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We are the


Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Eastminster Update
803-256-1654 / www.eastminsterpres.org

Volume 38 Number 38

November 9, 2014

Dear Eastminster Family,


1 COR. 12

Dr. Bradley D. Smith
Dr. Mark E. Durrett
Associate Pastor
Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire
Associate Pastor
Dr. James I. St. John
Parish Associate
Mr. Croskeys Royall
Director of Childrens Ministries
Mrs. Fredna Lee
Director of Music Ministries
Mrs. Lucy Corley and
Mrs. Anita Poole
EDS Co-Directors
Mr. William L. Collins, Jr.
Business Manager

Community. The importance of community was on peoples lips last

night during a conversation about increasing the opportunity for small
groups here at Eastminster. It was encouraging to hear and see the interest
of this small planning team. One person shared how God used an Eastminster small group to walk with her during a particularly painful and messy
time in her life. Where she thought everyone but her was living a bright,
shiny life, she came to experience the richness of people being authentic with God and with
one another, sharing both woundedness and hope along the way.
I write this on Monday morning, and Ive just hung up the phone from a conversation with
an Eastminster member in her late 30s who has been away from the church a good deal the
past year or so. She was back in worship yesterday and shared with me how, especially after
being away, she has renewed appreciation for the connectedness and caring, as well as comprehensive opportunities, she experiences at Eastminster.
Sunday School classes, the Day School, Presbyterian Womens Circles, the Mens Monday
Prayer Breakfast, the P.E.P. gatherings, Wednesday night seminars, the choirs, serving together on mission trips or in the community are but some of the places where the Holy Spirit
draws people together and community happens.
Even as I observe the rising popularity of unchurchy churches that thumb their noses at
traditional churches, I have grown in my appreciation for Eastminster. There is no institution in our culture that walks with people from cradle to grave like the church, and there are
few churches anywhere that provide opportunities to grow in Christ and to grow in community throughout the stages of life like Eastminster does. Thank you for being that kind of
In joy,

Ms. Julie McDaniel

Member Involvement Coordinator

P.S. If youre looking to connect but arent sure where to begin, contact Member Involvement Coordinator, Julie McDaniel at 256-1654 or [email protected].

Sunday, november 9
9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Sanctuary
11:15 a.m. - Jubilee
Dr. Bradley D. Smith

More pledge cards were turned in on Pledge Dedication Sunday than ever before. Thank
you! For us to be the people our Lord is calling us to be and for us to be the church God is
calling us to be, we need to move beyond ourselves and join in Christs work together. Every
members support is needed. If you have not yet pledged to be part of Gods work here in
2015, please pledge online by clicking on the 2015 Pledge link in the lower right corner of

SUNDAY, November 9




Celebration Choir Rehearsal

Worship & Childrens Church
Jubilee Band Practice
Sunday School
Eastminster First Step
Generation Change
Wee Rock
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Called Session Mtg.
Jubilee Worship
Worship & Childrens Church
Basketball Practice
Cub Scouts
Sunday@5 Classes
Sr. High & Middle School Youth
Cub Scouts
PEACE Service
Youth Meal

Monday, November 10

7:00 Mens Prayer Breakfast

7:30 Property Committee
9:00 Count Team

Fifty Plus Exercise Class
10:00 Senior Fitness

Circle #1, Circle #3
10:30 Circle #2
11:30 Worship Ministry Mtg.
1:30 Pastors Mtg.
2:30 Program Staff Mtg.
3:00 Basketball Practice
3:10 Staff Mtg.
4:00 CHAMPS Tutoring
5:30 Yoga

Stephen Ministry Leaders Mtg.
6:00 Adult choir Rehearsal

Mens Basketball League Games
6:30 BSF Fellowship
7:00 Troop 10

TUESDAY, November 11






Drop-In Nursery
Youth Council
Senior Fitness
EPW Bible Study
Tuesday Lunch
Bradley Lunch Buddies
Footcare Ministry
Baby Shower
Exercising for Arthritis
Basketball Practice
Tai Chi
CHAMPS Steering
Zumba Fitness
Handbell Rehearsal
Girls Sr. High Small Group
Guys Sr. High Small Group
Scottish Country Dancing
Zumba Fitness

WEDNESDAY, November 12

9:00 Drop-In Nursery

Fifty Plus Exercise Class
9:25 EDS Chapel
9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry
11:00 Journeys to Heaven
3:00 Basketball Practice
3:30 CHAMPS Tutors
5:15 WE@EPC Dinner

Angel Choir

Junior Choir
5:45 Child Care
6:15 WE@EPC Classes
Officer Training
7:15 Chancel Choir

THURSDAY, November 13

7:00 Jr. High Prayer Breakfast

9:00 Drop-In Nursery
10:00 Senior Fitness
3:00 Exercising for Arthritis

Basketball Practice
5:00 Yoga
6:00 Evangelism & Membership
7:00 Zumba Fitness
7:30 Jubilee Band Practice

FRIDAY, November 14


Fifty Plus Exercise Class

EDS Convenant Family Mtg.
Praying Moms Bible Study
Support Staff Mtg.
Flora Football Team
Basketball Practice

SATURDAY, November 15

BSF Leaders Mtg.

