Aguia de Instalacion Aire Piso Techo
Aguia de Instalacion Aire Piso Techo
Aguia de Instalacion Aire Piso Techo
Performance Line
NOTE: See Back Cover for shipping bracket
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421 01 3001 07
Dec. 2004
I Installation Instructions Split System Condensers
Installation or repairs made by unqualified Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or
persons can result in hazards to you and others.
maintenance can void the warranty.
Installation MUST conform with local building
codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the
the National Electrical Code NFPA 70/ANSI The weight of the condensing unit requires caution and
C1i-1999 or current edition and Canadian proper handling procedures when lifting or moving to avoid
Electrical Code Part 1 CSA C.22.1. personal injury. Use care to avoid contact with sharp or
pointed edges.
The information contained in this manual is
intended for use by a qualified service technician Safety Precautions
familiar with safety procedures and equipped 1. Always wear safety eye wear and work gloves when
with the proper tools and test instruments. installing equipment.
2. Never assume electrical power is disconnected. Check
Failure to carefully read and follow all instruc- with meter and disconnect.
tions in this manual can result in equipment
malfunction, property damage, personal injury 3. Keep hands out of fan areas when power is connected
and/or death. to equipment.
4, R-22 causes frost-bite burns.
After uncrating unit, inspect thoroughly for hidden damage. 5. R-22 is toxic when burned.
If damage is found, notify the transportation company im-
mediately and file a concealed damage claim. NOTE TO INSTALLING DEALER: The Owners Instruc-
tions and Warranty are to be given to the owner or promi-
nently displayed near the indoor Furnace/Air Handler Unit.
Chassis #2 aie
45i8 Ve
| Split System Condensers Installation Instructions §
Placement of the unit should be in a well drained area or Do not install the unit in a recessed or confined area where
unit must be supported high enough so runoff will not enter recirculation of discharge air may occur.
the unit.
Do not locate where heat, lint or exhaust fumes will be dis- Heat Pumps Only: The top surface of platform must be
charged on unit (as from dryer vents). above average winter snow levels to prevent coil blockage.
Nominal operating clearances, where practical, are 60 Inside corner locations on single story structures require
inches (150 cm) above unit for discharge air and 24 inches evaluation. Large overhanging soffits may cause air recir-
(40cm) around coil for intake air on three sides. Clearance culation in a corner area even though recommended clear-
on one side (normally between unit and structure) may be ances are maintained. As a guide locate the unit far enough
reduced to 12 inches (80cm). Nominal clearances are out so that half of the discharge grille is out from under the
based from a solid parallel object, wall, roof overhang, etc. soffit.
Unit Support:
The unit must be level, and supported above grade by B. Roof Top Installation:
beams, platform or a pad. Platform or pad can be of open or
solid construction but should be of permanent materials
such as concrete, bricks, blocks, steel or pressure treated This type of installation is not recommended on wood
timbers approved for ground contact. Refer to Unit Clear- frame structures where low noise levels are required.
ances to help determine size of supports etc. Soil condi-
tions should be considered so the platform or pad does not
shift or settle excessively and leave the unit only partially Supporting structure or platform for the unit must be level. If
supported. installation is on a flat roof the unit should be 4 inches
(10cm.) above roof level. Four by four posts placed over a
CAUTION load bearing wall make a suitable mounting platform.
Inadequate support could cause excessive vibration and
noise or binding and stress on refrigerant lines resulting in
equipment failure. If possible, place the unit over one or more load bearing
wails. lf there are several units, mount them on platforms
To minimize vibration or noise transmission, it is recom- that are self-supporting and span load bearing walls.
mended that supports not be in contact with the building These suggestions are to minimize noise and vibration
structure. However, slabs on grade constructions with an transmission through the structure. If the structure is a
extended pad are normally acceptable. home or apartment, avoid (if practical) locating the unit
over bedrooms or study.
A. Ground Level Installation:
If beams or an open platform are used for support it is rec- NOTE: When condensing unit is to be installed on a
ommended that the soil be treated or area be graveled to bonded guaranteed roof, a release must be obtained from
retard the growth of grasses and weeds. the building owner to free the installer from all liabilities.
Installation Instructions Split System Condensers
Figure 2 Clearances
Mininumum Clearances
— Restrictor Orifice
Rounded End
Feeder Tubes
Line Valves NOTE: Do not use any portion of the charge for purging or
leak testing. It is mandatory that a thorough evacuation of
The outdoor condensing unit is supplied with straight sweat
the refrigerant in the piping and evaporator be performed.
brass service valves with copper stubs.
All line valves are positioned to seal the refrigerant in the The liquid line and suction line service valves have been
condensing unit with gauge ports open to connecting lines closed after final testing at the factory. Do not disturb
when the Schraeder valve is depressed. Gauge ports have these valves until the lines have been leak checked
Schraeder installed and require use of charging hoses with and evacuated or the charge in the unit may be lost.
depressors. Recommended Method Of Evacuating A
Brazing Connections System
1. Connect the vacuum pump to the suction and liquid line
gauge ports.
