SGJ Q6102 v2.0

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Qualification Pack

Safai Karamchari (Elective: Wet

Cleaning/Mechanized Cleaning)
Electives: Wet Cleaning/ Mechanized Cleaning

QP Code: SGJ/Q6102

Version: 2.0

NSQF Level: 3

Skill Council for Green Jobs || 3rd Floor, CBIP Building, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi - 110021

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 1

Qualification Pack

SGJ/Q6102: Safai Karamchari (Elective: Wet Cleaning/Mechanized Cleaning) ..................................... 3
Brief Job Description ...................................................................................................................... 3
Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS) ............................................................................. 3
Compulsory NOS ........................................................................................................................... 3
Elective 1: Wet Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 3
Elective 2: Mechanized Cleaning ................................................................................................... 3
Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters .............................................................................................. 3
SGJ/N6105: Cleaning of roads, pavements and public areas ................................................................ 5
SGJ/N6106: Cleaning of floor(s) of buildings ....................................................................................... 10
SGJ/N6107: Maintain personal health & safety while cleaning ........................................................... 14
SGJ/N6108: Work effectively with co-workers .................................................................................... 18
SGJ/N6112: Cleaning of toilets ........................................................................................................... 23
SGJ/N6113: Cleaning with mechanized cleaning tool ......................................................................... 27
Assessment Guidelines and Weightage ............................................................................................. 32
Assessment Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 32
Assessment Weightage ............................................................................................................... 33
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 36

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 2

Qualification Pack

SGJ/Q6102: Safai Karamchari (Elective: Wet Cleaning/Mechanized


Brief Job Description

Safai Karamchari sweeps, cleans and removes garbage from public areas and buildings. In public areas
and roads, Safai Karamchari sweeps with a broom and / or other suitable equipment to remove dust,
debris and garbage. In buildings, he/she sweeps the floor, scrubs the floor using appropriate cleaning
solution to remove the fine dust. He/She removes the garbage and aggregates the garbage in the
designated areas.

Personal Attributes

This job requires the individual to concentrate and undertake the work regularly and with dedication.
He/She must communicate courteously with public and co-workers.

Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS)

Compulsory NOS:

1. SGJ/N6105: Cleaning of roads, pavements and public areas

2. SGJ/N6106: Cleaning of floor(s) of buildings

3. SGJ/N6107: Maintain personal health & safety while cleaning

4. SGJ/N6108: Work effectively with co-workers

Electives(mandatory to select at least one):

Elective 1: Wet Cleaning

Safai Karamchari with specialization in wet cleaning sweeps, cleans and washes bathrooms, lavatory and
removes garbage and other waste in closed dustbin

1. SGJ/N6112: Cleaning of toilets

Elective 2: Mechanized Cleaning

Safai Karamchari with specialization in mechanized cleaning sweeps, cleans and removes garbage with the
help of vacuum cleaner, mechanical sweeper, mechanical sweeper ride and mechanized scrubbing

1. SGJ/N6113: Cleaning with mechanized cleaning tool

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 3

Qualification Pack

Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters

Sector Green Jobs

Sub-Sector Waste Management

Occupation Janitor/Housekeeping Attendant

Country India

NSQF Level 3

Credits NA

Aligned to NCO/ISCO/ISIC Code NCO-2015/ 5151.0201

Minimum Educational Qualification & Experience Ability to read and write

Minimum Level of Education for Training in School

Pre-Requisite License or Training NA

Minimum Job Entry Age 18 Years

Last Reviewed On 27/05/2021

Next Review Date 27/05/2024

NSQC Approval Date 27/05/2021

Version 2.0

Reference code on NQR 2021/WSSWM/SCGJ/04272

NQR Version 1.0

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 4

Qualification Pack

SGJ/N6105: Cleaning of roads, pavements and public areas


This unit is about properly cleaning roads, pavements, streets, lanes, parks and public areas


The scope covers the following :

Sweeping/cleaning of Roads, Pavements etc.

