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This question paper contains 4 printed pages

Your Roll No.

sI. No. of Q. Paper 6745 HC

Unique Paper Code :32231601

Name of the Course :B.Sc.(Hons.

Name of the Paper :Developmental Biology
Semester : VI

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instructions for Candidates:
(a) Write your Roll No. on the top immediately
on receipt of this question paper.
(b) Attempt any FIVE questions in all.
(c) Question NO.1 is compulsory.
1. (a) Define the following terms (any five): 5
() Involution

(i) Cytoplasmic determinants

(iii) Bilateral symmetry
(iv) Organiser
(v) Discoblastula
(vi) Morphogen


4x2-8 () Name the germ layer from which each of

(b) Distinguish between (any four):
the following is derived 4
Physiological and
G) (i) Notochord
Allometric & sometric growth ii) Ovary
(ii) Bone
(iii) Splanchnopleure and Somatopleure
(iv) Heart
(iv) Syncytiotrophoblast and Cytotrophoblast
Area opaca and Area pellucida 2. (a) Describe the process of oogenesis. How is
(v yolk transported to the oocyte in vertebrates
(c) Indicate the exact location and function of
each of the following 3
(i) Koller's sickle
b) Describe various morphogenetic movements
with reference to gastrulation in frog.
(ii) Archenteron 6
(ii) Chalazae
(d) Expand the following abbreviatio 3
3. (a) What are the different types of regeneration?
Add a note on regeneration of salamander's
ESC limb. 6
il) IMZ (b) Describe the various patterns of cleavage
(ii) GVBD based on the amount and distribution of yolk.

(e) Give the contribution of the following

scientists in the field of 4. (a) What the different
developmental are
types of
biology 4 metamorphosis in insects ? Add a note on
() H.C. Pander the role of hormones in insect

( i F.R. Lillie metamorphosis. 6

(b) Enlist the various functions of placenta. Add
(ii) E.Conklin a note on the hormones and their functions
(iv) R. G. Edwards involved in the maintenance of placenta. 6
3 P.T.O.

5. (a) What is ART ? Explain the process of in vitro

fertilization. 6
(b) What do you understand by embryonic
induction ? Give experimental evidences for
the occurrence of induction in amphibian
embryos. 6
6. (a) Whát are fate maps ? Describe various
methods to generate fate maps? Draw well-
labelled diagrams of the fate maps of frog and
chick embryo. 6
(b) State various theories of ageing. Give an
example of premature ageing syndrome with
its symptoms. 6
7. Write short notes on any three of the following
(a).Cortical reaction
(b) Teratogens
(c) Karl Ernst von Baer's laws
(d) Extraembryonic membranes in birds

This question paper contains 4 printed pages
Roll No.

S. No. of Question Paper 6746

Unique Paper Code 32231602 HC

Name of the Paper
Evolutionary Biology
Name of the Course B.Sc. (H) Zoology
Semester VI
Duration:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper)

Attempt any five questions including,


Question No. 1, which is compulsory.

(a) Define each of the following terms 5


(i) Ring species

(ii) Pangenesis
(v) Gap penalty
()Orthologous genes
(b) Differentiate between each of the following 8
(1) Allopatric and sympatric. speciation

Homologous and analogous organs

(iii) Germinal and acquired variations

(iv) Background extinction and mass extinction

2 6746
3 6746
()Mention the major contribution of the following
(ii) Genetic load is accumulation of
Evolutionary Biologists
0 Stanley Miller
(iv) The fossil hominins of the Pliocene epoch are
(i) Henry Bernard Davis Kettlewell
(ii) Thomas Robert Malthus
() Describe Darwin's concept of Natural Selection. What
(iv) Jonathan Leaky
were the main limitations of this concept ? How
(d) Justify any three of the following statements 6
was the concept later modified to overcome these
() Prokaryotic cells have given rise to aerobic
limitations. 9
eukaryotic cells.
(6) What do you understand by "Three domains of
(i) Incompleteness of fossil records does not disprove life' ?
the theory of evolution.
(a) Trace the phylogeny of horse in the form of flow
(ii) Mutation and recombination lead to evolution.
chart with suitable
iv) Most of the diagrams; discuss its salient
organisms subjected to artificial
features. 5,3
selection are infertile.
(b) Enumerate unique hominin characteristics in contrast
( Fill in the blanks to

primate characteristics.
( The relative
capacity of the carrier of a
genotype 4. What do you understand by
to transmit its genes
(a) 'isolating mechanisms'?
to the gene pool of
Discuss various types of isolating mechanisms
subsequent generations constitutes
can prevent mating between potential mates. 8
. of that
(i) Software is
(b) Give different types of natural selection with suitable
used to
align multiple
sequences. examples. A

4) 6746

5 (a) State the 'Hardy Weinberg law' and the conditions under

it may operate in nature. Mention the evolutionary forces

that can upset this equilibrium ? 8
(b) Explain K-T mass extinction with its biological
consequences. 4

6. (a) Discuss chemical origin of life with an experimental proof

in support of the same. 7

(6) What is a 'phylogenetic tree' ? Enumerate various


methods used to construct a 'phylogenetic tree' using

molecular markers.

