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Ijertv11n6 06
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This article methodologically investigates the temperature effect on the
performance metrics of Grid-tied Solar Photo-voltaic plants and importance of
these metrics. Performance Ratio (PR), System Efficiency (SE) are two critical
performance metrics that are very sensitive to temperature changes. The effect
of variation of the temperature on these metrics are evaluated and analyzed for
120kWp SPV plant on rooftop of EEE Block in CVR College of Engineering
for the year 2017. Above performance metrics are calculated manually from the
data extracted from web-interface. The investigation reveals that PR of SPV
plant reduces significantly during the months March to June, as the average
ambient temperature is more than 290C in this period. During these four months,
PR and SE of the 120kWp plant is dropped around 2.5% from the average values
though plant output energy is more. From the real time data, surprisingly one
more interesting observation identified is that the Inverter efficiency also
varying with ambient temperature. After analyzing performance metrics, the
overall performance of the plant is as good as a MW scale commercial Solar PV
Keywords: Grid-tied SPV Plant, Inverter Efficiency Performance Metrics,
Performance Ratio (PR), System Efficiency (SE), Temperature Corrected
Performance Ratio (TCPR).
India has abundant amount of solar energy almost in every part, with an average of 300
sunny days in an year. This clean, non polluting, green and renewable solar energy is
the greatest alternative to the energy needs in the country.
The most excellent way to generate electrical energy from the solar power is by Photo-
Voltaic effect. In this process photon energy of the solar radiation is directly
910 Rajesh Kumar Prakhya Shashidhar Reddy Kotha
transformed in to DC electrical energy using the Solar Cell. One solar cell can generate
only small quantity of electrical power. Hence, to generate reasonable power more
number of solar cells are connected either in series or parallel to form a Solar array to
get the required power.
Grid-tied PV systems are widely being used because of many advantages. Power
production from such grid-tied SPV plants have to be monitored properly for better
utilization of plant and available resources [1-4]. Performance of SPV plants can't be
judged easily by considering the magnitude of energy generated from the plant every
day. The output of solar plant depends upon the quantum of solar irradiation that falls
on effective surface area of PV array. This solar radiation will not be same right through
the year and in all locations. It is best in summer, more in winter and moderate in
monsoon season. Hence, justifying the performance of the plant depending on the
quantum of electrical energy produced by the plant is not hypothetical. Therefore, to
analyze the performance of SPV plants, few metrics are essential. The best metrics that
are adopted by the SPV industry experts to analyze the performance of SPV plant are,
Performance Ratio (PR), System Efficiency (SE) [816].
Climatic conditions like high temperature and high humidity have negative influence
on performance and consistency of PV modules. Besides the module performance,
efficiency of the inverter is also a significant factor which seriously impacts the overall
system performance and behavior. Effect of the temperature on the performance of
inverter is also worth investigating as the effectiveness and performance of this power
electronic device also influenced by operating temperatures.
Besides temperature, various factors that influence the plant performance are Solar
insolation , shading effect, Effect of climate, Wind speed, Electrical load matching ,
Dust on panels, Accuracy of MPPT operation. Different losses that are occurring in the
system are Array capture losses, Soil losses, Inverter losses, etc. The industry experts
need to understand the each and every influencing parameter and its effect on
performance of this plant. This research mainly concentrates on the temperature effect
on plant's performance [5-6].
The organization of this paper is: Chapter II describes the climatic conditions and solar
insolation values at the site and configuration of the grid-tied plant under analysis.
Chapter III clearly discusses the various plant’s Performance Metrics viz. Performance
Ratio, Temperature Corrected PR & System Efficiency in detail. Chapter IV analyzes
the results in a organized manner and discussion of Plant performance using these
metrics followed by conclusions and references.
Table 2. Details of sub plants , their capacities and date of commencement of plant
Name of the Sub Plant Location of the Installed Date of
Plant Power Commencement
of Plant
CVR PG Block EEE Block 120 kWp 03-03-2014
Single Axis Tracking Main Block 40 kWp 18-01-2015
Library Library Block 20 kWp 23-02-2015
Single Axis Polar Main Block 40 kWp 11-03-2015
CVR CS Block CSE Block 60 kWp 22-10-2015
CVR New First Year Block 80 kWp 03-03-2016
Overall Plant Capacity 360 kWp ----
The solar PV array is the interconnection of different solar modules either in series/
parallel depending upon system design, rating and configuration. The modules
commissioned for this rooftop SPV plant are supplied by Kohima Energy Pvt. Ltd. The
module manufacturing number is KE-60-M250, with peak DC electrical power rating
of 250Wp at STC conditions (250C ambient temperature, 1000 W/m2 Insolation, Air
mass ratio is 1.5). The other Specifications of Solar Module -KE-60M250 are given in
Temperature Effect on the Performance Metrics of Gridtied SPV Plant 913
Table III [8]. As per the design, there are 80 no’s of above KE-60M250 solar modules.
These 80 modules are further connected in 4 parallel strings each string consists of 20
modules in series. Fig.1 shows the 20kW grid tied REFUsol 008K-020K string inverter.
Its maximum efficiency is 98.2% at STC conditions. For every 20kW array one
independent string inverter is commissioned. Consequently whole 120kW SPV plant
has Six (6) individual string inverters. However, for superior understanding, all these
6- inverters are assumed as single central inverter.
Table 4. Specifications of solar module kohima energy pvt. Ltd.
