CPI Public Impact Fundamentals Report English
CPI Public Impact Fundamentals Report English
CPI Public Impact Fundamentals Report English
We bring together world leaders to learn, exchange ideas and inspire each other
to strengthen the public impact of their organisations. Sharing insights from around
the world, our global forums highlight what has worked and where challenges require
new approaches.
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Acknowledgements 2
Forewords 3
Executive Summary 6
A complex problem 12
With no easy answer 12
How we can help 13
How did we develop the Public Impact Fundamentals? 14
Legitimacy 17
Public confidence 19
Political commitment 20
Stakeholder engagement 20
Policy 22
Clear objectives 24
Evidence 25
Feasibility 26
Action 27
Management 29
Measurement 30
Alignment 31
Bibliography 34
Centre for Public Impact
The Centre for Public Impact would like
to thank the distinguished members of
our Academic Advisory Group (Helmut
Anheier, Gary Banks, Gwyn Bevan, William
Eimicke, Francis Fukuyama, Mark Moore,
Kenneth Tan and Ngaire Woods) for their
advice and support in developing the
Public Impact Fundamentals.
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Adrian Brown
Impact – public impact – should be the into real-world effect. Mutually reinforcing,
lifeblood of any government. The hope they collectively lead to improved public
and expectation of improved outcomes impact.
for citizens not only guides decisions at
Governments need to be able to
the ballot box but also helps power the
demonstrate their impact and how
machinery of public services day in, day
citizens benefit from it. While this is
out. So why is achieving it so difficult?
hardly a new ambition, it is increasingly a
A glance at the news headlines can shed global imperative. Too often, government
some light. In 2016 alone we’ve seen an results have failed to achieve the right
international refugee crisis, geopolitical outcomes even when their policy idea
divisions, instability in the Middle East and was sound. This wastes time and money,
beyond and economic challenges aplenty, and damages public trust in leaders and
all playing out across borders. Governments democracy. This is why improving public
are also operating under a fierce media impact is one of the greatest challenges of
and regulatory spotlight, one that is the 21st century. We call on governments
buttressed by rising citizen expectations, around the world to close their public
budgetary pressures and megatrends – impact gap.
urban, demographic and digital – which
There’s no doubt that the transformations
are reshaping the world around us and
that surround us today will continue to
rendering old practices obsolete.
proliferate. But while change continues
But while so much is in flux, the need for anew, it is our hope that The Public
results remains constant. That’s why we at Impact Fundamentals will act as a
the Centre for Public Impact have worked compass for public impact, helping
with leading practitioners and academics governments – from country leaders to
from around the world to develop The city mayors and local government – to
Public Impact Fundamentals, a framework improve the lives of citizens around the
that sets out how governments can improve world both now and into the future.
the results they achieve for citizens.
Centre for Public Impact
Mark Moore
Citizens of democratic societies have role. “Better” not only in that government
never have been entirely clear about operations become fairer, more efficient
who has the responsibility for improving and more effective but also in the sense
the current and future performance of that government becomes increasingly
government. responsive to citizens. I can’t say that my
effort has been entirely successful, but I’m
Throughout our history, we have relied
still working on it.
on the processes of representative
government and democratic policymaking What excites me about the ambition
to define the ends and provide the behind the CPI’s Public Impact
means of government action. For the Fundamentals is this: the continued
last century or so, we have also relied desire to improve the practice of public
on a corps of professionals to provide management and to show citizens what
expert guidance on the pursuit of agreed effective public management looks like
upon ends. And throughout, we have and requires of them in their varied roles
relied on the processes of democratic as citizens, voters, taxpayers and clients.
accountability – including the creation of
A significant reason for my enthusiasm
audit capacities, different forms of citizen
is that the Public Impact Fundamentals
complaint mechanisms and the protection
do, in fact, focus managerial attention
of an independent media – to produce
on three key challenges: enhancing the
information about past performance and
democratic legitimacy of governmental
create incentives for improved future
activity; organising policymaking processes
that can simultaneously build political
Yet despite all of this apparatus, it is not legitimacy and make effective use of
clear that it has produced a government professional knowledge and evidence
that is capable of achieving important about performance; and deploying the
goals, developing better means of varied tools of government to generate
achieving existing goals, or of changing productive action across society to
goals in the face of new or emerging improve the quality of individual and
challenges. collective life. (These basic ideas are
closely aligned with the frameworks
I have spent my professional life
developed in my own work, and set out in
developing concepts that can guide
Creating Public Value and Recognizing
those with executive responsibility in
Public Value.)
government to perform better in that
The Public Impact Fundamentals
This emphasis is justified practically in Keeping pace with the times is one
that government activities are financed of government’s most important
by taxes raised and assigned through functions. And no doubt the Public Impact
democratic processes. It is also justified Fundamentals themselves will go through
philosophically – by the idea that any changes and iterations as practitioners
use of public authority or public money and policymakers offer feedback and
has to find favour with citizens, taxpayers review. But while public administration
and their elected representatives as will always be in a certain state of flux,
well as satisfy the direct beneficiaries of the conversations around improving
government action. government performance will continue.
