The 7 Steps To Create Effective Low-Emission Zones

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The 7 steps to create effective

low-emission zones

Executive summary 5

Preface: why cities implement low-emission zones 6

Introduction: the right formula for successful low-emission zones 7

A clear definition of objectives, area, scope and timeline 10

The right communication 12

The right enforcement 13

The right complementary measures 15

The right targeted support 16

BOX 1: Securing public acceptance 16
BOX 2: Summary of equity measures 17

The right monitoring 18

The right vision 19

Conclusion 20

Anniex 1: A short overview of the frontrunner cities 21

Annex 2: A detailed overview of best practice examples 22

This briefing was written by the Clean Cities Lead authors: Zachary Azdad, Jens Müller,
Campaign, a campaign hosted by Transport & Barbara Stoll
Environment. Design: Doug Dawson References 24

© Text 2022 Clean Cities Campaign / Transport &


Executive summary

Low-emission zones (LEZs) have been gaining 3. Ensuring effective and fair enforcement.
momentum over the last years, spreading 4. Putting in place complementary measures,
increasingly across Europe. According to the Clean especially to promote alternatives such as
Cities Campaign and based on Sadler Consultants’ active mobility as well public and shared
data, 228 LEZs were active in 2019, 320 are active transport.
in June 2022, and 507 will be in place in 2025. Their 5. Providing targeted financial support to
objectives, ambition levels, size, scope and timeline the most vulnerable groups (e.g. low-income
vary depending on the local and national context, households) and, where necessary, certain local
which means there is no one-size-fits-all approach. charities or businesses.
But there are principles and approaches that 6. Monitoring the effects,
can be applied to all LEZs in order to make them 7. Setting a binding and progressive calendar
effective. to fully transition to a zero-emission zone
(ZEZ) by 2030 at the latest.
This briefing summarises the main elements that
determine the success of a low-emission zone Based on best practice examples from all over
based on a literature review, best practice examples Europe, a well-designed LEZ should :
and guidance provided by expert groups such ▶ Be as large, stringent, and well-enforced as
as C40 cities or EU-funded projects such as the London’s ULEZ,
ReVeAL project. ▶ Be as inclusive, well-communicated and
forward-looking as Amsterdam’s LEZ,
The 7 steps to create a successful LEZ are: ▶ Provide at least as many alternatives and
1. Defining clearly the objectives, area(s), scope, support measures as Paris,
and timelines when designing a LEZ. ▶ Combine it with a general overhaul of traffic
2. Communicating well in advance and involving plans like Ghent,
citizens and businesses in the process. ▶ Strike a flexible balance through capped daily
passes like in Brussels.

Preface: why cities implement Introduction: the right
low-emission zones formula for successful
low-emission zones
The main reason why low-emission zones - i.e. areas Reductions in traffic and car ownership
where the most polluting vehicles are regulated1 As a secondary effect, LEZs have also been found
and can either not enter the area or have to pay to reduce motorised traffic: the London ULEZ, for
more if they enter the zone2 - have been adopted by instance, has contributed to reducing traffic by
cities across Europe is their effectiveness in tackling between 3% and 9% from 2018 to 2019, depending
the adverse effects of road traffic. The following on the time and location.8 The LEZ in Ghent,
positive impacts have been observed: Belgium, helped reduce car ownership within the
zone by 10% over a period of two years.9