Sweeping/cleaning of Parks and Public Areas
Collect and segregate garbage
Transportation of garbage/waste materials to designated area
Separate solid waste, plastics and recyclable waste from biodegradable waste
Effective waste management/recycling practices

Elements and Performance Criteria

Sweeping/cleaning of Roads, Pavements etc.

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. prepare the broom
PC2. sweep the roads, pavements etc
PC3. aggregate the waste at the designated place
Sweeping/cleaning of parks and public areas
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC4. sweep/ clean parks and public areas
PC5. aggregate the collected garbage/waste at the designated place
Collect and segregate garbage
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. collect the aggregated garbage/waste from the designated areas.
PC7. segregate the garbage/waste from biodegradable waste
Transportation of garbage/ waste materials to designated areas
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. properly transport the garbage/waste to the designated collection point
PC9. prepare the waste for transportation from collection point to bigger unit
PC10. ensure proper transportation of the garbage/waste to bigger unit
PC11. properly load and unload the garbage/waste
Separate solid waste, plastics and recyclable waste from biodegradable waste.
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC12. open the bins containing garbage/ waste
PC13. separate plastics from different garbage/waste
PC14. separate recyclable waste i.e. metal, paper

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Qualification Pack

PC15. identify and dispose hazardous waste appropriately, in consultation with supervisor
PC16. keep and place different waste accordingly
Effective waste management/recycling practices
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC17. segregate waste into different categories
PC18. dispose non-recyclable waste appropriately
PC19. deposit recyclable and reusable material at identified location

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. organizations culture and setup if working in a group/organization.

KU2. rules and regulations of a gated community/ society.
KU3. basic knowledge of addition and subtraction.
KU4. different types of solid waste, including hazardous waste.
KU5. handling of tools requires for the operation.
KU6. dos and donts while carrying and transportation of different types of waste, including handling
of dry leaves.
KU7. categorization of waste into dry, wet, recyclable, non-recyclable and items of single-use
KU8. waste management and methods of waste disposal
KU9. common sources of pollution and ways to minimize it

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. fill up documentation applicable to ones role

GS2. read hindi or other vernacular language to understand all instructions
GS3. understand various disposal signs used on objects
GS4. express statements or information clearly so that others can understand
GS5. understand the main points of simple discussions
GS6. the local area from where he/she would work
GS7. communicate courteously with others in a polite manner
GS8. understand the main points of simple discussions
GS9. understand the main points of simple discussions
GS10. communicate with colleagues on the significance of greening of jobs
GS11. make timely decisions for efficient utilization of resources

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 6

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Sweeping/cleaning of Roads, Pavements etc. 6 8 - -

PC1. prepare the broom 2 2 - -

PC2. sweep the roads, pavements etc 2 3 - -

PC3. aggregate the waste at the designated

2 3 - -

Sweeping/cleaning of parks and public areas 4 4 - -

PC4. sweep/ clean parks and public areas 2 2 - -

PC5. aggregate the collected garbage/waste at

2 2 - -
the designated place

Collect and segregate garbage 5 6 - -

PC6. collect the aggregated garbage/waste from

3 3 - -
the designated areas.

PC7. segregate the garbage/waste from

2 3 - -
biodegradable waste

Transportation of garbage/ waste materials to

7 11 - -
designated areas

PC8. properly transport the garbage/waste to

2 2 - -
the designated collection point

PC9. prepare the waste for transportation from

2 2 - -
collection point to bigger unit

PC10. ensure proper transportation of the

2 4 - -
garbage/waste to bigger unit

PC11. properly load and unload the

1 3 - -

Separate solid waste, plastics and recyclable

8 10 - -
waste from biodegradable waste.