So, too, will the drive for impact and better
Money, authority and moral authority
are all used by government in advancing
public purposes. That these three assets As citizens, we shouldn’t want or expect it
do not come from individual customers to be any other way.
handing their money over the counter
to producers is perhaps the main thing
that distinguishes both government and
non-profit management from commercial
enterprises. In the world of government
and the voluntary sector, it is the “third
Mark Moore is the Hauser Professor of
party payers” – not investors or customers
Nonprofit Organizations, Ash Center for
– who sustain and judge the value of their
Democratic Governance and Innovation,
at The Harvard Kennedy School
Centre for Public Impact
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Executive Summary
The context And yet the OECD’s finding that trust in
national governments across its countries
Challenges are woven deeply through
was just 41.8% in 2014 compared with
the complex tapestry that is modern
45.2% in 2007 tells a story of hopes
policymaking. Governments are tasked
unfulfilled and expectations dashed. It
with addressing difficulties ranging from
also gives rise to fears that populations
geopolitical instability to fluctuating global
will become unwilling to support public
growth, food security to climate change,
institutions through taxation or to
all of which are easy to list but far more
participate in the democratic process.
difficult to solve. At the same time, our
Clearly, governments need to do much
world is undergoing rapid transformation.
more to demonstrate their impact and
Nanotechnology, artificial intelligence,
how citizens benefit.
3D printing and gene sequencing are just
some of the many technologies helping To help governments navigate their
make the impossible possible. Today, way from idea to impact, the Centre
disruption is no longer a concept but a for Public Impact (CPI) has developed
reality. a framework for thinking about the
elements that influence the success of
Governments are striving in many
government initiatives. The Public Impact
areas to keep up. We see examples of
Fundamentals will help governments
policymakers deploying new techniques
improve their performance and achieve
such as behavioural insights and “Labs”
better results for citizens.
– bespoke teams dedicated to creating
new and better solutions – are becoming
increasingly prevalent. Governments’ use
of digital technology is also on the up –
the days of having to stand in line to renew
your passport or driving licence are now
long gone in many countries.
Centre for Public Impact
The Public Impact Fundamentals are a with the most senior academics from
systematic attempt to understand what the world’s leading public policy schools,
makes a successful policy outcome and as well as senior government officials
describe what can be done to maximise from across the globe. We have sought
the chances of achieving public impact. In to develop a framework underpinned by
developing them, we have worked closely cutting-edge thinking from academia and
tested by government officials so that it
can be immediately usable.
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Centre for Public Impact
The Public Impact Fundamentals
The Public Impact Fundamentals
always clear what people mean by “public Day to day in government, the ability to
impact”. The term is broadly used when distinguish between a programme that
attempting to measure the achievements is having a hugely positive impact and
of government, but there is no consensus one that is having a moderate impact is
on what constitutes success. difficult. The way governments are set up
means we don’t usually have the capacity
How we can help
to do this very well.
We have sought to assist policymakers Matthew Mendelsohn, Head of Canada’s
by developing the Public Impact Results and Delivery Directorate
describe what can be done to maximise will be used will be dependent on context.
the chances of achieving public impact. We did not develop the Fundamentals
They are intended to provide a structured with the view to it being a universal
method for making targeted interventions and prescriptive list – instead we are
and increasing the chances of success. interested to see whether they are
In this way, they can be seen as a consistent with the day-to-day activities
on any single element increases the they are deployed in real world scenarios,
chances of a positive outcome, even if all new and interesting uses will develop.
other elements are held constant. They Practitioners might find the Public Impact
alternative worlds and pick the initiative to refine the uses of the Public Impact
Centre for Public Impact
Figure 1
200 34 Technology 50
City / Urban 49
Education 48
Energy and Environment 43
47 Health 41
50 Infrastructure 32
Justice 30
Total Latin Africa North Europe Asia & 0 20 40 60 80
America America Oceania
Number of cases
1 See, for example, Bardach, E. and Patashnik, E.M., A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More
Effective Problem Solving (2012) CQ Press; Cairney, P., How Can Policy Theory Have an Impact on Policy Making? (2013)
International Conference on Public Policy; Cochran, C.E., Mayer. L.C., Carr, T.R., Cayer, N.J., McKenzie, M. and Peck,
L., American Public Policy: An Introduction, 11th Edition (2016) Cengage Learning; Dunn, W., Public Policy Analysis:
An Introduction (2011) Pearson; Hulme, D., Savoia, A. and Sen, J., Governance as a global development goal? Setting,
measuring and monitoring the Post-2015 Development Agenda (2014) Effective States and Inclusive Development,
Kaufmann, D., Kraay A. and Zoido-Lobatón , P., Governance matters (1999) The World Bank; Theoudolou, S.Z. and Cahn,
M.A., Public Policy: The Essential Readings (2013) Pearson; and Young, J., Shaxson, L., Jones, H., Hearn, S., Datta, A. and
Cassidy, C., A Guide to Policy Engagement and Influence (2015) Overseas Development Institute.
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Public Impact
Our work has found that three things case studies. The test examined the
are fundamental to public impact: relationship between good performance
Legitimacy, Policy and Action. These on each of the elements and the
Public Impact Fundamentals are each likelihood of public impact. The scholars
supported by three elements, which developed a methodology that allowed
collectively contribute to performance on them to code performance on each of
each Fundamental (see Figure 2). the nine elements of the Public Impact
Fundamentals and, separately, evaluate
We partnered with a team of scholars the public impact of each case. Their
from the Hertie School of Governance analysis identified positive correlations
to empirically test the Public Impact between better performance in the
Fundamentals against independent elements and increased public impact.
Centre for Public Impact
Good policy – policy that achieves desired The Public Impact Fundamentals are
ends in cost effective ways – is rarely mutually reinforcing: better performance
technically easy and can sometimes be in one element creates the enabling
politically challenging. If a policy is to be environment for better performance
effective and seen to be so, thus garnering in others. In this way, they provide a
broad support, a case must be made tangible method for working towards
that is both well founded and based on successful outcomes. Even if policymakers
engagement with stakeholders. This is not can only influence one element of the
rocket science, but it is often neglected. The Fundamentals, the relationship between
three components that constitute the Public each element means that even working
Impact Fundamentals, and their nine on this one element can increase the
constituent elements in particular, provide likelihood of success.
a ready checklist of wide applicability
On the following pages you will find more
for policymakers. Finding a way of
detail Impact
about Observatory
the Public Impact
institutionalising these, akin to Regulation
Fundamentals and their nine elements.
Impact Assessment requirements, could Using the framework of the Public
prove a useful safeguard against poor Impact Fundamentals, CPI developed
policy decisions. the Public Impact Observatory, a
Professor Gary Banks comprehensive database of case
Chief Executive and Dean of Australia and New
studies of public sector initiatives.
Zealand School of Government
These case studies cover different
regions of the world and eight key
The Public Impact Fundamentals are also themes: city/urban, economic/finance,
intended to be used as a checklist for education, energy/environment, health,
practitioners. Our work has shown that infrastructure, justice, and technology.
the better an initiative performs on each Each study outlines the challenge that
of the elements, the higher the chances a public body sought to address, along
of its successfully achieving public with its objectives, methodology and
impact. In this way, the Public Impact impact, and evaluates the initiative
Fundamentals are a “maximisation using the nine elements of the Public
framework”: it allows one to focus on Impact Fundamentals. Each element
targeted interventions that can improve is given a rating on a four-point scale
performance in any of the nine elements ranging from weak to strong.
and thereby maximise the potential for an
initiative to have a positive public impact.
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Legitimacy refers to the underlying support
for a government or public body
Centre for Public Impact
2 Levi, M. and Sacks, A., Legitimating beliefs: Sources and indicators, (2009) Regulation & Governance Journal.
3 Beetham, D., The Legitimation of Power (1991) Palgrave
4 Hough, M., Jackson, J., Bradford, B., Myhill, A. and Quinton, P., Procedural Justice, Trust and Institutional Legitimacy
(2010) Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 4/3: 203—210
5 Tajfel, H., Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations, p. 52(1982) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 33: 1-39
The Public Impact Fundamentals
6 Levi, M. and Stoker, L., Political trust and trustworthiness (2000) Annual Review of Political Science 3: 475–507
7 More information can be found in the full version of this case study, which can be accessed in our Public Impact
Centre for Public Impact
8 Klitgaard, R. and Light, P.C., High Performance Government: Structure, Leadership, Incentives (2005) RAND
9 Mintzberg, H., Power In and Around Organizations (1983) Prentice-Hall
10 More information can be found in the full version of this case study, which can be accessed in our Public Impact
11 Howlett, M., From the ‘old’ to the ‘new’ policy design: design thinking beyond markets and collaborative governance
(2014) Policy Science
12 Wallner, J., Legitimacy and Public Policy: Seeing Beyond Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Performance (2008)
13 Mintrom, M. and Luetjens, J. Creating Public Value: Tightening Connections between Policy Design and Public
Management (2015) Policy Studies Journal.
