Pulmonology New
Pulmonology New
Pulmonology New
24. Predominantly upper lobe involvement in chest X-ray is seen in (October 2002/06)
a. Sarcoidosis with fibrosis
b. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
c. Silicosis
d. Asbestosis
e. Fibrosing alveolitis
27. Followings are true regarding treatment of community acquired pneumonia (October 2002/55)
a. Caused by streptococcus pneumonia is best treated with penicillin in combination with beta lactamase
b. Treatment with vancomycin is effective for streptococcus pneumonia
c. Clindamycin cannot be used for anaerobic infections
d. Ciprofloxacin is ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
e. Azithromycin is effective for leoginella pneumonia
40. Which of the followings are true/false regarding bronchial carcinoma (October 2004/49)
a. HPOA is reversed after excision of tumour
b. Hypochloraemic alkalosis is caused by small cell carcinoma
c. LEMS is not affected by surgical excision of tumour
42. Calcification seen in the chest X-ray caused by the following pneumonia (October 2005/26)
a. Mycoplasma
b. Legionella
c. Varicella zoster
d. Histoplasma capsulatum
e. Rickettsia
47. Which of the followings are associated with acute respiratory failure (October 2006/32)
a. Methyl alcohol
b. Organophosphate poisoning
c. Kaneru poisoning
d. Paracetamol poisoning
e. Dilantium sodium toxicity
51. Predominantly upper lobe lesion of the lung involvement is seen in (October 2006/11)
a. Histiocytosis
54. Following changes are seen in apneac spell of obstructive sleep apnoea (October 2006/54)
a. Increased systolic blood pressure
b. Increased pulmonary artery pressure
c. Increased pulse rate
d. Decreased PaO2 less than 59mmHg
65. Diffuse pulmonary shadowing in chest X-ray can be seen in (October 2007/16)
a. Sarcoidosis
b. Broncho-alveolar carcinoma
c. Pneumoconiosis
d. Mcleoid disease
70. Which of the following drug cause pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia (March 2008/36)
a. Nitrofurantoin
b. Sulphonamides
c. Amiodarone
d. Penicillin
e. Methotrexate
73. Ciliary function defects are seen in association with (March 2008/41)
a. Infertility
74. Features associated with haemoptysis, which points to an aetiology are (March 2008/42)
a. Loud first heart sound
b. Small muscle wasting of hand
c. Finger clubbing
d. Haematuria
e. Haemoptysis during menstruation
113. WOTF causes pulmonary interstitial shadows with eosinophilia (October 2012/55)
a. Sulphonamide treatment
b. Allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis
c. Loffler’s syndrome
d. Langerhan cell histiyocytosis
e. Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia