Vol - CXXIII-No .236
Vol - CXXIII-No .236
Vol - CXXIII-No .236
The Judicial Service Act—Appointment ............................... 6336 SUPPLEMENT Nos. 201 and 202
Sector Steering Committee, etc ........................................... 6336–6341 LEGAL NOTICE NO. PAGE
The Land Registration Act—Issue of Provisional 223—The Tax Procedures (Unassembled Motorcycles)
Certificates, etc ..................................................................... 6341–6356 (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 2021 ............... 1568
Customs and Border Control Department— Goods to be 224—The Microfinance Act—Exemption ...................... 1569
Auctioned at Customs Warehouse, Taveta OSBP ............. 6356 225—The Banking Act—Suspension of Exchange of
Certain Aspects of Negative Credit Information .... 1569
County Governments Notices................................................. 6341, 6357–6360
226–231—The Special Economic Zones Act—
The Human Resource Management Professionals Act—
Declaration of Special Economic Zones................. 1570
The Human Resource Management Professionals Code
232—The National Hospital Insurance Fund Act—
of Conduct and Ethics .......................................................... 6360–6363
Declaration of Hospitals ......................................... 1573
The Competition Act—Settlement ......................................... 6363
The Companies Act—Dissolution, etc................................... 6363–6364 SUPPLEMENT No. 204
The Physical and Land Use Planning Act— Completion of National Assembly Bills, 2021
Part Development Plan ........................................................ 6364
The Records Disposal (Courts) Rules—Intended
The Higher Education Loans Board (Amendment) Bill,
Destruction of Court Records .............................................. 6364 2021 ........................................................................ 1659
6336 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 2021
(j) the Chief Executive Officer for the time being responsible for 4. (1) The Joint Agriculture Sector Intergovernmental Secretariat
the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee; and shall be responsible for—
(k) the Co-ordinator of the Joint Agriculture Secretariat (a) the day to day administration of the Joint Agriculture Sector
appointed under paragraph 3, who shall be the Secretary of Steering Committee;
the Joint Agriculture Sector Steering Committee.
(b) the implementation of the decisions of the Joint Agriculture
2. (1) The responsibilities of the Joint Agriculture Sector Steering Sector Steering Committee;
Committee shall be to—
(c) convening meetings for the Joint Agriculture Sector Steering
(a) advise the, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Committee;
Co-operatives, and the County Governments on policy,
(d) consolidation and dissemination of the agriculture sector
legislative and strategic direction in the agriculture sector; reports approved by the Joint Agriculture Sector Steering
(b) review and adopt agriculture sector progress reports Committee;
including joint programmes and project reports and transmit (e) development and submission for approval by the Joint
to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Agriculture Sector Steering Committee, annual work plans and
Cooperatives, the Summit and the County Governments; budget for the Joint Agriculture Sector Steering Committee
(c) oversee implementation of forum on agriculture sector and the Secretariats’ operation to the Joint Agriculture Sector
established under section 13(2) of the Intergovernmental Steering Committee;
Relations Act, 2012; (f) maintaining accurate records of financial matters and resource
(d) exercise oversight on the implementation of resolutions use; and
arising from the intergovernmental forums; (g) carrying out any other duties as may be assigned by the Joint
Agriculture Sector Steering Committee and the Joint
(e) approve work plans and budgets for joint programmes and
Agriculture Sectoral Working Groups.
5. The implementation of activities, programmes and operations of
(f) provide direction to the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock,
the Joint Agriculture Sector Steering Committee and the Joint
Fisheries and Cooperatives and concerned County
Agriculture Sector Intergovernmental Secretariat shall be on the terms
Governments on emerging sectoral and cross-sectoral issues; that shall be mutually determined and agreed upon by the Ministry of
(g) review sector progress on the implementation of regional and Agriculture Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives and the Council of
international obligations including Comprehensive African Governors.
Agriculture Development Programme Framework in 6. The conduct of the meetings of the Joint Agriculture Sector
conjunction with the Attorney-General; Steering Committee shall be in the manner provided under the
(h) prepare and submit, at least twice a year, the agriculture Schedule to the Intergovernmental Relations Act, 2012.
sector progress reports to the Ministry of Agriculture Dated the 21st October, 2021.
Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives for onward PETER MUNYA,
transmission to the Summit through the Intergovernmental Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture,
Relations Technical Committee; and Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives.
(i) perform any other responsibility as the Cabinet Secretary
may determine.
(2) The Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
(3) The Committee may establish such number of working groups
or adhoc committees, as the Cabinet Secretary in consultation with the (No. 2 of 2012)
Council of Governors and the Intergovernmental Relations Technical
Committee may determine, for better carrying out of its functions. ASSETS OF THE DEFUNCT LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND ASSETS OF THE
(4) In the performance of its responsibilities, the Committee may NATIONAL GOVERNMENT RELATING TO DEVOLVED FUNCTIONS
co-opt persons who possess the necessary expertise, skills and IT IS notified for the general information of the public that in
experience for such purpose and period as it may determine. exercise of the powers conferred by section 12 (b) of the
3. (1) There shall be a Joint Agriculture Sector Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Relations Act, 2012 and pursuant to the resolutions
Secretariat which shall comprise of— of the Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council made on the
18th June, 2019, and 10th February, 2021, the Cabinet Secretary for
(a) the Co-ordinator, nominated by the Cabinet Secretary for Devolution establishes the Institutional Framework set out in the
Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives; Schedule hereto to guide the valuation and transfer of the assets of the
defunct local authorities and the assets of the National Government
(b) the Deputy Co-ordinator nominated, by the Council of relating to devolved functions.
Governors; and
(c) such other staff and officers deployed by the Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives and the INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE VALUATION AND
Council of Governors for better carrying out of the mandate of TRANSFER OF ASSETS OF THE DEFUNCT LOCAL
(2) The Secretariat shall, in their first meeting elect a chairperson
amongst its members. Definition
(3) The Secretariat may request either level of government to 1. In this Framework, unless the context otherwise requires—
deploy staff as may be necessary for the better carrying out of the “Act” means the Intergovernmental Relations Act, 2012;
mandate of the Joint Agriculture Sector Intergovernmental Secretariat.
“Cabinet Secretary” means the Cabinet Secretary responsible for
(4) The salaries and remuneration of the staff and officers matters relating to intergovernmental relations;
nominated and deployed to the Secretariat shall be met by the
nominating or deploying authority. “Intergovernmental County Committee” means the
Intergovernmental County Committee on the valuation and transfer of
(5) The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co- assets of the defunct Local Authorities and assets of the National
operatives and the Council of Governors shall meet the cost of Government relating to devolved functions constituted under
operations for the Secretariat. paragraph 10;
6338 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 2021
“Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee” means the (d) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters
Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee the established relating to interior and citizen services.;
under the Act;
(e) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters
“National Steering Committee” means the National Steering relating to health;
Committee on the valuation and transfer of assets of the defunct Local
Authorities and assets of the National Government relating to (f) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters
devolved functions constituted under paragraph 4; relating to agriculture;
“National Technical Co-ordination Committee” means the (g) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters
National Technical Coordination Committee on the valuation and relating to water;
transfer of assets of the defunct Local Authorities and assets of the (h) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters
National Government relating to devolved functions constituted under relating to infrastructure;
paragraph 7;
(i) the Solicitor-General;
“operational expense” means any expense incurred towards
achieving the objects of this framework and includes transport and (j) the Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Relations Technical
stationery; Committee;
“registrable asset” means an asset registered in favor of any (k) the Chief Executive Officer of the Council of County
Government entity under any written law and includes land, buildings, Governors; and
motor vehicles, equipment or plant and machinery; and
(l) the Chairperson of the National Land Commission.
