St. Michael's March 18, 2012 Bulletin

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106 N. Western Ave. Girard, KS 66743 Tel.


Weekly Bulletin


Saint Michael Church, Girard

GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am

Notes From the Pastor: This fourth Sunday of Lent we hear Israels repeated infidelity to the covenant God has reminded them over and over again and yet they continued their abominable attitude. By the very act itself they already have betrayed God and the covenant, and their very actions already have destroyed the temple of their body and the community dedicated to God. Last Sunday, we are reminded that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore every time we sinnned we have desecrated this temple of God. But like Israel, God so loves us (John 3:16, our Gospel this Sunday) that He gives us an opportunity to renew, to start all over again. This is also one of the reasons why this Sunday is called Laetare Sunday or a Sunday of joy. The main reason is the anticipation of the joy of Easter, and the second reason should be in celebration that we are changed for the better, we are reborn, and we have grown. All these are made possible with the sacrament of reconciliation after being disposed by our Lenten sacrifices. The Season of Lent would not be complete without including a special moment for the sacrament of confession or reconciliation. Going through our Lenten sacrifices, we hope to experience that inner longing of God in our hearts and at the same time feel an appreciation of everything that God has done and is doing for us. It is only through this experience and appreciation that we would avail of the grace to renew ourselves, to unite ourselves with the resurrected Lord after His joyful resurrection! Having said this, I hope everybody, will avail of the opportunity of the penance services that we have scheduled. Even then, I would still want to know how many people will be coming so I will have an idea if one priest is enough or not. So kindly express your intention if you are coming to the Arma or Girard penance service by putting in a piece of paper on the box provided. Arma Penance Service Girard Penance Service - March 25 - March 30 - Sunday- 5:00 PM - Friday - After the 7PM Station of the Cross

CONFESSION Sat. 2:00-2:45pm 3:15-3:45pm Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Faith Paoni Secretary Rectory Office Hours Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon Closed on Mondays Tel. (620) 724-8717

Next Saturday(3/24/2012) Altar Servers: 5:30 PM Macy Reif & Bailey Leritz

Next Sunday(3/25/2012) 10:00 AM T. Paoni, E. Wilson, E., C., & A. Doherty, P. Amershek *** Marilyn McCracken Denny Heidrick Kerry & Tammie OBrien Family
Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Arma Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

Also, attention Arma and Girard parishioners, those who have not attended yet the VIRTUS training , there is a training schedule on March 25th, Sunday from 1PM to 4PM at the St. Michael hall. Please sign your name at the sign up sheet at the back of the church this weekend. Thank you and God bless you! Fr. Roger Knights of Columbus Famous Fish Fry The K of C Annual fish fry will be held on March 23 and 30th in the St. Bridgets Parish Hall in Scammon, KS. Serving starts at 6:00pm and carryouts are welcome. St. Michaels Altar Society Meeting The next meeting will be on Monday, March 26th at 7:00pm. Please come and enjoy an evening of prayer and socializing. Holy Week Liturgical Roles Father needs lots of help to fulfill his Holy Week services, so please stop by the back of the Church and sign up for your Liturgical Role. There is a list in the back of the Church. Thank you! NO CCD CLASS NEXT WEEK, MARCH 21ST! CLASSES WILL RESUME WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28TH.

Ushers E. M. H. C. Lectors: Gift Bearers:

*** Deanne VanLeeuwen Ned Sauer Tony & Rhonda Stonerock Family
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 AM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 8AM-6PM 8:00 AM 9AM-4PM 7:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Mass Schedules & Intentions for March 17th-25th:

March 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Geno Marchetti Verdan Davied Roy, Pauline, & David Harman Pro Populo NO MASS Ruth Jackson Tony Kavcich Eucharistic Adoration Evaughn Boswell Eucharistic Adoration Tony Kavcich No Intention Frank Doue Frank & James Doue Pro Populo

COLLECTIONS Last Week Contributions $2,699.00 Children's Offering $58.00 July 2011 to date $108,930.48

Please for the repose of the soul of Earl Kirkpartick, father of Steve Kirkpatrick. Funeral is on Wednesday at 10AM in Walnut.

