VD Project Report
VD Project Report
VD Project Report
Name Reg no
Muhammad Hassan Mustafa 313547
Submitted to:
Dr. Raza Amer Azim
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
For the mountainous urban environment of Islamabad city, a real-world urban driving cycle with a
road slope profile is created in this work. A hybrid approach to data collecting is used, combining
digital surface models, on-board diagnostics, and global positioning systems. The Markov chain
Monte Carlo approach, which considered the weights of various road types in the research area,
was used to generate the driving cycle. With the help of 15 characteristics, 4 distribution
parameters, and the speed acceleration probability distribution, the generated driving cycle is
compared to other driving cycles. To determine key elements (i.e., energy consumption, range,
grid charging energy demand factors, and carbon dioxide emission factors), powertrain
simulations of 24 vehicle models of various vehicle technologies were run under 8 distinct driving
cycles. Results with validation show that, in addition to significant implications on the
components taken into consideration, the powertrain simulation would have had errors ranging
from 10.2 to 22.2% without the road slope profile.
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
1. Introduction
One of the main reasons for the adaption of transport electrification is the rapid decline in urban
air quality and the depletion of fossil resources (Keramidas et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2017). Modern
vehicle technologies have enhanced energy recovery systems, efficient powertrain layout, and
transmission efficiency. In addition, the real-time energy usage display encourages better driving
habits, which results in lower energy consumption as compared to conventional internal
combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) (Davari et al., 2017; Sayed et al., 2020). The issues of energy
consumption estimation, proper lifespan analysis, and public knowledge of the advantages of
electric vehicles (EV) must be overcome in order to assure a gradual transition to transport
electrification (Asghar et al., 2021; Ayodele and Mustapa, 2020; Capuder et al., 2020; P. Paniyil et
al., 2020; Sayed et al., 2020). A driving cycle (DC) is a speed profile that replicates the actual
traffic patterns in a certain area or city (Huertas et al., 2018). In addition to optimising battery
management, energy storage, and powertrain systems, DCs are used to design solutions to
problems. Additionally, DCs serve as a uniform testing process for assessing and approving
freshly manufactured automotive prototypes and automobiles (Brady and O'Mahony, 2016).
The federal test procedure, highway fuel economy driving schedule, new European driving cycle
(NEDC), urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS), Japanese industrial safety and health
association's 10-15 mode driving cycle, and JC 08 driving cycle are some of the common and
regulated DCs used globally for the various analyses of vehicles in different regions (Kurnia et al.,
2017; Yuhui et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2020). These internationally regulated DCs differ from one
another in terms of data gathering region, data collection methodology, and DC development
methodology. Due to the variances in road conditions, geographic location, population density,
city planning, and traffic conditions, these DCs do not, however, correlate with actual driving
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
The worldwide harmonised light vehicles test method (WLTP) was created in 2015 to take the
position of the North European DC (NEDC) as a standard DC, to reduce analysis mistakes, and to
enhance the correlation of results with actual conditions (Tutuianu et al., 2013). The WLTP was
created using real-world driving and traffic data from five contributing nations, including the
USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, and India. As a result, the WLTP has a better correlation with actual
driving circumstances. A variety of global harmonised light vehicle test cycles (WLTC) are
included in the WLTP and are chosen for analysis of various cars based on their gravimetric power
density. These DCs are not appropriate in hilly urban terrains because none of them have a clear
road slope profile.
The analysis of the literature for several other research projects also shows that the energy
consumption and pollutant emissions computed using real-world DCs are higher than those
calculated using DCs that are governed by international law. The energy consumption of a plug-in
hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) running under both NEDC and WLTP was presented by Liu et al.
