Career Wax Museum PBL

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Career Wax Museum

Project Based Learning

Which Math, Science, Art, or

STEM career choice are you
interested in?

This project will help you bring

that career to life.

Career Wax Museum
Project Timeline / Due Dates
Classwork: Due Dates (due in class that day):
◆ Introduce Project 10/13/2022
◆ Start Career Brainstorm 10/14/2022
◆ Introduce the Display Plan 10/17/2022
◆ Introduce Display Sketch 10/18/2022
◆ Begin Display Design 10/19/2022
◆ Complete Career Skills Organizer 10/20/2022
◆ Complete Career Book Organizer 10/21/2022
◆ Complete College/Degrees Organizer 10/24/2022
◆ Complete Speech Ideas Organizer 10/25/2022
◆ Edit/Type Fin2l Report 10/26/2022
◆ Practice Speech 10/27-28/2022
◆ Presentation w/costume 10/31/2022
◆ Complete Career Brainstorm Organizer 10/17/2022
◆ Complete Display Plan 10/18/2022
◆ Complete Display Sketch 10/19/2022
◆ Find or draw career pictures 10/19/2022
◆ Write Career Skills Rough Draft 10/21/2022
◆ Write Career Book Rough Draft 10/24/2022
◆ Write College/Degrees Rough Draft 10/25/2022
◆ Complete What Did You Learn Organizer 10/26/2022
◆ Write What Did You Learn Rough Draft 10/26/2022
◆ Write Speech Rough Draft 10/27/2022
◆ Practice Speech 10/28-29/2022
Career Wax Museum
Project Components

Section 1: Display
You will create a display in which you will use as a part of your wax museum. You will
stand in front of this display when you give your presentation. You will research and
locate pictures of your career from the various books they are in, career sidekicks,
setting locations, and signature information. You will then cut and glue them to your
display. The construction of your display will take place in the classroom but finding
or creating the pieces will take place at home.

Example: If I select the career of a Pediatrician, I can include pictures of doctors well
as nurses. I could create the doctor’s office or room. I could even have pictures of
babies, kids, a stethoscope, and other doctor related supplies.

Section 2: Research
You will begin your research in class but some research will be done at home as well.
During your research you will look for the following aspects of the career:
- stories with the career in it
- What skills are needed for the career
- What college degree is needed for this career
- What a typical day might look like
- Average starting salary
- Similar careers
These components will be used to help create your career report. Each section will
have an organizer for you to use to help collect your research and keep your
information in order.

Section 3: Report
Based on the career you chose, you will write a multi-paragraph career report. Your
career report will include all of the components listed above. Your final report will be
graded as a part of your writing grade. We will plan this writing piece in the
classroom, edit the piece in the classroom and you will present your final piece during
the museum. You will be responsible for writing or typing your final copy at home.
Career Wax Museum
Project Components

Section 4: Speech
Along with a written report, you will also be giving a speech about your career. Your
speech should include the following information:
- introduce your career
- describe your careers skills
- explain what college degree is needed and starting salary
- describe a typical day in your career
- share any information your career is well known for.
- Explain why you chose this career as you were wrapup.

Your speech will be graded on the following components:

- memorization
- making eye contact
- speaking clearly
- using proper intonation

Section 5: Costume
Time to show off! You will get to create a costume that represents your career. You
may use items from home to create a look that resembles the career you chose. If
your career has a signature look, here is where you can let that look shine. Use a
jacket, hair accessories, sunglasses, or a pair of sneakers. Make your wax career come
to life.

Section 6: Effort
You will be given a grade on the amount of effort you put into your career wax
museum project. There are many components to this project, and your effort should
shine through. Effort will be scored on the following:
- neat and organized display
- completed written report
- oral speech about your career
- creativity and cohesion of your career costume.
Career Wax Museum
Student Rubric
Career Pictures: /10
Organization: /5
Neatness: /5
Creativity: /5
Total: /25

Career introduction /5
Career Skills: /5
Career college needs /5
Career starting salary /5
Career Typical day /5
Total: /25

Introduce Careerr: /5
Multi-Paragraph: /5
Conventions: /5
Neatness: /5
Total: /20

Memorized : /5
Eye Contact: /4
Intonation: /4
Speak Clear and Loud: /2
Total: /15

Resembles the Career : /3
Creative: /1
Neatness: /1
Total: /5

Career Pictures/Display: /3
Speech Preparedness: /3
Neatness/Organization: /2
Creativity: /2
Total: /10
Career Wax Museum
Teacher Rubric
Career Pictures: /10
Organization: /5
Neatness: /5
Creativity: /5
Total: /25

Career introduction /5
Career Skills: /5
Career college needs /5
Career starting salary /5
Career Typical day /5
Total: /25

Introduce Careerr: /5
Multi-Paragraph: /5
Conventions: /5
Neatness: /5
Total: /20

Memorized : /5
Eye Contact: /4
Intonation: /4
Speak Clear and Loud: /2
Total: /15

Resembles the Career : /3
Creative: /1
Neatness: /1
Total: /5

Career Pictures/Display: /3
Speech Preparedness: /3
Neatness/Organization: /2
Creativity: /2
Total: /10
Career Wax Museum
Career Brainstorm - Due 10/14/2022
Time to Brainstorm:
Take a minute to think of your favorite careers in math, science, art, or STEM... Below
you will make a list of 10 of your top careers. After you make your brainstorm list,
circle the name of the career that you plan to use for your Career Wax Museum.

