Gazette Notice Ict Policy Equity Participation

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Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya

(Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.)

Vol. CXXIII—No. 69 NAIROBI, 9th April, 2021 Price Sh. 60


The Kenya Information and Communications Act—The SUPPLEMENT Nos. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51
National Information Communications and Technology
Legislative Supplements, 2021
(ICT) Policy Guidelines, 2020 ............................................ 1556
The Land Registration Act—Issue of Provisional
Certificates, etc ..................................................................... 1556–1565, 1617 32—The Insurance Act—Exemption ............................. 197

County Governments Notices................................................. 1556, 1603–1609 33—The Traffic Act—Exemption ................................. 199
34—The National Police Service Standing Orders
The Engineers Act—Registered Engineers ........................... 1565–1594
(Amendment) Order, 2021 .................................... 201
The Capital Markets Act—Licencees and Approved 35—The Kenya Medical Research Institute Order, 2021 217
Institutions............................................................................. 1594–1598
36—The National Aids Control Council (Amendment)
The Seeds and Plant Varieties Act—Crop Varieties, etc ...... 1598–1603 Order, 2021 ........................................................... 227

The Physical and Land Use Planning Act—Completion of 37—The Public Order (State Curfew) Order, 2021 ........ 231
Part Development Plans....................................................... 1609–1610 38—The Kenyatta National Hospital Board
(Amendment) Order, 2021 .................................... 233
The Environmental Management and Co–ordination Act—
Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report.............. 1610–1613 ------------------

The Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act— SUPPLEMENT Nos. 52, 53, 54 and 55
Preservation Orders .............................................................. 1613 Acts, 2021
The Crops Act—Proposed Grant of Licences, etc ................ 1614 PAGE
The Competition Act—Authorization ................................... 1614 The Business Laws (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2021 ..... 1
The Transfer of Businesses Act—Business Transfer ........... 1614 The Employment (Amendment) Act, 2021 .................... 15
Disposal of Uncollected Goods .............................................. 1614–1615 The Early Childhood Education Act, 2021 .................... 17
Change of Names .................................................................... 1615–1617 The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2021 ................ 59

1556 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

IN Gazette Notice No. 7711 of 2020, Cause No. 996 of 2019, 6.2.4 Rules
amend the petitioners‘ names printed as ―(1) Jane Wanjiru Itugi and
(2) Esther Murugi Itugi,‖ to read ― (1) Pauline Muthoni Muruguru, (2) Equity Participation
Jane Wanjiru Itugi, (3) Esther Murugi Itugi and (4) Moses Munene The government encourages Kenyans to participate in the ICT
Itugi‖, the expression printed as ―the deceased‘s daughters‖ to read
sector through equity participation. It is the policy that only companies
―the deceased‘s daughters and son, respectively‖ and the expression
with at least thirty per centum (30%) substantive Kenyan ownership,
printed as ―for a grant of letters of administration Ad Colligenda Bona
either corporate or individual, will be licensed to provide ICT services.
to the estate of‖ to read ―for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of‖. For purposes of this rule:
------------------ (a) an existing licensee with less than twenty per centum (20%)
IN Gazette Notice No. 3018 of 2016, Cause No. 2263 of 2015, local equity ownership and has not exhausted its three (3) years
amend the expression printed as ―Cause No. 2263 of 2015‖ to read grace period will be required to meet the thirty per centum
―Cause No. 2363 of 2015‖. (30%) local equity ownership at the end of its grace period;

------------------ (b) an existing licensee that had met the twenty per centum (20%)
local equity ownership prior to 7th August, 2020 will have two
IN Gazette Notice No. 11542 of 2019, Cause No. 185 of 2019, (2) years to meet the thirty per centum (30%) local equity
amend the petitioner‘s name printed as ―Pius Mwendwa Kakai‖ to ownership threshold with effect from the said date;
read ―David Musyoka Mbua‖.
(c) an existing licensee that had a waiver granted under the ICT
------------------ Sector Policy Guidelines of 2006 will have three (3) years to
meet the local equity ownership threshold with effect from the
IN Gazette Notice No. 41738 of 2015, Cause No. 28 of 2015, date of this Notice;
amend the petitioner‘s names printed as ―(1) Damaris Wanjiku
Macharia and (2) Beatrice Njoko Njoroge, the deceased‘s daughter and (d) a new applicant for a licence will have three (3) years to meet
grandchild‖ to read ―(1) Damaris Wanjiku Macharia and (2) Loise the local equity ownership threshold from the date of issue of
Wangari Waweru, the deceased‘s daughters‖. the licence;
------------------ (e) a company registered to exclusively offer Business Process
IN Gazette Notice No. 2901 of 2020, Cause No. 4 of 2020, amend Outsourcing (BPO) Services will be exempt from this rule.
the petitioner‘s name printed as ―Kalombe Muli Musyimi‖ to read A licensee may apply to the Cabinet Secretary for extension or
―Muli Makuti‖. exemption under this guideline.
------------------ For a listed company, the equity participation rules will conform to
IN Gazette Notice No. 6190 of 2020, amend the expression printed the extant rules of the Capital Markets Authority.
as ―Cause No. 74 of 2020‖ to read ―Cause No. 74 of 2019‖. Dated the 25th March, 2021.
------------------ JOE MUCHERU,
IN Gazette Notice No. 762 of 2019, Cause No. 91 of 2018, amend Cabinet Secretary for Information,
the expression printed as ―the deceased‘s widow‖ to read ―the Communications and Technology, Innovation and Youth Affairs.
deceased‘s son‖.
------------------ GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3193
IN Gazette Notice No. 1277 of 2021, Cause No. E5 of 2020, add THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA
the expression ―Purity Wakiuru Thirimu, of P.O. Box 7800–00100,

------------------ (No. 17 of 2012)

IN Gazette Notice No. 1940 of 2021, amend the expression printed WEST POKOT COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
as ―Cause No. 40 of 2021‖ to read ―Cause No. 40 of 2020‖. APPOINTMENT
------------------ CORRIGENDA
IN Gazette Notice No. 10073 of 2020, amend the expression IN the Gazette Notice No. 2759 of 2021, amend the expression of
printed as ―Cause No. 26 of 2020‖ to read ―Cause No. 28 of 2020‖. the name of the County Executive Committee Member for Finance
and Economic Planning printed as ―Ruth Kisabit‖ to read ―Ruth
Chepkoech Kisabit‘‘.


MR/1666629 Governor, West Pokot County.
IT IS notified for information of the general public that the Cabinet
Secretary for Information, Communications and Technology, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
Innovation and Youth Affairs—
(No. 3 of 2012)
(a) amends the National Information Communications and
Technology (ICT) Policy Guidelines, 2020 contained in ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE
Gazette Notice No. 5472 of 2020 by deleting paragraph 6.2.4
under the heading ―Equity Participation‖ and substituting WHEREAS (1) Wilson Tanui Batno, (2) Stanley Kinga Mwendia
therefor with the new paragraph set out in the Schedule; and and (3) Enock Kipruto Salbei, all of P.O. Box 11, Eldama Ravine in
the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors of all that piece of
(b) has duly notified the contents thereof to the Communications land known as L.R. No. 13287/45, situate north of Njoro Town in
Authority of Kenya in accordance with the provisions of Nakuru District, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as I.R.
section 5 (4) of the Kenya Information and Communications 50175/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show
Act, 1998. that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is given that after
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1557

the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3198
provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012)
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666656 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. WHEREAS Samuel Maina Kiruthu, of P.O. Box 23, Limuru in the
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of all that piece of land
known as L.R. No. 13207/29, situate in Tigoni Township in the
Kiambu District, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 31205, and
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT grant has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of
(No. 3 of 2012) title provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666535 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
WHEREAS Samuel Maina Kiruthu, of P.O. Box 23, Limuru in the
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of all that piece of land
known as L.R. No. 13207/27, situate in Tigoni Township in the GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3199
Kiambu District, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 38694, and
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
grant has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (No. 3 of 2012)
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of
title provided that no objection has been received within that period.
WHEREAS Pauline Waithira Kamau, of P.O. Box 137–00509,
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of
S. C. NJOROGE, all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209/4401/231, situate in the
MR/1666540 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a lease registered as
I.R. 22824/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to
show that the said lease has been lost, notice is given that after the
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3196 provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been
received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
(No. 3 of 2012) B. F. ATIENO,
MR/1943962 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.

WHEREAS (1) Samuel Maina Kiruthu and (2) Zipporah Njoki GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3200
Kiruthu, as joint tenants, both of P.O. Box 23, Limuru in the Republic
of Kenya, are registered as proprietors of all that piece of land known THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
as L.R. No. 13207/28, situate in Tigoni Township in the Kiambu (No. 3 of 2012)
District, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 39055/1, and whereas
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said grant has
been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days WHEREAS Zamco Developers Agencies Limited, of P.O. Box
from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title 43021, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor
lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 12715/308, situate
provided that no objection has been received within that period. north west of Athi River in Machakos District, by virtue of a grant
registered as I.R. 44811/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
adduced to show that the said grant has been lost, notice is given that
S. C. NJOROGE, after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue
MR/1666538 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been
received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666677 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.

(No. 3 of 2012) GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3201

WHEREAS (1) Samuel Maina Kiruthu and (2) Zipporah Njoki (No. 3 of 2012)
Kiruthu, both of P.O. Box 23, Limuru in the Republic of Kenya, are
registered as proprietors of all that piece of land known as L.R. No.
4885/104, situate in Tigoni Township in the Kiambu District, by virtue WHEREAS (1) Manubhai Naranbai Patel and (2) Babubhai
Kishahai Patel, both of P.O. Box 32, Kisumu in the Republic of
of a certificate of title registered as I.R. 138383, and whereas sufficient
Kenya, are registered as proprietors lessees of all that piece of land
evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of title has known as L.R. No. 10264, situate south west of Nandi Town in
been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days Kericho District, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 16827/1, and
from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said
provided that no objection has been received within that period. grant has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of
Dated the 9th April, 2021. title provided that no objection has been received within that period.
S. C. NJOROGE, Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666536 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. B. F. ATIENO,
MR/1666735 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
1558 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Babubhai Kishahai Patel, of P.O. Box 32, Kisumu in
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that WHEREAS Damaris Adhiambo Ondego, is registered as
piece of land known as L.R. No. 1345, situate south west of Nandi proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
Town in Kericho District, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. containing 0.19 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
1620/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show Nakuru, registered under title No. Kisumu/Kasule/327, and whereas
that the said grant has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed
of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
that period. provided that no objection has been received within that period.

Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666735 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. MR/1666680 Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)

WHEREAS Harriet Natorie, of P.O. Box 67970, Nairobi in the WHEREAS Richard Ogonda Menya, of P.O. Box 40, Koru in the
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of rEpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership
land known as L.R. No. 21794, situate in the city of Nairobi in the interest of all that piece of land containing 0.37 hectare or thereabouts,
Nairobi District, by virtue of a certificate of lease registered as I.R. situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No.
75255/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show Kisumu/Kogony/4339, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
that the said certificate of lease has been lost, notice is given that after adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
received within that period. has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666543 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. MR/1666680 Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts.


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)

WHEREAS Judy Milanoi Mwangi, of P.O. Box 87–00626, WHEREAS Anthony Akelo Okula, of P.O. Box 47332, Nairobi in
Githurai in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
absolute ownership interest of all those pieces of land situate in the ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.20 hectare or
district of Uasin Gishu, registered under title Nos. Eldoret thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No.
Municipality/Block 21 (Kingongo) 5310, 5311 and 5312, and whereas Kisumu/Nayhera/2679, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new land title hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period. has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1943968 Land Registrar, Uasin Gishu District. MR/1666711 Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts.


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)


WHEREAS Mary Ragoro Muturi, of P.O. Box 40, Koru in the WHEREAS Anthony Akelo Okula, of P.O. Box 47332, Nairobi in
rEpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
interest of all that piece of land containing 0.743 hectare or ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.43 hectare or
thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No.
Kiambogo/Kiambogo Block 1/1399, and whereas sufficient evidence Kisumu/Nayhera/2493, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
no objection has been received within that period. has been received within that period.

Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666655 Land Registrar, Nakuru District. MR/1666711 Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts.
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1559


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Beryl Aluoch, of P.O. Box 2548, Kisumu in the WHEREAS (1) Mwanaidi Nasenya Hamisi and (2) Mohammed
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership Wabuti Hamisi, both of P.O. Box 2, Lugari in the Republic of Kenya,
interest of all that piece of land containing 0.10 hectare or thereabouts, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of all that
situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. piece of land situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title
Kisumu/Nyalenda ―B‖/2819, and whereas sufficient evidence has been No. Bunyala/Sidikho/1504, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
has been received within that period. has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666711 Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts. MR/1666565 Land Registrar, Kakamega District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS (1) Joseph Okelo Odeyo and (2), John Sigu Kwach, WHEREAS Silvanos Amaya Anunda, of P.O. Box 2183,
both of P.O. Box 112, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered Kakamega in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the
containing 0.25 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of district of Kakamega, registered under title No. Butsotso/Shikoti/7718,
Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Korando/2146, and and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new new land title deed provided that no objection has been received
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. G. O. ONGUTU,
G. O. NYANGWESO, MR/1666565 Land Registrar, Kakamega District.
MR/1666696 Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Rashid Juma Mukolwe, of P.O. Box 56, Mumias in
WHEREAS Mark Adisa Owino, is registered as proprietor in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.046 ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of
hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Busia/Teso, registered Kakamega, registered under title No. N/Wanga/Matungu/1432, and
under title No. Marach/Bujumba/2207, and whereas sufficient whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
provided that no objection has been received within that period. period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666694 Land Registrar, Busia/Teso Districts. MR/1666565 Land Registrar, Kakamega District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Alfred Omodele Amango, is registered as proprietor WHEREAS John Njau Mwaura (ID/22930467), is registered as
in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 2.0 proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Busia/Teso, registered situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No.
under title No. Marach/Kingandolea/1795, and whereas sufficient Tigoni/Tigoni Block 1/3469, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
provided that no objection has been received within that period. has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666708 Land Registrar, Busia/Teso Districts. MR/1943947 Land Registrar, Kiambu District.
1560 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS George Rambagia Mutua (ID/0897359), is registered WHEREAS Esther Wanjiku Kariuki, is registered as proprietor in
as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1.918
situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Rumuruti, registered
Tigoni/Tigoni Block 1/2620, and whereas sufficient evidence has been under title No. Marmanet/North Rumuruti Block II/99 (Ndurumo) and
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
has been received within that period. land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
Dated the 9th April, 2021. period.
A. W. MARARIA, Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1943949 Land Registrar, Kiambu District. P. M. NDUNGU,
MR/1666702 Land Registrar, Rumuruti District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Jackson Kangethe Karanja (ID/3064316), is registered ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS
as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land WHEREAS Francis Gitaka Ngugi, of P.O. Box 136, Mukiri in
situate in the district of Murang‘a, registered under title No. Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all
Ithanga/Ngelelia/Block I/868, and whereas sufficient evidence has those pieces of land containing 0.506 and 0.0465 hectare or
been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been thereabouts, situate in the district of Nyandarua, registered under title
lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the Nos. Nyandarua/South Kinangop/12049 and 5185, respectively and
date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
objection has been received within that period. title deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the
Dated the 9th April, 2021. expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new
land title deeds provided that no objection has been received within
MR/1666522 Land Registrar, Thika District. that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3220 MR/1666704 Land Registrar, Nyandarua District.
(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS (1) Josphine Wawira Migwi (ID/11289667), (2)
Margret Muthoni Gikiri (ID/1403565) and (3) Mercy Wambura Gikiri ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
(ID/12544186), are registered as proprietor in absolute ownership
interest of all that piece of land containing 0.40 hectare or thereabouts, WHEREAS (1) Charles Gitonga Kiugu (ID/11325453) and (2)
situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Nathan Muriuki Kiugu (ID/9096941), are registered as proprietors in
Inoi/Mbeti/1404, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.0144
show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Meru, registered under
given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I title No. Kibirichia/Kibirichia/1615, and whereas sufficient evidence
shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has
received within that period. been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that
Dated the 9th April, 2021. no objection has been received within that period.
F. U. MUTEI, Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666575 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District. C. M. MAKAU,
MR/1943958 Land Registrar, Meru Central District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Cyrus Kinyanjui (ID/7485865), of P.O. Box 54,
Gilgil in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute WHEREAS Patricia Mwarania Muthamia (ID/21781938), is
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1.62 hectares or registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece
thereabout, situate in the district of Naivasha, registered under title No. of land containing 0.08 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
Kiambogo/Kiambogo Block 5/173 (Thome), and whereas sufficient Meru, registered under title No. Nyaki/Kithoka/3017, and whereas
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
provided that no objection has been received within that period. provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1943992 Land Registrar, Naivasha District. MR/1943934 Land Registrar, Meru Central District.
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1561


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS William Njiru Nyaga (ID/14411893), is registered as WHEREAS Johnson Ndwiga Mbogo (ID/14676687), of P.O. Box
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land 244, Embu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
containing 0.20 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.405
Mbeere, registered under title No. Evurore/Nthambu/3403, and hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Mbeere, registered
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land under title No. Mbeere/Mbita/4735, and whereas sufficient evidence
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that
period. no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666527 Land Registrar, Mbeere District. MR/1666643 Land Registrar, Kiritiri District.


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Samuel Nyaga Mbaka (ID/1874950), of P.O. Box 34, WHEREAS Paul Mburu Kangethe (ID/25212390), is registered as
Siakago in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
absolute ownership interest of all those pieces of land containing 1.3 containing 0.0294 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
and 0.05 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Mbeere, Machakos, registered under title No. Mavoko Town Block 3/20527,
registered under title Nos. Embu/Gangara/1844 and 3199, respectively, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the
and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after
land title deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a
the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new new land title deed provided that no objection has been received
land title deeds provided that no objection has been received within within that period.
that period. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. E. C. CHERUIYOT,
I. N. NJIRU, MR/1943971 Land Registrar, Machakos District.
MR/1943945 Land Registrar, Mbeere District.
ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Priscillar Ngee Musyoka, of P.O. Box 1, Makindu in
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
WHEREAS M‘Ikiao M‘Amuru, is registered as proprietor in ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.451 Makueni registered under title No. Makindu/Kisingo/2135, and
hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Tigania, registered whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
under title No. Meru North/Uringu II/365, and whereas sufficient title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed period.
provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. B. M. SOO,
J. M. MBOCHU, MR/1666530 Land Registrar, Makueni District.
MR/1666501 Land Registrar, Tigania West District.


ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (1) Alex Kamuhia Kahu, (2) Bernice Wangechi Kahu,
(3) Catherine Wambui Kahu, (4) Esther Wangui Kahu and (5) Joshua
WHEREAS Joel Gitonga Edward, is registered as proprietor in Chiira Kahu, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.165 interest of all that piece of land containing 4.04 hectares or thereabout,
hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Tigania, registered situate in the district of Kajiado registered under title No. Kajiado
under title No. Akithi/Athwana/Akithi/2324, and whereas sufficient Kisaju/3722, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been
provided that no objection has been received within that period. received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666631 Land Registrar, Tigania District. MR/1666591 Land Registrar, Kajiado District.
1562 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Oliver Kiptum Chesang, of P.O. Box 880–30200, WHEREAS (1) Julia Akech Otieno and (2) Felgona Anyango
Kitale in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute Ogola, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.18 hectare or all that piece of land containing 0.27 hectare or thereabouts, situate in
thereabouts, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title the district of Ugenya, registered under title No. Uholo/Ugunja/4249,
No. Kitale Municipality Block 18/Bidii/267, and whereas sufficient and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed new land title deed provided that no objection has been received
provided that no objection has been received within that period. within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666559 Land Registrar, Trans Nzoia District. MR/1666652 Land Registrar, Siaya District.



(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)


WHEREAS Ezekiel Kipkemboi Kosgei, of P.O. Box 1855–30200, WHEREAS Robert Ogweno Owuor, is registered as proprietor in
Kitale in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 3.24
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.0695 hectare hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Siaya, registered under
or thereabouts, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title No. South Gem/Ndori/1216, and whereas sufficient evidence has
title No. Kitale Municipality Block 17/Bidii/369, and whereas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the
issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed objection has been received within that period.
provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. A. A. MUTUA,
N. O. ODHIAMBO, MR/1666675 Land Registrar, Siaya District.
MR/1666528 Land Registrar, Trans Nzoia District.




ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Alfayo Opiyo Otieno, is registered as proprietor in
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1.20
WHEREAS James Oduor Oduol, is registered as proprietor in hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Ugenya, registered
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.19 under title No. South Ugenya/Yiro/3035, and whereas sufficient
hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Ugenya, registered evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued
under title No. North Ugenya/Simur/819, and whereas sufficient thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty provided that no objection has been received within that period.
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. MR/1666652 Land Registrar, Siaya District.
MR/1666652 Land Registrar, Siaya District.
ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (1) Josephine Omollo Oyembe and (2) Anna Atieno
Oyembe, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of
WHEREAS James Oduor Oduol, is registered as proprietor in
all that piece of land containing 0.88 hectare or thereabouts, situate in
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.19
the district of Ugenya, registered under title No. South
hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Ugenya, registered
Ugenya/Ugunja/3281, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
under title No. North Ugenya/Simur/819, and whereas sufficient
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
provided that no objection has been received within that period. has been received within that period.

Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666652 Land Registrar, Siaya District. MR/1666707 Land Registrar, Siaya District.
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1563


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)

WHEREAS Saumu Hamisi Luphutsu, is registered as proprietor in
WHEREAS George Okaka Aduwa, of P.O. Box 130, Nyilima in beneficial interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Lunga Lunga/330, and
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.45 hectare or whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
thereabouts, situate in the district of Bondo registered under title No. title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
Siaya Omia Mwalo/270, and whereas sufficient evidence has been expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date period.
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
has been received within that period. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. MR/1666703 Land Registrar, Kwale District.
MR/1666551 Land Registrar, Bondo District.
(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Ali Mohamed Kugotwa (ID/28310978), is registered
ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
WHEREAS Gerishom Ludenyo Anunu, of P.O. Box 100, Suna in situate in the district of Kwale registered under title No. Kwale/Ramisi
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute Phase III Scheme/571, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 2.05 hectares or adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
thereabout, situate in the district of Migori, registered under title No.
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
Kanyamkago/Kawere II/2882, and whereas sufficient evidence has
has been received within that period.
been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been
lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the Dated the 9th April, 2021.
date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no D. J. SAFARI,
objection has been received within that period. MR/1943991 Land Registrar, Kwale District.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666560 Land Registrar, Migori District. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3248
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS (1) Wycliffe Fredereck Temesi (ID/4827570) and (2)
(No. 3 of 2012) Beatrice Nafula Wafula) (ID/0129889), are registered as proprietor in
ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.4
hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kajiado registered
WHEREAS Leriman ole Sadera, of P.O. Box 15, Eldama Ravine under title No. Kajiado Kitengela/39503, and whereas sufficient
in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute evidence has been adduced to show that the land register issued
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 14.00 hectares or thereof is lost or destroyed and efforts made to locate the said land
thereabout, situate in the district of Koibatek, registered under title No. register have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
Lembus/Kilombe/252, and whereas sufficient evidence has been (60) days from the date hereof, I intend to proceed with the
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, reconstruction of the land register as provided under section 33 (5) of
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date the Act, provided that no objection has been received within that
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection period.
has been received within that period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. P. K. TONUI,
S. A. IMBILI, MR/1943951 Land Registrar, Kajiado District.
MR/1943959 Land Registrar, Koibatek/Mogotio Districts.


ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Game Ranching Limited, of P.O. Box 47272–00100,
Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
WHEREAS Ondieki Nyabuto Emmanuel (ID/25283066), is absolute ownership of all that piece of land known as L. R. 8230,
registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece situate in the west of Machakos Township in the district of Machakos,
of land containing 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 10264, and whereas the land
Kisii registered under title No. Nyaribari Chache/B/B/Boburia/13083, register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts
and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given that
land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the
the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a property register shall be reconstructed as provided under section 33
new land title deed provided that no objection has been received (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has been received within that
within that period. period.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1943933 Land Registrar, Kisii District. MR/1666657 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
1564 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3250 for cancellation have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of
thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the
(No. 3 of 2012) production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of
the said grant document and issue land title deed to the said Luke M.
RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER Chege, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to
the said William Mwangi Chege (deceased), shall be deemed to be
WHEREAS Fine Engineering Works Limited, of P.O. Box 32512– cancelled and of no effect.
00600, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of
all that piece of land known as L.R. 209/7956, situate in the city of Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. P. N. WANJAU,
29765/1, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or MR/1666539 Land Registrar, Murang’a District.
destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register
have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed as GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3254
provided under section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection
has been received within that period. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
Dated the 9th April, 2021. (No. 3 of 2012)
MR/1666674 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT
WHEREAS James Kamau Ngari alias Kamau Ngari (deceased), is
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3251 registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as
Ngariama/Ngirambu/2338 containing 1.77 hectares or thereabout,
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT situate in the district of Kirinyaga, and whereas the Chief Magistrate
(No. 3 of 2012) Court at Kerugoya, in the succession cause no. 10 of 2018, has issued
a grant and confirmation letters to Henry Nyaga Kamau (ID/1213677),
RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title deed and be
surrendered to the land registrar for cancellation have failed, notice is
WHEREAS (1) Hussein Kassim Mwanganga (ID/5477674), (2)
given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof,
Rajab Kassim Mwanganga (ID/10955455), (3) Amini Kassim
provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I
Mwanganga (ID/21471154) and (4) Mohamed Kassim Hussein
intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and
(ID/23930424), all of P.O. Box 168, Msambweni in the Republic of
proceed with registration of the said adminstration letters to Henry
Kenya, are the proprietors in absolute ownership of all that piece of
Nyaga Kamau (ID/1213677), and upon such registration the land title
land situate in the district of Kwale, registered under green card No.
deed issued earlier to the said James Kamau Ngari alias Kamau Ngari
Kwale/Msambweni A/2910, and whereas the green card issued thereof
(deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
is lost or destroyed and efforts made to locate the said land register
have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days Dated the 9th March, 2021.
from the date hereof, I intend to proceed with the reconstruction of the
land register as provided under section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that F. U. MUTEI,
no objection has been received within that period. MR/1666575 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.

Dated the 9th April, 2021.

MR/1694828 Land Registrar, Kwale District.
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Benson Mwangi Maina (deceased), is registered as
(No. 3 of 2012)
proprietor of all that piece of land containing 1.62 hectares or
RECONSTRUCTION OF A NEW GREEN CARD thereabouts, known as Gichugu/Settlement Scheme/931, situate in the
district of Kirinyaga, and whereas the Chief Magistrate‘s Court at
WHEREAS Jasvinder Singh Obhrai (ID/8535061), is registered as Kerugoya in succession cause no. 107 of 1986, has issued grant and
proprietor of all that piece of land situate in the district of Kilifi, confirmation letters to Hope Warige Mwangi Maina (ID/2205802),
registered under title No. Kilifi/Madeteni/438, and whereas sufficient and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title deed and be
evidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof surrendered to the land registrar for cancellation have failed, notice is
has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof,
from the date hereof, I shall reconstruct a new green card provided that provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I
no objection has been received within that period. intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and
proceed with registration of the said administration letters to Hope
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
S. G. KINYUA, Warige Mwangi Maina, and upon such registration the land title deed
MR/1666707 Land Registrar, Kilifi District. issued earlier to the said Benson Mwangi Maina (deceased), shall be
deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
Dated the 9th April, 2021.
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT MR/1666706 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.

(No. 3 of 2012)

WHEREAS William Mwangi Chege (deceased), of P.O. Box THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
65538–3200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as
(No. 3 of 2012)
proprietor of all that piece of land containing 0.224 hectare or
thereabouts, known as Loc. 12/Sub Loc 4/1066, situate in the district REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT
of Murang‘a, and whereas in the High Court of Kenya at Nairobi in
succession cause no. 1607 of 2007, has issued grant and confirmation WHEREAS Daniel Kivuu Mulwa (deceased), is registered as
letters to Luke M. Chege (ID/0514177), and whereas all efforts made proprietor of all that piece of land containing 0.04 hectare or
to recover the land title deed and be surrendered to the land registrar
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1565

thereabouts, known as Muputi/Kiima-Kimwe, situate in the district of GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3257
Machakos, and whereas the High Court of Kenya at Machakos in
succession cause no. 337 of 2012, has issued a grant of letters of
administration and confirmation of grant to Anderson Mulungye (No. 3 of 2012)
Kivuu, as an administrator, and whereas the said Anderson Mulungye
Kivuu has executed an application to be registered as proprietor by
transmission of R.L. 19, and whereas the said land title deed of the WHEREAS Chavugami P. A. G. Church, is registered as
said piece of land is lost, notice is given that after the expiration of proprietor of all that piece of land known as South
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has Maragoli/Logovo/1718, situate in the district of Vihiga, and whereas
been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the Chavugami P. A. G. Church has been issued with a title deed in error
and whereas all efforts made to compel Chavugami P. A. G. Church to
production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of
surrender the said land title deed in respect of the said parcel of land
the said application to be registered as proprietor by transmission R.L. have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days
19 in the name of Anderson Mulungye Kivuu, and upon such from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received
registration the title deed issued earlier to the said Daniel Kivuu within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said
Mulwa (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. land title deed and revert it to the original owner and upon such
registration the land title deed issued earlier to the Chavugami P. A. G.
Dated the 9th April, 2021. Church, shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
N. G. GATHAIYA, Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1943989 Land Registrar, Machakos District. T. L. INGONGA,
MR/1666693 Land Registrar, Vihiga District.


(No. 43 of 2011)
IN PURSUANCE to section 30 (1) of the Engineers Act, 2011 the Registrar of the Engineers Board of Kenya notifies that the following have
been registered under the Act and are entitled under section 26 (1) to adopt and use style and title ―Professional Engineer‖ or such contraction thereof
as the Engineers Board of Kenya may approve and to offer his/her services to the public for gain or reward or by way of trade in the Engineering
discipline in which he/she is registered. Under section 26 (2) Professional Engineers or Consulting Engineers may have the sole discretion of using
the title ‗Engineer‘ before their names.

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3260 Eng. Abala, Brian Vukindu P.O. Box 30156-00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E470 Eng. Abdinoor, Sheikh Takoy P.O. Box 42, Mandera P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3069 Eng. Abich, Samuel Otieno P.O. Box 470, Nakuru P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3473 Eng. Abiero, Alfred Otieno P.O. Box 875–40100, Kisumu P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3648 Eng. Abira, Nancy Achieng‘ P.O. Box 697–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2506 Eng. Abonyo, Monica Anyango P.O. Box 66975–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E493 Eng. Prof. Abungu, Nicodemus Odero P.O. Box 30694–00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., MIEEE., MIEK
A3352 Eng. Abuodha, Joseph Charles P.O. Box 4854–00506, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E059 Eng. Prof. Abuodha, Silvester O. P.O. Box 4854 –00506, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, PhD, MIEK, GMICE
A3167 Eng. Aburili, Kennedy P.O Box 975, Kakamega P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3688 Eng. Abuto, George Omondi P.O. Box 1334–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech.,MIEK
A2458 Eng. Abuya, Eric Otieno P.O. Box 30020 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A816 Eng. Achia, Joshua W. Ochieng P.O. Box 97615–80112, Mombasa. P. Eng., BSc., AMKIM., MIEK
A2551 Eng. Achieng, Michael Ngala P.O. Box 1073 – 40100, Suna - Migori P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2120 Eng. Achoky, Alfred P.O. Box 48151–00100, Kerra Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3727 Eng. Achongo, Vincent Reuben P.O Box 30177–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech., MAEPEA., MIEK
A1737 Eng. Adai, Rodgers Mudegu P.O. Box 4285 –00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3229 Eng. Adede, Daniel Abungu P.O. Box 62730–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3143 Eng. Adede, Paul Ouma P.O. Box 265–40101, Ahero P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
A2754 Eng. Adegu, Boaz Bosire P.O. Box 4327–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1923 Eng. Adeli, Adegu R. P.O. Box 4327–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2764 Eng. Adhan, Mohamed Nur P.O. Box 1034, Garissa P. Eng., MSc., BSc., MIEK
A2464 Eng. Adhiambo Michael Okoth P.O. Box 151–40100, Kisumu P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1233 Eng. Adongo, Yudah Ooro P.O. Box 53436, Nairobi P. Eng., BEng., MIEK
E482 Eng. Adoyo, Felix Otieno P.O. Box 28888–00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., MAAK., MIEK
A2134 Eng. Adul, Vincent Otieno P.O. Box 056–00606, Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MSc.,MIET.,MIEEE.,MIEK
E276 Eng. Agingu, James Otieno P.O. Box 8677–00100, Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MBA., MIEK
A1574 Eng. Aguda, Gabriel Olale P.O. Box 260 – 40100, Kisumu P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3495 Eng. Agwanda, Titus Japheth P.O. Box 811–40100, Kisumu P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E453 Eng. Agwaro, Paul Ogutu P.O. Box 78393–00507, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2806 Eng. Ahmed, Muhamed Swaleh P.O. Box 950–0100, Kakamega P. Eng., B.Tech, M.Phil., MIEK,
A2009 Eng. Aida, Apollo P.O. Box 75624, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2347 Eng. Ajowi, George Otieno P.O. Box 30259 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E207 Eng. Ajwalah, Lewis A. P.O. Box 126, Ongata Rongai P. Cons.Eng., B.Eng., MIEK
E127 Eng. Akali, John Atwoli P.O.Box 6241–00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E281 Eng. Akech, Elisha P.O. Box 5438 –00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2378 Eng. Akech, Maurice Otieno P.O. Box 12661 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3723 Eng. Akira, Jafeth Juma P.O Box 1339–80100, Mombasa P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
1566 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3030 Eng. Ako, Fredrick Ouma P.O. Box 13668–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
A3481 Eng. Akuku, Christian Odhiambo P.O. Box 3786–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BEng., MIEK
A3264 Eng. Akun, Beatrice Achieng‘ P.O. Box 4745–40103, Kisumu P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1023 Eng. Akute, Samson Teela P.O. Box 35464–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3152 Eng. Akwiri, Hillary Ogello P.O. Box 29071–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3050 Eng. Ali, Abdinasir Ahmed P.O. Box 3033–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E184 Eng. Ali, Abdulrazaq H.A. P.O Box 3181–00506, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MBA., FIEK
E459 Eng. Alkizim, Khalid Omar P.O. Box 26524–00504, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MCIArb., MPMI., MEIK.,
E475 Eng. Aluoch, Fredrick Odhiambo P.O. Box 28973–00100, Nairobi
A3579 Eng. Aluoch, Evance Ochieng P.O. Box 48674–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
E244 Eng. Aluora, Silas Were P.O. Box 5201–00506, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1714 Eng. Amadi, Daniel O. P.O. Box 95081, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2577 Eng. Amadi, Josphat Ogwero P.O. Box 1392, Maragoli P. Eng., BTech, MIEK
E043 Eng. Amaje, Henry S. P.O. Box 63090–00200, Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc, MIEK, AMIEE (UK)
A1970 Eng. Amatete, Bryson W. P.O. Box 22716, Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech, MIEK
A1969 Eng. Ambasi, Cyrus Esiera P.O. Box 2624 Bungoma P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2594 Eng. Ambasi, Roselane P.O. Box 3562–80100, Mombasa P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A3567 Eng. Ambundo , Jesse P.O. Box 781–00204, Athi River P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2186 Eng. Amiani, Patrick P.O. Box 30260, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2642 Eng. Amimo, Enos Ogao P.O. Box 53671–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3438 Eng. Amimo, Esther Emmy Owano P.O. Box 2277–01000, Thika P. Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2678 Eng. Amimo, Kevin E. O. P.O. Box 229–00511, Ongata Rongai P. Eng.BSc., MIEK
A2066 Eng. Amingh, George Ajwang P.O. Box 30156, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2271 Eng. Amombo, Alfred Odongo P.O. Box 380, Ngong Hills P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3307 Eng. Amuti, Mathews Ondiek P.O. Box 86954-80100, Mombasa P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E277 Eng. Ang'anya, Zachary Odhiambo P.O. Box 41805 –80100, Mombasa P. Cons. Eng., BSc., FIEK
A626 Eng. Anjarwalla , Murtaza E P.O. Box 81648, Mombasa P. Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MICE., MIEK
A3029 Eng. Aoko, George Ouma P.O. Box 53288–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2626 Eng. Apindi, Evans Otieno P.O. Box 12427–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1651 Eng. Apiyo, Gilphas O. P.O. Box 30670 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E296 Eng. Arasa, Gilbert M. P.O. Box 1304 –00502, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., FIEK., ACIArb
A3474 Eng. Arowo, Stephen Otieno P.O. Box 780–80100, Mombasa P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3456 Eng. Arum, Natalie Auma P.O. Box 56209–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3311 Eng. Arthur, Mathew Muthuuri P.O. Box 299–20100, Nakuru P. Eng., BEng., MIEK
A3072 Eng. Asango, Paul P.O. Box 41191–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1780 Eng. Asawo, Leopold P.O. Box 3035, Kisumu P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2861 Eng. Ashihundu, Howard M'mayi P.O. Box 22411–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2314 Eng. Asira, Josephat A. P.O. Box 576 –50102, Mumias P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2921 Eng. Askari, Geofrey Kisingula P.O. Box 1095–50300, Maragoli P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A2980 Eng. Atai, Phares Orina P.O. Box 1905, Kisii P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2077 Eng. Atambo, Daniel Ogaro P.O. Box 4141, Nakuru P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2673 Eng. Ateka, Nathan M. P.O. Box 90401, Mombasa P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1662 Eng. Atera, Lawrence P.O. Box 34936, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E045 Eng. Atibu, Francis S. P.O. Box 12703–00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E400 Eng. Atogo, Joseph Odhiambo P.O. Box 9590–30100, Eldoret P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2736 Eng. Atsyaya, Christopher Ndavula P.O. Box 104350–00101, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
A560 Eng. Attari, Zahid Hussein P.O. Box 44852 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MICE., MIHE., MIEK
A3704 Eng. Audo, John Okumu P.O. Box 50988–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BEng., MSc., MIEK
A3624 Eng. Auka, Maureen Victoria P.O. Box 5287–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1754 Eng. Aura, Gordon P.O. Box 61834, Nairobi P. Eng., Diploma, B.Eng., MSc., MIEK
E060 Eng. Avery, Sean T. P.O. Box 24135 –00502, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc, PhD, MIWEM, MICE.,MIEK
A2936 Eng. Bagha, Mohamed Raffik P.O. Box 99767, Mombasa P. Eng., B.Tech, MIEK
Eng. Bajaber, Mohammed Omar
E217 P.O Box 19493 –00202, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng. BSc, MIEK
A2924 Eng. Bakhuya, Benjamin Anambo P.O. Box 19439–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, ACIArb, MIEK
E041 Eng. Bambrah, Gurmeet K. P.O.Box 45715, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1962 Eng. Barasa , Joseph M. P.O. Box 6064 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3140 Eng. Barasa, Stanley Lutali P.O. Box 74872–00200, Nairobi P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3560 Eng. Barasa , Cedrick Wanjala P.O. Box 35334–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
A2090 Eng. Baraza, Wycliffe P.O. Box 12237, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3413 Eng. Bett, Stanley Kipyegon P.O. Box 432, Sotik P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
A3381 Eng. Bett, Wilson Kipngetich P.O. Box 9826–30100, Eldoret P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2022 Eng. Bett, James Kipkirui P.O. Box 2141, Kericho P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
P. Cons. Eng. B.Eng.,MSc., D.I.C, C.Eng, MICE,
E023 Eng. Bhachu, Manjeet Singh P.O. Box 48674, Nairobi
E076 Eng. Bhundia, Bhagwanji B. P.O. Box 48499 –00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc, C.Eng, MIEK, MAAK, MICE
E365 Eng. Bichii, Anthony Kipkoech P.O. Box 1237 –00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2680 Eng. Biegon, Anthony K. P.O. Box 413–20200, Kericho P. Eng. BSc., MIEK
A2985 Eng. Binga, Richard Ngichabe P.O. Box 46117, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1895 Eng. Birgen, K. Christopher P.O. Box 282, Kericho P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2589 Eng. Birir, Andrew Kipkorir P.O. Box 73442–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1567

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2570 Eng. Birir, Gideon Kipkorir P.O. Box 454–30100, Eldoret P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A2833 Eng. Bitange, Isaiah Ondiba P.O. Box 1285–00502, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2683 Eng. Biwott, Jared K. P.O. Box 197–00300, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1832 Eng. Bondet, Isaac K. P.O. Box 10378 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3599 Eng. Bor, Elijah Kiprotich P.O. Box 48151–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BEng., MIEK
A2014 Eng. Boruett, Leo Kibet P.O. Box 35131–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., M.Phil., MIEK
A1782 Eng. Bosire, Wallace E. Mokaya P.O.Box 61831, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E415 Eng. Bosuben, Nelson Kipkemoi P.O. Box 7067–30100 Eldoret P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., MKIM., MIEK
A1120 Eng. Braganza, Godfrey V. P.O. Box 25422 –00603, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., AMICE., MIEK
A3205 Eng. Bundotich, Nicholas Kibet P.O. Box 30099–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2231 Eng. Busieney, Claude Kirwa P.O. Box 4921, Eldoret P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2911 Eng. Butoyi, Stephen Canute P.O. Box 75994–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E314 Eng. Byakika, Frederick Patrick P.O. Box 361–00511, Nairobi P. Cons., Eng., BSc., MIEK
A603 Eng. Chami, Ferdinand Calist P.O. Box 42, Nakuru P. Eng., BSc., AMICE.,MIEK
A1954 Eng. Chamwada, Philemon O. P.O. Box 67439, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3380 Eng. Changole, Collins Kiptoo P.O. Box 9918–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E257 Eng. Charagu, Samuel Njagi P.O. Box 19283–00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2656 Eng. Chebon, Chepkuto Christopher P.O. Box 18289–20100, Nakuru P. Eng. BTech., MIEK
A2582 Eng. Chege, John Kihara P.O. Box 38, Kigumo P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A1287 Eng. Chege, John Kiragu P.O. Box 34284 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3314 Eng. Chege, Joseph Kibuthu P.O. Box 72345–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3461 Eng. Chelang‘a, Moses Kiprono P.O. Box 10130–30100, Eldoret P. Eng., BEng., MIEK
A3460 Eng. Chelugo, Nicholas Chepchieng P.O. Box 6216–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2804 Eng. Chemitei, Daniel Kiplagat P.O. Box 620–30700, Iten P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A1864 Eng. Chemitei, John C. P.O. Box 620–30700, Iten P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E458 Eng. Chepkuto, Simon P.O. Box 9882–00100, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng., BTech., MCIArb., MIEK
A2840 Eng. Chepkwony, Jackson Kiprono P.O. Box 30743–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3108 Eng. Chepkwony, Paul Kiplang‘at P.O. Box 25232–00100, Nairobi P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E426 Eng. Chepkwony, Richard K. P.O. Box 7546 –00300, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BEng., MSc., FIEK
A2546 Eng. Chepkwony, Willy Simon A. P.O. Box 5452 –00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
Eng. Chepsiror, Daniel Odula
A2966 P.O. Box 4125–00506, Nairobi P. Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
E432 Eng. Cherono, Daniel Sacho P.O. Box 14144, Nakuru P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3004 Eng. Cherop, Hillary Kiprotich P.O. Box 3839–30100, Eldoret P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
A3258 Eng. Cheruiyot, Charles Kipkoech P.O. Box 62000–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc.,MSc., PhD., MIEK
A3365 Eng. Cheruiyot, Geoffrey Kiplangat P.O. Box 869–00517, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2852 Eng. Cheruiyot, Henry Kiptanui P.O. Box 2451, Nakuru P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
E177 Eng. Cheruiyot, Moses Kiprono P.O. Box 4095 –20100, Nakuru P. Cons. Eng., B.Eng., MIEK
A3501 Eng. Cheruiyot, Kiplasoi Kiprono P.O Box 925–20200, Kericho P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3517 Eng. Cheruiyot, Joffrey P.O Box 48899–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3706 Eng. Cheruiyot, Bonface Kipkorir P.O. Box 785–20117, Naivasha P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3574 Eng. Cheruiyot , Silas Kipkosgei P.O. Box 48674–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
A3469 Eng. Cherutich, Stephen Kangogo P.O. Box 1901, Naivasha P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2423 Eng. Cheserek,Edwin Kipkemoi P.O. Box 5911, Eldoret P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2057 Eng. Chesseret, Samson Kipkosgei P.O. Box 1853 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., M.I.E.K.
A1515 Eng. Chirchir, Zakayo Brown W. P.O. Box 54411, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3708 Eng. Chirchir, Joel Kipruto P.O. Box 7260, Eldoret P. Eng., MSc., PhD., MIEK
A1355 Eng. Chiuri, Charles Mugo P.O. Box 52141 –00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK., MIHE
A3335 Eng. Chomba, Caroline Karimi P.O. Box 1204–00232, Ruiru P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2532 Eng. Chuka, Ali Zakaria P.O. Box 73442–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
A2918 Eng. Dalal, Murtaza Ashikhusein P.O. Box 82933–80100, Mombasa P. Eng., B.Tech, MIEK
A2895 Eng. David, Raphael Mwenga P.O. Box 520, Machakos P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2733 Eng. Deche, Renson M. S. P.O. Box 45792–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., MSc., MIEK
A2266 Eng. Desuss, John Nyandiko P.O. Box 62502 –00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A179 Eng. Dogra, Manmohan Singh P.O Box 46239 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MICE., AMIHE., MIEK
A3646 Eng. Donda, Chihanga Dubi P.O. Box 90109–80100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2270 Eng. Donde, Richard P.O. Box 1005 –00518, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2045 Eng. Dr.Ogola, Maima Julius P.O. Box 50939 –00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., M.Eng , PhD, MIEK.
P. Cons. Eng., B. Eng, FIEK, C. Eng, FIME, FIEE,
E073 Eng. D‘souza, Aquinas P. P.O. Box 1697, Nairobi
A2859 Eng. Eshiwani, Frank Omune P.O. Box 4308–00506, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
E434 Eng. Esyepet, Vincent Sidai P.O. Box 10921 –00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MA., MIEK
A57 Eng. Evans, Nicholas Rainsford P.O. Box 45156 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., B.A., MSc., D.I.C., MEAIE., FIEK
A3378 Eng. Festus, Frankline Mwenda P.O. Box 20544–00100, Nairobi P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A667 Eng. Fox, Richard Henry 85, Harrison Road, Edinburg Eh 11 P. Eng., BSc., FIEK
A1502 Eng. Gachau, Erastus M. N. P.O. Box 54293 –00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., DIPL., MSc., MIEK
A2160 Eng. Gachichio, Edward Gideon P.O. Box 43002 – 00100, Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.Eng., MIEK
A3209 Eng. Gachimu, Alex Githaiga P.O. Box 13781–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3153 Eng. Gachiri, James Muya P.O. Box 629–01001, Kalimoni P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1948 Eng. Gaiko, Kihiu Gichinga P.O. Box 942, Nyahururu P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1616 Eng. Gaithuma, Joseph Kiarie P.O. Box 612 –00502, Karen Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1944 Eng. Gakobo, Peter K. P.O. Box 3840-00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK.
1568 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A1840 Eng. Gakubia, Julius K. P.O. Box 40702 00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1437 Eng. Gakubia, Robert Nduati P.O. Box 1340, Meru P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E078 Eng. Gakuo, Harrison M. P.O. Box 32993, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK
A1786 Eng. Gakuru, Mucemi Kanyugo P.O. Box 74680, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK., MKSAE
A3512 Eng. Gakuru, Daniel Kariuki P.O Box 36-20320, Kinamba P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E129 Eng. Gakuya, Robert Muriithi P.O.Box 51193, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK
A2228 Eng. Gateru, Patrick Maina P.O. Box 1397–0618, Ruaraka P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E253 Eng. Gathara, James P.O. Box 53980-00200, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., AMICE., MIEK
A1455 Eng. Gathariki, Danson Kamanu P.O. Box 2897, Thika P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1704 Eng. Gathogo, Jane W. P.O. Box 21522, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3325 Eng. Gathukia, Martin Waweru P.O. Box 1662–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3339 Eng. Gathumbi, Pauline Njoki P.O. Box 8363–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2443 Eng. Gathura,Bernard Muriithi P.O. Box 75634–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E366 Eng. Gatimi, Gedeon N. P.O. Box 74118, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2830 Eng. Gatimu, Francis Mwai P.O. 41–10306, Kagio P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3091 Eng. Gatuhi, Peter Maina P.O. Box 296-00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2303 Eng. Gatumia, Patrick Ngunjiri P.O. Box 55910 – 00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc. MIEK
A2619 Eng. Gatune, Anthony M. P.O. Box 59751-00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1983 Eng. Gatungu, Charles N. P.O. Box 73555, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3604 Eng. Gekonge, Dickson Ong‘esa P.O. Box 46471–00100, Nairobi P. Eng.,BEng., MIEK
A1621 Eng. Getanda, Samuel P.O. Box 12194, Nakuru P. Eng., BSc., MIEK., GICE
E148 Eng. Prof. Gichaga, Francis J. P.O. Box 549 – 00100, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., FIEK., FICE.
A3656 Eng. Gichanga, Kevin Njuki P.O. Box 21382-00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2790 Eng. Gicheru, Francis Gikuhi P.O. Box 1104-10400, Nanyuki P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A2557 Eng. Gicheru, Eliud Kiura P.O. Box 153-10105, Narumoru P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A3238 Eng. Gichini, Stephen Chege P.O. Box 1017-00219, Karuri P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1798 Eng. Gichohi, Jelemano Mwangi P.O. Box 335 – 00206, Kiserian Nairobi P. Eng., MSc., MIEK
A1517 Eng. Gichohi, Peter Maina P.O. Box 75285, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2020 Eng. Gichuba, Robert W.M. P.O. Box 41191, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1219 Eng. Gichuhi, Joseph Murigi P.O. Box 50648, Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MIEE., MIEK
A2137 Eng. Gichuhi, Naomi Waithera P.O. Box 397, Ruaraka P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2629 Eng. Gichuhi, Simon Njoroge P.O. Box 65842–00607, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2311 Eng. Gichuhi, Francis Mwangi P.O. Box 327–60400, Chuka P. Eng., BSc.
E179 Eng. Gichuki, Ndirangu K. P.O. Box 63937 – 00619, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2230 Eng. Gichuki , Philip E.G P.O. Box 4092, Thika P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1142 Eng. Gichuki, Stephen M. P.O. Box 8248, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2306 Eng. Gichungi, Henry Wanjohi P.O. Box 30177, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E374 Eng. Gichuru, Joseph Mungai P.O. Box 708–00515, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1585 Eng. Gichuru, Stephen Ngetha P.O. Box 7095, Nakuru P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3179 Eng. Gichuru, Winfred Wambui P.O. Box 73514–00200, Nairobi P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2769 Eng. Gicobi, Duncan Njiru P.O. Box 875–40100, Kisumu P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3606 Eng. Gikandi, Geoffrey Kimandu P.O. Box 3001- 00621, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E412 Eng. Gikuhi, Godfrey Mambo P.O. Box 53086-00200, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3423 Eng. Gikuhi, Isaac Kinyua P.O. Box 53086-00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1807 Eng. Gikungi, Elephas K. P.O. Box 66052, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A846 Eng. Gikunju, Gabriel P P.O. Box 51347, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3090 Eng. Gikuuru, John Njuguna P.O. Box 30743–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3259 Eng. Gitahi, Charles Njai P.O. Box 10990-00400, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E183 Eng. Gitahi, Christopher P.O. Box 31482 – 00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2405 Eng. Prof. Gitau, Ayub N. P.O. Box 30197, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E270 Eng. Gitau, Francis P.O. Box 15472–00509, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E306 Eng. Gitau, Peter Kimari P.O. Box 12688–00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1489 Eng. Gitau, Silas Wachira P.O. Box 8197, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK.
E349 Eng. Gitau, John Gathukia P.O. Box 353, Ruaraka P. Cons.Eng., BSc., MIET., MCIBSE., MSLL., MIEK
A2302 Eng. Gitau, David Kio P.O. Box 4413 – 00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3340 Eng. Gitee, Patrick Waweru P.O. Box 30156–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2877 Eng. Githachuri, Livingstone Kung‘u P.O. Box 341–00502, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2420 Eng. Githinji, John Ngandu P.O. Box 5154 –00506, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MBA., MEFNEA., MIEK
A2460 Eng. Githinji, Raphael Murimi P.O. Box 28119-00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., Post Grad. Dip., MIEK
A3551 Eng. Githinji, Philip Muthui P.O Box 62434–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2251 Eng. Githinji, Patrick Ndichu P.O. Box 3825 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2925 Eng. Githiomi, Peter Maina P.O. Box 35087–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E329 Eng. Githugu, Timothy M. P.O. Box 48739, Nairobi P. Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2349 Eng. Gitiche, Paul Mwangi P.O. Box 6724 –00100, Nairobi P. Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
A3661 Eng. Gitimu, Samuel Irungu P.O. Box 75936-00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
E142 Eng. Gitoho, Samuel Kiarie P.O. Box 47532, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc, MIEK
E330 Eng. Gitonga, Andrew P.O. Box 2120-00621, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc,MIEK
A3304 Eng. Gitonga, James Mbutu P.O. Box 7216–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2586 Eng. Gitonga, Linus Muthui P.O. Box 16199–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MBA, MIEK
A2384 Eng. Gitonga, Rosemary Kanyua P.O. Box 52 – 00605, Uthiru P. Eng., BSc., MIEK., MIEE
A3397 Eng. Gitonga, Stephen Chege P.O. Box 41191–00100, Nairobi P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2431 Eng. Godana,Abubakar Hargura P.O Box 86 Mandera P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1569

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3700 Eng. G‘oganyo, Beneah Samson Otieno P.O. Box 35760–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
P. Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, GMICE, FIEK, CMAAK,
E049 Eng. Goro, Evans C. P.O. Box 55501, Nairobi
A3659 Eng. Gose, Wilfred Ochieng P.O. Box 15044–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BTech., MIEK
P. Cons. Eng., B.E(Civil), D.C.T(Leeds). C. Eng., F.I.
E001 Eng. Gudka, Kishor Meghji P.O Box 81128–80100, Mombasa
Struct. E., M.I.E.K., MASCE.
P. Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., MIEK., MAAK (E).,
E149 Eng. Prof. Gumbe, Lawrence O. P.O. Box 10677 –00100, Nairobi
A2121 Eng. Gumbi, Mike Odhiambo P.O. Box 446, Village Market Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E241 Eng. Gwena, Mark P.O. Box 26452–00504, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MICE., MIEK
A3277 Eng. Hamisi, Jacob Toili P.O. Box 30372–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3303 Eng. Hamisi, Juma Mutura P.O. Box 2326, Nakuru P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3658 Eng. Hare, Emmanuel Katana Kombe P.O. Box 81880–80100, Mombasa P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
E422 Eng. Hassan, Ali Ibrahim P.O. Box 30173–00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., MBA., PhD., MIEK
A3227 Eng. Hayowa, Hesbon Omondi P.O. Box 36014-00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1448 Eng. Heza, Sylvester Jose P.O. Box 30020 –00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., Post. Grad. Dip., MIEK
A2860 Eng. Hinga, Patrick Njoroge P.O. Box 9541–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A779 Eng. Hirani, Ratna Manji P.O. Box 48798 – 00100, Nairobi P. Eng., B.Tech., MI.Struct.E., AMICE., MIEK
P. Eng., Post. Grad. Diploma in Water and Waste
A2108 Eng. Hirani, Narendra P.O. Box 48798 –00100, Nairobi
Water Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3061 Eng. Holi, Philip Maikuma Victor P.O. Box 60334-00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
P. Cons.Eng., BSc., MBA - MIS., MIEK., MACEK.,
E205 Eng. Hon. Gumbo, Nicolas P.O. Box 7375 – 00300, Nairobi
A3280 Eng. Ibrahim, Ibrahim Juma P.O. Box 71077–00400, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3478 Eng. Ibrahim, Abdiaziz Abdullahi P.O. Box 41727–00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3521 Eng. Ibrahim, Abdi Abdikadir P.O Box 29762–00100, Nairobi P. Eng.,BEng., MBA., MIEK
A3611 Eng. Idalia, Sebestian P.O. Box 52543-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2954 Eng. Ikambili, Pascal Miheso P.O. Box 9933-00100, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A751 Eng. Ikigu, Peter Kamau P.O. Box 703, Karen Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., AMIEE., MKBS., MIEK
A2274 Eng. Ikobe, Geoffrey Atuti P.O. Box 4428 – 00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2382 Eng. Ikua, Bernard Wamuti P.O. Box 62000 – 00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., MIEK
E350 Eng. Ikundo, Norbert Muhoro P.O. Box 605 – 00100, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E150 Eng. Ilovi, Patrick Peter P.O. Box 79625, Nairobi P. Cons. Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2914 Eng. Imbo, Jacob Odhiambo P.O. Box 956–00200, Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A1478 Eng. Imu, Swaleh Salim Swaleh P.O. Box 81849 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3368 Eng. Indekwa, Victor Preston P.O. Box 52200-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MA.,MIEK
E185 Eng. Ingari, Willis S.O. P.O. Box 38878 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., B.Eng., MSc., MIEK
A2832 Eng. Iraya, David Njoroge P.O. Box 37761-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E122 Eng. Irea, Joshua Kinoti P.O. Box 861 Nanyuki P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK, MIHT
A3583 Eng. Ireri , Jasper Karunga P.O. Box 102068-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MA., MIEK
A3496 Eng. Irungu, Mercy Wanja P.O Box 102476-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3613 Eng. Irungu, Kennedy Ndugire P.O. Box 18396-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
P.Cons. Eng., BSc,MSc,PhD,MIEK, MAPE, CSCE,
E173 Eng. Ismail, Issa P.O. Box 35221 - 00200 Nairobi
A1666 Eng. Ithau, Leonard P.O. Box 21122 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,GICE (UK).,MIEK
A1960 Eng. Itiko, Reuben M. P.O. Box 30173 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E157 Eng. Jabongo, Gabriel Wasonga P.O. Box 64441 Mobil Plaza Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK
A3662 Eng. Jacks, Brian Owuor Odero P.O. Box 62000-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A3650 Eng. Jangaya, Patrick Ochieng P.O. Box 3900-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech.,MSc.,MIEK
A2990 Eng. Joseph, Benedict Mutunga P.O. Box 4283-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E368 Eng. Juma, Collins Gordon O. P.O. Box 62287 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., B.Eng., MIEK, ASME
E136 Eng. Juma, Hannington Raburu P.O.Box 11873 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK
A3172 Eng. Juma, Haroun Njago P.O. Box 48590-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3098 Eng. Juma, Kevin Owuor P.O. Box 52440 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3414 Eng. Juma, Said Hamid P.O. Box 84426-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc MIEK
A2857 Eng. Jumadar, Abdulmajid Salim P.O. Box 42186-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2742 Eng. Jura, Moses Odhiambo P.O. Box 3210 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3424 Eng. Kaara, Stephen Karagu P.O. Box 769-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
A3102 Eng. Kabata, Zipporah Nyawira P.O. Box 251 Kerugoya P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E331 Eng. Kabaya, Joseph M. P.O. Box 62481 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.O. Box 2352, Werribee ,Vic 3030
A2244 Eng. Kabiaru, Alexander Muchiri P.Eng., BSc., MBA, MBIE.,MIEK
A3131 Eng. Kabini, Samuel Karanja P.O. Box 62000-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2554 Eng. Kabiru, Charles Mwangi P.O. Box 33482 - 00600 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1953 Eng. Kabiru, James N. P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3446 Eng. Kabiru, Louis Huria P.O. Box 73385-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A1559 Eng. Kabochi, Gakau P.O. Box 387 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E336 Eng. Dr. Kabok, Peter A. C/O Lbda, P.O. Box 1516 Kisumu P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MPhil.,PhD., MASK., MIEK
E018 Eng. Kabuage, Samuel I. P.O Box 53388 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E206 Eng. Kabubo, Charles K. P.O. Box 1004 - 00618 Ruaraka P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1739 Eng. Kabugu, Raphael Warui P.O. Box 1592 - 20300 Nyahururu P.Eng., BSc., M.I.E.K.
E484 Eng. Kaburu, Richard Murungi P.O. Box 23125 - 00505 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
1570 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2700 Eng. Kachila, Philemon P.O. Box 3152-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BTech.,MIEK
A3612 Eng. Kader, Jamil Abdul P.O. Box 2528-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3679 Eng. Kagema, Benjamin Ayub Muraya P.O. Box 45847-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A606 Eng. Kagga, Abdu Senkubuge P.O. Box 38292-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MICE.,MUIPE.,MSAICE.,MIEK
E042 Eng. Kaggia , George M.B. P.O.Box 21396 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, FIEK,MICE, MKGS, C.ENG
A1702 Eng. Kagiri, Solomon G. P.O. Box 61184 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E317 Eng. Kagiri, David Nderitu P.O. Box 4038-20100 Nakuru P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MBA., MIEK
A3566 Eng. Kagiri , Jane Wanjiru P.O. Box 2612 Nyeri P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E212 Eng. Kago, Joseph Chege P.O. Box 39456 - 00623 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2033 Eng. Kagondu, Grace Muthoni P.O Box 52704/60000-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.I.E.K.
A3064 Eng. Kagoya, Elizaphan Mwaura P.O. Box 10382-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2415 Eng. Kaguchwa, Paul Kamande P.O. Box 76664 - 00508 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1661 Eng. Kaguongo, Stanley M. P.O. Box 30079 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2892 Eng. Kagwi, George Mwangi P.O. Box 1409-00232 Ruiru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3088 Eng. Kahama, Alex Mugo P.O. Box 28907-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E054 Eng. Kahenya, Kamunyu P.O. Box 42256 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.BSc, MIEK
A2792 Eng. Kahi, Teddy Lwimbuli P.O. Box 89157-80100 -Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2907 Eng. Kahia, David Wangunyu P.O. Box 17825-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1885 Eng. Kahia, James I. P.O. Box 46862-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3126 Eng. Kahiga, Loise Wanjiku P.O. Box 1017-00520 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., Dip. In Energy Tech. (Geothermal).,
A1516 Eng. Kahiu, Sylvia Njeri P.O. Box 14092 - 00800 Nairobi
E457 Eng. Kahoro, Daniel Mwangi P.O. Box 59823-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MACEK.,MIEK
E053 Eng. Kahoro, Wachira P.O. Box 20119 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MICE, MIEK
Ministry Of Water and Irrigation P.O.
A2341 Eng. Kahuro, George Wachira P.Eng., BSc., MBA. MIEK
Box 49720, Nairobi
A3194 Eng. Kahuro, Janet Wanjiru P.O. Box 1408-00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3355 Eng. Kahuthu, Peter Githinji P.O. Box 2292-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2518 Eng. Kaibei, Job Arap Kogo P.O. Box 209-20200 Kericho P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2634 Eng. Kaimuri, Eustace Endelinah P.O. Box 2868-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.O. Box 366, Ridgeview Road,
A2152 Eng. Kain, Charles Edward Patrick Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, 0181 South P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1482 Eng. Kaindi, Joseph Nzomo P.O. Box 6333-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK.
A2945 Eng. Kakai, Wilson Kuteli P.O. Box 55328-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Eng.,MIEK
A2581 Eng. Kakundi, Jacob Maundu P.O. Box 20-00521 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3404 Eng. Kalanda, Vera Belizita P.O. Box 62000-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1755 Eng. Kamale, Madibua Bonaya P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng., DIPLOMA, B.Eng.,MIEK
A2248 Eng. Kamami, Martin Igecha P.O. Box 1795 - 00100 Thika P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2599 Eng. Kamaru, Joseph M. P.O. Box 69359-00400 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1894 Eng. Kamau, Charles G. P.O. Box 60614 Nairobi P.Eng., Dipl. Ing.,MIEK
E055 Eng. Kamau, Cyrus M. P.O Box 74694 - Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., ME.S(TRANSPORT).,MIEK
A1881 Eng. Kamau, David N. P.O. Box 1462-00621 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.I.E.K.
P.O. Box 22, Parkmore Place, 10th
A2063 Eng. Kamau, David Ndung'u P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
Street Parkmore, 2196, South Africa
A3243 Eng. Kamau, David Ngugi P.O. Box 16076-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,PhD.,MIEK
A2900 Eng. Kamau, Evans Mbugua P.O. Box 30743-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2932 Eng. Kamau, Hannah Njeri P.O. Box 10125-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MSc, MIEK
A1533 Eng. Kamau, Joseph Makumi P.O. Box 352 Ngong Hills. P.Eng., BSc.MIEK
A3134 Eng. Kamau, Julius Mwangi P.O. Box 47936-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1959 Eng. Kamau, Michael N. P.O. Box 1097 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., Msc., MIEK
E151 Eng. Kamau, Michael S. Mwaura P.O. Box 8282 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., FIEK
A3086 Eng. Kamau, Peter Njoroge P.O. Box 22588-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E399 Eng. Kamau, Robert Ikegu P.O. Box 703 - 00502 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2939 Eng. Kamau, Samwel Maina P.O. Box 27500-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A1632 Eng. Kamau, Stanley Kinuthia P.O. Box 61319 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3319 Eng. Kamau, Taddeo Mwaura P.O. Box 34942-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2352 Eng. Kamau, William Mwangi P.O. Box 22993 - 00400 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK, MKIEA
A3712 Eng. Kamau, Peter Chege P.O. Box 14291-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MASHRACE., MIEK
A3669 Eng. Kamau, Duncan P.O Box 11549-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
P.O. Box 248 – 00606, Sarit Centre
A1504 Eng. Kamau, Geoffrey Mbugua P.Eng., BSc., DIPL., MSc.,MIEK
A3141 Eng. Kamau, David Mutitu P.O. Box 64138 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3313 Eng. Kamau, John Karanja P.O. Box 3457 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2428 Eng. Kamunge, Mercy Wangechi P.O Box 7244 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E131 Eng. Kamunge, Simon Njoroge P.O. Box 14279 - 00800 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK, MCTB&UH, MFAC
A2712 Eng. Kamweru, Ephantus Mbugua P.O. Box 11226-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc., MIEK
A1384 Eng. Kanake, Justus Muriungi P.O. Box 47201 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., Post. Grad. Dip., MIEK
A2636 Eng. Kanda, Bowen Kwambai P.O. Box 20578-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2316 Eng. Kandie, Nicholas Chelimo P.O. Box 73442 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
A2459 Eng. Kandie, Philemon Kiprop P.O. Box 49712-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E423 Eng. Kandie, Silas Kiplagat P.O. Box 5602-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIET., MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1571

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3063 Eng. Kangogo, Timothy Kiptui P.O. Box 171-20105 Mogotio P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3232 Eng. Kanui, David Kinani P.O. Box 42244-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2558 Eng. Kanui, Richard Munyao P.O. Box 48487 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1634 Eng. Kanyanja, Gakuru P.O. Box 64649 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A2797 Eng. Kanyaura, Kithinji P.O. Box 10591 Kampala P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2072 Eng. Kanyotu, Moses Mariga K. P.O. Box 10222 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, DIP.EN.TECH., Ph.D,
E140 Eng. Prof. Kanyua, James Felix P.O. Box 43550 Mombasa
A3060 Eng. Kapsowe, Henry Kiplagat P.O. Box 9835-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E052 Eng. Karaba, Wilson M. P.O .Box 79327-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.BSc, P.G.D.(W.W.Eng), MIEK
A2453 Eng. Karani, Raymond P.O. Box 62726 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2714 Eng. Karani, Teresa Waiyego P.O. Box 785-20117 Naivasha P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A1417 Eng. Karanja, Frank David P.O. Box 52351 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2260 Eng. Karanja, Fredrick Nganga P.O. Box 30924 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2933 Eng. Karanja, Gift Kinuthia P.O. Box 100762-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E327 Eng. Karanja, James Michugu P.O. Box 9699-00300 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E223 Eng. Karanja, James Njuguna P.O Box 7100 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng; BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3394 Eng. Karanja, Monicah Wairimu P.O. Box 27290-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2846 Eng. Karanja, Timothy Kariuki P.O. Box 4354-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3509 Eng. Karanja, Joseph Mwaura P.O. Box 112-01030 Gatundu South P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2955 Eng. Karanja, Nicholas Kiminda Ngere P.O. Box 3337-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A2822 Eng. Karanja, Samuel Njiraini P.O. Box 626 Gatundu P.Eng, BSc, MIEK
A2775 Eng. Karatai, Thomas Rukenya P.O. Box 16969-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3503 Eng. Karbolo, Benedict Sulati P.O Box 598-20500 Narok P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E064 Eng. Karekezi, Paul P.O.Box 30020 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc.,C.Eng,MCIArb,MICE.,MIEK
E240 Eng. Karimi, Francis Allan P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK.
A2233 Eng. Karimi, Paul Kimotho P.O. Box 2102 Mombasa P.Eng., MSc.,MIEK
A3499 Eng. Karimi, Job Munene P.O Box 62000-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MEng., MIEK
E063 Eng. Karinga, Wilson N. P.O Box 55485 - Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1927 Eng. Kariuki, Benson K. P.O. Box 12279 - 00400 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2158 Eng. Kariuki, Catherine Njeri P.O. Box 6484 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Eng.,MIEK
A2301 Eng. Kariuki, Domiciano Gathu P.O. Box 45156 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng. , BSc.,MIEK
A1505 Eng. Kariuki, Jonathan Muraguri P.O. Box 52529 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2101 Eng. Kariuki, Solomon Karanja P.O. Box 2236 Embu P.Eng., B.Tech., M.PHIL MIEK
A3465 Eng. Kariuki, Wilson Kabingu P.O. Box 30582- 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MSc.,MIEK
E384 Eng. Kariuki, Laban Kimani P.O. Box 4325-00200 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3576 Eng. Kariuki , Edward Kibaara P.O. Box 152-20300 Nyahururu P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A1032 Eng. Karmali, Mohez Fatehali P.O. Box 48829-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2144 Eng. Karobia, Boniface Nyuguto P.O. Box 73895 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
A2873 Eng. Karue, Catherine Nyaguthii P.O. Box 2593-01000 Thika P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E013 Eng. Karue, Muriuki P.O Box 74602 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3600 Eng. Karugu, Charles Kahumbu P.O. Box 62000-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A2079 Eng. Karungu, Thomas P.O. Box 28851-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,Mphil.,MIEK
A2024 Eng. Karunju, Jonathan Njoroge P.O. Box 8301 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1161 Eng. Karuiru, James N P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2155 Eng. Karumi, Elias Maina P.O. Box 12997 Nakuru P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3343 Eng. Karuoro, Baragu P.O. Box 15270-00509 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MBA., MIEK
A2788 Eng. Karuri, John Mwangi P.O. Box 3406-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E435 Eng. Kasabuli, Bernard I. P.O. Box 30095 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2755 Eng. Kathanga, Fredrick Muchoki P.O. Box 30043-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3042 Eng. Katimi, Lordficus Wesamba P.O. Box 23790-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3458 Eng. Kato, George Mwawaza P.O. Box 49712-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1658 Eng. Katsivo, Mutua Joel P.O. Box 68105 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1827 Eng. Kaunga, Gideon M. P.O. Box 13748 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3095 Eng. Kavita, Fidelis Muli P.O. Box 125-90030 Kathonzweni P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2818 Eng. Kavyu, Augustine Muthui P.O. Box 90401 -80100 Mombasa P.Eng,BSc, MIEK
A3359 Eng. Keago, Edwin Mogeni P.O. Box 5875-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3466 Eng. Kebaso, Charles Omoti P.O. Box 41762- 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2972 Eng. Kebathi, Wambui P.O. Box 50725-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2175 Eng. Kebeney, Jonah Kipkurgat P.O. Box 1781 Kitale P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3041 Eng. Keega, Anthony Mwaniki P.O. Box 16505-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3121 Eng. Kemboi, Eliud Kiprop P.O. Box 56034-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2430 Eng. Kemoi, Onesmus Kipkorir P.O Box 2605-90100 Machakos P.Eng.,B.Eng.,MISE(UK).,PMP,MKIM.,MIEK
A2997 Eng. Kendagor, Susan P.O. Box 17284-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MBA.,MIEK
A2219 Eng. Keno, Albert Torori P.O. Box 23433-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., Msc., MIEK
A3302 Eng. Keny, Fred Spencer P.O. Box 3828-30200 Kitale P.Eng.,BTech., MBA.,MIEK
A3317 Eng. Kenyatta, William Ochieng P.O. Box 41206-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., Msc., MIEK., GIET., AMASCE ETC -
A2253 Eng. Kerama, Leopold Nyanyuki P.O. Box 11285 - 00100 Nairobi
A1536 Eng. Kering, Joseph Kiptarus P.O. Box 287 - 00242 Kitengela P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2996 Eng. Kerre, Moses Simiyu P.O. Box 34942-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3629 Eng. Keter, Harrison Kiplimo P.O. Box 785 Naivasha P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
1572 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3518 Eng. Ketter, Michael Kibiego P.O Box 657-10100 Nyeri P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E269 Eng. Keya, Malaba Robert P.O. Box 6247 Eldoret P.Cons.Eng., Msc, BSc., MIEK
E397 Eng. Khabure, Oliver Collins Wanyama P.O. Box 41787-80100 Mombasa P.Cons.Eng,BSc, MBA.,MAAK.,MIEK
A2994 Eng. Khalusi, Cyrus Shimwadi Shihack P.O. Box 32415-00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E441 Eng. Khamisi, Butichi Ramadhani P.O. Box 104815-00101 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., C.Eng., M.I.Mech.E.,
E370 Eng. Khan, Mohamed Akram P.O. Box 40920 Nairobi
P.Eng., BSc., MSc., DIC., Ceng., FICE., FIStructE.,
A936 Eng. Khan, Mohamed Arshan K P.O. Box 2143-00502 Nairobi
A945 Eng. Khandhia, Mansukhlal A P.O. Box 43047- 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., B.E., MIE(INDIA)., MASCE., MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., Msc., M.I.E.K., M.I.C.E., M.B.H.S.,
A1814 Eng. Khazenzi, Raphael Muruba P.O. Box 9487-00200 Nairobi
M.A.S.C.E., M.A.G.U.
A3682 Eng. Khisa, Benjamin Wafula P.O. Box 49862-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2820 Eng. Kiambati, Douglas Kithinji P.O. Box 10529-00100 Nairobi P.Eng, BSc, MIEK
E273 Eng. Kiambigi, James M. P.O. Box 75461-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MA., MIEK
A3009 Eng. Kiambi, Eunice Kageni P.O. Box 4678-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E186 Eng. Kiarie, John Ndekei P.O. Box 19465 - 00202 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3713 Eng. Kiema, Fred P.O. Box 954-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3675 Eng. Kibachio, Simon Mwangi P.O. Box 106346-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2842 Eng. Kibaru, Charles Mwangi P.O. Box 60312-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2246 Eng. Kibathi, Elijah Mukuru P.O. Box 205 Embu P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2502 Eng. Kibe, Joseph Maina P.O. Box 64900-00620 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3575 Eng. Kibe , David Ngungu P.O. Box 64248-00620 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3418 Eng. Kibias, Kipkemoi P.O. Box 180 Lessos P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A2381 Eng. Dr. Kibicho, Perminus Karanja P.O. Box 8508 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2015 Eng. Kibiro, Vincent M. Komu P.O. Box 59096 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.Phil., M.I.E.K.
A2579 Eng. Kibiru, James Mwangi P.O. Box 59184-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc, MIEK
8330 Sea Island Ct Elk Grove, Ca
A1614 Eng. Kibuguchy, Herbert Wanjala P.Eng., MSc., MASCE., MACI. MIEK
95758 U.S.A.
E232 Eng. Kibunja, Elijah M.Mwangi P.O. Box 752-00600 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2740 Eng. Kiburi, Isaiah Achini P.O. Box 19019-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2970 Eng. Kidagisa, Hannington Aluvisia P.O. Box 529-50300 Maragoli P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E248 Eng. Kidenda, Meshack Otieno P.O. Box 75630-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2087 Eng. Kiema, Benjamin Syengo P.O. Box 59837-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A985 Eng. Kigathi, James M.N P.O. Box 26230 - 00504 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MICE., MASCE., MIEK
A3500 Eng. Kigen, Wilfred Obed Kipng‘eno P.O Box 28929-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E364 Eng. Kigenyi, Henry G. P.O. Box 247-01001 Kalimoni, Juja P.Cons.Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
A3491 Eng. Kigutu, James Kariuki P.O. Box 36909-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A3581 Eng. Kihara , Crispus Karuiru P.O. Box 2059-00202 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
E188 Eng. Kihiu, John Muniu P.O. Box 62000 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., FIEK.
A3703 Eng. Kihiu, Simon Ndung‘u P.O. Box 1964-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MA.,MIEK
A2214 Eng. Kihoro, Sammy King'ori P.O. Box 5495 Nyayo Stadium, Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2177 Eng. Kihuga, Anthony Githinji P.O. Box 874-90100 Machakos P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E034 Eng. Kiilu, Emma Wanjiru P.O.Box 1574-00606 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3230 Eng. Kiilu, Eric Kioko P.O. Box 9164-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E492 Eng. Kiilu, Joel Musembi P.O. Box 1574-00606 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEEE.,MIEK
E479 Eng. Kiiru, George Mwangi P.O. Box 55340-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A2417 Eng. Kiiru, Isaac Mbugua P.O. Box 407 Naromoru P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
E074 Eng. Kiiru, Joseph K. P.O.Box 51939 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEE.,MIEK
A3382 Eng. Kilimo, Moses Chemeitoi P.O. Box 7900-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIGA.,MIEK
E390 Eng. Kilimo, Philemon Cheptorus P.O. Box 7900 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3043 Eng. Kiliswa, Moses Wopicho P.O. Box 1322-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2893 Eng. Kilongi, Emily Muthoni P.O. Box 16157-00610 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3070 Eng. Kilonzo, Fidelis Ndambuki P.O. Box 125-01001 Kalimoni P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E109 Eng. Kilonzo, William P.M P.O Box 55284 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc,MIEK
A2943 Eng. Kimaiyos, James Kiptek P.O. Box 73442-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech, MIEK
E159 Eng. Kimani, Francis Murigi P.O. Box 58624 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, FIEK
A1163 Eng. Kimani, Joseph Phillip P.O. Box 44913 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MSc., MIEK
E158 Eng. Kimani, Mbiu P.O. Box 57091- 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, FIEK
A3271 Eng. Kimani, Simon Muiruri P.O. Box 191-00242 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2676 Eng. Kimani, Simon N. P.O. Box 54056-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc., MIEK
A3353 Eng. Kimani, Thomas Njuguna P.O. Box 141-00606 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2440 Eng. Kimani,Gicheru P.O Box 25712-00603 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3190 Eng. Kimani, Tabitha Wanjiku P.O. Box 30173-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E430 Eng. Kimari, John Kamau P.O. Box 14105 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2940 Eng. Kimari, Patrick Maina P.O. Box 657-10100 Nyeri P.Eng.,BSc,MSc, MAEE, MIEK.
A2096 Eng. Kimathi, Derick P.O. Box 3751 - 00506 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1653 Eng. Kimau, Benedict M. P.O. Box 30079 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3720 Eng. Kimata, Zacheus Mbogo P.O. Box 61879-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2782 Eng. Kimemia, James Gacheru P.O. Box 344 Moi's Bridge P.Eng.,B.Tech, MIEK
E371 Eng. Kimemia, Peter Njuguna P.O. Box 63610-00619 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E178 Eng. Kimemia, Stanley Karanja P.O. Box 58840 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc., MBA., MIEK., MAAK.,
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1573

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3524 Eng. Kimemia, Brian Kuria P.O Box 2070 -00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2864 Eng. Kimeu, Jonathan Mbutu P.O. Box 6227-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MSc.,MIEK
A3427 Eng. Kimeu, Judith Nduku P.O. Box 2958-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2543 Eng. Kimilu, Januaris Mutisya P.O. Box 94 - 00204 Athi - River P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E310 Eng. Kimingi, Mathu David P.O. Box 124-01001 Kalimoni P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2421 Eng. Kimitei, Simon Kiptum P.O. Box 1060, Buruburu P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A3284 Eng. Kimko, Billy Owuor P.O. Box 63532-00619 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E216 Eng. Kimori, Stephen Ndichu P.O. Box 52440 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2247 Eng. Kimuchu, Joseph Macharia P.O. Box 7058 - 00300 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1770 Eng. Kimuhu, Maina D. Reuben P.O. Box 73406 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2631 Eng. Kimweli, Stephen Kioko P.O. Box 19027-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2898 Eng. Kinanga, Samwel Moseti P.O. Box 943-00517 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1402 Eng. King'angi, Ronald Njoroge P.O. Box 48525 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1869 Eng. King'ola, Samuel N. P.O. Box 4260 - 00506 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2470 Eng. Kiniti, Daniel Wakaba P.O. Box 16457 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2151 Eng. Kinoti, Murira Silas P.O. Box 120 Meru Municipal Council P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2535 Eng. Kinyanjui, Boniface Kamanda P.O. Box 420-0511 Ongata Rongai P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3054 Eng. Kinyanjui, George P.O. Box 5801-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2796 Eng. Kinyori, Patrick Gachuhi P.O. Box 171-10200 Muranga P.Eng.,BSc,MIEK
E237 Eng. Kinyua, Evans Mithamo P.O. Box 43500-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2882 Eng. Kinyua, Michael Muchemi P.O. Box 37903-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech, MIEK
A3628 Eng. Kinyua, Edward Mwirigi P.O. Box 30652-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MSc.,MIEK
A3702 Eng. Kioi, Paul Thuo P.O. Box 762-00618 Ruaraka P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2001 Eng. Kioko, Benson Kelly P.O. Box 3933 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3289 Eng. Kioko, Paul Christopher Kimali P.O. Box 415-90200 Kitui P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1566 Eng. Kioko, Pius Mailu P.O. Box 74444 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A984 Eng. Kionga - Kamau, Stephen Githii P.O. Box 22017 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., MI.Chem.E.,MIEK
A1833 Eng. Prof. Kioni, Paul N. P.O. Box 34123 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., DR. OF PHILOSOPHY., MIEK
A2590 Eng. Kipchirchir, Stephen Melly P.O. Box 5766-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A3526 Eng. Kipchumba, Bernard Kosgey P.O Box 3325-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2745 Eng. Kipkeino, Pius Kiprotich P.O. Box 36130-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MSc.,MIEK
A2827 Eng. Kipkorir, Emmanuel Chessum P.O. Box 4442 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc, MSc.,PhD.,MIEK
A3104 Eng. Kipkurui, Josphat Mugun P.O. Box 76672-00508 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2741 Eng. Kiplagat, Simion Chirchir P.O. Box 826-20103 Eldama Ravine P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3573 Eng. Kiplimo , Julius Kiplagat P.O. Box 519 Kilifi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2938 Eng. Kipngetich, Linus Tonui P.O. Box 34942-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3324 Eng. Kiprop, Festus Kibet P.O. Box 6220-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2454 Eng. Kiptala, Kipkulei Jeremiah P.O. Box 1417 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3240 Eng. Kiptanui, Amos Kibor P.O. Box 469-20103 Eldama Ravine P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
E062 Eng. Kiptorus, Kipruto J. P.O. Box 49677 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng. BSc, MIEK, MIHT
A3406 Eng. Kiptum, Clement Kiprotich P.O. Box 11-30133 Chepkoilel P.Eng.,BTech., MPhil.,DPhil., MIEK
A3587 Eng. Kiptui, Ellis Kipkoech P.O. Box 13920-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2845 Eng. Kipyator, Franklin Kibukwo P.O. Box 59564-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2113 Eng. Kiragu, Moses Gichogo P.O. Box 45156 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech, MIEK
A1949 Eng. Kiragu, Joseph Wambugu P.O. Box 8495 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3687 Eng. Kireru, Peter Kimani P.O. Box 21015-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3225 Eng. Kirigia, Clifford Gitonga P.O. Box 2959-60200 Meru P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A1603 Eng. Kirika, Herman Ngari P.O. Box 1882 Nakuru P.Eng., BSc., MIEK.
A3439 Eng. Kirima, Doreen Kiende P.O. Box 19320-00202 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E254 Eng. Kirimania, M'kirigia Mungeria P.O. Box 4125 - 00506 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1762 Eng. Kirimi , Patrick Theophilus P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., Msc., M.I.C.E., M.I.E.K.
A2276 Eng. Kirira, Dominic Kumina P.O. Box 14105 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc, MIEK.
A3170 Eng. Kirongo, Benjamin Kipkorir P.O. Box 67839-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MS., MKCI.,MIEK
A3178 Eng. Kirori, Jonathan Jonaje P.O. Box 37-00571 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2624 Eng. Kirubi, Paul Muchiri P.O. Box 44 Gilgil P.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MASK
A2304 Eng. Kirui, Simon Kibet P.O. Box 2069 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech.,MIEK
A2993 Eng. Kiruja, Erastus Mugendi Eustace P.O Box 107-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3322 Eng. Kirumba, John Kimuchu P.O. Box 21714-00505 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E471 Eng. Kirumba, Joseph Ndiritu P.O. Box 59763 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2977 Eng. Kisato, Reuben Clyde Ambatsa P.O. Box 39471-00623 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3580 Eng. Kisuya, Jacob Mechumo P.O. Box 49712-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E222 Eng. Kitema, Solomon Muli P.O Box 1210 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng; BSc., MIEK
A2489 Eng. Kithaka, Nicholas P.O. Box 250 Embu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3426 Eng. Kithongo, Stephen Mauta P.O. Box 687-00520 Ruai P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A1246 Eng. Kitiku, John Frederick Maingi P.O. Box 32728 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3452 Eng. Kitilit, Joseph Kamama P.O. Box 100746-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E007 Eng. Kitololo, Austin Salmon P.O.Box 48388 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc, FIEK,C.ENG.,M.I.C.E.,F.A.A.K
A2130 Eng. Kituu, Michael G.M. Ams Machanga'a P.O. Box 80 Siakago P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3577 Eng. Kiunga , Kennedy Mwangi P.O. Box 28928-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
A2366 Eng. Kiunuhe, Helen Njeri P.O. Box 2801 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1978 Eng. Kiva, Isaac N. P.O. Box 30582-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
1574 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3025 Eng. Kivanguli, Joseph Kimanthi P.O. Box 20773-00202 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1789 Eng. Kivihya, Patrick Aligula P.O. Box 60852 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
E418 Eng. Kivoto, Mutii P.O. Box 35312-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A3462 Eng. Kivure, Wellington Mwakandu P.O. Box 3121- 80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3142 Eng. Koech, Colleta Chepng‘etich P.O. Box 2932-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3122 Eng. Koech, Michael Kipngeno P.O. Box 26235-00504 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MBA., MSACPCMP.,MIEK
A3722 Eng. Koech, Thomas Kipsigei P.O Box 50528- 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1694 Eng. Kogi, Stephen Kirima P.O. Box 50753 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3633 Eng. Kokonya, Alexsandra Nabucha P.O. Box 149-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2398 Eng. Kombo, Enock Ariga P.O. Box 313 - 40202 Keroka P.Eng., BSc., MA (Planning), MIEK
E320 Eng. Komen, David Kibor P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc., MIEK
E144 Eng. Komen, Simon Kipkore P.O. Box 54993 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1736 Eng. Kones, Joseph Kiptonui P.O. Box 73442 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3537 Eng. Kopondo, Edward Otieno P.O Box 69763-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2999 Eng. Korir, George Kipkoech P.O. Box 151-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3263 Eng. Korir, Jeniffer Jelagat P.O. Box 12101-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3173 Eng. Korir, Philemon Chirchir P.O. Box 35912 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E438 Eng. Korir, Robert Kipkirui P.O. Box 575 - 00600 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1667 Eng. Korir, Abraham P.O. Box 6248 -00300 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3605 Eng. Korir, Simon Kiplangat P.O. Box 117 Amalo P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc, DIP.Env.Eng., MCIBSE, FIEK,
E031 Eng. Kosgei, Reuben K. P.O. Box 55284 Nairobi
A3729 Eng. Kosgei, Jonah Kimutai P.O Box 20922-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MArts.,MIEK
A2154 Eng. Kosgey, Wilson Kipsang P.O. Box 10750 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3724 Eng. Kosgey, Carolyne P.O Box 7608-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
E181 Eng. Koske, Raymond K. P.O. Box 76458 - 00508 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.BSc, MIEK
A3572 Eng. Koske , David Cheruiyot P.O. Box 5317-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2867 Eng. Koskei, Ezekiel Kipkoech P.O. Box 785-20117 Naivasha P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E010 Eng. Koteng', David Otieno P.O.Box 54098, 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MEng.,MIEK.,MKGS
A2711 Eng. Kowuor, Evans Okinyi P.O. Box 90104 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3195 Eng. Kung‘u, Harrison Musembi P.O. Box 88729-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E275 Eng. Kung'u, James M. P.O. Box 3957 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2199 Eng. Kung'u, Ndung'u. P.O. Box 1377 - 00515 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E141 Eng. Kung'u, Rosemary Wanjiku P.O. Box 22517-00400 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, FIEK
A1972 Eng. Kuria, Alfred W. P.O. Box 2674-10100 Nyeri P.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MKSEEE.
A3297 Eng. Kuria, Harrison Gachigua P.O. Box 41191-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E303 Eng. Kuria, Lawrence Thongoro P.O. Box 21846 -00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MICE.,MIEK
A2451 Eng. Kuria, Paul Kimani P.O. Box 792 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3048 Eng. Kuta, Joseph Nzioki P.O. Box 1303 Mombasa P.Eng.,BEng.,MSc.,MIEK
A3055 Eng. Kutswa, Christopher Etenyi P.O. Box 785 Naivasha P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A3705 Eng. Kwambai, Clety Bore P.O. Box 785-20117 Naivasha P.Eng.,BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3169 Eng. Kweyu, Nicholas Musiko P.O. Box 695-50102 Mumias P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2476 Eng. Kwoba, Thaddeus N P.O. Box 61291-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A3623 Eng. Kyalo, Mathew Ndeto P.O. Box 672-01001 Kalimoni P.Eng.,BSc.,MEng., MIEK
A2099 Eng. Lang'at, Cosmas Kiprotich P.O. Box 56693-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MASAE., MKSAE.,MIEK
A3383 Eng. Langat, Dominic Mutai Kipkemoi P.O. Box 31-00517 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2884 Eng. Lang'at, Zakayo Kipkurui P.O. Box 54021-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3719 Eng. Langat, Leonard Kibet P.O. Box 8374-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3318 Eng. Lel, Sila Kiptoo P.O. Box 26524-00504 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3089 Eng. Lepartobiko, Wilson P.O. Box 9085-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MA.,MIEK
A3020 Eng. Liambila, David Wakhisi P.O. Box 46439 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK, MUIPE, R.ENG.(UK),
E220 Eng. Libokoyi, Laban Imbati P.O. Box 3786 - 00100 Nairobi
A3305 Eng. Likare, Henry Pwani P.O. Box 5-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3523 Eng. Lekariap, Edwin Mararo P.O Box 35-30406 Kambi Ya Samaki P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2665 Eng. Limo, Edwin Kiplagat P.O. Box 2665-50100 Kakamega P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2136 Eng. Limo, Kipleting Eliud P.O. Box 30099 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc. MIEK
A3699 Eng. Limo, Kazelle Kimtai P.O. Box 6431-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3625 Eng. Limo, Simon Kipchirchir P.O. Box 7375-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E300 Eng. Litondo, John Morrison P.O. Box 50744-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E229 Eng. Loveday, Ian Jude Wayne P.O Box 45792 - 00100 Nairobi
A1309 Eng. Lubanga, Reuben James P.O. Box 55388 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3389 Eng. Lugalia, Eric Mukaya P.O. Box 22964-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3393 Eng. Lumasia, Martin Kidali P.O. Box 27918-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2166 Eng. Lusigi, Evans Mugera P.O. Box 30020 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK.
A3435 Eng. Macharia, Dedan Wachira P.O. Box 34158-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1082 Eng. Macharia, James Mbugua P.O. Box 68075 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK.
A2698 Eng. Macharia, Joseph Gituhia P.O. Box 8722-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2438 Eng. Macharia, Josphat Waweru P.O Box 16505 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A1995 Eng. Macharia, Lucy Njambi P.O. Box 30656 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3044 Eng. Macharia, Timothy Iguta P.O. Box 28022-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1575

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

E289 Eng. Macharia, Zachary M. P.O. Box 699-00232 Ruiru P.Cons.Eng., B.Tech.,MBA.,MIEK
A3490 Eng. Macharia, Paul Gacheru P.O. Box 9816-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
A2948 Eng. Machine, Fredrick Mairura P.O. Box 3909-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E392 Eng. Machocho, Edward Mwangi P.O. Box 1425 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., M.Eng., MIEK
A3684 Eng. Machoka, Daniel Areba P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E056 Eng. Macodawa, George O. P.O. Box 45792 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.BSc, MIEK
E481 Eng. Maende, Christopher Wesamba P.O. Box 104695-00101 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
P.O. Box 31620-00600 Ngara Rd,
A1709 Eng. Magambo, Cyprian Kiremu P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E065 Eng. Maganda, David O. P.O. Box 51319 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MICE,MIEK, C.Eng
A3371 Eng. Magara, Evans Akama Mose P.O. Box 30259-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3709 Eng. Magerer, Victor Kipkirui P.O. Box 67679-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA., MIEK
E218 Eng. Mageto, James Okebiro P.O. Box 3000 Kisumu P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc. MIEK
A3601 Eng. Magolo, Joshua Juma P.O. Box 633-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3211 Eng. Magomere, Zack Kivuli Ayuya P.O. Box 18695 Nakuru P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2369 Eng. Mahaga, Donald Fredrick P.O. Box 34235 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E334 Eng. Mahamud, Mohamed Maalim P.O. Box 56171 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2261 Eng. Mahboub, Maalim Mohamed P.O. Box 10052 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., AMASCE., MIEK
A2521 Eng. Mahila, Boaz Ombatsa P.O. Box 30259 - 00100 Nairobi P. Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E395 Eng. Mahinda, Richard P.O. Box 74930 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2865 Eng. Maiko, Clement Nyagwachi P.O. Box 30269-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,,BTech., MIEK
A2926 Eng. Mailu, Peter Wambua P.O. Box 42517-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2336 Eng. Maimba, Patrick Peterson P.O. Box 66531 - 00800 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.Phil.,MIEK
A2176 Eng. Maina, Bernard Machira P.O. Box 60972 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3165 Eng. Maina, Catherine Wanjiku P.O. Box 21714-00505 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2566 Eng. Maina, Francis Mureithi P.O. Box 12776 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2915 Eng. Maina, George Wambugu P.O. Box 59763-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2282 Eng. Maina, Isaac Mureithi P.O. Box 7136 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3193 Eng. Maina, John Ireri P.O. Box 62145-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E488 Eng. Maina, John Ndirangu P.O. Box 55476-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3184 Eng. Maina, Jonathan Marubu P.O. Box 1619- 00232 Ruiru P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A3283 Eng. Maina, Madrin Wanjiru P.O. Box 104013-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3488 Eng. Maina, Maryanne Wambui P.O. Box 70421-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3553 Eng. Maina, Jedidah Wandia P.O Box 73406-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3563 Eng. Maina , Pauline Wambui P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MA., MIEK
A1817 Eng. Maina , Julius Ndirangu P.O. Box 20198-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A981 Eng. Maina, Ephraim Mwangi P.O. Box 48632 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2717 Eng. Maina, Joseph Mwangi P.O. Box 1705 Nanyuki P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
E454 Eng. Maingi, Benjamin Karimi P.O. Box 56164-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MSc, MIDK.,MIEK
A3718 Eng. Maingi, George Mwenda P.O. Box 66994-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3672 Eng. Maingi, Dennis Mbuthia P.O Box 56164-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2346 Eng. Maitai, Charles Ndiritu P.O. Box 73442 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MBA., MIEK
A2187 Eng. Maiteka, Andrew Nyabuto P.O. Box 13544 Nakuru P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E114 Eng. Maiteri, Alex K. P.O. Box 75437 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK, MCIBSE, C.Eng.
A2605 Eng. Maitha, Michael Waigwa P.O. Box 1147 Nyeri P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E153 Eng. Maiyo, Arphaxad Kipruto P.O. Box 56034 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2627 Eng. Maiyo, Gilbert P.O. Box 673 Kakamega P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2778 Eng. Majiwa, Joseph Odhiambo P.O. Box 10128-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3694 Eng. Makaa, Benard Mumo P.O. Box 52142-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEEE., MIEK
A2923 Eng. Makajuma, George Adongo P.O. Box 76672-00508 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MSc, MIEK
A3163 Eng. Makarani, Abdulhakim Mwalimu P.O. Box 85047-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2115 Eng. Makau, Cleophas Ndolo P.O. Box 20687 - 00240 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1992 Eng. Makau, Paul M. P.O. Box 72577 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3630 Eng. Makenzi, Macben Mutua P.O. Box 422-20115 Egerton P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MAEE.,MAEPEA., MIEK
A2340 Eng. Makhanu, Francis Xavier P.O. Box 205 - 60100 Embu P.Eng., BSc., MBA. MIEK
A2094 Eng. Prof. Makhanu, Sibilike Khamala P.O. Box 1558 - 50100 Kakamega P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK., GICE., M.Agric. S.K
A2174 Eng. Makhulo, Gilbert Bwire P.O. Box 41191 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2834 Eng. Mak'oderoh, Julius Nyerere P.O. Box 103250-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3099 Eng. Makokha, Augustine Barasa P.O. Box 6091 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech.,MSc.,PhD.,MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MCIArb (UK)., AMASCE
A2109 Eng. Makokha, Chrisostim Muteshi P.O. Box 50081 - 00200 Nairobi
A3367 Eng. Makokha, Sheillah Wangari P.O. Box 59753-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3296 Eng. Makonjio, Vincent Ongenge P.O. Box 1027-00208 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2447 Eng. Makori, Jared Moruri P.O. Box 526 - 00625 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MPhil.,MIEK
E477 Eng. Makori, Richard Juma P.O. Box 25657-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E440 Eng. Makudiuh, Kennedy Wandera P.O. Box 454 - 50406 Funyula P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,FIEK
A1303 Eng. Makuta, John P.O. Box 73805-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MASHRAE., MIEK
A1589 Eng. Makutha, Wilfred Thiuki P.O. Box 3940-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.O. Box 14965-00800
A2118 Eng. Malaba, Margaret Chelagat P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3565 Eng. Malaba , Jonah Butali P.O. Box 6247-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3586 Eng. Malde, Vishal Rajesh P.O. Box 11084-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng., MIEK
1576 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

E075 Eng. Mambo, Amos G. P.O. Box 53086 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc,MIEK,MIEE
E311 Eng. Mambo, Samuel J.K. P.O. Box 56220-00200nairobi P.Cons.,Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIHE.,MIEK
E260 Eng. Mangerere, Lawrence Muma P.O. Box 11743-00100-Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E263 Eng. Mang'uriu, Geoffrey Ng'ang'a P.O. Box 57866 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK., MASCE.
A3189 Eng. Manore, David Mungai P.O. Box 25131-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1548 Eng. Manyala, Jabes Obunga P.O. Box 28278 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3261 Eng. Manyara, Peter Ontieri P.O. Box 10604-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1113 Eng. Manyasi, John Buka P.O. Box 62937 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2880 Eng. Manza, Daniel Kamanza P.O. Box 26797- 00504 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3717 Eng. Maondu, Albrian Mueke P.O. Box 252-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3429 Eng. Mapelu, Jane Nailantei P.O. Box 41727 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2167 Eng. Marenya, Moses Okoth P.O. Box 10677 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2789 Eng. Marete, Raymond Kirimi P.O. Box 50593-00101nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3602 Eng. Mariga, Samuel Ngatia P.O. Box 56167-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2482 Eng. Maritim, Reuben Kipyegon P. O. Box 14944-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2394 Eng. Marius, John Nyaga P.O. Box 68053 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
A3328 Eng. Maruti, Peter Barasa P.O. Box 51088-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., MBA., MOSPE., MASME., MIAE.,
A3710 Eng. Masaba, George Malika P.O. Box 2914-00200 Nairobi
A2785 Eng. Masea, Benard Ongeri P.O. Box 10604-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E309 Eng. Masila, Benson Muteti P.O. Box 106-90138 Makindu P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3396 Eng. Masila, Jane Mwelu P.O. Box 41191-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3074 Eng. Masila, Patrick Mwendwa P.O. Box 103847-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3692 Eng. Masila, Andrew Nguli P.O. Box 6654-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MBA., MIEK
A3106 Eng. Maswan, Rael Jeptoo P.O. Box 49712-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MBA.,MIEK
Eng. Matalanga, Nathaniel Wilson
E352 P.O. Box 2680 -00202 Knh Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MUIPE.,MAAK.,MIEK
A2843 Eng. Matara, Eric Mogambi P.O. Box 7119-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3477 Eng. Matara, Oliver Otieno P.O. Box 33233-00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3182 Eng. Mathai, Grace Mukami P.O. Box 68-50100 Naromoru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2794 Eng. Matheka, Joseph Munyao P.O. Box 50874-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1828 Eng. Mathenge, Isaac K. P.O. Box 73878 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2935 Eng. Mathenge, Ngunjiri P.O. Box 6407-00610 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E231 Eng. Matheri, George Paul Karoki P.O. Box 10836-00100 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc,MIEK
E323 Eng. Prof. Mati, Bancy Mbura P.O. Box 59890 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD.,MIEK., MKSAE
A3388 Eng. Mati, Munene Muverethi P.O. Box 4792-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1921 Eng. Dr. Mativo, John M. P.O. Box 4710 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E170 Eng. Matu, Johnson Mwangi P.O. Box 9699 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc,MIEK
E353 Eng. Maugo, Samuel Nyanchama P.O. Box 12012-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., M.Eng., MIEK., MACEK
E480 Eng. Maundu, Samson Nyika P.O. Box 73878-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3550 Eng. Maundu, Nicholas Musembi P.O Box 12709-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MEng.,MIEK
A2727 Eng. Mavuti, Meshack Mutungi P.O. Box 15397-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3036 Eng. Mawia, Alex Manthi P.O. Box 2271- 90100 Machakos P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2757 Eng. Maweu, Boniface Muli P.O. Box 30043-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2491 Eng. Prof. Mayaka, Abel Nyakundi P.O. Box 3900 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,Ph.D.,MIEK
A2364 Eng. Mbaabu, Peter Patrick P.O. Box 507-60200 Meru P.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MGSK
E387 Eng. Mbachia, Samuel Ng'ethe P.O. Box 33690 - 00600 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MUNEAS
A3083 Eng. Mbae, Ariel Mutegi P.O. Box 23641-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3116 Eng. Mbai, Livingstone Karanja P.O. Box 51417-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3133 Eng. Mbaraka, Carey Francis P.O. Box 7699-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A2189 Eng. Mbarua, Joachim P.O. Box 11873 - 00400 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2576 Eng. Mbavu, M. Sayo P.O. Box 2361-00200 Nairobi P. Eng., BTech.MIEK
A3387 Eng. Mbaya, Daniel Kibaki P.O. Box 41191-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3698 Eng. Mbeche, Oyuko Onyango P.O. Box 21455-00505 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MSc.,PhD.,MASCE.,MASEE.,MKNAS
A3226 Eng. Mbengei, Caroline Mbula P.O. Box 16467-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng., MIEK
A2223 Eng. Mbijiwe, Aron Gitonga P.O. Box 630-00200 Nairobi P.Eng, BSc., MIEK
A2517 Eng. Mbindyo, David Mutie P.O. Box 4487-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A2250 Eng. Mbiti, Francis Kyalo P.O. Box 41191 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3564 Eng. Mbiyu, Medlin Njoki P.O. Box 68805-00610 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1774 Eng. Mbogo, Sospeter F P.O. Box 306 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3014 Eng. Mbogo, Teresa Ng'endo P.O. Box 14094-00800 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2823 Eng. Mbogo, Richard Corado Njiru P.O. Box 499 Embu P.Eng.,BSc, MSc., MIEK
A2138 Eng. Mbugua , Abraham Karanja P.O. Box 16751 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1746 Eng. Mbugua, Francis M. P.O. Box 28710 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3039 Eng. Mbugua, Gathoni Kuria P.O. Box 95-00606 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MSc.,MIEK
A749 Eng. Mbugua George K.N P.O. Box 50645-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., MBA.; C.Eng., MIEK
A3076 Eng. Mbugua, Josphat Mwaura P.O. Box 1184-00618 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E413 Eng. Mbugua,K. Willie P.O.Box 75069 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng,BSc,MIEK
E084 Eng. Mbugua, Kuria N. P.O. Box 14279 -00800 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc,Post Grad. Diploma in Computer
E130 Eng. Mbugua, Philip Muthee P.O. Box 6254-00300 Nairobi
Science, MIEK
A3214 Eng. Mbugua, Simon Miringu P.O. Box 1818-00900 Kiambu P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1577

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2208 Eng. Mbugua, Stephen Onesmus Chege P.O. Box 59014 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.Cons.Eng.,BSc, MSc, MIEK, C.ENG, MICE,
E102 Eng. Mbui, Jonathan M. P.O. Box 1245 - 00606 Nairobi
A2052 Eng. Mbui, James Murithi P.O. Box 41191 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3023 Eng. Mbumbui, Joseph Wanjohi P.O. Box 122-10204 Kiria-Ini P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E312 Eng. Mburu, Francis Gichuho P.O. Box 72444-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc., MIEK
E227 Eng. Mburu, Ikigu Kamau P.O. Box 3539 Thika P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK
A2227 Eng. Mburu, John Njau P.O. Box 30656 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2264 Eng. Mburu, Joseph Irungu P.O. Box 1243 - Ruaraka Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A1167 Eng. Mburu, Joseph Jack P.O. Box 75463 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., AMIEE., MIEK
A3288 Eng. Mburu, Peter Mbugua P.O. Box 1007-621 Ruiru P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2426 Eng. Mburu, Willy Kariuki P.O Box 6414 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3486 Eng. Mburu, John Wainaina P.O. Box 16918-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A1723 Eng. Mburu, Stephen K. P.O. Box 67455-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK., MCIA
A3584 Eng. Mburu , Anthony Kamau P.O. Box 11890-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3200 Eng. Mbuva, James Munguti P.O. Box 78517-00507 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MBA.,MIEK
A3093 Eng. Mbuvi, Isaac Mukeku P.O. Box 93231- 80102 Mombasa P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E328 Eng. Mehta, Nareshkumar S. P.O. Box 49197 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., B.Eng., FIEK
A1652 Eng. Mengich, Maxwell K. P.O. Box 30536 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A1821 Eng. Methu, Paul G. P.O. Box 1249-00515 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A2950 Eng. Miano, Francis Wambugu P.O. Box 28-00618 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2320 Eng. Miano, James Muya P.O. Box 4487 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3097 Eng. Michu, Samuel Isaac Kinyanjui P.O. Box 8189-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E264 Eng. Mimano, Charles Mugo P.O. Box 56075 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,PGDip.,MSc,MIEK
A1879 Eng. Mindri, Shakib P.O. Box 73442-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E204 Eng. Miringu, Samuel Simon P.O. Box 54904 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3103 Eng. Miriti, Dickson Kimathi P.O. Box 10151 -00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1369 Eng. Miriti, Erastus Mwongera P.O. Box 58898 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK.
A3220 Eng. Misere, Christabel Olweny P.O. Box 7656-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A1967 Eng. M'itonga, James M. P.O. Box 46221 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3066 Eng. Mkaya, Dishon Mwawasi P.O. Box 90290 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3274 Eng. Mlewa, Gilbert Garama P.O. Box 42742-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A1524 Eng. M'marete, Celestino Kinyua P.O. Box 47936 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2475 Eng. M'mbolo, Patrick Shilisia P.O. Box 1122 Kakamega P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2606 Eng. M'mutirithia, Bernard Ngore P.O. Box 7605-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3266 Eng. Mocha, Wislay Osindi P.O. Box 44365-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2735 Eng. Mochache, Samuel M. P.O. Box 79002-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.
A3696 Eng. Mogire, Albert Ogetto P.O. Box 4885-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A3468 Eng. Mogiri, Fredrick Ondong‘a P.O. Box 3494-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E299 Eng. Mogusu, Saul O. P.O. Box 30372-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2197 Eng. Mohamed, Abdulrashid Sheikh P.O. Box 540 Garissa P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.Cons. Eng., BSc,MSc, MICE, MFEANI, FIEK,
E100 Eng. Mohamedbhai, Asgarali A. P.O. Box 30156 - 00100 Nairobi
A1269 Eng. Moire, Antony Ooga P.O. Box 46310 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
E256 Eng. Mokenye, E.Onywoki O. P.O. Box 10975 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MSA., MIEK
Eng. Momanyi, Evanson Kennedy
A2906 P.O. Box 40061-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc., MBA.,MIEK
A3369 Eng. Momanyi, Godfrey Marambe P.O. Box 158-00618 Ruaraka P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MAEE.,MPMI., MKGBS.,MIEK
A2879 Eng. Mong'osi, Lilian Kegera P.O. Box 20578-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3345 Eng. Mose, Paul Machuka P.O. Box 90663-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E346 Eng. Mosonik, John Kipngetich P.O. Box 865-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MBA,MSc.,FIEK
A2630 Eng. M'riria, Jeremy Kimathi P.O. Box 68398-00622 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2201 Eng. Muange, Benson Kioko P.O. Box 73442 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2406 Eng. Muasya, Charles Mutinda P.O. Box 18011 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MKSAE MIEK
A3597 Eng. Muche, Kevin Omondi P.O. Box 1283-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
E085 Eng. Muchemi, Kariuki P.O. Box 55176 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK,MIHT, MIET
A3666 Eng. Muchendu, Gideon Kamande P.O Box 1439- 20117 Naivasha P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1565 Eng. Muchilwa, David Amukhuma P.O. Box 8950 - 00300 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3459 Eng. Muchina, Macharia Muriuki P.O. Box 55967- 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,MEng., GICE., MIEK
A1305 Eng. Muchira, Jackson M.M P.O. Box 28356 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A2195 Eng. Muchiri, Daniel Githiria P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2887 Eng. Muchiri, John Mwangi P.O. Box 7810 Kampala P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3433 Eng. Muchiri, Julius P.O. Box 18347-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1625 Eng. Muchiri, Michael P.O. Box 56510 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2720 Eng. Muchiri, Nicholas Gichangi P.O. Box 3148-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2401 Eng. Muchoki, Anthony Kariuki P.O. Box 1419 - 00618 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E201 Eng. Muchugia, Edwin P.O. Box 56054 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2461 Eng. Muchugia, George Kariuki P.O. Box 10222 - 00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,Post Grad.Dip.,MIEK
A3376 Eng. Mucugia, Michael Mwangi P.O. Box 100389-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MAEE.,MIEK
A774 Eng. Muigua, Michael Ikua P.O. Box 53957 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,BSCE., MSCE., MIEK.,PhD
A3420 Eng. Muga, Fredrick Khajira P.O. Box 30028-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3081 Eng. Mugalo, Douglas Musoga P.O. Box 4385-30200 Kitale P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
1578 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2731 Eng. Mugambi, Raymond Kamundi P.O. Box 23525-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2894 Eng. Mugao, Dennis Mutethia P.O. Box 10141-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3276 Eng. Mugera, Winnie Nyaguthii P.O. Box 14595-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E372 Eng. Mugo, David Gitari P.O. Box 54869-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2280 Eng. Mugo, Ephantus Mwangi P.O. Box 35087 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A2241 Eng. Mugo, Michael Gacheru P.O. Box 44001 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3507 Eng. Mugo, Wanjiru P.O Box 50065-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2750 Eng. Mugu, Joseph Muturi P.O. Box 9713-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3510 Eng. Mugun, Julius Kibet P.O Box 17-20208 Kiptugumo P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2017 Eng. Muguna, Nahason Maingi P.O. Box 30871 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E404 Eng. Mugure, Mercy P.O. Box 46093 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2600 Eng. Mugweru, David Ndumbi P.O. Box 27525-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2988 Eng. Muhoro, David Muriuki P.O. Box 52370-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIMIS.,MIEK
A3164 Eng. Muia, Joseph Muli P.O. Box 3802-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A1119 Eng. Muigai, Edward N P.O. Box 61601 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,AMICE.,MIEK
E342 Eng. Muira, Walter Gitau P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E252 Eng. Muiru, Patrick D.Kamunguna P.O. Box 61736 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2135 Eng. Muiru, Richard Joshua P.O. Box 57166 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A2978 Eng. Muiruri, Stephen Mbogo P.O. Box 45297-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3480 Eng. Muiruri, Sospeter Kibe P.O. Box 1680-00232 Ruiru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3492 Eng. Muiruri, Paul Kiarie P.O. Box 1038-00600 Ngara P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1361 Eng. Muita , Benjamin Kinyua P.O. Box 59116-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEE., MIEEE., MIEK
A2655 Eng. Muita, Clive Mukiria P.O. Box 101571-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
E279 Eng. Muita, Sammy Billy Gathuri P.O. Box 63380-00619 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEE.,MIEK
A1663 Eng. Mukangula, Moses K. P.O. Box 190 Kakamega P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3654 Eng. Mukare, Charles Mulewa P.O. Box 90420-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2243 Eng. Muketi, Frederick P.O. P.O. Box 95834 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3443 Eng. Mukhtar, Ahmed Shee P.O. Box 17874-00500 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A921 Eng. Mukiira, Moses M P.O. Box 42634 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc., Dip, Planning Studies(DC)., MIEK
A3678 Eng. Mukindia, Josphat Mutuma P.O. Box 11406-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A1130 Eng. Mukiri, Paul Thumbi P.O. Box 56134 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2694 Eng. Mukui, Alexander Kung‘u P.O. Box 12265-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., Ph.D., M.I.A.C.M., F.C.C.S.,
A1801 Eng. Mukui, Raphael Ngugi P.O. Box 6182 Nairobi
E381 Eng. Mukundi, Samuel Maina P.O. Box 2364 Thika P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E242 Eng. Mulaku, Winstone Odhiambo P.O. Box 49817 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A3571 Eng. Mulaku , Alex Oduor P.O. Box 69568-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3084 Eng. Mulandi, Mike Mutisya P.O. Box 17776-00500 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,CCNA.,MIEK
A3183 Eng. Mule, Robert Maingi P.O. Box 1943-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3168 Eng. Muli, James Moki P.O. Box 21714-00505 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E473 Eng. Muli, Teresia Wairimu P.O. Box 1210-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A2287 Eng. Muli, Fidelis Muema P.O. Box 53904 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3653 Eng. Muli, Tonny Aluni P.O. Box 825-90200 Kitui P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2910 Eng. Mulli, Wasua Geoffrey Peter P.O. Box 13641- 20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
P.O. Box 21 Uhuru Gardens - 00516
A2217 Eng. Mulongo, David Wamukoya P.Eng., B.Tech.,MIEK
A2746 Eng. Mulosi, Vincent Oduor P.O. Box 1607-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc. MIEK
A3253 Eng. Mulwa, Denis Musyoka P.O. Box 99227-80107 Mombasa P.Eng.,BTech., MSc.,MIEK
A3614 Eng. Mulwa, Kelvin Ndangili P.O. Box 6586-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2725 Eng. Muma, James Opere P.O. Box 133-40100 Kericho P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E319 Eng. Mumali, Christopher M P.O. Box 3550-00506 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc., MIEK., M.C.I.B.S.E.
E040 Eng. Mumenya, Siphila W. P.O. Box 19320 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK
A2844 Eng. Mumia, Benjamin Wamukoya P.O. Box 6247-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2418 Eng. Mumo, David Mututo P.O. Box 403292, Gaborone, Botswana P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3177 Eng. Munanu, Jeremiah Kanyaruru P.O. Box 38236-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
P.O. Box 11568 Zwartkop 0051,
A2142 Eng. Munda, Josiah Lange P.Eng, MSc., MKSEEE.,MIEK
Centurion, South Africa
A2034 Eng. Mundinia, Peter Mbuthia P.O. Box 4129 - 00506 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2068 Eng. Mungai, George Guchu P.O. Box 5780 -00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3135 Eng. Mungai, Michael Kamau P.O. Box 701 Naivasha P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1880 Eng. Mungania, Gilbert K. P.O. Box 7755- 00300 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.I.E.K.
A2474 Eng. Mungatana, Mwaka P.O. Box 731 Ruaraka-Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3151 Eng. Mungo, Andrew Mutulei P.O. Box 10529 -00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MSc., MIEK
E261 Eng. Mung'oo, Patrick Mwendwa P.O. Box 2721 Gaborone Botswana P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK
A1059 Eng. Muni, Reuben Kimani P.O. Box 58108 Nairobi P.Eng., B.E, M.E.,MIEK
A2325 Eng. Munialo, Patrick Wanyonyi P.O. Box 829-50200 Bungoma P.Eng., BSc.,MPhil.,MSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A2682 Eng. Munialo, Tom S. P.O. Box 30020-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc., MIEK
A2114 Eng. Muniu, Salviseus Kimani P.O. Box 32203 - 00600 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2801 Eng. Munoru, Grace Murithi P.O. Box 23-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E433 Eng. Munuku Gabriel Karanja P.O. Box 9282-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3430 Eng. Munuve, Jackson Musyoka P.O. Box 1336-00618 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2850 Eng. Munyao, Paul Wambua P.O. Box 68053 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1579

