GroupActivity Movie Review PeerEvaluationForm 1

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Group Activity Peer Evaluation Form

Visual Reading in a Movie Review

Name of the evaluator: _______________________ Group Number:__________________ Year and Section: ___________ Date Submitted:_________________
(To be filled by the subject teacher)
Write the name of each of your group members in a separate column. For each person, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement on the left, using a scale of 1-
5(1=Did not participate, 2 = contribution was low, 3 = contribution was average, 4 = contribution was above average, 5 = super star performance). Total the numbers in each
column. For absent members please write AB. You can use another sheet if your group members exceeded the number of columns
Evaluation Criteria
(Write the name of the group

Provided full attention to the group /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5

the entire class

Participated in group discussions /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5

Completes assigned task on time /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5
Produced work is up to project /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5
specifications and standards

Demonstrates a cooperative and /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5

supportive attitude

Contributes significantly to the /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5

success of the project.

Total score /30 /30 /30 /30 /30 /30 /30 /30

Is there anything that I need to know?(comments are kept private)________________________________________________________________________________________


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