PC12. open the bins containing garbage/ waste 1 2 - -

PC13. separate plastics from different

2 2 - -

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 7

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC14. separate recyclable waste i.e. metal,

2 2 - -

PC15. identify and dispose hazardous waste

2 2 - -
appropriately, in consultation with supervisor

PC16. keep and place different waste

1 2 - -

Effective waste management/recycling practices 3 3 - -

PC17. segregate waste into different categories 1 1 - -

PC18. dispose non-recyclable waste

1 1 - -

PC19. deposit recyclable and reusable material

1 1 - -
at identified location

NOS Total 33 42 - -

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 8

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SGJ/N6105

NOS Name Cleaning of roads, pavements and public areas

Sector Green Jobs

Sub-Sector Waste Management

Occupation Waste Collection and Segregation

NSQF Level 3

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 27/05/2021

Next Review Date 27/05/2024

NSQC Clearance Date 27/05/2021

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 9

Qualification Pack

SGJ/N6106: Cleaning of floor(s) of buildings


This unit is about cleaning of floor(s) of buildings.


The scope covers the following :

Sweeping of floor(s) of buildings

Collect and segregate garbage
Transportation of garbage/ waste materials to designated area
Effective waste management/recycling practices

Elements and Performance Criteria

Sweeping of floors(s) of buildings

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. choose the proper broom to sweep the floor
PC2. sweep the floor(s) of buildings
PC3. wipe the floor with wet cloth to remove fine dust
Collect and segregate garbage
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC4. collect the garbage /waste from the designated bins
PC5. segregate the common recyclable waste such as paper and plastics
Transportation of garbage/waste materials to designated areas
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. properly load the garbage to bigger unit
PC7. properly carry the garbage to the designated area for waste disposal from the building
Effective waste management/recycling practices
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. identify recyclable and non-recyclable, and hazardous waste generated
PC9. segregate waste into different categories
PC10. dispose non-recyclable waste appropriately
PC11. deposit recyclable and reusable material at identified location
PC12. follow processes specified for disposal of hazardous waste

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. organizational culture and setup if working in a group/organization

KU2. different types of solid waste, including hazardous waste

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Qualification Pack

KU3. handling of tools requires for the operation

KU4. do's and dont's while carrying and transportation of different types of waste
KU5. waste management and methods of waste disposal
KU6. • categorization of waste into dry, wet, recyclable, non-recyclable and items of single-use plastics

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. fill up documentation applicable to ones role

GS2. read vernacular language
GS3. understand various disposal signs used on objects
GS4. fill up documentation applicable to ones role
GS5. fill up documentation applicable to ones role
GS6. the local area from where he/she would work.
GS7. fill up documentation applicable to ones role
GS8. fill up documentation applicable to ones role
GS9. fill up documentation applicable to ones role

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Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Sweeping of floors(s) of buildings 11 8 - -

PC1. choose the proper broom to sweep the

2 2 - -

PC2. sweep the floor(s) of buildings 5 3 - -

PC3. wipe the floor with wet cloth to remove

4 3 - -
fine dust

Collect and segregate garbage 5 6 - -

PC4. collect the garbage /waste from the

2 2 - -
designated bins

PC5. segregate the common recyclable waste

3 4 - -
such as paper and plastics

Transportation of garbage/waste materials to

2 8 - -
designated areas

PC6. properly load the garbage to bigger unit 1 4 - -

PC7. properly carry the garbage to the

designated area for waste disposal from the 1 4 - -

Effective waste management/recycling practices 5 5 - -

PC8. identify recyclable and non-recyclable, and

1 1 - -
hazardous waste generated

PC9. segregate waste into different categories 1 1 - -

PC10. dispose non-recyclable waste

1 1 - -

PC11. deposit recyclable and reusable material

1 1 - -
at identified location

PC12. follow processes specified for disposal of

1 1 - -
hazardous waste

NOS Total 23 27 - -

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 12

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SGJ/N6106

NOS Name Cleaning of floor(s) of buildings

Sector Green Jobs

Sub-Sector Waste Management

Occupation Waste Collection and Segregation

NSQF Level 3

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 27/05/2021

Next Review Date 27/05/2024

NSQC Clearance Date 27/05/2021

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 13

Qualification Pack

SGJ/N6107: Maintain personal health & safety while cleaning


This unit is about maintaining health and work safety while working with Waste


The scope covers the following :