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2891 Eng. Munyi, Catherine Wanjiku P.O. Box 141-00900 Kiambu P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3032 Eng. Munyoki, Shammah Kiteme P.O. Box 20-00220 Kijabe P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3068 Eng. Munywoki, Alfred Mwaniki P.O. Box 31 Garissa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3545 Eng. Muok, George Otieno P.O Box 100916-00101 Nairobi P.Eng., BEng.,MIEK
A1764 Eng. Muragara , Joseck Njagi P.O. Box 19456 Nairobi P.Eng ,.B.Eng., M.I.C.E., MIEK
A2265 Eng. Murage, Joseph P.O. Box 1900 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2638 Eng. Murage, Joseph Kanani P.O. Box 355-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BTech.,MIEK
E143 Eng. Muraguri, James Peter P.O. Box 79631 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2575 Eng. Muraguri, Stephen Kimani P.O. Box 1209-00618 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK
A3321 Eng. Muraguri, Wilfred Mwangi P.O. Box 59715 -00200 Nairobi P.Eng. BSc.MIEK
A918 Eng. Muraya, Joseph N.W P.O. Box 83660 Mombasa P.Eng. BSc.MIEK
E111 Eng. Mureithi, James M. P.O.Box 15358-00509 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK
A2981 Eng. Mureithi, Reginah Wanjiku P.O. Box 1902-00621 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3208 Eng. Murguiya, Peter Kirwa P.O. Box 41191-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2259 Eng. Murigi, Peter Irungu P.O. Box 12257 - 00400 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3652 Eng. Murigi, Angela Muthoni P.O. Box 1934-10200 Nanyuki P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2819 Eng. Muriithi, Charles Macharia P.O. Box 75093-00200 Nairobi P.Eng ,MEng,BSc, MIEK
E420 Eng. Muriithi, Daudi Murimi P.O. Box 75093-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2684 Eng. Muriithi, Eric Irungu P.O. Box 48674-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E087 Eng. Muriithi, Rufus I. P.O Box 75093 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK, Lic. Water Eng.
A3622 Eng. Muriithi, Martin Waweru P.O. Box 15005-00509 Langata P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
E245 Eng. Murila, Caleb Ingusu P.O. Box 54071-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., B.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3233 Eng. Muringi, Emma Njoki P.O. Box 2824-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
E419 Eng. Murithi, George Kimathi P.O. Box 101245-00101 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2987 Eng. Murithi, Humphrey Reche P.O. Box 2761-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A3559 Eng. Muriu , Paul Gaturu P.O. Box 5618-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1594 Eng. Muriuki, Charles Mwenda P.O. Box 35355 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1866 Eng. Muriuki, Ephraim T. P.O. Box 56871 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3082 Eng. Muriuki, James Kinyua P.O. Box 221 Meru P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc, Dr. MIEK
E081 Eng. Muriuki, Joseph M. P.O. Box 9333-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E407 Eng. Muriuki, Maina P.O. Box 32368 - 00600 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., B.Tech., MIEK
E442 Eng. Murugi, Alexander Mbugua P.O. Box 1865-00900 Kiambu P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MAAK,ACIArb.,MIEK
A3162 Eng. Murunga, Musa Madzanza P.O. Box 5856 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2878 Eng. Murungi, Philip Ng‘aru P.O. Box 2897-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1061 Eng. Murungi, Geoffrey Mutegi P.O. Box 78025 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK., AMICE
A3107 Eng. Musa, Elijah Ochieng‘ P.O. Box 48388-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng., MIEK
A3247 Eng. Musau, Amos Mutinda P.O. Box 41191-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
E110 Eng. Musau, Mwalimu K. P.O. Box 19253 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,MSc, MIEK, MERB
A2885 Eng. Musau, Peter Duilio P.O. Box 85306-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2751 Eng. Musau, Stanley Kalile P.O. Box 18084-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MBA.,MIEK
A3676 Eng. Musilu, Judith Mali P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E383 Eng. Musindayi, Stephen Bahati P.O. Box 16694 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,MSc.,MIEK
A3412 Eng. Musingi, Dorcas Mutheu P.O. Box 20948-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MPhil.,MIEK
E376 Eng. Musiomi, Timothy Musembe P.O. Box 22483 - 00400 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E378 Eng. Musis, Pius Opiyo Owaga P.O. Box 60485 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MEng.,MIEK
A3714 Eng. Musonye, Fenwicks Shombe P.O. Box 1456 Kakamega P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MAEE.,MNQI., MPMI.,MAEP
A2670 Eng. Musuni, Augustine Kalatta P.O. Box 67624-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
E486 Eng. Musuni, Nicholas Mulinge P.O. Box 67624-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc,MCIArb.,MIEK
A1930 Eng. Mususi, Allan K. P.O. Box 48 Makuyu P.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MKSAE
A2093 Eng. Musyoka, Anthony Mwendwa P.O. Box 62183 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2765 Eng. Musyoka, Cornelius Musembi P.O. Box 402-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3358 Eng. Musyoka, Godwin Kunikila P.O. Box 86-90205 Kabati P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2931 Eng. Musyoka, Samson Mukiti P.O. Box 3707-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3110 Eng. Musyoka, Urbanus Kioko P.O. Box 103409-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3415 Eng. Musyoka, Peter Mulandi P.O. Box 1766-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2013 Eng. Mutahi, James Muiruri P.O. Box 4080-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3287 Eng. Mutai, Robert Kipkurui P.O. Box 64 Litein P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3721 Eng. Mutai, Davis Kipkoech P.O Box 111 Bomet P.Eng.,BEng., MIEK
E406 Eng. Mutala, Gideon Nzioki P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., M.I.C.E., MIEK
E123 Eng. Mutea, Eustace Kithinji P.O. Box 1955 -00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK, AMICE
E467 Eng. Mutema, James Kanyua P.O. Box 42553-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3685 Eng. Mutemi, Kelvin Mwangangi P.O. Box 8593-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3428 Eng. Mutethia, David Kinoti P.O. Box 38661-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3530 Eng. Muthamia, Daisy Karimi P.O Box 69882-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3294 Eng. Muthee, Samuel Manthi P.O. Box 29882-00202 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
A3642 Eng. Muthee, Kevin Karanja P.O. Box 29882-00202 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1597 Eng. Muthumbi, Josphat Mugo P.O. Box 1306 Thika P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E385 Eng. Muthungu, Justus Musyimi P.O. Box 13479-00800 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1981 Eng. Muthuuri, George Murithi P.O. Box 13497 - 00800 Nairobi P.Eng., B.E, CMIE ( India ), MIEK
A3370 Eng. Mutinda, Lucy Wanjiku P.O. Box 27361-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2824 Eng. Mutinda, Stephen Wambua P.O. Box 30372-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3005 Eng. Mutiso, Jackson Nthuku P.O. Box 412-90200 Kitui P.Eng.,BTech.,MPhil.,MIEK
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Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2968 Eng. Mutisya, Gideon Wambua P.O. Box 103931-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2395 Eng. Mutitu, Peter Mwaniki P.O. Box 2348 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3504 Eng. Mutitu, Michael Wainaina P.O Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A591 Eng. Mutitu, Crispus Njuku P.O Box 53369 -00200 P.Eng., BSc., MICE.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,
E347 Eng. Mutonga, David Manasses P.O. Box 79626 - 00200 Nairobi
A2888 Eng. Mutonyi, David Muruthi P.O. Box 21714-00505 Nairobi P.Eng.,MEng., MIEK
E083 Eng. Mutonyi, Isaiah K.W. P.O. Box 21714 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, FIEK, MICE,MKGS, C.Eng
A2799 Eng. Mutua, Andrew Kithome P.O. Box 13817-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2660 Eng. Mutua, Antony Mwendwa P.O. Box 40365-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
E287 Eng. Mutua. Joackim M. P.O. Box 30547 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., FIEK
A2671 Eng. Mutua, Patrick Mutuku P.O. Box 9749-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2410 Eng. Mutuerandu, Silas M. P.O. Box 205 - 60100 Embu P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3440 Eng. Mutuku, Kitonga P.O. Box 7957-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A1274 Eng. Prof. Mutuku, Raphael N.N P.O. Box 74658 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., MIEK
A3532 Eng. Mutuku, Richard Mutunga P.O Box 819-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E351 Eng. Mutulili, Jane Wanjiru P.O. Box 64723-00620 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A3411 Eng. Mutunga, Charles Mukeku P.O. Box 14972-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc MIEK
E335 Eng. Mutunga, Charles Nzuki P.O. Box 2379 - 60100 Machakos P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3627 Eng. Mutungi, Dereck Musyimi P.O. Box 41604-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A2191 Eng. Mutuohoro, David Ndirangu P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng., MSc., MIEK
A2553 Eng. Mutura, John Gaitho P.O. Box 7369 - 00100 Nairobi P. Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3505 Eng. Muturi, James Gathitu P.O Box 106346-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A1202 Eng. Mutwangao, Francis J.M P.O. Box 4951 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MROSPA., MKIA
A3199 Eng. Muumbo, Alex Munyasya P.O. Box 56801-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MSc., PhD., MIEK
A1370 Eng. Muverethi, Nikasius Mati P.O. Box 39890 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIIE., MIEK
A3279 Eng. Muyonga, Yolanda Alaka P.O. Box 76145-00508 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1738 Eng. Mwachi, Christopher A.M P.O. Box 51186 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3250 Eng. Mwadzame, Kuta Omar P.O. Box 8343-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2760 Eng. Mwagodi, Lawrence Mghana P.O. Box 205-60100 Embu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E466 Eng. Mwai, Nicholas Kariuki P.O. Box 26603-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E461 Eng. Mwai, Paul Kamati P.O. Box 69655-00400 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2185 Eng. Mwai, Anthony Muraguri P.O. Box 59880 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3278 Eng. Mwakio, Jacob Mshambala P.O. Box 174-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1601 Eng. Mwakio, Wilhelm Mwandau P.O. Box 415 Karuri P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E338 Eng. Mwalimo, Gilbert M. P.O. Box 30020 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., FCIBSE.,MIEK
E214 Eng. Mwalwala, Hezekiah M. P.O Box 151 - 40100 Kisumu P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E250 Eng. Mwamba, Silvester Kinyua P.O. Box 210 Nkubu P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2723 Eng. Mwangangi, Anthony Kiluku P.O. Box 10999-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3349 Eng. Mwangangi, Dennis Maithya P.O. Box 6070-01000 Thika P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2308 Eng. Mwangi, Benson Mutugi P.O. Box 30020 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2224 Eng. Mwangi, Danson Mucue P.O. Box 73652 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E439 Eng. Prof. Mwangi, Elijah Mabi P.O. Box 30197 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,PhD.,MIEE.,FIEK
A2747 Eng. Mwangi, Esther Waitherero P.O. Box 18425-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc. MIEK
A3254 Eng. Mwangi, Francis Kibara P.O. Box 1038-00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2766 Eng. Mwangi, Francis Mbugua P.O. Box 14-50100 Kakamega P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E421 Eng. Mwangi, Francis Ndegwa P.O. Box 161-00300 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E437 Eng. Mwangi, Geoffrey Kigotho P.O. Box 5769-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MCIArb.,MIEK
E313 Eng. Mwangi, Harrison Kiarie P.O. Box 21997-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2916 Eng. Mwangi, Henry Kariuki P.O. Box 64937-00620 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2702 Eng. Mwangi, Hiram Muturi P.O. Box 22635-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BTech.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MACEK (UK)., MPI
E213 Eng. Mwangi, James Njoroge P.O. Box 16989 - 00620 Nairobi
15 Gibson Drive, Buccleuch Sandton
A2353 Eng. Mwangi, James Riunga P.Eng., BSc., MIEK, MKIEA
2196 R.S.A.
A1317 Eng. Mwangi, Jim N. Riitho P.O. Box 14279-00800 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2495 Eng. Mwangi, Joshua Kamau P.O. Box 26598-00504 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2632 Eng. Mwangi, Julius Irungu P.O. Box 32398-00600 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2456 Eng. Mwangi, Justin Muna P.O. Box 58048 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E239 Eng. Mwangi, Kuria Joseph P.O. Box 26694 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1713 Eng. Mwangi, Lawrence Wainaina P.O. Box 30666 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1758 Eng. Mwangi Meshack Benson P.O. Box 2057-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3464 Eng. Mwangi, Patrick Kimani P.O. Box 20609- 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2897 Eng. Mwangi, Peninah Kabura P.O. Box 15691-00503 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2862 Eng. Mwangi, Reuben Waithaka P.O. Box 524 Nyahururu P.Eng.,BTech., MPhil.,MIEK
A2064 Eng. Mwangi, Samuel Ndiritu P.O. Box 15878-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3024 Eng. Mwangi, Solomon P.O. Box 75692-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3555 Eng. Mwangi, John Keru P.O. Box 344-10101 Karatina P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3716 Eng. Mwangi, David Ngibuini P.O. Box 72742-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MAEE.,MIEK
A2800 Eng. Mwangi, Godfrey Maina P.O. Box 1516-40100 Kisumu P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3594 Eng. Mwangi, Joseph Karuri P.O. Box 62-00208 Ngong Hills P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E394 Eng. Mwangi, Benjamin P.O. Box 8025-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1581

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2602 Eng. Mwangi, Jacinta Wairimu P.O. Box 4964-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2571 Eng. Mwangi, Sylvia Muthoni P.O. Box 20578-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A1683 Eng. Mwangi, James G. P.O. Box 61117 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E284 Eng. Mwaniki, Andrew Wahome P.O. Box 54529-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., MIEE., C.ENG.
A2371 Eng. Mwaniki, David Patrick P.O. Box 106 Nyeri
E494 Eng. Mwaniki, James Muiruri P.O. Box 308 - 00618 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3114 Eng. Mwaniki, Wilson Njoroge P.O. Box 7121-01000 Thika P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E274 Eng. Mwaniki, Albert Kung‘u P.O. Box 100132-00101 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2697 Eng. Mwanthi, Johnstone Mutisya P.O. Box 419-90200 Kitui P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
E082 Eng. Mwarania, Sebastian M. P.O. Box 67693 - 00200 Nairobi P Cons.Eng. BSc, MIEK, MAAK
A3515 Eng. Mwarangu, Sheila Wairimu P.O Box 53980-00200 Nairobi
A1186 Eng. Mwasame, Wanyonyi H P.O. Box 460 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., Post Grad.Dip.,MIEK
A3073 Eng. Mwashigadi, Fanuel Kiwinga P.O. Box 2975-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E176 Eng. Mwatu, John Mwicha P.O. Box 58510 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1434 Eng. Mwaura Gabriel D.N P.O. Box 51122 Nairobi P.Eng., Dipl., MISA., MIEK
A1473 Eng. Mwaura, Raphael Njoroge P.O. Box 1035-0618 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3498 Eng. Mwaura, Samuel Kamau P.O Box 23751-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2738 Eng. Mwaura, Samuel Mwangi P.O. Box 48476-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A3442 Eng. Mwawasi, Hilary Mwangeka P.O. Box 93230-80102 Mombasa P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., MSc. (AGRIC.), Ph.D.,MIEK - Bio
A2294 Eng. Mwawasi, Philemon Mwamburi P.O. Box 28761 - 00200 Nairobi
Resouces, AAAK,JSAE., JSAS
A1593 Eng. Mwawasi, Stanley Wamwandu P.O. Box 79112 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E003 Eng. Prof. Mwea, Sixtus Kinyua P.O. Box 777-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.BSc,MSc.,PhD.,MIEK
A2729 Eng. Mwema, Nathan P.O. Box 72444-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A3129 Eng. Mwenga, Mathew Waita P.O. Box 13039-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MSc.,MSPE., MEI.,MIMMM., MIEK
E427 Eng. Mwero, John Nyiro P.O. Box 180 Kilifi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., PhD., MIEK
A3417 Eng. Mwihaki, Hosea Ndungu P.O. Box 34942-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3257 Eng. Mwinyi, Mwinyi Mwinyikombo P.O. Box 85528-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E168 Eng. Mwinzi, Patrick Mule P.O. Box 237 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc,MSc,MIEK,AMCIA
A1811 Eng. Mwirichia, Kaburu P.O. Box 2194 - 00202 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E451 Eng. Mwirigi, Richard Kinoti P.O. Box 103409-00101 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MSc.,MACEK., MIEK
E225 Eng. Mwitari, Ndoria James P.O Box 393 - 00618 Ruaraka P.Cons. Eng; BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2825 Eng. Mwonga, Nicodemus Kyalo P.O. Box 30028-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2178 Eng. Mwongela, Paul Wambua P.O. Box 30163 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E133 Eng. Mwongera, Erastus Kabutu P.O. Box 73485-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, FIEK
A1411 Eng. Mwongo, Edward Mugambi P.O. Box 46715-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2613 Eng. Myatu, Daniel Mutisya P. P.O. Box 575-00618 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK.,MIEEE.,MIET
A2126 Eng. Nabende, Maurice Simiyu P.O. Box 3312 Kitale P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E398 Eng. Nalyanya, Peter Otaya P.O. Box 10529 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK., MKSAE
A2597 Eng. Namale, Rose Nyawira P.O. Box 52637-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3536 Eng. Namaswa, Maureen Sikhoya P.O Box 54028-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E238 Eng. Nambafu, Caiphas Wafula P.O. Box 82 Nyahururu P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1903 Eng. Nchoe, Johnson P.Ole P.O. Box 25149 -020 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3484 Eng. Ndalo, Joshua Ouma P.O. Box 62967-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.O. Box Huguenot Street 06
A2105 Eng. Ndambuki, Julius Musyoka P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
Vanderbijlpark 1911 South Africa
A1690 Eng. Ndeda, Maurice O. P.O. Box 9708-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1185 Eng. Ndeda, Maurice Otieno P.O. Box 30170-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1876 Eng. Ndeda, Thomas O P.O. Box 30079 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3111 Eng. Ndege, Albert Owuor P.O. Box 34751-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1412 Eng. Ndegwa, Evanson Muhiu P.O. Box 376 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3641 Eng. Ndegwa, David Wambugu P.O. Box 31959-00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
E092 Eng. Ndemi, John M. P.O. Box 32097 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MASCE, MIEK, AMIHE
A1569 Eng. Ndereba, James Muriithi P.O. Box 6225 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E187 Eng. Nderi, Simon Kariuki P.O. Box 49320 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc. MSc., MIEK
E468 Eng. Nderitu, Charles Macharia P.O. Box 3166-10140 Nyeri P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2484 Eng. Nderitu, Michael Ndirangu P. O. Box 38889 - 00623 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc,MIEK
A3222 Eng. Ndetei, Evelyn Nduku P.O. Box 72014-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A3540 Eng. Ndeti, Kevin Ndavi P.O Box 35291-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1677 Eng. Ndiba, Peter K. P.O. Box 10344 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1540 Eng. Ndiema, Laban Roland Tendet P.O. Box 50271 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E369 Eng. Ndiewo, Dick Omondi P.O. Box 231-00507 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3366 Eng. Ndiku, Josephat Mutuku P.O. Box 59807-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E124 Eng. Ndinika, Stephen Waireri P.O. Box 62315-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc,MSc, MIEK
A3447 Eng. Ndirangu, James Kamau P.O. Box 18459-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2953 Eng. Ndirangu, Julius Gathua P.O. Box 73604-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2479 Eng. Ndirangu, Samuel Njuguna P.O. Box 3736-01002 Thika P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2159 Eng. Ndiritu, Daniel Ndirangu P.O. Box 23058-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2905 Eng. Ndiritu, Hiram Muriithi P.O. Box 62000-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MSc.,PhD.,MIEK
A2689 Eng. Ndiritu, Joseph P.O. Box 372 Nyeri P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
1582 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2903 Eng. Ndiritu, Samuel Githinji P.O. Box 3952-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3124 Eng. Ndiritu, Solomon Ngatia P.O. Box 1007-00502 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1613 Eng. Ndiritu, Paul Githumbi P.O. Box 335 Uthiru P.Eng., BSc., MASK., MISASI., MAIAA.,MIEK
A3249 Eng. Ndolo, Raphael Kimeu P.O. Box 24068-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E165 Eng. Nduati, Peter Hiram P.O. Box 40669 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MICE.,MIEK
E255 Eng. Ndugah, Henry Adongo P.O. Box 24103-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2587 Eng. Nduguyu, Gilbert Tindivale P.O. Box 1583-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1655 Eng. Ndulu, Wilfred K. P.O. Box 30079 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2367 Eng. Ndumia, Patrick Wagura P.O. Box 4878 Thika P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2110 Eng. Ndunda, Anastasia Ndinda P.O. Box 439- 00204 Athi River P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3695 Eng. Ndunda, Japheth Mutuku P.O. Box 205 Embu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3400 Eng. Ndung‘u, Cephanie Muthami P.O. Box 28615-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3455 Eng. Ndung‘u, Francis Mungai P.O. Box 14548- 00800 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2645 Eng. Ndungi, John Mutu P.O. Box 1155 Wundanyi P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E020 Eng. Ndungu, Daniel Njogu P.O. Box 59763 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc,MICE,MIEK,MIWEM,MWAB
A3206 Eng. Ndungu, Owen Munene P.O. Box 151 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3562 Eng. Ndung‘u , Samuel Wanyoike P.O. Box 773-00605 Uthiru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3649 Eng. Ndung‘u, Reuben Kiarie P.O. Box 1733-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3660 Eng. Ndwiga, Joseph Nyaga P.O. Box 690-00623 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3538 Eng. Nena, Peter Onyango P.O Box 664-00606 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2285 Eng. Nengo, Kennedy Musungu P.O. Box 18 - 00517 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Eng., MIEK
A3592 Eng. Ngaa, Martin Mukosi P.O. Box 548-00204 Athi River P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2971 Eng. Ngaca, Angela Wanjira P.O. Box 3015-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3463 Eng. Ngamau, Francis Njino P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2663 Eng. Ng'ang'a, Andrew Manguriu P.O. Box 57866-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2339 Eng. Nganga, John Mburu P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.O. Box 463 Sarit Centre 00606
A1779 Eng. Ng'ang'a , Joseph Njogu P.Eng., BSc., Msc. MIEK
A3409 Eng. Nganga, Phyllis Njoki P.O. Box 977-00902 Kikuyu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2838 Eng. Ng'ang'a, Rose Wanjiru P.O. Box 105559-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E367 Eng. Ngare, Livingstone Maina P.O. Box 52211-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
E091 Eng. Ngare, Stephen M. P.O. Box 60731 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., M.E.S., MIEK
E476 Eng. Ngari, Michael Gichuhi P.O. Box 2813-01000 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MBA., MIEK
E219 Eng. Ngari, Silas Njeru P.O Box 19942 - 00202 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E341 Eng. Ngari, Martin Mureithi P.O. Box 97016 Mombasa P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1951 Eng. Ngatia, Symon M. P.O. Box 866 Thika P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3301 Eng. Ngelechei, Josiah Kiprono P.O. Box 15024-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A1773 Eng. Ng'eno, Alexander Kiprono P.O. Box 11567 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3363 Eng. Ng‘eno, Kipkemoi P.O. Box 352-20400 Bomet P.Eng.BEng., MIEK
A2991 Eng. Ng'era, Samuel Mbugua P.O. Box 66788-00800 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2478 Eng. Ngesu, Bernard Kilundo P.O Box 3680 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A3608 Eng. Ng‘etich, Victor Kiptanui P.O. Box 10629-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc., MA., MIEK
A2749 Eng. Ngetich, Priscilla Jebotip P.O. Box 1877 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech. MIEK
A2338 Eng. Ngigi, Colin Muturi P.O. Box 1034 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3356 Eng. Ngigi, Eugene Jason Kariuki P.O. Box 58097- 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2278 Eng. Ngigi, Francis Njuguna P.O. Box 2931 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2659 Eng. Ngigi, Laban Ndegwa P.O. Box 442-60200 Meru P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A3231 Eng. Ngigi, Anthony Ng‘ang‘a P.O Box 9729-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MA., MIEK
A3154 Eng. Ngiri, Kennedy Kangangi P.O. Box 48674-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3686 Eng. Ng‘iti, Joram Josiah Ng'iti P.O. Box 73659-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
A3204 Eng. Ngocho, Boniface Mathenge P.O. Box 1770-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MBA.,MIEK
A3210 Eng. Ngokonyo, David Mwangi P.O. Box 40887-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E044 Eng. Ngokonyo, Francis W. P.0. Box 40887 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEE, C.Eng, FIEK
A3174 Eng. Ngondo, Jeremiah Thuku P.O. Box 64203-00620 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
Eng. Ngoo, Livingstone Mwalugha
A3092 P.O. Box 58311-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,MSc.,PhD.,MIEK
E429 Eng. Ngotho, Margaret W. P.O. Box 47415 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MBA., MCIArb., FIEK
A3346 Eng. Ngugi, Christopher Mwaura P.O. Box 7470-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3451 Eng. Ngugi, Daniel Maina P.O. Box 15468- 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1227 Eng. Ngugi, Evanson Mina P.O. Box 54741 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., P.G. Dip. (Env.Eng.).,MIEK
A2982 Eng. Ngugi, Hannah Nyambara P.O. Box 141-00900 Kiambu P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., Post Grad. Dip. In Environmental
A2257 Eng. Ngugi, Henry Gakuru P.O. Box 9678 - 00200 Nairobi
Engineering, GCI BS (UK) MIEK
A3419 Eng. Ngugi, Kevin Njuguna P.O. Box 24115-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3049 Eng. Ngugi, Nicholas Njonge P.O. Box 2845-60100 Embu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A978 Eng. Ngugi, Peter J.K P.O. Box 55087 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., FIEK
A2445 Eng. Ngugi,George Nyoike P.O. Box 64279 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A1710 Eng. Ngugi, Francis Muiruri P.O. Box 8090-00300 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A493 Eng. Nguiguti, Joseph P.O. Box 11354-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., AMICE., MAWA., MWPCF.,MIEK
A2469 Eng. Nguli, Stephen Kavindu P.O. Box 279-00242 Kitengela P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3421 Eng. Ngumbi, Elijah Nthenge P.O. Box 266-00242 Kitengela P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2059 Eng. Ngumo, Wolleston Denson K. P.O. Box 60756 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Eng., M.Eng., MIEK, GICE.
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1583

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3357 Eng. Ngunjiri, Joseph Mwangi P.O. Box 67157-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3118 Eng. Ngunjiri, Paul Karara P.O. Box 56272-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1596 Eng. Ngunyangi, Timothy Gacanja P.O. Box 73660 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
E235 Eng. Ngure, Joseph Jeremiah P.O. Box 849 Nyeri P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MICE., MIEK
A1790 Eng. Ngure, Peter K P.O. Box 64482 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., M.K.S.A.E., MIEK
A2295 Eng. Ngure, Simon Njanja P.O. Box 47936 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng. , BSc., MIEK., MAEE (SA), MAEE (USA)
A2770 Eng. Nguru, John Kamau P.O. Box 63-00205 Magadi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2883 Eng. Nguru, Silas Mugendi P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1763 Eng. Nguturi, Walter Karanja P.O. Box 14680-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK., M.I.C.E.
A3077 Eng. Nguuni, Samuel Mwangi P.O. Box 10902-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E002 Eng. Ngware, Runji P.O Box 68053,Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc,MSc,MIEK,MACEK.
A3616 Eng. Ngware, Richard Francis Ngaru P.O. Box 2724-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E126 Eng. Njaaga, John Wango P.O.Box 73604 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEE.,MKIM.,MIEK
A1958 Eng. Njaggah, Peter M. P.O. Box 424 Ruaraka P.Eng, BSc.,MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MASAE, MSAIAE, G.Eng.,
A2168 Eng. Njagi, Albert Mugo P.O. Box 559 - 00502 Nairobi
E050 Eng. Njagi, Daniel J.G P.O. Box 72649 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc, C.Eng., MIEK, MICE
A3224 Eng. Njane, Sylvia Wairimu P.O. Box 9882-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2779 Eng. Njau, David Njoka P.O. Box 59385-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2207 Eng. Njenga, Benjamin Kahura P.O. Box 843 Kikuyu P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E175 Eng. Njenga, Nathan G. P.O Box 76664 - 00508 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc., MIEK.
A3120 Eng. Njenga, Peter Karanja P.O. Box 177-00902 Kikuyu P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3087 Eng. Njenga, Peter Waweru P.O. Box 1514-00502 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2795 Eng. Njerenga, Valeriano Nyaga P.O. Box 14105 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3454 Eng. Njeri, Benjamin Wachira P.O. Box 827- 00518 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2156 Eng. Njeru, Gideon Gachoki P.O. Box 6560 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3145 Eng. Njeru, Patrick Namu P.O. Box 4098-01002 Madaraka Thika P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2653 Eng. Njeru, Teddy Mutwiri P.O. Box 75093-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A3228 Eng. Njeru, Purity Karimi P.O. Box 50138-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MSc., MIEK
A2380 Eng. Njiraini, Ginalius Joseph P.O. Box 344 Wang'uru P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E401 Eng. Njiru, John Kithinji P.O. Box 101349-00101 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1416 Eng. Njiru, Obed Eliphas P.O. Box 87822 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2654 Eng. Njiru, Eston Kimathi P.O. Box 62015-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2657 Eng. Njogu, Patrick Kathuri P.O. Box 792-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc., MIEK
E089 Eng. Njoka , John N. P.O. Box 59385 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, POST GRAD. DIPL, MIEK
A3286 Eng. Njomo, James Maina P.O. Box 7797-01000 Thika P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2122 Eng. Njonge, Michael Mucheru P.O. Box 1480 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E067 Eng. Njora, Daniel W. P.O. Box 75093 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc,C.Eng, FIEK
A2975 Eng. Njoroge, Anthony Wachira P.O. Box 2044-00621 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2776 Eng. Njoroge, Francis Kimani P.O. Box 705-00605 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, M.Eng., MIEK
E108 Eng. Njoroge, George M. P.O.Box 53748 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., Diploma., C.Eng.,MIEE.,MIEK
A3115 Eng. Njoroge, James Githui P.O. Box 3953-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,ME.,MIEK
A2743 Eng. Njoroge, James Ngugi P.O. Box 48674-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
P.Cons. Eng., BSc., MBA., FIEK., MIEE., C.Eng. (
E180 Eng. Njoroge, Joseph Kibere P.O. Box 12101 - 00400 Nairobi
UK )
A2127 Eng. Njoroge, Kenneth D.K P.O. Box 33698 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2435 Eng. Njoroge, Kirika P.O Box 16031 - 00610 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.MIEK
A2050 Eng. Njoroge, Robert Kariuki P.O. Box 397 Ruaraka Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E325 Eng. Njoroge, Robert Ngari P.O. Box 52435 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3663 Eng. Njoroge, Maurice Kagwi P.O. Box 13786-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3615 Eng. Njue, Lawrence Mutugi P.O. Box 56872-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2967 Eng. Njuguna, Ernest Mburu P.O. Box 60057-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A2808 Eng. Njuguna, Henry Ndungu P.O. Box 90401-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3011 Eng. Njuguna, John Waweru P.O. Box 3854-01002 Thika P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3609 Eng. Njuguna, Samuel Njoroge P.O. Box 7559-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
E090 Eng. Njui , Karanja P.O.Box 52596 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E228 Eng. Njurumba, Kamau Peter P.O Box 212 - 00206 Kiserian P.Cons, Eng., MSc, MIEK
E120 Eng. Nkadayo, Joseph Nakodony P.O. Box 35362 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc,MIEK
A1964 Eng. Noor, Idd Isika P.O. Box 66974 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E472 Eng. Noorani, Mohsin Alladina P.O. Box 43027 Mombasa P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3213 Eng. Ntabo, Barbage Monyenye P.O. Box 1605-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2869 Eng. Nthakyo, Daniel Mutuku P.O. Box 13691-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E247 Eng. Nyaanga, Hilary J.N P.O. Box 10550-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., FIEK
A2354 Eng. Nyabuto, Kevin Obwocha P.O. Box 49224 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3680 Eng. Nyabuto, James Karori P.O. Box 7328 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2848 Eng. Nyaga, Erich Kiruja P.O. Box 1189-00208 Ngong Hills P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E462 Eng. Nyaga, Kenedy Gitonga P.O. Box 14802-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3248 Eng. Nyaga, Titus Elijah Munene P.O. Box 1355-60100 Embu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3664 Eng. Nyagah, Anthony Mugendi P.O. Box 1992-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
Eng. Nyagah, Erastus Timothy
A1955 P.O. Box 30173 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A1784 Eng. Nyagilo, Charles Edward P.O. Box 12553 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
1584 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

E326 Eng. Nyaguti, John Otieno P.O. Box 19632-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK., MKSAE
Eng. Nyagwoka, Dennis Desmond
A3674 P.O. Box 79491-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2514 Eng. Nyakundi, Simeon Onyiego P.O. Box 30043-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK,MASCE,
E088 Eng. Nyakundi, Wilfred O. P.O. Box 73308 Nairobi
A3407 Eng. Nyamai, Augustine Munyao P.O. Box 34942-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2661 Eng. Nyamai, Joshua Muema P.O. Box 48453-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A3026 Eng. Nyamao, Nelson Atandi P.O. Box 73718-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2076 Eng. Nyambaka, Joel Atuti P.O. Box 19031 -00501 Embakasi P.Eng., BSc., M.I.E.K.
A2964 Eng. Nyambane, Gladson Mogire P.O. Box 69029-00622 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2330 Eng. Nyambariga, Wilson Osoro N. P.O. Box 66741 - 00800 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc. MIEK
A3052 Eng. Nyambok, Silas Ogut P.O. Box 487-00204 Athi River P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2774 Eng. Nyamila, William Okoth P.O. Box 19518-40123 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc, AMCIA, MIEK
A3436 Eng. Nyamota, Gibson Keere P.O. Box 41972-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2855 Eng. Nyamu, Charles Gakuhah P.O. Box 3534-01002 Madaraka, Thika P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3292 Eng. Nyamwalo, Viviane Josephine P.O. Box 7123-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3561 Eng. Nyamweya , Denis Ongote P.O. Box 481-40202 Keroka P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., MIEK., MACEK.,
E203 Eng. Nyanchaga, Ezekiel Nyangeri P.O. Box 72398 - 00200 Nairobi
A2309 Eng. Nyanchama, Godfrey Ondieki P.O. Box 470 Nakuru P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3012 Eng. Nyandwaro, Agnes Bonnie P.O. Box 45283-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A3373 Eng. Nyang‘au, Eric Minda P.O. Box 270-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MSc.,MIEK
A2704 Eng. Nyang'au, Stephen Nyakondo P.O. Box 3447-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A3502 Eng. Nyang‘au, Thomas Mogoi P.O Box 3494-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1708 Eng. Nyangaga, Kenneth P.O. Box 4688 - 00506 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1836 Eng. Prof. Nyang'aya, James Akuno P.O. Box 18130-00500 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MSc.,PhD.,MIEK
A3310 Eng. Nyaory, George Musumba P.O. Box 2131-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3697 Eng. Nyarotso, Christopher Mucheni P.O. Box 103295-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MAEE., MIEK
E193 Eng. Nyariki, Nicholas Nyamweya P.O. Box 5805 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
Eng. Nyawade, Benjamin Christopher
A2463 P.O. Box 2231-00202 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2035 Eng. Nyenzo, James Lukania P.O. Box 55388 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3450 Eng. Nyobange, Benard Ohuru P.O. Box 95151-80104 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2542 Eng. Nyolmo, David Kipsang P.O. Box 7769 Eldoret P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2119 Eng. Dr. Nyomboi, Timothy P.O. Box 3720 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., GICE., CMASK.,MIEK
A3053 Eng. Nyongesa, Calistus Barasa P.O. Box 41727-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3113 Eng. Nzai, Christine Mwongeli P.O. Box 11873-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1715 Eng. Nzainga, Jackson M. P.O. Box 60424 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2503 Eng. Nzesya, Joseph Mutuku P.O. Box 1688-90100 Machakos P.Eng.,BSc MIEK
A2258 Eng. Nzioka, Penina Itumbi P.O. Box 15020 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MEd., FIEK., MKIM., MAAK
A1215 Eng. Nzomo, Martin M. P.O. Box 12125 -00400 Nairobi
(E)., MIEE., C.Eng.
E411 Eng. Nzuka, Charles Musili P.O. Box 139 Kwale P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3558 Eng. Nzuki , Phillip Maundu P.O. Box 61372-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1890 Eng. Nzukie, James Mutinda P.O. Box 54473 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., MSc. MIEK
A2909 Eng. Oanya, Fredrick Ogendi P.O. Box 1846 Bungoma P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1805 Eng. Obath, Patrick E. Ochieng P.O. Box 1535-00606 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.I.E.K.
E191 Eng. Obare, Eric Ouma P.O. Box 3161 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK., MCIBSE., MIEE
A3390 Eng. Obiero, Dan Oluoch P.O. Box 681-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech., MBA.,MIEK
A3138 Eng. Obiero, Maureen Adhiambo P.O. Box 18390-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BEng., MIEK
A2826 Eng. Obong'o, Kennedy Omondi P.O. Box 11-30500 Lodwar P.Eng.,BTech, MIEK
A3483 Eng. Oboo, Sunday Fredrick P.O. Box 4683-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2807 Eng. Obudho, Erick Nyamburi P.O. Box 787-0242 Kitengela P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E302 Eng. Obunga, Salmon Osare P.O. Box 9249 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E226 Eng. Obuon, Charles Omondi P.O. Box 859 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng. BSc.,MIEK., AMASCE., M.PHIL
A3329 Eng. Obuolloh, Opuge Ephraim P.O. Box 49712-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng., MIEK
A3221 Eng. Obure, Jonathan Olenyo P.O. Box 10613-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3109 Eng. Obwocha, Johanes Moseti P.O. Box 156-30400 Kabarnet P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3534 Eng. Ochar, James Otieno Fred P.O Box 1984-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3285 Eng. Ocharo, Rehema Nyanjoka P.O. Box 785-20117 Naivasha P.Eng.,BTech., MIArb.,MBA., MIEK
A3635 Eng. Ochelle, Benjamin Awino P.O. Box 280 Homabay P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
A3362 Eng. Ochien‘g, Bill Clinton P.O. Box 65122-00618 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2400 Eng. Ochieng, Eric Ngage P.O. Box 107 Sare - Awendo P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1794 Eng. Ochieng, Joash P.O. Box 18046 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
C/O Kcb It - Ho P.O. Box 48400
E283 Eng. Ochieng, Paul Ochola P.Cons.Eng., B.Eng., MIEK
A3281 Eng. Ochieng, Rayford Otieno P.O. Box 19184-40123 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3347 Eng. Ochieng‘, Ronald Odhiambo P.O. Box 36190-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1267 Eng. Ochieng,Gereson Odongo P.O. Box 50598 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., DIP.PHE. MIEK
Eng. Ochieng , Meshack Otwaro
E403 P.O. Box 58466-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MSc.,PhD.,MITE., MPMI.,MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1585

