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Perception of Senior High School Students and Parents of the Introduction

University of San Carlos - South Campus about the CoViD-19 Covid-19. In the year 2019, the world was shocked as a new strain of virus
was detected in the province of Wuhan China. The China Health Authority informed
the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the presence of unknown cases of
Basis for Program Intervention pneumonia in Wuhan China on December 31, 2019. According to the World Health
Aline Mikaela S. Bautista, Anieflor C. Esmolo, Alyssa Ashley S. Estipona, Juliane Marie
Organization (WHO), coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease
J. Flores, Rain V. Tabanao, Sweet Lourene S. Tiaga
caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The virus is mainly transmitted through
Grade 12 HUMSS Students of University of San Carlos South Campus, Cebu City,
droplets by an infected person through coughing and sneezing. Months later, on
Philippines January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern or PHEIC
[email protected] [email protected] and on March 11, 2020, the COVID-19 was indicated as a pandemic.
[email protected] [email protected] Here in the Philippines setting, the same date as the COVID 19 pandemic was
[email protected] [email protected] declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern or PHEIC, the
Department of Health (DOH) announced and confirmed its first COVID-19 positive
Abstract case in the country, a 38-year-old female Chinese patient under investigation (PUI).
The objective of the study is to determine the different perception with regards to the Furthermore, President Rodrigo Duterte implemented a travel ban and an enhanced
ongoing covid-19 vaccination in the country, to the affected individuals of the covid-19 crisis, community quarantine that made the whole Philippines in a nationwide lockdown
to the senior high school students and parents of University of San Carlos - South Campus. situation. During the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), a limited number of
This study will be a quantitative research, backed with the utilization of data analysis
people are allowed to go out. Only the medical personnel, government workers and
collected through non-experimental and quantitative and qualitative descriptive surveys. The
other frontliners. The government also advised people to stay and work from home
respondents of this study are the senior high school students and parents of University of San
Carlos - South Carlos, specifically students from the Humanities and Social Sciences and make use of the technology in business matters to avoid social gatherings.
(HUMSS), Accountancy, Business, Management (ABM), and Arts & Design (A&D) from the Classes also were temporarily suspended in all levels.
Grade 12 level and their parents. The researchers will disseminate their questionnaire to its As the virus spread rapidly around the world, people were frightened for
respondents, to the 85 parents and 100 students of USC-SC. The results showed that the themselves and for their family and loved ones. The virus affected the lives of people
perceptions of the respondents were hesitant when it comes to the covid-19 vaccination and especially those who are in the lower section. According to Sheila Coronel (2020)
its possible effects after taking the shot. But when it comes to the continuity of online classes, from the Interpreter, the poor cannot afford to buy food and clothes for themselves,
the gathered data from the respondents’ shows that they will be continuing the current how much more for the health essentials, which is very important during this
method of learning if ever they get to be vaccinated. pandemic. Fortunately, the government at that time took their actions by giving ayuda
or help to the Filipinos especially those who are mostly in need and the government
also made a move by distributing the military and the police troops in every part of Vaccination Perception. Although COVID-19 Vaccinations have already
the country to heavily guard the borders of each places and as well as those people started, due to the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are still under development,
who will try to disobey the safety precautionary rules made by the government. information about the risk and safety of taking the vaccine is limited. Therefore, it is
According to UNESCO, the COVID 19 gives a huge impact to the 1.5 billion questionable whether the general public held a positive or negative view on taking the
students nationwide. This pandemic is the reason why the students stopped their vaccine itself.
education for almost half a year. Countries all over the world implemented programs Vaccination Hesitancy. The new subject of vaccine hesitancy addresses
for education in avoiding the spreading of the virus, but now the students are back on perhaps the most relevant issues in public health and alludes to the postponements in
track again in their education using online-learning and modules. This new-normal acceptance or refusal of vaccines regardless of accessibility of inoculation services.
era made it more difficult for the students since there will be no personal teacher to According to SAGE Working Group on vaccination hesitancy, it is ‘complex and
guide them and also the students are still new at this online-learning environment. context specific’ varying across time, place, and immunizations. It is affected by
Covid-19 Vaccination. WHO (2020) stated that vaccination is a way or a factors like complacency, comfort and certainty. The Vaccine Hesitancy
simple process wherein people may be guarded to avoid diseases or any infections Determinants Matrix shows the components affecting the behavioral choice to
that can be harmful to the human body. Receiving vaccination is not only protecting acknowledge or accept, delay or reject a few or all vaccines under three classes:
one’s body, but it also protects the people that surround it. Meanwhile, vaccines are contextual, individual and group, and immunization/inoculation-specific influences.
the tool that will be used so that the vaccination will happen. Commonly, vaccines are A study was done in the United States (Khubchandani, 2021) which showed a
in a form of injections and sprays that could be used for the mouth or sprayed to the negative aspect of the covid-19 vaccination hesitancy. 22% of them or almost a fifth
nose. At this time, there are at least over 20 vaccines that can protect the people. of them were 22% of them were hesitant to take the covid-19 vaccines if there is
As the CoViD-19 pandemic has been present today, health professionals have availability. In addition, using demographic profiles such as sex, race, ethnicity,
been working on the vaccine. This also has been creating a huge burden to the education, income, employment status, and place of residence, the hesitancy answers
societies and the economies worldwide. As stated by the WHO (2015), the Strategic varied using these profile.
Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization have been saying that there will be a lot Perception of Covid-19 Vaccine. The occurrence of the pandemic has greatly
of hesitance by defining the acceptance and refusal even though there is an affected a lot of sectors in the society. One of these are the health professionals who
availability of vaccination services. However, a lot of people have been asking if are working hard for the vaccine.
vaccines for this virus exist. As of this time, there are already vaccines for the In the global survey by Lazarus et al (2020) which compromised 19 countries
coronavirus. In December 2020 (WHO), the first mass vaccination programme with around 55% of the international population. The Chinese respondents gave the
started. In total, until the last update on the 15th day of February 2021, 175.3 million highest proportion of positive responses with 88.6% from the total of 712
vaccine doses have been regulated. In addition, there are at least 7 types of vaccines respondents. It has also been stated in the study that countries like Brazil, India, and
that have been distributed from the aforementioned number. South Africa have a very high possibility to have a positive response about the
vaccine as observed by the researchers.
A study by Biasio et al (2020) was conducted and it resulted that the people In a research survey that was answered by 128 students by O’Malley entitled
who answered their online survey mostly gave a positive response regarding the resulted that Online Learning and Distance Learning should be deemed to go through
vaccine and basing from table 4 where it presented 80% to 90% as affirmative except a separate analysis since students do not perceive that OL and DL are similar. Upon
one question. Furthermore, there are about 40% of the respondents that claimed that the separate analysis of the two learnings, according to the datas received by the
they have received vaccination for influenza from the previous year. researchers from the answers of the majority of the students that took part with the
Also, Seale et al (2021) also supervised a study to the Australian public survey shows that, the students have negative beliefs or perception about the online
regarding the vaccine where it presented a positive response about the vaccine from class learning, thus affecting their willingness to continue the online classes term.
the public. It showed 80% of the respondents to agree to have injected with the In contrast with the results of the study stated above, in the prior paragraph,
CoVid-19 vaccine. Additionally, females were more likely to agree with the idea than this study (2020) acquired results contrasting with the results found in the other
the male respondents. research. Positive results from the datas gathered shows how the respondents (parents
Even though there are a lot of positive reactions with regard to the vaccine and family of the learner) in this research have a positive perception regarding the
there are still people who are having a negative reaction. Going back to Lazarus et al online class method in continuing the learning of students throughout the pandemic.
(2020) research, the results have also presented that most of the Polish respondents In the study, the families’ role as a supporting instrument for their students was seen,
with negative responses have the highest proportion of responses with the percentage addressing the possible factors that online class could give effect to the students.
of 27.3% out of 668 respondents. Also, the Russian respondents also had the lowest Parents and families were encouraged to find ways to help cope with the online
number of proportions regarding the positive responses about the vaccine with the learning among their learners, thus increasing the productive time and improving the
percentage of 54.9% out of 680 respondents. students’ performance in online learning. With these findings, the positive effect of
In the Philippine setting, an article by Sabillo (2021) stated that in the OCTA addressing concerns regarding online classes made a toll with the perception of the
survey, only 1 in 4 Filipinos or only 25% of the respondents (CNN Philippines Staff, students in regards to the new method of learning.
2021) who lived in Metro Manila were willing to take the vaccine. Moreover, in the In contrast with the negative statements above, Muthuprasad’s (2021) study
national aspect, 46% of the Filipino adults are still not willing. The data also showed that the pandemic has influenced the mode of learning with a positive
presented that 35% of the respondents answered “undecided” with regard to the attitude. It was found out that the students were at an advantage since it became
vaccine (Tomacruz, 2021). convenient with the students and also flexible. They are much in favor of watching
Willingness of the Continuity of Online Classes. The CoVid-19 not only videos that are being recorded from the university websites. Together with this, the
created an impact to the sectors of the society but also to the way or mode of learning study stated that there is also a need for sessions that are interactive that have quizzes
of the students. This type of learning or methods of learning can also be called and assignments after every class to make the whole session effective.
“distance learning”. These include modular learning, online learning, and blended In a study managed by Koirala et al (2020), it discussed the perceptions of
learning. students towards online classes during the covid-19 crisis. Based on the results on the
data gathered by the researchers of the respondents taking part in this study, it shows
half of the respondents have a negative perception about the online class and assessed that their attitudes and interests upon the ongoing vaccination for CoViD-19
continuing this method of learning, however the other half of the respondents don’t may have hesitancy among the idea of having this action. Upon hearing the news
have any other choice but to continue with this method of learning since this method, about the vaccination, and information regarding it, the students’ external action may
real-time online class, is the only way to sustain the learning for students; the have shown signs of hesitancy or agreement with the vaccination announcement, that
education needed by students that was limited due to the current crisis. lets them understand the attitude or their behavior, and will then influence their
Despite the other literature showing a negative response to the continuity of preference and perception concerning the current vaccination happenings.
online classes, a study entitled “Challenges to Online Medical Education During the As for the Theory of Reasoned Action of Martin Fishbien and Icek Ajzen, this
Covid-19 Pandemic” by Rajab et al (2020) resulted in a positive impact towards the study aims to explain that the outcomes of behavioral intentions of a person is based
online classes. The Alfaisal University had challenges such as communication, from, either: a person’s own attitude or one's personal norm. The purpose of the
student assessment, use of technology tools, online experience, pandemic-related theory of reasoned action is to understand a person’s volitional behavior by assessing
anxiety or stress, time management, and technophobia but due to the online classes, the factors or the primary motivations of a person that influences the performed
the beginning of the classes made them level up their confidence. action of a person in a situation. The factors of a person’s volitional behavior doesn’t
stop the subjective norm and the person's attitude, but these factors also include or
Theoretical Background. This study is anchored on the Self-Perception links between beliefs, the intentions, and personal preferences of an individual. This
Theory of Daryl Bem (1967) and the Theory of Reasoned Action developed by theory recognizes that some circumstances (or factors) can restrict the influence of the
Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen (1975). Daryl Bem’s self-perception theory centers attitude on behavior.
