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Rosemarie B. The purposes of The study used a Thirty percent of

King this study were cross-sectional, subjects scored
1 Sep 1996 to examine descriptive in the depressed
overall and correlational range. The mean
domain-specific design. Subjects overall quality of
quality of life in were 86 stroke
life score was
long-term stroke survivors who
survivors and to were interviewed relatively high
identify variables 1 to 3 years after and was
that predict stroke. Quality of comparable to
quality of life life was that of a
after stroke. measured with normative
the use of an population.
instrument that Quality of life
assesses was highest for
satisfaction and the family
importance for domain and
four domains
lowest for health
(health and
functioning, and functioning.
socioeconomic, Depression,
family, and perceived social
psychological- support, and
spiritual). functional status
Independent predicted quality
variables were of life
age, social class, (adjusted R2=.38)
aphasia, and contributed
functional status, to prediction of
domain quality of
depression, life. Social
comorbidity, and support and
perceived social three additional
support. Multiple variables, social
regression class, age, and
analysis was cardiovascular
used to predict disease,
quality of life. predicted
quality of life.

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