Establish and follow safe work procedure

Use and maintain personal protective equipment
Follow good housekeeping practices and infection control guidelines

Elements and Performance Criteria

Establish and follow safe work procedure

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. identify contact person when workplace safety policies are violated
PC2. provide information about incident/violation
PC3. identify the location of first aid materials and administer first-aid
PC4. identify personal safety hazards or work site hazards
Use and maintain personal protective equipment
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. identify the personal protection equipment required for specific work activity and location
PC6. demonstrate safe and accepted practices for personal protection
PC7. demonstrate the use of masks and gloves while sweeping roads, pavements , public areas
and buildings
Follow good housekeeping practices and infection control guidelines
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. follow recommended personal hygiene, workplace hygiene and sanitation practices
PC9. clean and disinfect all material, tools and supplies before and after use
PC10. report immediately to concerned authorities regarding sign and symptoms of illness of self
and other colleagues
PC11. follow processes specified for disposal of hazardous waste

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. organizations documentation policy

KU2. organizations reporting structure & organization culture
KU3. organizations different department and concerned authority
KU4. occupational health and safety (OHS) standards

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Qualification Pack

KU5. importance of personal protective equipment (PPE)

KU6. application of masks and gloves while sweeping road
KU7. importance of reflective materials while working on roads
KU8. tools & tackles required to carry out the work
KU9. forms and classification of hazardous substances
KU10. symptoms of infection like fever, cough, swelling and inflammation
KU11. housekeeping activities relevant to task

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. fill up documentation applicable to ones role

GS2. ability to read from different sources, books
GS3. understand the various colour codes used in safety
GS4. express statements to inform clearly so that others can understand
GS5. understand the main points of simple discussions
GS6. the local area from where he/she would work
GS7. communicate courteously with others in a polite manner
GS8. approach local authorities, in case of emergency (police, doctor, etc.)
GS9. analyze day to day experience to correct future course of action
GS10. interpret general safety guidelines, labels, charts and signage

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 15

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Establish and follow safe work procedure 11 10 - -

PC1. identify contact person when workplace

1 1 - -
safety policies are violated

PC2. provide information about

2 1 - -

PC3. identify the location of first aid materials

5 5 - -
and administer first-aid

PC4. identify personal safety hazards or work

3 3 - -
site hazards

Use and maintain personal protective equipment 7 10 - -

PC5. identify the personal protection equipment

3 4 - -
required for specific work activity and location

PC6. demonstrate safe and accepted practices

2 3 - -
for personal protection

PC7. demonstrate the use of masks and gloves

while sweeping roads, pavements , public areas 2 3 - -
and buildings

Follow good housekeeping practices and infection

4 8 - -
control guidelines

PC8. follow recommended personal hygiene,

1 2 - -
workplace hygiene and sanitation practices

PC9. clean and disinfect all material, tools and

1 2 - -
supplies before and after use

PC10. report immediately to concerned

authorities regarding sign and symptoms of 1 2 - -
illness of self and other colleagues

PC11. follow processes specified for disposal of

1 2 - -
hazardous waste

NOS Total 22 28 - -

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 16

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SGJ/N6107

NOS Name Maintain personal health & safety while cleaning

Sector Green Jobs

Sub-Sector Waste Management

Occupation Health and Safety

NSQF Level 3

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 27/05/2021

Next Review Date 27/05/2024

NSQC Clearance Date 27/05/2021

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 17

Qualification Pack

SGJ/N6108: Work effectively with co-workers


This unit covers basic practices that improves the effectiveness of working with co-workers.


