2019-20 Papers

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This question paper contains 4 printsd(palEs

Your Roll No. eeeee 19
SI. No. of Q. Paper :2288 IC

Unique Paper Code 32231601

Name of the Course B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology

Name of the Paper Developmental Biology

Semester :VI

Time:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Instructionsfor Candidates
(a) Write your Roll No. on the top immediately
on receipt of this question paper.

(b) Attempt five questions including questiobn

No.1 which is compulsory.
(c) Attempt all parts of a questions together.

1. (a) Define the following terms (any five):


i) Delamination

(ii) Symmetry
(iii) Capacitation

(iv) Morphogen
(v) Blastema ()Name the germ layer from which each of
(vi) Amphimixis
the following is derived
(i) Retina
(b) Distinguish between (any four): 4x2-8
(i) Epiboly and Emboly (i) Kidney
(ii) Fertilizin and Antifertilizin (iii) Liver
(iii) Epigenesis and Preformation iv Dermis
(iv) Monospermy and Polyspermy 2. (a) Define placenta and classify on the
(v) Epimorphosis and Morphallaxis
(c) Indicate the exact location and function of
histological basis with diagrams.
each of the following (b) What are the various causes of ageing ?
(i) Sertoli Cells Describe in detail, any two. 6
(ii) Yolk Plug 3. (a) Differentiate between pre-metamorphosis
(iii) Theca interna and post-metamorphosis. Discuss hormonal
(d) Expand the following abbreviations control in different phases of amphibian
(ii) ICM
(b) Explain embryonic induction and enumerate
(iii) JH the functions of primary organizer. 6
(e) Give contribution of the
following scientists
in the field
ofdevelopmental biology 4 4. (a) Describe various gastrulatory movements
) W. Vogt with reference to gastrulation in chick. 6
ii) Wilhelm Roux (b) Illustrate the process of fertilization,
(ii) Hans Spemann explaining in brief, the various changes
(iv) C. Waddington taking place in zona pellucida. 6
3 P.T.O.

5. (a) Describe the process of

with the help of suitable diagrams. 6
(b) What are the properties of stem cells ?
Enumerate different types of stem cells and
their application in regenerative medicine.

6. (a) Describe, with diagrams, the formation and

functions of extraembryonic membrane in
birds. 6
(b) Give examples of teratogens and describe
their effect on human embryonic
development. 6

7. Write short notes on any three of the following

3x4 12
(a) Fate maps
(bTypes of blastula
(c Amniocentesis
(d) Regeneration in Hydra

This question paper contains 4
Your Roll No.
S1. No. of Q.
Paper : 2289 IC
Unique Paper Code :32231602
Name of the Course :B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology
Name of the Paper :Evolutionary Biology
Semester : VI
Time: 3 Hours IMaxcimum Marks: 75
Instructions for Candidates:
(a) Write your Roll No. on the top immediately
on receipt of this question paper.
(b) Attempt any five questions including
Question NO.1, which is compulsory.
(c) Attempt all parts of a section together.

1. (a) Define each of the following terms

i) Coprolites
(ii) Sibling species
(ii) Panmixis
(iv) Bootstrap value
(v) Coecervätes
(e) Fill in the blanks
(b) Differentiate between each of the following
(i) Camouflaging against the environment
(i) Body fossils and trace fossils iscalled... .. colouration.

(ii) Demes and clines (i) ...

software is used to construct
(ii) Autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy phylogenetic tree using molecular
(iv) Geographic and reproductive isolating
mechanisms (iii) Increasing milk yield in cattle through
artificial selection procedure is an
(c) Mention the major contributions of the
following Evolutionary Biologists: example of..
(i) Zuckerkandl and Pauling
(iv) The extent to which a population departs
from a perfect genetic constitution is
(ii) Theodosius Dobzhansky called....
(iii) Ernst Mayr
2. (a) What are the various sources of organic
iv) Lynn Margulis variations ? Discuss their role in evolution.
(d) Justify any three ofthe following statements: 9
(i) Deleterious alleles never get eliminated (b) What do you understand by Molecular clock
irom the population. hypothesis' ? 3

(ii) Molecular data can be used to predict 3. (a) Fossils present a strong evidence in support
evolutionary relationships. of evolution'. Justify the statement taking
(ii) Mutations and gene flow lead to the example of horse phylogeny. 8
in allele frequencies.
(b) What are the molecular evidences to support
(1v) Over-reproduction is the driving force in the view of hominid evolution from apes ?
2 3 P.T.O.