5. Braze joint. The service valve cap is a primary seal for the valve and
must be properly tightened to preventleaks. Make sure cap
6. Quench the joint and tubing with water using a wet rag. is clean and apply refrigerant oil to threads and sealing sur-
Leave rag on fitting body and re-wet with water to help cool face of cap.
For valves with retaining rings: Replace service valve
Evacuating, And Charging Instructions cap and torque to; 8-11 ft. lbs. on 1/4” and 3/8” valves,
NOTE 12-16 ft. lbs. on §/8” and 3/4”, 15-21 ft. Ibs on 7/8” valves. If
torque wrench is not available, tighten cap finger tight and
Intentional release of CFC or HCFC Refrigerant to the
then tighten one (1) additional wrench flat or 1/6 of a turn.
Atmosphere violates Federal Law. It may also violate
State and Local Codes. Check all Federal, State and
For valves with rolled tops: Replace service valve cap
Local Codes before proceeding.
tighten cap finger tight and then tighten one (1) additional
These instructions are intended for use with condensing wrench flat or 1/6 of a turn to properly seat the sealing sur-
units that are precharged at the factory with adequate re- faces. Subsequent installations will seat with 1/2 to 1
frigerant to handle 15 feet. wrench flat of turning.
| Split System Condensers Installation Instructions §
Electrical Wiring
Route Low Voltage wiring through entrance into area sep-
erated by insulating paper and make ALL low voltage con-
Electrical Shock Hazard. nections to the low voltage pigtails in this area. (Two Yellow
wires, AC or W,Y,O,BL, & R for HP). The pigtail wires have
Shut off electric power at fuse box or service pan- 600V insulation meeting approval for use in high voltage
el before making any electrical connections. areas.
See Figures 5 thru 8 and Wiring Diagram on unit.
Failure to shut off electric power can result in,
property damage, personal injury and/or death. Use of Rigid Metal Conduit
It is recommended that wires be tied together or twisted to-
gether inside the conduit. This will minimize any buzzing
The supply voltage should be 208-230 volts (196 volt mini- type sounds that could be produced with high current
mum to 253 volts maximum) 60Hz single phase. loads, such as during starting. Under some conditions it
may be necessary to use a hard start kit to eliminate prob-
Control Box Access
PROTECTION. Remove the four screws. Cover is notched so it will slide
out from under top edge of unit.
@und Lug
Wiring Connections Wires
Make all outdoor electrical supply (Line Voltage) connec-
tions with raintight conduit and fittings. Most codes require Voltage
a disconnect switch outdoors within sight of the unit. Entrance
L Low Voltage
Route Line Voltage wiring through entrance and up to con- Line Voltage Connections MUST be|
nect to Contactor and Ground Lug. Entrance made in this AREA
Installation Instructions Split System Condensers
Indoor Outdoor
Thermostat Unit
Defrost (Compressor Contactor)
Control v e y _
Contacto SS
» (Common 24V)
XA CK B @o— Y-
-—@) TY @— Y — (Compressor)
; @) 2yw @— W— (Electric Heat)
White Rodgers 1F92 only, IN
field jumper required a
Yi-W1. XK CXB @— BIL— (Common 24V)
R @— R— (24V-Hot)
Start-Up Procedure
Start-up Procedure Figure 9 - Temperature / Pressure Chart
1. Close electrical disconnects to energize system. Temper | PSIG | Temper | PSIG | Temper | PSIG
ature °F] R-22 | ature°F| R-22 | ature°F| R-22
-6 19.3 19 41.9 41 70.0
2. Energize crankcase heater on units so equipped. -4 20.8 20 43.0 42 71.4
-2 22.4 21 44.4 43 73.0
0 24.0 22 45.3 44 74.5
1 24.8 23 46.4 45 76.0
3. Set Thermostat selector switch to OFF.
2 25.6 24 47.6 46 77.6
3 26.4 25 48.8 47 79.2
4 27.3 26 49.9 48 80.8
4. Set room thermostat at desired temperature. Be sure 5 28.2 27 51.2 49 82.4
setpoint is below indoor ambient temperature for cooling 6 29.1 28 52.4 50 84.0
and above indoor ambient for heating. 7 30.0 29 53.6 55 92.6
8 30.9 30 54.9 60 101.6
9 31.8 31 56.2 65 111.2
5. Setthe system switch of the thermostat on COOL and 10 32.8 32 57.5 70 121.4
re 33.7 33 58.8 75 132.2
fan switch for continuous operation or AUTO, as desired. 12 34.7 34 60.1 80 143.6
Operate unit for 15-20 minutes, then check the system re- 13 35.7 35 61.5 85 155.7
frigerant charge if it was necessary to adjust. 14 36.7 36 62.8 90 168.4
15 37.7 37 64.2 95 181.8
16 38.7 38 65.6 100 195.9
6. After the refrigerant charge has been adjusted, the sys- 17 39.8 39 67.1 105 210.8
tem is now ready for continuous operation. 18 40.8 40 68.5 110 226.4
115 242.7
I Installation Instructions Split System Condensers
NOTE: Each time that charge is added or removed from 7. Wait 2 minutes, then repeat the procedure and re-
the system, allow the system to run approximately 15 min- check the same things in case you missed something
utes before pressure and temperature readings are taken during the first power application.
