Vol - CXXV-No .99
Vol - CXXV-No .99
Vol - CXXV-No .99
The State Corporations Act—Appointment .......................... 1888 The Physical and Land Use Planning Act—Preparation of
Local Physical and Land Use Development Plans............. 1933
The Advocates Act—Appointments, etc ............................... 1888, 1926
The Civil Procedure Act—Establishment of Sub-Registries 1888 The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act—
Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report.............. 1933–1934
The Civil Aviation Act—Re-Appointment ........................... 1888–1889
The Insolvency Act—Appointment of Liquidator ................ 1934–1935
The Nairobi International Financial Centre Act—
Appointment ......................................................................... 1889 Disposal of Uncollected Goods .............................................. 1935
The Sports Disputes Tribunal Act—Appointment................ 1889 Change of Names..................................................................... 1935–1939
The Political Parties Act—Appointment ............................... 1889 SUPPLEMENT Nos. 38, 39 and 42
The Judicature Act—Practice Directions Relating to Legislative Supplements, 2023
Pending Court Claims Regarding Compensation for
Work Related Injuries and Diseases Instituted Prior to LEGAL NOTICE NO. PAGE
the Supreme Court Decision in Law Society of Kenya 38—The Climate Change (Public Participation and
vs. Attorney-General and Another, Petition No. 4 of Access to Climate Change Information)
2019; (2019) EKLR............................................................ 1889–1890 Regulations, 2023 ................................................... 125
The Biosafety Act—Appointment ......................................... 1890 39—The Kenya Ports Authority (Vesting) Order, 2023 . 143
The Postal Corporation of Kenya Act—Appointment ......... 1890 40—The Excise Duty (Amendment) Regulations, 2023 . 145
The Water Act—Appointment ............................................... 1890 41—The Crops (Miraa) Regulations, 2023 ..................... 149
The Public Finance Management Act—Appointment ......... 1890–1900 ------------------
County Government Notices .................................................. 1900–1902, SUPPLEMENT No. 40
Senate Bills, 2023
The Land Registration Act—Issue of Provisional
Certificates, etc ..................................................................... 1902–1917, 1939
The Prevention of Livestock and Produce Theft Bill,
The East African Community Customs Management 2023 ........................................................................ 505
Act—Appointment and Limits of Customs Areas,
Entrances and Exits, etc ....................................................... 1918 ------------------
The Valuers Act—Addendum ................................................ 1918–1919 SUPPLEMENT No. 41
The Pharmacy and Poisons Act—Fees .................................. 1920–1921 National Assembly Bills, 2023
1888 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th April, 2023
IN Gazette Notice No. 5465 of 2023, amend the expression printed to be the Chairperson of the Advocates Complaints Commission, for a
as “Gazette Notice No. 10589 of 2021 is revoked” to read “Gazette period of three (3) years, with effect from the 27th April, 2023.
Notice No. 1395 of 2023 is revoked”.
Dated the 27th April, 2023.
------------------ WILLIAM SAMOEI RUTO,
IN Gazette Notice No. 4845 of 2023, amend the expression printed
as “effective from the 14th April, 2023” to read “effective from the
8th June, 2023”. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5469
------------------ THE ADVOCATES ACT
IN Gazette Notice No. 5070 of 2023, amend the expression printed (Cap. 16)
as “the National Police Service Act, 2011” to read “the National
Police Service Commission Act, 2011” where it appears. APPOINTMENT
IN Gazette Notice No. 5334 of 2023, amend the expression printed (Cap. 21)
as “Cause No. E131 of 2023” to read “Cause No. E131 of 2022”. THE ENVIRONMENT AND LAND COURT ACT
(No. 19 of 2011)
THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT TAKE NOTICE that the Chief Justice and President of the
Supreme Court of Kenya has established Lamu Environment and Land
(Cap. 446) Court Sub-Registry, with effect from the 19th April, 2023.
Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya.
(L.N. 30/2002)
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (a) of the
State Corporations Act, as read together with section 51 (1) of the THE CIVIL PROCEDURE ACT
Interpretation and General Provisions Act, I, William Samoei Ruto, (Cap. 21)
President and Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces,
to be the Chairperson of the Board of the Nyayo Tea Zones ESTABLISHMENT OF SUB-REGISTRY
Development Corporation, for a period of three (3) years with effect IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 12 of the High
from the 27th April, 2023. Gazette Notice No. 8005 of 2022 is Court (Organization and Administration) Act, 2015, the Chief Justice
revoked. and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya has established Lamu
High Court Sub-Registry, with effect from the 19th April, 2023.
Dated the 27th April, 2023.
Dated the 19th April, 2023.
President. Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya.
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 35 (1) (b) of 1. The Practice Directions may be cited as “Practice Directions
the Nairobi International Financial Centre Act, 2017, the Judicial relating to pending court claims for compensation for work related
Service Commission appoints— injuries and diseases instituted prior to the Supreme Court decision in
Law Society of Kenya v. Attorney General & Another, Petition No. 4
Debra Ajwang,
Karumba Kinyua, of 2019; [2019] eKLR” (hereinafter referred to as the Supreme Court
Kithinji Sylvia, decision)
Michoma Beth Kemunto, Commencement
to be members of the Financial Centre Tribunal, for a term of three (3)
2. These Practice Directions shall come into force upon the date of
years, with effect from the 6th April, 2023.
Chief Justice/Chairperson, Judicial Service Commission. Application
3. The Practice Directions shall apply to the Employment and
Labour Relations Court and Magistrates appointed and gazzetted by
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5474 the Chief Justice pursuant to section 29 (3) and (4) of the Employment
THE SPORTS DISPUTES TRIBUNAL ACT and Labour Relations Act, 2011 to preside over cases involving
employment and labour relations.
(No. 25 of 2013)
4. The Objectives of the Practice Directions are to—
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 55 (2) of the
Sports Disputes Tribunal Act, 2013, the Judicial Service Commission (a) consolidate and standardize practice and procedure in the
appoints— Employment and Labour Relations Court and the Magistrates
Courts in relation to claims for compensation for work related
injuries and diseases instituted prior to the Supreme Court
to be a member of the Sports Disputes Tribunal, for a non-renewable decision dated 3rd December, 2019, which are pending in
term of five (5) years, with effect from the 6th April, 2023. courts;
MARTHA K. KOOME, (b) enhance access to justice;
Chief Justice/Chairperson, Judicial Service Commission.
(c) facilitate timely and efficient disposal of cases that were filed
prior to the Supreme Court decision; and
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5475 (d) ensure uniformity in court experience.
THE POLITICAL PARTIES ACT Judgment of the Supreme Court
(No. 11 of 2011) 5. The Supreme Court vide a judgment rendered on 3rd December,
APPOINTMENT 2019, determined that sections 16, 23 (1), 25 (1) and (3), 52 (1) and (2)
as well as section 58 (2) of the Work Injury Benefits Act (WIBA) are
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 39 (2) (b) of consistent with the former Constitution and the Constitution 2010,
the Political Parties Act, 2011, the Judicial Service Commission specifically;
(a) Section 16 as read with sections 23 and 52 of the WIBA does
Abdirahman Adan Abdikadir,
not limit access to courts but creates a statutory mechanism
Jin Mohamed Huzna,
where any claim by an employee under the Act is subjected,
to be members of the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal, for a non- initially, to a process of alternative dispute resolution
renewable term of six (6) years, with effect from the 6th April, 2023. mechanism starting with an investigation and award by the
Director of Occupational Safety and Health Services and
thereafter, under section 52 an appeal mechanism to the
Chief Justice/Chairperson, Judicial Service Commission.
Employment and Labour Relations Court (formerly the
Industrial Court).
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5476 (b) Retrospective operation of statutes is not per se illegal or in
contravention of the Constitution and section 58 (2) clearly
expresses the intention that the Act shall apply
THE JUDICATURE ACT retrospectively. Consequently, section 58 (2) of the Act does
not take away the right to legal process, or extinguish access
(Cap. 8) to the courts or to take away property rights without due
(No. 1 of 2011) (c) Be that as it may, claimants with pending cases have
legitimate expectation that upon the passage of the Act their
THE EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR RELATIONS COURT ACT cases would be concluded under the judicial process
(No. 20 of 2011) invoked.