The energy consumption of the PHEV in charge depletion (CD) mode was found to be 26%
greater than that of the NEDC. In contrast, the fuel consumption under WLTP is 20% greater than
NEDC when a PHEV is running in charge-sustaining (CS) mode (X. Liu et al., 2020). In the
Chinese city of Zhengzhou, researchers built a DC for hybrid electric buses using the Markov
chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, and they calculated the fuel consumption to be 20.5 L/100
km and the approximate energy consumption to be 12.8 kWh/100 km (Peng et al., 2020). It was
determined that the China light-duty vehicle test cycle results in a 13% increase in fuel
consumption by using traffic data from 40 different Chinese cities that were chosen based on their
GDP (Y. Liu et al., 2020). Another study team used the California performance measurement
system database's dataset to construct a global real-time DC creation process using the MCMC
method and dynamic programming. They found that the developed economic driving pro system
reduced fuel consumption by 5.8%. (Hongwen et al., 2018). None of them, however, has
conducted a composite examination of several vehicle technologies on numerous factors,
including energy consumption, driving range, simultaneous grid-required charging energy, and
road exhaust carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
depicts the three-step process for creating DCs as recommended. The approach and framework for
analyzing the composite results of powertrain simulations for various vehicle technologies have
been carried out. For any worldwide metropolis with hilly urban environment, it can be used to
compile the viability of transport electrification and life cycle analysis. This work uses a DSM to
create a DC and create a road slope profile with the Islamabad driving cycle (IDC). Based on
proportional and characteristic parameters as well as speed acceleration probability distribution, an
extensive comparison of IDC with other DCs is made, including three classes of WLTC (SAPD).
Various vehicle technologies, including BEV, PHEV, HEV, FCEV, and ICEV, are simulated for
their powertrains across eight different DCs. The findings of the powertrain simulation are
compositely analyzed to determine energy consumption, range, necessary grid charge, and CO2
This piece is divided into four sections. In Section 2, the selection of the test route, data collection
techniques, dataset preprocessing, and DC creation validation are discussed. In Section 3, the
outcomes of the generated DC's comparison to other common DCs are shown. Section 4 provides
examples of the powertrain simulation findings.
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
For the representative DC to be the true representative of urban driving conditions, a proper test
route must be selected which reflects all the topological structures of urban roads. The road
network dataset was obtained from open street maps (OpenStreetMap
Table 1
Road distribution of Islamabad district.
Road Type Color Length (km) Proportion (%) Mean Speed (km/h)
contributors, 2017). This dataset was processed in ArcGIS software to calculate the lengths of
different types of roads in Islamabad. The lengths, percentage proportions and mean speed of
different types of urban roads are shown in Table 1. Besides the topological dis- attribution of the
road network, other factors such as population density, different areas (residential, business,
recreational, commer- cial), and regional traffic conditions were considered for the determination
of the test route. The layout of the urban road network in Islamabad city and the selected test route
are illustrated in Fig. 3.
Date, Coordinated Universal Time, latitude, longitude, speed, heading, altitude, number of
satellites connected, and horizontal precision dilution are just a few of the parameters that the GPS
receiver keeps track of (HDOP). The GPS receiver must first be fixed for 26 seconds. After
starting the engine, the instrumented vehicle was maintained still for at least 30 seconds to provide
the GPS receiver enough time to connect with enough satellites to reduce the HDOP and record
correct data. True range multiliterate is the method used by the GPS receiver to determine position
and altitude. As contrast to horizontal position, the precision of altitude calculated by GPS
receivers is roughly halved. The GPS receiver is connected to the network of satellites above the
horizon to estimate the horizontal position. However, the lack of satellites below the horizon
makes it difficult to determine the altitude or vertical position, which drastically reduces vertical
position accuracy (Hofmann-Wellenhof et al., 2008).