around how a person assesses their own attitude and behavior that will influence their In relation to this theory with the study, the perception and opinion of the
perception and preferences. It is about the assessment of the external cues or the senior high school students and the senior high school parents regarding the
behavior the one’s self is showing that will provide assistance in order to understand vaccination for CoViD-19 pandemic here in the Philippines will serve as the
how one’s self is feeling, the condition that one’s self is in, or the attitude of one’s volitional action, or the outcome over the series of factors that the student have taken
self. People, usually assess other’s behavior and attitude for them to attribute it with a credit for. The view of the students and parents regarding the idea of vaccination may
person’s personality or the emotion that that someone is feeling, such as seeing have contradictions or may correspond with their own opinion about the issue. Belief
someone with a scowling face can attribute to being angry or having a fowl mood, but in contradicting vaccination due to uncertain risk that the body might go through
with the Self-Perception Theory, the individual instead observes and analyzes its own during the session may be present with the perception of the students and parents, or
behavior first that will then help them determine what really is their attitude, the same ideas of preferences such as taking a shot of vaccination will lengthen the healthy
method as to how an individual analyze an attitude of another person. body state of the person, that will then be a factor upon the possible outcome. Either
Correspondingly, the senior high school students' and parents’ perceptions of the two situations will possibly be the factors upon the volitional action or behavior
about the CoViD-19 vaccination may have been influenced by how they assess and of the students and parents regarding the topic.
analyze their own behavior and what they attribute it to. The students may have
With the theories’ views, the researchers aim to describe the perception of the
Senior High School students and parents in the University of San Carlos - South
Campus regarding their hesitancy of the covid-19 vaccine, and as well as their
willingness with reagrds to the continuation of the online class learning method every
the respondents get to be vaccinated. The framework will determine if all the
aforementioned has greatly affected the senior high school students’ perception of the
vaccine . Not only that, this will also serve as a guide for the research.
Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Objectives of the Problem:

The main aim of this study is to describe the perceptions of the Senior High
School students and Parents of University of San Carlos - South Campus about the
ongoing CoViD-19 vaccination in the Philippines.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the extent of the perceptions in terms of the hesitancy of the covid 19 Methodology:
1.1 Senior High School Students Design. This study will be a quantitative research to assess the perception of
1.2 Parents the senior high students and parents about the vaccination of the virus COVID-19.
2. What is the percentage of the willingness to continue the online classes despite This research will be using data analysis collected through non-experimental and
being shot by the covid-19 vaccine among: quantitative and qualitative descriptive surveys which the questionnaire will be
2.1 Senior High School Students distributed to the senior high students and parents of the University of San Carlos-
2.2 Parents South Campus through google forms. The survey or the research itself tries to
3. How do Covid-19 and Covid-19 Vaccine perceived by: describe, analyze and interpret the status of the respondents. Descriptive survey
3.1 Senior High School Students accumulates information about varying subjects.
3.2 Parents Environment. The researchers will conduct this study inside the campus of
4. What possible interventions/proposed actions/recommendations can be done based the University of San Carlos South School and will allocate the questionnaire to the
on the findings of the study? three different strands in this school through a google form website.
Respondents. The respondents of this study will be the senior high school
The researchers assume that the senior high school students and parents of the students and parents of the University of San Carlos specifically, the Humanities and
University of San Carlos have hesitation upon the choice of whether to take the Social Sciences students (HUMSS), Accounting, Business and Management students
covid-19 vaccine or not that is based on lack of information on the risks and safety (ABM), and Arts & Design students (A&D). The researchers will disseminate the
regarding the vaccine, and respondents will show willingness with regards to the questionnaires to 85 parents and 100 students, both grade 11 and 12 from the three
continuation of online classes if ever they to be vaccinated. different strands; HUMSS, ABM, and in the A & D department through the use of
The study focuses on the perception of Senior High School students and the google forms.
Parents in the University of San Carlos about the COVID-19 vaccination, on whether
they will agree to be vaccinated or they will not agree to be vaccinated. Also, their Table 1
willingness to continue the online class method if the said respondents will get to be
vaccinated by the ongoing covid-19 vaccination. The research secured 100 Respondents of the Study
respondents, Senior High School students and 85 respondents for the Parents from USC South School Students: f rf(%) Age f rf(%)
University of San Carlos - South Campus, in a total of 185 respondents secured. The
outcome of the study will have significant contribution to the students, the people
Grade 12
(public), future researchers, and the government
Arts and Design (A&D) 5 10% 17-19 5 10% 58-62 7 8.1%

Accountancy, Business, and Management 21 30% 17-19 21 42% TOTAL 85 100% TOTAL 85 100%

Humanities and Social Sciences 24 63% 17-19 24 48%

(HUMSS) Instruments. This study will be using an adapted likert-type survey
questionnaire and a dichotomous yes or no questionnaire to assess the perceptions of
TOTAL 50 100% TOTAL 50 100%
the senior high school students of the University of San Carlos-South Campus. This
Grade 11 research instrument will be pilot-tested to guarantee the legitimacy and credibility.