STC–Irradiance of 1000 W/Sq. m at 25°C KE-60-M250
Maximum Power (Pmax) 250 W
Maximum Power Voltage(Vmp) 31.44 V
Maximum Power Current(Imp) 7.95 A
Open circuit Voltage(Voc) 37.86 V
Short Circuit Current(Isc) 8.69 A
Fill Factor 75.98%
Module Efficiency(ᶯ) 15.40%
Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT ) 45+2
Temperature Coefficient of Isc ( α ) 0.04 /0C
Temperature Coefficient of Voc ( β ) -0.32 /0C
Temperature Coefficient of Pmax (ϒ) -0.45 /0C
Cells per module 60
Cell type Multi crystalline Silicon
Cell Dimensions 156 m.m X 156 m.m
Fig.2 shows the on-site photograph of the 120 kWp Solar PV plant on the rooftop of
EEE Block. Fig.3 shows the electrical layout of the 120kWp -PV Plant. All these
modules are tilted about 170 with reference to horizontal, facing true south.
PR is usually evaluated for a year to get complete idea about the plant. PR also can be
evaluated on daily, weekly, or monthly basis. In above empirical formula, the
denominator expression consists of GHI, Module efficiency and Active PV area.
Module efficiency value is picked from nameplate ratings given by the panel
manufacturer. Active area is basically area covered by PV cells alone in entire solar
array. Whereas GHI of site or plant location depends upon several factors like ambient
temperature, Cell temperature, soil and dust losses, partial shading, weather conditions,
etc. Hence calculation of PR includes all the factors into account. Consequently, the
effect of above factors will be reflected in Performance Ratio evaluation. If the
evaluated PR value is near to the 100 %, it reflects that PV plant is in excellent operating
The manual procedure to compute PR of the plant is as follows:
Determine the time period of analysis (Optimum period is one calendar year).
Active PV area of solar array is computed by number of modules connected in
PV array.
Collect the Solar module efficiency from the datasheets.
AC energy production of the Plant from the data logger.
Collect the real time values of measured solar insolation using Pyranometer.
From the previous discussions, we can understand that effect of temperature on the
performance of PV generator is very high about 15% . If the effect of this temperature
is incorporated in the calculation of the PR, then one can understand the exact plant
performance as close to the real time performance. The procedure to evaluate the TC
PR is explained in the chapter 3. Table. 6 shows the comparison of month-wise nominal
PR of the plant with TC PR's.
Using the equation no 2, the temperature corrected PR of the SPV plant is evaluated for
every month for the year 2017 and tabulated in Table No 6. Fig.4 shows the comparison
of Nominal PR with TCPR in graphical form. During the summer, i.e March'17 to
June'17, average ambient temperatures are relatively higher than the other months.
Hence the variation of TCPR with respect to PR is little higher in these months. Fig.5
Temperature Effect on the Performance Metrics of Gridtied SPV Plant 919
String inverter is about 93.81%, which is fairly good for non-commercial SPV plants.
The inverter efficiency is maximum in December '17 about 95.68% and minimum in
May'17 about 90.18%. Fig.6 shows the graphical form of temperature Vs inverter
One of the interesting observation made from the above statistics is that, when the
ambient temperature is more than 25oC, the efficiency of the inverter too dropped
around 1.2% from March'17 to June'17, it is observed that inverter efficiency had
reduced considerably and this reduction is quite high in the month of May'17. Month-
wise system efficiencies for the plant are calculated using equation no 3 and are
tabulated in Table 8. Figure.7 shows the graph between ambient temperature Vs
monthly overall system efficiencies for the year 2017.
From graphs, it also found that overall system efficiency is reduced from the average
value, when ambient temperature is more than 25oC . The overall system efficiency is
maximum in December '17 , when the monthly average ambient temperature of 22.1oC
and is low in the month of May'17, when average ambient temperature of 32.6oC .
Table.7 Monthly average ambient temperature vs inverter efficinecy in %of 120kw
spv plant for the year 2017
Ambient Inverter
Avg AC Avg DC
Month & Year Efficiency
Power (kW) Power (kW) Temperature (%)
January'17 1219.98 1287.17 23.2 94.78
February'17 1264.08 1327.67 25.7 95.21
March'17 1329.28 1439.24 29.1 92.36
April'17 1315.03 1443.03 31.4 91.13
May'17 1357.26 1505.05 32.6 90.18
June'17 1282.97 1390.60 29.2 92.26
July'17 1196.84 1274.86 26.8 93.88
August'17 1156.38 1214.17 25.7 95.24
September'17 843.52 0896.21 20.1 94.12
October'17 1207.21 1267.01 25.5 95.28
November'17 1198.23 1254.03 23.9 95.55
December'17 1204.74 1259.14 22.1 95.68
Yearly Average 1214.63 1296.52 93.81
Temperature Effect on the Performance Metrics of Gridtied SPV Plant 921
In this paper, the effect of temperature on Performance Ratio & System Efficiencies are
computed manually for 120kWp grid connected SPV plant on rooftop of EEE block.
Performance Ratio and System Efficiency are observed to be more sensitive for the
variations in the ambient temperature. During the summer i.e March'17 to to June'17
, the variations in above two metrics are significantly more with variation in temperature
as the average ambient temperatures are more than 29oC. The calculated performance
metrics, of this 120kWp SPV plant are as good as commercial PV plants. It is also
observed that inverter efficiency also highly influenced by temperature, when ambient
temperature is greater than 290C.
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2011), Cairo, Egypt, 2011, pp. 151- 157.
Temperature Effect on the Performance Metrics of Gridtied SPV Plant 923