The scope covers the following :

Working effectively with co-workers

Respect diversity

Elements and Performance Criteria

Working effectively with co-workers

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. assist other colleagues in performing tasks in a positive manner where required and possible.
PC2. consult and assist others to maximize effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out tasks.
PC3. demonstrate appropriate communication etiquette while working.
PC4. demonstrate active listening skills while interacting with others at work.
PC5. demonstrate responsible and disciplined behaviors at the workplace.
PC6. escalate grievances and problems to appropriate authority as per procedure to resolve them
and avoid conflict.
PC7. ensure collaboration and group participation to achieve common goals
Respect diversity
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. transact with everyone without any personal bias based on gender, disability, caste, religion,
colour, sexual orientation and culture
PC9. identify and report inappropriate behaviour (e.g. sexual harassment) to appropriate authority
PC10. ensure proper personal behavior and conduct, taking gender and disability of the person into

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. relevant people and their responsibilities within the work area
KU2. importance of effective communication in the workplace
KU3. importance of teamwork in organizational and individual success
KU4. various components of effective communication
KU5. key elements of active listening
KU6. value and importance of active listening and assertive communication barriers to effective

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Qualification Pack

KU7. importance of tone and pitch in effective communication

KU8. importance of avoiding casual expletives and unpleasant terms while communicating
professional circles
KU9. how poor communication practices can disturb people, environment and cause problems for
the employee, the employer and the customer
KU10. key elements and importance of non-verbal communication
KU11. importance of ethics for professional success
KU12. importance of discipline for professional success
KU13. what constitutes disciplined behavior for a working professional
KU14. common reasons for interpersonal conflict
KU15. importance of developing effective working relationships for professional success
KU16. expressing and addressing grievances appropriately and effectively
KU17. importance and ways of managing interpersonal conflict effectively
KU18. importance of teamwork and collaboration
KU19. importance of gender sensitivity and equality
KU20. gender, disability and cultural biases, stereotypes and impact on others
KU21. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,
KU22. legislations, grievance redressal mechanisms, and penalties against harassment in the

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. record the readings of various parameters in the prescribed format

GS2. note down observations related to the activity
GS3. write information documents to internal departments/ internal teams
GS4. read from different sources- books, screens in machines and signage
GS5. read internal information documents sent by internal teams
GS6. express statements or information clearly so that others can hear and understand
GS7. participate in and understand the main points of simple discussions
GS8. respond appropriately to any queries
GS9. communicate effectively with supervisor, peers and subordinates
GS10. follow organization rule-based decision making process
GS11. handle issues in case the superior is not available (as per the authority matrix defined by the
GS12. planning and organization of work to meet deadlines
GS13. work constructively and collaboratively with others
GS14. support the superiors in scheduling tasks
GS15. follow organization code of conduct

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Qualification Pack

GS16. manage relationships with public with intent of satisfying its requirements for service
GS17. recognize problems and search for solutions
GS18. choose best methods to complete assigned tasks
GS19. approach relevant authority when required
GS20. apply domain knowledge, observations and data to select course of action to perform tasks
GS21. use positive words to encourage participants

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 20

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Working effectively with co-workers 7 14 - -

PC1. assist other colleagues in performing tasks

in a positive manner where required and 1 3 - -

PC2. consult and assist others to maximize

effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out 1 2 - -

PC3. demonstrate appropriate communication

1 2 - -
etiquette while working.

PC4. demonstrate active listening skills while

1 3 - -
interacting with others at work.

PC5. demonstrate responsible and disciplined

1 2 - -
behaviors at the workplace.

PC6. escalate grievances and problems to

appropriate authority as per procedure to 1 1 - -
resolve them and avoid conflict.

PC7. ensure collaboration and group

1 1 - -
participation to achieve common goals

Respect diversity 3 1 - -

PC8. transact with everyone without any

personal bias based on gender, disability, caste, 1 - - -
religion, colour, sexual orientation and culture

PC9. identify and report inappropriate behaviour

(e.g. sexual harassment) to appropriate 1 1 - -

PC10. ensure proper personal behavior and

conduct, taking gender and disability of the 1 - - -
person into consideration

NOS Total 10 15 - -

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 21

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SGJ/N6108

NOS Name Work effectively with co-workers

Sector Green Jobs

Sub-Sector Waste Management

Occupation Team Management

NSQF Level 3

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 25/11/2021

Next Review Date 25/11/2024

NSQC Clearance Date 25/11/2021

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 22

Qualification Pack

SGJ/N6112: Cleaning of toilets


This unit is about wet Cleaning i.e. wet sweeping and mopping of floors, lavatories of buildings, hospitals