The descriptive adapted survey questionnaire consists of questions regarding the
Arts and Design (A&D) 12 24% 16-18 12 24% Hesitancy of the Vaccine: The sampling method that will be used are probability
sampling and stratified sampling since the researchers will randomly distribute the
Accountancy, Business, and Management 17 34% 16-18 17 34%
questionnaires to the different strand sections in University of San Carlos South
School. This research instrument will be pilot-tested to guarantee the legitimacy and
Humanities and Social Sciences 21 42% 16-18 21 42% credibility. The descriptive adapted and dichotomous survey questionnaire consists of
(HUMSS) three (3) parts and has a Likert type and yes or no scale:
Part I- consists of the demographic profile of the USC Senior High School
TOTAL 50 100% TOTAL 50 100% Students. It has three items which are the following: their name, age, gender, and
Strand & Block.
Part II - consists of an adapted survey questionnaire from
USC South School Parents: f rf(%) Age f rf(%)
_report.pdf regarding the Hesitancy of the senior high school students on the Covid 19
Grade 12 74 87% 38-42 19 22.3% vaccination. The questionnaire has 6 items and is answerable by choosing their
desired answer.
43-47 21 25% Part III - consists of dichotomous survey questionnaires about the willingness
to continue online classes despite being vaccinated perceptive of the senior high
Grade 11 11 13% 48-52 24 28.2%
students and parents from University of San Carlos. The questionnaire has 10 items
53-57 14 16.4%
for the parents and 8 items for the students and is answerable by choosing their school students and parents of the University of San Carlos in order to continue
desired answer. conducting the research.
Validity. In order for this research to check its validity, it shall pass through Procedures. The purpose of this study is to assess and analyze the perception
the face and content validity by letting the respective statistics teacher, who is also a of the senior high school students of the University of San Carlos-South Campus. The
research teacher, check the survey instrument to confirm the validation of the data collection method used secondary data. The secondary data were taken from
proposed study. online databases. The researchers gathered the data through the usage of descriptive
Reliability. Cronbach’s alpha is a measure of internal consistency, that is, how adapted and dichotomous survey questionnaires that helped answer and assess the
firmly related a lot of things are as a group. It is viewed as a measure of scale perception of the respondents regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. Google forms will be
dependability that a high value for alpha doesn't suggest that the measure is used during the process of distributing the survey questionnaires to the respondents.
unidimensional. On the off chance that, measuring internal consistency, you wish to Technology Application. The researchers made use of the Microsoft Excel for
give proof that the scale being referred to is checking dimensionality. Cronbach’s tallying and tabulating the data gathered to form a clear and accurate analysis.
alpha is used in the pilot testing to ensure the reliability and credibility of the Ethical Considerations. In conducting this study, the researchers will make
questionnaires. The researchers must get a score of 0.7 and above to ensure that the sure that the respondents chosen will take interest during the study and will not be
questionnaires are indeed reliable and credible. held against their decision by the researchers and will be given intensive clarification
Data Analysis. The following parametric treatments are used to analyze and about how the investigation will be good for them. The researchers will provide
interpret the data gathered. Simple Percentage is used to determine the demographic informed consents through an introductory letter that will clarify that during the
profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, and strand level. Simple mean and research, the privacy of the data gathered will be kept . Datas should not be imported
standard deviation, and percentage were utilized in analyzing and assessing the to outsiders nor with individuals known to members except if allowed to do so by the
perception of senior high school students and parents of the University of San Carlos respondent. Data gathered will involve only the researchers and the respondent
about the CoViD-19 vaccination. A descriptive survey is applied. themselves. Informed consents will be given on the first encounter of the researchers
Data Gathering Procedures. The respondents who are mentally and and the respondents, composed through an introductory letter. An intensive
physically capable and that enthusiastically support through participation after the clarification will also be provided by the researchers about the scope of the study. The
clear clarification of the advantages of this study to them. They are given transmittal informed consents will contain all of the data needed for the respondents to know
letters that clarify plainly and basically the reason for the study and the procedure of about. Respondents should not fall under the class of a defenseless populace , for
how their own data and information gathered would be taken care of with the utmost example (1) children, (2) Mentally or emotionally disabled people, (3) Severely ill or
extreme consideration. All throughout the procedure the respondents won't be physically disabled people. Total honesty will be done in selecting parties for the
exposed to as little or none to dangers and risks. The letter of the principal would be information assortment of the study, the option to decline to take an interest in the
shown in the study before the researchers conducted a survey to the senior high study will be disclosed to them, and that if choices will somehow happen to emerge
along the assortment of information, respondents will not be held without wanting to Table 2 presents the results and looks into the Perception of the Grade 12 Senior
his or her will and will be dealt with reasonably in an all around regarded way. High School Students of the University of San Carlos South Campus about the
Respondents will not be exposed to superfluous dangers of damages or CoViD-19 Vaccination in terms of their Hesitancy.
uneasiness, potential dangers to the respondents in this study are limited, and as much
as possible, avoided. Level of danger conceivable towards the respondents will not Table 2
surpass the potential compassionate advantages of the information that will be picked
Level of Hesitancy
by the respondents.The researchers will give an intensive clarification as to how their
participation is needed in the study and that information gathered will be of benefit to
them. With the data that will be given, the respondents will pick-up information about Items Mean SD Rank Description
their perception. 5. When I think about getting 3.3 0.61 1 High
vaccinated, I weigh benefits and risks to
Results and Discussions make the best decision possible.
This chapter presents the results and discussions on the level of hesitancy
perception, willingness to the Senior High School Students and Parents of the 1. If a Covid-19 vaccine is available, I 3.06 0.84 2 Average
University of San Carlos South Campus about the CoViD-19 Vaccination: Basis for plan to be vaccinated.
