SGJ Q6102 v2.0
SGJ Q6102 v2.0
SGJ Q6102 v2.0
QP Code: SGJ/Q6102
Version: 2.0
NSQF Level: 3
Skill Council for Green Jobs || 3rd Floor, CBIP Building, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi - 110021
SGJ/Q6102: Safai Karamchari (Elective: Wet Cleaning/Mechanized Cleaning) ..................................... 3
Brief Job Description ...................................................................................................................... 3
Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS) ............................................................................. 3
Compulsory NOS ........................................................................................................................... 3
Elective 1: Wet Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 3
Elective 2: Mechanized Cleaning ................................................................................................... 3
Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters .............................................................................................. 3
SGJ/N6105: Cleaning of roads, pavements and public areas ................................................................ 5
SGJ/N6106: Cleaning of floor(s) of buildings ....................................................................................... 10
SGJ/N6107: Maintain personal health & safety while cleaning ........................................................... 14
SGJ/N6108: Work effectively with co-workers .................................................................................... 18
SGJ/N6112: Cleaning of toilets ........................................................................................................... 23
SGJ/N6113: Cleaning with mechanized cleaning tool ......................................................................... 27
Assessment Guidelines and Weightage ............................................................................................. 32
Assessment Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 32
Assessment Weightage ............................................................................................................... 33
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 36
Safai Karamchari sweeps, cleans and removes garbage from public areas and buildings. In public areas
and roads, Safai Karamchari sweeps with a broom and / or other suitable equipment to remove dust,
debris and garbage. In buildings, he/she sweeps the floor, scrubs the floor using appropriate cleaning
solution to remove the fine dust. He/She removes the garbage and aggregates the garbage in the
designated areas.
Personal Attributes
This job requires the individual to concentrate and undertake the work regularly and with dedication.
He/She must communicate courteously with public and co-workers.
Compulsory NOS:
Safai Karamchari with specialization in wet cleaning sweeps, cleans and washes bathrooms, lavatory and
removes garbage and other waste in closed dustbin
Safai Karamchari with specialization in mechanized cleaning sweeps, cleans and removes garbage with the
help of vacuum cleaner, mechanical sweeper, mechanical sweeper ride and mechanized scrubbing
Country India
NSQF Level 3
Credits NA
Version 2.0
This unit is about properly cleaning roads, pavements, streets, lanes, parks and public areas
PC15. identify and dispose hazardous waste appropriately, in consultation with supervisor
PC16. keep and place different waste accordingly
Effective waste management/recycling practices
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC17. segregate waste into different categories
PC18. dispose non-recyclable waste appropriately
PC19. deposit recyclable and reusable material at identified location
Assessment Criteria
NOS Total 33 42 - -
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
Assessment Criteria
NOS Total 23 27 - -
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
This unit is about maintaining health and work safety while working with Waste
Assessment Criteria
NOS Total 22 28 - -
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
This unit covers basic practices that improves the effectiveness of working with co-workers.
KU1. relevant people and their responsibilities within the work area
KU2. importance of effective communication in the workplace
KU3. importance of teamwork in organizational and individual success
KU4. various components of effective communication
KU5. key elements of active listening
KU6. value and importance of active listening and assertive communication barriers to effective
GS16. manage relationships with public with intent of satisfying its requirements for service
GS17. recognize problems and search for solutions
GS18. choose best methods to complete assigned tasks
GS19. approach relevant authority when required
GS20. apply domain knowledge, observations and data to select course of action to perform tasks
GS21. use positive words to encourage participants
Assessment Criteria
Respect diversity 3 1 - -
NOS Total 10 15 - -
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
This unit is about wet Cleaning i.e. wet sweeping and mopping of floors, lavatories of buildings, hospitals
Assessment Criteria
NOS Total 18 32 - -
Occupation Sanitation
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
PC16. check oil level / fuel level / battery level for smooth operation of the machine
PC17. operate the mechanical sweeper and clean the brush appropriately after the operation is
PC18. carry out proper disposal of the dust collected and properly shut down the appliance and
inspect the appliance for any damages
Clean with mechanized scrubbing machine
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC19. Identify the components of mechanized scrubbing machine and demonstrate starting and
shutdown procedure of the mechanised scrubbing machine
PC20. visually inspect the machine for any damage and check the main cable regularly
PC21. Inspect the area to be cleaned with no obstacles and fix the brush/pad appropriately
PC22. prepare the cleaning solution as per the requirement and refill the detergent tank
PC23. adjust the water quantity according to the dirt
PC24. operate the mechanized scrubbing machine and check the dirty water collection tank at
regular intervals
PC25. ensure proper shutdown after the operation is complete and clean the machine from inside &
outside with a dry cloth
Assessment Criteria
NOS Total 25 25 - -
Occupation Sanitation
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
Assessment Guidelines
1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Element/ Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will
also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each Element/ PC.
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected
elective/option NOS/set of NOS.
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at
each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at
each examination/ training center based on these criteria.
6. To pass the Qualification Pack assessment, every trainee should score the Recommended Pass %
aggregate for the QP.
7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.
(Please note: Every Trainee should score a minimum aggregate passing percentage as specified above, to
successfully clear the Qualification Pack assessment.)
Assessment Weightage
Compulsory NOS
SGJ/N6105.Cleaning of
roads, pavements and 33 42 - - 75 30
public areas
SGJ/N6106.Cleaning of
23 27 - - 50 20
floor(s) of buildings
personal health & safety 22 28 - - 50 20
while cleaning
SGJ/N6108.Work effectively
10 15 - - 25 10
with co-workers
SGJ/N6112.Cleaning of
18 32 - - 50 20
Total 18 32 0 0 50 20
SGJ/N6113.Cleaning with
25 25 0 0 50 20
mechanized cleaning tool
Total 25 25 0 0 50 20
QP Qualifications Pack
Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job role
employment opportunity in an organisation.
Performance Criteria Performance Criteria (PC) are statements that together specify the
(PC) standard of performance required when carrying out a task.
NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Standards (NOS)
QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and
Qualifications Pack
other criteria required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique
qualifications pack code.
Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
Unit Title
should be able to do.
Core skills or Generic Skills (GS) are a group of skills that are the key to
learning and working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed
Core Skills/ Generic
in any work environment in today’s world. These skills are typically
Skills (GS)
needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.