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
) As the driving process is modeled using ten states, the probability of transition from the current
state to any other future state can be represented using the transition probability matriX (TPM)
having dimensions of 10X10. The sum of each row of the TPM must be 1. The TPM is
computed using the following equation:
∑ ∑ )
pij = P Xn+1 = xj |Xn = xi = 1, ∀i
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
Table 4
95th Percentile of Velocity (km/h) 72.095 69.952 Mean Slope (˚) 0.400
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
Table 5
Parameter NEDC UDDS LA92 US06 WLTC Class 1 WLTC Class 2 WLTC Class 3 IDC
Idle Proportion (%) 27.595 21.679 20.056 10.150 22.776 17.727 14.714
Acceleration Proportion (%) 21.435 28.394 35.306 31.281 20.235 28.755 28.762 38.083
Deceleration Proportion (%) 13.586 23.139 29.457 30.283 16.520 22.530 26.985 25.250
Cruise Proportion (%) 37.384 26.788 15.181 28.286 40.469 30.988 29.539 21.333
Maximum Velocity (km/h) 119.974 91.251 108.125 129.230 64.400 85.200 131.299 82.742
Mean Velocity (km/h) 33.202 31.508 39.595 77.197 28.472 35.718 46.499 29.533
SD of Velocity (km/h) 31.071 23.651 31.734 39.565 20.337 24.722 36.037 21.936
95th Percentile of Velocity (km/h) 99.978 82.166 99.436 116.838 58.779 73.715 119.000 69.952
RMS of Velocity (km/h) 45.464 39.391 50.736 86.730 34.984 43.434 58.823 36.783
Maximum Acceleration (m/s2) 1.055 1.475 3.084 3.755 0.805 1.000 1.750 2.411
Mean Acceleration (m/s2) 0.541 0.505 0.673 0.670 0.220 0.291 0.422 0.392
SD of Acceleration (m/s2) 0.206 0.451 0.514 0.816 0.163 0.216 0.379 0.373
95th Percentile of Acceleration (m/s2) 1.028 1.475 1.699 2.486 0.527 0.722 1.194
RMS of Acceleration (m/s2) 0.579 0.676 0.846 1.055 0.274 0.362 0.567 0.541
Maximum Deceleration (m/s2) —1.389 —1.475 —3.933 —3.084 —1.139 —1.167 —1.500 —2.889
Mean Deceleration (m/s2) —0.788 —0.578 —0.754 —0.728 —0.225 —0.335 —0.440 —0.511
SD of Deceleration (m/s ) 0.190 0.519 0.696 0.755 0.221 0.281 0.410 0.593
RMS of Deceleration (m/s ) 0.811 0.776 1.025 1.048 0.316 0.437 0.601 0.783
MAPE of Parameters (%) 41.592 20.947 34.790 63.726 45.249 31.866 30.025 –
RMSE of SAPD (%) 10.990 7.140 8.528 23.133 15.258 8.263 10.159 –
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
percentage proportions of velocity states and kinematic fragments, while Figure 8 depicts the
SAPD projections.
But when all the typical parameters were compared, the MAPE was 30.0% and the RMSE for
the SAPD was 10.2%. IDC has a lesser speed range but a wider range of acceleration and
deceleration, which explains why. Although UDDS has the lowest MAPE of 20.9% and
RMSE of SAPD of 7.1%, these errors are still too great for UDDS to be a reliable indicator of
driving habits in Islamabad.
4. Powertrain Simulation
Numerous techniques for powertrain simulations have been created since the pre-
commercialization phase of hybrid automobiles (between 1980 and 1990). Advisor, AVL Cruise
M, Autonomie, CarSim, HVEC, Simscape, V- EHLP, Dymola, SimulationX, OpenModelica,
JModelica, and the future automotive system technology simulator (FASTSim) are some of the
well-known tools (Tammi et al., 2016).
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
Fig. 9. a) SOC of Chevrolet Bolt BEV under different driving cycles b) SOC of Chevrolet Bolt BEV under IDC with and without road slope.
Fig. 10. a) Speed profile of IDC, power required: b) Nissan leaf 30 kWh BEV, c) Toyota prius prime PHEV, d) Kia optima HEV, e) Toyota mirai FCEV,
The FASTSim Python application programming interface (API) was chosen to be used for the
powertrain simulations in this work among all of these powertrain simulation tools. The reason for
this is that it uses a high-level simulation technique to mimic several powertrain configurations,
including BEV, PHEV, HEV, FCEV, and ICEV (Brooker et al., 2015). According to the
validation report for FASTSim, the RMSE for the fuel consumption simulation was only 5.6%.
