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Is Social Status important in Life Satisfaction

Andrea Letourneau Introduction

Bridgewater State University
This poster will test and review my hypothesis "Is social
status important in life satisfaction". I reviewed four articles.
Abstract Participants/Methods - In this article, they wanted to compare social status and
life satisfaction between Sweden and the United States.
In this poster, I introduce I used the world value survey to test They formulated four hypotheses
my hypothesis. I also used SPSS to - They analyzed the determinants of global life satisfaction
the topic and summarize in The Netherlands and the U.S. by using both self-
conduct data analysis. The total number
my results and findings. In of participants in this study for social
reports and responses to a battery of vignette questions.
As expected, these results show that satisfaction with life
the introduction, I discuss class is 3903 with 47 missing, and for is positively associated with satisfaction
my four articles and how life satisfaction is 3939 with 11 missing. - Hypotheses concerning each independent variable were
There was not any statement of consent derived from the literature and tested through regression
they compare to my analysis. Sex was incorporated in the research design as
or ethics since the world value survey
findings. I talk about my was used. The average mean of life
a control variable.
- To evaluate racial/ethnic disparities in life satisfaction
results and how my satisfaction of participants was 7.22 and the relative contributions of socioeconomic status,
health, and social relationships to well-being within and
hypothesis was (SD= .90) The average median of social
across racial/ethnic groups. The results were whites had
class of participants was 3 (SD= 1.86).
conducted. higher life satisfaction compared to blacks and
Discussion Results
The values I reported were life satisfaction
I found the results to be true and
and social status. There was a significant Barger, S. D., Donoho, C. J., & Wayment, H. A. (2009). The relative
significant. My conclusion is that social contributions of race /ethnicity, socioeconomic status, health, and social
class does have an impact on if you are
correlation which was positive. Social status relationships to life satisfaction in the United States. Quality of Life
Research, 18, 179-189.
satisfied with your life or not. There were and life satisfaction were correlated r (88542) /articles/PMC6036920/

two limitations to my study. The first was =.157, p<.01. There was also a significant Clemente, F., & Sauer, W. J. (1976). Life satisfaction in the United States.
Social Forces, 54(3), 621-631.
the world value survey is correlational, regression which was also positive. Social 54&div=54&g_
but it cannot prove causal relationships status positively predicted life satisfaction, b = y2Cobx GUFU
between social class and life .363, p<.01. There was a significant correlation EOxkm9JwkR5qYpKx1R9sEmU20ab5iGAlOSZ6dE&collection=journals
Fors Connolly, F., & Johansson Sevä, I. (2018). Social status and life
satisfaction. The next was the selection between life satisfaction and social class r satisfaction in context: A comparison between Sweden and the USA.
of variables were limited as the world (88573) = .157, p<.01. These results did confirm International Journal of Wellbeing, 8(2), 110-134. https://www.diva-
value survey items are not handcrafted my hypothesis that the higher social class you Kapteyn, A., Smith, J. P., & Van Soest, A. (2010). Life satisfaction.
International differences in well-being, 70-104.
by me and was done by other are the more satisfied you are with life.

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