3 Min

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three minute speeches

The task You will be assessed on

Prepare a short (3 min) speech in favour • use of notes
of or against a particular idea. Follow the • eye contact with audience
guidelines below. • your ability to make speech
interesting or amusing
Your speech will be delivered in front of • use of formal language and
the class, using notes, and not read standard English (ie. no slang)
straight from a written essay. • clear delivery
• organisation of ideas
• your ability to persuade the
Choose a statement to agree or disagree
with. The list below will help, but you may
make up your own statement if you wish.

1. The majority of time spent at school Jot down a list of about 10 things you
is wasted. could say both for and against your
2. All tobacco and alcohol advertising statement.
should be banned.
3. Family holidays should be paid for on STEP THREE
the National Health. Decide which way you want to argue
4. Men/women should re-take their and highlight about 6 good points from
natural position in society. your list. Put these points into a logical
5. The internet will revolutionise the lives order so that one follows from another,
of every human being. or so that the points get stronger as
6. Animals deserve a higher place in you go on.
modern society.
7. Science is the most important STEP FOUR
academic subject. Now add detail to each one - real life
8. Foreign players should not be allowed examples, statistics, stories of personal
to play in British teams. experience.
9. Voting is a waste of time and effort.
10. Today’s fashion industry should be STEP FIVE
dismantled piece by piece. Write your speech up into a fluent
11. Life’s what you make it. essay form, including an introduction
12. Eastenders is better than Coronation and conclusion.
13. Living forever would be a wonderful STEP SIX
thing. Copy your speech into note form on a
14. Health clubs/leisure centres/ piece of paper, or on small cards.
supermarkets/DIY stores/pubs/
nightclubs/cinemas are more STEP SEVEN
important than churches. Practise delivering your speech using
15. It’s good to talk. only your notes.

This free resource is available at www.teachit.co.uk

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