1._________________________________ 6..________________________________

2._________________________________ 7._________________________________

3._________________________________ 8._________________________________

4._________________________________ 9._________________________________

5._________________________________ 10.________________________________
Below, explain why you selected that career. Remember to add details and use the
word because to share your explanation.
I selected pediatrician because I want to
1. Pediatrician be a doctor when I grow up. They work to
2. Scientist make children and babies feel better
3. Mathematician when they are sick.
4. Astronaut
5. Physicist
Career Wax Museum
Display Plan - Due 10/18/2022
Time to Plan Your Display :
What do you want your display to look like? Below you're going to list important
details that describe your career. You can reference your careers appearances,
sidekicks your careers might have, popular places where your career can be found.
Maybe your career has a famous saying that they are known for. List at least 10
details you will use to decorate, create, or find, to put on your display..











1. Pictures of: a pediatrician at a doctors office or talking to a mom and kid
2. 10 Things About pediatricians
3. Stethoscope
4. medicine
5. Salary and similar careers
Career Wax Museum
Display Sketch - 10/19/2022
Time to Draw Your Display Sketch:
To give you a better understanding of what your display will look like, use the space
below to draw a rough sketch, You do not need to actually draw each individual
detail, if you would like you may use circles or other shapes to represent where you're
going to be putting each piece on your display. On the next page you can see the
example that I made.

Top of Display
Career Wax Museum
Time to Draw Your Display Sketch:
To give you a better understanding of what your display will look like, use the space
below to draw a rough sketch, You do not need to actually draw each individual
detail, if you would like you may use circles or other shapes to represent where you're
going to be putting each piece on your display. On the next page you can see the
example that I made.

Top of Display

Doctors office Doctor Picture
with a
mom and

doctor stethoscope
Waiting room Medicine

Quote from a pediatrician Patient room

Career Wax Museum
Research Organizer - Career Skills
Due in class 10/21/2022
Time to Research - Career Skills
You will research your career skills. For the next part of the project, you will be determining
your career skills. A career skill describes a career’s actions, physical appearance, feelings,
and how they change the world Use the organizer below to help you label your career


Trait 1
Trait 5

Trait 2
Trait 4
Trait 3
Career Wax Museum
Research Organizer - Career Skills
Teacher Example
Time to Research - Career Skills
You will research your career skills. For the next part of the project, you will be determining
your career skills. A career skill describes a career’s actions, physical appearance, feelings,
and how they change the world Use the organizer below to help you label your career

Friendly because they
because they have to find out
help all kids. what’s wrong
with sick kids..

Trait 1 Pediatrician
Trait 5

because they Curious
have to deal because they
with crying learn about all
babies. Caring because the different
they never give sicknesses.

Trait 2
Trait 4
Trait 3
Career Wax Museum
Research Organizer - Career Books
Due 10/22/2022
Time to Research - Career Bookss
You will research the books your career is in. Share the book title and decorate/design the
book cover. If your career has been in more than 6 books, just include your favorite 6.
Career Wax Museum
Research Organizer - Career Books
Time to Research - Character Books
You will research the books your career is in. Share the book title and decorate/design the
book cover. If your career has been in more than 6 books, just include your favorite 6.

What is a How to
Pediatrician become a
Career Wax Museum
Research Organizer - College and Degrees
Due In Class 10/24/2022
Time to Research -College and Degrees
You will research the career to find out if you need to go to college and for how many
years. On the left side write in the number of years needed of college or training. On the
right side, describe what degrees are needed..

College/training Degrees
Career Wax Museum
Research Organizer - College & Degrees
Time to Research - College and Degrees
ou will research the career to find out if you need to go to college and for how many
years. On the left side write in the number of years needed of college or training. On the
right side, describe what degrees are needed..

College/training Degrees

4 years of Bachelor's Degree in

undergraduate something related to
school pediatrics

4 years of medical
school and 3 Doctorate of Medicine
years of pediatric
Career Wax Museum
Research Organizer - What Did You Learn About Your Career
Time to Research - What Did You Learn About Your Career
Below list what you learned about your career Try to list at least 3 things that excite you.
Career Wax Museum
Project Speech Ideas.
Due in Class 10/25/2022
Speech Rough Draft -
Use this speech organize to plan the top 6 facts your want to share about your career..
Remember when you share your speech, you will be sharing the information as if you are
the career You want to use first-person pronouns: I, me, we, us.

Introduce yourself as a person who Describe your career skills:

works in that career::

Explain how much college and degrees Describe a day in the life of the career.:
you will need::

Describe why you choose this career:

Career Wax Museum
Report Rough Draft - Career Skills
Due in Class 10/21/2022
Report Rough Draft - Career Skills
Use your career skills organizer to help you write your rough draft. Be sure to use at least 5
complete sentence. Remember to start the sentence with a capital letter and end with















Career Wax Museum
Report Rough Draft - Career Books
Due 10/24/2022
Report Rough Draft - Career Books
Use your career books organizer to help you write your rough draft. Be sure to use at least
5 complete sentence. Remember to start the sentence with a capital letter and end with
punctuation. If your career is only from one book, remember to explain and describe the














Career Wax Museum
Report Rough Draft - Problems & Solutions
Due In Class 10/25/2022
Report Rough Draft - College/Degrees
Use your College/Degrees organizer to help you write your rough draft. Be sure to use at
least 5 complete sentence. Remember to start the sentence with a capital letter and end with














Career Wax Museum
Report Rough Draft - What Did You Learn About Your Career
Due 10/26/2022
Report Rough Draft - What did you learn from your character
Use your What did you learn about your career organizer to help you write your rough
draft. Be sure to use at least 5 complete sentence. Remember to start the sentence with a
capital letter and end with punctuation.














Career Wax Museum
Speech Rough Draft
Due 10/27/2022
Speech Rough Draft -
Use this rough draft sheet to help you write your speech. You can also use your speech
organizer. Be sure to use at least 5 complete sentence. Remember to start the sentence with
a capital letter and end with punctuation. Take a few minutes each day to memorize ass
much of your speech as possible.















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