Minor Health Regen Potion 1x Scarlet Flowstone Regenerates 5 Health per Second
1x White Flake
Minor Jeweled Shilelagh 1x Sky Blossom +1 Sagecraft
2x Eel Petal
Minor Lightning Sentinel 1x Edelweiss 50% chance to shock enemies when attacked
2x Eel Petal
Minor Lightning Storm 1x Scarwood Bark + Lightning Damage
2x Star Thistle
Minor Magebane 2x Ysa's Breath + Resist Elemental Damage
2x Star Thistle
Minor Magic Amplification 2x Scarwood Bark + Magic Damage
2x Scarab Salts
Minor Magic Precision 1x Star Thistle + Critical Chance with Magic
2x Softscrabble Powder
Minor Mana Potion 1x Embereyes Small amount of Mana
2x Softscrabble Powder
Minor Mana Regen Potion 1x Scarlet Flowstone Regenerate 5 Mana per Second
2x Softscrabble Powder
Minor Mana Sap 2x Leechwood Bark + Mana Stolen per Hit
1x Sativa Fibers
Minor Merchant's Command 1x Sky Blossom +1 Mercantile
2x Scarwood Bark
Minor Piercing Serum 1x Scarlet Flowstone + Piercing Damage
2x Scarab Salts
Minor Precision 1x Sativa Fibers + Critical Chance
1x Leechwood Bark
Minor Social Grace 1x Sky Blossom +1 Persuasion
2x Softscrabble Powder
Minor Sorcerer's Intelligence 2x Star Thistle + Maximum Mana
2x Cripplespore Caps
Minor Serpent's Venom 1x Scarwood Bark + Poison Damage
2x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Slashing Fury 1x Scarwood Bark + Bleeding Damage
2x Seaflax
Minor Steeled Curtain 1x Ysa's Breath + Armor
1x Eel Petal
Minor Thief's Cunning 1x Sky Blossom +1 Lockpicking
1x Scarab Salts
Minor Tracker's Draught 1x Sky Blossom +1 Detect Hidden
2x Cripplespore Caps
Minor Venomguard 1x Ysa's Breath + Poison Resistance
2x Black Cohosh
Minor Warrior's Strength 2x Sativa Fibers + Maximum Health
2x Embereyes
Purification Potion 2x Ysa's Breath Cure Disease, temporarily immune to disease

Journeyman Potions
Potion Reagent Mixture Effects
2x Embereyes
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Alchemist's Art 1x Bloodroot +2 Alchemy
2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Assassin's Evasion 1x Bloodroot +2 Stealth
2x Tindertwig
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Blacksmith's Craft 1x Bloodroot +2 Blacksmithing
3x Tindertwig
2x Scarwood Bark
Greater Blazing Salve 1x Bloodroot + Fire Damage
2x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Ysa's Breath
Greater Bleeding Resistance 1x Seaflax + Bleeding Resistance
3x Tindertwig
2x Edelweiss
Greater Burning Sentinel 1x Seaflax 60% Chance to Burn enemies when attacked
2x Eel Petal
2x Ysa's Breath
Greater Current Stopper 1x Seaflax + Lightning Resistance
2x Star Thistle
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Dispelling Boost 1x Bloodroot +2 Dispelling
3x Prismere Dust
2x Leechwood Bark
Greater Experience Boost 1x Bloodroot + Experience from Kills
2x Tindertwig
2x Ysa's Breath
Greater Flameguard 1x Seaflax + Fire Resistance
3x Black Cohosh
3x Leechwood Bark
Greater Flesh Eater 1x Scarwood Bark +15 Health Stolen per Hit
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Scarwood Bark
Greater Force Potion 1x Bloodroot + Physical Damage
3x White Flake
2x Edelweiss
Greater Freezing Sentinel 1x Seaflax 60% chance to Freeze enemies when attacked
3x White Flake
2x Scarwood Bark
Greater Frostbite 1x Bloodroot + Ice Damage
2x White Flake
2x Ysa's Breath
Greater Frostguard 1x Seaflax + Ice Resistance
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Ysa's Breath
Greater Hardened Shell 1x Seaflax Increases armor rating
3x Black Cohosh
2x Embereyes
Greater Healing Potion 1x Bloodroot Moderate amount of Health
3x Black Cohosh
2x Scarlet Flowstone
Greater Health Regen Potion 1x Bloodroot Moderate amount of Health Regeneration
2x White Flake
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Jeweled Shilelagh 1x Bloodroot +2 Sagecrafting
3x Eel Petal
2x Edelweiss
Greater Lightning Sentinel 1x Seaflax 60% chance to Shock enemies when attacked
3x Eel Petal
2x Scarwood Bark
Greater Lightning Storm 1x Bloodroot + Lightning Damage
3x Star Thistle
3x Ysa's Breath
Greater Magebane 1x Seaflax + Magic Resistance
3x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