Air quality improvements

The main objective of low-emission zones is to Better quality of life and a stronger local
reduce air pollution. A 2019 literature review by economy
Transport & Environment (T&E) found that many By reducing air pollution and car traffic, low-
LEZs have delivered strong reductions of the emission zones can also make cities more liveable.
principal pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide A 2021 Pan-European city survey commissioned
(NO2) concentrations that mainly form from NOx by the Clean Cities Campaign showed that 71% of
emissions3 and for 39% of which road transport European city dwellers thought that their leaders
is responsible.4 The French Agency for the should do more to protect them from air pollution.10
Ecological Transition (ADEME) found that LEZs have In December 2021, a Clean Cities study showed that
accelerated the renewal of the vehicle fleet and LEZs and other ‘urban vehicle access regulations’
thereby contributed to reducing air pollution.5 (UVARs) often benefit local businesses.11 One of the
main findings was that a decrease of retail vacancy
(the number of empty shops) has been observed
Climate benefits after space for cars was reduced and active mobility
LEZs can also benefit the climate. Greenhouse infrastructure improvements were made.
gas emissions have decreased in cities which have
implemented the strictest LEZs: CO2 emissions
from transport in London are estimated to have
decreased by 13% after the first 6 months of activity
of its Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), compared
to a scenario without the measure.6 Smaller
reductions have also been observed in other cities,
including Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin.7

been. As these measures are usually designed at

Although low-emission zones have proven the local level, they come in various shapes and
effective in curbing toxic air pollution, there are sizes. But what makes these LEZs successful? This
differences in how successful these policies have paper will seek to provide and answer,, using the
following examples as best practice.

6 7
Communicate clearly and well
in advance
Define clear objectives
Target all affected groups
Define the area
(residents and commuters)

Define which vehicles are concerned

Define the right timeline

Rally allies and build support

Include a grace/trial period

Use effective enforcement options

Use revenues from fines to

fund alternatives

Plan for gradual upgrades of the zone
Set up complementary UVAR
Foresee the transition to
zero-emission zones

Ramp up alternatives to the

private car


Provide targeted support
Ensure proper data collection
Adapt the support to the different
Make data available in regular population groups (households,
reports on the effects of the LEZ professionals, etc.)

8 9
Starting with an LEZ in the city centre or another Another interesting example is the Brussels LEZ
specific part of the city can be a first step, as it will that is clear and transparent regarding its timeline,

A clear definition of allow for a more focused approach initially, before

expanding the zone step by step. This can allow for
with each step announced a few years in advance,
in order to give time for citizens to adapt. The first

objectives, area, scope

learning from first experiences and adapting the steps taken to ban vehicles up to diesel Euro 5 were
further roll-out of the measure, which could also announced in 2018, with incremental restrictions

and timeline
increase acceptance. City centres, in particular, are coming into force in 2020, 2022 and 2025. The
usually more accessible by foot, bicycle, or public evolution of the share of Euro 4 diesel vehicles, for
transport, meaning that alternatives are already example, that are no longer allowed into the LEZ
available or can be provided more easily. Eventually, since January 2022, shows that since 2018 their
the goal should always be to provide clean air, zero- share dropped from 21.2% of the fleet in July 2018 to
emission transport and a high quality of life to all 11.9% in April 2021. This shows that pre-compliance
residents and hence expand the LEZ to the whole works, as citizens gradually drop their polluting
urban area. cars ahead of new restrictions.17