(c) What do you understand by heterozygous

superiority' ? 2

Write short notes on any three of the following 4+4+4

(a) Neutral theory of evolution

(b) RNA world hypothesis

Sewall Wright effect

(a) Adaptive radiation

6746 1,000
-N') Sers
sS3 9
Unique Paper Code 107693

Name of the Paper Genetics & Genomics II

Name of the Course tf
BSc(11)-Anthro-Biochem Bioed
Microbiologv/BetanZeelog H
Semester VI

Duration 3 hours

Maximum Marks 75 Marks

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll. No. on the top immediately
on receipt offthis guestion paper
2. Attempt Five questions in all
3. Question No. 1 is compulsory

1. Define any five of the following terms:

(a) Plasmid 5)
(6) Lysogeny
(c) Structural genomics
(d) MADS box
() Systems biology
( Retrotransposon
i) Differentiatë between any four of the following pairS
(a) Genetalized and Specialized transdiuction (8
(b) Maternal effect genes and Zygotic genes
(c) Introns and Exons
(d) Genomics-and Proteomics

(ii) Give one important contribution of any six of following

(a) C.N. Volhard scientists: 6)
(b) F.Grifith
(c) J. Lederberg and E. Tatum
(d) F. Sanger
(e) C. Darwin
() Barbara Mo Clintock
(g) Margaret Dayhoff
iv) Expand any five of the following:
(a) BLAST (5)
(b) SNP
(c) SINE
d) WoS
(e) Hfr
() PDB

(V) The following E.coli Hfr strains donate

genes to F strain in the given order 3)
Strainl trp leu pro arg met
Strain2 str gal
gal his met arg
Strain3 ton azi tet gal
Strain4 ton trp leu pro arg

All these Hfr strains were obtained from the

original F" strain. same F strain. Give order of genes on
2. (a) What are segmentation genes?
in embryo
Explain the role of the various segmentation genes
development in Drosophila. (7)
(b) Comment on Ac-Ds system in maize.
(a) Desoribe the Davis U-tube experiment to estabilish the
contact for chromosome transfer. importance of cell to cell
(b) With the help of díagram, explain bacterial transformation process (7)
4 (a) Explain DNA Sseqiuencing by clone-by-clone
(6) Briefly describe. annotation process-to identifyapproach.
gene sequences
5 (a) Give a comparative account of directional selection and
suitable examples. stabilizing selection with
(b) Describe IS elements in bacteria. (7
6. (a) Expalin Hardy-Weinberg Law and the conditions under
(b) Give the two which it is applicable. (7)
dífferent mechanisms of
elements. tränsposition of genetically mobile
Write short notes on any three of the
(a) Homeotic genes in Arabidopsis following (4x3-12)
(b) Neutral theory
(d) Human Genome Project
(e) Drosophila as amodel system in

This question paper contains 4 printed pages]

Your Roll No.

SI. No. of Q. Paper 5847 H

Unique Paper Code 223603

Name of the Course :B.Sc.(lons.)Zoology
Name of the Paper Biotechnology
Semester VI
Time: 3 Hourss Maximum Marks: 75
Instructions for Candidates:
(a) Write your Roll No, on the top immediately
on receipt of this question paper.
(b Attemptany FIVE questions in all. Question

NO.1 is.compulsory. ,

1. (A) Define (Any FIVe) 1x5-5

Klenow Fragment
i Episome .

(ii) Insertional inactivation

(iv) Probe
(v) M13 phage
(vi) Expression vector


(B) Distinguish between (Any FIVE):
() Blunt and Cohesive endS
(ii Isochizomers and Isocaudomers

iii) Transformation and Transfection

(iv Plasmid and Phagemid
v Alkaline phosphatascand Polynucleotide
(vi Gene kmock out and Gene Knock clown
(C) Expand the following (Any FOUR)
(ii) SCiD
(iv EST
(v) PFGE
(D Explain the importance of
i )Protropin
(ii) Multiple Cloning site
(iv S1nucleasc
(E Give the important
contibutions of the
following scientists 4
( Burke, D.T and

Carle, G.F
ii) Nancy Wexler
(iii) Temin and Baltimore
(iv) Ian Wilmut

construction of
2. (a) Describe the method of
genomic library.
hybridization method for
(b) Explain Colony
screening of genomic libraries.

of PCR.
3 (a Write the principle and procedure

(b) Explain the methods for production of

transgenic animals. 8

4 (a) Describe the production of Humulin. 6

(b)Explain molecular diagnostic techniques to

detect either Humtington or Cystic fibrosis.