4. (a) With suitable examples, explain various

types of post-zygotic isolating mechanisms.
b) Discuss genetic drift in natural populations
with respect to changes in allele
frequencies. 6

5. (a) Discuss the causes and effects of mass

extinctions. 6

(b) Define natural selection. Derive the change

in allelic frequency for a dominant allele
through one unit of selection. 6

6. (a) Describe multiple sequence alignment and

discuss its applications. 5

(b)Write a note on Geological Time Scale'.

(c) What is Kin Selection? 3

7. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a) Modern synthetic theory
(b) Chemogeny
(c) Macroevolution
(d) Globin gene family

[This question paper contains 4 prbed pages1

You Roll No...

Sr. No. of Question Paper: 2743 2019
Unique Paper Code 32237903
Name of the Paper Animal Biotechnology
Name of the Course :B.Sc. (H) Zoology: DSE

Semester VI

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

nstructions for Camdidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
2. Attempt five questions in all.

3. Question No. 1 is compulsory.

1. (a) Define
i) Reverse Transcriptase

(i) Episome
(iii) Palindrome sequence

(iv) Hayflick's limit

(v) Shuttle vector

2743 3
Give the name of the scientists related to
(b) Distinguish between (2x5-10) (e)
() Stringent and Relaxed Plasmid
(i) rDNA technology

(ii) Colony and Plaque hybridization (ii) Humulin

(ii) Cloning vector and Expression vector (iii) Microbial genetics

(iv) DNA microarray

(iv) Isocaudomers and Isoschizomers

(v) Biosafety Cabinet I and III (f) Explain the role of (2)
() Lac Z - alpha complementation

(c) Expand the following (3) (il) Terminal deoxy-nucleotidyl transferase

(i) MAC
2 (a) Explain the molecular diagnosis of Sickle cell
(i) VNTR
Anaemia. (6)
(ii) pBR322
(b) Describe the various viruses used as cloning
(iv) CRY vectors.
(v) SCID
3. (a) How is rDNA
technology important in production
(vi) ORF of synthetic proteins. Explain the production of
recombinant Growth Hormone.
(d) Write the
importance of following: (3)
b) What are
genetic markers? How
(i) Teminism for DNA fingerprinting?
they used
(ii) Super bug
4. (a) Describe host restriction
(iii) Autoclave enzymes. Differentiate
among various types.
(b) Discuss the
applications of transgenic animals
5. (a) Differentiate between in-vivo &
ex-vivo gene
therapy. Describe viral and non-viral
modes of
gene delivery.
(b) Explain the principle of production of herbicide
resistant plants in detail.
6. (a) Describe the method of DNA
microarray. Mention
its application.
(b) Describe the principle and Application of PCR
with suitable diagrams.
(c) What is cDNA library? Write down the method
for screening of cDNA library. (4)

1 Write short notes (Any THREE): (4x3=12)

(a) Ti plasmid

(b) Western Blot

(c) DNA sequencing

(d) Media for cell culture

Lib This question paper contains 4 prirta pages.
Your RollNo.
SL No. of Ques. Paper: 2882 IC
Unique Paper Code :32237910 Me
Name of Paper :Reproductive Biologa
Name of Course B.Sc. (H) Zoology: DSE-4
Semester :VI
Duration :3 houIs
Maximum Marks :75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt ofthis question paper)

Attempt five questions in all.

Question No. 1 is compulsory.