The best example of a clear longer-term timeline is

The right design of a LEZ should start with an zone was put in place three years later and Define which vehicles are concerned Amsterdam, which has a very clear timeline on how
analysis of the local context as recommended by constitutes the next step in driving modal shift and Which vehicles will be covered at what stage? to transition fully to a ZEZ by 2030. The approach
the C40 Cities network. For example, the sources decarbonising the remaining fleet. Will there be exemptions, e.g. for residents or is similar to the one cited above, which is to
and location of major pollutants, the level of businesses? gradually phase in the measures, vehicle type by
congestion in different areas, vulnerable parts of In the mid-term, mitigating the climate crisis and vehicle type, as explained in detail in their Clean Air
the population, etc. must be taken into account.12 providing air that is safe to breathe will require a Depending on the ambition and timeline of Action Plan.18
But despite the need for an adaptation to the local full switch to zero-emission transport, including the LEZ, a gradual approach can be applied by
context, there are overarching design principles walking, cycling, micro mobility, public transport only excluding a certain type of vehicles at first,
that should be followed in any city: and shared electric vehicles. The most important before stepping up the ambition level. The city of Rally allies and build support
instrument in this regard are zero-emission zones Amsterdam, for instance, started by launching an Setting up low-emission zones can sometimes
(ZEZs) in which only the aforementioned forms of LEZ for trucks in 2010, before widening the scope to face administrative and financial obstacles, due to
Define clear objectives zero-emission transport are permitted. These ZEZs other vehicles in 2017 and 2018. a lack of support for example. Where possible, it
Is the primary aim to reduce air or noise pollution, are the natural progressions of LEZs. Several large is essential to build cross-party alliances to set up
congestion or traffic? European cities like Amsterdam, Paris, London or It is also worth noting that first phasing out the and reinforce an LEZ over time.19 Otherwise, the
Brussels have already adopted plans to introduce most polluting vehicles can often yield rapid and project may be abandoned once there is a change
LEZs usually primarily aim at curbing air pollution, such zones. It is important that zero-emission goals disproportionate results. in power. This was the case for the ‘Madrid Central’
but as the preface of this briefing has shown, they be set and communicated as early as possible in LEZ, which has largely been reversed after a new
also provide other benefits. If these additional order to provide sufficient lead in time to citizens mayor was elected.
objectives are to be pursued, they need to be and businesses (see details below). Define the right timeline
included as early as possible in the design of How much lead time is needed? What is the Ecologistas en Acción underlined the need to
the LEZ, as they might require special features These local developments go hand in hand with pathway for the full transition to zero-emission build inter-institutional coordination, especially on
or additional complementary measures. For the ongoing debate at the European level on a transport? management, budgets and rules, since building
instance, a city can use an LEZ to strengthen phase-out of the sales of new vehicles with internal LEZs can involve the city level, but also the regional
existing measures for modal shift, in addition to combustion engines. In June 2021, both the Defining a precise timeline is essential for several level, as well as different bodies within these
reducing air pollution. Low emission zones can be European Parliament and the Council supported a reasons. Firstly, it sets a framework to make the administrations.20 This requires a clear definition of
complementary to measures aiming at reducing phase-out by 2035.14 objectives attainable as they are broken down the different responsibilities and a steering group
the space for cars in the city or reorganising into smaller steps. What is more, it gives visibility taking care of the functioning of the LEZ and
traffic flows. to the affected inhabitants and businesses, thus facilitating coordination.
Define the area leaving enough lead time to prepare for a switch
The mobility plan of Ghent in Belgium for Is it going to be a large scheme? Is it going to start to other modes of transport and cleaner vehicles.
instance, was introduced in 2017 and has since with one part of the city and then expand? The effect of announcing a plan well in advance
been complemented by a low-emission zone. The also triggers so-called “pre-compliance”, i.e. citizens
inner city of Ghent is now divided into five sectors As mentioned above, the area covered by an LEZ and businesses start making changes before the
and the historic centre. The sectors have been should be defined on the basis of local data on policy kicks in. This has been observed, inter alia, in
designed in such a way that through-traffic has the locations and sources of air pollution as well London.16
been redirected to the ring road.13 The low-emission as where the most affected groups can be found.15

10 11
The right The right
communication enforcement

Communicate clearly and well in guaranteeing the LEZ success, as was shown in the Include a grace/trial period: Licence plate video recognition:
advance conclusions of the workshops developed by ECODES Informing people about the measure without Advantages: Monitoring is more effective
Hold public consultations, make the information in Spain.25 punishing them immediately usually helps make and allows for better data collection, which
easily accessible through a dedicated platform or the measure more acceptable. This can be done ultimately simplifies the tracking of progress. For
webpage, implement bespoke communication How to communicate? through a grace period that can last several weeks example, London is able to account for the number
campaigns for specific groups such as businesses Experts from the EU-funded ReVeAL project or months. Paris and Brussels adopted this strategy of non-compliant vehicles in circulation and track
and truck drivers. recommend that as many communication channels in order to ease the introduction and gradual their evolution overtime, thus monitoring the
as possible be used, especially when a measure can tightening of their LEZs. For instance, the Brussels effectiveness of the ULEZ.30
A majority of citizens support LEZs if the case for be controversial.26 For example, impact assessments Region - where Euro 4 diesel cars have been Risks: Camera enforcement can give rise to privacy
such measures is properly made, as shown by coupled with public consultations and meetings banned since January 2022 - will only start fining concerns, especially on data collection as it is
an IPSOS survey commissioned by Transport & with affected people have proven to be an effective the drivers of these vehicles later in 2022. This also the case in France or Germany. For example, the
Environment in 2018: 67% of people interviewed in strategy in building support according to the C40 has the advantage of spreading the information French agency in charge of the respect of citizens’
nine European countries were either ‘strongly’ or Cities network.27 If residents are presented with local about the scheme. As explained in a 2021 ReVeAL online privacy (CNIL) issued a negative opinion on
‘somewhat’ supporting the introduction of LEZs. impact assessments showing how they benefit piece, drivers cannot be expected to comply with a this technology.31 Initially planned for 2022, video
Support was the highest in Hungary, Italy and Great from the measure, public support will most likely measure they are not aware of.29 enforcement will probably only be implemented
Britain.21 A 2021 YouGov survey commissioned by be reinforced. with additional safeguards in Paris in 2023.32
the Clean Cities Campaign came to similar results,
showing that 71% of European city dwellers think It is important that the communication does not Use effective enforcement options:
that their leaders should do more to protect them only focus on health benefits, but also on livability Effective enforcement is essential not only in
from air pollution. 59% of city dwellers were ready improvements. Rather than focusing solely on the order to achieve the objectives of the LEZ, but
to go as far as only allowing emission-free cars into restriction of traffic, the opportunity for modal shift, also to guarantee fairness towards those that have
cities after 2030.22 more public space and increased livability should be switched to cleaner modes of transport or vehicles.
put forward. Building a coalition of supporters with Several types of enforcement are currently used
In a recent report, Spanish NGO “Ecologistas en organisations and the public is also beneficial.28 in Europe:

acción” listed the different categories of people
that should be included in the participation
process.23 Those range from groups going
through the LEZ for personal travel (residents),
for economic or professional reasons, as well as Effective enforcement is essential not
transport professionals such as taxis and logistics
companies, to concerned citizens such as members
only in order to achieve the objectives of
of grassroots groups and organisations. In addition
of European city dwellers the LEZ, but also to guarantee fairness
to improving public acceptance, such consultations think that their leaders towards those that have switched to
will also ensure that user needs will be taken into
consideration.24 Citizen participation is key for
should do more to protect cleaner modes of transport or vehicles.
them from air pollution

12 13
The right

Set up complementary UVAR Ramp up alternatives to the private car:

measures37 The alternatives to private car use are only
to help reach the LEZ’s objectives: if a city wants to attractive if they are also convenient. Investments
tackle congestion, it should consider introducing in alternatives such as walking, cycling, micro
road tolls or congestion charges to enter the LEZ, mobility as well as shared and public transport
like it is the case in London. Parking regulations should therefore be made. A 2021 YouGov survey
for cars, like the ones used in Oslo,38 or alternative commissioned by the Clean Cities Campaign
traffic plans like the one of Ghent, Belgium, can showed that European city dwellers mainly use
also be important complementary measures. In their cars for long distance trips (56%) and grocery
Brussels, the LEZ is coupled with access restrictions shopping (54%). To a lesser extent, it is also the case
to cars in the city centre, thus making it a more for urban trips in general (41%), and commuting
livable area. These other measures will need to be (36%). Consequently, ramping up alternatives that
Remote sensing technology Each enforcement method has advantages and accompanied by alternatives and financial support. could serve these purposes is an effective way to
In addition to camera enforcement, so- shortcomings, and different implications for make the use of private cars obsolete.
called remote sensing technology can enforcement authorities. As this briefing only
also be used. It measures pollution and noise levels provides an overview, more detailed information
of vehicles in real-time on the road, which also can be found on the website of the EU-funded
allows for spotting high-polluters and vehicles with ReVeAL project.36
defective exhaust after-treatment systems. When
combined with licence-plate recognition, individual Use revenues from fines to fund alternatives
drivers can be informed about non-compliance or to (polluting) car use such as investing in public
excessive emissions. The technology has already transport, space for active mobility, or scrappage
been used in several European cities,33 and the EU schemes. This can improve the availability and
is currently funding a research project to make its quality of alternatives to private cars and hence
application easier and cheaper.34 enhance acceptability. The alternatives to private car use
Manual enforcement: are only attractive if they are also
Manual enforcement is used in many convenient. Investments in alternatives
cities but often lacks consistency and
does not provide the same data quality to track the such as walking, cycling, micromobility
progress on an LEZ. Besides, it requires significant as well as shared and public transport
staff to enforce the LEZ. If enforcement is carried
out manually, it can be combined with checks should therefore be made.
to enforce parking regulations as it is the case in