Greater Magic Amplification 1x Bloodroot + Magic Damage
3x Scarab Salts
2x Star Thistle
Greater Magic Precision 1x Scarwood Bark + Critical chance with Magic
3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Embereyes
Greater Mana Potion 1x Bloodroot Moderate amount of Mana
3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Scarlet Flowstone
Greater Mana Regen Potion 1x Bloodroot Moderate amount of Mana Regeneration
3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Leechwood Bark
Greater Mana Sap 1x Scarwood Bark +15 Mana Stolen per Hit
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Merchant's Command 1x Bloodroot +2 Mercantile
3x Scarwood Bark
3x Ysa's Breath
Greater Piercing Serum 1x Sativa Fibers + Piercing Damage
3x Scarab Salts
2x Sativa Fibers
Greater Precision 1x Scarwood Bark + Critical chance
3x Cripplespore Caps
2x Scarwood Bark
Greater Serpent's Venom 1x Bloodroot + Poison Damage
3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Scarwood Bark
Greater Slashing Fury 1x Bloodroot + Bleeding Damage
2x Leechwood Bark
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Social Grace 1x Bloodroot +2 Persuasion
3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Star Thistle
Greater Sorcerer's Intelligence 1x Bloodroot + Maximum Mana
2x Seaflax
2x Ysa's Breath
Greater Steeled Curtain 1x Bloodroot + total Armor
2x Eel Petal
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Thief's Cunning 1x Bloodroot +2 Lockpicking
2x Scarab Salts
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Tracker's Draught 1x Bloodroot +2 Detect Hidden
2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Ysa's Breath
Greater Venomguard 1x Seaflax + Poison Resistance
3x Black Cohosh
3x Sativa Fibers
Greater Warrior's Strength 1x Bloodroot + Maximum Health
1x Scarwood Bark
1x Tindertwig
Liquid Seduction 1x Sky Blossom Socialize and persuade easier with opposite sex.
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Star Thistle
Minor Damage Boost 2x Scarwood Bark +10% Damage
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Star Thistle
Minor Damage Deflection 1x Ysa's Breath +10% Damage Resistance
2x Star Thistle
1x Cripplespore Caps
Minor Phasewalk 2x Sky Blossom Invisible for a short time

Master Potions
Potion Reagent Mixture Effects
Fate Potion 4x Essence of Fate Completely refills your fate meter
4x Sativa Fibers
4x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
Greater Damage Boost 1x Essence of Fate +20% Damage
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Star Thistle
2x Ysa's Breath
Greater Damage Deflection 1x Essence of Fate + Damage Resistance
2x Star Thistle
1x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
Greater Phasewalk 1x Essence of Fate Invisible for a short time
2x Embereyes
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Alchemist's Art 1x Essence of Fate +3 Alchemy
2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Assassin's Evasion 1x Essence of Fate +3 Stealth
2x Tindertwig
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Blacksmith's Craft 1x Essence of Fate +3 Blacksmithing
3x Tindertwig
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Master Blazing Salve 1x Essence of Fate + Fire Damage
2x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Master Bleeding Resistance 1x Essence of Fate + Bleeding Resistance
3x Tindertwig
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Master Burning Sentinel 1x Essence of Fate Chance to Burn enemies when attacked
2x Eel Petal
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Master Current Stopper 1x Essence of Fate + Lightning Resistance
2x Star Thistle
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Dispelling Boost 1x Essence of Fate +3 to Dispelling
3x Prismere Dust
2x Leechwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
Master Experience Boost 1x Essence of Fate +20% Experience from Kills
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Scarwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
Master Force Potion 1x Essence of Fate +20% Physical Damage