“Summit” means the National and County Government
Coordinating Summit established under section 11 of the Act. (2) The National Steering Committee may, by a resolution, co-opt
such persons whose knowledge, skills and expertise are necessary for
Application the performance of its functions.
2. (1) This Framework shall apply to the valuation and transfer of (3) The National Steering Committee may delegate any of its
registrable assets identified and verified in accordance with— functions to any institution which in its opinion shall be necessary in
the proper discharge of its functions.
(a) Gazette Notice No. 2701 of 24th March, 2017, as read together
with Gazette Notice No. 4370 of 11th May, 2018 on the Functions of the National Steering Committee
verification and transfer of the assets and liabilities of the
defunct local authorities; and 5. The National Steering Committee shall be responsible for—
(b) Gazette Notice No. 5711 of 2019 of 21st June, 2019 relating to (a) providing policy direction on the valuation and transfer of
identification, verification and transfer of the assets and registrable assets;
liabilities of the National Government relating to devolved (b) mobilizing technical and financial resources necessary for the
functions. valuation and transfer of assets;
(2) The valuation and transfer of registrable assets provided under (c) considering and, if in concurrence, adopting with or without
this Framework shall not apply to registrable assets purchased or amendments, the recommendations of the Intergovernmental
acquired by County Governments after the 27th March, 2013. Relations Technical Committee necessary for the effective
Objects and Principles of the Framework valuation and transfer of assets;
3. (1) The objects of this Framework are to— (d) considering and, if in concurrence, approving assets valuation
and transfer related requests submitted to the Committee by
(a) safeguard and secure proprietary ownership of the assets of the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee; and
national and county governments;
(e) considering and determining disputes relating to the valuation
(b) confer to county governments legal ownership of the and transfer process that may be referred to it by the
registrable assets of the defunct Local Authorities and assets of Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee in
the National Government relating to devolved functions; and accordance with the Act.
(c) provide data for the update of county assets registers for The Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee
accounting purposes, in compliance with the National Treasury
Guidelines on Assets and Liabilities Management in the public 6. The Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee shall be
sector issued on the 31st August, 2020. responsible for—
(2) The operations of this Framework shall be guided by the (a) implementing the directives issued by the Intergovernmental
following principles— Budget and Economic Council and the Summit on the
valuation and transfer of assets;
(a) timely, efficient and effective valuation and transfer of assets;
(b) providing financial resources necessary for valuation and
(b) accountability, transparency and participatory approach; and transfer of assets;
(c) mutual co-operation amongst all Government entities and (c) receiving and approving budgets of National Steering
institutions. Committee and the National Technical Co-ordination
The National Steering Committee on the Valuation and Transfer of
Assets (d) procuring and availing to the National Steering Committee and
the National Technical Co-ordination Committee all
4. (1) There shall be a National Steering Committee on the equipment, tools and facilitation necessary for the discharge of
Valuation and Transfer of Assets, which shall comprise of— the respective functions;
(a) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters (e) determining disputes arising from the valuation and transfer
relating to intergovernmental relations, who shall be the process referred to it by the National Technical Co-ordination
chairperson; Committee;
(b) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters (f) receiving reports of the Intergovernmental County Assets
relating to land, who shall be the Co- Chairperson; Valuation and Transfer Committees from the National
(c) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters Technical Co-ordination Committee for transmission to the
relating to finance; National Steering Committee, Intergovernmental Budget and
Economic Council, the Summit and the National Treasury;
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6339
(g) jointly with the National Technical Coordination Committee, (f) formulate and implement a Framework for periodic monitoring
implementing the monitoring and evaluation tool of the and evaluation of activities under this Framework;
valuation and transfer of assets framework formulated under
(g) co-ordinate the valuation and transfer of registrable assets;
paragraph 8(f);
(h) receive, verify and collate reports from the respective
(h) considering information and public concerns on the conduct
Intergovernmental County Committees for submission to the
of valuation and transfer of assets; and
Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee;
(i) performing any other function assigned by the National (i) refer disputes relating or incidental to the valuation and transfer
Steering Committee, Intergovernmental Budget and Economic of registrable assets to the Intergovernmental Relations
Council and the Summit necessary for the achievement of the Technical Committee; and
objects of this Framework.
(j) perform any other function as may be assigned to it by the
The National Technical Co-ordination Committee Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee and the
7. There shall be a National Technical Co-ordination Committee National Steering Committee.
on the Valuation and Transfer of Assets which shall comprise of— Secretariat
(a) the Chief Executive Officer of the Intergovernmental Relations 9. (1) The Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee and
Technical Committee, who shall be the Chairperson; the State Department for Devolution shall jointly provide secretariat
services to the National Steering Committee and the National
(b) five persons representing of the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Co-ordination Committee.
Technical Committee;
(2) The Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee shall
(c) five persons representing the State Department of Devolution, designate one of its representatives to be the head of the Secretariat.
one of whom shall be the Co-Chairperson;
The Intergovernmental County Assets Valuation and Transfer
(d) two persons representing the Ministry of Lands and Physical Committee
10. (1) There shall be, in each County Government, an
(e) one person representing the National Land Commission; Intergovernmental County Assets Valuation and Transfer Committee
on the valuation and transfer of assets of the defunct local authorities
(f) one person representative of the National Treasury and
and assets of the National Government relating to devolved functions,
which shall comprise of—
(g) one person representing the State Department for (a) the County Secretary, who shall be the Chairperson;
(b) the County Commissioner, who shall be the co-chairperson;
(h) one person representing of the Ministry of Health;
(c) the Chief Officer responsible for matters relating to finance;
(i) one person representing the State Department for Crop
Development and Agriculture; (d) the County Attorney;
(j) two persons representing the Office of the Attorney General (e) the Chief Officer responsible for matters relating to lands;
and Department of Justice;
(f) the Chief Officer responsible for matters relating to
(k) three persons representing of the Council of County Governors; Infrastructure;
(g) the County Chief Valuer;
(l) one person representing the State Department of Interior and
(h) the County surveyor;
Citizen services.
(i) the respective registrar of lands from the Ministry of Lands
(2) The National Technical Co-ordination Committee may, by a and Physical Planning designated in the county;
resolution, co-opt such persons whose knowledge and skills are
necessary for the performance of its functions. (j) the County Co-ordinator of the National Land Commission;
(3) The National Technical Co-ordination Committee may (k) such number of valuers as may be determined by the Principal
constitute such number of sub-committees as may be necessary to Secretary responsible for matters relating to lands depending
expedite the performance of its functions under this Framework. on the needs of the County assets valuation process; and
(4) A sub-committee constituted under sub-paragraph (3) shall— (l) one representative of the State Department for Infrastructure.
(a) determine its leadership and procedure for the conduct of its (2) An Intergovernmental County Committee may, by a resolution,
business; and co-opt such persons from the relevant County Government whose
knowledge and skills are necessary for the proper performance of its
(b) report to the National Technical Coordination Committee. functions.
Functions of the National Technical Co-ordination Committee (3) An Intergovernmental County Committee may constitute such
number of sub-committees as may be necessary to assist in the
8. The functions of the National Technical Co-ordination performance of its functions.
Committee shall be to—
(4) The sub-committees constituted under sub-paragraph (3)
(a) develop a work-plan for the valuation and transfer process shall—
undertaken under this Framework;
(a) consist of technical officers from within the County with skills
(b) prepare and submit to the Intergovernmental Relations and competencies necessary to undertake the functions of the
Technical budgets of the National Steering Committee and the intergovernmental county committee;
National Technical Coordination Committee;
(b) be accountable to the Intergovernmental County Committee;
(c) implement the respective policy and legal framework relating and
to the valuation and transfer of registrable assets and make
recommendations; (c) be financed by the respective County Government.