14 15
Provide targeted support Scrappage schemes can be set up in parallel in
for specific groups. The socio–economic impact order to facilitate the switch to clean(er) vehicles,

The right targeted

of LEZs is of utmost importance as underlined by as it has been done in Greater Paris with the
a recent guide on LEZs published by “Ecologistas “Métropole Roule Propre” programme.46 Similarly,
en acción”. A balance needs to be found in the Brussels Capital Region recently updated its

support accompanying lower-income households who

often have no cars or use on older ones.42 For
instance, a study from Austria43 has shown that
financial schemes47 supporting the transition
to electric vehicles for professionals, or the
transition to cleaner mobility by making this
only 44% of low-income households in the country scrappage scheme also available for the purchase
own a car. In Paris, only 34% of all households own a of cargo bikes.
car,44 and less than half of them in Berlin.45


Public resistance can result from a perceived lack Lower-income households are not more exposed of non-compliance (see Annex 2 for more
of fairness. Complementary measures can therefore only to air pollution but may also be more details). This has limited effects on air quality
be as important as the LEZ itself. The fairer the vulnerable to the potential economic implications but makes sure that citizens that use their cars
transition, the better and the more widely accepted of LEZs. The following measures have proven very little in the concerned area do not need to
it will be. effective to address these equity concerns: replace their vehicle for a very small number
▶ Business owners often first oppose the ▶ Invest in clean alternatives: public transport, of trips. For longer exemptions, they should be
introduction/expansion of LEZs, fearing that cycle lanes and pedestrian infrastructure, assessed case by case and not exceed a year.48
this will negatively impact their activity. A micro mobility and shared transport. ▶ Put in place support measures for financing
recent CCC study literature review however ▶ Provide financial incentives to encourage the the transition to cleaner cars in areas where it
showed that local business often benefit from transition to cleaner mobility: e.g. discounts on is really necessary. These schemes best work
measures that promote active and public public transport passes and subscriptions to when tailored to each category of persons (sole
transport.39 public bike schemes and car sharing as well as traders, households, business owners, etc.),
▶ LEZs have proven to reduce air pollution overall scrappage schemes; hence the need to hold public consultations
and don’t divert it to other neighbourhoods, ▶ Plan for exceptional exemptions, e.g. day beforehand in order to grasp the needs of each
as explained in the preface. What’s more, they passes for a small number of days per year. For category of citizens (see also the points above
contribute to increasing social fairness, since, in source: ReVeAL, 2022 example, the Brussels LEZ offers the possibility on communication).
many cities, lower-income people often live on to buy a daily pass up to 8 times/year in case
busier and hence more polluted roads.40 They
also often don’t own a car. As for the rest, it
should be addressed by measures focusing on Targeted Exemptions
equity, as explained in Box 2. Consultation phases can lead to a high demand
▶ It is important to bear in mind that setting for exemptions. Although they might be necessary
up a low-emission zone will likely face initial in a few cases, they should only be granted to very
resistance, despite a clear plan and good specific groups and for a limited time . Besides,
communication. However, once the LEZ too many exemptions can lead to additional
is launched and its benefits materialise, administrative burden.41
resistance usually fades as illustrated by the
graph below.

16 17
The right monitoring The right vision

Ensure proper data collection: indexes are a good start. Cities in the United Foresee the transition to zero-emission path is and the sooner the communication takes
In order to assess the progress and effects of the Kingdom, for example, are particularly good at that. zones: place, the better. Amsterdam currently has set the
LEZ, the collection of high-quality and consistent The same can be said for the Brussels LEZ, which An LEZ is not an end in itself, but rather a step in clearest plan for the the transition from an LEZ to a
data must be planned for. Indicators such as has a website dedicated to it, making yearly reports the wider transition to zero-emission mobility that ZEZ, with a gradual tightening that will phase-in a
NO2 pollution levels, the number of vehicles and on the LEZ publicly available. protects the climate and public health. Any policy complete ZEZ in all built-up areas by 2030.49
especially non-compliant ones, or congestion should therefore define a path towards a zero-
emission zone (ZEZ). As for LEZs, the clearer the

Source: Gemeente Amsterdam:

Clean Air Action Plan - Emission-
free Amsterdam. 2019

18 19
Conclusions Annex 1: A short overview of
frontrunner cities

This briefing has summarised the 7 most important ▶ Monitoring the effects, by collecting high- Quick introduction of frontrunners50: ▶ Paris: The city underwent significant change
steps to create a successful low-emission zone, quality data. Why them? over the past few years, trying to clean its air
from the design to the monitoring, enforcement ▶ Setting a binding timeline to fully transition ▶ Amsterdam: The strength of Amsterdam’s LEZ while promoting alternatives to private car
and transition to a zero-emission zone. These are to a zero-emission zone (ZEZ) by 2030 at the is its targeted approach for each type of vehicle, use such as cycling. Besides, the Paris LEZ has
the following: latest. gradually increasing the zone’s stringency over been steadily expanding and improving, and
▶ Defining clearly the objectives, area(s), scope, time. Moreover, the City of Amsterdam has the a ZEZ is foreseen for 2030 with intermediary
and timelines when designing a LEZ. most detailed plan on how to transition from steps. Financial incentives have also been
▶ Communicating well in advance and involving Based on best practice examples from all over LEZ to ZEZ using an integrated approach.51 ramped up as part of the “Métropole Roule
citizens and businesses in the process. Europe, a well-designed LEZ should: ▶ London: The London Ultra Low Emission Propre” programme, in an effort to make the
▶ Ensuring effective and fair enforcement, ▶ Be as large, stringent, and well-enforced as Zone (or ULEZ) has proven to be a successful transition fair;
while foreseeing some flexibility to guarantee London’s ULEZ, scheme both in terms of emissions and traffic ▶ Brussels: Similarly to Paris, the Brussels LEZ
fairness, e.g. by offering a limited number of ▶ Be as inclusive, well-communicated and reductions, based on the “polluter pays” model. has been expanding and becoming more
(daily) exemptions where really necessary. forward-looking as Amsterdam’s LEZ, There are also proposals to set up a ZEZ in stringent over the years, driving a change in
▶ Putting in place complementary measures, ▶ Provide at least as many alternatives and Central London by 2025, in inner London by mobility overall. Although more efforts need
but most importantly for alternatives to private support measures as Paris, 2040, and in the whole city by 2050 at the to be made in promoting zero-emission
car use, mainly walking, cycling, micromobility, ▶ Be combined with a general overhaul of latest although they are yet to be defined in alternatives, the Brussels LEZ is an ambitious
shared and public transport. traffic plans like Ghent, detail.52 Transport for London provides regular scheme, effectively monitored while offering
▶ Providing targeted financial support to ▶ Still strike a flexible balance through capped reports that track progress, thanks to its financial support schemes and incentives
the most vulnerable groups (e.g. low-income daily passes like in Brussels. enforcement technology (fixed and mobile making the measure fair. The coherence of the
households) and, where necessary, certain local cameras reading vehicle licence plates) among measure and its step by step approach, makes
charities or businesses. other elements. The London ULEZ is coupled it a good example to follow.
with a daily congestion charge, which includes ▶ Ghent: Although the Belgian city of Ghent is
an exemption for battery electric or hydrogen smaller, it is probably the most accomplished
fuel cell vehicles until 2025. example of how to combine a LEZ and
alternative traffic plans that can reduce car
ownership.53 The city has also successfully
promoted active mobility.

20 21
Annex 2: A detailed overview
of best practice examples

Hours of Current Enforcement Upgrade Complementary Alternative mobility

City Exemptions
activity standards* type planned UVAR measure options

Amsterdam Permanent Cars: Diesel Euro 4 Daily allowance can Video licence plate ZEZ by 2030 with detailed plan Access Restriction in certain zones Good cycling infrastructure and public
be bought reader transport are affordable
Vary depending on
vehicle type

Brussels Capital Permanent Cars: Diesel Euro 5 Some vehicles are Video licence plate 2025: Access Restrictions and Pedestrian Existing walking and cycling
Region and Petrol Euro 2 exempt. Possibility reader petrol: Euro 3 Zones infrastructure that needs to be further
to buy a pass 8 diesel: Euro 6 improved, similarly to access to public
Vary depending on times/year in case transport
vehicle type of non-compliance Diesel Phase out in 2030

ZEZ 2035

London ULEZ is permanent, Cars: Petrol Euro 4: Non-compliant Video licence plate ZEZ by 2040, by 2025 in Central London Congestion Charge Lack of infrastructure for walking
Congestion Charge Diesel Euro 6 vehicles pay a daily reader (through a gradual phasing with test and cycling, and public transport is
is active from fee to enter the neighbourhoods) expensive although accessible
Monday to Friday, Vary depending on ULEZ (15£)
from 7 am to 6 pm vehicle type
and on weekends Some vehicles
from 12 to 6 pm are eligible for

Paris (Greater Paris) Monday to Friday Cars: Diesel Euro Some local Manual July 2022: Diesel Euro 5 (Crit’air 1) Emergency Scheme, Access Public transports are accessible and
from 8 am to 8 pm 4 (Crit’air 2) and exemptions enforcement (Video Restrictions in some areas affordable, but efforts to be made for
Petrol Euro 2 (delivery, public enforcement has ZEZ by 2030 walking and cycling infrastructure
service) been delayed
Vary depending on several times)
vehicle type

Ghent Permanent Cars: Diesel Euro 5; Day passes for 35 Video licence plate January 2025: Petrol Euro 3 and Diesel The LEZ complements a new traffic Good cycling infrastructure, and
Petrol Euro 2 EUR can be bought reader Euro 6 plan that directs through-traffic to the affordable public transports. Efforts
up to 8 times a year ring road and makes large parts of the to be made in making them more
(Diesel Euro 3 January 2028: Petrol Euro 4 and Diesel city centre almost car-free. accessible and developing walking
vehicles); and Euro 6d (RDE). infrastructure
temporary permits
for Diesel Euro 4

Other fees can be

applied depending
on the time period
and type of vehicle

*All vehicles are affected by each LEZ, although the standards vary depending on the type of vehicle.

22 23

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Photo: Ivan Put for Filter Café Filtré
Contact About the Clean Cities Campaign

Barbara Stoll The Clean Cities Campaign is a European

Director, Clean Cities Campaign coalition of organisations hosted by Transport &
[email protected] Environment. Together, we aim to encourage cities
+44 (0)7985 637 173 to transition to zero-emission mobility by 2030,
encouraging European cities to become champions
of active, shared and electric mobility for a more
liveable and sustainable urban future.
[email protected]

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