CCS - Candy - Project Control Software: Primavera P6
CCS - Candy - Project Control Software: Primavera P6
CCS - Candy - Project Control Software: Primavera P6
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Candy is a modern software suite focused on project control in the construction industry, a field in which
Construction Computer Software (CCS) as a company have gained enormous experience in their more than 35
years of existence.
Candy have specifically targeted the contractor’s software requirements, from taking-off, pricing and planning a
project, controlling at site level, through to the final certificate. CCS has a wide international client base which
exposes us to a variety of local requirements and new techniques. These are continually included into the software.
Candy is an integrated single-package construction application designed with, and by industry professionals. The
closely linked modules produce an accurate model and timeous forecasts of the project’s anticipated construction
Each month the progress quantities against each bill item are entered in order to generate a monthly certificate.
The monthly allowable or BCWP can then be imported into the Link and Forecast module in order to compare to the
monthly costs or ACWP. Updating the Program will provide suggested progress quantities to the bill items each Display as glossary
On site, the costs would be collected against the various what, with and where cost codes in each period (when).
The costs should be compared back to the allowable / earned value for each code on a monthly basis. The costs can
be imported from a text file, which should be generated by your company costing system. Baseline Schedule blog
Once the Bill of Quantities and the Program have been updated, the remaining allowable / earned value can be Construction Project Management
calculated and spread across the remaining time. CPM CPM scheduling Earned
Value earned value management
Factors or percentages may be entered against each cost code combination for each reporting period in order to
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forecast a cost to completion. If a trend is expected to change, future percentage figures may be altered as
required. P6 Planning Planning and
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In addition to financial information, Candy also generates engineering information, such as total quantity of
resources and total man-hours for the various cost codes. This information is vital for the engineering staff to make
decisions on site. Primavera P6 project
Once the unique link is established between the Bill of Quantities and program, forecasting over the duration of the
project is made simple. A full analytical breakdown of the forecast can be completed easily, making the forecasting
management risk risk-
based management risk
module very attractive. The bill of quantities and program will be updated on a monthly basis, which in-turn will
automatically update the forecasting module. management risk register
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Candy Cash Flow models the financial requirements of a construction project so that the cash flow can be optimised. more tags
The link between the BOQ and the program will produce the budget forecast; i.e. the value for the work scheduled
for the relevant months.
This however does not represent the true cash flow as the claim for the work done during the month will be at the SPONSORS
end of the month with payment for the work done lagging a month or more after submission of the claim.
The Cash flow module in Candy makes allowance for this scenario.
Like Estimating, Cash flow handles foreign currencies and can accept data from Estimating in multiple currencies.
The exchange rate between each currency and the pricing currency can be varied over time, giving the user the
ability to examine the effects of currency fluctuations on a project.
Cash Flow accepts data directly from the Bill of Quantities or from the Bill of Quantities/Planning linked relationship,
or else data can be entered from the keyboard – or any combination of the three. This forms a financial model
describing what has to be done in terms of the cost of labour, plant, material, etc., and the time scale within which
these must occur.
By testing various models with different parameters and comparing the NPV results, the optimum tender strategy
can be determined so as to maximise return on investment.
· Financial modelling
· Integrated Estimate and Program
· Payment lags
· Escalation
· Payment plans
· Advance payments and loans
· Client and subcontract retention
· Interest on savings and borrowing
· Net Present Value calculation
· Multiple currency modelling
· Summary reports and data export
You can download a free 30 day evaluation version of the software as well as a quick start manual and
demonstration job that would assist in finding your way around the software.
Download at
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