The scope covers the following :

Prepare the materials and tools required for wet cleaning

Elements and Performance Criteria

Prepare the material and tools required for wet cleaning

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1.. arrange and check the tools i.e. wiper, mop, spade, water, bucket, cloth etc.
PC2.. arrange liquid disinfectant / cleaning agent
PC3.. prepare the proper mixture of liquid disinfectant and water
PC4.. prepare the area to be cleaned
PC5.. clean lavatory basins, inside and outside surround of the sinks, taps
PC6.. clean tiles, mirrors etc.
PC7.. collect the garbage, waste etc. properly and place it in a designated area
PC8.. sweep and mop the floors/lavatories with mop or wet cloth
PC9.. remove the garbage, waste etc. collected and carried it to the dumping place

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. organizations culture and setup if working in a group/organization

KU2. rules and Regulations of a gated community/ society
KU3. basic knowledge of liquid disinfectant/ cleaning agent
KU4. different types of tools required for wet cleaning
KU5. different categories and types of waste
KU6. procedure for wet sweeping & cleaning
KU7. dos and donts while carrying and transportation of wastes

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. understand various disposal signs used on objects

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Qualification Pack

GS2. express statements or information clearly so that others can understand

GS3. understand the main points of simple discussions
GS4. the local area from where he/she would work
GS5. communicate courteously
GS6. analyse day to day experiences to correct future course of action

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 24

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Prepare the material and tools required for wet

18 32 - -

PC1.. arrange and check the tools i.e. wiper,

2 3 - -
mop, spade, water, bucket, cloth etc.

PC2.. arrange liquid disinfectant / cleaning

2 3 - -

PC3.. prepare the proper mixture of liquid

2 3 - -
disinfectant and water

PC4.. prepare the area to be cleaned 2 4 - -

PC5.. clean lavatory basins, inside and outside

2 3 - -
surround of the sinks, taps

PC6.. clean tiles, mirrors etc. 2 4 - -

PC7.. collect the garbage, waste etc. properly

2 4 - -
and place it in a designated area

PC8.. sweep and mop the floors/lavatories

2 4 - -
with mop or wet cloth

PC9.. remove the garbage, waste etc.

2 4 - -
collected and carried it to the dumping place

NOS Total 18 32 - -

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 25

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SGJ/N6112

NOS Name Cleaning of toilets

Sector Green Jobs

Sub-Sector Waste Management

Occupation Sanitation

NSQF Level 3

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 27/05/2021

Next Review Date 27/05/2024

NSQC Clearance Date 27/05/2021

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 26

Qualification Pack

SGJ/N6113: Cleaning with mechanized cleaning tool


This unit is about Cleaning with mechanized cleaning tools


The scope covers the following :

Clean with vacuum cleaner

Clean with mechanical sweeper
Clean with mechanized sweeper ride
Clean with mechanized scrubbing machine

Elements and Performance Criteria

Clean with vacuum cleaner

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. identify the components of vacuum cleaner and demonstrate its starting and shutting down
PC2. identify and attach the appropriate suction hose, check the dirt container periodically and
clean that while disposing the dirt
PC3. ensure that the dirt container has been inserted properly
PC4. carry out the drying of wet filter and change the filter if necessary
PC5. ensure proper shut down of the appliance, clean the vacuum cleaner and visually inspect for
any damages
Clean with mechanical sweeper
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. identify the components of mechanical sweeper
PC7. check and remove any sharp objects and heavy debris in the cleaning area before using the
PC8. adjust the brush according to low, medium and highly dusty place
PC9. operate the mechanical sweeper
PC10. clean the brush appropriately after the operation is completed and carry out proper disposal
of the dust collected
PC11. properly shut down the appliance and inspect the appliance for any damages
Clean with mechanized sweeper ride
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC12. identify the components of mechanized sweeper ride
PC13. demonstrate starting and shutting down procedure of the mechanical sweeper ride
PC14. check and remove the area for sharp and heavy debris or obstacles
PC15. demonstrate the opening and securing the cover of the machine as per manufacturer

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Qualification Pack

PC16. check oil level / fuel level / battery level for smooth operation of the machine
PC17. operate the mechanical sweeper and clean the brush appropriately after the operation is
PC18. carry out proper disposal of the dust collected and properly shut down the appliance and
inspect the appliance for any damages
Clean with mechanized scrubbing machine
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC19. Identify the components of mechanized scrubbing machine and demonstrate starting and
shutdown procedure of the mechanised scrubbing machine
PC20. visually inspect the machine for any damage and check the main cable regularly
PC21. Inspect the area to be cleaned with no obstacles and fix the brush/pad appropriately
PC22. prepare the cleaning solution as per the requirement and refill the detergent tank
PC23. adjust the water quantity according to the dirt
PC24. operate the mechanized scrubbing machine and check the dirty water collection tank at
regular intervals
PC25. ensure proper shutdown after the operation is complete and clean the machine from inside &
outside with a dry cloth

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. organizations culture and setup if working in a group/organization

KU2. rules and regulations of a gated community/ society
KU3. component identification & Operating principle of various mechanised tools
KU4. knowledge of different types of appliances used for cleaning
KU5. handling of tools requires for the operation
KU6. dos and donts of various mechanised cleaning tools
KU7. dos and donts while carrying and transportation of different types of waste, including handling
of dry leaves

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. fill up documentation applicable to ones role

GS2. understand various disposal signs used on objects
GS3. express statements or information clearly so that others can understand
GS4. communicate courteously with others in a polite manner
GS5. approach local authorities in case of emergency. (Police, Doctor, etc.)

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Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Clean with vacuum cleaner 5 5 - -

PC1. identify the components of vacuum cleaner

and demonstrate its starting and shutting down 1 1 - -

PC2. identify and attach the appropriate suction

hose, check the dirt container periodically and 1 1 - -
clean that while disposing the dirt

PC3. ensure that the dirt container has been

1 1 - -
inserted properly

PC4. carry out the drying of wet filter and change

1 1 - -
the filter if necessary

PC5. ensure proper shut down of the appliance,

clean the vacuum cleaner and visually inspect for 1 1 - -
any damages

Clean with mechanical sweeper 6 6 - -

PC6. identify the components of mechanical

1 1 - -

PC7. check and remove any sharp objects and

heavy debris in the cleaning area before using 1 1 - -
the sweeper

PC8. adjust the brush according to low, medium

1 1 - -
and highly dusty place

PC9. operate the mechanical sweeper 1 1 - -

PC10. clean the brush appropriately after the

operation is completed and carry out proper 1 1 - -
disposal of the dust collected

PC11. properly shut down the appliance and

1 1 - -
inspect the appliance for any damages

Clean with mechanized sweeper ride 7 7 - -

PC12. identify the components of mechanized

1 1 - -
sweeper ride

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 29

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC13. demonstrate starting and shutting down

1 1 - -
procedure of the mechanical sweeper ride

PC14. check and remove the area for sharp and

1 1 - -
heavy debris or obstacles

PC15. demonstrate the opening and securing the

cover of the machine as per manufacturer 1 1 - -

PC16. check oil level / fuel level / battery level for

1 1 - -
smooth operation of the machine

PC17. operate the mechanical sweeper and clean

the brush appropriately after the operation is 1 1 - -

PC18. carry out proper disposal of the dust

collected and properly shut down the appliance 1 1 - -
and inspect the appliance for any damages

Clean with mechanized scrubbing machine 7 7 - -

PC19. Identify the components of mechanized

scrubbing machine and demonstrate starting and
1 1 - -
shutdown procedure of the mechanised
scrubbing machine