Also for the repose of the soul of Fr. John Reinkemeyer. On Thursday, $1,039.07 March 15, 2012, Father John C. Reinkemeyer passed away from this life Expenses-February $95,089.65 to eternity. Father Reinkemeyer was born on June 20, 1921, in Rich Fountain, Missouri . He received his seminary training at Conception Over/ (Under) $14,879.90 Seminary, Conception, Missouri , and was ordained on May 24, 1951 in Rich Fountain, Missouri. Father served in the following parishes: St. Saint Michaels Upcoming Events Patrick, Parsons; St. Patrick, Walnut; St. Patrick, Kingman; St. Mark, Finance Council Parish Council St. Mark; Sacred Heart, Cunningham; St. Joseph Arma; Holy Savior, Tony Stonerock-Chair Dale Coomes-Chair Wichita; St. Rose, Mount Vernon and St. Louis, Waterloo. He retired TBA TBA on July 1, 1998 with residence at St Mary, Aleppo until his death. The Vigil will be held on Sunday, March 18, 2012 at 4:00 pm and the Mass Rosary Altar Society Knights of Columbus of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Monday, March 19, 2012 at Next meeting, 3/26 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm 10:30 am. Both will take place at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, At 7pm in the Hall. St. Michael Parish Hall Wichita. A luncheon will follow at the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Social Hall; interment will be at Ascension Cemetery , Wichita. Helping Hands Daughters of Isabella Note: Because of Fr. Johns funeral, we will not be having the 7AM Need help or want to volunteer, Call Marilyn Bradshaw, 724-7133 mass in Girard this Monday, March 19.
Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684

For Your Marriage The Catholic Church cares about your marriage. Well help with information, skills, inspiration, resources, and maybe a little humor along the way. Whether youre dating, engaged, newlywed or a mature couple, IN HIS NAME youre in the right place, because were For Your Marriage. This is a The IN HIS NAME dinner served on Thursday evenings has been confidential service. Visit our website at or very well received in our community. Since the first meal was call the Office of Family Life & Natural Family Planning at 316-685served on Dec. 15, 2011, 1079 meals have been served. We have 5240. been blessed with an abundance of hard working volunteers. Thanks to each and everyone of you who have contributed to its The Wonder of the Empty Tomb success. Also, thanks to those who have made monetary donaThe ancient world boasted of seven wonders: the pyramids of Egypt; tions which are needed to cover the costs of the items not prothe hanging gardens of Babylon; the temple of the goddess Diana at vided by the government. Anyone wishing to donate money can Ephesus; the lighthouse at Alexandria, Egypt; the Colossus (huge bronze leave it at the church office in an envelope marked IN HIS statue) in the harbor at Rhodes; the statue of the pagan god Zeus at NAME or mail it to Marita Lopeman at 87 W. Lake Rd, FarOlympia, Greece; and the tomb of the Persian king Halicarnassus. lington, KS 66734. If you wish to make an actual food donation, Of all those ancient wonders, only the pyramids are still standing. All call Marita (362-3168) to see what items she needs. We want to the others have crumbled, along with the ancient world powers whose thank you in advance for any monetary or work donations you accomplishments they memorialized. But another wonder from the anmake. Its you who helps to make this ministry a success! Any cient world is still very much alive today. This wonder is more signifiquestions, please call Doug and Marita Lopeman at 362-3168. cant than all seven of these ancient landmarks put together. This is the wonder of the empty tomb of Jesus at Jerusalem. For Girard: Fridays during Lent When the body of Jesus was placed in the tomb, the forces of evil 7:00 AM - Mass were certain they had won the victory at last. But Jesus was raised on the 7:30 AM 6:40 PM Adoration third day. His resurrection proved that he was more powerful than sin 6:00 PM 6:30 PM - Confession and death and all the other negative forces that Satan uses against us. 6:40 PM - Benediction Wonder of wonders, Jesus lives! And his dynamic power is available 7:00 PM - Station of the Cross to all who place their faith and trust in him.
That Man in You Friday mornings at 6am

For Arma: Station of the Cross will be every Tuesday after the 5:30PM Mass.God bless us all! Fr. Roger

-Author Unknown

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