1890 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th April, 2023
(d) Also noting that many claims have not been finalized and due APPOINTMENT
to passage of time, it has not been feasible to withdraw them
and follow the alternative dispute resolution route. Further, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (a) of the
considering the resolution passed by the Law Society of Biosafety Act, 2009, the Cabinet Secretary for Education appoints—
Kenya’s meeting held on 21st March, 2023 urging that
practice directions be issued for all pending claims be
finalized in the respective courts. to be the Chairperson of the National Biosafety Authority, for a period
of three (3) years, with effect from the 7th August, 2020. Gazette
Notice No. 5459 of 2020 is revoked.
6. (a) All claims with respect to compensation for work related
injuries and diseases filed in various courts before the commencement Dated the 27th April, 2023.
of WIBA shall proceed to conclusion under the Workmen’s EZEKIEL MACHOGU,
Cabinet Secretary for Education.
Compensation Act, Cap 236 (repealed).
(b) All judgments and rulings relating to work related injuries
claims pending before the Employment and Labour Relations GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5478
Court and the Magistrates Court shall be delivered by the same
(No. 3 of 1998)
Claims Filed after Commencement of WIBA but before the Supreme
Court decision APPOINTMENT
7. Taking into account that High Court vide its judgment dated 4th IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (a) of the
March, 2009 in Law Society of Kenya v. Attorney General & Another Postal Corporation of Kenya Act, 1998, the Cabinet Secretary for
(2009) eKLR declared some of the provisions in WIBA including Information, Communications and Digital Economy appoints—
Sections 16, 23(1) and 52, which prescribe the procedure for lodging
claims under the Act unconstitutional. Consequently, the said
declaration of nullity created a legitimate expectation that claimants to be the Chairperson of the Board of the Postal Corporation of Kenya,
could directly lodge claims for compensation for work related injuries for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 27th April, 2023.
and diseases in court. As such, litigants cannot be penalized for relying Gazette Notice No. 8267 of 2022 is revoked.
on the declaration of nullity, as appreciated by the Supreme Court in
Attorney-General and 2 Others v Ndii and 79 Others; Prof. Rosalind Dated the 27th April, 2023.
Dixon and 7 Others (Amicus Curiae) (Petition 12, 11 and 13 of 2021
Cabinet Secretary for Information,
(Consolidated)) [2022] KESC 8 (KLR) to lodge their claims in court. Communications and Digital Economy.
(a) All claims with respect to compensation for work related
injuries and diseases filed after the commencement of WIBA GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5479
and before the Supreme Court decision at the Employment and
Labour Relations Courts or the Magistrates’ Courts shall
proceed until conclusion before the said courts. (No. 43 of 2016)
(b) All pending judgments and rulings relating to compensation ATHI WATER WORKS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
for work related injuries and diseases before the Employment
and Labour Relations Court and the Magistrates’ Courts shall APPOINTMENT
be delivered by the same court. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 66 (1) (b) of the
Water Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation
Claims Filed after the Supreme Court Decision appoints—
8. (a) All claims with respect to compensation for work related James Wainaina (Eng.),
injuries and diseases shall commence before the Director of Felistus Wangari Mwangi,
Occupational Safety and Health Services. Simon Eric Mukhwana,
David Kipkorir Kemboi,
(b) All appeals emanating from the decision of the Director of
Occupational Safety and Health Services shall lie before the as members of Board of Directors of the Athi Water Works
Employment and Labour Relations Court. Development Agency, established vide Legal Notice No. 28 of 26th
April, 2019, to serve upto 4th July, 2025, with James Wainaina (Eng.)
(c) Such appeal shall be heard and determined through the serving upto 13th April, 2025. Gazette Notice Nos. 4312 and 8019 of
appropriate appellate mechanism within the judicial hierarchy. 2022 are revoked.
Sanctions for Non-Compliance Dated the 27th April, 2023.
9. Non-compliance with these Directions shall result in such Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation.
penalty as the Courts may order.
10. The Chief Justice may amend these Practice Directions from
Sub-county Account Manager Member National Government Rep- Ministry Responsible for
National Government Rep- Ministry Responsible for Youth and Women Secretary
Youth and Women Secretary NG-CDF Fund Account Manager Member
NG-CDF Fund Account Manager Member Betty Kirui Member
Elizabeth Osanya Member Beatrice Chepkorir Member
Everline Anyonte Member Richard Ngetich Member
Michael Ng’gora Member Johnstone Ngeno Member
Joel Andeka Member Seanjose Kelong Member
Moses Sumba Member Emmanuel Borusei Member
Francis Otuma Member Gladys Cherotich Member
Evans Indakwa Member Janeth Chepkemoi Member
Dina Wegaba Member
Sub-county Commissioner or Representative Member
Sub-county Commissioner or Representative Member Sub-county Development Officer or Representative Member
Sub-county Development Officer or Representative Member Sub-county Account Manager Member
Sub-county Account Manager Member National Government Rep- Ministry Responsible for
National Government Rep- Ministry Responsible for Youth and Women Secretary
Youth and Women Secretary NG-CDF Fund Account Manager Member
NG-CDF Fund Account Manager Member Winny Erupe Member
Cheruiyot Richard Member Samweka Lemwatat Member
Declar Chepkurui Member Abubakar Shaban Member
Zakayo Sigei Member Marian Lealmusia Member
Ng’eno Kiprono David Member Lyon Lesikoyo Member
Relian Chepkoech Member Debora Losike Member
Mulai Julius Member Fredrick Leiroiya Member
Chepng’etich Julieth Member Ngitome Ngeshwee Member
Peter Cheruiyot Member
Sub-county Commissioner or Representative Member
Sub-county Commissioner or Representative Member Sub-county Development Officer or Representative Member
Sub-county Development Officer or Representative Member Sub-county Account Manager Member
Sub-county Account Manager Member National Government Rep- Ministry Responsible for
National Government Rep- Ministry Responsible for Youth and Women Secretary
Youth and Women Secretary NG-CDF Fund Account Manager Member
NG-CDF Fund Account Manager Member Mary Akinyi Odero Member
Gabriel Shebelu Member Dedan Leackey Oketch Member
Abdulah Mangi Member Hellen Atieno Onyango Member
Alice Runya Member Mary Aoko Otieno Member
Mwikya Mbaluka Member Newtons Okoth Dache Member
Rose Ireri Member Janet Awuor Abongo Member
Babu Nyiro Member Benard Ochieng Oele Member
Pauline Lewa Member Nancy Achieng Ochieng Member
Nicholas Kadzembe Member
Sub-county Commissioner or Representative Member
Sub-county Commissioner or Representative Member Sub-county Development Officer or Representative Member
Sub-county Development Officer or Representative Member Sub-county Account Manager Member
Sub-county Account Manager Member National Government Rep- Ministry Responsible for
National Government Rep- Ministry Responsible for Youth and Women Secretary
Youth and Women Secretary NG-CDF Fund Account Manager Member
NG-CDF Fund Account Manager Member Millicent Wanjiku Kimani Member
Herine Awuor Member Nyamai Ndone Member
Jane Adhiambo Member John Mwangangi Member
Alice Adhiambo Member Jane Mutio Muia Member
Norah Millicent Member Veronica Mutanu Kitolo Member
Millicent Akinyi Member Julius Mutua Mbithi Member
Daniel Kalungo Member Betty Muia Member
Dorine Owuor Member Cosmus M. Kikuvi Member
Onyango Joseph Member
Eunice Atieno Member 88. BUTULA CONSTITUENCY
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5486 Nanyuki Township of the north of Nyeri District, by virtue of a title
registered as I.R. 7404/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT adduced to show that the said title has been lost, notice is given that
(No. 3 of 2012) after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue
a new provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has
NAIROBI CITY COUNTY GOVERNMENT been received within that period.
MR/5166373 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
(No. 3 of 2012)
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 (1), 6 of the
Nairobi City County Betting, Lotteries and Gaming Act, 2021, the ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE
Governor, Nairobi City County appoints the enlisted persons as Board WHEREAS (1) Peter Njoronge Mburu and (2) Rose Wambui
Committee Members for Nairobi City County Betting, Lotteries and
Storry, as the administrators of the estate of Silas Mburu Gichua
Gaming Board, with effect from the 24th April, 2023, for a period of
(deceased), of P.O. Box 1364–20100, Nakuru in the Republic of
three (3) years.