1. (a) Define: 1x5=5

Negative feedback regulation
ii) Aromatization

(ii) Emergencycontraception
(iv) Ectopic pregnancy
(v) Gynogenesis.
(b) Differentiate between: 2x3=6
(i) Invasive and non-invasive implantation
ii) Necrospermia and asthenozoospermia
(ii) Induced ovulation and spontaneous

P. T. O.

(c) Expand the following: 3 2882

() PROST 2. Diagrammatically describe folliculogenesis and its
hormonal control. 12
(i) NCDT
(ii) RISUG 3. (a) Describe the role of prostaglandins in parturition.
iv) HSD
(b) Give an account of maturation of spermatozoa in
(d) Fill in the blanks:
1x4=4 epididymus. 6

(i) Receptors of gonadotropins are located..

(ii).. is the primary estrogen during pregnancy.
4. (a) Discuss the mechanism of classical mode of
steroid action. 6
(iii) is the precursor molecule of steroid
(b) Briefly give an account of feto-placental unit. 6
(iv) .. is the non-reversible mode of 5. (a) Draw the schematic
representation of system cell
contraception in females. renewal in testis of man and rat.
Explain its
(e) Give the location and mention any one function significance.
of the following: 1x4-4 (b) Describe the methods by which tubal transfer can
be accomplished.
(i) Sertoli cells 5

(i) Gonadotrophs 6. (a) Discuss

the different means of hormonal
(ii) Corona radiata contraception with examples and add a note on
mode of action of
(iv) Prostate gland. hormonal contraception. 7
(b) Describe various causes of
() Give the source and mention any one function o intertility in men. 5
the following: 7. Write short
notes on any three of the
(i) LH following:
(a) Blood-testis barrier
(ii) Oxytocin (b) Immuno-contraceptives
(ii) Relaxin

(v) hPL
P.T. O.
(c) Pearl's index
(d) Preimplantation
genetic diagnostics.
3X 12
1 a1
Unique paper
code: 107693
Name of the paper: (Genetics and Genomics lI, GGHT 602
Name of the course: B.Sc. (H) Zoology, Botany,
Biomedical Sciences IHr Anthropolopvrobiology, Biochemistry,
Semester: VI
Duration: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Instructionsfor Candidates
1. Write your Roll no. on the top immediately on receipt föNaibaefon paper.
2. Answer tive questions in all.
3. Question 1 is compulsory.

Q.1 a) Define any five of the following terms:

ii. Sexduction
ili. Conjugation
iv. Indel
v. Hybrid dysgenesis
vi. Retro-transposons
vii. Inbreeding depression

b) Differcntiate between any five the following pairs: (5x2-10)

1. Simple and Composite transposon
11. Sequence Identity and Sequence Similarity
ii. Transformation and Transduction
IV. Genomics and Proteomics
V. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic genome
V1. Sympatric and Allopatrie Speciation
vii. Episomes and Plasmids

c) State the contributions of: (any two0) (2x1-2)

i. Barbara McClintock
ii. E Wollman and F Jacob
JLederberg and N Zinder

d) Expand any four of the folowing- (4x1=4)

i. LINEs

ii. VNTR

ii. ORF
iv. DTRs


l Enumerate the features that

alloW the
biology (any two) rollowing organisms to serve as model svstems in
i. Sachharomyces cerevisiae,
ii. Arabidopsis thaliana
ii. Drosophila melanogaster

fCystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive

northern European disorder with an incidence 4
ancestry. Calculate all the in 10,000 in
population under Hardy-Weinberg
is genotypic frequencies assuming people of
equilibrium. that this
Q.2 Explain generalized and (2)
specialized transduction (include suitable
Q.3a) State the principle of
diagrams). (12)
this theorem? Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. What are the basic
b) Explain the role of assumptions of
Zygotic genes during development of (2+4-6)
Drosophila. (6)
Q4 a) Give an account of
b) How is Ac-Ds system in maize. (6)
Interrupted mating technique employed for gene
mapping in bacteria? (6)
Q5 a) Define
b)What are thebioinformatics.Briefly
describe various types of
key characteristics for databases. (8)
identifying ORF from a given sequence? (4)
Q.6 Discuss the reproductive isolative
mechanismns and their role in
speciation. (12)
Q.7 Write short notes on any three:
a) Microarray
b) Genetic Drift
c) Gene annotation
d) Class ABC genes of Arabidopsis
e) Homeotic genes

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