PC20. visually inspect the machine for any

1 1 - -
damage and check the main cable regularly

PC21. Inspect the area to be cleaned with no

1 1 - -
obstacles and fix the brush/pad appropriately

PC22. prepare the cleaning solution as per the

1 1 - -
requirement and refill the detergent tank

PC23. adjust the water quantity according to the

1 1 - -

PC24. operate the mechanized scrubbing

machine and check the dirty water collection 1 1 - -
tank at regular intervals

PC25. ensure proper shutdown after the

operation is complete and clean the machine 1 1 - -
from inside & outside with a dry cloth

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 30

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

NOS Total 25 25 - -

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 31

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SGJ/N6113

NOS Name Cleaning with mechanized cleaning tool

Sector Green Jobs

Sub-Sector Waste Management

Occupation Sanitation

NSQF Level 3

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 27/05/2021

Next Review Date 27/05/2024

NSQC Clearance Date 27/05/2021

Assessment Guidelines and Assessment Weightage

Assessment Guidelines

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Element/ Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will
also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each Element/ PC.

2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.

3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected
elective/option NOS/set of NOS.

4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at
each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).

5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at
each examination/ training center based on these criteria.

6. To pass the Qualification Pack assessment, every trainee should score the Recommended Pass %
aggregate for the QP.

7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 32

Qualification Pack
Minimum Aggregate Passing % at QP Level : 70

(Please note: Every Trainee should score a minimum aggregate passing percentage as specified above, to
successfully clear the Qualification Pack assessment.)

Assessment Weightage

Compulsory NOS

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

SGJ/N6105.Cleaning of
roads, pavements and 33 42 - - 75 30
public areas

SGJ/N6106.Cleaning of
23 27 - - 50 20
floor(s) of buildings

personal health & safety 22 28 - - 50 20
while cleaning

SGJ/N6108.Work effectively
10 15 - - 25 10
with co-workers

Total 88 112 - - 200 80

Elective: 1 Wet Cleaning

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

SGJ/N6112.Cleaning of
18 32 - - 50 20

Total 18 32 0 0 50 20

Elective: 2 Mechanized Cleaning

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 33

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

SGJ/N6113.Cleaning with
25 25 0 0 50 20
mechanized cleaning tool

Total 25 25 0 0 50 20

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 34

Qualification Pack


NOS National Occupational Standard(s)

NSQF National Skills Qualifications Framework

QP Qualifications Pack

TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 35

Qualification Pack


Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having

similar business and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct
subset of the economy whose components share similar characteristics
and interests.

Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the

characteristics and interests of its components.

Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/ related set of

functions in an industry.

Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job role
employment opportunity in an organisation.

OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve

when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the
Knowledge and Understanding (KU) they need to meet that standard
Standards (OS)
consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian
and global contexts.

Performance Criteria Performance Criteria (PC) are statements that together specify the
(PC) standard of performance required when carrying out a task.

NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Standards (NOS)

QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and
Qualifications Pack
other criteria required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique
qualifications pack code.

Unit code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is

Unit Code
denoted by an ‘N’

Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
Unit Title
should be able to do.

Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be

Description helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.

Scope is a set of statements specifying the range of variables that an

Scope individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have
a critical impact on quality of performance required.

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 36

Qualification Pack

Knowledge and Understanding (KU) are statements which together

Knowledge and specify the technical, generic, professional and organisational specific
Understanding (KU) knowledge that an individual needs in order to perform to the required

Organisational context includes the way the organisation is structured

and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.

Technical knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish

Technical Knowledge
specific designated responsibilities.

Core skills or Generic Skills (GS) are a group of skills that are the key to
learning and working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed
Core Skills/ Generic
in any work environment in today’s world. These skills are typically
Skills (GS)
needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.

Electives are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as

contributive to specialization in a job role. There may be multiple
electives within a QP for each specialized job role. Trainees must select
at least one elective for the successful completion of a QP with Electives.

Options are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as

Options additional skills. There may be multiple options within a QP. It is not
mandatory to select any of the options to complete a QP with Options.

NSQC Approved || Skill Council for Green Jobs 37

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