Program Intervention. The researchers come up with qualitative data because their
2. I am completely confident that 2.74 0.7 3 Average
perceptions with regards to the Covid 19 vaccine were identified.
vaccines are safe.
Level of Hesitancy 4. Everyday stresses prevent me from 2.24 0.7 4 Low
According to SAGE Working Group on vaccination hesitancy, it is ‘complex getting vaccinated.
and context specific’ varying across time, place, and immunizations. It is affected by
factors like complacency, comfort and certainty. The Vaccine Hesitancy 3. Covid-19 is not so severe that I 1.88 0.8 5 Low
Determinants Matrix shows the components affecting the behavioral choice to should get vaccinated.
acknowledge or accept, delay or reject a few or all vaccines under three classes:
6. I get vaccinated because I can also 1.61 0.01 6 Low
contextual, individual and group, and immunization/inoculation-specific influences.
protect other people from getting
Grade 12 Totality 2.47 0.59 Low
Interval: 1-1.80(Very Low); 1.81-2.60 (Low); 2.61-3.40 (Average); 3.41-4.20 (High); 4.21-5.00 (Very are not hesitant to be injected with the CoVid-19 and they are willing to undertake
High) this experience.
“I'd rather get vaccinated but at a later date than the most. So that I can make others,
As shown in the table above, the items that are pointed out to the Grade-12
especially the elderly and young people, safe as they may not be able to handle the
students of the University of San Carlos-South Campus is about their hesitancy of the
CoVid-19 vaccine. It shows that the respondents have a low level of hesitancy of the
“I would choose to be vaccinated as I want to keep my family and everyone else
CoVid-19 vaccine.
As specified in the study of Biasio et al (2020) entitled ‘Assessing CoVid-19 “I will choose to be vaccinated because in doing so, I do not only protect myself but
vaccine literacy: a preliminary online survey.” This is a cross-sectional study to also the people around me.”
evaluate the levels of literacy skills about vaccination in Italy with having a general “Being vaccinated, it will protect me and the people around. It's a two way street.”
population, through rapid surveys administered via the web, they have a result that
shows a positive response regarding the vaccination of CoVid-19. Moreover, it was
presented with 80% to 90% as affirmative, this concludes that the grade-12 students Grade 11
of the University of San Carlos-South Campus are having a positive response towards Table 3 Presents the results and looks into the Perception of the Grade 11 Senior
the CoVid-19 vaccination just like the people in Italy. High School Students of the University of San Carlos South Campus about the
The table above shows the results of the level of the grade-12 students which CoViD-19 Vaccination in terms of their Hesitancy.
is high (X̄ =3.3, SD =0.61). It states “When I think about getting vaccinated, I weigh
Table 3
benefits and risks to make the best decision possible.” This measures that the grade-
12 students are hesitant to be injected with the CoVid-19 vaccines since they are Level of Hesitancy
terrified of the risks if they will be injected with the vaccine.
The level of hesitancy of the grade-12 students is average (X̄ =2.74, SD =0.7)
Items Mean SD Rank Description
which states “I am completely confident that vaccines are safe”. This indicates that
most of the students are hesitant to be injected with the CoVid-19 vaccination since 5. When I think about getting 3.36 0.72 1 High
they are not convinced about the safety of the vaccines and some of the students are vaccinated, I weigh benefits and
not hesitance to be vaccinated since they trust the vaccines in their health. risks to make the best decision
In conclusion, The table shows the lowest ranked item about the hesitancy possible.
which states “I get vaccinated because I can also protect other people from getting
infected.” is low (X̄ = 1.61, SD = 0.01). This is understood that the grade-12 students 6. I get vaccinated because I can 3.14 0.76 2 Average
also protect other people from
getting infected. This implies how the respondents envisage the effects of vaccination in order for
them to come up with a choice to either get vaccinated or not for their own safety.
1. If a Covid-19 vaccine is 2.74 0.9 3 Average
available, I plan to be It also shows that the lowest ranked item which states “Covid-19 is not so
vaccinated. severe that I should get vaccinated.” This suggests that the respondents accepted that
the CoViD-19 is a deadly disease and that they ought to get inoculated.
2. I am completely confident 2.52 0.81 4 Low
that vaccines are safe. Relating this to the study of Lazarus et al (2020), the results that they have
gathered in their study have also presented that most of the Polish respondents with
4. Everyday stresses prevent me 2.34 0.82 5 Low negative responses have the highest proportion of responses with the percentage of
from getting vaccinated. 27.3% out of 668 respondents. Also, their Russian respondents also had the lowest
3. Covid-19 is not so severe that 2.16 0.68 6 Low number of proportions regarding the positive responses about the vaccine with the
I should get vaccinated. percentage of 54.9% out of 680 respondents.

Totality 2.71 0.78 Average Overall, the level of Hesitancy of the grade 11 students of the University of
San Carlos- South Campus is average (X̄ = 2.71, SD = 0.78). This indicates that only
Interval: 1-1.80(Very Low); 1.81-2.60 (Low); 2.61-3.40 (Average); 3.41-4.20 (High); 4.21-5.00 (Very a few respondents were still in doubt about the CoViD-19 Vaccination. These were
High) some of the responses/answers of the grade 11 students that can support this claim:

The table shown above are the results of the Grade 11 students of the “I perceived it as something that is not done within the usual length of time. Vaccines
University of San Carlos-South Campus. The table shows that the respondents have supposed to have a lot of trials, experiments, and tests before releasing them to the
an average level of hesitancy about the CoViD-19 vaccination. public. However, today, the vaccines available for COVID, for me, didn't go through
the usual process of testing which makes me believe that it is not safe.”