(d) undertake capacity analysis of existing valuers against the Functions of the Intergovernmental County Committee
scope of work for each individual County; 11. (1) An Intergovernmental County Committee shall —
(e) train and support the Intergovernmental County Committees; (a) coordinate the valuation of all registrable assets in that
6340 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 2021
(b) make periodic reports to the National Technical Coordination (a) provide technical officers and equipment as may be necessary
Committee; to carry out the inspection, valuation and transfer of motor
vehicles, plant, equipment and machinery in each County; and
(c) co-ordinate, supervise and offer technical support to its sub-
committees established under paragraph 10(3); and (b) issue ownership documents in respect of every motor vehicle,
plant, equipment and machinery to the transferee County
(d) prepare and submit to the National Technical Co-ordination Governments and the National Government as the case may be.
Duty to co-operate
(i) the final valuation report of registrable assets duly signed
by the Chief Government Valuer and which shall include a 18. In the execution of this Framework, the two levels of
Schedule of all valued registrable assets; and government shall co-operate and support the institutional structures
established under this Framework to ensure effective discharge of their
(ii) the transfer instruments of all registrable assets duly respective mandate.
executed by the authorised officer of the transferee county. Valuation and Approval for the Transfer of Registrable Assets
(2) The County Secretary shall submit the inventory of identified 19. (1) The procedures, quality and standard of valuation of the
and verified assets referred to in paragraph 2 (1) to the registrable assets under this Framework shall be in accordance with the
Intergovernmental County Committee before commencement of applicable laws and professional standards prescribed by the Valuers
valuation and transfer under this Framework. Registration Board.
(3) Despite paragraph (1), the Intergovernmental Relations (2) Upon valuation of a registrable assets under this Framework,
Technical Committee may avail to each County Secretary a Schedule each Intergovernmental County Committee shall prepare a valuation
of the Inventory of the registrable assets submitted to it pursuant to report on the assets and the relevant transfer documents for submission
Gazette Notice No. 4370 of 2018 and Gazette Notice No. 5711 of to the National Technical Co-ordination Committee.
(3) Upon receipt of the documents under sub-paragraph (2), the
Powers of Institutional Structures National Technical Co-ordination Committee shall collate, verify and
certify that the documents conform to the prescribed professional
12. The institutional structures established under this Framework standards before submission to the Intergovernmental Relations
shall have the power to— Technical Committee.
(a) request for any information or certified copies of documents (4) Within thirty days of receipt of the documents prepared under
from any person including any National or County Government sub-paragraph (3), the Intergovernmental Relations Technical
Ministry, Department, Agency or Entity including documents Committee shall submit the documents to the National Steering
relating to the existing inventory of assets; Committee for consideration and adoption.
(b) require the attendance of any person before the institutional (5) Within thirty days of receipt of the documents under sub-
structure; paragraph (4), the National Steering Committee shall submit the
documents to the Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council,
(c) utilize or adopt any previous records or reports of other through the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee, for
institutions including the inventories of assets prepared by the consideration, adoption and approval of the transfer of the assets listed
Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee or any other therein to the transferee County Governments.
institution; and (6) Upon adoption of valuation and transfer reports by
(d) develop rules of procedure and work plans to enable them to Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council, the
effectively perform their functions. Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee in consultation with
each County Government shall transmit their respective transfer
Role of County Governors instruments to the National Government Agency responsible for
implementing the transfer of the listed assets.
13. Every County Governor shall provide leadership, policy
direction, financial and administrative support and oversight to the (7) The National Government Agency to which the request for
relevant Intergovernmental County Committees for purposes of the transfer has been lodged shall issue new ownership documents in favor
effective performance of their functions. of the transferee County Government in accordance with the
applicable law.
Responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary
14. The Cabinet Secretary shall provide policy and administrative
20. (1) All operational expenses of the National Steering
support to all the institutional structures established under this Committee and the National Technical Co-ordination Committee shall
Framework. be paid by the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee.
Responsibilities of the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters (2) The allowances for the National Government officers serving
relating to lands in the Intergovernmental County committees shall be paid by the
Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee.
15. The Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to lands
shall— (3) Each County Government shall meet the operational expenses
of its Intergovernmental County Committee and its subcommittees.
(a) provide adequate technical officers as may be necessary to
conduct the valuation exercise in each County; Delegation
upon approval of the transfer of the registrable asset by 21. (1) A person serving as a substantive member of any of the
Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council and execution of all institutional structures established under this Framework shall not
land transfer instruments, issue land ownership documents to the delegate his membership to any other person except under exceptional
transferee County Government or the National Government, as the circumstances.
case may be. (2) A person representing a substantive member of an institutional
Responsibilities of the National Land Commission structure under sub-paragraph (1) shall be a person of the next senior
most officer in rank and shall have the power to make binding
16. The National Land Commission shall issue land allocation or decisions on behalf of the substantive member.
allotment letters in respect of all unalienated land in the respective
County Government.
22. (1) The duration of this Framework shall be a period of six
Responsibilities of the Ministry responsible for Matters Relating to months from the date of its publication of this Notice.
Registration of Motor Vehicles, Plant, Equipment and Machinery
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-paragraph (1), the
17. The Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to Cabinet Secretary may extend the duration of this Framework for a
registration of motor vehicles, plant, equipment and machinery shall— period not exceeding four months.
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6341
to be the County Attorney of the County Government of West Pokot, ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE
for a term of six (6) years, from the date of this appointment. WHEREAS Kenya National Assurance Company (2001) Limited,
of P.O. Box 20425–00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is
Dated the 16th November, 2021.
registered as proprietor of all that piece of land known as L.R. No.
JOHN K. LONYANGAPUO, 13673/649, situate in south of Ruiru Township in the Kiambu District,
MR/2389479 Governor, West Pokot County. by virtue of a certificate of title registered as IR. 58672/1, and whereas
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate
of title has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12391 title provided that no objection has been received within that period.
THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA Dated the 19th November, 2021.
THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT MR/2389282 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
(No. 17 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 44 of the
County Governments Act, 2012, and following the approval by the ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE
County Assembly of West Pokot on Tuesday, 16th November, 2021, I,
WHEREAS (1) Agnes Mutete Munyao and (2) Idah Mbeke
John Krop Lonyangapuo, Governor, West Pokot County, appoint— Ochieng, are registered as proprietors of all that piece of land known
CONSOLATA CHEPCHIRCHIR ARUSEI as L.R. No. 19150/198, situate in Mavoko Municipality in the
Machakos District, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as IR.
to be the Secretary/CEO, County Public Service Board of the West 64544/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show
Pokot County, for a term of six (6) years, from the date of this that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is given that after
appointment. the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a
provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been
Dated the 16th November, 2021. received within that period.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12396 199, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that
the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue
(No. 3 of 2012) a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received
within that period.
Dated the 19th November, 2021.
WHEREAS Joyce Nduku Mbuvi, of P.O. Box 11, Athi River in J. M. MWINZI,
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of all that piece of MR/2389474 Land Registrar, Nairobi.
land known as L.R. No. 337/2680, situate in Mavoko Municipality in
the Machakos District, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as
IR. 71482/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12400
show that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is given that
after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been
received within that period. (No. 3 of 2012)
has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12414
been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that
no objection has been received within that period. (No. 3 of 2012)
Dated the 19th November, 2021. ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Dorin Mulobi Shibutse, of P.O. Box 1056, Kakamega (No. 3 of 2012)
in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
Kakamega, registered under title No. Idakho/Shibuname/682, and WHEREAS Howard Lilako Omurwa (deceased), is registered as
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title No.
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new Isukha/Shirere/1577, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
Dated the 19th November, 2021. has been received within that period.
Dated the 19th November, 2021.