Kenya, is registered as proprietor of all that piece of land known as
L.R. No. 9290/3, situate in east of Nakuru Municipality in Nakuru
S/No. Name Title
District, by virtue of a grant registered as 73219/1, and whereas
1. Sara Migwi (Ms.) Non Executive Chairperson sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate
2. Bramwell Simiyu Member of title has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
3. Nancy Kiruri (Ms.) Member (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of
4. Elizabeth Njau (Ms.) Member title provided that no objection has been received within that period.
5. Geoffrey Mwithimbu Member
6. Kelvin Inanga Ndoli Member Dated the 28th April, 2023.
7. John Mutie Mutua Member P. M. NG’ANG’A,
MR/5166439 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
8. Kelvin Lunani Member
9. Gibson Kimani Maina Member
10. Beatrice Imaly Member
11. Musa Chekai Member GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5490
Dated the 24th April, 2023. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
Governor, Nairobi City County. (No. 3 of 2012)
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5487 WHEREAS Yogesh Kanji Damji Pattni, as executor of the estate
of Kanji Damji Pattni, the executor of the estate of Damji Devji Pattni
THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT (deceased), of P.O. Box 48984–00100, Nairobi in the Republic of
Kenya, is registered proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as
(No. 17 of 2012)
L.R. No. 209/96/14, situate in the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area,
NAIROBI CITY WATER AND SEWERAGE COMPANY by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 97635/1, and whereas sufficient
evidence has been adduced to show that the said grant has been lost,
APPOINTMENT notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 31 (c) (d) of the hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no
County Governments Act, 2012, the Governor, Nairobi City County objection has been received within that period.
appoints the enlisted persons as Board Directors of Nairobi City Water Dated the 28th April, 2023.
and Sewerage Company, with effect from the 26th April, 2023, for a B. F. ATIENO,
period of three (3) years. MR/5166285 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
Name Title
Johnstone Alusiola Mukabwa. Director GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5491
Emmah Mukuhi Muthoni Director
Rose Esther Muthoni Wamuiya Director THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
Robow Mohamed Hassan Director
(No. 3 of 2012)
Cedric Kelvin Alaro Director
Dated the 26th April, 2023. WHEREAS Arthur Nderitu Wang’ondu, of P.O. Box 41526–
SAKAJA ARTHUR JOHNSON, 00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor
Governor, Nairobi City County. lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 36/II/412, situate in
the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of an indenture of
conveyance registered as N51, folio 38, file 412, and whereas
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5488 sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said indenture of
conveyance has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional
(No. 3 of 2012) certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within
that period.
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
WHEREAS Amin Deddy Mohamed Ali, of P.O. Box 16–10400,
Nanyuki in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of all B. F. ATIENO,
that piece of land known as L.R. No. 2787/58/XII, situate in the MR/5166466 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1903
Dated the 28th April, 2023. Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5166287 Land Registrar, Kakamega District. MR/5166405 Land Registrar, Busia District.
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1905
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Selestina Margaret Mukwanyaga (ID/1871911), is THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece
of land situate in the district of Ruiru, registered under title No. (No. 3 of 2012)
Ruiru/Ruiru East Block 3/388, and whereas sufficient evidence has ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been
lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the WHEREAS Michael Muchiri Kamau (ID/7197068), of P.O. Box
date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no 5567, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
objection has been received within that period. absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.08
Dated the 28th April, 2023. hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang’a, registered
R. M. MBUBA, under title No. Loc. 8/Yamugwe/1424, and whereas sufficient
MR/5166235 Land Registrar, Ruiru District. evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1907
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty WHEREAS Beatrice Wangeci Karani (ID/21609731), is registered
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
provided that no objection has been received within that period. containing 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Mwerua/Kabiriri/6762, and
Dated the 28th April, 2023. whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
M. S. MANYARKIY, title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
MR/5166496 Land Registrar, Murang’a District. expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
(No. 3 of 2012) MR/5158260 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.
WHEREAS Guchu Kairo (ID/3432950), of P.O. Box 242–10200, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5528
Murang’a in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.2025 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
hecatre or thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang’a, registered (No. 3 of 2012)
under title No. Makuyu/Kimorori/Block 3/1561, and whereas
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed WHEREAS Kennedy Wacira Nginga (ID/21984080), is registered
provided that no objection has been received within that period. as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
containing 0.205 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
Dated the 28th April, 2023. Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Mwerua/Baricho/1324, and
M. S. MANYARKIY, whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
MR/5166460 Land Registrar, Murang’a District. title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5525 period.
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated the 28th April, 2023.
(No. 3 of 2012) A. G. MWANGI,
MR/5158260 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.
WHEREAS Rose Nyakinyua Gachaba (ID/2046063), of P.O. Box
242–10200, Murang’a in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5529
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
situate in the district of Murang’a, registered under title No. Loc. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
14/Kiru/95, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show
that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that (No. 3 of 2012)
after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received
within that period. WHEREAS Joram Githiri Nyaga (ID/2914178), is registered as
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
Dated the 28th April, 2023. containing 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
M. S. MANYARKIY, Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Mwea/Mutithi/Scheme/653, and
MR/5166462 Land Registrar, Murang’a District.
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5526 land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
Dated the 28th April, 2023. Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5166211 Land Registrar, Makueni District. MR/5158291 Land Registrar, Kitui District.
Dated the 28th April, 2023. Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5166214 Land Registrar, Trans Nzoia District. MR/5166413 Land Registrar, Nyando District.
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1911
ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Muijiza Trading Limited, of P.O. Box 32199, Nairobi
in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietor of all that piece
WHEREAS (1) Kevin Hudson Kirigha Mwambogha and (2) Bosco of land known as L.R. No. 164/85, situate in the south East of Limuru
Mkindi Soup, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership Town, by virtue of an indenture of conveyance registered in Nairobi as
interest of all that piece of land containing 0.82 hectare or thereabouts, volume N 132 folio 159 file 34396, and whereas the land register in
situate in the district of Taita Taveta, registered under title No. Voi respect thereof is lost or destroyed and efforts made to locate the said
Municipality Block I/475, and whereas sufficient evidence has been land register have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I intend to proceed with the
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date reconstruction of the land register as provided under section 33 (5) of
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection the Act, provided that no objection has been received within that
has been received within that period. period.
Dated the 28th April, 2023. Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5166266 Land Registrar, Taita Taveta District. MR/5166302 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
1912 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th April, 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5563 that piece of land known as Ruiru/Ruiru East Block 2/1394, situate in
the district of Ruiru, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT to show that the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed,
(No. 3 of 2012) and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is
given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof,
RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER provided that no objection has been received within that period, I
WHEREAS (1) Elizabeth Njoki Kariuki, (2) George Macheho and intend to issue another land register and the said missing land register
(3) Elizabeth Njoki Mungai, all of P.O. Box 22173–00100, Nairobi in be deemed of no effect.
the Republic of Kenya, as the administrators of the estate of Stephen Dated the 28th April, 2023.
Mungai S. Kamau (deceased), are registered as proprietors of all that
piece of land known as L.R. No. 170/19, situate in the south East of R. M. MBUBA,
Limuru in Kiambu District, by virtue of an indenture of conveyance MR/5166473 Land Registrar, Ruiru District.
registered in Nairobi as volume N 17 folio 289/21 file 5868, and
whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed and
efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, and whereas
the administrators have indemnified the government of the Republic of GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5567
Kenya from and against all actions, proceedings and clains that may THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
arise after reconstruction of register, notice is given that after the
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the land register (No. 3 of 2012)
shall be reconstructed provided that no objection has been received
Dated the 28th April, 2023. WHEREAS John Kio Muiga, of P.O. Box 1684–20300, Nyahururu
S. C. NJOROGE, in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of all that piece of
MR/5166163 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. land registered under title No. Nyandarua/Rurii/Rurii Block
I/(Mugathika)/9, situate in the district of Nyandarua, and whereas
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register
opened thereof is lost or destroyed, notice is given that after the
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I intend to proceed
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT with the reconstruction of the land register as provided that no
objection has been received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS (1) Saide Awako Sahrif Mohamed and (2) Abdulkadir MR/5166193 Land Registrar, Nyandarua District.