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3690 Eng. Ochieng, Elam Babu P.O. Box 4165-40103 Kondele P.Eng.,BSc.,MArts., MIEK
A3157 Eng. Ochola, Evans Omondi P.O. Box 33705-00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2279 Eng. Ochola, Job Ouma P.O. Box 19665 Knh - Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2190 Eng. Odeck, Denis Aringo P.O. Box 157 - 00202 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2650 Eng. Odedeh, George Jacob Orony P.O. Box 42659-00100 Nairobi P.Eng. BSc.,MIEK
A2444 Eng. Odedeh, Henry Odhiambo P.O. Box 38410-00623 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech MIEK
A750 Eng. Odeny, Joab Livingstone P.O. Box 828 Sarit Centre, Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.I.E.E. MIEK
A3119 Eng. Odera, Alphonce Okuku Otieno P.O. Box 30450-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3457 Eng. Odera, Angela Atieno P.O. Box 106331- 00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A1872 Eng. Odera, Bernard O. P.O. Box 56638 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E117 Eng. Odera, Maurice Sande P.O. Box 34947-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK, MIEU, MICE
E215 Eng. Odero, Joseph P.O Box 50200 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng. BSc.,MIEE.,MCEI (UK).,MIEK
A3337 Eng. Odero, Peter Otieno P.O. Box 485-60100 Embu P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2726 Eng. Odhiambo, Daniel Alphonse P.O. Box 54021-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2525 Eng. Odhiambo, Emelda Anyango P.O. Box 70376-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK,MKSEEN
E343 Eng. Odhiambo, Godwin Owino P.O. Box 785 Naivasha P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2592 Eng. Odhiambo, Nicholas Abonyo P.O. Box 210-40601 Bondo P. Eng., Bsc, Msc, MIEK
A3149 Eng. Odhiambo, Tony Onyango P.O. Box 1233-40400 Suna P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2500 Eng. Odhiambo, Vincent Ouma P.O. Box 34503 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
Eng. Odhiambo, George Collins
A3620 P.O. Box 207-00606 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E436 Eng. Odhuno, Bernard Omondi P.O. Box 34558-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A620 Rt. Hon. Eng.Odinga, Raila Amollo P.O. Box 78080 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E444 Eng. Odipo, Orley Opiyo P.O. Box 939-40600 Siaya P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E332 Eng. Prof. Odira, Patts Meshack A. P.O. Box 61453 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., Dr. of Tech., MIEK
A3262 Eng. Odiwuor, George Anyanga P.O. Box 26493-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E375 Eng. Odongo, James Okeyo P.O Box 20266 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A2701 Eng. Odoyo, Kennedy Abielo P.O. Box 41191-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2876 Eng. Odoyo, Roy Oyamo P.O. Box 28-40101 Ahero P.Eng.,BTech, MIEK
A3689 Eng. Oduk, Peace Mercelyne Akoth P.O. Box 1702-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A2922 Eng. Odula, Victor Odiwuor P.O. Box 9608-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK,
A3300 Eng. Oduma, John Ojuma P.O. Box 8600-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2043 Eng. Odumbe, Julius Obonyo P.O. Box 3663 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E425 Eng. Oduor, Alloyce Godia P.O. Box 8237-00300 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BTech., MSc., MIEK
A1493 Eng. Oduor, Edwin Saul Owino P.O. Box 41693 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK.
A1307 Eng. Oduor, Jasper Omondi P.O. Box 41693 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2813 Eng. Oduor, Rosemary Achola P.O. Box 4482-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A2902 Eng. Oduor, Vitalis Otieno P.O. Box 63030-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3482 Eng. Oduor, Jorim Odhiambo P.O. Box 73958-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng. BSc, MIMechE,
E072 Eng. Oduor-Noah, Shem P.O. Box 47643 - 00100 Nairobi
A2053 Eng. Odwar, Nicholas E. Okello P.O. Box 6983 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech MIEK
A2508 Eng. Odwesso, Odhiambo Edwin P.O. Box 11972 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E293 Eng. Ofwa, Thomas O. P.O. Box 45374 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MBA.,MIEK
A3636 Eng. Ofwona, Cornel Otieno P.O. Box 17888 Nakuru P.Eng.,BTech.,MSc.,MIEK
A2647 Eng. Ogada, Dan Okumu P.O. Box 14955-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., MSc., MIEE.,MIEK
E469 Eng. Ogada, Martin Otieno P.O. Box 1019-00521 Embakasi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1564 Eng. Ogada, Fredrick E. Nyamolo P.O. Box 47433 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E478 Eng. Ogado, Calleb Onyango P.O. Box 24505-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MCIArb., MIEK
A2322 Eng. Ogalo, Tom Osewe P.O. Box 52021 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3511 Eng. Ogalo, Stephen Omondi P.O Box 46379-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1650 Eng. Ogege, Samwel O. P.O. Box 485 Embu P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2328 Eng. Ogendo, Raphael P.O. Box 470 Nakuru P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2569 Eng. Oginga, Reinhard O. Wilfred P.O. Box 49406-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
A3617 Eng. Ogire, Moses Ouma P.O. Box 48151-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2875 Eng. Ogogo, Thomas Calvince P.O. Box 5447-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E414 Eng. Ogola, Michael Oduor P.O. Box 67983 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3408 Eng. Ogola, Owen Jenkins Omondi P.O. Box 67645-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E487 Eng. Ogola, Walter Obonyo P.O. Box 14094-00800 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3691 Eng. Ogola, Rose Mercy Karren Akinyi P.O. Box 30020-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E455 Eng. Ogolla, Isaac Ouma P.O. Box 76672-00508 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3607 Eng. Ogolla, Allen Gwada P.O. Box 61813-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1306 Eng. Oguda-Oduor, Stephen H P.O. Box 41693 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., PhD., MIEK., MIEEE.
A2143 Eng. Ogut, Christine Adongo P.O. Box 4710 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A2029 Eng. Ogut, Petronilla Apiyo P.O. Box 4710 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., MSc.,MIEK
A3216 Eng. Ogutu, Oscar Oduor P.O. Box 1958-00621 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A697 Eng. Ogwayo, Arthur William P.O. Box 46445 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Eng., MSc., C.Eng., MIEE., FIEK
E445 Eng. Ohaga, Erick Owino P.O. Box 90104-80100 Mombasa P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MSc, MBA, MIEK
A644 Eng. Oiro, Joshua P.O. Box 414 Kisumu P.Eng., BSc., Dip.S.E. (Delft)., MIEK
A3399 Eng. Ojanga, Moshe Mitchel Okoth P.O. Box 50395-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2102 Eng. Ojendo, Dominic P.O. Box 12661 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech., MBA.,MKIM.,MIEK
E324 Eng. Ojiambo, Steven Michael P.O. Box 779 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK., MKSAE
1586 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

E137 Eng. Ojowi, Augustine Christopher P.O. Box 3929-00506 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc, MSc, MIEK, MIHT
A3489 Eng. Ojwang‘, Hillary Reagan P.O. Box 30743-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3588 Eng. Ojwang, Robert Ouko P.O. Box 90417-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3485 Eng. Okanda, Victor Owino P.O. Box 6247-30100 Eldoret P.Eng., BEng., MIEK
A3270 Eng. Okanga, Washingtone Anjichi P.O. Box 88495-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3360 Eng. Okayo, Percila P.O. Box 57928-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3159 Eng. Okello, Gordon Aluoch P.O. Box 17956-00500 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MA.,MIEK
A3578 Eng. Okebe , Meshack Wasonga P.O. Box 285- 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3237 Eng. Okemwa, Peter Mokandu P.O. Box 50162-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MEIZ.,MIEK
A3312 Eng. Okere, Antony Makokha P.O. Box 17617-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E305 Eng. Oketch, Bernard Ochieng' P.O. Box 35928-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MUNEAS
E424 Eng. Oketch, Joseph Odongo P.O. Box 418-00242 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MBA., MIEK
E474 Eng. Oketch, Timothy George P.O. Box 62389-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MSc.,PhD.,MTRB.,MITE., MIEK
A1657 Eng. Okeyo, Charles D. P.O. Box 40458 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3425 Eng. Okinyi, Stephen Angwenyi P.O. Box 6021-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1537 Eng. Okoko, Tom Awino P.O. Box 61293 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E460 Eng. Okola, Charles Wilson P.O. Box 51288-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E321 Eng. Okonji, Michael Ezekiel P.O. Box 50468 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc., FIEK
A3398 Eng. Okoth, John Akumu P.O. Box 15418-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2771 Eng. Okoth, Maurice William P.O. Box 30020-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3619 Eng. Okoth, Joseph Oduor P.O. Box 139 Kwale P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2934 Eng. Okoya, Barrack Omondi P.O. Box 14353-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc., Post.Grad.Dip. (Enviro.
E233 Eng. Okubo, Weche Raphael P.O. Box 6715-00300 Nairobi
A3187 Eng. Okumbe, Risper Odawo P.O. Box 624-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A3730 Eng. Okumbe, Ken Odhiambo P.O. Box 624-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MBA., MIEK
A3158 Eng. Okumu, George Ochieng P.O. Box 101874-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E104 Eng. Okumu, Godfrey A. P.O.Box 61231 00200-Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A3668 Eng. Dr. Okumu, Victoria Akoth P.O Box 15653-00503 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MSc., PhD
E272 Eng. Okun, Yakubu O. P.O. Box 89070 Mombasa P.Cons.Eng., BSc,MIEK
A3598 Eng. Okuta, Phelix Okoth P.O. Box 3325 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A702 Eng. Okwany, Peter M. P.O. Box 104 Suna, Migori P.Eng., B.A., MIEE.,MIEK
A499 Eng. Okwero, James E.O P.O. Box 62263-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
E107 Eng. Olando, Gordon N. P.O. Box 664 - 00606 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BE, MS,C.Eng, FIEK, MAAK
A3027 Eng. Olang'o, Mildred Akinyi P.O. Box 49712-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3333 Eng. Olang‘o, Alfred Omondi P.O. Box 73653-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng., MIEK
A3673 Eng. Olang'o, Fredrick Otieno P.O. Box 29476-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2937 Eng. Olela, Moses Osure P.O. Box 221-00516 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3268 Eng. Olick, Steve Otieno P.O. Box 1035-40400 Suna Migori P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3657 Eng. Olonde, Mark Owuor P.O. Box 1088-00517 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E340 Eng. Oloo, Bernard Stephen P.O. Box 58438-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., Bsc., Msc., PhD., MIEK..
A3196 Eng. Oloo, David Dickson P.O. Box 36951-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3100 Eng. Oloo, Peter Okaka P.O. Box 50422-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A1367 Eng. Oloo, Portash Akida P.O. Box 61152 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MIEEE
A3715 Eng. Oloo, Nixon Richard P.O. Box 42712-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2616 Eng. Omai, Tom Nyamora P.O. Box 7986-00300 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3291 Eng. Ombachi, Kennedy Bosire Omani P.O. Box 25122-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E103 Eng. Ombengi, John M. P.O. Box 52281 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng. BSc, MIEK
A2240 Eng. Ombok, Amos Onyango P.O. Box 8016 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3405 Eng. Ombonyo, Robert Muma P.O. Box 44365-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2703 Eng. Ombuya, Evelyne S.N. P.O. Box 910-00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2132 Eng. Omedi, Moses Jura P.O. Box 2122 Kisumu P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3603 Eng. Omega, Elisha Omondi P.O. Box 100746-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
E211 Eng. Omenda, Mordecai K. P.O. Box 40482 - 80100 Mombasa P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1767 Eng. Omer, Samwel Okech P.O. Box 18649 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3105 Eng. Omiti, Javan Omondi P.O. Box 68053-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E355 Eng. Omolo, Anthony P.O. Box 17520 - 20100 Nakuru P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK., MGSK
E386 Eng. Omolo, David Otieno P.O. Box 44114 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK., AMIEE
A2153 Eng. Omolo, Edwin Jarvis P.O. Box 44952 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MICE (UK).,MIEK
A3255 Eng. Omolo, Jafferson Ong‘aro P.O. Box 4854-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2969 Eng. Omondi, Dorcus Awuor P.O. Box 28310-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
E485 Eng. Omondi, Erick Auma P.O. Box 2393-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3123 Eng. Omondi, Felix Mark P.O. Box 2361-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A1289 Eng. Omondi, James Otieno P.O. Box 3737-40100 Kisumu P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3080 Eng. Omondi, Silas P.O. Box 28888-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2920 Eng. Omondi, Stephen Phanuel P.O. Box 37603-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK,
A2901 Eng. Omondi, Thomas Oluoch P.O. Box 2494-00202 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3267 Eng. Omondi, Felix Otieno P.O. Box 6464-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3432 Eng. Omondi, Rispa Achieng' P.O. Box 13668-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3059 Eng. Omongo, Leonard Ochieng P.O. Box 16989-00620 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3047 Eng. Omosa, Isaiah Bosire P.O. Box 966-00520 Ruai P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,DrEng.,MIEK
A1580 Eng. Omoso, Lucas Okebe P.O. Box 67284 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1587

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

Eng. Omung‘i, Festus Boniface
A3364 P.O. Box 51788-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3585 Eng. Omulokoli , Paul Olukoye P.O. Box 13010-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2603 Eng. Omuono, Simon Omondi P.O. Box 8166-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3251 Eng. Omurayi, Clyde Omulimi P.O. Box 21292-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1350 Eng. Omwenga, Charles Ombati. P.O. Box 2902 Kisumu P.Eng., B.C.E.,MIEK
52 Baberton Mains Drive, Edinburgh P.Eng., BSc., DPCS., PhD., MIEK., C.Eng., MICE.,
A1261 Eng. Dr. Onanda, Michael
Ehi4 3bt, United Kingdom MASCE
A2730 Eng. Onchiri, Richard Ocharo P.O. Box 2353-50100 Kakamega P.Eng.,MSc.,PhD.,MIEK
A2312 Eng. Onchoke, Wilfred Onchwari P.O. Box 49720 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3218 Eng. Onchong‘a, Evans Nyamwaro P.O. Box 30743-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2658 Eng. Ondeyo, Julia Waithera P.O. Box 74619-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2961 Eng. Ondiege, Thadaeus Oluoch P.O. Box 76672-00508 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2593 Eng. Ong'alo, William Madara P.O. Box 33744-00600 Nairobi P.Eng., BTech.,MIEK
A3117 Eng. Ong'ayo, Edwin Onkendu P.O. Box 51450-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2917 Eng. Ongeri, Jason Otao P.O. Box 14278 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E318 Eng. Ongewe, Victor Johnson P.O. Box 51449 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc., MIEE, MEIEA, MIEK
A1664 Eng. Ong'ong'o, Vitalis A. P.O. Box 67673-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E456 Eng. Ongong‘o, Benjamin Esiliah P.O. Box 12012-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIMIS., MIEK
A1851 Eng. Ongoro, Beatrice A. P.O. Box 33584 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK.
A1804 Eng. Onimbo, Nathaniel Ngesa P.O. Box 14 Kakamega P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3112 Eng. Onjole, Eric Hesbon Ajala P.O. Box 4-80403 Kwale P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3239 Eng. Onsoti, Asaria Ongesa P.O. Box 785-20117 Naivasha P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3144 Eng. Onwong'a, David Orang‘o P.O. Box 6640-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2373 Eng. Onyancha, George P.O. Box 41191 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3241 Eng. Onyando, Japheth Ogalo P.O. Box 16247-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,PhD.,MKSAE., MIEK
E446 Eng. Onyango, Albert Aketch P.O. Box 5650 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2708 Eng. Onyango, Bernard Owino P.O. Box 250-40101 Ahero P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A1750 Eng. Onyango, David O. P.O. Box 44863 Nairobi P.Eng, BSc.,MIEK
A3386 Eng. Onyango, Duncan Omollo P.O. Box 47936-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2886 Eng. Onyango, Elphas Omolo P.O. Box 123 Suna P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2829 Eng. Onyango, Fredrick Oyugah P.O Box 79606-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2567 Eng. Onyango, Grace Laura A. P.O. Box 51604 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3056 Eng. Onyango, Joseph Odhiambo P.O. Box 41191-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E405 Eng. Onyango, Joster Imbuchi P.O. Box 30079 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK., AMICE.
A2963 Eng. Onyango, Simon Otieno P.O. Box 50000-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3591 Eng. Onyara, Samson Arthur P.O. Box 89472-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A2635 Eng. Onyari, Richard Moturi P.O. Box 696 Kisii P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2111 Eng. Onyinkwa, Justus Morara P.O. Box 163 Kalimoni P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E354 Eng. Onyuka,Gedion Omondi P.O. Box 17892 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E155 Eng. Oonge, Zablon I.N. P.O. Box 68221 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, PhD, MIEK
A3188 Eng. Opany, Michael Okuma P.O. Box 926-40123 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2040 Eng. Opati, Caleb William P.O. Box 3271 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech.,MIEK
A3707 Eng. Opere, Joel Akomo P.O. Box 34550-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc,(Roads)
E262 Eng. Opiyo, Tom Odago P.O. Box 63532 - 00619 Nairobi
A1906 Eng. Opwapo, William O. P.O. Box 4922-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E156 Eng. Orege, Carey Okwiri P.O. Box 61259 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MSc, MIEK
A2798 Eng. Orege, Michael Otieno P.O. Box 4921-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3514 Eng. Oria, Joshua Owino P.O Box 7573-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2748 Eng. Oronje, Daniel Odongo P.O. Box 3627-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MA.MIEK
A2006 Eng. Orora, Jairus Omwoyo P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3161 Eng. Oruma, Samuel Kipampi P.O. Box 115-01100 Kajiado P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2693 Eng. Oruru, Josephat Matini P.O. Box 19721-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A3282 Eng. Orwa, Felix Okeyo P.O. Box 2889-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2272 Eng. Orwa, John Onyango P.O. Box 16134 Nakuru P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E160 Eng. Orwa, Junius Tobias P.O. Box 2110 Nakuru P.Cons.Eng., MSc., MIEK
A1889 Eng. Orwenyo, David O. P.O. Box 16115 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., MSc., MIEK
E483 Eng. Osamong, Paul Ikileng P.O. Box 60309-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E431 Eng. Osano, Simpson Nyambane P.O. Box 1234-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,PhD., MIEK
A2585 Eng. Osiemo, Evans Birundu P.O. Box 18530-00100 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc, MIEK
C/O Pamela Aloo P.O. BOX 3900
A2510 Eng. Osongo, Phelix Agurey P.Eng.,BTech.,M.Phil.,MIEK
A3506 Eng. Oswago, Chrispine Nyanjare P.O Box 15130-00509 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2809 Eng. Otenyo, Philip Makonjio P.O. Box 202 Kilingili P.Eng.,BSc, MSc., MIEK
A2385 Eng. Othieno, Jared Omondi P.O. Box 12415 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MKSEEE MIEK
A1676 Eng. Otiato, John P.O. Box 14252 Nakuru P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3449 Eng. Otieno, Ignatius Ochanjo P.O. Box 424-40405 Sare P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1232 Eng. Otieno, James P.O. Box 97104 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3016 Eng. Otieno, Jane Awuor P.O. Box 2636-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3275 Eng. Otieno, Jeckoniah Opudo P.O Box 2000-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BEng., MIEK
A3351 Eng. Otieno, Joseph Bismarck Olang‘o P.O. Box 62957-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
1588 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2942 Eng. Otieno, Kennedy Bonyo P.O. Box 68083-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3323 Eng. Otieno, Linda Achieng P.O. Box 10529-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3180 Eng. Otieno, Meshack Oduor P.O. Box 5430-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E357 Eng. Otieno, Moses Ochola P.O. Box 52035-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A1127 Eng. Otieno, Wellington P.O. Box 50587 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3002 Eng. Otieno, Wycliff Ogallo P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3726 Eng. Otieno, Evans Oduor P.O Box 73651-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3655 Eng. Otieno, Samuel Odhiambo P.O. Box 89430-80100 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E450 Eng. Otieno, Jared Omondi P.O. Box 104009-00101 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3045 Eng. Otike, Joan Anyika P.O. Box 49712-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E026 Eng. Otonglo, Samuel N. P.O.Box 28291 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc, MSc, MIEK
A3570 Eng. Otonglo, Christine Akinyi P.O. Box 28291-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2620 Eng. Otsieno, Francis O P.O. Box 57290-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3445 Eng. Otuoma, Patrick Otieno P.O. Box 7466-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E428 Eng. Otwani, Justus Aufridus P.O. Box 45650-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MA., MAAK., MIEK
A2604 Eng. Ouma, Clarence Karot P.O. Box 2998-40100 Kisumu P.Eng., B.Tech., M.Phil., MIEK
E316 Eng. Ouma, George P.O. Box 15044-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc, MIEK.
A470 Eng. Ouma, Joseph P.O. Box 34503 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MIEE., MIEK
A2965 Eng. Ouma, Patrick Ojuok P.O. Box 2228-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2851 Eng. Ouma, Peter Amollo P.O. Box 3924-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3568 Eng. Ouna , Latoya P.O. Box 101176-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1939 Eng. Owade, George O. P.O. Box 60536 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., Ph.D., MIEK
A3234 Eng. Owayo, Alphonce Ayado P.O. Box 52428-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., MIEK
A3593 Eng. Owembi, Divon Odhiambo P.O. Box 1524-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3391 Eng. Owino, Lydiah Esiaba P.O. Box 51970-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MBA.,MIEK
A2496 Eng. Owino, Julius Alolo P.O. Box 73442 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3166 Eng. Owino, Robert Okello P.O. Box 57256-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1820 Eng. Owiro, Abraham O. P.O. Box 57224 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A2927 Eng. Owiti, Collins Komora P.O. Box 102464-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3006 Eng. Owuonda, Antony Omach P.O. Box 998-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2407 Eng. Owuor, Maurice Onyango. P.O. Box 2691 - 80100 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2858 Eng. Owuor, Susan Apudo P.O. Box 13061-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2060 Eng. Owuori, Patrick Joseph P.O. Box 73 - Oo517 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., Msc., MIEK
A3035 Eng. Oyaro, Damaris Kerubo P.O. Box 15774-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A2055 Eng. Oyawa, Walter Odhiambo P.O. Box 62000 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Eng., MASCE, MIEK
A2709 Eng. Oyieng, Vincent Ochieng P.O. Box 284 Oyugis P.Eng.BSc MIEK
A2781 Eng. Oyier, Samwel Zephaniah P.O. Box 29278-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MSc., MIEK
A2793 Eng. Oyolla, Carren Aoko P.O. Box 66266-00800 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2791 Eng. Oyonzo, Joshua Nicholas P.O. Box 52616-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
E416 Eng. Oyunga, Patrick O. P.O. Box 34021 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MSc.,MIEK
A3595 Eng. Papa, Evans Osiya P.O. Box 14013-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E290 Eng. Parpia, Salehmohamed A P.O. Box 47967-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.BSc., MSc., AMICE., MIEK
E345 Eng. Patel, Aruna Ashwin P.O. Box 59942 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,B.Eng., MIEK
A1980 Eng. Patel, Dinubhai Ramanbhai P.O. Box 75093-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.I.E.K., CMTI
A1239 Eng. Patel, Meghji Harji P.O. Box 11198 - 00400 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Eng., MIE (INDIA., MIEK)
A1707 Eng. Patel, Umakant Manubhai P.O. Box 46731-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BE.,MIEEE.,MEC.,MIEI.,MIEK
A3000 Eng. Paul, Peter Mutinda P.O. Box 14003-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A2957 Eng. Peter, Okova Wangaki Derek P.O. Box 76701-00620 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1331 Eng. Rading, George Odera P.O. Box 52007 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3215 Eng. Rama, James Mahinda P.O. Box 34059 -00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2357 Eng. Rapando, James Musungu P.O. Box 68287 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2707 Eng. Raude, James Messo P.O. Box 4925-Kisumu P.Eng.BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
E162 Eng. Rimui, Jeremy Njoroge P.O. Box 657 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E249 Eng. Riungu, Julius Marimi P.O. Box 13692-00800 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., FIEK., MIET.,C.Eng
A2998 Eng. Riungu, Julius Mwandiki P.O. Box 26912-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
E134 Eng. Rogo, Apollo Okelo P.O. Box 44399 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK, MASCE, AMCIarb(uk)
A3150 Eng. Rono, Michael Kiptonui P.O. Box 48151-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3677 Eng. Rono, Ben Kipkosgei P.O. Box 20-20105 Mogotio P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2912 Eng. Ronoh, Jonathan P.O. Box 42681-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2974 Eng. Rop, Kiprono Dominic P.O. Box 45283-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A2088 Eng. Rotich, Abel Kipkoech P.O. Box 205 Embu P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3361 Eng. Rotich, David Kibet P.O. Box 9111-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
E491 Eng. Rotich, Gerald Kipkoech P.O. Box 23167-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3372 Eng. Rotich, Henry Kipsanai P.O. Box 10837-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2534 Eng. Rotich, Lamik Kipchirchir P.O. Box 73442-00200 Nairobi P. Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3017 Eng. Rotich, Nelly Jebitok P.O. Box 530743-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A1952 Eng. Rotich, Zipporah C. P.O. Box 76114 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A2515 Eng. Rotich, Gerald Kipkoech P.O. Box 23167-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E190 Eng. Ruitha, Ephraim Waithaka P.O. Box 62359 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK., MASCE
A3160 Eng. Runanu, Ambrose Waita P.O. Box 27753-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2539 Eng. Rupra, Ranjit Singh P.O. Box 48674 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., PGDip.,MICE(UK)., MIEK.
A1065 Eng. Rutere, Japhet K.G P.O. Box 67744- 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MICE., MIEK., MASCE.,
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1589

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2148 Eng. Ruto, Esther Chelangat P.O. Box 34585 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3021 Eng. Ruttoh, Ernest Kipkirui P.O. Box 122-20204 Roret P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A3665 Eng. Rwamba, Gideon Gitonga P.O Box 21646-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MSc.,MIEK
A2493 Eng. Rwara , Joseph Kariuki M. P.O. Box 67569 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
E236 Eng. Saboke, Meshack Mokua P.O. Box 42971-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BS., MSc., MIEK
A3010 Eng. Sabuni, Benedette Nabwile Waswa P.O. Box 2403-50100 Kakamega P.Eng.,BSc.,MPhil.,MIEK
A3273 Eng. Sacho, Daniel Kipkenei P.O. Box 101516-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2956 Eng. Salim, Arif Ali P.O. Box 34799 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A3632 Eng. Salim, Omar Awadh P.O. Box 90176-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BEng., MAEPEA.,MAEE., MIEK
A1695 Eng. Samatar, Abdullahi.M. P.O. Box 95176 Mombasa P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2762 Eng. Sambu, Charles Kiprop P.O. Box 73442-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3547 Eng. Samoei, Kenneth Kibet P.O Box 4386-00200- Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2675 Eng. Sang, Anthony K. P.O. Box 6121-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BTech.,MIEK
A2610 Eng. Sang, Musa Cheruiyot P.O. Box 578 Eldama Ravine P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E448 Eng. Saratuki, Edmond Wakachunga P.O. Box 7375-00300 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A1638 Eng. Sawe, Gideon Kiptum P.O. Box 160-30307 Mosoriot P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3374 Eng. Schwartzman, Joseph P.O. Box 30118-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A257 Eng. Scott, Colin Stewart P.O. Box 43500- Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MICE. MIEK
E071 Eng. Scott, Peter F. P.O. Box 15130-00509 Nairobi
E315 Eng. Seboru, Msafiri A. P.O. Box 9041-00300 Nairobi P.Cons.,Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3471 Eng. Segero, Bernaby Dally P.O. Box 46060- 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,MEng., MIEK
A3681 Eng. Segero, Esther Khatenje P.O. Box 1784-00606 Sarit Centre P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
E032 Eng. Seif, Ali S.M P.O.Box 47510 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.BSc.,MIEE.,C.Eng.,MIEK
A2522 Eng. Semo, Julius J. Ndoli P.O. Box 610-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Tech.,MIEK
A2690 Eng. Semutwa, Albert Rumanzi P.O. Box 7841-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1905 Eng. Senaji,Thomas A. P.O. Box 41033-00100nairobi P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A3057 Eng. Serem, Anderson Kibet P.O. Box 23874-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3246 Eng. Serem, Paul Kipkoech P.O. Box 2660-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3711 Eng. Serem, Gilbert Kiplimo P.O. Box 831-30202 Moi‘s Bridge P.Eng.,BEng.,MSc., MIEK
A1254 Eng. Shankla, Arjan P.O. Box 41990 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Eng., MIStructE., MIEK
E452 Eng. Shanyuma, Christopher Magero P.O. Box 7539-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
E163 Eng. Sharawe, Abdullahi M.H P.O. Box 45064 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., MSc., FIEK., AMIWES (UK)
A3479 Eng. Shariff, Idarus Mohamed P.O. Box 2017-80200 Malindi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2216 Eng. Sheikh, Abdirahman Omar P.O. Box 1811 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1555 Eng. Sheikh, Lamak Sadiqali P.O. Box 49817 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3139 Eng. Shibia, Yabicha Oche P.O. Box 20642-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2490 Eng. Shibuyanga, Christopher Lukwili P.O. Box 10745 - 00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3683 Eng. Shikoli, Brian Akhonya P.O. Box 1623-50100 Kakamega P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2639 Eng. Shikuku, Martin Wycliffe P.O. Box 660 Nakuru P. Eng., BTech.,MIEK
E285 Eng. Shiribwa, Mwamzali P.O. Box 2951-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., Amasce.,FIEK.
A2292 Eng. Shitanda, Douglas P.O. Box 62000 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A1938 Eng. Prof. Shitote, Stanley M. P.O. Box 3900 Eldoret P.Eng., BSc., MSc., Ph.D., MIEK
A3038 Eng. Shiundu, Felix Okanga P.O. Box 30372-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E393 Eng. Shoni, Maxwell Joel P.O. Box 25116 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3725 Eng. Sidera, Kennedy Odhiambo P.O. Box 90104-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3013 Eng. Siele, Anthony P.O. Box 278-00202 Knh P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2471 Eng. Sigei, Joel Kipchirchir P.O Box 7375-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3631 Eng. Simbii, Joseph Maluki P.O. Box 52514-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1748 Eng. Simitu, Lawrence N. P.O. Box 45558-00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2404 Eng. Simiyu, Jane A. P.O. Box 46439 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A3385 Eng. Simiyu, Michael Nabangi P.O. Box 18466-00500 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MSc.,MIEK
A1396 Eng. Singh, Samay P.O. Box 43375 Nairobi P.Eng., B.E., AMIE (India) MIEK
A388 Eng. Sira, Kuldip Singh P.O. Box 66694 - 00800 Nairobi P.Eng., MICE., C.Eng.,MIEK
P.O. Box 18519-00500 Enterprise Rd
A2448 Eng. Sirkoi, Iraru Amayi Andrew P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
Eng. Siror, Joseph Kiplagat Arap
A2814 P.O. Box 3555-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MBA., MIEK
P.Eng., B.Eng., MIEK., MIEE., MSc. Computer
A1230 Eng. Sitati, Richard W P.O. Box 47956 - 00100 Nairobi
A2492 Eng. Prof. Sitati, Stanley Simiyu P.O. Box 1454 Eldoret P.Eng., MSc.,Ph.D,MIEK
A3448 Eng. Sitienei, Eric Cheruiyot P.O. Box 54074-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3728 Eng. Soi, Stanley Kipkemoi P.O Box 74-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3265 Eng. Soita, Rosaria Lumonya P.O. Box 3324 Kisumu P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3003 Eng. Somoebwana, Sufyan Yusuf P.O. Box 26797-00504 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
P.Eng., BE., AMIE.(India.), M.AM., SOC. CE., MSE
A331 Eng. Sondhi, Jagdish Raj P.O. Box 80066 Mombasa
A3350 Eng. Songok, Judith Chepkemboi P.O. Box 82703-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3520 Eng. Steven, Ingabo P.O Box 579-50100 Kakamega P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
E402 Eng. Stower , David Ndubi P.O. Box 19573-00202 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,FIEK
A3494 Eng. Sum, Noah Kipyego P.O. Box 2742-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MPhil;MIEK
1590 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A3001 Eng. Sumbeiywo, Kennedy Kipchirchir P.O. Box 55674 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E308 Eng. Sura, Hardip Singh P.O. Box 54531 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., C.Eng., MIEK., MICE.
A3621 Eng. Tai, Julius Kipkoech P.O. Box 83836-80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2000 Eng. Tangus, Sammy Kiprotich P.O. Box 12335 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3245 Eng. Tanui, David Kipkirui P.O. Box 2264 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2037 Eng. Tanui, Joel Kipkurui P.O. Box 3088 -00100 Nairobi P.Eng, BSc. MIEK
A2348 Eng. Tanui, John Kipchumba P.O. Box 8532 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3192 Eng. Tanui, Nancy P.O. Box 2923-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3701 Eng. Tanui, Joseph Kipruto P.O. Box 41191-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A1027 Eng. Tatua, William Gitiche P.O. Box 52159 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2193 Eng. Tawuo, Moses P.O. Box 73442 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2319 Eng. Telieny, Mike Yego P.O. Box 3875 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MCSCE, MEUSC.,MIEK
A2854 Eng. Temu, Clive Kiage P.O. Box 7658-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3132 Eng. Terer, Gilbert P.O. Box 14519-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3332 Eng. Terigin, Cornelius Kibet P.O. Box 50038-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1541 Eng. Thamaini, Charles Wanjohi P.O. Box 64860-00620 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.E., MIEK
A1351 Eng. Thethy, Paramjit Singh P.O. Box 34231 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK., AMICE., MAWWA
E258 Eng. Theuri, James Wachira P.O. Box 74804-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc,MA(PPM).,MIEK
A3554 Eng. Theuri, Esau Mirii P.O Box 67744-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3341 Eng. Thiongo, Daniel Mwangi P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3671 Eng. Thiong‘o, Isaac Nyingi P.O Box 30337-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2131 Eng. Thitai, Richard Githaiga P.O. Box 4186 - 01002 Thika P.Eng., BSc., MSc.,MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MSc., M.I.A.C.M., F.C.C.S.,
E265 Eng. Thomas, Michael Kariuki P.O. Box 1011 - 10400 Nanyuki
A2480 Eng. Thubu, James Wasi P.O. Box 275 Kilifi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2979 Eng. Thuku, Peter Mwangi P.O. Box 76702-00620 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3527 Eng. Thuku, John Kimani P.O Box 5905-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3618 Eng. Thuku, Teresia Wanjiru P.O. Box 33944-00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MA.,MIEK
A3693 Eng. Thuo, Francis Mbuthi P.O. Box 101433-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3513 Eng. Thuranira, Murimi P.O Box 13011-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2344 Eng. Thuranira, Isaac Inanga P.O. Box 4702 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E361 Eng. Tireito, Kiprotich P.O. Box 14 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3508 Eng. Tirkole, John P.O Box 1373-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A3028 Eng. Tirop, Geoffrey Kimutai P.O. Box 41727-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2810 Eng. Tonui, Wesley Kiprono P.O. Box 4517-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A2564 Eng. Tsuma, Fanuel Dirack P.O. Box 90104 - 80100 Mombasa P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3434 Eng. Tubi, Abdulrahman Guyo P.O. Box 92-60300 Isiolo P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2919 Eng. Tuei, Kenneth Kipkoech P.O. Box 76-20200 Kericho P.Eng. B.Tech, MIEK
A3203 Eng. Tuitoek, Nehemiah Kiplagat P.O Box 16763-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,MSc., KSAE.,ISTRO.,MIEK
A2983 Eng. Tuiya, Nimrod Kipng'etich P.O. Box 5377 Eldoret P.Eng.,BSc.,MA,MIEK
A3348 Eng. Tumbo, Martin Maina P.O. Box 803-40200 Kisii P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
P.Cons.Eng., B.Eng,MIEK,C.Eng, MIE, MAAK(E),
E115 Eng. Varsani, Ratna M. P.O. Box 325 - 00606 Nairobi
A2433 Eng. Vithalani, Nanalal Govindji P.O. Box 49351 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3330 Eng. Vusaka, Christopher Kisesi P.O. Box 44456-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK
A3475 Eng. Wabwire, Amos Kundu P.O. Box 13349-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3552 Eng. Wabwire, Kenneth Ngwabe P.O Box 186-50400 Butere P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2356 Eng. Wachai, Peter Mwangi P.O. Box 5131 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MSc., MIEK
A3256 Eng. Wachira, John Kariuki P.O. Box 645 -00518 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2710 Eng. Wachira, Kahoro P.O. Box 1203-Village Market Nairobi P.Eng.BSc., MIEK
E295 Eng. Wachira, Peter Njogu P.O. Box 65743 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3569 Eng. Wachira , Kennedy Gichohi P.O. Box 23751-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2455 Eng. Wafula, Ezekiel Fukwo P.O. Box 71541 - 00622 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E489 Eng. Wafula, Oscar Wanyonyi P.O. Box 35205-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2737 Eng. Wafula, Timothy Namunaba P.O. Box 430-50204 Kimilili P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2457 Eng. Wagai, Julius Karachi P.O. Box 11868 - 00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E464 Eng. Wagana, Gerald Mukuha P.O. Box 605-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc., MBA., MIEK
E362 Eng. Wagwa, George Odhiambo P.O. Box 16546-00620 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MBA.,MIEK
A2396 Eng. Wahinya, Lucas Mwangi P.O. Box 313 - 00902 Kikuyu P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E169 Eng. Wahome, Ephantus Rubiro P.O. Box 60987 - 00200 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc,MSc,MIEK
A1643 Eng. Wahome, Samuel Muraguri P.O. Box 60039 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3137 Eng. Wahome, Samuel Mwaniki P.O. Box 28901-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3651 Eng. Wahome, Zakary Nderitu P.O. Box 49817-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A1205 Eng. Waiganjo, Samuel Patrick P.O. Box 51823 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2835 Eng. Waigwa, Joseph Kinyua P.O. Box 104198-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
P.O. Box 25466 - 00603 - Lavington
E410 Eng. Waiharo, Tom Njoroge P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E095 Eng. Wainaina, Boniface J.N. P.O.Box 44242 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng, BSc.,MICE.,MIEK
A1399 Eng. Wainaina, Francis P.O. Box 180 Kerugoya P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2028 Eng. Wainaina, James Kamau P.O. Box 4356 - 00506 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2959 Eng. Wainaina, Mary Wamaitha P.O. Box 570-00621 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2003 Eng. Wainaina, Michael P.O. Box 69821 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1591

