Home Work EE II SS 2020

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Home work: Energy Engineering II

Technische Universität Berlin

Fachgebiet Exergiebasierte Methoden für
kältetechnische Systeme

Home work
Energy Engineering II


Problem 1 Energetic and exergetic analysis

of the combined-cycle power plant

1.1. Energetic analysis of the power plant

1.1.1. Formulate the mass, energy and entropy balances for the following components:
• ________________ • ________________ • ________________

1.1.2. Calculate the value of Wnet for the entire system.

1.1.3. Define and calculate the overall energetic efficiency of the entire system.

1.1.4. Create a T − ∆H diagram for the ____ ___-_

IP HRSG_________________
and define the minimal temperature difference for this heat exchanger.

1.2. Exergetic analysis of the power plant

1.2.1. Calculate the chemical exergy and the total exergy of the combustion gases
(Streams 5 through 19).

1.2.2. Formulate the exergy balance for the entire system and
identify all variables.

1.2.3. Calculate the value of the exergetic efficiency of the entire system.

1.2.4. Calculate the following exergetic variables E F,k , E P,k , E D,k , ε k , and y D,k
for the following components:

________________ • RH
________________ • HPST

Fachgebiet Exergiebasierte Methoden für kältetechnische Systeme • Institut für Energietechnik • TU Berlin • SS
Home work: Energy Engineering II

Table 1: Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic data.

Figure 1. Combined cycle power plant: AC – air compressor, CC – combustion chamber, GT – gas turbine,

Fachgebiet Exergiebasierte Methoden für kältetechnische Systeme • Institut für Energietechnik • TU Berlin • SS
RH – reheater, CD – condenser, CDP – condensate pump, DEA – deaerator,
HRSG – heat recovery steam generator, ST – steam turbine, P – pump, SH – superheater, EVAP – evaporator,
ECON – economizer, HP – high pressure, IP – intermediate pressure, LP – low pressure.
Home work: Energy Engineering II

Stream m T p H S E PH E CH E c C
[kg/s] [ºC] [bar] [MW] [MW/K] [MW] [MW] [MW] [€/GJ] [€/h]
1 614.50 15.0 1.01 9.313 4.221 0.00 0.96 0.96 0 0
2 614.50 392.9 17.00 249.727 4.252 231.30 0.96 232.25 18.97 15857
4 14.00 15.0 17.00 0.457 0.133 5.90 721.47 727.37 9.15 23963
5 628.50 1264.0 16.49 941.362 5.122 735.74 15.30 40820
6 628.50 580.6 1.06 403.774 5.167 184.60 15.30 10459
7 268.50 580.6 1.06 172.495 2.208 78.86 15.30 4468
8 268.50 447.6 1.05 130.955 2.155 52.39 15.30 3010
9 360.00 580.6 1.06 231.278 2.960 105.73 15.30 5991
10 360.00 449.3 1.05 176.276 2.891 70.66 15.30 4059
11 628.50 448.6 1.05 307.231 5.047 123.05 15.30 7069
12 628.50 341.2 1.04 230.941 4.933 79.42 15.30 4665
13 628.50 257.9 1.04 173.138 4.833 50.50 15.30 3072
14 628.50 257.3 1.04 172.747 4.832 50.32 15.30 3062
15 628.50 237.6 1.04 159.212 4.806 44.22 15.30 2726
16 628.50 234.1 1.04 156.789 4.801 43.16 15.30 2668
17 628.50 229.3 1.04 153.501 4.795 41.74 15.30 2589
18 628.50 156.4 1.03 104.062 4.689 22.71 15.30 1541
19 628.50 95.3 1.03 63.179 4.588 11.22 15.30 908
20 94.58 32.9 3.73 13.068 0.045 0.24 0.24 0.48 25.62 44
21 94.58 135.6 3.62 53.951 0.160 7.95 0.24 8.18 30.27 892
22 95.41 140.0 3.62 56.217 0.166 8.55 0.24 8.79 30.82 975
23 72.43 140.0 3.62 42.681 0.126 6.49 0.18 6.67 30.82 740
24 7.22 140.0 3.62 4.257 0.013 0.65 0.02 0.67 30.82 74
25 7.22 140.5 25.13 4.282 0.013 0.67 0.02 0.68 33.89 84
26 7.22 216.6 24.38 6.705 0.018 1.54 0.02 1.56 27.29 153
27 7.22 222.6 24.38 20.240 0.045 7.21 0.02 7.23 21.86 569
28 7.22 237.9 23.16 20.631 0.046 7.33 0.02 7.35 22.08 584
29 94.58 32.9 0.05 13.030 0.045 0 0.93 0.93 0 0
30 72.43 305.1 23.16 219.280 0.486 79.35 0.18 79.53 20.36 5828
31 72.43 560.6 22.00 260.820 0.547 103.24 0.18 103.42 20.08 7478
32 72.43 317.2 4.10 224.711 0.552 65.85 0.18 66.03 20.08 4774
33 22.15 214.1 4.10 64.001 0.160 17.95 0.06 18.01 25.12 1628
34 22.15 146.4 4.32 60.713 0.152 16.91 0.06 16.96 24.87 1519
35 0.83 146.4 4.32 2.265 0.006 0.63 0.00 0.63 24.87 57
36 22.97 140.0 3.62 13.536 0.040 2.06 0.06 2.12 30.82 235
37 22.97 140.0 4.32 13.538 0.040 2.06 0.06 2.12 31.13 237
38 22.97 146.4 4.32 62.979 0.158 17.54 0.06 17.60 24.87 1576
39 65.21 140.0 3.62 38.424 0.113 5.84 0.16 6.01 30.82 667
40 65.21 141.8 134.56 39.466 0.114 6.80 0.16 6.96 31.48 789
41 65.21 325.2 130.53 97.270 0.228 31.72 0.16 31.88 22.67 2601
42 65.21 331.2 130.53 173.565 0.354 71.63 0.16 71.79 20.56 5314
43 65.21 560.6 124.00 228.568 0.435 103.35 0.16 103.51 20.15 7507
44 65.21 313.2 23.16 198.649 0.440 72.06 0.16 72.22 20.15 5238
45 94.58 293.0 4.10 288.711 0.712 83.62 0.24 83.86 21.21 6404
46 94.58 32.9 0.05 225.797 0.740 12.63 0.24 12.87 21.21 982

Fachgebiet Exergiebasierte Methoden für kältetechnische Systeme • Institut für Energietechnik • TU Berlin • SS
Home work: Energy Engineering II

Table 2: Additional information.

CH 4 LHV = 50 010 kJ/kg
Composition of the combustion gases
Chemical substance Concentration [kmol/kmol]
N2 0.7515
O2 0.1204
H2O 0.0884
CO 2 0.0397

Fachgebiet Exergiebasierte Methoden für kältetechnische Systeme • Institut für Energietechnik • TU Berlin • SS

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