CHAMPS Meeting

Circle of Giving - Saturday, December 13

Eastminster hosts the Cooperative Ministrys Christmas Program each year where the children shop, wrap gifts, sing songs, have refreshments and make gifts for their special teacher,
immediate families and a friend. This event is scheduled for Saturday, December 13, from
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Thompson Hall. We need volunteers (teens & adults) to help set up
on December 12, from 4:00 p.m. until, and volunteers to help the children shop, wrap gifts
and do small crafts. Two shifts are available on December 13: 8:45 until 11:00 a.m., and 11:00
a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Please contact Laura Irick at [email protected] if you would like to
We also need donations of gift bags (all sizes), tissue paper, large shopping bags, and
unwrapped new gifts in the $10 range. Please email Laura for gift suggestions! Gifts should
be delivered to the Circle of Giving boxes in the CLC lobby or the CE building lobby no later
than Friday, December 12th.

Ringing for Jesus - Come to a Rehearsal & Give Us a Try!

The handbell choir is in need of a handbell ringer to join us. If you can
read music, then we can teach you how to ring a bell. We rehearse on Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m., play on various Sundays and at other events.
Not sure if its for you? Come to a rehearsal and give it a try with no pressure. Call Jim Masek at 803-556-9166 or email at [email protected].

For our loved ones . . .

In memory of Andrew Jackson Airheart, Jr., given by M/M James B. Murphy, Jr.
In memory of David W. Vandiver, given by John & Katherine F. Thorne.

Mark Your Calendar for P.E.P. in November

We will be celebrating Thanksgiving with a lunch at the McCutchen House on Tuesday,

November 18. Space is limited. Contact Mary (256-1654) [email protected]
early with details to follow.

Presbyterian Women Circle Meetings

Circle 1 meets Monday, Nov. 10th at 10 a.m. in the church parlor.

Circle 2 meets Monday, Nov. 10th at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Florence Fowler.
Circle 3 meets Monday Nov. 10 at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Ivey Bouknight.

2014 Advent Retreat December 5 - 7 - Blue Ridge Assembly

We invite you to join us this year at Eastminsters annual Advent Retreat. Well discover
some fresh ways to dare to share the love of Christ with many around us: with family members, with co-workers, and with our friends from down the street. If this piques your interest, pick up a brochure at church, download a brochure from the E-News or check us out
online. You may register with Mary at 256-1654 or [email protected].

The Body at Work

Your time, talent, and treasure at work in Gods Kingdom

Eastminster donated $8,500 to Family Shelters operating fund to help support emergency shelter for families in need.

A Concert of Praise and Thanksgiving

On Sunday, November 23, musicians from Eastminster and Shandon Presbyterian Churches will present a concert in the Eastminster Sanctuary at 3:00 p.m. The
concert is open to the public at no charge.

Womens Shelter Souper

You are cordially invited to the 33rd Annual Thanksgiving Souper, Thursday,
November 20, 5:30 7:30 p.m. in Thompson Hall. Tickets are $2 for adults and $1
for children, and may be obtained at the Womens Shelter or at the door. Come
enjoy the fellowship and a simple meal of a bowl of Chick-Fil-A soup and crackers!

Family Promise at Eastminster

Family Promise is an exciting new ministry that will serve homeless families.
Eastminster is joining 13 area churches to host these families four times a year, one
week at a time. Columbia joins over 50 cities nationally and 6 in SC, to help homeless families using the Family Promise model that uses existing resources and volunteers. We will be using our Sunday School rooms as shelter four times a year for
one week at a time. If you would like to learn of the many opportunities to help,
there will be an informational meeting in the parlor on Sunday, November 16, following the worship services. There are many volunteer opportunities, and all are
family friendly! Check the EPC web site for a listing of volunteer opportunities.
Please contact Elizabeth Barber ([email protected]) or Lucy Corley (lcorley2@
sc.rr.com) for any questions and look for more information to come soon!

Saint Lawrence Place Christmas Shop and Dinner

Put this on your calendar for December 8. The shop will be open for the residents from 3:30 to 6 p.m. that afternoon, and the dinner is in Thompson Hall that
evening from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. Susan Owen is the coordinator. E-mail Susan
([email protected]) if you would like to help.

Operation Christmas Child

Shoe Boxes are available for pick-up. This is a great project for everyone to
get involved in. National pick up week for completed boxes is November 17-24.
Please return filled shoe boxes to the church by November 23! This year the J.O.Y.
Sunday school class is sponsoring the collection. If you have any questions, please
contact Harper James at 803-238-2502 or [email protected].

PEACE Service November 9

The PEACE Service offers you a place to come away and be quiet before the
Lord. It is a service where we pray for all kinds of needs and celebrate the Lords
Supper together. If you desire a quiet place of worship, join us at 5:00 p.m. in the
Adult Reception Hall. A nursery
is available in the Drop-In Nursery
rooms in the CLC.