5. (a) Wzite an account ofproduction of Transgenic


plants and theirpotential applications. 8

(b Describe Type II restriction enzymes with

6. (a) Describe the various methods used in gene

therapy. 8
(b) Write an account of DNA microarray.
3 P.T.O.

7. Write short notes on any

THREE of the
followimg 3x4-12.
(a) DNA fingerprinting
. *

(b) Western Blot

(cSanger's sequencing method
(d) Cloning vectors


, J.
(E1S 18
IThis question paper contains 8 printed pages

Your Roll No.

SI. No. of Q. Paper : 5848 H

Unique Paper Code 223605

Name of the Course :B.Sc.(Hons.)
Name of the Paper Applied Zoology
Semester :VI
Time:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Instructions for Candidates:
(a Write your Roll No. on the top immediately
on receipt of this question paper.
(b Attempt any two sections. Do any three
Questions from each section inciluding
Questions No.1 which is compulsory.
82 Section-A

1. (a) Differentiate between the following pairs of

terms 4.5
(i) Lymphangitis and lymphadenitis
(ii) Incubation period and Pre-patent period
(ii) Carrier and vector

(b) Define the following terms

Pandemic disease
(ii) Nocturnal periodicity

ii) Hepatomegaly
(c) Name the infective stage of the following
pathogerns 3
(i) Schistosoma haematobiumn
Ancylostoma duodenale
(ii) Wuchereria bancrofti
d ) Name the pathogen of the following diseases

i ) Swine fu
(ii) Black water fever
(iii) Syphilis
Describe the mode of transmission, clinical
symptoms, epidemiology and control of malaria.
3. Discuss in detail and illustrate the life-cycle,
pathogenicity and prophylaxis of Fasciolopsis
buski 12

4. (a) Write histopathological notes on


(b) Give a brief account of diseases caused by

5. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a) Leptospira tat

(b) Dengue fever it

(c) Borrelia
(d) Schistosoma
Section B
1. (a) Define the following terms 4
(i) Decidualization
(i) Varicoele
(ii Birth Rate
(iv) Pearl index
(b) Distinguish between the following
(i) Epithelio-chorial placenta and haemo-

chorial placenta
(il) COPs and POPs
3 P.T.O.

blanks 2
(c) Fill in the

(6) is the primary estrogen

secreted during pregnancy.
implantation occurs when
theblastocyst remains in contact with
luminal epithelium but does
penetrate it.

(d) Expand the following abbreviations: 1.5


(i) HWY

(iii) BBT
(e) Write the contribution of following Scientists:

i) Carl Djerassi
(ii Patrick Steptoe
2. Discuss the changes associated with

myometrium and cervix during parturitionand

the hormonal regulation of thesame.

3. What is assisted reproductive technology ?

Describe the various steps involved in IVF-ET.

4. (a) What are the primary causes of infertility in

males ? 6
(b) Discuss the techniques involved in storage
and cryopreservation ofsemen. 6

5. Write short notes on any three of the following:


(al Delayed implantation
(b Feto-placental unit

t(c) Estrus synchronization in cattle


(d MER
Section C
(a) Differentiate between the following pairs of
(i Chewing-lapping mouth parts and
sucking mguth parts
(ii) Mulberry and
non-mulberry silk worms
(iii) Stomach poison and
(b Define the following
Contact poison
terms .

i) Bee pasturage
ii) Fumigant
(iii Halteres
(iv) Phytophagous insects


(c) Expand the following terms 1.5

(i) ADI
(i) SIRM
(ii) IARII
(d) State whether the following
statements are
true or false : 2
(i) Species of silkworm producing two

generations per year are called bivoltine

. :


ii Trenching is a good method. for

controlling locusts and nymphs
(iii Pyrethrum is an examnple of a
iv Greater wax moth is a major pest of
2 (a Give the scientific name of gram pod borer

and pink boll worm. Write the damage causedi

bythem. 5
(b Describe the life history and suggest suitable
control measüres for any one of the above
mentioned pest. 7


3. (a) Discuss the bionomics of any one of the

coleopteran stored grain pest studied by you.
(b) Describe the various physical factors for the
management and control of stored grain
insects. 6

A Outline the rearing methods and

management of Bombyx mori in sericulture
industry. 12
Discuss the artificial rearing and
management ofhoneybees for the apiary. Add
a short note on the various products obtained
from them.
5. Write short notes on any three of the
(a) Genetic control of insects
(b) IPM
(c) Microbial control of insects
(d) Merits and demerits of biological control over
chemical control

7 P.T.O

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