(Gonder et al., 2018). The National Renewable Energy Laboratory made FASTSim's Python API
available for customization, therefore it was altered to meet the needs of this paper's calculation of
results. Table A1 provides the details of the vehicle models used for the research in this
publication. FASTSim simulates all 24 of the vehicles as they operate under 8 distinct DCs,
including IDC, UDDS, NEDC, LA92, US06, WLTC Class 1, WLTC Class 2, and WLTC Class 3.
Fig. 9 shows the state of charge (SOC) of the 2017 Chevrolet Bolt BEV operating under these DCs
(a). IDC and the road grade are both modelled for the powertrain simulations. The road grade has a
significant impact on the outcomes of any type of EV analysis and simulation.
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
The SOC of the 2017 Chevrolet Bolt BEV, as simulated by the IDC with and without road slope,
is shown in Fig. 9(b). In hilly urban areas, different road slope profiles mean that an electric car's
battery pack must expend more energy to maintain the same speed profile. As a result, the SOC of
the battery pack decreases more quickly when the road slope profile is taken into account in the
Fig. 10 shows the dynamic power results for various vehicles operating under the IDC, including
the Nissan Leaf 30 kWh BEV, Toyota Prius Prime PHEV, Kia Optima HEV, Toyota Mirai FCEV,
and Toyota Corolla ICEV. For the calculation of results for composite analysis, the DCs are
repeated until the fuel storage or in the case of BEV the energy storage gets depleted. The cluster
maps of simulated energy consumption in miles per gallon equivalent (MPGe) and vehicle range
are illustrated in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 respectively.
A.H.U. Bhatti et al. Transportation Research Part D 99 (2021) 103025
5. Conclusion
In this study, a hybrid data gathering methodology is used to generate an urban DC and a
road slope profile for steep urban terrain, such as Islamabad, Pakistan. The generated DC's
representation of actual driving situations was confirmed by an analysis of its various ratios and
defining characteristics. The IDC's road traffic conditions are closest to UDDS while still having
MAPE of 20.9% and RMSE of SAPD of 7.1%, according to a comparison of the IDC against four
internationally legislated DCs and three classes of WLTC. These DCs are not entirely realistic of
driving circumstances in the actual world, according to this comparison. To calculating the
equivalent energy consumption, range, grid charging need factors, and CO2 emission factors for 8
ICEVs, 6 BEVs, 5 PHEVs, 3 HEVs, and 2 FCEVs operating on the various DCs, powertrain
simulations were conducted for each of the powertrain types. The outcomes of the powertrain
simulation demonstrate that the road slope profile significantly affects EV. The findings of EVs
agglomerate RMSE of 10.2-13.5% in energy consumption, 10.2-13.4% in range, 11.5-12.2% in
grid charging energy required factors, and 17.6-22.2% in road CO2 emission factors if the road
slope is not considered. The comparison of the results of powertrain simulations using IDC and
other DCs revealed equivalent energy consumption error ranges from 6.2% to 34.7%, driving
range errors of 6.0% — 34.8%, grid charging energy requirement factors have errors of 3.6%
51.9%, and CO2 emission factor error ranges from 7.6% to 136.4%. To build the best energy and
battery management methods and to assess the effects of EVs running more accurately in
Islamabad on the electric grid, the generated DC may now be utilized for economic and life cycle
analysis. Additionally, the estimated distance-based gird charging requirements, road CO2
emission factors, and variable DCs are taken into consideration for realistic car models and
research projects that can use them in the future.
Future research will create an improved framework to address the gaps left by this study, which
will lead to even more precise assessments. The DSM utilized in this work has a resolution of 30
m, which is sufficient for hilly urban regions with broader roadways like Islamabad. This
restriction is the first. However, DSM of the higher resolution must be utilized in locations with a
higher percentage of small roads, which could raise the cost. The second restriction relates to the
powertrain simulations, where it is assumed that the study cars' auxiliary loads, such as lighting
and environment controllers, are constant as well as their passenger and luggage weights.
however, in the real world, these conditions vary from vehicle to vehicle and time to time.
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