MR/2389149 Land Registrar, Kakamega District. G. O. NYANGWESO,
MR/2389149 Land Registrar, Kakamega District.
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6345
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12426 issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT provided that no objection has been received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012) Dated the 19th November, 2021.
WHEREAS Ephantus Maina Kamau (ID/7551266), is registered as MR/2389286 Land Registrar, Murang’a District.
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
containing 0.042 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
Naivasha, registered under title No. Gilgil/Gilgil Block 1/7736 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12430
(Kekopey), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show
that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue
a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received (No. 3 of 2012)
within that period.
Dated the 19th November, 2021.
WHEREAS Francis Mirara Solomon (ID/5146708), of P.O. Box
C. M. WACUKA, 157, Sabasaba in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
MR/2389291 Land Registrar, Naivasha District. absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.32
hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang’a, registered
under title No. Loc.6/Kandani/1289, and whereas sufficient evidence
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12427 has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has
been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that
(No. 3 of 2012) no objection has been received within that period.
ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED Dated the 19th November, 2021.
WHEREAS Francis Kinyua Waikonju (ID/0614905), is registered ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land WHEREAS Peter Kamau Njau (ID/11532793), is registered as
containing 4.280 hectares or thereabout, registered under title No. proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
Marmanet/North Rumuruti Block II/439 (Ndurumo), and whereas containing 0.256 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed Nyandarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua/Silibwet/5806, and
issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
provided that no objection has been received within that period. expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
Dated the 19th November, 2021. land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
MR/2389158 Land Registrar, Rumuruti. Dated the 19th November, 2021.
MR/2389495 Land Registrar, Nyandarua District.
(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS John Kibue Njane (ID/0851522), is registered as
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land WHEREAS Patrick G. Muriuki (ID/8796515), is registered as
containing 0.02 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
Nyandarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua/Lesirko/1405, and containing 0.39 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Kabare/Nyangati/3431, and
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
period. land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
Dated the 19th November, 2021.
Dated the 19th November, 2021.
MR/2389457 Land Registrar, Nyandarua District. MR/3258502 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.
6348 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 2021
WHEREAS Mambo Mugo (ID/31863784), is registered as WHEREAS Wismey Edward Munyi Gituru (ID/10729508), of
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land P.O. Box 226, Kiritiri in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as
containing 4.08 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Ngariama/Merichi/44, and containing 2.63 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land Mbeere, registered under title No. Mbeere/Riachina/361, and whereas
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
period. provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 19th November, 2021. Dated the 19th November, 2021.
MR/3258502 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District. MR/2389414 Land Registrar, Kiritiri District.
WHEREAS Jonathan Mutuku Musembi, of P.O. Box 1983, Kitale ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute WHEREAS Selina Caroline Achieng Olwanda (ID/13237127), is
ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece
Makueni, registered under title No. Makindu/Kisingo/1958, and of land containing 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land Kajiado, registered under title No. Ngong/Ngong/47815, and whereas
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
period. provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 19th November, 2021. Dated the 19th November, 2021.
MR/2389456 Land Registrar, Makueni District. MR/2389165 Land Registrar, Ngong.
MR/2389245 Land Registrar, Ngong. MR/2389371 Land Registrar, Kisii District.
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6351
hereof, I intend to proceed with the reconstruction of the land register GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12484
as provided under section 33 (1) (5) of the land registration Act
provided that no valid objection has been received within that period. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
PURSUANT to the provisions of section 42 of the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004, notice is given that unless the
under-mentioned goods are entered and removed from the Customs Warehouse within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, they will be sold
by public auction on the 22nd December, 2021.
Interested buyers may view the goods at the Customs Warehouse, Taveta OSBP on the 20th December and the 21st December, 2021, during
office hours.
Lot No. Date of Arrival Container No. Consignee Goods Description Location
0001/21 01/03/2021 Loose cargo Abandoned 4 cartons (dozens) of hurricane Taveta old Warehouse
glass globes
0002/21 01/03/2021 Loose cargo Abandoned 11 pieces of used bicycles Taveta old Warehouse
0003/21 01/03/2021 Loose cargo Abandoned 16 bales of shoe soles Taveta old Warehouse
0004/21 8/05/2021 Loose cargo Eliud Lumuli Atola P.O Box 2 bales Kitenge Taveta OSBP
154 Taveta Warehouse
0005/21 27/09/2019 Loose cargo Happiness Patrick - 0790666749 3 pkts of Femicare food Taveta OSBP Warehouse
0006/21 13/10/2019 Loose cargo Abandoned 1 box tractor spare parts Taveta OSBP Warehouse
0007/21 07/04/2021 Loose cargo Abandoned 50 bags @25kg rice, grade II Taveta OSBP Warehouse
0008/21 11/09/2021 Loose cargo Abandoned 3862ltrs wine + 40pkgs personal Taveta OSBP Warehouse
Dated the 15th November, 2021.
PTG 888/21-22 Station Manager, Taveta OSBP.
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6357
THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT’S ACT Facility Name HFC Member Name Position
Under section 29 (2) paragraph (c) to (g), the following “Act” means the Human Resource Professionals Act No. 52 of
representatives who shall be members for three (3) years and eligible Management Act; 2012.
for appointment for one further term in accordance with section 29 (4).
“bullying or harassment” means any unwelcome
Title Position verbal or physical behavior that interferes with
work or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
Under section 29 (2) (c) work environment;
A representative of the County Directorate of Member
“Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the
Environment, Mohamed Baishe
Disciplinary Committee established under section
A representative of the County Directorate – Member
PublicWorks and Utilities, Abdulfatah Kassim 31 of the Act;
A representative of the County Directorate - Trade, Member “Code” means the Human Resource
Tourism and Industrialization, Kamalu Sharif Management Professionals Code of Conduct and
A representative of the County Directorate – Finance, Member Ethics;
Salma Omar
A representative of the County Directorate – Fisheries Member “Committee” means the Disciplinary Committee
and Livestock, Mohamed Athman established under section 31 (1) of the Act;
A representative of the County Directorate – Lands and Member
Physical Planning, Grace Kaidza Mwangudza “Executive Director” means the person
A representative of the County Directorate Agriculture, Member appointed as the Executive Director of the Institute
Stephen Mbuvi under section 8 of the Act;
A representative of the County Directorate— Public Member “human resource practice” means any practice
Administration, Samia Athman
for hire, gain, fee, compensation or reward received,
A representative of the County Directorate–Water, Eng. Member
promised, offered, expected or accepted either
Paul Maina
directly or indirectly by the person rendering the
A representative of the County Directorate – Public Member
human resource function from the person requesting
Health, Mohamed Abubakar
or receiving the service;
Under section 29 (d,) (e)–(f)
“human resource professional” means a person
Governor’s appointee representing Pastoralist, Member
Mohamed Bodole Barisa who is registered as a member of the Institute in
Governor’s Appointee representing farmers, Mohamed Member accordance with section 19 (1) of the Act;
Ahmed Khalifa “Institute’ means the Institute of Human
Governor’s Appointee representing the Business Member Resource Management established under section 3
Community, Mariam Mohamed Farah (1) of the Act;
Governor’s appointee representing Business Community, Member
Francis Ngengi “professional misconduct” has the meaning
Governor’s appointee representing Non-Governmental Member assigned to it under section 30 of the Act;
Organizations, Nancy Muthoni Kombo
Governor’s appointee representing Beach Management Member “sexual harassment” means any unwelcome
Unit, Abdul Yusuf Sombwana sexual advance, request for sexual favours or other
verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual
Under section 29 (g)— nature that interferes with work, is made a condition
Sub-Regional Officer for Kenya Forest Reseach Member of employment, or creates an intimidating, hostile,
Institute (KEFRI), Henry Komu or offensive work environment; and
A representative of the County Directorate – Kenya Member
Worldlife Service (KWS), Mathias Mwavita “unsatisfactory conduct” means conduct which
Ecosystem Conservator of Forest Lamu, Evans Maneno Member falls below the standard that is expected of a
member in human resource decision making but
Dated the 24th August, 2021.
does not amount to professional misconduct
particularly when rendering professional services
MR/2356713 Lamu County.
and does not attract disciplinary measures but
remedial measures such as further trainings.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12510 3. The purpose of this Code is to─ Purpose of the
(a) to provide clear parameters on the
acceptable principles and behaviour within
(No. 52 of 2012) which human resource professionals are
empowered to make decisions and act;
CONDUCT AND ETHICS (b) to enhance the value, credibility and
strategic importance for the human resource
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 44 (c) of the
profession within organizations, the business
Human Resource Management Professionals Act, 2012, the Council of
community and the society; and
the Institute of Human Resource Management with the approval of the
Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Gender, Senior Citizens Affairs (c) to promote a culture that places great value
and Special Programmes, has issued the Code of Conduct set out in the on upholding the highest ethical standards at
Schedule to apply in respect of Human Resource Management the work place.
4. This Code applies to− Scope of
application of
the code.
1. This Code may be cited as the Human Citation. (a) human resource professionals registered
Resource Management Professionals Code of under the Act;
Conduct and Ethics.
(b) the procedures and conditions for registering
2. In this Code, unless the context otherwise Interpretation. and certification of human resource
requires–– professionals;
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6361
(c) the standards and assurance of the quality 11. A human resource professional shall Diversity.
of human resource practice. conduct official responsibilities without
discrimination based on race, ethnic background,
(2) For the avoidance of doubt, this Code shall
disability, gender or health.
apply to—
12. A human resource professional shall Moral and
(a) a human resource professional whether observe and maintain ethical and moral ethical
despite holding such certificate, is not in requirements and shall not— requirements.
active practice at the time but is engaged (a) engage in unethical behavior in furtherance
in another activity or is under suspension of personal benefit;
pursuant to section 34 of the Act;
(b) act dishonestly in the exercise of
(b) the actions of a human resource professional duties;
professional, which are not undertaken in
the course of the practice of human (c) falsify records;
resources if such actions reflect on the (d) engage in any activities that amount to
professional’s conduct or standing.
abuse of the position he or she holds or
5. The guiding principles for human resource Principles. bring disrepute to the profession; or
practice include—
(e) engage in any activities that amount to
(a) professional responsibility to encourage professional misconduct as set out in
professional decision-making and section 30 of the Act.
responsibility to influence progressive
13. (1) A human resource professional shall Acting
human resource practice;
not— through
(b) professional development to attain the others.
highest standards of competence essential (a) cause anything to be done by any person
to serve and address clients’ needs; that is in contravention to the Constitution,
laws, regulations, codes, standards and
(c) ethical leadership essential to serve as role
lawful directives of the Institute;
models at the workplace; and
(b) allow or direct any person under their
(d) fairness and justice to foster a conducive supervision or control to do anything that
environment to achieve organizational is in contravention to applicable laws,
goals and objectives. regulations, codes and standards.
(2) A human resource professional who acts
PART II — CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS under an unlawful direction shall be held
6. (1) This Code sets out professional and Code of
responsible for his or her actions.
ethical standards that govern the conduct of a conduct.
human resource professional when providing (3) A human resource professional who
professional services and in certain cases when not considers that anything required of them is in
providing human resource services. contravention to the laws, regulations, codes,
(2) A human resource professional who fails to standards of the human resource profession or what
comply with the Act, Regulations made under the is required is otherwise improper or unethical, the
Act or this Code commits professional misconduct human resource professional shall report the matter
as provided in section 30 of the Act. to the appropriate authority.
7. It is professional misconduct for any person Requirement
who has been registered as a member or has a of practising 14. (1) A human resource professional shall not Misuse of
practising certificate to engage in the practice of certificate. use or allow any person to use any information information.
human resources without a valid membership or which is not available to the public but obtained
practising certificate. through or in connection with his or her office or
8. A human resource professional shall uphold Integrity. position, for the furtherance of any private interest
the highest level of integrity when conducting or for any other purpose except for education,
professional duties and shall be honest, trustworthy, research, literary, scientific or other purposes not
transparent and accountable. prohibited by law.
9. A human resource professional shall Rule of law.
discharge official duties in accordance with the (2) Notwithstanding the generality of paragraph
Constitution and all other laws. (1), a human resource professional shall take all
10. A human resource professional shall— Performance reasonable steps to ensure that confidential
of duties and information or documents entrusted to his or her
responsibilitie care are adequately protected from improper or
s. inadvertent disclosure.
(a) maintain high standards of performance and
15. (1) A human resource professional shall— Conflict of
professionalism when undertaking official
tasks and duties;
(a) not engage in an activity that creates actual,
(b) carry out official duties in a manner that
protects the integrity of the office; apparent or potential conflict of interest; and
(c) exercise courtesy and respect when (b) use his or her best efforts to avoid being in a
discharging official duties and shall not position in which his or her personal
discriminate against any person; interests conflict with official duties.
(d) be accountable for all decisions, acts or
omissions undertaken in the course of duty; (2) A human resource professional shall not
(e) maintain an appropriate standard of dress participate in any tendering process where his or her
and personal hygiene; and personal or proprietary interests conflict with his or
(f) observe and subscribe to the ethical and her duties and shall not award tenders to himself,
professional requirements of the profession. spouse, relative or business associate.
6362 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 2021
(3) A human resource professional shall (3) A good faith report is made—
disqualify himself or herself from any matter where
(a) if the person making the report holds a
his or her impartiality might reasonably be
reasonable belief that misconduct has
questioned including but not limited to instances in
occurred or that an action, which has been
which— taken, is a prohibited conduct under this
(a) the human resource professional has a Code;
personal bias, prejudice or interest over the (b) if another person in the same or similar
subject matter; position could conclude, in a fair, proper and
(b) the human resource professional or his or reasonable manner, that a violation has
her family or a close connection has a occurred.
financial or any other interest that could (4) A disclosure is not made in good faith if —
substantially affect the outcome of the
matter in issue; or (a) it is made with reckless disregard or willful
ignorance of facts that would disprove the
(c) the human resource professional, or his or disclosure;
her spouse, or a person related to either of
them or the spouse of such a person or a (b) it is made through the media or alternative
friend or a business associate is a party to media and the identity of the person making
the matter in issue. the report is hidden or altered;
(4) Where an issue is likely to create a conflict (c) the person making the report is unwilling to
of interest, the human resource professional shall appear before the Disciplinary Committee
declare interest before a meeting if the matter is for cross examination where the facts
being deliberated upon or declare the conflict to the provided in the report are insufficient to
appropriate body or person in order to prevent any justify commencement of investigations.
apparent or potential conflict.
(5) The report shall be in writing or filed online
16. A human resource professional shall not Bullying or and addressed to the Executive Director.
bully or sexually harass any person. sexual
(6) If the report is verbal, the person making the
report shall appear in person and be willing and
17. A human resource professional shall be Self-
ready for cross examination.
committed to continuously developing his or her development.
skills, expertise and knowledge in order to improve (7) The Executive Director shall submit any
work performance as well as those of colleagues or report made under paragraph (1) to the Council for
persons working under his or her supervision. direction pursuant to section 32 of the Act.
18. (1) A human resource professional shall— Official (8) Any information received in respect of
dealings. paragraph (1) and (2) shall be dealt with in strict
(a) practise and promote the principles of confidentiality with a view to protecting the source.
equity, inclusiveness, protection of the
marginalized, integrity and professional 23. (1) The Disciplinary Committee may Investigations.
competency; investigate any allegation of breach of this code so
as to determine the veracity of such allegation.
(b) not, knowingly withhold information that is
not protected including vacancies or posts, (2) An investigation may be carried out under
promotions or other official correspondence this paragraph notwithstanding that the person being
with a view to disadvantage any person; and investigated does not have a current practising
certificate or has not renewed membership.
(c) not engage in private business during (d)
official working hours. 24. (1) The following process will be applicable Process for
in investigation of a complaint— initiation and
19. A human resource professional shall not Endorsing investigation
use his or her position or any authority associated private of a
with his or her office in a manner that could activities. complaint.
reasonably be construed to imply that the Institute (a) a complainant will complete a complaint
or employer sanctions or endorses any activities, form available at the office of the Executive
either by him or by any other person, that are not Director or on the website of the Institute.
activities of the Institute or the employer.
(b) the complainant shall set out in detail, the
20. A human resource professional shall not Professional facts and circumstances, including dates of
engage in any manner of professional misconduct. misconduct. the alleged misconduct and the names of
21. Where a human resource professional is Unsatisfactory any persons relevant to the complaint;
deemed to have performed any professional duties conduct. (c) the recipient of the complaint shall
unsatisfactorily, the supervisor or employer shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint by
ensure that the professional undergoes appropriate stamping the date of receipt on a copy of the
training. complaint or by acknowledging receipt
22. (1) Every human resource professional shall Reporting. (d) the Executive Director shall submit the
be under an obligation to report, in good faith to the complaint to the Council for consideration.
Executive Director, any breach of the provisions of (e) where the Council has reason to believe that
this Code. a registered person may have committed
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), anonymous professional misconduct, it shall refer the
complaints may be reported in accordance with matter to the Disciplinary committee which
paragraph (5). shall inquire into the matter.
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6363
(2) Where the Disciplinary Committee conducts GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12512
the investigations, it shall conduct interviews with THE COMPANIES ACT
the complainant, the person or persons named in the
complaint and other persons who may have (No. 17 of 2015)
knowledge relevant to the investigation. DISSOLUTION
(3) After the inquiry is complete, the PURSUANT to section 897 (4) of the Companies Act, 2015, it is
Disciplinary Committee shall make a notified for the information of the general public that the following
recommendation to the Council based on the companies are dissolved and their names have been struck off the
findings of the investigation. Register of Companies with effect from the date of publication of this
(4) In the event that there is a finding of
Number Name of Company
misconduct, the Council shall determine the
appropriate disciplinary sanctions pursuant to PVT/2016/012354 Advisory Business Partners Limited
section 34 (1) of the Act. PVT-AAAAVL7 Agencia Kenya Limited
CPR/2013/113146 Agenda For Change Limited
25. The Disciplinary Committee shall afford, Hearing PVT-LRUL936 Brustan Limited
the person whose conduct is being inquired into, an procedure. PVT-PJUMJZ2 Catestar Investment Limited
opportunity to be heard in person in accordance CPR/2014/131465 Cup N Cake Limited
with section 33 of the Act. PVT-Y2UBAA Daystar Power Kenya Limited
C. 162574 Destiny General Supply Limited
26. A member who is dissatisfied with the Review by CPR/2010/23839 Dial-A-Limo Limited
decision of the Council may appeal to the High Council. CPR/2011/42769 General Milllers and Packers Limited
CPR/2014/172783 Globe Properties (E.A) Limited
Court in accordance with section 34(5) of the Act.
CPR/2012/70372 International Brands Africa Limited
27. This Code may be reviewed from time to Review of the CPR/2015/175466 Jasarera Company Limited
PVT-EYUKKRL Jigey Steel Limited
time as the Institute may deem appropriate. Code.
CPR/2010/30850 Jusi Fashions Limited
PVT-8LUXYY9 Kips Technical College Limited
Dated the 1st November, 2021. PVT-6LU2Q98 Ladies In Law Limited
JOSEPH V. ONYANGO, PVT-7LUPBKJ Landchester Construction and General Supply
Chairperson, Company Limited
Institute of Human Resource Management Council. C.109893 Leverton Limited
C.152215 Lovely Events Limited
PVT-ZQUPPBR Mag Energy Limited
PVT-RXU89EQ Ndege Skies Limited
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12511 PVT-AJUPZXP Omega Prime Stores Limited
CPR/2011/46559 Pramukh Kenya Limited
PVT-EYURYE7 Professional Risk Management Services
(No. 12 of 2010) Limited
CPR/2010/18833 Skylight Solutions Limited
SETTLEMENT PVT-RXU7AM5 Smubu Africa Limited
PVT-AJUYZ6Z Syndal Petrolier Limited
IT IS notified for general information and pursuant to section 39 of PVT-JZUAQ32 Tuscom Property Managers Limited
the Competition Act, 2010 (“the Act”), the Competition Authority of PVT/2016/012470 Ubunifu Limited
Kenya (“the Authority”) initiated investigations against PZ Cussons CPR/2013/101481 Ukay Electro Care Limited
East Africa Limited (“PZ Cussons”) (“the Company”) pursuant to CPR/2011/52911 Verism Africa Limited
PVT-8LU6VA2 Zakit Steel Limited
sections 55 (a) (i) of the Act, that prohibits false or misleading
CPR/2014/167742 Inhabi Ventures Limited
representations by a supplier of a product or service and; section 60 (1) CPR/2009/10741 Hanse International Kenya Limited
of the Act, which prohibits the supply of goods, for use by consumers, CPR/2013/108623 Corbus Steel (K) Limited
that do not comply with consumer product information standards, to CPR/2015/219310 You Yi Elevator Company Limited
the extent that such standards have been prescribed in respect of the C.163863 Shengland Enterprise Limited
relevant good. PVT/2016/022355 Zhenghong Engineering Company Limited
PVT-8LUMX29 Su-Misuri Limited
The investigations were in relation to compliance with the product CPR/2014/157508 Rrt Group Risk Reduction Training Group
information standard KS EAS 346:2013 Standard in regards to CPR/2011/51451 Maxfifteen Limited
Labelling of Cosmetics-General requirements. It was noted that the CPR/2011/59740 Lugari Sugar Company Limited
PVT-6LU2GB9 Imara Container Terminal Limited
company needed to indicate the dates of manufacture on the labelling
PVT-27U6YX Caldera Properties Limited
of: Cussons Baby Perfumed Jelly; Imperial Leather Body Lotion CPR/2014/129120 Tinsip Limited
Japanese Spa; and Venus Skin Care Smoothing Body Lotion.
Dated the 9th November, 2021.
The Company opted to enter into a Settlement Agreement with the JOYCE KOECH,
Authority pursuant to section 38 of the Act on the following terms— Registrar of Companies.
of this notice, and invites any person to show cause why the GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12514
companies should not be struck off from the Register of Companies.
Number Name of Company
(No. 13 of 2019)
CPR/2011/57836 Al- Mukaram Suppliers and Distributors
PVT-XYUAAM8 Alex Agro Green (K) Limited
(a) PDP Ref No. KSI/37/2021/03—Proposed Regularization of
C.80972 Arena Limited
Existing Site for Residential Plot
CPR/2012/88167 Atlantic Point Limited
PVT-Y2URAGR Biashara Viral Gains Limited (b) PDP Ref No. KSI/37/2021/04—Proposed Regularization of
CPR/2013/121113 Borassus Kenya Limited Existing Site for Residential Plot
CPR/2015/189899 Brandroots Company Limited
PVT/2016/028526 Carathon Limited (c) PDP Ref No. KSI/37/2021/02—Proposed Regularization of
C.142856 Central Plumbing Limited Existing Site for the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and
PVT-Y2UL6BDL Chocha Investments Limited Fisheries
C. 169526 Coast Cement
CPR/2010/32071 Coast Polythene Limited NOTICE is given that the preparation of the above part
CPR/2012/68776 Commodities Trading Limited development plans have been completed.