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

E221 Eng. Wainaina, Peter Mburu P.O Box 52636 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng, BSc.,MICE.,MIEK
E373 Eng. Wairagu, James Mwangi P.O. Box 48453-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., CMAAK.,MIEK
A3252 Eng. Wairimu, Angela Karigo P.O. Box 12186-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3127 Eng. Wairimu, Samuel Maina P.O. Box 104175-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A2716 Eng. Wairore, Joseph Karangu P.O. Box 4413 Nakuru P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2699 Eng. Wairua, Joel Kireru P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A1363 Eng. Waithaka, Eliud Ngahu P.O. Box 8392 - 00300 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2669 Eng. Waithaka, George Wainaina P.O. Box 11886-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BSc.,MIEK
A2550 Eng. Waithaka, John Mwangi P.O. Box 4487 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2537 Eng. Waithaka, Stephen P.O. Box 2218 Nyahururu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1966 Eng. Waititu, Samson N. P.O. Box 60057 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E112 Eng. Wajihi, Nurudin E. P.O.Box 47916-00100 Nairobi P.Cons. Eng, BSc, FIEK, MICE
A3051 Eng. Wakeru, Titus Ndung'u P.O. Box 16446-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MA.,MIEK
A2872 Eng. Wakhu, Isaac N. P.O. Box 755 Molo P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2425 Eng. Wakimani, Joseph Mukora P.O. Box 72548 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MSc,MIHT (UK).,MIEK
E171 Eng. Wakori, Peter Maina P.O. Box 20984 - Knh Nairobi P.Cons. Eng., BSc,MES., MIEK
A1823 Eng. Wakura, Vincent B.M. P.O. Box 50792 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2497 Eng. Walela, Michael P.O. Box 41191 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2038 Eng. Wamakima, Eliud Ndungu P.O. Box 483 Uthiru P.Eng., BSc. MIEK
A2617 Eng. Wambua, Eric Mutinda P.O. Box 12326-00400 Nairobi P. Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3075 Eng. Wambua, Festus Muema P.O. Box 2188-90100 Machakos P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3522 Eng. Wambua, Cecilia Mutheu P.O. Box 11751-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A1979 Eng. Prof. Wambua, Paul Mwanzia P.O. Box 7074 Eldoret P.Eng., BSc., MSC.,PHD.,MIEK., CMTI
A2472 Eng. Wambugu, Charles Theuri P.O. Box 33433 - 00600 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3040 Eng. Wambugu, Dominic Mwaniki P.O. Box 680-00900 Kiambu P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2084 Eng. Wambugu, Erastus Kamara P.O. Box 51792 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A1519 Eng. Wambugu, Mercy Muthoni P.O. Box 43561 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E382 Eng. Wambugu, Paul Gateere P.O. Box 52607-00200 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng,BSc.,MICE.,MECSA.,MIEK
A2397 Eng. Wambugu, Simon Gateru P.O. Box 7391-01000 Thika P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
E359 Eng. Wambuki, Patrick Ndungu P.O. Box 10222 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E333 Eng. Wambulwa, Patrick Simiyu P.O. Box 46439 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3130 Eng. Wambura, Amos Abala P.O. Box 15890-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A1556 Eng. Wamburu, Anthony Njoroge P.O. Box 79037 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E391 Eng. Wamburu, Josphat Gakinya P.O. Box 2472-00202 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2263 Eng. Wamugunda, Kinyua P.O. Box 73259 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2200 Eng. Wamukota, Antony Tawayi P.O. Box 8733 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3589 Eng. Wanangwe, Davis Shatimba P.O. Box 24398-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3525 Eng. Wanarua, Stanley Muchina P.O Box 68053-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E146 Eng. Wanday, Peter Odhiambo P.O. Box 10128 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MIEK., AM.C.I.Abtr.
A2685 Eng. Wandera, Simon Mdondo P.O. Box 50948-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MPhil.,MIEK
A2541 Eng. Wandiema, John Javan P.O. Box 370-40300 Homabay P.Eng.,BSc,MIEK
A3667 Eng. Wandu, Anthony Gichira P.O Box 17085-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2254 Eng. Wanga, Javan Wanyama P.O. Box 85401 - 008100 Mombasa P.Eng., B.Eng., MIEK., AMIME (UK)
A2046 Eng. Wangai, Gerald Kaguri P.O. Box 7058 - 00300 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., M.E.,PhD, MIEK.
P.O. Box 482-00517 Uhuru Gardens,
E200 Eng. Wangai, Jefferson P.M P.Cons.Eng., BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3078 Eng. Wang'ang'a, Simon Ian P.O. Box 70821-00400 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A3185 Eng. Wangui, Erastus Waweru P.O. Box 3905-00506 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3181 Eng. Wangui, Maureen P.O. Box 102113-00101 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
E011 Eng. Wanjau, Dionysius, Maina P.O. Box 70415 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc,MSc,MASCE,FIEK
A3290 Eng. Wanjau, George Gitau P.O. Box 47704-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3101 Eng. Wanjau, Gibson Ndirangu P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3645 Eng. Wanjira, Wilfred Njuguna P.O. Box 161-00300 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3639 Eng. Wanjiru, Evan Murimi Nyamu P.O. Box 477-10101 Karatina P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc., PhD.,MIEK
A3379 Eng. Wanjohi, Francis Kinga P.O. Box 14287-20100 Nakuru P.Eng.,BTech., MSc., MIEK
E022 Eng. Wanjohi, Isaac Gathungu P.O Box 21714 Nairobi
A2414 Eng. Wanjohi, Joseph Mwangi P.O. Box 1857 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2368 Eng. Wanjohi, Peter Muchina P.O. Box 30043 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3638 Eng. Wanjohi, Francis Maina P.O. Box 61730-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BEng.,MIEK
A2198 Eng. Wanyama, Joseph Wanaswa P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi P.Eng.,B.Eng., MIEK
A2386 Eng. Wanyanga, Charles Mwaura P.O. Box 5290 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng, BSc. MIEK
E035 Eng. Wanyoike, Joel Muthunga P.O. Box 75084 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc,MSc,FIEK
A2868 Eng. Wanyoike, John Karanja P.O. Box 20198-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3487 Eng. Wanyoike, Paul Kungu P.O. Box 16208-00610 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E490 Eng. Wanyonyi, Eliud Bone P.O. Box 785-20117 Naivasha P. Cons.Eng., BSc, MIEK
A2889 Eng. Wanyonyi, Morgan Simiyu P.O. Box 230-50200 Bungoma P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3647 Eng. Wanyonyi, Jamin Khalakayi P.O. Box 30156-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2759 Eng. Warui, Paul Wachira P.O. Box 52942-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2289 Eng. Washika, Tony P.O. Box 73442 - 00200 Nairobi P.Eng., B.Tech., MIEEE., MIEK
E409 Eng. Wasike, Godwin Wanyonyi P.O. Box 19721 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc,MIEK
A2664 Eng. Wasike, Philip Wanjala P.O. Box 1272-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BTech.,MIEK
1592 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

A2511 Eng. Wasike, Stephen Mackey P.O. Box 56945-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2441 Eng. Wasinda, Auma Stephen P.O Box 13366 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.MIEK
A2528 Eng. Wasioya, Buge Hatibu P.O. Box 42681 - 00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2668 Eng. Waswa, Gammaliel Simiyu P.O. Box 4267-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.BTech.,MIEK
A3544 Eng. Waswa, Hicks Amumbwe P.O Box 5602-30100 Eldoret P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
E135 Eng. Waswa, Ambrose Wafula P.O.Box 8272-00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A2899 Eng. Watako, Julius Maloba P.O. Box 2818 Bungoma P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A2061 Eng. Wathome, Alex Mutunga P.O. Box 7530 -00100 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
E039 Eng. Watson, Graeme M. P.O. Box 49134 - 00100 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MICE,MIEK
A1218 Eng. Waweru, John Njuguna P.O. Box 50086-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3320 Eng. Wawire, Alex Wamboga P.O. Box 9882-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc., MIEK
A3535 Eng. Wakaba, James Irungu P.O Box 4244-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A2595 Eng. Wekesa, Cleophas Simiyu P.O. Box 151-40100 Kisumu P. Eng., BSc.,MIEK
A2621 Eng. Wekola, Moses Wafula P.O. Box 9722-20100 Nakuru P. Eng., BSc MIEK
A3008 Eng. Wende, Joash Odhiambo P.O. Box 2585-40100 Kisumu P.Eng.,BTech.,MIEK
A2881 Eng. Wende, Luke Ouma P.O. Box 26190-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BTech., MIEK
A3037 Eng. Wendot, Hosea Kipyegon P.O. Box 4165-00200 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MSc.,MIEK
A3191 Eng. Wendot, Robert P.O. Box 1803-00502 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MIEK
A3354 Eng. Were, Dickson Omondi P.O Box 20023-00200 Nairobi P.Eng., BSc., MIEK
A3031 Eng. Weru, Joshua Ichang'i P.O. Box 29668-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc.,MICE.,LIMIS.,AIMIS.,MIEK
E196 Eng. Weru, Mwangi Irungu P.O. Box 1434- 00502 Nairobi P.Cons.Eng.,BSc.,MKSE.,MIEK
A2930 Eng. Yego, Shadrack Kiprutto P.O. Box 24103-00100 Nairobi P.Eng.,BSc, MIEK

Country Name Postal Address Affixes

CHINA Eng. Cunbao Luo P.O. Box 49282-00100 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
Eng. Da Silva, Izael Pereira P.O. Box 59857-00200 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
CHINA Eng. Dengsen Shangguan P.O. Box 49282-00100 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
CHINA Eng. Fugui Dai P.O. Box 18251-00500 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
CHINA Eng. Fujia Yu P.O. Box 18251-00500 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
INDIA Eng. Gautam Kumar Roy P.O. Box 1002-00606 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
CHINA Eng. Jingguang Yang P.O. Box 49282-00100 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
Eng. Kapkusum, Robert Bartile P.O. Box 23076-00505 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
CHINA Eng. Lening Wang P.O. Box 41727-00100 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
Eng. Mandefro, Tesfaye Retta P.O. Box 76672-00508 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
Eng. Odongo, Mark Ajal P.O. Box 103765-00101 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
CHINA Eng. Xiaoliang He P.O. Box 49282-00100 Nairobi P.Temp.Eng.
REG. NO. Name Postal Address Discipline
ECF44 Ama Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 66266-00800 Nairobi Civil
ECF116 Anthonyisaacs Engineers Limited P.O. Box 17520-20100 Nakuru Civil
ECF58 Africon Universal Consulting Limited P.O Box 3181-00506 Nairobi Civil
ECF90 Alexian Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 8377-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF119 Amplus Consulting Engineers Limited P.O. Box 42450-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF41 Amsowconsult Limited P.O Box 63090-00200 Nairobi Electrical and Mechanical
ECF61 Apec Consortium Limited P.O Box 3786-00100 Nairobi Civil
Apex Systems Consulting Group
ECF76 P.O Box 38900-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF98 Aticas Kenya Limited P.O Box 1210-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF11 Batch Associates Limited P.O Box 24103-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF25 Bhundia Associates P.O Box 48499-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF89 Bosko Engineering Consultants Limited P.O Box 25371-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF113 Building Services Group Limited P.O Box 24529-00100 Nairobi Mechanical
Butichi & Associates Engineering
ECF125 P.O Box 104815-00101 Nairobi Civil
Consultants Limited
ECF65 C M Kamau & Associates Limited P.O Box 74694-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF127 Cape Consult Limited P.O Box 10128-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF88 Cas Consultants Limited P.O Box 67693-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF103 Cgp Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 58911-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF104 Choice Consultants P.O Box 8484-00200 Nairobi Electrical
ECF129 Civil One Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 103409-00101 Nairobi Civil
ECF20 Cobeam Designs P.O Box 6437-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF115 Connex Engineering Limited P.O Box 21396-00505 Ngong Road Civil
ECF43 Crestar Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 62359-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF74 Donn Consultants P.O Box 10457-00100 Nairobi Electrical
East African Engineering Consultants
ECF71 P.O Box 30707-00100 Nairobi Civil
Ecosite Development Consultants
ECF57 P.O Box 56075-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF83 Edcons (K) Limited P.O Box 19721-00100 Nairobi Civil
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1593

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

ECF117 Edvik Consulting Kenya Limited P.O. Box 1245-00606 Sarit Centre Civil
ECF68 Engiconsult Consulting Engineers P.O Box 42256-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF87 Engplan Consulting Engineers Limited P.O. Box 17845-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF2 Engscope Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 59421-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF86 Feradon Associates Limited P.O Box 7375-00300 Nairobi Electrical
ECF91 Finix Consulting Limited P.O Box 1088-00517 Nairobi Civil
ECF120 Framari Exclusive Agencies Limited P.O. Box 12703-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF108 Frame Consultants Limited P.O Box 58624-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF7 Frinconsult Limited. P.O Box 235 - 01000 Thika Civil
ECF22 G A Consultants Limited P.O Box 2670-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF93 Gath Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 14279-00800 Nairobi Civil
Gathara & Partners Consulting
ECF50 P.O Box 53980-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF118 Gcl Consultants Limited P.O. Box 66772-00800 Nairobi Civil
ECF110 Gedox Associates Limited P.O Box 64441-00620 Nairobi Electrical
ECF114 Graeme Watson Associates P.O Box 66507-00800 Nairobi Civil
ECF80 Horicon Engineering Solutions Limited P.O Box 161-00300 Nairobi Civil
ECF42 Ilovi Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 79625-00200 Nairobi Civil
Infrastructure Development Advisory
ECF72 P.O Box 61259-00200 Nairobi Civil
Services Limited
ECF112 Interconsult Engineers Limited P.O Box 55176-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF69 Interphase Consultants Limited P.O Box 21974-00505 Nairobi Civil
ECF14 Inticom Limited Consulting Engineers P.O Box 14105-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF34 Itec Engineering Limited P.O Box 63532-00619 Nairobi Civil
ECF49 Kijani Consultants Limited P.O Box 8282-00100 Nairobi Civil
Kinconsult Associates Limited
ECF64 P.O Box 10529-00100 Nairobi Civil
Consulting Engineers
ECF33 Kiri Consult Limited P.O Box 4125-00506 Nairobi Civil
ECF95 Kurrent Technologies Limited P.O Box 16989-00620 Nairobi Mechanical
La Femme Engineering Services
ECF94 P.O Box 64723-00620 Nairobi Civil
ECF97 Loadline Engineering Services P.O Box 52440-00200 Nairobi Electrical
ECF128 Log Associates Limited P.O. Box 10677-00100 Nairobi Agricultural
Lotus and Partners Consulting
ECF124 P.O. Box 40887-00100 Nairobi Electrical
Engineers Limited
ECF62 M & E Consulting Engineers P.O Box 50744-00100 Nairobi Mechanical & Electrical
ECF79 Mangat I.B. Patel (Mibp) Limited P.O Box 48674-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF82 Mankan Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 57866-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF121 Mascal Limited
ECF12 Maxcad Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 40482-80100 Mombasa Civil
ECF75 Metrocom Consultants Limited P.O. Box 27090-00100 Nairobi Electrical
ECF39 Moti Consultants Limited P.O Box 27345-00100 Nairobi Civil
Multiscope Consulting Engineers
ECF56 P.O Box 12012-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF130 Ngasi Consulting Engineers P.O Box 2680-00202 Nairobi Civil
ECF131 Norken International Limited P.O Box 9882-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF96 Norkun Intakes Limited P.O Box 605-00100 Nairobi Electrical
Ochieng' Abuodha And Associates
ECF46 P.O Box 4854-00506 Nairobi Civil
ECF66 Pleng Engineering Limited P.O Box 24866-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF102 Prisma Technics Limited P.O Box 49197-00100 Nairobi Electrical
ECF1 Procon Consulting Engineers Limited. P.O Box 5201-00506 Nairobi Civil
ECF35 Professional Consultants Limited P.O Box 45792-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF37 Remax Consult Limited P.O Box 3550-00506 Nairobi Electrical
ECF109 Rhines Engineering Services Limited P.O Box 9947-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF48 Runji Consulting Group Limited P.O Box 68053 Nairobi Civil
ECF81 Servcon Associates Limited P.O Box 5602-00100 Nairobi Electrical
ECF134 Shomax Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 25116-00603 Nairobi Civil
Smoothconsult Consulting Engineers
ECF54 P.O Box 4095-20100 Nakuru Civil
ECF106 Sobocon Associates Limited P.O Box 34558-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF122 Span Consulting Engineers Llp P.O. Box 75093-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF30 Stroutel Africa Limited P.O Box 76664-00508 Civil
Syldon and Partners Consulting
ECF123 P.O. Box 664-00606 Nairobi Electrical
Engineers Limited
ECF133 Synchroconsult Associates Limited P.O Box 79626-00200 Nairobi Electrical
ECF5 Terms Kenya Limited P.O Box 29204-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF51 Terraconsult Kenya Limited P.O Box 35305-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF47 Tertiary Consulting Engineers Limited P.O Box 46439-00100 Nairobi Civil
ECF135 Timcon Transport Consulting Limited P.O Box 62389-00200 Nairobi Civil
Uniconsult Engineering Consultants
ECF21 P.O. Box 59763-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF132 Varsani Associates Limited P.O Box 325-00606 Nairobi Mechanical
1594 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Reg. No. Name Postal Address Affixes

ECF63 Vejtech Consult Limited P.O Box 15702-00509 Nairobi Civil
Vemart Engineering Consultants
ECF100 P.O Box 9333-00200 Nairobi Civil
ECF67 Wanjohi Mutonyi Consult Limited P.O Box 21714-00505 Nairobi Civil
ECF53 Westconsult P.O Box 50222-00200 Nairobi Mechanical and Electrical
ECF10 Witts Engineerring Consulting Limited. P.O Box 70584-00400 Nairobi Civil
ECF27 Xenocon Consulting Engineers P.O Box 59385-00200 Nairobi Civil
Zamconsult Consulting Engineers
ECF105 P.O. Box 68221-00200 Nairobi Civil
MR/1666567 Ag. Registrar/Chief Executive Officer, Engineers Board of Kenya.



(Cap 485A)
IN EXERCISE of powers conferred by section 11 (3) (e) and (f) and pursuant to section 27 (1) (a) of the Capital Markets Act, it is notified for
general information that the companies and entities set out in the schedule hereto are licensed/authorized by the Capital Markets Authority to operate
in the various categories as indicated in the schedule:

Name of Company Address Nature of Operation

The Nairobi Securities Exchange P.O. Box 43633- 00100, Nairobi Securities Exchange
Central Depositories and Settlement Corporation Limited P.O. Box 3464 - 00100, Nairobi Central Depository
Agusto and Company Limited P.O. Box 56136, Ikoyi Lagos, Nigeria Credit Rating Agency
Metropol Corporation Limited P.O. Box 35331 – 00200, Nairobi Credit Rating Agency
Global Credit Rating Company 1st Floor, GFin Tower, 42 Hotel Street, Cyber City, Credit Rating Agency
Ebene, 72201, Mauritius
Care Ratings (Africa) Private Limited 1st Floor, MTML Square 63 Cybercity, Ebene Credit Rating Agency
A.M Best Europe – Rating Services Limited (AMBERS) 6th Floor, 12 Arthur Street, London EC 4R 9AB, UK Credit Rating Agency


Name Address License No.

1 African Alliance Kenya Investment Bank Limited P.O. Box 27639, Nairobi 001
2 Barclays Financial Services Limited P.O. Box 30120–00100, Nairobi 002
3 CBA Capital Limited P.O. Box 30437–00100, Nairobi 003
4 Dyer and Blair Investment Bank Limited P.O. Box 45396–00100, Nairobi 004
5 Equity Investment Bank Limited P.O. Box 74454–00200, Nairobi 005
6 Faida Investment Bank Limited P.O. Box 45236–00100, Nairobi 006
7 Genghis Capital Limited P.O. Box 9959–00100, Nairobi 007
8 KCB Capital Limited P.O. Box 48400–00101, Nairobi 008
9 NCBA Investment Bank Limited P.O. Box 44599–00100, Nairobi 009
10 Renaissance Capital (Kenya) Limited P.O. Box 40560–00100, Nairobi 010
11 SBG Securities Limited P.O. Box 47198–00100, Nairobi 011
12 Standard Investment Bank Limited P.O. Box 13714–00800, Nairobi 012
13 Kestrel Capital (East Africa) Limited P.O. Box 40005–00100, Nairobi 091
14 Sterling Capital Limited P.O. Box 45080–00100, Nairobi 021
15 Dry Associates Investment Group P.O Box 684–00606, Nairobi 114
16 Salaam Investment Bank Kenya Limited P.O. Box 14939–00100, Nairobi 115

Name Address License No.

1 ABC Capital Limited P.O. Box 34137–00100, Nairobi 013
2 AIB Capital Limited P.O. Box 11019–00100, Nairobi 014
3 Apex Africa Capital Limited P.O. Box 43676–00100, Nairobi 015
4 Francis Drummond & Company Limited P.O. Box 45465–00100, Nairobi 016
5 Kingdom Securities Limited P.O. Box 48231–00100, Nairobi 018
6 NIC Securities Limited P.O. Box 63046–00200, Nairobi 019
7 Old Mutual Securities Limited P.O. Box 50338–00200, Nairobi 020
8 Suntra Investments Limited P.O. Box 74016–00200, Nairobi 022
9 Securities Africa Kenya Limited P.O. Box 43633 – 00100, Nairobi 100
10 EFG Hermes Kenya Limited P.O. Box 349 – 00623, Nairobi 105


9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1595

Name Address License No.

1 EGM Securities Limited (trading as ―FXPesa‖) P.O. Box 57876–00200, Nairobi 107
2 SCFM Limited (trading as ―Scope Markets‖) P.O. Box 40719–00200, Nairobi 123
3. Pepperstone Markets Kenya Limited P.O Box 3085–00100 128
1 Standard Investment Bank Limited (trading as ―MANSA P.O. Box 13714-00800, Nairobi 116


Name Address License No.

2 Standard Chartered (Kenya) Plc P.O. Box 30003 – 00100, Nairobi 109
3 SBM Bank (Kenya) Limited P.O. Box 34886–00100, Nairobi 122

Name Address License No.

1 Alpha Africa Asset Managers P.O. Box 34530–00100, Nairobi 023
2 Amana Capital Limited P.O. Box 9480–00100, Nairobi 024
3 Apollo Asset Management Company Limited P.O. Box 30389, Nairobi 025
4 Britam Asset Managers (Kenya) Limited P.O. Box 30375–00100, Nairobi 027
5 Metropolitan Cannon Asset Managers Limited P.O. Box 30216–00100, Nairobi 028
6 Nabo Capital Limited P.O. Box 10518-00100, Nairobi 029
7 CIC Asset Management Limited P.O. Box 59485-00200, Nairobi 030
8 Co-op Trust Investment Services Limited P.O. Box 48231-00100, Nairobi 031
9 FCB Capital Limited P.O. Box 26219–00100, Nairobi 033
10 Fusion Investment Management Limited P.O. Box 47538–00100, Nairobi 034
11 GenAfrica Asset Managers Limited P.O. Box 79217–00200, Nairobi 035
12 ICEA Lion Asset Management Limited P.O. Box 46143–00100, Nairobi 036
13 Madison Investment Managers Limited P.O. Box 20092–00100, Nairobi 037
14 Old Mutual Investment Group Limited P.O. Box 11589–00400, Nairobi 038
15 Sanlam Investments East Africa Limited P.O. Box 67262–00100, Nairobi 040
16 Standard Chartered Investment Services Limited P.O. Box 30003–00100, Nairobi 042
17 Stanlib Kenya Limited P.O. Box 30550–00100, Nairobi 043
18 Zimele Asset Management Company Limited P.O. Box 76528–00508, Nairobi 045
19 Natbank Trustee and Investment Services Limited P.O Box 72866 – 00200 Nairobi 087
20 Allan Gray (Kenya) Limited P.O BOX 63946 – 00619 Nairobi 101
21 Cytonn Asset Managers Limited P.O Box 20295–00200, Nairobi 108
22 Altree Capital Kenya Limited P.O. Box 2607–00200 Nairobi 110
23 Jubilee Financial Services Limited P.O. Box 303–00100, Nairobi 119
24 Absa Asset Management Limited P.O. Box 30120–00200 Nairobi 129
1 Bora Capital Limited P.O. Box 26718–00200, Nairobi 046
2 I & M Burbidge Capital Limited P.O. Box 51525–00100, Nairobi 047
3 Co-op Consultancy and Insurance Agency Limited P.O. Box 48231–00100, Nairobi 050
4 Deloitte Financial Advisory Limited P.O. Box 40092–00100, Nairobi 051
5 Lifestyle Management Limited P.O. Box 1342–00606, Nairobi 054
6 PriceWaterhouseCoopers Associates P.O. Box 43963–00100, Nairobi 056
7 The Profin Group (K) Limited P.O. Box 9980–00100, Nairobi 059
8 Liaison Financial Services Limited P.O Box 58013 – 00200 Nairobi 095
9 Waugh McDonald Wealth Management Limited P.O Box 1896 – 00606 Nairobi 103
10 Aylesfield (Kenya) Limited P.O Box 1380 – 00621 Nairobi 104
11 Ace Financial Advisory Limited P.O. Box 15916–80100, Mombasa 111
12 Synesis Capital Limited P.O. Box 75282–00200 Nairobi 112
13 AFG Wealth Kenya Limited P.O. Box 764–00606, Nairobi 124
14 Virtual Capital International Limited 6th Floor, Prosperity House, Westlands 125
Road, Nairobi

Name Address License No.

1 African Banking Corporation Limited P.O. Box 46452–00100, Nairobi 062
2 Bank of Africa Kenya Limited P.O. Box 69562–00400, Nairobi 063
3 Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited P.O. Box 30120–00100, Nairobi 064
4 Stanbic Bank Kenya Limited P.O. Box 30550–00100, Nairobi 065
6 Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited P.O. Box 48231–00100, Nairobi 067
7 Equity Bank Limited P.O. Box 75104–00200, Nairobi 068
8 I & M Bank Limited P.O. Box 30238–00100, Nairobi 069
9 Kenya Commercial Bank Limited P.O. Box 30664–00100, Nairobi 070
10 National Bank of Kenya Limited P.O. Box 72866–00200, Nairobi 071
11 NIC Bank Kenya PLC P.O. Box 44599–00100, Nairobi 072
1596 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Name Address License No.

12 Prime Bank Limited P.O. Box 43825–00100, Nairobi 073
13 Standard Chartered Bank (Kenya) Plc P.O. Box 30003–00100, Nairobi 074
14 Transnational Bank Limited P.O. Box 34353–00100, Nairobi 075
15 HFC Limited P.O. Box 30088–00100, Nairobi 113
16 Gulf African Bank Limited P.O. Box 43683–00100, Nairobi 117
17 Credit Bank Limited P.O. Box 61064–00200, Nairobi 120
18 SBM Bank (Kenya) Limited P.O. Box 34886–00100, Nairobi 121
19 NCBA Bank Kenya Plc P.O. Box 44599–00100, Nairobi 126
1 Nabo Capital Limited P.O. Box 10518–00100, Nairobi 076
2 CIC Asset Management Limited P.O. Box 59485–00200, Nairobi 080
3 Fusion Investment Management Limited P.O. Box 47538–00100, Nairobi 081
4 Stanlib Kenya Limited P.O. Box 30550– 00100, Nairobi 082
5 ICEA Lion Asset Management Limited P.O Box 46143 – 00100 Nairobi 092
6 Sterling REIT Asset Management Limited P.O Box 45080 – 00100 Nairobi 097
7 H.F. Development and Investment Limited P.O. Box 30088 –00100 098
8 Britam Asset Managers Limited P.O. Box 30375 – 00100, Nairobi 106
9. Cytonn Asset Managers Limited P.O Box 20295–00200, Nairobi 118
1 Housing Finance Company (K) Limited P.O. Box 30088–00100, Nairobi 088
2 Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited P.O. Box 48231–00100, Nairobi 089
3 Kenya Commercial Bank Limited P.O. Box 30664–00100, Nairobi 090
1 Stanlib Fahari I-REIT P.O. Box 30550–00100 4/2015
1. African Alliance Kenya Unit Trust Scheme – No. 01/2003, comprising of:
(i) African Alliance Kenya Shilling Fund
(ii) African Alliance Kenya Fixed Income Fund
(iii) African Alliance Kenya Managed Fund
(iv) African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund
2. British-American Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(i) British-American Money Market Fund
(ii) British-American Income Fund
(iii) British-American Balanced Fund
(iv) British-American Managed Retirement Fund
(v) British-American Equity Fund
3. Stanbic Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(i) Stanbic Money Market Fund
(ii) Stanbic Fixed Income Fund
(iii) Stanbic Managed Prudential Fund
(iv) Stanbic Equity Fund
(v) Stanbic Balanced Fund
4. NCBA Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(i) NCBA Money Market Fund
(ii) NCBA Equity Fund
(iii) NCBA Dollar Investment Fund (CBA DIF)
5. Zimele Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(i) Zimele Balanced Fund
(ii) Zimele Money Market Fund
6. ICEA Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(i) ICEA Money Market Fund
(ii) ICEA Equity Fund
(iii) ICEA Growth Fund
(iv) ICEA Bond Fund
7. Standard Investment Trust Funds, comprising of;
(i) Standard Investment Equity Growth Fund
(ii) Standard Investment Fixed Income Fund
(iii) Standard Investment Balanced Fund
8. CIC Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of;
(i) CIC Money Market Fund
(ii) CIC Balanced Fund
(iii) CIC Fixed Income Fund
(iv) CIC Equity Fund
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1597

(v) CIC Wealth Fund

9. Madison Unit Trust Fund – No. 11/2011, comprising of:
(i) Madison Asset Equity Fund
(ii) Madison Asset Balanced Fund
(iii) Madison Asset Money Market Fund
(iv) Madison Asset Treasury Bill Fund
(v) Madison Asset Bond Fund
10. Dyer and Blair Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(i) Dyer and Blair Diversified Fund
(ii) Dyer and Blair Bond Fund
(iii) Dyer and Blair Money Market Fund
(iv) Dyer and Blair Equity Fund
11. Amana Unit Trust Funds Scheme, comprising of:
(i) Amana Money Market Fund
(ii) Amana Balanced Fund
(iii) Amana Growth Fund
12. Diaspora Unit Trust Scheme, comprising:
(i) Diaspora Money Market Fund
(ii) Diaspora Bond Fund
(iii) Diaspora Equity Fund
13. First Ethical Opportunities Fund
14. Genghis Unit Trust Funds, comprising of:
(i) GenCap Hazina Fund (Bond Fund)
(ii) GenCap Eneza Fund (Diversified Fund)
(iii) GenCap Hela Fund (Money Market Fund)
(iv) GenCap Iman Fund (Shariah Compliant Fund)
(v) GenCap Hisa Fund (Equity Fund)
(vi) GenCap Hela Imara Fund (Money Market Fund)
15. Sanlam Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(i) Sanlam Money Market Fund (Sanlam Pesa Plus Fund)
(ii) Sanlam Dividend Plus Fund (Sanlam Faida Plus Fund)
(iii) Sanlam Balanced Fund (Sanlam Chama Plus Fund)
16. Nabo Africa Funds, comprising of:
(i) Nabo Africa Money Market Fund (USD)
(ii) Nabo Africa Balanced Fund (USD)
(iii) Nabo Africa Fixed Income Fund (USD)
(iv) Nabo Africa Equity fund (USD)
(v) Nabo Capital Money Market Fund (KES)
(vi) Nabo KES Fixed Income Fund (KES)
17. Old Mutual Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of:
(i) Old Mutual Equity Fund
(ii) Old Mutual Money Market Fund
(iii) Old Mutual Balanced Fund
(iv) Old Mutual East Africa Fund
(v) Old Mutual Bond Fund
18. Equity Investment Bank Collective Investment Scheme, comprising;
(i) Equity Investment Bank Money Market Fund
(ii) Equity Investment Bank Balanced Fund
19. Dry Associates Unit Trust Scheme comprising of:
(i) Dry Associates Money Market Fund (Kenya Shillings)
(ii) Dry Associates Money Market Fund (US Dollars)
(iii) Dry Associates Balanced Fund (Kenya Shillings)
20. Co-op Trust Fund comprising of:
(i) Co-op Balanced Fund
(ii) Co-op Equity Fund
(iii) Co-op Bond Fund
(iv) Co-op Money Market Fund
21. Apollo Unit Trust Scheme comprising of:
(i) Apollo Money Market Fund
(ii) Apollo Balanced Fund
(iii) Apollo Aggressive Growth Fund
(iv) Apollo Equity Fund
(v) Apollo East Africa Fund
(vi) Apollo Bond Fund
22. Cytonn Unit Trust Scheme comprising of:
(i) Cytonn Money Market Fund
1598 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

(ii) Cytonn Balanced Fund

(iii) Cytonn Equity Fund
(iv) Cytonn Africa Financial Services Fund
(v) Cytonn Money Market Fund (USD)
(vi) Cytonn High Yield Fund
23. Alphafrica Umbrella Fund comprising of:
(i) Alphafrica Hifadhi Fixed Income Fund
(ii) Alphafrica Kasha Money Market Fund
24. Wanafunzi Investment Unit Trust Fund


1. ARM Employee Share Ownership Plan
2. EABL Employee Share Ownership Plan
3. Equity Employee Share Ownership Scheme
4. Housing Finance Employee Share Ownership Plan
5. I&M Bank Employee Share Ownership Plan
6. KCB Employee Share Option Plan
7. KENOL Employee Share Ownership Plan
8. Kenya Airways Employee Share Ownership Plan
9. Kenya Airways 2017 Group Employee Share Ownership Scheme
10. Safaricom Employee Share Ownership Plan
11. Scangroup Employee Share Ownership Plan
12. Car & General Employee Share Ownership Plan
13. Standard Group Limited Employee Share Ownership Plan
14. Longhorn Publishers Limited, Employee Share Ownership Plan
15. Britam Holdings Plc Employee Share Ownership Plan
16. Nairobi Securities Exchange Plc Employee Share Ownership Plan – Unit Trust

Dated the 16th March, 2021.

MR/1666557 Chief Executive, Capital Markets Authority.


(Cap. 326)
UNDER section 19 (1) of the Seeds and Plant Varieties (Variety Evaluation and Release) Regulations, 2016, The Managing Director, KEPHIS is
supposed to cause the names of the released varieties to be published in the Kenya Gazette within twenty-one (21) days of the National Variety
Release Committee (NVRC) meeting.
Species: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
High Input Intensive Management

Crop/ Variety Release Owner(S) Maintainer Areas of Production Maturity Yield Special Attributes
Kit Name Name Licensee And Source Duration (T/Ha)
Potato Java Java Owner: Teagasc SASA – Altitude:1000 – 3000 110 days 40-50  Very high resistance to
Global Licensee: Edinburgh, m.a.s.l Phytophthora
IPM Potato Scotland, UK. AEZ: UH 1-3, LH-1-3,
Group Limited Stokman UM1-3  Suitable for making
Sub-licensee Rozen, Sites: Nyandarua, Meru, French fries
Kenya: Kirinyaga Naivasha, Bomet, Narok, Nakuru,  Suitable for long storage
Seeds Limited Kenya Kericho, Laikipia,
Kiambu, Kirinyaga,  Resistant to tuber blight,
West Pokot, Trans foliage blight, common
Nzoia, Bungoma, Uasin scab and dry rot
Gishu, Nyeri, Elgeyo-

Species: Soybean (Glycine max)

Crop/ Release Owner (s) Maintainer Maturity Yield

Variety Name Areas of Production Special Attributes
Kit Name Licensee And Source Duration (T/Ha)
Soybean KALROSOY Kensoy 10 KALRO KALRO - Altitude:1300 -2200 3.2- 5.5 2.0 – 2.4 - protein content (35-37% )
1 NJORO m.a.s.l months - High oil content (20-24%)
4, LH2, LH3 LH4,
LM3, LM1
Sites: Kakamega,
Kitale, Embu, Nakuru,
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1599

Crop/ Release Owner (s) Maintainer Maturity Yield

Variety Name Areas of Production Special Attributes
Kit Name Licensee And Source Duration (T/Ha)
Soybean KALROSOY Kensoy KALRO KALRO - Altitude: 900-2200 3.3 – 5.6 2.0 – 3.0 -Clear hilum
2 005 NJORO m.a.s.l months - glossy grain
AEZ: UM3, UM 4, - Protein Content (33-40%)
LH2, LH3 LH4, LM3, - High oil content (20 -26%)
Sites: Kakamega,
kitale, Embu, Nakuru,
Bahati, Homa Bay
Species: Triticale (×Triticosecale)

Crop/ Owner(s) Maintainer Maturity Yield

Variety Name Release Name Areas of Production Special Attributes
Kit Licensee and Source Duration (T/Ha)
Triticale Foddatriticale Foddatriticale Agriscope Agriscope Altitude: 1100-2000 160-180 10-12  High digestibility of
(Africa) (Africa) m.a.s.l days (t/ha) organic matter due to low
Limited Limited AEZ: AEZ: UM1, UM2 Biomass / acid detergent Fiber
and UM3 per (40%)
Sites: Nandi, Nakuru, cutting
Bomet, Eldoret, Kitale,  Foliar diseases (leaf rust,
leaf spot and stem rust)
Laikipia and Machakos
tolerant (Less chemical
 High Metabolizable
 High protein content
(Crude protein content of
 Suitable for Silage and

Species: French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Crop/ Variety Release Owner(s) Maintainer Maturity Yield

Areas of Production Special Attributes
Kit Name Name Licensee And Source Duration (T/H)
French STAR STAR205 STARKE STARKE Altitude: 1200-2000 55 to 60 10-25  Resilient, Vertical upright plants
Beans 2054 4 AYRES AYRES m.a.s.l days with excellent canopy cover.
AEZ- LM 1- 4
Sites: Naivasha,  Exceptional yield potential in
Narok, Bomet, extra fine beans category at 70%
Meru, Embu, & fine beans at 30%.
Matuu, Isinya,  Have high quality straight dark
Loitoktok and green pods.
Note: Sites under  Excellent processing variety
 Has high resistance to Rust and
 Has Intermediate resistance to
Halo blight and Anthracnose.
 Has very slow seed
 Has Excellent gel retention.