2x Tindertwig
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Master Flameguard 1x Essence of Fate + Fire Resistance
3x Black Cohosh
3x Leechwood Bark
2x Scarwood Bark
Master Flesh Eater 1x Essence of Fate + Health Stolen per Hit
3x White Flake
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Master Frostbite 1x Essence of Fate + Ice Damage
2x White Flake
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Master Frostguard 1x Essence of Fate + Ice Resistance
3x White Flake
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Master Freezing Sentinel 1x Essence of Fate Chance to Freeze enemies when attacked
3x Sativa Fibers
3x Ysa's Breath
2x Seaflax
Master Hardened Shell 1x Essence of Fate +75% physical resistance
3x Black Cohosh
2x Emebereyes
1x Bloodroot
Master Healing Potion 1x Essence of Fate Large amount of Health
3x Black Cohsoh
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
Master Health Regen Potion 1x Essence fo Fate Large amount of Health Regeneration
2x White Flake
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Jeweled Shilelagh 1x Essence of Fate +3 Sagecrafting
3x Eel Petal
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
Master Lightning Sentinel 1x Essence of Fate Chance to Shock enemies when attacked
3x Eel Petal
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Master Lightning Storm 1x Essence of Fate + Lightning Damage
3x Star Thistle
3x Ysa's Breath
2x Seaflax
Master Magebane 1x Essence of Fate -75% to all magic damage received
3x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
Master Magic Amplification 1x Essence of Fate + Magic Damage
3x Scarab Salts
2x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
Master Magic Precision 1x Essence of Fate + Critical Chance with Magic
3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
Master Mana Potion 1x Essence of Fate Large amount of Mana
3x Softscrabble Powder
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
Master Mana Regen Potion 1x Essence of Fate Large amount of Mana Regeneration
3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Leechwood Bark
2x Scarwood Bark
Master Mana Sap 1x Essence of Fate + Mana Stolen per Hit
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Merchant's Command 1x Essence of Fate +3 Mercantile
3x Scarwood Bark
3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Sativa Fibers
Master Piercing Serum 1x Essence of Fate + Piercing Damage
3x Scarab Salts
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Scarwood Bark
Master Precision 1x Essence of Fate + Critical Chance
2x Leechwood Bark
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Social Grace 1x Essence of Fate +3 Persuasion
3x Softscrabble Powder
3x Star Thistle
1x Bloodroot
Master Sorcerer's Intelligence 1x Essence of Fate + Maximum Mana
3x Cripplespore Caps
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Master Serpent's Venom 1x Essence of Fate + Poison Damage
3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
Master Slashing Fury 1x Essence of Fate + Bleeding Damage
2x Seaflax
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Bloodroot
Master Steeled Curtain 1x Essence of Fate + total Armor
2x Eel Petal
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Thief's Cunning 1x Essence of Fate +3 Lockpicking
2x Scarab Salts
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
Master Tracker's Draught 1x Essence of Fate +3 Detect Hidden
2x Cripplespore Caps
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
Master Venomguard 1x Essence of Fate + Poison Resistance
3x Black Cohosh
3x Sativa Fibers
1x Bloodroot
Master Warrior's Strength 1x Essence of Fate + Maximum Health
1. Includes Handle, Shaft, Fulcrum, and Hilt.
2. Damage and DoT for Handles. Percent increase for other components.
3. Physical damage for Handles. Percent increase to all damage for other components.
4. DoT for Handles. Percent increase for other components.
5. Damage for Handles. Percent increase for other components.

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