C.148109 Concrete Solutions Limited The development plans relate to land situated within Kisii
CPR/2013/103561 Congo Logistics Kenya Limited Municipality.
CPR/2015/211135 Darubini Women Co. Limited
PVT-3QUQZDM Equatoria Teak Products Limited Copies of the part development plans as prepared have been
PVT-PJUYVG5Y Fun and Tech Forex Trading Limited deposited for public inspection at the office of the County Director of
C.5081 Galsheet Sales Limited Physical Planning, Kisii County.
CPR/2014/155755 Global Modern Builders Limited
CPR/2012/86265 Hawaye Construction Company Limited The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge
PVT-LRUBAJ Hexagon Safety And Hardware Limited by all persons interested at the offices of the the County Director of
C.106476 Honey Bee Holdings Limited Physical Planning, Kisii County, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and
C.146540 Imaana International Limited 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
CPR/2012/84260 Imperial Link Enterprises Limited
Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in
CPR/2014/148628 Imperial Link Group (K) Limited
connection with or objection to the above-named part development
PVT-MKU8V3P Jesal Investment Limited
CPR/2010/30886 Jikachi Ware Limited plans may send such representations or objections in writing to be
PVT-XYU73QL Jp Millers Limited received by the County Director Physical Planning Office, P.O. Box
CPR/2010/31155 Kamilika Kenya Limited 4550, Kisii, within sixty (60) days from the date of this publication and
PVT/2016/033523 King and Queen Grocers Limited any such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it
PVT-AAABVI5 Kivuli Ladies Company Limited is made.
CPR/2010/20120 Kraydon Multimedia Limited Dated the 8th November, 2021.
PVT-8LU8Z69 Lightsun Limited P. B. ACHOKI,
CPR/2015/212791 Markit Opportunity Limited
MR/2389150 County Director of Physical Planning.
PVT-8LUM2XM Mathapelo Limited
PVT-RXUMQGJ Mbaa Theophile Limited
PLC-NR2S8G Michuka Public Limited Company
CPR/2016/221020 Midolu Company Limited GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12515
PVT-AAADIT0 Mukururo Investment Limited
PVT-V7UM558 Niyam Agencies Limited
PVT-V7UA7A8 Nlk Pharma Limited (Cap.14)
PVT-AJUVJ85 Noble Accounting Services Limited
CPR/2015/185146 Oxbow Management Limited IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBU
CPR/2009/10325 Power Innovations Kenya Limited
C.97889 Power Innovations Limited
PVT-EYUQBG8 Rfh Healthcare (Kenya) Limited IN ACCORDANCE with the Records Disposal (Courts) Rules,
PVT-PJULQA7 Rfh Specialist Hospital Limited notice is given that three (3) months after the date of publication of
PVT-AAADKQ0 Rian Fresh Limited this notice, the Chief Magistrate’s Court at Kiambu intends to apply to
PVT-PJUYVPZR Ron Developements Limited the Chief Justice/President of the Supreme Court, for leave to destroy
CPR/2011/54428 Saikars Limited the records, books and papers of the Chief Magistrate’s Court at
CPR/2014/133584 Shekere Limited Kiambu as set out below:
C.153318 Shethia Industrial Chemicals Limited
PVT-LRU8E96 Siltex Manufacturers Limited Civil Cases 1965–2008
C.19920 Simba Products Limited Civil Misc. Civil 1965–2008
CPR/2015/218226 Sinendet Agrovet Limited Workman’s Compensation 1965–2008
CPR/2011/54161 Skilled Soft Solutions Limited
CPR/2014/144865 St. Francis Hospital Limited A comprehensive list of all the condemned records that qualify to
C.16608 Steel- Flo Kenya Limited be disposed under the Act can be obtained and perused at the Chief
CPR/2011/46742 Supply Base Solutions Limited Magistrate’s Court Registry, Kiambu.
PVT/2016/030070 Sure Front Limited
Any person desiring the return of any exhibit in any of the above
PVT-KAUX5LE Syoks Beverages Limited
cases must make his/her claim on or before the expiry of three (3)
CPR/2013/109337 The Hy Energy Limited
months from the date of publication of this notice.
PVT-EYUL6GK The Rose and The Snail Beauty Products
Limited All exhibits to which no claim is substantiated before the
PVT-27U5V957 Vedas Limited destruction of the records shall under section 4 be deemed to be part of
PVT-9XUG23YX Vivuzela Company Limited the records for the purposes of destruction.
Dated the 9th November, 2021. Dated the 27th October, 2021.
Registrar of Companies. Chief Magistrate, Malindi.
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6365
DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS NOTICE is given under the provisions of the Disposal of
Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) laws of Kenya, to the owners of
NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of
Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya and following motor vehicles:
an authority and order under Miscellaneous Application No.
E095/2021 by the Senior Principal Magistrate’s Court at Kigumo Law Registration Number Make/Model
Courts at Kigumo, Muranga County to the owners of motor vehicles, KBZ 349 K Isuzu FVX
motorcycles and scrap metal which are lying idle and unclaimed
within Kigumo Police Station, to collect the said motor vehicles, motor To collect the said motor vehicles from the premises of Eldoret
cycles and scrap at the said yard within thirty (30) days from the date Auction Centre and Storage Services on L.R. No. Pioneer/Racecourse
of publication of this notice. Failure to which Astorion Auctioneers Block 1 (Kapkechui)/6 along Eldoret–Kisumu Road, opposite St.
Nairobi shall proceed to dispose of the said motor vehicles, John’s Pastoral Centre, Eldoret, within thirty (30) days from the date
motorcycles and scrap by way of public auction on behalf of Kigumo of publication of this notice upon proper identification and payment of
Police Station if they remain uncollected/unclaimed: storage charges together with other costs and incidents that may be
Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles owing including costs of advertisement and publications, failure to
which the said motor vehicles will be disposed under the Disposal of
KNP 388, KMCK 100R, KMCE 702A, KMCH 943G, KMCS
Uncollected Goods Act either by public auction or private treaty
112V, KBB 426Q, KMCE 142N, KMCM 683J, KMCA 719N, KMCE
210H, KMCK 883Y, KMDG 621V, KMCA 772Z, KMCT 030D, without further notice and proceeds will be utilized to defray the
KMCJ 188L, KMEA 009A, KMEE 468Y, KMEB 953L, KMDW storage and other incidental charges and or costs and the shortfall if
753Q, KMCV 124C, KMCH 044M, KMCM 917C, W/O NO. any,will be recovered from the owners through legal proceedings.
Captain, MTR, Haogin, Kingbird, Skygo, Captain.
Dated the 26th November, 2021.
Dated the 2nd November, 2021. MARGARET ANINDO,
KEVIN N. GITAU, MR/2389451 for Igare Auctioneers.
MR/2389175 for Astorion Auctioneers.
6366 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 2021
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12522 designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Michelle
Wangechi Murimi only.
DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS Advocates for Nancy Muthoni Kariuki (Guardian),
PURSUANT to court order issued at Mavoko law courts we shall on behalf of , Michelle Wangechi Murimi (minor),
sell by public auction the under-mention unclaimed Motor MR/2389101 formerly known as Michelle Wakini Murimi.
vehicle/motorcycles on 26th November, 2021, at Athi River Police
Station at 10.30 a.m.