Follow Our Youth . . .

Join our youth on social media - Please follow us and like us

on the following:
Twitter: EPC Youth @YouthEPC
Instagram: EPCYOUTH_COThe Senior High Youth and leaders were invited
to the Trinity Episcopal Masquerade Ball.
LUMBIASC (Eastminster Youth)
Our youth won a costume contest as Downton
Facebook Page: EPC Youth
Abbey. Check out the Youth Leaders above!


EPC Prayer List
Part of what it means to be a Family of Faith
is to be in prayer for one another. Contact
the church office at 256-1654 to be included
on this Prayer List.
EPC Special Concerns
Remer Waguespack, Bill McInnis, Dave
Steven, and those serving in our military,
Stephen Ministers and their care receivers,
and all those in need of Gods special care.
Trudy Bates
Congregational love and sympathy
are extended to:
Former member Joe Townsend, on the
death of his wife, Angie Townsend ,
recently. Children, Jack & Virginia
On weekends a minister is on call. If you
have a crisis which one of the ministers
needs to know about, phone 256-1654 and
leave a message. A minister will return
your call.

No Senior High Youth on

Sunday, November 9th!
Please be in prayer for our
youth and leaders that are
Attending the
Trinity Youth Retreat
at White Oak this weekend.
Middle School
Will have youth group and
dinner from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Our Missionaries
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia
Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska
Sarah Snapp - Bolivia
Rev. John McCall - Taiwan
Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US
George & Anne Harper - Philippines
Cindy Correll - Port au Prince, Haiti
Dr. John and Gwenda Fletcher - Congo

Deadline for UPDATE

Dont miss out! Send your information to

share with the congregation to [email protected].
Please have your information in by Wednesday,
November 19, to be shared in our next newsletter on December 7, 2014.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

3200 Trenholm Road
Columbia, South Carolina 29204

Nonprofit Org.
Columbia, SC

Update for November 9, 2014

A Congregational Meeting is Called for November 9

The Session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, November 9,

in the sanctuary following the 11:15 a.m. service to: 1. elect the Associate Pastor
Nominating Committee (APNC) for an Associate Pastor for Young Adults and
Evangelism and Membership; and 2. to approve changes in the Terms of Call
of our Pastors. APNC nominees are: Peyton Bryant, Louise Cruea, Jim Evatt,
Caleb Gaston, Boo Griffin (chair), Laura Irick, Wane ONeal, and Mary Jacquelyn ONeal.

Christmas Tree Fundraiser

The youth are selling Fraser Fir Christmas trees and wreaths. The sale of all
trees and wreaths will help offset the cost of youth mission trips in 2015. Sales
will run through November 23, with pick-up from December 2-4 from 4:30 7:00 p.m. in the upper parking lot. Costs range from $35.00 for 4-5 ft. trees to
$118.00 for 9-10 ft. trees. You may order on-line at www.eastminsterpres.org
and look under Quick Links! Please make your checks payable to Eastminster
Presbyterian Church and include on the memo line Youth Christmas Tree Fundraiser. (Mail your check to Eastminster Presbyterian Church, 3200 Trenholm
Road, Columbia, SC 29204 attn: Youth Office, or drop by the church.)

Christmas Memorials and Honoraria

The Flower Guild is accepting memorials and honoraria to cover the cost
of decorating the sanctuary and other areas of the church with live wreaths,
greenery and poinsettias for Christmas. Please enclose the wording you would
like to have printed in the Christmas bulletins with a check for $20.00 made out
to Eastminster Flower Guild for each listing. Checks and enclosed information
should be mailed to the church or placed in the Flower Guild box in the workroom. The deadline is Friday, December 5. Go ahead, send in your check today!

Socks In A Box

Once again, Mary Curtis and Kent Liggitt will be collecting adult white socks for the Socks in a Box collection (November 2 - February 13.) These socks will be
distributed to those in need. Look for boxes at the main

Serving on Sunday
november 9
Deacon Lisa Dunbar
DEACONS: Matthew Burns, Caroline Bennett
Elder Mary Elliott (Jubilee)
Deacon Betsy McDonald (Jubilee)
Elders Andy Lowrey & Mary Elliott
Deacons Scott Verzyl & Coke Mann
Ushers: Steve Searcy, John McCabe
(9:00) Becky Airheart
Coleman Chambliss
Mark & Laurie Childress
Kathie Williams
(11:15) Elizabeth Helmboldt
Jerry & Mary Frances Jowers
Ross & Happy Holmes
Charles & Caroline Jenkins
(9:00) Kennedy & Nathan Natvig
(11:15) Staff
(9:00) Staff
(11:15) Jason & Ashley Burbage
2-K ROOM - CLC 119
(9:00) Molley & Zack Hudson
(11:15) Elizabeth & Zack George Hutton
(9:00) Virginia & Nate Henderson
(11:15) Will & Lauren Gillespie
(9:00) Tommy & Missy Boggs
(11:15) Jim & Jennifer Bowie
(9:00) Kalen & Richard Klosky
(11:15) John & Shay Lansche

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