and superheat calculations made. 8. With the unit operating, close all doors, windows,
storm windows, and openings to the house. Set the
NOTE: Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature ( and Relative Hu-
thermostat to the desired setting. Set outdoor ther-
midity) will alter superheat values. All readings should be mostat (if installed) to balance point of house. If tem-
at 50% humidity inside and 350 to 450 CFM per ton across perature of house is at least two degrees below
the indoor coil. thermostat setting, heat pump and auxiliary heat not
controlled by outdoor thermostats will continue to run
Heating Checkout (Heat Pump Only) until room temperature is approximately 2° below
thermostat set point. Auxiliary heat light should go
1. Turn thermostat heat-cool switch to OFF. Turn ther- out and auxiliary heat cycle off. Heat pump should
mostat fan switch to AUTO. continue to run until thermostat reaches set point.
2. Turnonall power except 230 volt line to outdoor sec-
To Check System Refrigerant Charge
(Heating Mode)
8. Turn fan switch on thermostat to ON. Blower should
run. Reset to AUTO; blower should turn off. The recommended method of addition or removal of
4. Setthermostat below room temperature. Turn selec- charge in the heating mode is by weight. The system op-
tor switch to heat. Move thermostat above room tem- eration may be checked against the performance charts.
perature. Blower should run on heating speed anda Remember, indoor airflow must be approximately 400
click should be heard in the condensing unit outside CFM per ton to compare operation to performance charts.
(contactor closing). The sequencer coils for auxiliary
heat should be energized. After approximately 30
seconds the contacts in the sequencers should close Defrost System (Heat Pump Only)
and the electric heat elements start heating. Allow 3
minutes for all heaters to come on. The defrost system is electronic with an adjustable time in-
5. Set system switch to OFF> Turn the thermostat terval of 90, 60, or 30 minutes. It is factory set at 60 or 90
above room temperature. Turn on the 230 volt power minutes. At the selected time interval with the outdoor coil
to the outdoor unit. Nothing apparent will be happen- temperature at approximately 28 °F, the system will de-
ing, but the crankcase heater is now energized. Ifthe frost. When the sensor sees a rise in the outdoor coil tem-
outdoor temperature is below 75 °F allow the unit to perature to approximately 10 minutes, the defrost will be
stay in this mode at least 6 hours. This is needed to terminated.
vaporize any refrigerant that may be in the compres-
sor oil, In some areas, with high humidity, the time interval may re-
6. Set the thermostat above room temperature. Move quire adjustment for complete removal of ice from the coil.
system switch to heat. Count to 5 (about 5 seconds). For best economy, always set to the longest interval that
Turn the electric power off at the condensing unit dis- will keep the coil clear of ice.
connect switch. Check that there is no clattering or
unusual noises. The outdoor fan blade should have NOTE: The term ice means hard but not frost. During nor-
started turning and a humming noise should have mal operation, the coils may become coated with frost until
been heard from the compressor. The indoor fan they are solid white. The time interval for the defrost should
should continue to run at its normal speed and elec- be set so the frost and ice melt off completely without hard
tric elements continue to heat. ice building up on the coil.
| Split System Condensers Installation Instructions §
Condensate Drain
Electrical Shock Hazard. During the cooling season check at least monthly for free
flow of drainage and clean if necessary.
Shut off electric power at fuse box or service pan-
el before making any electrical connections. Cleanliness
Failure to shut off electric power can result in, These tips will help you keep your air conditioner looking
property damage, personal injury and/or death. better and working more efficiently:
1. Free air flow is essential. Keep the outdoor coil clean
Defrost Control and free of restrictions. Keep fences, shrubs, snow
Time Interval Adjustment drifts and any other obstructions atleast two feet from
all coil air inlets.
(Except Demand Defrost)
2. Keep the coil free of grass clippings, weeds and other
To adjust defrost frequency, turn off all power to the Heat
Pump. Remove control box cover and locate the electronic
defrost control board.
The defrost control board has a jumper clip that fits over Coils may require cleaning. The coil should al-
two pins. To change the time interval, remove the jumper ways be cold when cleaning. Use an alkaline
clip and place it on pins for the desired time interval, 30, 60 based cleaner only. Cleaning a hot coil or using
or 90 minutes. an acid based cleaner will remove the paint from
the fins and may clog the coil.
4. Never use a weather cover over the outdoor unit un-
Figure 11 Adjusting Defrost Time less itis a ventilated type or made of breathable fabric
that will allow moisture to evaporate rapidly. A cover
that holds moisture in the unit will cause more rust
build-up and damage than normal exposure to
I Installation Instructions Split System Condensers
Clearance Hole
(Some Units)
) securing Petes
A shipping bracket has been added to some chassis to increase the stacking height for im-
proved warehousing.