Species: Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)

Crop/ Release Owner(s) Maintainer Areas of Maturity Yield

Variety Name Special Attributes
Kit Name Licensee And Source Production Duration (T/Ha)
Sunflower Hysun 33 Hysun 33 Advanta Advanta Altitude: 900 – Medium 2.5 to 3.0  High oil content (45% -
Seed Seeds 2200 m asl (105 – 115 48%)
International AEZ: LH 1-4, UM days)
 Wide adaptability and
1-4, LM 1-4
drought tolerant
Sites: Nakuru,
Kakamega,  Tolerant to Alternaria,
Bungoma, Trans albugo and sclerotinia
Nzoia, Busia, diseases
Timau, Embu,
 Large head diameter (18-
 Suitable for both rainfed
1600 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Crop/ Release Owner(s) Maintainer Areas of Maturity Yield

Variety Name Special Attributes
Kit Name Licensee And Source Production Duration (T/Ha)
and irrigated conditions

Species: Urochloa (Urochloa sp.)

Crop/ Release Owner(s) Maintainer Areas of Maturity Yield

Variety Name Special Attributes
Kit Name Licensee And Source Production Duration (T/Ha)
Urochloa Urochloa Basilisk KALRO KALRO Altitude: 20- Perennial 8- 16 t  Resistance to spider mites
decumbens cv. 2300 m asl crop, takes 3- dry attack
Basilisk AEZ: UH1-3, LH 4 months to matter/ha
1-4, UM1-4, LM establish and per year  Establish well with seed
1-4,CL 1-4 if well and splits,
Sites: Coast, managed it  Highly persistence to
Kitui, Lanet, has a grazing,
Nakuru, Meru productive
life of 10- 20  Good digestibility
 Suitable for baling.
 Drought and low
temperature tolerant
 High protein content
(crude protein of 6-8%)
Urochloa Urochloa Piata KALRO KALRO Altitude: 20-2000 Perennial 10- 18 t  Tolerant to spider mites
brizantha cv. m asl crop, takes 3- dry attack
Piata AEZ: UH1-3, LH 4 months to matter/ha
1-4, UM1-4, LM establish and per year  Establish well with seeds
1-4,CL 1-4 if well and splits
Sites: Coast, managed it  Suitable for cut and carry
Kitui, Lanet, has a
Nakuru, Meru productive  Good digestibility
life of 10- 15
 Drought tolerant
 High protein content
(crude protein of 9-10%)
Urochloa Urochloa Toledo KALRO KALRO Altitude: 20-2300 Perennial 10- 20 t  Tolerant to spider mites
brizantha cv. m asl crop, takes 3- dry attack
Xaraes AEZ: UH1-3, LH 4 months to matter/ha
1-4, UM1-4, LM establish and per year  Establish well with seeds
1-4,CL 1-4 if well and splits
Sites: Coast, managed it  Suitable for cut and carry
Kitui, Lanet, has a
Nakuru, Meru productive  Good nutritive quality
life of 10- 15
 Digestible- good
 High protein content
(crude protein of 7-9%)
Urochloa Urochloa MG -4 KALRO KALRO Altitude: 20-2300 Perennial 7 - 14 t  Resistance to spider mites
brizantha cv m asl crop, takes 3- dry attack
MG-4 AEZ: UH1-3, LH 4 months matter/ha
1-4, UM1-4, LM before per year  Establish well with seed
1-4,CL 1-4 grazing and if and splits,
Sites: Coast, well managed  Persistence to grazing,
Kitui, Lanet, it has a
Nakuru, Meru productive  High Nutritive quality
life of 10- 20
 Suitable for baling
 Drought and low
temperature tolerant
 High protein content(crude
protein of 7-8%)

Species: Garden pea (Pisum sativum)

Crop/ Release Owner(s) Maintainer Maturity Yield

Variety Name Areas of Production Special Attributes
Kit Name Licensee And Source Duration (T/Ha)
Garden pea Njabini P1 Molo Simlaw Simlaw seed Altitude: 1500-2600 80-90 days 1.8-2.0  Dual purpose both when
super seed co. co. Limited m.a.s.l fresh and dry
Limited AEZ: LH-1-3, UM-
1-2  Drought tolerant
Sites:  Requires vertical trailing
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1601

Crop/ Release Owner(s) Maintainer Maturity Yield

Variety Name Areas of Production Special Attributes
Kit Name Licensee And Source Duration (T/Ha)
Timau,Rongai, Mau for optimum production
Njabini, Olkalou
Molo and Kitale
Species: Maize (Zea mays L)
Crop/ Variety Name Release Name Owner(s) Maintainer Areas of Production Maturity Yield(T/Ha) Special Attributes
Kit Licensee and Source Duration
Maize(Medium UH5354 BAZOOKA NASECO / NASECO / Altitude: 800-1800 120-140 8-12  Heavy Semi flint
Kit) NACCRI NACCRI m.a.s.l days grain with good
(NARO- (NARO - AEZ: LM1-4, grain texture and
Uganda) Uganda) UM1-4, LH1-3 milling extraction
Wakala Sites: Busia,
 Highly prolific
Africa Embu, Kaguru,
double cobber
Limited Kimaeti, Siaya,
Soin  GLS and MSV and
andWambugu, Turcicum tolerant
 Uniform cob
placement with
good tip cover.
 Suitable for silage
Maize(Medium X40H475W PAN 7M-87 PANNAR PANNAR Altitude:1200- 120-140 7-9  Grain-Flint
Kit) SEED K SEED LTD 1500 days
Limited AEZ: LM1-4  Tolerance to
Sites: Busia, diplodia ear rot
Embu, Kaguru,  Tolerant to GLS
Kimaeti, Siaya,
Soin, Wambugu  Good standability
 Double cobs
 Highly adaptable
 Stay green
Maize(Medium X35H478W PAN 5M-37 PANNAR PANNAR Altitude:1200- 120 days 6-8  Grain-Semi flint
Limited AEZ: LM1-4  Tolerance to MSV
Sites: Busia,  Tolerant to NLB
Embu, Kaguru,
Kimaeti, Siaya,  Good standability
Soin, Wambugu
 Drooping
Maize SEG187RC SY6250 Syngenta Syngenta Altitude: 1100 – 110-120 7-10  Wide adaptation
(Transitional Kit/ E.A Ltd Zambia; Plot 1900 m.a.s.l days over region
Mid Late kit) 5255, Mukwa AEZ: LH 3-4, UM
Road,P.O. 1-4, LM 1-4  Semi flint grain
Box 33088, Sites: Busia,  Excellent ear rot
Heavy Embu, Kimaeti, tolerance
industrial Kirinyaga, Siaya,
área, Lusaka, Bukura, Kiambu,  Good lodging
Zambia Siaya, Nyeri, resistance
Meru, Kakamega,
Nakuru, Homabay,  Drought tolerant
Kisii, Thika,
Maize SY5054 SY5054 Syngenta Syngenta Altitude: 800-1900 90-110 6-9  Wide adaptation
(Transitional / E.A Limited Zambia m.a.s.l days over region
Medium/Mid late AEZ: LH 3-4, UM
kit) 1- 4, LM 1-4  Semi dent grain
Sites: Busia,  Good lodging
Embu, Kimaeti, resistance
Kirinyaga, Siaya,
Bukura, Kiambu,  Very good GLS
Siaya, Nyeri, tolerance
Meru, Kakamega,
Nakuru, Homabay,  Drought tolerant
Kisii, Kangundo,
Machakos, Kitui,
Mwea, Thika
1602 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Crop/ Variety Name Release Name Owner(s) Maintainer Areas of Production Maturity Yield(T/Ha) Special Attributes
Kit Licensee and Source Duration
Maize SEE127RC SY6456 Syngenta Syngenta Altitude: 1300- 110-120 7-11  Semi Dent grain
(Transitional Kit/ E.A Limited Zambia 1900 m.a.s.l days type
Mid Late kit) AEZ: LH 3-4, UM
1-4, LM 1-4  Prolific
Sites: Busia,  Above average root
Embu, Kimaeti, lodging resistance
Kirinyaga, Siaya,
Bukura, Kiambu,  Excellent GLS and
Siaya, Narok, Turcicum tolerance
Nyeri, Meru,
Kakamega,  Drought tolerant
Nakuru, Homabay,
Kisii, Thika,
Mwea, Machakos

MR/1666672 Managing Director.


1752 Johnson Mokobi Okirigi
(Cap. 326) 1754 Peter Kirimi Murungi
1767 Mary Wagaki Ndegwa
THE Seeds and Plant Varieties Act section 3B (1b) and (2a) 1768 Esther Wanjiru Ndirangu
provides for authorization and gazettement of private or public persons 1769 Stella Jerono Keter
by the service to perform specified functions under the Act on its 1771 Festus Kiplagat Kimei
behalf. In this regard, the following persons/companies, having been 1773 Mercy Chemutai Kemei
authorized by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), 1776 Alexander Mutua Muvea
are gazetted as private inspectors and private entities. 1777 Moses Owuor Oyier
PRIVATE INSPECTORS 1780 Mary Mwari Guantai
1781 Philip Pkemei Chemeltorit
Name Company 1788 Edward Makori Onkendi
1789 Theophilus Mwendwa Mutui
Pauline Wambui Komu Ultravetis Seed Company
Regina Gitau Freshco Seed Company The appointment of the following persons as Inspectors and
Analysts has been revoked
P.No Name
Company Scope of Authorization 1047 Philip Karonjo Njoroge
Kenya seed Company Limited  Field Inspection 1068 Daniel Wagana Marikio
 Testing entity 1071 Joseph Kimuya Muthonjia
Agriscope (Africa) Limited  Field Inspection 1073 Alfred Ocham Gweyo
 Testing entity 1074 B.P. Moses Ngugi Mwangi
1077 Josphat Nderitu Mururi
MR/1666672 Managing Director. 1078 Thuo Ndungu Njoroge
1080 Samuel Migwi Njuguna
1123 Simeon Kiptanui Komen
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3262 1124 Edward B.N.L. Nyongesa Ndeke
1126 Hezron Wabwile Lusweti
(Cap. 326) 1148 Lynette Achieng Mbeyha
1149 Sammy Ooko Chapresy
APPOINTMENT AND REVOCATION 1175 Joseph Kipkemboi Koech
1185 Sammy Mutunga Muthoka
THE Seeds and Plant Varieties Act section 3B (1a) and (2a)
1196 Simon Towett Ruto
provides for appointment and gazettement of inspectors, analysts and
1201 John Tum Mike Kibyama
examiners. In this regard, the following persons, having been
1245 Pkemei Joseph Masai
appointed by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS),
1268 Mary Waithiegeni Githinji
are gazetted as Inspectors/Analysts:
1272 Joseph Kiana Karogo
P.No. Name 1273 Elijah Kariuki Karanja
1279 Phides Mbura Nyaga
1731 Benard Mukoye 1281 Ednah Munai Otenyo
1734 Esther Philip 1290 Mohammed Ali Mwanguku
1735 Samwel Massive Osewe 1304 Winnie Wagikuyu Kamani
1744 Silas Chebon 1315 Kiilu Timothy Ndolo
1745 Daniel Ekisa Omakada 1345 Esther Wandia Njoya Kimani
1746 Sammy Kalume Makazi 1378 John Mark Ngeny
1747 Villier Nabuteya Omolo 1605 Jane Wairimu Gatumia
1748 Timothy Bett Mengich 1611 Catherine Lagat
1749 Kevin Kipsang Sambai
1750 Samuel Kimemia Mwangi THEOPHILUS MUTUI,
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1603

MR/1666672 Managing Director. the Board, outlines the performance of the Board on its mandate from
1st July, 2019 to 30th June, 2020.

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3263 1. Budget allocations

THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA During the Financial Year 2019/2020, the Board‘s allocation was
Kshs. 45,071,178 which was 100% recurrent during the supplementary
THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT within the year, a net reduction of Kshs 5,772,134 was effected to the
board‘s budget under various vote heads.
(No. 17 of 2012)
2. Committees of the Board.
During the year under review the Boards Committees were
NEW HEALTH FACILITIES reviewed from five to three namely:
PURSUANT to the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya (a) Human Resource and Terms of Service.
2010, and for the information of the general public, for effective health
service delivery as a devolved function, the Governor of Migori (b) Administration, Finance and Public Relations.
County gazettes the health facility in the public health sector as
follows: (c) Audit, Legal and Compliance.
(d) In addition, ADHOC committees were formed to deal with
Facility Name of Health Sub specific issues as and when they arise.
Code Facility County
3. Performance of the Board by Function
25954 Nyamanga Nyaliende New facility
Dispensary During the year under review, the Board discharged its functions
Suna East
17731 Brase Clinic Upgraded to Level 4 as below.
3.1 Appointments
14136 Suna Ragana New Facility
Dispensary Terms of
13486 Arombe Dispensary New Facility Position No. Department
13897 Nyamaraga Health Upgraded to Level 4 VTC Instructors Permanent 2 Education
Centre Suna West facility ECDE Caregivers Contract 4 Education
13587 God Kwer Dispensary Up graded to a level Municipal Manager Contract 1 Municipality
4 facility Universal Health Public Service
13806 Migori TTC New Facility Contract 253
Coverage Commission
Dispensary Universal Health Public Service
14079 Siabai Makonge New facility Interns 105
Coverage Commission
3.2 Other Activities
13659 Kebaroti Dispensary New Facility
Kuria East
13565 Getambwega New Facility The following activities where done within the year under review.
14143 Taragai Dispensary New Facility Activity No. Department
25137 Getonganya New facility Exits (By various forms) 46 Various Department
Dispensary Training 25 Various Department
Kuria west Promotion 4 Public Service Board
25136 Boremagongo New Facility
Dispensary Re-designation 1 Health
22980 Kangeso Dispensary New Facility Absorption 1 Health
13989 Ongo Health centre Upgraded to Level 4 Posting by the Ministry of Health 1 Health
facility 3.3 Values and Principles of Public Service.
17341 Kitere Dispensary Upgraded to level 3
26174 Kokuro Dispensary Awendo New Facility In order to comply with values and principles the board ensured
22348 Nyamage Dispensary New facility that:
13988 Ongito Dispensary New Facility 1. Observance of fair competition in appointment and promotions
25175 Koringo Dispensary New Facility
Uriri 2. Human Dignity, Equality, Social justice. Inclusiveness,
25182 Rae Ondiala New Facility
Dispensary Equality, Human rights, on-discrimination and Protection of the
24867 Omullo Dispensary New facility Marginalized
25185 Nyamongo Dispensary New Facility 3. Sharing and Devolution of Powers by Delegating of functions.
25835 Aego Sagenya New Facility
Dispensary 4. Good Governance, Integrity, Transparency and Accountability.
25519 Apillo Dispensary New Facility In performance of its function, the board experienced the following
14170 Wath Onger Upgraded to Level 3 challenges:
(a) Inadequate resources,
MR/1666637 CECM, Health Services. (b) The emergence of Covid 19 pandemic,
(c) Inadequate funding/Low budgetary allocation hindering
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3264 optimal performance of various functions,

THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT (d) Agitations from unions,

ELGEYO MARAKWET PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD (e) Usurpation of the powers of the board,

ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2019–JUNE 2020 (f) Conflicting mandates,

THIS report is prepared in accordance with the provisions of (g) Low ICT network coverage in the county leading to limited
section 59 (1) of the County Governments Act which requires the access to information including application of jobs,
County Public Service Board to prepare and submit a report on its (h) Inadequate office space.
operations and activities to the County Assembly at the end of each
financial year. The Report which is the seventh since the inception of
1604 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

None adheres to County Public Service Board advisories, (c) Exercise disciplinary control over, and remove, persons
recommendations and delegated functions hence non-compliance. holding or acting in those offices as provided for under this
In order to enhance service delivery to the public, the board plans to
ensure the implementation of Performance management framework (d) Prepare regular reports for submission to the county assembly
and cascade it to all staff in the public service. Further the board on the execution of the functions of the Board;
intends to undertake a customer survey to ascertain the effectiveness
and efficiency of service delivery within the county. Capacity building (e) Promote in the county public service the values and principles
of staff in various areas cannot be overemphasized. The board also referred to in Articles 10 and 232;
recommends the use of an Integrated Human Resource Management (f) Evaluate and report to the county assembly on the extent to
System for effective management of its human resource function. which the values and principles referred to in Articles 10
Dated the 19th January, 2021. and 232 are complied with in the county public service;

DORCAS BIWOTT, (g) Facilitate the development of coherent, integrated human

MR/1943966 Ag. Board Secretary. resource planning and budgeting for personnel emoluments in

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3265 (h) Advise the county government on human resource
management and development;
(i) Advise county government on implementation and
(No. 17 of 2012) monitoring of the national performance management system in
(j) Make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration
COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Commission, on behalf of the county government, on the
CHAPTER ONE remuneration, pensions and gratuities for county public
service employees.
1.0 Background
1.3 Board Membership
The County Public Service Board of Busia was established in
accordance with the County Governments Act 2012, where the Board The Board is currently constituted as follows:
is stipulated to be— Chairperson Assumpta N. Obore (Ms.)
(a) A body corporate with perpetual succession and a seal; and Vice-Chairperson Lawrence Emongole Akijakin

(b) Capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name. Members

1.1 Vision, Mission and Core Values Patrick K.B Afwande

Dominics Dan Ayaa (Dr.)
The Board has formulated and issued various guidelines and Mondelane Nechesa Musundi (Ms.)
implemented programmes geared towards enhancing service Thomas Taka Ouma
delivery. Further, it has carried out various activities as mandated Ag. Secretary/CEO, Director Finance and Administration
under section 59 of the County Governments Act, 2012. In Martin. S. Sikolia
undertaking these programmes and activities, the Board has been
guided by its Vision, Mission, Core Values and the National Values The following members exited the Board 2020—
and Principles in line with Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution. Rev. Charles. V. Orodi
Vision Praxedes Otieno
Josiah Wanyama
To be a beacon of professionalism, integrity and dedication to Susan Kapule
public Service.
The following three Board Members were recruited in 2020—
Dominics Dan Ayaa (Dr.)
To provide efficient and effective professional services for the Mondelane Nechesa Musundi (Ms.)
realization of the County and National development goals through Thomas Taka Ouma (Ms.)
competitive recruitment, planning, developing and managing human
capital. 1.4 Board Committees

In discharging its functions and implementing its Strategic The Board carries out its functions through Board Committees.
Plan, the Board is guided by the following Core Values— The Committees meet on designated days and make their reports and
recommendations to the full Board.
(a) Integrity
The Committees are as follows—
(b) Professionalism
(a) Finance and Administration
(c) Equity and Diversity
(b) Recruitment, Selection and Discipline
(d) Team spirit
(c) Audit and compliance
(e) Transparency and Accountability
(d) Human Resource Planning, Capacity Development and
(f) Creativity and Innovation Training
(g) Rule of Law The Terms of Reference for each Committee are as follows:
1.2 Mandate of the Board (a) Recruitment, Selection and Discipline
Section 59 (1) of the County Governments Act stipulates the (i) Job advertisement and addressing all matters relating to
mandate of the Board as to— recruitment.
(a) Establish and abolish offices in the county public service; (ii) Preparation of guiding notes to the Board Preliminary
Selection panels and quality assurance on applications.
(b) Appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the county
public service including in the Boards of cities and urban (iii) Scheduling of interviews and inviting short listed
areas within the county and to confirm appointments; candidates;
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1605

(iv) Availing the indents, application files, lists of short listed (xiv) Oversee compliance of Public Ethics Acts
candidates and the Annual Staff Appraisal Reports to the
Final Selection panel. (xv) Attending to legal issues.

(v) Dealing with all correspondence regarding employment in (d) Finance and Administration
the County Public Service. (i) Analyzing budget proposals for the Board
(vi) Establishment and abolition of offices in the public (ii) Making proposals on financial planning for the board.
(iii) Making proposals on re-structuring and staffing of
(vii) Analyze the Human Resource plans the Board secretariat.
(viii) Develop a structured system of handling discipline cases (iv) Monitoring implementation of the Board‘s strategic plan.
for use in County Departments
(v) Proposing modalities for collaboration and
(ix) Audit pending disciplinary cases in County departments. cooperation between the Board and other bodies.
(x) Development of guidelines for promotions and transfer of (vi) Ensuring statutory compliance including annual Audit.
(vii) Receive , securitize and submit monthly reports to the
(xi) Advise on terms and conditions of service. Board.
(b) Human Resource Planning Capacity Development and (viii) Handling any County Assembly questions
1.5: Board Secretariat
(i) Develop modalities of carrying out training
impact assessment in the public service The Board has a functional Secretariat which is headed
by the Secretary/CEO with 8 members of staff—
(ii) Development of staff development policy
(a) Director of Finance & Administration (1)
(iii) Analyze training needs assessment reports from all
(b) Human Resource Officer (1)
the county departments
(c) Accountant (2)
(iv) Co-ordinate and advise on training needs assessment
(d) Office Administrative Assistants (1)
(v) Advise on mechanisms for collaborating with
training institutions on human resource development. (e) Clerical Officer (1)
(vi) Advice on development of skills inventory for (f) Driver (2)
County Public Service.
(g) Receptionists (2)
(c) Audit and Compliance
(h) Administrative Officer (1)
(i) Advice on the performance management framework in
the county. The Secretariat is mandated to perform the following duties—

(ii) Initiate review of the existing human resource manuals (a) Facilitate the Board in terms of preparing Board Papers and
for the service Board meeting materials;

(iii) Ensure staff appraisal process conforms to the County (b) Communication of Board decisions;
performance targets. (c) Monitoring the implementation of the Board decisions;
(iv) Make proposals on improvement in the discharge of (d) Provision of technical support to the Board and
delegated powers its Committees;
(v) Advise on and monitor performance of all officers in the (e) Financial facilitation and accounting for the Board operations.
county public service and ensure feedback is relayed;
(f) Any other lawful duties as assigned by the Board
(vi) Promotion of values and principles referred to in
Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution throughout the 1.6: Board Strategic Plan
public service
The Board has a (five) 5-year Strategic Plan which is yet to be
(vii) Monitor, evaluate and report to the County Public Service implemented and / or operationalized due to financial constraints and
Board on the extent to which the values and principles lack of a fully constituted secretariat, However, the Plan continues to
referred to in Articles 10 and 232 are complied with in the give the Board the required focus in the execution of its mandate. The
public service. plan highlights four objectives which are aligned with the mandate of
the Board. These objectives are as follows—
(viii) Develop instruments to investigate, monitor and evaluate
the organization, administration and personnel practices (a) To promote professionalism and good governance in the
of the public service. County Public Service

(ix) Propose programmes and activities for promotion of (b) To promote real time service delivery in the County Public
values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232 Service
throughout the public service. (c) To promote equitable distribution of opportunities in the
County Public Service
(x) Propose modalities for monitoring the extent to which the
programmes and articles in (ix) are promoting the values (d) To protect the rights of public officers and enhance justice
and principles of public service. and fairness in the County Public Service.
(xi) Develop and review County Public Service code of CHAPTER TWO—BOARD ACTIVITIES IN THE YEAR 2020
2.0: Introduction
(xii) Make appropriate recommendations emanating from the
reports in (vii) above to facilitate decision making. This chapter details the activities that the Board undertook
during the period January 2019 to December 2019. The activities have
(xiii) Oversight of development and dissemination service been carried out within the legal and policy frameworks governing the
charter. County Public Service Board and its operations.
1606 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Size of the Public Service 2.6 Development of policy Documents

During the period under review the Public Service under the The Board finalized the drafting of policy documents, the same
purview of the Board comprised of 3616 employees as reflected in the were forwarded to the CECM and the Chief Officers in the various
table below. Departments for their input as part of Public Participation. The same
were uploaded on the County Government Website Public
Table 1: Distribution of Staff by Department Participation.
Department No. of Staff The Policies were adopted by the County Public Service Board and
forwarded to the Cabinet for adoption of the same as mentioned
Office of the Governor 442
Office of the Deputy Governor 21
Office of the County Secretary 4 (a) Discipline Manual for Public Service
County Public Service Board 15
Finance,ICT Economic Planning, 222 (b) Human Resource Policies and Procedures Manual
Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy 83 (c) Recruitment and Selection policy
Water, Environment, Irrigation and Natural Resources 130
Agriculture and Animal Resources 341 (d) Casual Workers Manual
Community Development, Sports, Culture, Social 22 2.7 Induction of Newly Recruited Staff
Services and Tourism
Cooperatives, Trade and Industry 75 As part of its core functions on Human resource Management and
Health and Sanitation 1473 Development, the Board in collaboration with County Departments
Public Service Management 16 undertook induction training of newly appointed staff in the year under
Lands, Housing and Urban Development 59 review.
Education and Vocational Training 1003 2.8 Recruitment and Selection
TOTAL 3906
The various positions were advertised and competitively recruited
2.2 County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018/2023 by the County Public Service Board.
The Board during the year under review considered the reviewed The selection was guided by the Constitutional requirements in
2nd Busia County Integrated Development plan CIDP and noted that regard to merit, regional and gender balancing, youth, People Living
the success of Busia County with regard to effective delivery of with Disability (PLWD), minority and marginalized communities. All
service on the devolved functions and CIDP depended on the caliber selections took cognizance of Article 232 of the Constitution of
of the Human Resource recruited by the Board. Kenya, with the Board using fair competition and merit as the basis of
selection of candidates
2.3 National Values and& Principles of Public Service
In the review period the following appointments were made.
The Board carried out its mandate in a transparent manner when
inviting applicants for interviews by ensuring that the advertisements Table 3. Staff recruited in 2020
were widely published as required under section 66 of the County
Governments Act (CGA) 2012 by placing the adverts in the Job Title Job Group No Recruited
Newspapers with wide Circulation in the Country namely the Daily
Deputy County Secretary S 1
Nation and Standard Newspaper with copies at all Sub County
Headquarters. Further, the adverts were placed on the County website. County Chief Officers S 7
Board Members S8 3
Successful candidates were invited for interviews through the Accountant II J 46
Newspapers website, notices at Sub County, Wards and Village offices Internal Auditor I K 1
and contacted through SMS on the date and venues of the interviews. Director Supply Chain Management R 1
Chief Internal Auditor M 1
The Board had planned to coordinate, sensitize and educate the
County staffs on National Values and Principles of Public Service, but Senior internal Auditor L 1
due to inadequate funding the exercise was deferred to 2020, subject to Internal Auditor II J 19
availability of funds. Internal Auditor III H 8
Economist II/Statistian K 9
2.4 County Public Service Boards Consultative Forum Finance /Budget III J 28
Supply Chain Management Assistant H 14
The Board members attended the 8h National County Public
Service Boards‘ consultative forum Convention in Silver Springs
Hotel, Nairobi in March. During the convention new office bearers Revenue Clerks E 160
were elected. Agricultural Officer I K 17
Animal Health Assistant II G 9
The forum offers a platform for sharing information and Livestock Production Officer K 8
experience on the performance of the 47 County Public Service Boards Assistant Livestock Production Officer H 6
in the execution of their functions. Assistant Fisheries Officer III H 8
2.5 Performance Contracting 2019/2020 Office Administrative Assistant III G 2
Assistant Engineer(Electrical) K 3
In execution of its functions as prescribed under Sec. 59 (h), the Geographical Information System K 2
Board in consultation with the department of Public Service Officer
Management advised the County on the implementation and Assistant Engineer(Water and K 6
monitoring of County performance management systems. Sewerage)
Assistant Engineer(Irrigation) K 2
The new guidelines on preparation and implementation of
Information Communication K 2
performance contracts as issued by the Council of Governors were
Technology Officer
used to prepare performance contracts for 2018/2020 which have been
signed by the County Executive Committee Members (C.E.C.M) and Human Resource Management Officer J 1
the Governor. II
Information Communication H 2
The chairperson of the Board signed the Performance Contract Technology Officer III
with the Governor which will be subsequently be cascaded down to Office Administrative Assistant II H 6
the Secretary/ CEO of the Board, who signed the Performance Driver III D/F 19
Contract with the chairperson. The performance contracts will be Assistant Quantity Surveyor K 1
cascaded down to the Directors level. Other County employees will be Assistant Architect II K 1
put on Performance Appraisals. Inspector Roads K 2
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1607

Job Title Job Group No Recruited  The terms of Engagement for employment of 439 ECDE
caregivers who were recruited on 3 years contract in 2017/2018
Assistant Engineer II Mechanical K 1 ended in December, 2019 and their terms of employment were
Building services changed to permanent and pensionable in January, 2020.
Assistant Engineer/(Structural) II K 1
Principal Administration Officer N 2  The terms of Engagement for employment of 74 Health
Principal Administration N 1 Workers who were recruited on 3 years contract in 2017/2018
Officer(protocol) ended in December, 2019 and their terms of employment were
Administrative Officer I(Liaison) K 2 changed to permanent and pensionable in January, 2020
Administrative Officer I(protocol) K 3 PER SUBCOUNTY AND WARD
Administrative Officer II(Liaison) J 2
Administrative Officer II(protocol) J 4 TESO SOUTH
Administrative Officer III(Liaison) H 3 Board
Govern Agricult Chief
Administrative Officer III(protocol) H 3 Ward Finance Water Works Memb Total
or ure Officer
Director Administration(Liaison) R 1 ers
Director Administration Service R 1 Chakol 13 5 4 1 2 0 0 25
Delivery South
Senior Public Communication Officer L 4 Amukura 9 1 0 1 0 0 0 11
Information Officer II J 3 West
Public Communication Officer J 2
II(Editor/Camera) Amukura 16 4 2 1 0 0 0 23
Chief Public Communication Officer M 1 East
Public Communication Officer H 1 Amukura 9 4 2 2 0 1 0 18
III(Sound Technician) Central
Senior Information Officer L 2 Angorom 19 3 1 1 0 0 0 24
Office Messengers D 4 Chakol 8 3 0 1 0 0 0 12
Cook II D/F 3
Security Officer D 14
74 20 9 7 2 1 0 113
Table 4: Distribution by County of Origin
The recruited personnel for 2020 had 93.3% having Busia as
their County of origin. The Board did not achieve the requirement Ward Finan Gover Agricul Water Wor Chief Board
to recruit 30% from outside the County as illustrated in the table ce nor ture ks Officer Mem
County No % Nangina 5 1 0 1 1 0 0 8
Agenga/ 5 0 3 2 0 0 0 10
Busia 423 92.56
Vihiga 1 0.22 Nanguba
Siaya 6 1.31 Namboboto 7 0 2 1 2 1 0 13
TransNzoia 9 1.97 /Nambuku
Kakamega 8 1.75 Bwiri 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 5
Kisumu 2 0.44 SUB
Bungoma 5 1.09 21 1 5 5 3 1 0 36
Kisii 1 0.22
Uasin Gishu 1 0.22 NAMBALE SUB COUNTY
Homa Bay 1 0.22
Chief Board
TOTAL 457 100 Ward/Depa Fina Gover Agricul
WaterWorks Officer Memb
rtments nce nor ture
Table 5: Distribution by Ethnic Group s ers
Bukhayo 11 5 2 5 0 0 0 23
The Board made major efforts to meet diversity requirements in
terms of ethnicity and will strive to ensure that the 30% diversity Central
threshold is attained in coming recruitments. Nambale 14 5 8 0 0 1 0 28
Ethnic Group No. % Bukhayo 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 9
Teso 187 40.5 East
Luo 37 8.1 Bukhayo 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 7
Luhya 225 49.2 North/
Kisii 2 0.44 Walatsi
Kalenjin 4 0.88
Kikuyu 1 0.2 35 14 12 5 0 1 0 67
Mijikenda 1 0.2 TOTAL

Table 6. Distribution by gender Board

Fina Gover Agricul Chief
Ward WaterWorks Memb
Gender No. % nce nor ture Officers
Male 271 59.2 Marachi 4 4 0 1 0 1 0 10
Female 186 40.8 West
TOTAL 457 100 Marachi 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 9
Note: Central
Marachi 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 6
 The board did achieve the two thirds gender rule.
1608 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

Board Age Number %

Fina Gover Agricul Chief
Ward WaterWorks Memb
nce nor ture Officers 20 - 29 185 40.48
ers 30 – 39 212 46.39
Kingandole 7 0 2 1 0 0 0 10 40 – 49 49 10.72
Marachi 5 1 0 2 0 0 1 9 ABOVE 50 11 2.41
East 457 100
Elugulu 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Table 9: Distribution by Qualifications
26 7 6 5 0 1 1 46 The qualifications of staff recruited in 2020 were as follows
TESO NORTH SUB COUNTY Qualifications No %
PhD 2 0.43
Chief Board
Ward/Depa Fina Gover Agricul Work Masters 4 0.87
Water Officer Memb
rtments nce nor ture s Bachelors 180 39.3
s ers Higher Diploma 0 0
Malaba 9 2 2 0 0 0 0 13 Diploma 51 11.2
South Certificate 202 44.2
Angurai 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 11 KCSE 18 4.0
South KCPE 0 0
Angurai 10 1 0 1 0 1 1 14 TOTAL 457 100
2.9 Pending recruitments
Angurai 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 14
North The Board advertised the following positions which are awaiting
Malaba 15 4 0 4 0 0 0 23
Central Table 10: Advertised Positions Pending Interviews
Malaba 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 9
North Departments No.
SUB Finance, Economic Planning and ICT 42
60 12 4 6 0 1 1 84 Agriculture and Animal Resources 14
Public Works, Roads, Transport and Energy 11
BUNYALA SUB COUNTY Water, Environment and Natural Resources 20
Office of the Governor 5
Chief Board Education and Vocational Training 13
Fina Gover Agricul
Ward WaterWorks Officer Memb
nce nor ture TOTAL 105
s ers
Bunyala 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 2.10 Promotions
For motivation and career progression the board promoted the
Bunyala 8 0 2 1 0 0 0 11 following number of staff guided by the various schemes of service
Bunyala 6 1 4 2 0 0 0 13 Table 11: Promotions
Department No.
Bunyala 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 7
Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries & Animal Resources 2
Health and Sanitation 394
Sub Total 25 3 8 3 0 0 1 40 Trade Cooperatives and Industry 10
Youth ,Sports, culture and Tourism 2
MATAYOS SUB COUNTY Public Service and Administration 3
County Public Service Board 1
Ward Finan Gover Agricul Water Work Chief Board
ce nor ture s Officer Mem TOTAL 412
s bers Note: other Promotions are still pending at the County Human
Busibwabo 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 Resource Management Advisory Committee (CHRMAC)
Matayos 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 2.11 Disciplinary Cases
Bukhayo 10 0 2 3 0 0 0 15 Exercise of Disciplinary control in Public Service under Section 59
Sub- section1(c) mandates the Board to exercise disciplinary control
over, and remove, p e r s o n s holding or acting in offices in public
Burumba 8 1 0 1 0 1 0 11 service. This function is geared towards ensuring that public officers
Mayenje 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 have high standards of ethical conduct and work performance.
Sub Total 26 3 3 4 0 1 0 37 Table 12: Distribution of Disciplinary cases for the Year 2020.

Offence Name of staff No.

Board Interdiction upon criminal Allan Omachar 2
Other Finan Govern Agricult Chief
WaterWorks Memb charge (Anti- Corruption and
Counties ce or ure Officer Samwel Ombui
ers Economic Crimes Act)
20 5 3 4 1 1 0 34
Interdiction upon Criminal 1.Collins Dabury 1
GRAND 287 65 50 39 6 7 3 457 charge (theft of County Motor
TOTAL Vehicle)
Table 8: Distribution by age cluster
2.12 Industrial Relations
The age cluster of the recruited candidates: The Board played its key role in enhancing good labor relations in
the public service of Busia. In many instances, the Board engaged the
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1609

Trade Unions on specific issues including a consultative forum effective. In order to achieve this, the Board will endeavor to
between HE the Governor, Board Members and Doctors from across transform the Public Service to be professional, ethical, efficient and
the county, where it was unanimously agreed that recruitment of 10 effective in service delivery. In this regard, the Board will inter alia,
more doctors be done among other issues focus on the following interventions—
Besides the board also held a number of consultative meetings with (a) Develop policy for internal career and management
the union representatives for nurses aimed at averting the then planned development for existing staff and recruit more staff.
(b) Development and Review of Human Resource Policies and
The Board was involved in the below industrial and labour Guidelines. The Board will continue to play its executive and
relations matters which are ongoing— advisory role by issuing human resource management policies,
regulations and guidelines to the service to provide direction
1. Case 13 of 2019: Rev Charles Orodi Vs The County on managing the human resource function. Accordingly the
Government of Busia and 3 others, Kisumu Board will:
2. Case 41 of 2019: Kenya National Union of Nurses Vs County (c) Develop, review and consolidate all the Human
Public Service Board, Kisumu Resource policies, guidelines among other initiatives and
3. Case 5 of 2019: Kenya National Union of Nurses Vs County align them to the Constitution and other legislative framework
Public Service Board, Nairobi (d) Undertake impact assessment on guidelines issued to the
4. Case 244 of 2019 Kenya National Union of Nurses Vs County service
Public Service Board, Nairobi (e) Training Needs Analysis (TNA) The Board will in
5. Case 28 of 2019: Kenya National Union of Nurses Vs County collaboration with the Department of Public Service
Public Service Board, Kisumu Management carry out a TNA in the departments so as to give
necessary training to improve staff performance and delivery of
6. Case 41 of 2019: Kenya National Union of Nurses Vs County service.
Public Service Board, Kisumu
(f) Diversity in Recruitment. The Board intends to improve on its
CHAPTER THREE— ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES diversity by attracting candidates from various regions. Apart
from advertising in the print media and uploading the adverts
3.1: Key achievements in the county website, the Board will develop networks within
the County Public Service Boards‘ National Convention
The following are the key achievements of the Board for
the Year ending December 2020—
(g) Engaging the Salaries and Remuneration Commission. The
(a) The Board completed the recruitment of 457 staff in various
Board will continually engage with Salaries and
Remuneration Commission with a view to:
(b) Putting controls on the recruitment of casual workers, an
(h) Developing a comprehensive road map for establishment of
avenue that used to stretch the wage costs in the County.
a pension scheme for the County and transfer of services of
(c) Fast tracked promotions and create harmony within the Busia seconded staff;
County Public Service.
(i) Harmonization on matters relating to remuneration of
(d) Development of working policy documents. officers in the public service of Busia;

(e) The Board undertook induction of newly recruited staff in (j) Publishing the Human Resource Guidelines. The Board
some departments. intends to print the human resource guidelines and policies that
have already been formulated, and the ones that will be
3.2: Challenges formulated in 2021. These booklets will be printed in adequate
numbers for issuance to officers in the service. The officers
In the discharge of its mandate the Board continues to experience will therefore be cognizant of what is expected of them and
and/or has experienced a number of challenges and key their employer, and will know the procedures to be adopted in
among them are— the public service on matters pertaining to handling of human
(a) Inadequate funding adversely affected implementation of resource issues. This too requires funding.
planned HR development programmes/activities, (k) Office space The Board requires additional office space to
development of working policy documents, induction of enhance storage of documents eg; Wealth Declaration forms,
new staff among others. The Board had budgeted for Kshs applications for employment and CVs, interview Score sheets,
124 million to fund its operations and various human resource staff files and other essential records are safely and properly
development programmes but received only Kshs 73,357,900 kept. In addition with availability of funds electronic archiving
(b) Inadequate office equipment and office accommodation of some records will be considered.

(c) Accessibility of the offices for Persons Living with Disability (l) The Board conducted records management with a view of
is a challenge, as the Board offices are located on the second improving records storage.
floor of a building with no provision for accessibility by MARTIN S. SIKOLIA,
People Living With Disability. MR/1943961 Ag. Secretary/CEO, County Public Service Board.
(d) There is need to establish/update appropriate schemes of
service and a pension scheme. The Board had anticipated that
the Pension Bill before the Senate would by now have GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3266
been finalized and enacted into law as the issues of staff THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING
retirement benefits are critical and very important to
employees and the economy as a whole. There is (No. 13 of 2019)
therefore need for a comprehensive legal framework
to guide all Parties involved. THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT

(e) Internal workplace dynamics (Cap. 286) (Repealed)

(f) Harmonizing the various categories of staff i.e. Local
Authority, National Government and newly recruited staff to PDP NO. 332/2020/11—Formalisation of Existing Residential Plot
all operate within uniform schemes of service but with no
harmonized salary structure from SRC. NOTICE is given that preparation of the above-mentioned part
development plan was on 23rd March, 2021, completed.
3.3: Way Forward
The part development plan relates to land situated at Wajir
The Board is mandated to manage the human resources in the Municipality within Wajir County.
County Public Service and ensure that the service is efficient and
1610 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

A copy of the part development plan has been deposited for public Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures
inspection at the office of the County Physical Planning Officer,
Municipal Manager‘s Office, Wajir. appropriately dispose wastes from camp
sites and road litter.
A copy so deposited is available for inspection free of charge by all
persons interested at the office of the County physical planning  Managing sediment and sludge removed
Officer, Wajir, Municipal Manager‘s office, Wajir, between the hours from storm drainage systems maintenance
of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday. activities as a hazardous or non-hazardous
waste based on an assessment of its
Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in characteristics.
connection with or objection to the above-named part development
plan may send such representations or objections in writing to be  Management of all removed paint
received by the County Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 365, materials suspected or confirmed of
Wajir, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice containing lead as a hazardous waste.
and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it  Grinding of removed, old road surface
is made. material and re-use in paving, or
Dated the 23rd March, 2021. stockpiling the reclaim for road bed.
E. N. MUCHERU, Discharge of  Construct communal septic tank linked to
MR/1666579 for Director of Physical Planning. Wastewater, sewage a constructed wetland system.
and degradation of
water quality  Promote recycling of wastewater in
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3267 construction activities.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND  Ensure wastewater is channeled and
CO-ORDINATION ACT treated in sewerage plants or disposed in
septic tanks.
(No. 8 of 1999)
 Ensure regular maintenance of plumbing
THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY system to avoid spillage of wastewater.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT  Discharge of partially treated sewage into
Modification of  Control excessive abstraction of water
INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS hydrology of ASALs from rivers, laggas and Lake Turkana.
PURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management  Avoid complete blockage of river
and Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, channels during construction of bridges
the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has and culverts.
received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the
above proposed project.  Re-open all blocked river channels after
construction of bridges.
The proponent, Kenya National Highways Authority, proposes to
construct a 217 km road from Baragoi Centre to North Horr Centre  Quarries and pits for extraction of road
across Samburu and Marsabit Counties. construction materials to be used as water
harvesting sites.
The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation
measures:  Surface runoff should be channelled in
areas with gentle slopes to avoid erosion
Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures of the road sides.
Noise pollution and  Sensitize drivers of construction vehicles
 Construct over passes and bridges in areas
excessive vibrations and machinery operators to switch off
occupied by rivers and wetlands.
engines or machinery that are not being
used. Loss of vegetation  Siting roads and support facilities to
cover, wildlife and avoid critical terrestrial habitat by
 Ensure that all vehicles and construction
biodiversity utilizing existing transport corridors.
machinery are kept in good condition all
the time.  Design and construct wildlife access to
avoid or minimize habitat fragmentation.
 Ensure that all workers wear ear muffs and
other personal protective gear/equipment  Minimize clearing and disruption of
when working in noisy sections. riparian vegetation.
 Undertake loud noise and vibration level  Minimize removal of indigenous plant
activities between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. species and replant indigenous plant
species in disturbed areas.
Air Pollution due to  Sprinkling of water on dry and dusty
dust generation and surfaces regularly including the access  Explore opportunities for habitat
air emissions roads and construction site. enhancement
 Adherence to personal protective clothing Spread of STD, HIV  Develop a comprehensive STDS, HIV
such as dust masks. and AIDS and AIDs control programme.
 Enforce onsite speed limit regulations.  Control of prostitution in main towns
situated along the proposed road in
Solid waste generation  Maximizing the rate of recycling of road
collaboration with the Police and County
resurfacing waste either in the aggregate
or as a base.
 Provision of STDs, HIV and AIDS
 Incorporating recyclable materials to
prevention measures to workers.
reduce the volume and cost of new asphalt
and concrete mixes.  Creation of awareness of STDs,
HIV/AIDS in workers camps.
 Contracting of a licensed waste and
hazardous waste handler to collect and Interference of existing  Compensate for the relocation of other
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1611

Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures

development infrastructural public utilities already located far from the settlements on
infrastructure existing along the proposed road corridor degraded and barren areas, riverbeds, and
such as power lines, water. wastelands selected through community
 Undertake an integrated system of
planning for infrastructure development  Ensure maximum use of existing quarries,
along the corridor for future already in operations.
Sexual  Conduct awareness and educational
 Ensure effective stakeholder participation exploitation/child programmes to workers and minors on the
in the design of the road. abuse issue of sexual exploitation and child
Cultural changes  Provide community awareness
programmes.  Provide hotlines for the reporting of such
 Develop programmes to enhance cohesion
between project employees and the local  Ensure that stern action is taken for
community. offenders found to have committed sexual
 Comply with defined national or local
cultural heritage regulations and  Employ adults (18 and over) provided
provisions of World Bank Physical with a national identity card.
Cultural Resources.
Gender based violence  Financial management training should be
 Consult with the affected Communities to conducted to the PAPs and the employees.
identify cultural heritage of importance,
and to incorporate into the client‘s  Have separate latrines for different
decision-making process the views of the genders.
affected Communities on such cultural  Provide a communication line to report
heritage. such cases.
Gender discrimination  Apply gender Kenya constitutional Risk of spread of  Reduce open gaps in road reserves by
requirements throughout the project. invasive species planting appropriate tree species suitable
 Apply all guidelines under the National for highway or road side tree planting.
Gender and Equality Commission Act,  Monitor composition of species
2011. regenerating along road reserves and take
 Undertake gender mainstreaming at prompt actions in case of emergence of
project design, implementation/ invasive species.
construction, operation and Loss of human and  Provide a side road parallel to the
decommissioning stages. animal life due to proposed tarmacked road for use by locals
 Incorporate best practices in gender increased road during transportation of livestock.
mainstreaming from project partners. accidents
 Maintain pedestrian and livestock
Occupational health  Development of a transportation crossing points with foot bridges key
and safety management plan for road construction areas like near the villages and towns.
that includes measures to ensure work  Maintain parking areas and bus stops for
zone safety. trucks.
 Use protective barriers to shield workers  Conduct road safety sensitization
from traffic vehicles, regulation of traffic programmes.
flow by warning lights, design of the work
space to eliminate or decrease blind spots,  Carry out Risk Assessment to identify risk
and ensure reduction of maximum vehicle areas and provide appropriate prevention
speeds in work zones. measures.
 Training of workers in safety issues The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection
related to their activities and proper use of during working hours at:
(a) Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
 Elevating platforms should be maintained
NHIF Building, 12th Floor, Ragati Road, Upper Hill, P.O.
and operated according to established
Box 30126–00100, Nairobi.
safety procedures including use of fall
protection measures (e.g. railings). (b) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,
 Maintenance of work vehicles and P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.
machinery to minimize air emissions. (c) County Director of Environment, Marsabit and Samburu
Degradation of borrow  All borrow/quarry areas will be refilled, Counties.
and quarry areas re-vegetated and landscaped. In case it is The National Environment Management Authority invites
not done, then such areas will be cordoned members of the public to submit oral or written comments within
with barbed wire fence, with warning thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the
signs or be harnessed to form water pans Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision
or earth dams for the local community and
making process regarding this project.
 Prior investigation /assessments on the Director-General,
drainage and other environmental aspects MR/1943716 National Environment Management Authority.
should be conducted according to the
specifications of the authorities. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3268
 Borrow pits and quarries should be THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND
1612 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

CO-ORDINATION ACT Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures

(No. 8 of 1999) supervised by competent person(s).
THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY  Employ qualified personnel to handle and
store the explosives.
FOR THE PROPOSED QUARRY, CRUSHER, CONCRETE  Increase the number of delay detonators used
HAVE BEEN LEASED FROM NINE FAMILIES, RIAMUGAA  Adhere to the provisions of the Explosives
KIRINYAGA COUNTY High demand for  Switch off electrical appliances and lights
INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS electricity when not in use.

PURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management  Install occupational sensing lights at various
and Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, locations such as storage areas which are not
the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has in use all the time.
received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the  Install energy saving fluorescent tubes.
above proposed project.
 Monitor energy use during the operation of
The proponent, China Wu Yi Company Limited, proposes to set up the project and set targets for efficient use.
a quarry comprising of a crusher, concrete batching plant, an asphalt
mixing plant and support facilities on the following nine leased parcels  Sensitize workers to use energy efficiently.
of land in Riamugaa Village, Kibingoti Sub- location, Kiine location,
Kirinyaga County: Kiine/Gacharo/959, 960, Air pollution  Install appropriate and adequate dust
Kiine/Kibingoti/Nguguine/869, 870, 1441, 1538, 1647, 4187, 4188, screens around the project site.
and 3306.  Ensure that the asphalt plant has anti-
The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation pollution equipment such as dust collector
measures: and bag house.
 Regular maintenance of the asphalt duct line
Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures
connecting the dryer and the dry dust
Change in land use  Apply for and obtain a change of user from collector.
the County Government of Kirinyaga and
Ministry of Lands.  Avoid excavation works in extremely dry
Solid waste  Ensure solid generated at the site are
generation regularly disposed of appropriately at  Regular sprinkling of water to be done on
authorized dumping areas. Use of integrated open surface and dusty grounds during dry
solid waste management of options i.e. season.
source reduction, recycling, composting and
 Comply with the Air Quality Regulations,
re-use, combustion and sanitary land filling.
 Carry out environmental awareness training
 Ensure strict enforcement of on-site speed
to construction workers and plant employees
limit regulations and ensure driver observe
during operation.
 A private company to be contracted to collect
 Procure, provide and enforce the use of dust
and dispose solid waste on regular basis.
masks to workers and visitors to the project
Release of sewage  Effluent disposal to be done by use of site.
to the environment conservancy tanks.
 Covering of all haulage vehicles carrying
 Apply for the license from NEMA for sand, aggregate and cement.
effluent disposal.
 Stockpiles of fine materials (e.g. sand and
 Conduct regular inspection for the system to ballast) should be wetted or covered with
ensure it works effectively. tarpaulin during windy conditions.

High demand for  Obtain a permit to drill and abstract water  The access roads and exposed ground must
water and effluent from WRA. be wetted at a frequency that effectively
generation keeps down the dust.
 Sensitize the workforce on the need to
conserve the available water resources.  Workers in dusty areas on the site should be
issued with dust masks during dry and windy
 Procure and deliver to the site mobile toilets conditions.
from a NEMA licensed waste contractor for
use by the workers. Noise and vibration  Sensitize construction drivers to avoid
disturbance running of vehicles engines or hooting.
 Create water conservation awareness.
 Ensure the construction machinery are well
 Install a discharge meter at water outlets to kept in good condition.
determine and monitor total water usage.
 Sensitize construction drivers and machinery
 Promptly detect and repair of water pipes and operators to switch off engines when not
tank leaks. being used.
Security  Ensure the general safety and security at all  Ensure all generators and heavy machines are
times by providing day and night security insulated or placed in an enclosure to
guards and adequate lighting within and minimize ambient noise levels.
around the project site.
 Restrict noisy construction activities to
Electric blasting  Inform the local community prior to blasting. normal working hours (8am -5pm).
 All loading and firing shall be directed and  Inform local residents beforehand, via notices
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1613

Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATION NO. 1 OF 2021

and advisories, of pending noisy periods and In the Matter of: An Application for Orders under Sections 81 and
solicit their tolerance well before the 82 of the Proceeds of Crime And Anti- Money
commencement works. Laundering Act (POCAMLA) as read together
with Order 51 of the Civil Procedure Rules.
 Workers operating equipment that generate
high noise levels noise should be equipped AND
with noise protection gear including ear
muffs and plugs. Workers operating In the Matter of: In The Matter of Preservation Orders for: Motor
equipment generating noise levels greater Vehicle Registration Number KCU 930F, Honda,
than 80 dBA continuously for 8 hours or Station Wagon, Chassis Number GP1-1085947,
more should use ear protectors. Engine No. LDA –MFA-5086050

 All construction equipment should be BETWEEN

regularly inspected and serviced. ASSETS RECOVERY AGENCY—(Applicant)
 Comply with the Noise and Excessive VERSUS
Vibration Pollution (Control) Regulations,
2009. HENRY WAIRUA GICHUKI—(Respondent)

Traffic control  Issue notices/advisories of pending traffic AND

inconveniences and solicit tolerance by local
residents before the commencement of
construction works. ORDER
 Appropriate traffic warning signs, informing THIS MATTER COMING UP: Before Honorable Justice Mumbi
road users of a construction site entrance Ngugi on 23rd March, 2021 on the Originating Motion dated 23rd
ahead and instructing them to reduce speed, March, 2021 brought Under Sections 81 and 82 of the Proceeds of
should be placed along the access road in the Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act and Order 51 rule 1 of the
vicinity of the entrance to the site during the Civil Procedure Rules; AND UPON READING the said application
construction period. and the Affidavit in Support sworn by No.62625 Issac Nakitare filed in
court on 23rd March, 2021
 Flagmen should be employed to control
traffic and assist construction vehicles as they IT IS HEREBY ORDERED:
enter and exit the project site.
1. THAT this application be and hereby certified as urgent.
 Maintain on site a record of incidents and
accidents. 2. THAT a Preservation Orders be and is issued prohibiting the
Respondent and the interested Party and/or their employees,
The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection agents, servants or any other persons acting on their behalf from
during working hours at: sale, transfer or disposal off or any other dealings in any manner
with motor vehicle registration number KCU 930F, Honda,
(a) Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Station Wagon Chassis Number GP1-1085947 Engine number
NHIF Building, 12th Floor, Ragati Road, Upper Hill, P.O. LDA –MFA-5086050 registered in the name of Tipu Auto Mobile
Box 30126–00100, Nairobi. Limited for a period of Ninety (90) days.

(b) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, 3. THAT the Respondent and/or the Interested Party is directed to
P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi. surrender the motor vehicle registration KCU 930F, Honda, Station
Wagon to the custody of the Applicant within 7 days herein.
(c) County Director of Environment, Kirinyaga County.
4. THAT an Order and is hereby issued to the Interested Part to
The National Environment Management Authority invites surrender the original log book of the motor vehicle KCU 930 F,
members of the public to submit oral or written comments within Honda Station Wagon to the Applicant within 7 days herein.
thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the
5. THAT an order and is issued directing the Director General of the
Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision
National Transport and Safety Authority to register a caveat
making process regarding this project. against the record of the motor vehicle specified in order 2 above
MAMO B. MAMO, KCU 930F, Honda, Station Wagon Chassis Number GP1-1085947
Director-General, Engine number LDA –MFA-5086050 registered in the name of
MR/1943901 National Environment Management Authority. Tipu Auto Mobile Limited.
GIVEN under my hand and the seal of the Honourable Court this
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3269 23rd March, 2021.

Take notice that if you, the above named Respondents or your
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 83(1) of the Servants/Agents disobey this Order, you will be cited for contempt of
Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2009, the Agency Court and shall be liable to imprisonment for a period of not more than
Director gives notice to— six months.
David Muigai Mucheru that the High Court has issued preservation Dated the 24th March, 2021.
orders in Nairobi High Court Miscellaneous Application No. 1 of 2021 ALICE M. MATE,
as specified in the Schedule hereto. MR/1666608 Director.
1614 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

NOTICE is given that pursuant to section 20 (6), (7) and (8) of the and paid by the Transferor. Save as specifically provided in the
Crops Act, the Agriculture and Food Authority proposes to grant Agreement, the Transferee will not assume nor is it intended to assume
licence to the following applicants; any liabilities incurred by the Transferor with respect to its assets or
business up to the date of transfer.
Purpose of A
Name of Applicant Location If the Agreement is not completed, this notice shall be void ab
initio and shall be of no effect.
Garden Produce Cotton Lint Old North Airport Road off
Importers and Import Mombasa Road. Nairobi The address of the Transferor is at P.O. Box Number, 10338–
Exporters Company County, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Limited P.O. Box 22690–00100, The address of the Transferee is at P.O. Box Number 5311– 00506,
Nairobi Nairobi, Kenya, with a copy to Rainbow Field c/o Coulson Harney
Agava Supplies Sisal Fibre Enterprise Road off Addis LLP, Advocates, 5th Floor, ICEA Lion Centre, Riverside Park,
Limited Export Abba Road, Industrial Area. Chiromo Road, Nairobi, P.O. Box 10643 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Nairobi County.
P.O. Box 46800–00600, Dated 25th March, 2021.
Any objections to the proposed grant of license/certificate with Alpha Fine Foods Limited (Transferor)
respect to the applicants, should be lodged in writing with the STEVEN CARLYON,
Agriculture and Food Authority, Fibre Crops Directorate, Riverside MR/1943967 Bigcold Kenya Limited (Transferee)
Lane, off Riverside Drive and of P.O. Box 66271–00800, Westlands,
Nairobi, within fourteen days (14) from the date of this Notice.
The objection should state clearly the name, address and telephone
number of the person/s or entity objecting, the reasons for the ASTORION AUCTIONEERS
objection to the grant of the license/certificate and should be signed by
NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of
The Agriculture and Food Authority proposes to issue the license
Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya and following
to the applicant who will have complied with the Crops Act No. 16 of an authority and order under Miscellaneous Criminal Application No.
2013 and any other relevant written law. E37 of 2021 by The Chief Magistrate‘s Court at Nyeri Law Courts to
Dated the 24th March, 2021. the owners of motor vehicles, motorcycles and scrap metal which are
KELLO HARSAMA, lying idle and unclaimed within Nyeri Police yard, to collect the said
motor vehicles, motor cycles and scrap at the said yard within thirty
Ag. Director-General, (30) days from the date of this publication of this notice. Failure to
MR/1666524 Agriculture and Food Authority. which Astorion Auctioneers Nairobi shall proceed to dispose off the
said motor vehicles, motorcycles and scrap by way of Public Auction
on behalf of Nyeri Police Station if they remain
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3271 uncollected/unclaimed: KBD 302K, KAC 065X, KBP 873X, KBX
413K, KMCB 637E, KMEH 573Z.
(No. 12 of 2010)
Dated the 23rd March, 2021.

PURSUANT to the provisions of section 46 (6) of the Competition
Act, it is notified for general information that in exercise of the powers ASTORION AUCTIONEERS
conferred upon the Competition Authority by section 46 (6) (a) (ii) of
the Competition Act, the Competition Authority has authorized the DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS
proposed transaction as set out herein. NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of
Dated the 3rd March, 2021. Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya and following
an authority and order under Miscellaneous Application No. E2 of
WANG‘OMBE KARIUKI, 2021 by the Senior Principal Magistrate‘s Court at Wanguru, to the
MR/1944000 Director-General. owners of motor vehicles, motorcycles and scrap metal which are
lying idle and unclaimed within Wanguru Police yard, to collect the
said motor vehicles, motor cycles and scrap at the said yard within
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3272 thirty (30) days from the date of this publication of this notice. Failure
to which Astorion Auctioneers Nairobi shall proceed to dispose off the
THE TRANSFER OF BUSINESSES ACT said motor vehicles, motorcycles and scrap by way of public auction
on behalf of Wanguru, Police Stations if they remain
(Cap. 500) uncollected/unclaimed: KBJ 297Z, KAQ 439K, KAW 595D, KAT
489M, KMCM 556N, KMDQ 594P, KMCQ 593J,KMCM 669N,
BUSINESS TRANSFER KMCX 686Q, KMCM 357Z, Assorted Bicycles, 15 Unserviceable
Bicycles, Assorted Sofa Sets, Skygo Numberless, ADTEC
NOTICE is given under the Transfer of Businesses Act (Cap. 500) Motorcycle, Numberless Ranger, 2 Skygo Numberless, Haojin
that the assets of the meat processing and food distribution business Numberless, Focus Numberless, TVS Numberless, 2 Burnt
carried on by Alpha Fine Foods Limited (C.60972) (―Transferor‖) and Motorcycles, Blue Skygo, Skygo Numberless, KBD 374S, KMCK
P.O. Box 10338 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya, will, subject to the fulfilment 480X, KMCY 592N, Numberless Skygo, KBE 402N, KMCZ 612N,
of certain conditions precedent, be transferred to Bigcold Kenya KMCT 773V, KMCX 836V, KMCT 509P, KMDV 475E.
Limited (PVT-7LUDYEE) (―Transferee‖) pursuant to the terms of an
Dated the 1st February, 2021.
asset transfer agreement entered into between the Transferor and
Transferee on 24th March, 2021 (the ―Agreement‖).
MR/1943953 for Astorion Auctioneers.
In the event that the conditions precedent to the Agreement are
fulfilled, the Transferee intends to acquire the assets. All money debts GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3275
or liabilities due and owing by the Transferor in respect of the public TIP TOP AUCTIONEERS
relations, marketing, consultancy or other elements of the Transferor‘s
business up to the date of transfer as set out above shall be received
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1615

DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS Dated the 25th March, 2021.

NOTICE is given pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of MR/1943938 Director, BW Consolidated Limited.
uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) laws of Kenya. Notice is given to
Tachu Commercial Agencies, the owner of motor vehicle Reg. No.
KCH 141M to take delivery of the said motor vehicle from plot no. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3279
230/IX Kaa Chonjo, Tudor, Mombasa within thirty (30) days from the REGENT AUCTIONEERS
date of publication of this notice upon payment of the accumulated
storage charges together with the cost of this publication and any other DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS
incidental costs, failure to which the same shall be disposed by way of
NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of
public auction and proceeds of the sale be defrayed against all accrued Uncollected Goods Act (cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya and following
charges without further notice. an authority and orders under the Misc. application Case no. 33 of
2021 in the senior principal Magistrate‘s Court Kikuyu, to the owners
Dated the 30th March, 2021. of motor vehicles and motor cycles which are lying idle and unclaimed
O. E. TIMOTHY, within Kikuyu Police Station yard, to collect the said motor vehicles
MR/1666580 for Tip Top Auctioneers. and motor cycles at the said yard within thirty (30) days from the date
of publication of this notice. Failure to which Regent Auctioneers,
Nairobi, shall proceed to dispose off the said motor vehicles and motor
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3276 cycles by way of public auction on behalf of Kikuyu Police Station if
they remain uncollected/unclaimed
Motor Vehicles
1. KBM 379Q Nissan Primera, 2. KCA 802H Mazda Bongo, 3. KAJ
NOTICE is issued pursuant to sections 5 and 6 of the Disposal of 906E Nissan Sunny, 4. UAR 480X N/Elgrand, 5. KCP 320C Lafesta
uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) laws of Kenya, to the registered Grey, 6. KAK 171N Ceres, 7. Numberless Matatu, 8. KBL 357C
beneficial owners of motor vehicle Reg. No. KBU 425L, Man Truck, Nissan, 9. Numberless Noah Townace.
to take delivery of the said abandoned motor vehicle lying at our Motor Cycles
clients garage known as Tiba Freight Forwarders Limited, Kibarani,
Mombasa, within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this 1. Numberless Boxer, 2. KMEN 835 Skygo, 3. KMCG 220B Boxer
notice upon payment of all storage charges, advertisement, auctioneers Bajaj, 4. KMCU 741T Boxer, 5. KMDN 709B Boxer, 6. KMEL 638G
Boxer, 7. KMEB 302D Boxer, 8. Numberless Yamaha, 9. KMCN
charges plus any other costs incurred, failure to which the said motor
035Z Boxer, 10. KMDR 813H Skygo, 11. KMDS 695Y TVS.
vehicle will be sold by public auction without any further reference to
the owner and the proceeds shall be defrayed against all outstanding Dated the 7th April, 2021.
repair/storage and other accrued charges. P. M. GACHIE,
MR/1666705 Managing-Director, Regent Auctioneers (N) Limited.
Dated the 29th March, 2021.
MR/1666545 Director, Alfajiri Auctioneers. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3280
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3277 NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 17th March, 2021, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
WESTLAND MUTHITHI STORAGE FACILITY Presentation No. 2011, in Volume DI, Folio 356/6290, File No.
MMXXI, by our client, Winnie Asiti Nabuyaya Khaemba, of P.O.
DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS Box 52136–00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known
PURSUANT to section 5 of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods as Winnieh Nabuyaya Khaemba, formally and absolutely renounced
and abandoned the use of her former name Winnieh Nabuyaya
Acts (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya, notice is given to Auckland Khaemba and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Winnie
Agencies Auctioneers, of P.O. Box 62210–00200 Nairobi, Kenya, the Asiti Nabuyaya Khaemba, for all purposes and authorizes and requests
depositor of motor vehicle Reg. No. KAT 943C, Mitsubishi FH, to all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her
take delivery of the said motor vehicle within thirty (30) days from the assumed name Winnie Asiti Nabuyaya Khaemba only.
date of publication of this notice from Westland Muthithi Storage
Facility, along Mpaka Road, upon payment of all the storage charges Dated the 29th March, 2021.
together with any incidents costs incurred by the said company until KINOTI & KIBE COMPANY,
delivery of the vehicle is taken. Advocates for Winnie Asiti Nabuyaya Khaemba,
MR/1943976 formerly known as Winnieh Nabuyaya Khaemba.
Notice is given the vehicle shall be sold by public auction or
private treaty and proceeds of the sale or part thereof shall be used to
defray the outstanding amount owing should the owner fail to take GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3281
delivery within the stipulated period as herein above stated.
MR/1666567 Westland Muthithi Storage Facility. NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 22nd December, 2020,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
as Presentation No. 11, in Volume DI, Folio 52/895, File No.
MMXXI, by our client, Francis Omondi Wango, of P.O. Box 19308–
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3278 00202, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Francis
BW CONSOLIDATED LIMITED Omondi, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of
his former name Francis Omondi and in lieu thereof assumed and
DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS adopted the name Francis Omondi Wango, for all purposes and
authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe
NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of and address him by his assumed name Francis Omondi Wango only.
Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) laws of Kenya, to the owners of
motor vehicle Reg. No. 655 515Q, which is lying at L.R. No. 4967/4, Advocates for Francis Omondi Wango,
Riara Ridge, Limuru since December, 2019 at the issuance of BW MR/1666507 formerly known as Francis Omondi.
Consolidated Limited, shall be sold within thirty (30) days if payment
of storage charges, outstanding and other incidental costs will not have GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3282
been met. CHANGE OF NAME
1616 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 26th January, 2021, NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 23rd March, 2021, duly
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
as Presentation No. 27721 in Volume DI, Folio 269/4282, File No. Presentation No. 3754, in Volume DI, Folio 358/3750, File No.
MMXXI, by our client, Sir Karau Edwin Mbuthia, of P.O. Box 372– MMXXI, by our client, Yvonne Wanguia Maduru, of P.O. Box 360–
00502, Karen, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as 00606, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Felistus
Edwin Karau Mbuthia, formally and absolutely renounced and Nduku Wanguia, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned
abandoned the use of his former name Edwin Karau Mbuthia and in the use of her former name Felistus Nduku Wanguia and in lieu
lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Sir Karau Edwin Mbuthia, thereof assumed and adopted the name Yvonne Wanguia Maduru, for
for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Sir Karau designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Yvonne
Edwin Mbuthia only. Wanguia Maduru only.
Dated the 30th March, 2021. Dated the 31st March, 2021.
Advocate for Sir Karau Edwin Mbuthia, Advocate for Yvonne Wanguia Maduru,
MR/1943998 formerly known as Edwin Karau Mbuthia. MR/1666645 formerly known as Felistus Nduku Wanguia.


NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 13th March, 2020, duly NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 26th January, 2021,
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at
Presentation No. 1998, in Volume DI, Folio 52/900, File No. Mombasa as Presentation No. 33, in Volume B-1, Folio 2074/15806,
MMXXI, by our client, Jared Maaka Siso Ekearamba, of P.O. Box File No. 1637, by my client, Najma Rao Ali, of P.O. Box 1234, Kilifi
100157–00101, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Khadija Rao Ali,
Jared Maaka Siso, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her
the use of his former name Jared Maaka Siso and in lieu thereof former name Khadija Rao Ali and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted
assumed and adopted the name Jared Maaka Siso Ekearamba, for all the name Najma Rao Ali, for all purposes and authorizes and requests
purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her
designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Jared assumed name Najma Rao Ali only.
Maaka Siso Ekearamba only.
Dated the 18th March, 2021.
Dated the 24th March, 2021. CECIL A. MILLER,
Advocate for Najma Rao Ali,
S. N. MASILA & COMPANY, MR/1666695 formerly known as Khadija Rao Ali.
Advocates for Jared Maaka Siso Ekearamba,
MR/1666654 formerly known as Jared Maaka Siso.
CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 12th March, 2021, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 16th March, 2021, duly Presentation No. 2671, in Volume DI, Folio 271/4306, File No.
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as MMXXI, by my client, Elizabeth Kiluu Ngau, of P.O. Box 70938–
Presentation No. 1635, in Volume DI, Folio 61/2003, File No. 00400, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, on behalf of Mikaella
MMXXI, by our client, Hellen Nyaboke Juma, of P.O. Box 79033– Amani Muthomi (a minor), formerly known as Mika Amani Muthomi,
00400, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Hellen formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her
Nyaboke Mogori, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned former name Mika Amani Muthomi and in lieu thereof assumed and
the use of her former name Hellen Nyaboke Mogori and in lieu adopted the name Mikaella Amani Muthomi, for all purposes and
thereof assumed and adopted the name Hellen Nyaboke Juma, for all authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe
purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to and address her by her assumed name Mikaella Amani Muthomi only.
designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Hellen
Nyaboke Juma only. Dated the 7th March, 2021.
Dated the 7th April, 2021. Advocate for Elizabeth Kiluu Ngau (Guardian),
OTIENO-OKIABERA, on behalf of Mikaella Amani Muthomi (a minor),
Advocates for Hellen Nyaboke Juma, MR/1666691 formerly known as Mika Amani Muthomi.
MR/1666687 formerly known as Hellen Nyaboke Mogori.


NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 18th March, 2021, duly
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 19th March, 2021, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 2670, in Volume DI, Folio 271/4307, File No.
Presentation No. 79, in Volume DI, Folio 681/2062, File No. MMXXI, by our client, Martin Arsha Nyutu, of P.O. Box 38529–
MMXXI, by our client, Kenneth Barasa Wateba, of P.O. Box 234, 00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Martin
Kitale in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Dickson Simiyu Maina Nyutu, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the
Wateba, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of use of his former name Martin Maina Nyutu and in lieu thereof
his former name Dickson Simiyu Wateba and in lieu thereof assumed assumed and adopted the name Martin Arsha Nyutu, for all purposes
and adopted the name Kenneth Barasa Wateba, for all purposes and and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate,
authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe describe and address him by his assumed name Martin Arsha Nyutu
and address him by his assumed name Kenneth Barasa Wateba only. only.
Dated the 7th April, 2021. Dated the 7th March, 2021.
Advocates for Kenneth Barasa Wateba, Advocates for Martin Arsha Nyutu,
MR/1666683 formerly known as Dickson Simiyu Wateba. MR/1666690 formerly known as Martin Maina Nyutu.
9th April, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1617

NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 30th November, 2020, NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 23rd February, 2021,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
as Presentation No. 3401, in Volume DI, Folio 272/4313, File No. as Presentation No. 1514, in Volume DI, Folio 64/2023, File No.
MMXXI, by our client, Oliver Jahava, of P.O. Box 50140–00100, MMXXI, by our client, Ellena Winlet Odongo, of P.O. Box 499–
Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Oliver 00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Zainab
Shitambasi, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use Aziz Odongo, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the
of her former name Oliver Shitambasi and in lieu thereof assumed and use of her former name Zainab Aziz Odongo and in lieu thereof
adopted the name Oliver Jahava, for all purposes and authorizes and assumed and adopted the name Ellena Winlet Odongo, for all
requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
by her assumed name Oliver Jahava only. designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Ellena
Winlet Odongo only.
Dated the 8th April, 2021.
Dated the 8th April, 2021.
Advocate for Oliver Jahava,
Advocates for Ellena Winlet Odongo,
MR/1666709 formerly known as Oliver Shitambasi.
MR/1666589 formerly known as Zainab Aziz Odongo.


NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 5th March, 2021, duly NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 25th February, 2021,
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
Presentation No. 1366, in Volume DI, Folio 55/930, File No. as Presentation No. 1161, in Volume DI, Folio 65/2039, File No.
MMXXI, by our client, Aman Osoro Nyanyuki, formerly known as MMXXI, by our client, Jackson Omondi Masukhulu, of P.O. Box 98,
Isaiah Osoro Nyanyuki, formally and absolutely renounced and Kakunga in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Jackson
abandoned the use of her former name Isaiah Osoro Nyanyuki and in Mukuvi Musakhulu, formally and absolutely renounced and
lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Aman Osoro Nyanyuki, abandoned the use of his former name Jackson Mukuvi Musakhulu
for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Jackson Omondi
designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Aman Musakhulu, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at
Osoro Nyanyuki only. all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name
Jackson Omondi Musakhulu only.
Dated the 12th March, 2021.
PHILIP MUOKA & COMPANY, Dated the 30th March, 2021.
Advocates for Aman Osoro Nyanyuki, GATHUKA NGUGI,
MR/1666714 formerly known as Isaiah Osoro Nyanyuki. Advocate for Jackson Omondi Musakhulu,
MR/1666658 formerly known as Jackson Mukuvi Musakhulu.


NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 24th September, 2020,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi (No. 3 of 2012)
as Presentation No. 101, in Volume DI, Folio 228/3805, File No. ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
MMXX, by our client, Haji Shibwabo Ali, of P.O. Box 37416–00100,
Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Shibwabo Haji WHEREAS Abubakar Makokha Nandikove, of P.O. Box 501,
Washiali, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use Kakamega in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
of his former name Shibwabo Haji Washiali and in lieu thereof absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district
assumed and adopted the name Haji Shibwabo Ali, for all purposes of Kakamega, registered under title No. Bunyala/Namirama/88, and
and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
describe and address him by his assumed name Haji Shibwabo Ali title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
only. expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
Dated the 6th April, 2021. period.
Advocate for Haji Shibwabo Ali, Dated the 9th April, 2021.
MR/1666686 formerly known as Shibwabo Haji Washiali. G. OBONDO,
MR/1666718 Land Registrar, Kakamega District.


NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 9th March, 2021, duly (No. 3 of 2012)
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
Presentation No. 2886, in Volume DI, Folio 66/2043, File No. ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
MMXXI, by our client, Susan Nekesa Mutebi-Richards, of P.O. Box
37416–00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as WHEREAS Juma Francis Mwita, of P.O. Box 51492-00100,
Catherine Susan Nekesa Mutebi, formally and absolutely renounced Nairobi, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of
and abandoned the use of her former name Catherine Susan Nekesa that piece of land situate in the district of Kuria West, registered under
Mutebi and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Susan title No. Bukira/Buhirimonono/2912, and whereas sufficient evidence
Nekesa Mutebi-Richards, for all purposes and authorizes and requests has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has
all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
assumed name Susan Nekesa Mutebi-Richards only. from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no
objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 8th March, 2021.
WAMBUI BABU, Dated the 9th April, 2021.
Advocate for Susan Nekesa Mutebi-Richards, L. N. MOCHACHE,
MR/1666686 formerly known as Catherine Susan Nekesa Mutebi. MR/1443098 Land Registrar, Kuria District.


1618 THE KENYA GAZETTE 9th April, 2021

REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT (1) The Kenya Gazette contains Notices of a general nature which do not
affect legislation. They are, therefore, submitted to the Government
REVIEW ON THE GENERAL Printer directly.

ELECTIONS HELD IN KENYA ON 27TH (2) Legislative Supplement contains Rules and Regulations which are
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