KCM 212G, Toyota Saloon; KBL 202, Nissan Saloon; KAE 247, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12525
BMW; KXP 081, Toyota Pickup; KAX 871R, Toyota Vitz; KAW CHANGE OF NAME
080T, Toyota Corolla; KCQ 946, Toyota Probox; KMEZ 831L, TVS;
KMCW 907Z, Skygo; KMCZ 873F; KMCX 534D, Ranger; KMDU NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 7th October, 2021,
465T, Skygo; KMDW 136H, Honda; KMDW 521B, Skygo; KMCW duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at
994U; KMCQ 779Y, Ranger; KMET 324B, Ranger; KMDM 338B, Mombasa as Presentation No. 406, in Volume B-13, Folio
Skygo; KMDN 542S, Skygo; KMEK 012M, Boxer; KMDS 012M, 2139/17875, File No. 1637, by our client, Mohamed Zakir Kana, of
Boxer; KMDS 836B, Skygo; KMDF 485C; KMCL 041W, Skygo; Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Mohamed
KMDU 633S, Skygo; KMDJ 091J; KMDD 226B; KMDS 712H, Zakir Mohamed Hassan Alimohamed Kana alias Mohamed Zakir
Skygo; KMCK 210C, Tvs; KMDZ 763U, Skygo; KMEV 400J, Tvs; Mohamed Hassan Kana, formally and absolutely renounced and
KMDH 158G, Tvs; KMDQ 453T, Ranger; KMCG 111S, Skygo; abandoned the use of his former name Mohamed Zakir Mohamed
KMCJ 052U, Tvs; KMFA 218Q, Honda; KMDS 541M, Skygo; Hassan Alimohamed Kana alias Mohamed Zakir Mohamed Hassan
KMDN 309S; KMCG 624T; UDMS 541M; KMFA 218S; KMDU
Kana and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Mohamed
1O2G; Numberless Salvage; KMEE 564P; KMEC 385T; KMEL 737Z
Zakir Kana, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at
Dated the 18th November, 2021. all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name
JONES MARWA, Mohamed Zakir Kana only.
MR/3258506 Managing Director.
Dated the 28th October, 2021.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12523 Advocates for Mohamed Zakir Kana,
formerly known as Mohamed Zakir Mohamed
Hassan Alimohamed Kana
DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS MR/2389103 alias Mohamed Zakir Mohamed Hassan Kana.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12528 Hassan Karu Mohamed, formally and absolutely renounced and
abandoned the use of his former name Hassan Karu Mohamed and in
lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Hassan Kay Mohamed, for
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 13th March, 2021, all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Hassan Kay
as Presentation No. 2514, in Volume D1, Folio 463/5003, File No. Mohamed only.
MMXX, by our client, Leperes S. Joseph, of P.O. Box 15816—00100, ARTHUR INGUTYA & COMPANY,
Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Joseph Leperes Advocates for Hassan Kay Mohamed,
Saitoti, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of MR/2389234 formerly known as Hassan Karu Mohamed.
his former name Joseph Leperes Saitoti and in lieu thereof assumed
and adopted the name Leperes S. Joseph, for all purposes and
authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12532
and address him by his assumed name Leperes S. Joseph only.
Dated the 8th November, 2021.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 6th October, 2021,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
Advocates for Leperes S. Joseph,
as Presentation No. 4077, in Volume D1, Folio 330/5369, File No.
MR/2389141 formerly known as Joseph Leperes Saitoti.
MMXXI, by our client, David Peter Geda Omondi Ogola, of Nairobi
in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Omondi Peter David
Ogola, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12529 his former name Omondi Peter David Ogola and in lieu thereof
CHANGE OF NAME assumed and adopted the name David Peter Geda Omondi Ogola, for
all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 1st October, 2020, designate, describe and address him by his assumed name David Peter
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi Geda Omondi Ogola only.
as Presentation No. 2971, in Volume D1, Folio 169/3289, File No.
MMXXI, by our client, Charles Wanjagi Mburu, of P.O. Box 17865—
Advocates for David Peter Geda Omondi Ogola,
20100, Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Charles
MR/2389280 formerly known as Omondi Peter David Ogola.
Wanjagi Karanja, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned
the use of his former name Charles Wanjagi Karanja and in lieu
thereof assumed and adopted the name Charles Wanjagi Mburu, for
all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12533
designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Charles CHANGE OF NAME
Wanjagi Mburu only.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 28th October, 2021,
Dated the 11th November, 2021.
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at
MUSEMBI NDOLO & COMPANY, Mombasa as Presentation No. 235, in Volume B-13, Folio
Advocates for Charles Wanjagi Mburu, 2147/17951, File No. 1637, by our client, Erick Mwendwa, of P.O.
MR/2389270 formerly known as Charles Wanjagi Karanja. Box 85100, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as
Erick Mwendwa Sroka, formally and absolutely renounced and
abandoned the use of his former name Erick Mwendwa Sroka and in
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12530 lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Erick Mwendwa, for all
purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
CHANGE OF NAME designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Erick
Mwendwa only.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 2021, duly executed
and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation OPULU & COMPANY,
in Volume D1, Folio 493/5003, File No. MMXX, by our client, James Advocates for Erick Mwendwa,
Kimani Keru, of P.O. Box 1428—00232, Ruiru in the Republic of MR/2389448 formerly known as Erick Mwendwa Sroka.
Kenya, formerly known as James Kamani Keru, formally and
absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name
James Kamani Keru and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12534
name James Kimani Keru, for all purposes and authorizes and
requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him CHANGE OF NAME
by his assumed name James Kimani Keru only.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 28th October, 2021,
MAKHANDIA & MAKHANDIA COMPANY, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at
Advocates for James Kimani Keru, Mombasa as Presentation No. 234, in Volume B-13, Folio
MR/2389267 formerly known as James Kamani Keru. 2147/17950, File No. 1637, by our client, Mercy Ndanu, of P.O. Box
85100, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Mercy
Ndanu Sroka, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12531 use of her former name Mercy Ndanu Sroka and in lieu thereof
assumed and adopted the name Mercy Ndanu, for all purposes and
CHANGE OF NAME authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe
and address her by her assumed name Mercy Ndanu only.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 13th August, 2021,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi OPULU & COMPANY,
as Presentation No. 128, in Volume D1, Folio 254/4359, File No. Advocates for Mercy Ndanu,
MMXXI, by our client, Hassan Kay Mohamed, formerly known as MR/2389448 formerly known as Mercy Ndanu Sroka.
6368 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th November, 2021
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 12535 assumed and adopted the name Feisal Adam Yusuf Kubanja, for all
purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Feisal
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 18th October, 2021, Adam Yusuf Kubanja only.
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi Dated the 18th November, 2021.
as Presentation No. 1911, in Volume DI, Folio 356/5435, File No.
MMXXI, by our client, Feisal Adam Yusuf Kubanja, of P.O. Box KUSOW & COMPANY,
5856–00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Advocates for Feisal Adam Yusuf Kubanja,
Feisal Adam Juma, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned MR/3258516 formerly known as Feisal Adam Juma.
the use of his former name Feisal Adam Juma and in lieu thereof
County County Constituency Constituency Assembly Party Political Party
Surname Other Names Assembly Abbreviation Symbol
Code Name Code Name Ward Code Name
Ward Code
Samuel Taita
Obwoge 006 023 Taveta 0112 Mahoo 088 Wakenya TUJIBEBE
Mochiemo Taveta
Taita 027
Saleri Donald Fundi 006 023 Taveta 0112 Mahoo Jubilee JP
Daniel Taita 015
Kimuyu 006 023 Taveta 0112 Mahoo Democratic UDA
Mutuku Taveta
County County County Assembly Ward
Constituency Code Constituency Name County Assembly Ward Tallying Centre Name
Code Name Code
Taita Taveta Children
006 023 Taveta 0112 Mahoo
Taveta Assistance
Dated the 18th November, 2021.
Chairperson, Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.
19th November, 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 6369