Awako Sharif, both of P.O. Box 85888–80100, Mombasa in the
Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in leasehold interest
of all that piece of land registered under title No. Mombasa/Block GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5568
XVI/1520, situate in the district of Mombasa, and whereas sufficient
evidence has been adduced to show that the land register (green card) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
of the said piece of land is missing, and whereas all efforts made to
locate the said land register (green card) have failed, notice is given (No. 3 of 2012)
that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER
provided that no objection has been received within that period, I
intend to open another land register and upon such opening the said WHEREAS Nathan Muriithi Gathiga (ID/5944174), is registered
missing land register shall be deemed absolute and of no effect. as proprietor of all that piece of land containing 1.767 hectares or
thereabout, registered under title No. Marmanet North/Rumuruti Block
Dated the 28th April, 2023. 2/3510(Ndurumo), situate in the district of Laikipia, and whereas
J. M. RAMA, sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register
MR/5166210 Registrar of Titles, Mombasa. (green card) in respect of the said parcel of land has been lost or
misplaced and all efforts made to locate the said land register (green
card) have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30)
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5565 days from the date hereof, I shall reconstructed the land register (green
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT card) as provided under section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no
objection has been received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012)
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
WHEREAS Khalid Ahmed Ali, of P.O. Box 86681, Mombasa in M. N, MWANGI,
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in freehold interest MR/5166197 Land Registrar, Rumuruti.
of all that piece of land registered under title No. Mombasa/Block
XI/907, situate in the district of Mombasa, and whereas sufficient
evidence has been adduced to show that the land register (green card) GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5569
of the said piece of land is missing, and whereas all efforts made to
locate the said land register (green card) have failed, notice is given THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, (No. 3 of 2012)
provided that no objection has been received within that period, I
intend to open another land register and upon such opening the said RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER
missing land register shall be deemed absolute and of no effect.
WHEREAS Dedan Kamau Njabai, is registered as proprietor of all
Dated the 28th April, 2023. that piece of land containing 19.0 hectares or thereabout, registered
S. K. MWANGI, under title No. Laikipia/Suguta/748 (EX-P&D), situate in the district
MR/5166196 Registrar of Titles, Mombasa. of Laikipia, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show
that the land register (green card) in respect of the said parcel of land
has been lost or misplaced and all efforts made to locate the said land
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5566 register (green card) have failed, notice is given that after the
expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, I shall reconstruct
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT the land register (green card) as provided under section 33 (5) of the
Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012)
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
WHEREAS Joseph Ngwenyi Kahura (ID/3508515), of P.O. Box MR/5166177 Land Registrar, Rumuruti.
83, Thika in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of all
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1913
RECONSTRUCTION OF A NEW GREEN CARD WHEREAS Jane Muthoni Kimaru, is registered as proprietor in
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 10.85
WHEREAS Everlyne Ndalamwa Shiale (ID/14461673), is the hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Nyeri, registered under
registered proprietor in absolute ownership of all that piece of land title No. Mweiga/Thungare Block I/46, and whereas sufficient
containing 0.045 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of evidence has been adduced to show that the land register (green card)
Kajiado, registered under title No. Kajiado/Kitengela/36849, and issued thereof has been lost, and efforts to trace it has failed, notice is
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the green given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
card is lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days shall issue a new land register (green card) provided that no objection
from the date hereof, I shall reconstruct the green card provided that has been received within that period.
no valid objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5166292 Land Registrar, Kajiado District. MR/5158257 Land Registrar, Nyeri District.
1914 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th April, 2023
WHEREAS Paul Weru Thumbi, of P.O. Box 33, Kiganjo in the WHEREAS Kipkoech arap Bore (deceased), is registered as
proprietor of all that piece of land known as Molo/Mau Summit Block
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership
2/239 (Twin Peak), situate in the district of Nakuru, and whereas the
interest of all that piece of land containing 1.00 hectare or thereabouts, High Court of Kenya at Nakuru in Succession Cause No. 826 of 2015,
situate in the district of Nyeri, registered under title No. Ndathi has issued grant in favour of (1) Daniel Koech Bore and (2) David
Settlement Scheme/305, and whereas sufficient evidence has been Kiprop Koech, and whereas the said court has executed an application
adduced to show that the land register (green card) issued thereof has to be registered as proprietor by transmission LRA. 50 and whereas the
been lost, and efforts to trace it has failed, notice is given that after the land title deed in respect of Kipkoech arap Bore (deceased) is lost,
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the
land register (green card) provided that no objection has been received date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that
within that period. period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title
deed and proceed with the registration of the said application to be
Dated the 28th April, 2023. registered as proprietor by transmission LRA. 50 in the names of (1)
Daniel Koech Bore and (2) David Kiprop Koech, and upon such
N. G. GATHAIYA, registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Kipkoech arap
MR/5158257 Land Registrar, Nyeri District. Bore (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5579 MR/5166495 Land Registrar, Nakuru District.
(No. 3 of 2012) GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5582
WHEREAS Gachucha Ndegwa Waciumau (ID/0553473), of P.O. (No. 3 of 2012)
Box 7378–00300, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT
the district of Ruiru, registered under title No. Ruiru Kiu Block 2/756, WHEREAS Gatoho Mutitika alias Gatoho Mutitika “B”
and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the (deceased), is registered proprietor of all that piece of land known as
land register of the said piece of land is missing, and whereas all Lari/Bathi/369, situate in the district of Kiambu, and whereas the chief
efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given magistrate’s court at Limuru in succession cause No. 14 of 2020, has
that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, issued grant of letters of administration to Geoffrey Mungai Gatoho,
provided that no valid objection has been received within that period, I and whereas the said land title deed issued earlier to the said Gatoho
intend to issue another land register and the missing land register is Mutitika alias Gatoho Mutitika “B” (deceased) is lost, notice is given
deemed to be of no effect. that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof,
provided that no valid objection has been received within that period, I
Dated the 28th April, 2023. intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and
R. M. MBUBA, proceed with the registration of the said instruments of R. L. 19 and R.
MR/5166236 Land Registrar, Ruiru District. L. 7 in favour of the said as Geoffrey Mungai Gatoho, and upon such
registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Gatoho
Mutitika alias Gatoho Mutitika “B” (deceased), shall be deemed to be
cancelled and of no effect.
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5158279 Land Registrar, Kiambu District.
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Cyrus Remmy Mwaura (deceased), is registered as
proprietor of that piece of land known as Molo South/Ikumbi Block THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
1/409, situate in the district of Nakuru, and whereas the High Court of (No. 3 of 2012)
Kenya at Eldoret in succession cause No. 20 of 2004, has issued grant
in favour of (1) Lucy W. Mwaura, (2) Rose W. Mwaura, (3) Sophie REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT
W. Mwaura and (4) Magdaline Mwaura, and whereas the said court WHEREAS Wangui Gaturu (deceased), is registered as proprietor
has executed an application to be registered as proprietor by of all that piece of land containing 0.096 hectare or thereabouts,
transmission of L.R.A. 50, and whereas the land title deed in respect of known as Ngenda/Ituru/T. 38, situate in the district of Gatundu, and
Cyrus Remmy Mwaura (deceased) is lost, notice is given that after the whereas the Chief Magistrate’s Court at Gatundu in Succession Cause
expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid No. 20 of 2013, has issued grant and confirmation letters to (1) George
objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense Mwangi Wangui (ID/1461805) and (2) Simon Kuria Karema
with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the (ID/21737648), and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title
deed and be surrendered to the land registrar for cancellation have
registration of the said application to be registered as proprietor by
failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from
transmission L.R.A. 50 in the names of (1) Lucy W. Mwaura, (2) Rose the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within
W. Mwaura, (3) Sophie W. Mwaura and (4) Magdaline Mwaura, and that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land
upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said title deed and proceed with the registration of the said administration
Cyrus Remmy Mwaura (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled letters to (1) George Mwangi Wangui (ID/1461805) and (2) Simon
and of no effect. Kuria Karema (ID/21737648) and upon such registration the land title
deed issued earlier to Wangui Gaturu, shall be deemed to be cancelled
Dated the 28th April, 2023. and of no effect.
E. M. NYAMU, Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5166455 Land Registrar, Nakuru District. F. U. MUTEI,
MR/5166333 Land Registrar, Gatundu District.
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1915
WHEREAS Njuru Gachoki alias Njuru s/o Gachoki (deceased), is WHEREAS Cyrus Remmy Mwaura (deceased), is registered as
registered proprietor of all that piece of land containing 1.2 hecteres or proprietor of that piece of land containing 1.27 hectares or thereabout,
known as Kijabe/Kijabe 1/3665, situate in the district of Naivasha, and
thereabout, known as Othaya/Kiandemi/580, situate in the district of
whereas the court at Eldoret in succession cause No. 20 of 2004, has
Nyeri, and whereas the magistrate’s court at Othaya in succession
issued grant and confirmation letters to (1) Lucy W. Mwaura, (2) Rose
cause No. 20 of 2018, has ordered that the said piece of land be W. Mwaura, (3) Sophi W. Mwaura and (4) Magdaline Mwaura, and
transferred to James Mathenge Njuru as an administrator, and whereas whereas all efforts to recover the land title deed and be surrendered to
the said land title deed issued in respect of the land is lost, notice is the Land Registrar for cancellation have failed, notice is given that
given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided
provided that no valid objection has been received within that period, I no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to
intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed
proceed with the registration of transfer by transmission documents R. with the registration of the said grant document and issue the title deed
L. 19 and R. L. 7 in favour of the said as James Mathenge Njuru, and to (1) Lucy W. Mwaura, (2) Rose W. Mwaura, (3) Sophie W. Mwaura
upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said and (4) Magdaline Mwaura, and upon such registration the land title
Njuru Gachoki alias Njuru s/o Gachoki (deceased), shall be deemed to deed issued earlier to the said Cyrus Remmy Mwaura (deceased), shall
be cancelled and of no effect. be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
Dated the 28th April, 2023. Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5166467 Land Registrar, Nyeri District.
MR/5166455 Land Registrar, Naivasha District.
Dated the 28th April, 2023. Dated the 28th April, 2023.
MR/5166199 Land Registrar, Meru Central District. MR/5158287 Land Registrar, Meru Central District.
1916 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th April, 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5590 to the said Peter Chege Njuguna (deceased), shall be deemed to be
cancelled and of no effect.
Dated the 28th April, 2023.
(No. 3 of 2012) W. N. MUGURO,
REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT MR/5166243 Land Registrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Districts.
upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Saul thereabout, known as Kyangwithya/Mbusyani/87, situate in the district
Wekesa Nyongea shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. of Kitui, and whereas the Chief Magistrate’s Court at Kitui in
Succession Cause No. 99 of 2019, has issued administration letters to
Dated the 28th April, 2023. Josephat Muema Mutinda, and whereas the land title deed issued
V. K. LAMU, earlier to the said Paul Mutinda Mwanza (deceased) has been reported
MR/5166164 Land Registrar, Bungoma District. missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30)
days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been
received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5596 the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the said
grant document and upon such registration the land title deed issued
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT earlier to Paul Mutinda Mwanza (deceased), shall be deemed to be
(No. 3 of 2012) cancelled and of no effect.
Place Limits
Impact North (SEZ) The area on IR No. 195013/1, within the bounded co-ordinates 9865599.194,276661.450; 9865574.816,276639.778;
Limited 9865493.911,276645.008; 9865485.321,276643.911; 9865422.870,276646.795; 98865411.490,276659.277;
9865415.530,276746.732; 9865424.602,276943.126; 9865429.567,277050.602; 9865437.965,277232.408;
9865509.119,277229.122; 9865505.290,277146.211; 9865623.829,277140.737; 9865621.546,277098.571;
9865619.262,277041.842; 9865611.802,276934.481; 9865602.733,276738.088 on the Nairobi Gate Master Site Plan
(drawing No. NIIE 2144-MSP-0002 deposited in the office of the Commissioner of Customs and Border Control)
21. James K. Horeria 008 P.O. Box 43990–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
22. Jim Simon Wanjie Wanjumbi 416 P.O. Box 3079–60200, Meru BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
23. John Kagai Rika 298 P.O. Box 56465–00200, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
24. Kennedy Kaunda Mbulo 466 P.O. Box 47408–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
25. Kennedy Kiprotich Koske 620 P.O. Box 961–00521, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
26. Kennedy Wafula Wekesa 468 P.O. Box 40228–00100 Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
27. Kimani Mbugua Mukunga 764 P.O. Box 10094–00400, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
28. Lilian Mwikali Muinde 294 P.O. Box 377–00515, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
29. Linus Joseph Obutu 185 P.O. Box 2404–50100, Kakamega BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
30. Maina Chege 21 P.O. Box 90344–80100, BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
31. Mariko Kaliamoi Kipkiror 752 P.O. Box 44417–00100,Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MSc Enterpreneurship, MISK
32. Mary Wangui Kang’ara 550 P.O. Box 16432–00610, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
33. Michael Jeti Mbeshi 225 P.O. Box 30271–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
34. Michael Kaguamba Gichuru 549 P.O. Box 9389–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
35. Moses Ndiema Cheseto 440 P.O. Box 30599–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
36. Moses Mutugi Mureithi 751 P.O. Box 15741–00100, Nairobi Bachelor of Real Estate, Hons, MISK
37. Nicholas N. Ndege 395 P.O. Box 16066–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
38. Patrick Somba Nzomo 495 P.O. Box 6171–00200, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
39. Patrick Mbangula Musili 730 P.O. Box 7584–00200, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
40. Paul Gathu Ngotho, HSC, 152 P.O. Box 1870–00606, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
Chartered Arbitrator
41. Pauline W. Kiarie 236 P.O. Box 30121–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
42. Peter Juma Kaunda 537 P.O. Box 44417–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
43. Saad Saleh Yahya (Prof.) 135 P.O. Box 14687–00800, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
44. Robert Sukya Nzioki 125 P.O. Box 59211–00200, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
45. Stephen Makana Mosongo 230 P.O. Box 200–00521, Embakasi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
46. Stephen Macharia Karanja 73 P.O. Box 67366–00200, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
47. Vincent Nzia Kyaka 738 P.O. Box 68279–00200, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
48. Vivian Adhiambo Ombwayo 566 P.O. Box 40228–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
49. Wallace Waronja Mbugua 571 P.O. Box 44246–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
50. Wilfred Mutuku Muindi 555 P.O. Box 29509–00100, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK
51. Wilson Korir Kiprop 675 P.O. Box 45733–00100, Nairobi Bachelor of Real Estate, Hons, MISK
Dated the 13th March, 2023.
MR/5166217 Registrar.
Real Estate Investment James Gichuru Road, 9. Dyer and Blair Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
Trust (Acorn D-REIT) Lavington, Nairobi
(a) Dyer and Blair Diversified Fund;
Acorn Income Real Acorn House, 97 138
Estate Investment Trust James Gichuru Road, (b) Dyer and Blair Bond Fund;
(Acorn IREIT) Lavington, Nairobi
(c) Dyer and Blair Money Market Fund; and
ILAM Fahari I-REIT P.O. Box 46143– 139
00100, Nairobi (d) Dyer and Blair Equity Fund.
LAPTRUST Imara 7th Floor, CPF 175
10. Amana Unit Trust Funds Scheme, comprising of:
Income Real Estate House
Investment Trust Haile Selassie (a) Amana Money Market Fund;
(LAPTRUST IMARA I- Avenue, Nairobi
(b) Amana Balanced Fund; and
(c) Amana Equity Fund
Approved Collective Investment Schemes
11. Diaspora Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
1. African Alliance Kenya Unit Trust Scheme – comprising of:
(a) Diaspora Money Market Fund;
(a) African Alliance Kenya Money Market Fund (Formerly
African Alliance Kenya Shilling Fund); (b) Diaspora Bond Fund; and
(b) African Alliance Kenya Fixed Income Fund; (c) Diaspora Equity Fund.
(c) African Alliance Kenya Managed Fund; 12. First Ethical Opportunities Fund
(d) African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund; and 13. Genghis Unit Trust Funds, comprising of:
(e) African Alliance Kenya Enhanced Yield Fund. (a) GenCap Hazina Fund (Bond Fund);
2. British-American Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of: (b) GenCap Eneza Fund (Diversified Fund);
(a) British-American Money Market Fund; (c) GenCap Hela Fund (Money Market Fund);
(b) British-American Income Fund; (d) GenCap Iman Fund (Shariah Compliant Fund);
(c) British-American Balanced Fund; and (e) GenCap Hisa Fund (Equity Fund);
(d) British-American Equity Fund. (f) GenCap Hela Imara Fund (Money Market Fund);
3. NCBA Unit Trust Funds, comprising of: (g) Gencap Eneza Imara Fund;
(a) NCBA Fixed Income Fund; (h) Gencap Hisa Imara Fund;
(b) NCBA Equity Fund; (i) Gencap Iman Imara Fund; and
(c) NCBA Dollar Fixed Income Fund; (j) Gencap Fixed Income Fund
(d) NCBA Fixed Income Basket Note (KES Fund); and 14. Mali Money Market Fund
(e) NCBA Fixed Income Basket Note (USD) Fund 15. Genghis Specialized Funds, comprising of:
4. Zimele Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of: (a) Gencap NSE25 Index Tracker; and
5. ICEA Unit Trust Scheme comprising of; (b) Sanlam Fixed income Fund (Sanlam Pata + Fund); and
(a) ICEA Money Market Fund; (c) Sanlam Balanced Fund (Sanlam Chama + Fund).
(b) ICEA Equity Fund; 17. Nabo Africa Funds, comprising of:
(c) ICEA Balanced Fund; and (a) Nabo Africa Money Market Fund;
6. Standard Investment Trust Funds, comprising of: (c) Nabo Africa Fixed Income Fund;
(d) Nabo Africa Equity Fund;
(a) Standard Investment Equity Growth Fund;
(e) Nabo Capital Money Market Fund (USD); and
(b) Standard Investment Fixed Income Fund; and
(f) Nabo Income Fund.
(c) Standard Investment Balanced Fund.
18. Old Mutual Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
7. CIC Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(a) Old Mutual Equity Fund;
(a) CIC Money Market Fund;
(b) Old Mutual Money Market Fund;
(b) CIC Balanced Fund;
(c) Old Mutual Balanced Fund;
(c) CIC Fixed Income Fund;
(d) Old Mutual East Africa Fund; and
(d) CIC Equity Fund;
(e) Old Mutual Bond Fund.
(e) CIC Wealth Fund; and
19. Equity Investment Bank Collective Investment Scheme,
(f) CIC Dollar Fund. comprising of:
8. Madison Unit Trust Fund , comprising of: (a) Equity Investment Bank Money Market Fund; and
(a) Madison Money Market Fund; (b) Equity Investment Bank Balanced Fund.
(b) Madison Fixed Income Fund; and 20. Dry Associates Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(c) Madison Wealth Fund.
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1925
(a) Dry Associates Money Market Fund (Kenya Shillings); (b) KCB Fixed Income Fund (formerly Natbank Fixed Income
(b) Dry Associates Money Market Fund (US Dollars); and
(c) KCB Balanced Fund (formerly Natbank Balanced Fund);
(c) Dry Associates Balanced Fund (Kenya Shillings).
(d) KCB Equity Fund (formerly Natbank Equity Fund); and
21. Co-op Trust Fund, comprising of:
(e) KCB Money Market Fund (USD) (formerly Natbank Money
(a) Co-op Balanced Fund; Market Fund (USD)
(b) Co-op Equity Fund; 31. GenAfrica Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(a) GenAfrica Money Market Fund;
(c) Co-op Bond Fund;
(b) GenAfrica Equity Fund; and
(d) Co-op Money Market Fund; and
(c) GenAfrica Fixed Income Fund
(e) Co-op Fixed Income Gratuity Fund.
32. Amaka Unit Trust (Umbrella) Scheme, comprising of:
22. Apollo Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(a) Amaka HOSP Fixed Income Fund; and
(a) Apollo Money Market Fund; (b) Amaka Qualified Investor Tenant Purchase Scheme Fund
(b) Apollo Balanced Fund; 33. Jubilee Unit Trust Collective Investment Scheme, comprising
(c) Apollo Aggressive Growth Fund;
(a) Jubilee Balanced Fund;
(d) Apollo Equity Fund;
(b) Jubilee Equity Fund;
(e) Apollo East Africa Fund; and
(c) Jubilee Fixed Income KES) Fund;
(f) Apollo Bond Fund. (d) Jubilee Fixed Income (USD) Fund; and
23. Cytonn Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of: (e) Jubilee Money Market Fund.
(a) Cytonn Money Market Fund; 34. Enwealth Capital Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(b) Cytonn Balanced Fund; (a) Enwealth Balanced Fund;
(b) Enwealth Equity Fund; and
(c) Cytonn Equity Fund;
(c) Enwealth Money Market Fund.
(d) Cytonn Africa Financial Services Fund;
35. Kuza Asset Management Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(e) Cytonn Money Market Fund (USD); and
(a) Kuza Fixed Income Fund;
(f) Cytonn High Yield Fund. (b) Kuza Money Market Fund (KES)
24. Orient Umbrella Collective Investment Scheme (formerly (c) Kuza Money Market Fund (USD); and
Alphafrica Umbrella Fund), comprising of:
(d) Kuza Momentum Fund
(a) Orient Hifadhi Fixed Income Fund (formerly Alphafrica
Hifadhi Fixed Income Fund); and Approved Employee Share Ownership Plans (ESOPS)
(b) Orient Kasha Money Market Fund (formerly Alphafrica 1. ARM Employee Share Ownership Plan
Kasha Money Market Fund).
2. EABL Employee Share Ownership Plan
25. Wanafunzi Investment Unit Trust Fund
3. Equity Employee Share Ownership Scheme
26. Absa Unit Trust Funds, comprising of:
4. Housing Finance Employee Share Ownership Plan
(a) Absa Balanced Fund;
5. I&M Bank Employee Share Ownership Plan
(b) Absa Bond Fund;
6. KCB Employee Share Option Plan
(c) Absa Dollar Money Market Fund;
7. Kenya Airways Employee Share Ownership Plan
(d) Absa Equity Fund; and
8. Kenya Airways 2017 Group Employee Share Ownership
(e) Absa Shilling Money Market Fund. Scheme
27. Jaza Unit Trust Fund, comprising of: 9. Safaricom Employee Share Ownership Plan
(a) Boda Riders Money Market Fund 10. Scangroup Employee Share Ownership Plan
28. Masaru Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of: 11. Car & General Employee Share Ownership Plan
(a) Masaru Wealth Management Fund; and 12. Standard Group Limited Employee Share Ownership Plan
(b) Masaru Money Market Fund. 13. Britam Holdings Plc Employee Share Ownership Plan
29. ADAM Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of: 14. Nairobi Securities Exchange Plc Employee Share Ownership
Plan – Unit Trust
(a) ADAM Balanced Fund;
(b) ADAM Equities Fund; Dated the 27th March, 2023.
PVT-EYUXAR9 Zamzam Genius Limited The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge
PVT-XYUZQP3 365 Cafe Limited by all persons interested at the Office of the County Physical Planning
Dated the 11th April, 2023. Officer, Wajir, Municipal Manager’s office Wajir, between the hours
JOYCE KOECH, of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Registrar of Companies. Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in
connection with or objection to the above named Part Development
plans may send such representations or objections in writing to be
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5613 received by the County Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 365,
Wajir, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice
THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING ACT and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it
(No. 13 of 2019) is made.
Ref. No. NRB/2564/2023/01—Konza Technopolis Buffer Zone MR/5158254 County Physical Planner, Wajir.
Inter-County Physical and Land Use Development Plan
PURSUANT to the provisions of section 32 (1) of the Physical GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5615
Land Use Planning Act (PLUPA), 2019, notice is given that the
preparation of the above Inter-County Physical and Land Use THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING ACT, 2019
Development Plan was on the 12th April, 2023, completed.
The plan relates to land situated within the counties of Machakos,
A copy of the plan as prepared has been deposited for public PDP No. KAJ/527/2023/1—Existing Residential Plot No. A209,
inspection free of charge at: Ongata Rongai Township
(a) The County Government of Makueni, County Notice is given that preparation of the above-mentioned part
Commissioner’s Building, 3rd Floor, Wing B. development plan was on 17th April, 2023, completed.
(b) The County Government of Machakos, Mbolu Malu Road The part development plan relates to the land situated in Ongata
(Adjacent to County Commissioner’s Office). Rongai Town, designated for residential development in Ongata
Rongai, Kajiado County.
(c) The County Government of Kajiado, DC’s Road, Kajiado.
The copies of the part development plan have been deposited for
(d) The Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban public inspection at the Office of Kajiado County Director of Physical
Development, Ardhi House, 1st Ngong Avenue, off Ngong Planning, located in Kajiado Town.
Road, Nairobi.
The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge
(e) The Konza Technopolis Development Authority, 7th Floor, (by all interested persons) at the Office of Kajiado County Director of
Konza Complex, Nairobi – Mombasa-Konza Road. Physical Planning, located in Kajiado Town between the hours of 8.00
a.m. and 5.00 p.m.
Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in
connection with or objection to the above plan may sent the same to Any interested person(s), organizations or entities who wishes to
Sonia Nzilani (Dr.), Chairperson of the Inter-County Joint Physical make any representation or objection to the above-mentioned part
and Land Use Planning Committee, P.O. Box 78–90300, Makueni development plan may send such representations in writing to be
and/or Email: [email protected] and such representations or received by the County Director of Physical Planning P.O. Box 11–
comments shall state the grounds upon which they are made not later 01100, Kajiado, not later than fourteen (14) days from the date of this
than fourteen (14) days from the date of this publication. notice and any such representation or objection shall state the grounds
on which it is made.
Dated the 19th April, 2023.
SONIA N. MUSYOKA, MR/5166470 CECM, Lands and Physical Planning.
Chairperson, Konza Inter-County
MR/5166297 Physical and Land Use Planning Committee.
(No. 8 of 1999)
(No. 13 of 2019)
PDP. Ref. Nos. Date Completed Title of the Plans ON L.R. NO. KIINE/SAGANA/6129, MAKUTANO, MWEA WEST
PDP No. 11/04 /2023 Formalisation of the Existing SUB-LOCATION, MWEA CONSTITUENCY, KIRINYAGA
332/2023/07 Site for Carmel Hospital, Wajir COUNTY
PDP No. 11/04/2023 Formalisation of the Existing INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS
332/2023/08 and Site for Residential Plots, Wajir PURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management
09 Municipality and Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,
NOTICE is given that preparation of the above-mentioned part the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has
received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the
development plans is complete.
above-proposed project.
The part development plans relate to land situated at Wajir
The proponent, Nancy Wanjiru Njogu is proposing to construct a
Municipality within Wajir County.
funeral home comprising of a main building (reception area, directors
Copies of the part development plans have been deposited for office, cold rooms, post-mortem room, viewing room, chapel and bed
public inspection at the office of the County physical planning Officer, sitters for office workers, stalls and entry porch), working areas,
Municipal Manager’s Office, Wajir. passages within the building to provide access to the rooms and
1934 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th April, 2023
associated facilities and amenities. The proposed project will be Environmental Mitigation Measures
located on plot L.R. Kiine/Sagana/ 6129, Makutano, Mwea West Sub- Impacts
location, Mwea Constituency, Kirinyaga County.
with potential shortages.
The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation
measures: • Maximize on other sources of water for
some uses such as harvested rainwater.
Environmental Mitigation Measures • Install a water meter for monitoring water
Impacts use at the site.
Environmental • Demarcate the project area to be affected
degradation by the construction works to prevent the Excessive energy • Install energy efficient lighting such as
effects of construction from spilling over consumption fluoresce tubes and energy saving bulbs.
into other areas. • Switch off lighting during the day and all
• Re-establish vegetation in some or parts of other electrical equipment when they
the disturbed areas through implementation are not in use.
of a well- designed landscaping program. • Provide a meter for monitoring energy
Degradation of air • Suppress dust by water spraying before consumption.
quality sweeping and on dusty grounds. Infectious waste • Put in place distinctive protocols for the
• Dispose waste regularly and appropriately classification and segregation of infectious
to avoid wastes decomposing at collection diseases materials.
• Treat waste that is deemed potentially
• Embalm all bodies before storage in order infectious prior to disposal by several
to prevent them from rotting. different technologies that either disinfect
or sterilize them.
• Store only enough bodies to the capacity of
the mortuary to prevent congestion. Impacts on • Provide workers with appropriate
occupational and protective gear. Ensure machines and
• Put in place rules to prevent bodies
public health and equipment to be used at the site are
overstaying in the mortuary in order to give
safety periodically checked by qualified personnel
room for new bodies.
as outlined in the Occupational Health and
• Check the refrigeration system daily to Safety Act (OSHA), 2007.
detect and repair any malfunctioning which
could lead to rotting of bodies. • Put in place appropriate warning signs,
directions and procedures as outlined in the
• Spray the mortuary with appropriate smell report.
deodorizers in order to counteract foul
smell. • Ensure the building has ventilation
openings above doors and windows to each
Storm water • Install gutters to harvest rainwater from the room to prevent any chances of suffocation
roof of the building and water tanks to during the full operation of the building.
store the harvested water.
Bad Odour • The proponent should apply chemical
• Construct a drainage system to direct storm neutralizers that permanently remove all
into roadside drains. organic odours on contact.
Additional road • Provide adequate signage of the site.
traffic and safety The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection
• Designate a parking space for off-loading during working hours at:
and loading of materials.
(a) Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
Solid wastes • Use excavated soil in filling of site and pot NHIF Building, 12th Floor, Ragati Road, Upper Hill, P.O.
including excavated holes on access roads. Box 30126–00100, Nairobi.
• Install dust bins for temporary holding of (b) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,
solid wastes. P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.
• Separate solid wastes at the source into (c) County Director of Environment, Kirinyaga County.
recyclable and non-recyclable. A copy of the report can be downloaded at www.nema.go.ke
• Regularly collect and dispose waste to The National Environment Management Authority invites
avoid accumulation. members of the public to submit oral or written comments within
thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the
• Cover solid waste collection areas to
Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision
prevent habitation by scavenging animals.
making process regarding this project.
Sewerage and waste • Regularly check all drainage pipes to fix
Comments can also be emailed to [email protected]
water and sanitary leakages, remove blockages and prevent
conveniences back-flooding. MAMO B. MAMO,
• Treat wastewater and sewerage before they MR/5166189 National Environment Management.
are disposed.
• Monitor wastewater every month to ensure
that such waste is disposed in accordance GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5617
with controlled discharge standards.
Water usage • Provide every water supply pipe with a tap
to act as a stop valve. AND
Date of Appointment: 17th March, 2023 Numberless Boxer; KMDG 680M Boxer; KMCU 330TT Boxer;
KMDQ 194Q Boxer; KMCQ 580Q BOXER; KMEZ 508B TVS;
By Whom: Members KMEF 257Z Boxer 100; KMEX 223W Honda; KMFD 937U Boxer;
KMFS 055S BOXER; KMFS 408W Boxer; KMEK 782F Honda;
MR/5166469 Liquidator.
Dated the 19th April, 2023.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5618 MR/5166277 for Ikimwanya Auctioneers
UNDER instructions from our client, Salome Mumba, of P.O. Box FIRST CHOICE AUCTIONEERS
1785–00902, Kikuyu in the Republic of Kenya, notice is given
pursuant to sections 6 and 7 of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS
(Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya to Mary Wambui Gitau (ID/24496126),
to collect her goods all lying uncollected at our client’s premises, NOTICE is given pursuant to the provision of Uncollected Goods
failure to which Skigate Auctioneers shall dispose of by way of public Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya to the owners of the motor vehicle
auction or private treaty without any further notice on expiry of a thirty KBU 430P, Mitsubishi Canter, to take delivery of the said motor
(30) days notice from the date of publication of this notice and upon vehicle which is lying idle at Waqueen Motors, within thirty (30) days
payment of all the charges and any other incidental cost including the from the date of publication of this notice upon payment of all
cost of publishing this notice. accumulated storage charges together with interest and costs of
Description of Items publication and any other incidental costs, failure to which the same
shall be disposed of either by public auction, tender or private treaty
Wooden table + 3 stools; 1plastic chair; 2 small plastic chairs; philips and the proceeds of the sale be defrayed against all accrued charges
iron box; glass top coffee table + 4 stools; brown floor carpet; blue without any further reference to the owner.
mattress; 2 red flowered mattresses; 2 metal boxes; 4 plastic basins;
low wooden TV stand, fridge; 3pc 8 seater grey sofa set; puff; wooden Dated the 27th April, 2023.
double decker bed; wooden bed; 8 sufurias; assorted clothes; assorted KEN M. KARAGO,
shoes; 1 suitcase; 1 goldtech small subwoofer; assorted utensils; MR/5158266 Director.
pressure cooker; 6 burner cooker + grills and burners.
Dated the 19th April, 2023.
MR/5166310 Skigate Auctioneers. EAGLE EYE AUCTIONEERS
NOTICE is given pursuant to the Disposal of Uncollected Goods
HAZINA MOTORS LIMITED Act (Cap. 38) to the owners of the following motor vehicles Reg. Nos.
KAZ002W and KBN183P to take delivery of the said goods from
Elsogom (K) Limited Shimo La Tewa garage Nairobi, Shimo la Tewa
NOTICE is issued Pursuant to the provisions of section 5 of the Road, upon payment of storage, interest, repair and spare parts
Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya, to charges within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this
the owners of motor vehicles which are lying at Hazina Motors notice failing which they will be sold thereafter without further
Limited, Trinity Auto-Garage and Dakane Garage, Eastleigh to take reference to them either by public auction or private treaty and the
delivery of the said motor vehicles within thirty (30) days from the proceeds of the sale shall be defrayed against all accrued charges and
date of publication of this notice, upon payment of all accumulated the balance, if any shall remain to their credit, but should there be any
storage charges and any other incidental costs incurred as at the dated shortfall the same shall be recovered from the respective owners of the
delivery is taken. If the aforesaid motor vehicles are not collected at
above motor vehicles.
the expiry of this notice, the same will be sold by public auction
without any further reference thereof. Dated the 26th April, 2023.
Hazina Motors Limited KIBET RONOH,
MR/5166483 Director.
1. KAT 201R, Toyota Corolla 110, 2. KBU 632W, Mercedes Benz
Trinity Auto-Garage GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5623
KCW 182J, Mazda Demio; KCX 186Z, Peugeot 508 CHANGE OF NAME
Dakane Garage NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 1st December, 2022,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
KAM 292M, Isuzu ELF; Nissan Body Rosa as Presentation No. 2296, in Volume D1, Folio 104/1192, File No.
Dated the 25th April, 2023. MMXXIII, by our client, Mukhwana Jeremiah Andanje Seth, of P.O.
SERAH NJERI, Box 18488–00500, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known
MR/5158293 Managing Director, Fancy Friends Auctioneers. as Jeremiah Andanje Seth, formally and absolutely renounced and
abandoned the use of his former name Jeremiah Andanje Seth, and in
1936 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th April, 2023
lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Mukhwana Jeremiah 00501, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Christine
Andanje Seth, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons Naomi Kinya Kirima, formally and absolutely renounced and
at all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed abandoned the use of her former name Christine Naomi Kinya Kirima
name Mukhwana Jeremiah Andanje Seth only. and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Christine Kinya
Kirima, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all
times to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name,
Advocates for Mukhwana Jeremiah Andanje Seth,
Christine Kinya Kirima only.
MR/5161966 formerly known as Jeremiah Andanje Seth.
Advocate for Christine Kinya Kirima,
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5624 MR/5166185 formerly known as Christine Naomi Kinya Kirima.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 6th December, 2022, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5628
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
as Presentation No. 1653, in Volume D1, Folio 49/539, File No. CHANGE OF NAME
MMXXIII, by our client, Ruth Jepkoech Birgen, of P.O. Box 672–
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 1st November, 2022,
00208, Ngong Hills in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Ann
Kosgei, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
her former name Ann Kosgei, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted as Presentation No. 1560, in Volume DI, Folio 413/4088, File No.
the name Ruth Jepkoech Birgen, for all purposes and authorizes and MMXXII, by our client, Dorothy Awuor Abuto, of P.O. Box 10711–
requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her 00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Doroth
by her assumed name Ruth Jepkoech Birgen only. Opundo Abuto, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the
use of her former name Doroth Opundo Abuto and in lieu thereof
Dated the 16th March, 2023.
assumed and adopted the name Dorothy Awuor Abuto, for all
KIRWA BERNICE & ASSOCIATES, purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
Advocates for Ruth Jepkoech Birgen, designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Dorothy
MR/5161989 formerly known as Ann Kosgei. Awuor Abuto only.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 2nd April, 2023, duly KIROGA KURIA & COMPANY,
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Advocates for Gregory Ogeto Omoke,
Presentation No. 632, in Volume DI, Folio 113/1266, File No. MR/5166257 formerly known as Glegory Omoke Okara.
MMXXIII, by my client, Christine Kinya Kirima, of P.O. Box 250–
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1937
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 17th April, 2023, duly GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5638
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as CHANGE OF NAME
Presentation No. 903, in Volume D1, Folio 1320/1535, File No.
MMXXII, by our client, Pius Korir Kutol, formerly known as Pius NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 30th March, 2023, duly
Kutol, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
his former name Pius Kutol, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted Presentation No. 890, in Volume D1, Folio 118/1312, File No.
the name Pius Korir Kutol, for all purposes and authorizes and MMXXIII, by our client, Mohamed Noor Hassan, of P.O. Box 10711–
requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him 00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as
by his assumed name Pius Korir Kutol only. Mohamed Noor Hussein, formally and absolutely renounced and
Dated the 24th April, 2023. abandoned the use of his former name Mohamed Noor Hussein, and in
lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Mohamed Noor Hassan,
CHEBIEGO & COMPANY, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
Advocates for Pius Korir Kutol,
MR/5166410 formerly known as Pius Kutol.
1938 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th April, 2023
designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Mohamed 1637, by our client, Jane Victoria Migongo, of P.O. Box 85323–
Noor Hassan only. 80102, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as
Wangeci Jane Kariuki, formally and absolutely renounced and
Dated the 24th April, 2023. abandoned the use of her former name Wangeci Jane Kariuki and in
DONEX JUMA, lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Jane Victoria Migongo,
Advocates for Mohamed Noor Hassan, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
MR/5166489 formerly known as Mohamed Noor Hussein. designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Jane
Victoria Migongo only.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5639 Advocates for Jane Victoria Migongo,
MR/5158270 formerly known as Wangeci Jane Kariuki.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 14th April, 2023, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5643
Presentation No. 1264, in Volume D1, Folio 124/1354, File No.
MMXXIII, by our client, Siyad Ali Mumin, of P.O. Box 345–70302, CHANGE OF NAME
Mandera in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Shukri Ali NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 4th April, 2023, duly
Mumin, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
his former name Shukri Ali Mumin, and in lieu thereof assumed and Presentation No. 428, in Volume DI, Folio 108/1229, File No.
adopted the name Siyad Ali Mumin, for all purposes and authorizes MMXXIII, by our client, Charity Khayosa Makutsa, of P.O. Box 25–
and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address
50206, Webuye in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Belitah
him by his assumed name Siyad Ali Mumin only.
Molenje Makutsa, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned
Dated the 24th April, 2023. the use of her former name Belitah Molenje Makutsa and in lieu
thereof assumed and adopted the name Charity Khayosa Makutsa, for
GARANE & SOMANE, all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
Advocates for Siyad Ali Mumin, designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Charity
MR/5166484 formerly known as Shukri Ali Mumin. Khayosa Makutsa only.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5640 Advocates for Charity Khayosa Makutsa,
MR/5166282 formerly known as Belitah Molenje Makutsa.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 7th February, 2023,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5644
as Presentation No. 287, in Volume DI, Folio 30/269, File No. CHANGE OF NAME
MMXXIII, by our client, Kibet Alfonce, of P.O. Box 68, Londiani in
the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Alfonce Kibet Siele, NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 7th March, 2023, duly
formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
former name Alfonce Kibet Siele and in lieu thereof assumed and Presentation No. 1542, in Volume DI, Folio 103/1186, File No.
adopted the name Kibet Alfonce, for all purposes and authorizes and MMXXIII, by our client, Shadrack Nyamasyo Nzola Kalasinga, of
requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him P.O. Box 11407–00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly
by his assumed name Kibet Alfonce only. known as Shadrack Nyamasyo Nzola, formally and absolutely
renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Shadrack
Dated the 13th April, 2023.
Nyamasyo Nzola and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name
SONGOK & COMPANY, Shadrack Nyamasyo Nzola Kalasinga, for all purposes and authorizes
Advocates for Kibet Alfonce, and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address
MR/5166262 formerly known as Alfonce Kibet Siele. him by his assumed name Shadrack Nyamasyo Nzola Kalasinga only.
Dated the 18th April, 2023.
Advocates for Shadrack Nyamasyo Nzola Kalasinga,
CHANGE OF NAME MR/5166286 formerly known as Shadrack Nyamasyo Nzola.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 28th August, 2022,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
as Presentation No. 60, in Volume DI, Folio 600/3546, File No. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5645
MMXXII, by our client, Aiden Israel Omondi, of P.O. Box 16008–
00610, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Aiden CHANGE OF NAME
Visha Owuor Omondi, formally and absolutely renounced and
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 3rd April, 2023, duly
abandoned the use of his former name Aiden Visha Owuor Omondi
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Aiden Israel
Omondi, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all Presentation No. 69, in Volume DI, Folio 824/1534, File No.
times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name, MMXXII, by our client, Nelson Mandela Nyokwoyo, of P.O. Box
Aiden Israel Omondi only. 72236–00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as
Nelson Nyang’au Mandera, formally and absolutely renounced and
Dated the 17th February, 2023. abandoned the use of his former name Nelson Nyang’au Mandera and
in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Nelson Mandela
GAKUNJU SIMIYU, Nyokwoyo, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at
Advocates for Aiden Israel Omondi, all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name
MR/5166290 formerly known as Aiden Visha Owuor Omondi. Nelson Mandela Nyokwoyo only.
Dated the 18th April, 2023.
CHANGE OF NAME Advocates for Nelson Mandela Nyokwoyo,
MR/5166312 formerly known as Nelson Nyang’au Mandera.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 5th April, 2023, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Mombasa as Gazette Notice No. 5216 of 2023 is revoked.
Presentation No. 199, in Volume B-13, Folio 2273/19360, File No.
28th April, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1939