Consequently, most of the grade 11 students were still hesitant about the
CoViD-19 vaccination. This suggests that the respondents are not sure of getting Hence, this feedback from the students would show that the respondents were
inoculated. still having suspicions and uncertainty about being inoculated.

Primarily, the number that has the description of High is question 5 of the Parents
questionnaire which resulted (X̄ = 3.36, SD = 0.72) that states “ When I think about
getting vaccinated, I weigh benefits and risks to make the best decision possible.”
Table 4 presents the results and looks into the Perception of the Parents of the Senior Interval: 1-1.80(Very Low); 1.81-2.60 (Low); 2.61-3.40 (Average); 3.41-4.20 (High); 4.21-5.00 (Very
High School students of the University of San Carlos South Campus about the High)

CoViD-19 Vaccination in terms of their Hesitancy.

The items stated in the table 3 above focuses on the perceptions of parents of
Table 4 the Senior High School students of the University of San Carlos South Campus in
terms of their Hesitancy with regards to the Covid 19 Vaccination. Overall, the data
Level of Hesitancy shows that most of the respondents have an average level of hesitancy about the
Covid-19 Vaccination.
Items Mean SD Rank Description
Hence, only a few of the respondents were still hesitant of the Covid 19
5. When I think about getting 3.42 0.59 1 High vaccination. This implies that they are not sure and convinced about the vaccine and
vaccinated, I weigh benefits and risks getting vaccinated. Based on the study of Tomacruz (2021) on the OCTA survey to
to make the best decision possible. the Filipino public, it was stated that nationally, 46 percent of the Filipino
respondents are hesitant and still not willing about the Covid-19 Vaccine. All of
6. I get vaccinated because I can also 3.31 0.76 2 Average which the parents of the University of San Carlos Senior High School also agreed
protect other people from getting with the Covid-19 vaccination.
The table that shows the highest ranked item about the Hesitancy of the
1. If a Covid-19 vaccine is available, I 3.13 0.86 3 Average parents regarding the Covid-19 vaccination which states “When I think about getting
plan to be vaccinated. vaccinated, I weigh benefits and risks to make the best decision possible” is high,
2. I am completely confident that 2.85 0.72 4 Average with a result of (X̄ = 3.42, SD = 0.59). This implies that the respondents are very
vaccines are safe. responsible and informed about the Covid-19 Vaccination based on what they
observed and know.
4. Everyday stresses prevent me from 2.27 0.82 5 Low
getting vaccinated. It also shows in the table that the lowest ranked item which states “Covid-19
is not so severe that I should get vaccinated” is low (X̄ = 1.93, SD = 0.84). This
3.Covid-19 is not so severe that I 1.93 0.84 6 Low implies that the respondents believed that the Covid 19 is a serious disease and that
should get vaccinated. they should get vaccinated.
Totality 2.82 0.76 Average Overall, the level of Hesitancy of the parents in the University of San Carlos
Senior High School is average (X̄ = 2.82, SD = 0.76). This means that the
respondents were still in doubt about the Covid 19 vaccination. These were some of 1. Would you agree to be 58% 42%
the responses of the parents that can support this claim: vaccinated and still continue
online classes?
“I perceive the vaccines to be not reliable”
“I think the vaccine's effectiveness is not that suitable to all sorts of age groups” 2. Do you agree that online 30% 70%
“I’m afraid of the side effects of the vaccine. Maybe it will be an additional burden of classes have greatly helped
being unhealthy” you?
“It is not absolutely safe”
3. Is there any chance that you 60% 40%
To sum up, based on the data gathered by the researchers, the level of will attend face to face classes
hesitancy of the majority of the parents and grade 11 students of the University of San after being shot despite the
Carlos has a result of average which implies that the respondents are still not yet chances of being infected?
convinced and still hesitant of the Covid 19 vaccination and also getting vaccinated.
However, the perception of the level of Hesitancy of the grade 12 students is low 4. Have you ever thought of 56% 44%
which implies that they are confident about the vaccine. deciding to stop your
education during the online
Willingness to Continue Online Classes Despite Having Vaccination classes?

The willingness will be taken into account according to the tables below that, 5. Do you trust the vaccines that 44% 56%
if, after getting vaccinated, would both the students and the parents consider having the government has given to
the students continue attending online classes instead of attending classes in face-to- the public?
face setting despite having already been vaccinated.
6. Do you agree to continue to 64% 36%
attend online classes for the
next school year after
receiving the vaccine?
Gr.12 7. Are you scared of the 74% 26%
possibilities that you will be
(YES) (NO) infected with the virus during
Overall, based on the results of the items, the grade 12 senior high school
face to face classes after
students were willing to continue their online classes despite being vaccinated. These
having a shot by the vaccine?
are some of the responses that can support this claim:
8.. Are you confident to attend 44% 56%
online classes next school “I could say that school year 2021-2022 would still conduct online classes
year? instead of face-to-face classes due to the continuous search for the right
COVID-19 vaccine.”
The items stated above shows a dichotomous questionnaire that seeks the
willingness of the Grade 12 students with their willingness to continue online classes
if ever despite being shot by the covid vaccine. The item that has the highest result 1. Would you agree to be vaccinated and still 48% 52%
which states “Are you scared of the possibilities that you will be infected with the continue online classes?
virus during face to face classes after having a shot by the vaccine?” gathered 74%.
2. Do you agree that online classes have greatly 30% 70%
However, it also shows in the table the item that has the lowest result which states
helped you?
“Do you agree that online classes have greatly helped you?” gathered 30%.
3. Is there any chance that you will attend face 54% 46%
Overall, the questionnaire that best answers the variable is question number 6
to face classes after being shot despite the
which states “Do you agree to continue to attend online classes for the next school
chances of being infected?
year after receiving the vaccine?” gathered a result of 64%. This implies that most of
the students are willing to still continue their online classes even after receiving the 4. Have you ever thought of deciding to stop 48% 52%
vaccine. your education during the online classes?
Based on the study conducted by Muthuprasad’s (2021) entitled Students’ 5. Do you trust the vaccines that the 46% 54%
perception and preference for online education in India during COVID -19 pandemic, government has given to the public?
showed that the pandemic has influenced the mode of learning with a positive
attitude. It was found out that the students were at an advantage since it became 6. Do you agree to continue to attend online 54% 46%
convenient with the students and also flexible. They are much in favor of watching classes for the next school year after
videos that are being recorded from the university websites. Together with this, the receiving the vaccine?
study stated that there is also a need for sessions that are interactive that have quizzes
7. Are you scared of the possibilities that you 78% 22%
and assignments after every class to make the whole session effective.
there is additionally a requirement for meetings that are interactive that have tests and
will be infected with the virus during face to
tasks after every class to make the entire session effective.
face classes after having a shot by the
vaccine? Overall, based on the aftereffects, the grade 11 senior high school students
8. Are you confident to attend online classes 46% 54% were willing to proceed with their online classes regardless of being immunized.
next school year? These are a portion of the reactions that can uphold this case.

“I want to continue online classes for the next school year because it is still
The items stated above shows a dichotomous questionnaire that seeks the dangerous to have face to face classes. I am still scared that I might get infected by
disposition of the Grade 11 students with their willingness to continue online classes the virus.”
if ever despite being shot by the CoViD-19 vaccine. The item that has the highest
result is item 7 which states that “Are you scared of the possibilities that you will be (YES)
infected with the virus during face to face classes after having a shot by the vaccine?” (NO)
gathered a result of 78%. This shows that the grade 11 students are agitated about
1. Would you agree to be vaccinated 77.65% 22.35%
certain prospects about the Coronavirus during physical classes. However, it also
together with your children?
shows that item 2 has the lowest result which states “Do you agree that online classes
have greatly helped you?” It garnered 30% . 2. Do you agree that online classes 48.24% 51.76%
have greatly helped your
Generally, the question that best answers the variable is item 6 which states child/children?
“Do you agree to continue to attend online classes for the next school year after
receiving the vaccine?” It garnered 54%. This signifies that most of the grade 11 3. Is there any chance that you will 64.71% 35.29%
students want to continue the alternative online learning for the next school year even allow your children to have their
after the inoculation. education face to face after being
shot by the vaccine despite chances
Based on the study led by Muthuprasad's (2021) entitled Students' insight and of being infected?
inclination for online education in India during COVID - 19 pandemic, showed that
the pandemic has affected the method of learning with an uplifting perspective. It was 4. Have you ever thought of deciding to 16.47% 83.53%
discovered that the students were at a benefit since it got advantageous with the make your child stop his/her
students and furthermore adaptable. They are much in favor of watching videos that education during the online classes?
are being recorded from the college sites. Along with this, the study expressed that
child/children to continue their education regardless of the existing vaccines?”
5. Do you trust the vaccines that the 70.59% 29.41%
resulted 96.47%. Nevertheless, the table above also shows the lowest the results
government has given to the public?
which states “Do you support your child/children to continue their education
6. Do you agree to have your 69.41% 30.59% regardless of the existing vaccines?” resulted in 3.53%.
child/children to continue their
online classes for the next school In general, the question that best answers the variable is question 6 which
year after receiving the vaccine? states “Do you agree to have your child/children continue their online classes for the
next school year after receiving the vaccine?” that has a result of 69.41%.
7. Do you allow your children to 74.12% 25.88%
continue to attend online classes As stated by the study of Rajab, Gazal, and Alkattan(2020) entitled
despite having the vaccines? “Challenges to Online Medical Education During the CoVid-19 Pandemic” shows the
positive impact of online class towards the students. The students have also
8. Are you scared of the possibilities 77.65% 22.35% experienced stress, anxiety, and difficulty in time management but due to online
that your child/children learning, the students' level of confidence increased and with these reasons perhaps
be infected with the virus during t to the parents want to continue the online learning of their children.
face classes after having a shot by
the vaccine? Overall, the parents are willing to take risks in making their childrens continue
online class despite being vaccinated. Written below are the opinion and perceptions
9. Do you support your child/children 96.47% 3.53% of the parents:
to continue their education regardless
of the existing vaccines? “I want my child to continue online classes because for me it is much safer
because I am not yet sure about having physical classes and I can’t guarantee that the
10. Are you confident to let your 75.29% 24.71% Coronavirus will be totally gone.”
child/children have his/her online
classes in the next school year? To sum up based on the data gathered by the researchers, most of the
respondents both the parents and the students of the University of San Carlos, are
The items stated above show the dichotomous questionnaires with the total willing to continue their online classes despite having the vaccination. Most of the
percentage of the Grade 11-12 parents from the University of San Carlos about their percentage results from all the respondents come from the “yes” choice. Though if
willingness to continue online class despite being shot with the CoVid-19 vaccine. they have the chance of being vaccinated, they still want to pursue online classes for
The item that has the highest point results that states “Do you support your their health and safety purposes.
effects. ➔ Moderna
➢ Getting CoVid-19
Summary about the Perceptions, Options, and Expectations of Students and
vaccinated is a Vaccine.
Parents (Made by Esmolo, Flores, Bautista)
good chance of ➔ Sinovac
With the presence of the CoVid-19 pandemic, there are limitations of people getting infected
doing their usual daily activities. This results in the students having their classes in or to infect
distance learning or the so-called “online learning”. In relation to this, we surveyed anyone with the
the students and parents of University of San Carlos South-School to ask their virus.
perceptions, options and expectations since they have experienced the great impact of
Students ➢ They find it as an ➢ Majority of the ➢ They have doubts
the virus.
(G12) opportunity to be students have due to the
Table 5 presents the perception, options and expectation of the senior high students the first step of chosen to be vaccine's side
and parents regarding the CoVid-19 Vaccination. things getting vaccinated. These effects.
Table 5 back to normal are the vaccines ➢ Expecting to have
Summary of the perceptions, options, and expectations of the Senior High ➢ They are still that they have boosted immunity
School Student and Parents of the University of San Carlos-South School. skeptical and chosen: against the virus
anxious about the ➔ Pfizer- or at least having
Perception Options Expectation
vaccines. BioNTech a lower or lesser
Students ➢ The students do ➢ They are willing to ➢ They are positive COVID- chance of being
(G11) not have any take the risks and to take the 19. infected.
insights about the be vaccinated. vaccine for its ➔ Moderna
backgrounds of These are the effects on gaining CoVid-19
the different vaccines that they immunity. Vaccine.
vaccines of have chosen: ➢ They are willing ➔ Sinovac
CoVid-19. ➔ Pfizer- to take any side
Parents ➢ They think that ➢ The parents are ➢ Expectations to
➢ They have their BioNTech effects to gain
governments willing to be the vaccination's
own doubts about COVID- immunity.
worldwide should vaccinated so they effectiveness.
the vaccine's side 19.
do more in their can protect their ➢ They are also
The study intends to know the perception of senior high school students from
efforts in family against the expecting the side
grade 11 to 12 and their parents on the COVID-19 vaccine and whether they are
preventing and virus and they will effects.
hesitant or willing to take it. Based on the results of this study, the researchers have
containing this experience going ➢ The vaccine
concluded that the Senior high school students of the University of San Carlos South
disease. to work normally. increases one's
Campus and their parents are still hesitant in terms of the Covid-19 vaccine and
➢ They believe that These are the antibodies
vaccination. The knowledge about the vaccine itself is limited to a few known types
vaccines increase vaccines that they making the body
of vaccine. However, though most are skeptical of its effectiveness and possible side
one's antibodies have chosen: immune.
effects, the majority find to be willing to take the vaccine due to the probability of
making the ➔ Pfizer-
having a lesser risk of getting infected by the virus. It will also be less likely to pass
chances of getting BioNTech
the virus unto others unknowingly if ever they get infected. Therefore, although they
infected lower COVID-
are hesitant, most of them are still willing to be vaccinated not only for themselves
than before 19.
but for the safety of others. Another factor to consider is that even if they chose to get
getting ➔ Moderna
vaccinated, they would still be willing to continue attending online classes after.
vaccinated. CoVid-19
Implying that although they may take the risk of getting vaccinated, they will still
➢ Covid19 Vaccine.
take caution, just as some of the opinions showed that they will still follow safety
endangers the ➔ Sinovac
protocols even after getting vaccinated.
health of all
The results confirmed that the Self-Perception Theory and the Theory of
Reasoned Action was anchored in this study. The respondents, the senior high school
students and the parents, perceived themselves as someone who is hesitant with the
The table shown above is the summary of the perceptions, options, and ongoing vaccination based on the only facts and information that they knew about it.
expectations of the senior high school students and parents of the University of San Making this perception about themselves of being hesitant as one of the factors and
Carlos-South Campus. This implies that data that the researchers gathered showed reasons in forming their own judgement, opinion, and behavior towards the ongoing
that CoViD-19 is a very deadly virus that kills thousands of lives, though they cannot covid-19 vaccination. These theories that are formed in molding their own judgement
assure the efficacy of the vaccine and they do not know the background of the and behavior towards the vaccination, are also applied with their willingness
vaccines, they are still willing to be vaccinated despite the fact that they are agitated regarding the continuation of the real-time online learning method.
because of the side effects. The researchers implied that although both students and parents are still
hesitant and they still have doubts with regards to the effectiveness and side effects of
Conclusion and Implication the Covid-19 vaccination, most of the respondents are still willing to get vaccinated in
order to have immunity and to protect themselves and other people from getting
infected. Thus, the results implying that the level of hesitancy of the respondents is ● To the government to use this as their insights to know the impression of the
leveled average suggest that more further studies must be implemented and tested in public towards the CoVid-19 vaccination. The government shall also use this
order to secure its effectivity and safety, also the government should further improve as their guide to know what they should execute to improve the perceptions of
their ways and give more information about the Covid-19 vaccination. The the public towards the vaccination.
respondents also are willing to continue their online classes despite having vaccinated ● The government shall use this as their way of encouragement to the public so
to further protect themselves from the virus. that the public will not hesitate to be vaccinated.
● To the public as their references to know the perception of some civilians
about their opinions towards the CoVid-19 vaccination. Perhaps with this
study, it can enlighten the minds of the public towards their opinion in the
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