Fr. Jim Booth Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church
Fr. Jim Booth Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church
Fr. Jim Booth Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church
My Dear People:
Pray that the right Youth Minister surfaces
This Sunday is Pro-life Sunday and although somehow. How we always need the help of
we hear so much about respecting human the Almighty in everything we do!
life and the gross disrespect for human life
with the millions of abortions in this country With prayers and blessings,
since Roe vs. Wade (1973), we need to take Father Muller
seriously this huge mass murder that
continues to go on in a country that claims to
be God fearing. Dr. Del Hahn, from our
parish, founded HER CHOICE, a clinic that MASS INTENTIONS
shows pregnant mothers contemplating an
abortion an image of their child through ultra Monday, October 6th Nancy Jacka
sound. What a great service. Patrick Robinson
Tuesday, October 7th Mimi Norwood
One often wonders if the country will be Ernie Eltz
Wednesday, October 8th Special Intention
punished or set back by legalizing the killing Richard Jeffers
of the unborn. The unborn are persons Thursday, October 9th Donors to the OLS School
legally and biologically. Sins of the past are in Foundation
the past, and with God’s forgiveness, Georgia Johnson
mothers of the aborted need to forgive Friday, October 10th SI Keown’s Baptism
Charles Woods
themselves. However, the future needs our Saturday, October 11th SI Patricia Naro
prayers and letters to congressmen. Patrick Robinson
Sunday, October 12th People of the Parish
Our bishop has asked for special prayers for SI Joe Saia
our country this Tuesday on the feast of Our
Lady of the Holy Rosary. Tuesday, pray The last two Saturday’s our mail has
especially for our country. The bishop has been taken from our mailbox that is
given us two petitions to be read at Mass, located on Oxmoor Road. If you have
one on the economy and one for a sent any checks or correspondence to
successful election. Our country is the Church and have not had a reply or
threatened by an economic and banking your check has not cleared your
crisis that vies with the Great Depression of account please call and let us know. We
the early 30’s. For the recovery of our have discontinued our Saturday delivery
country and the upcoming election we need so this will not happen again.
to pray.
We received another 125 pledge cards this Come join your friends and neighbors at VIP on
past week for Catholic Charities. This gives October 7th, at 11:00 a.m.
us a total of 575 cards turned in so far. There There will be Mass
are still a few cards missing, but I must say followed by lunch and
the generosity of OLS to God can never be bingo.
questioned. We cannot even imagine God
who loves us so much not appreciating ____________________________________
everything we do for Him. In the sixth station
of the cross, where Veronica wipes the face
MOTHER are in memory of Anna and
of Jesus, He immediately leaves a picture of Mickey Carpri in celebration of their
His face on her towel. Know that the Lord birthdays.
can never be outdone in generosity and
There will be no PSR, Growing
with God, or High School class Anyone in the 4th grade or
next Sunday, October 12th. above interested in
Classes will resume on Sunday, becoming an ALTAR
October 18th SERVER should attend
the training session
scheduled at the Church on Monday, October
13th at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Kent Graeve at
Please join us for our next MADONNA AND 423-0092 or [email protected] if you have
CHILD meeting. The meeting is Friday, any questions or need more information
October 10th, in the Sodality Room of the
Family Life Center. We will begin with the
Rosary at 9:00 a.m. We will be collecting small R.C.I.A.–Reserve October 6th on
jars of peanut butter and jelly for the Catholic your calendar for the first RCIA
Center of Concern. Our speaker this month is class at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish
Gigi Pickard. She will be talking about the Hall. You or your relative may
history of music in the Catholic Church. If you have been thinking about going.
need nursery reservations please contact There is a light meal every Monday at 6:30 p.m.
Lauren Elliott at 989-1800 or and a nursery is provided. RCIA is for people
[email protected] by noon on wanting to learn about the faith, people who want
Wednesday, October 8th. Hope to see you to become Catholic, and people who want to
there! come back to the Church.
It’s time to mark your calendars for our annual art If you attend Our Lady of Sorrows on a
show. The show is free and will be held on regular basis and have not registered with
Sunday, November 16th, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 the Parish, we invite you to do so. If you
p.m. Many talented parishioners will display and have any changes in your holdhold please
sell their artwork. This year we will have a special contact the church office.
area to display children’s art work. Please call
Fran Robertson at 870-8857 to reserve a space
this year.