The Public Impact Fundamentals
engaged national and international with a mandate to reform the police and
NGOs to monitor voting, set up a task address the high levels of crime and
force to ensure safety and security at unrest. He restructured the force and
polling stations, investigated electoral recruited an able group of army veterans,
registrations and initiated public senior law enforcers and administrators
awareness campaigns. The outcome was to revitalise the state government
a transparent, peaceful election whose and strengthen crime prevention. The
result was not contested. 17
initiatives were strongly backed by Kumar
himself and he was directly involved in
Political commitment attracting experienced administrators
and police to Bihar. Kumar also took
Reforms require both political will and pains to insulate the police from
analytical acumen.8 The willingness of political interference. Buoyed by the
political leaders to spend political capital chief minister’s support, the police force
in support of the policy objective directly became an effective law enforcement
influences legitimacy.9 Political leaders agency with the equipment, resources
may leverage their influence to build and autonomy required to carry out
consensus in favour of a policy objective its duties. The result was a significant
and through their decision to be affiliated decrease in violent crimes such as
with a policy have an impact on the homicide (36%), banditry (53%) and
likelihood of its success. When there is kidnapping (77%).10
active political opposition to a policy it
affects the perceived legitimacy of an
initiative. What follows is decreased trust
in the need for the policy or a lack of
legitimacy for the organisations charged
with delivering it. This makes it harder to
achieve impact.
14 Riege, A., Knowledge management in the public sector: stakeholder partnerships in the public policy development
(2006) Journal of Knowledge Management
15 Jacobs, A., and Matthews, J.S., Why Do Citizens Discount the Future? Public Opinion and the Timing of Policy
Consequences (2012) British Journal of Political Science 42-4: 903-935
16 Young, J. et al. (2015)
17 More information can be found in the full version of this case study, which can be accessed in our Public Impact Observatory.
Centre for Public Impact
Clear objectives, strong evidence and an
understanding of what is feasible are
crucial to good policy
The Public Impact Fundamentals
The quality of the policy matters. Clear state. As such, it takes as a principal unit
objectives, strong evidence and an of analysis the individual or organisation
understanding of what is feasible are responsible for making decisions.19 Much
crucial to good policy. Any reform, will of the discussion of policy has thus
almost certainly upset the equilibrium of revolved around the following question:
the existing policy mix and will, depending to what extent can policymakers be
on its characteristics, set in motion a considered rational actors who accumulate
number of different responses. Some will information, assess alternative courses
occur in the public arena, others will be of action and choose among them on
largely played out in a bureaucratic con the basis of their potential to achieve the
text. Some responses will have only a decision-makers’ preferences?20
minor impact on effective implementation,
Picking the policy that will have the
while others will bring the pursuit of the
greatest impact is undoubtedly a complex
new policy into question or may even
problem. In our work, we found that there
threaten the government’s very existence.
were three elements that increased the
The extent to which the costs and benefits likelihood of designing a policy that had
of a reform are dispersed or concentrated, the greatest chance of success:
its technical and administrative content,
1. Clear objectives
and the length of time taken for its results
to become apparent – these are significant 2. Evidence
characteristics of policy and organisational 2. Feasibility
reform that determine the nature of
the conflicts that will emerge during Government is always going to be
implementation. underfunded and there are always going
to be distractions or emergencies. But by
They also signal the kind of resources
having the appropriate vision around your
needed by reform advocates to sustain the
initiatives you can keep focused even as
policy or organisational initiative.18
you have to deal with different things.
There are various models that offer theories You have to deal with them well, but you
about the impact of policy on the change also have to keep everyone focused on
process. The political sciences literature the longer-term goals that you’re trying to
has focused on analysing decision-making achieve.
within the organisational context of the John Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado
18 Grindle, M.S. and Thomas, J.W., Policy makers, policy choices, and policy outcomes: The political economy of reform in
developing countries (1989), Policy Science 22: 213
19 Grindle and Thomas (1989)
20 See Allison, G.T., Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (1971), Frohock, F.M., Public policy: scope
and logic (1979); Killick, T., The possibilities of development planning (1976), Oxford Economic Papers, 28(2); March, J.G.
Bounded Rationality, Ambiguity, and the Engineering of Choice (1978) Bell Journal of Economics, 9: 587–608; and Robinson,
J.A. and Majak, R.R., The Theory of Decision-Making in Charlesworth, J.C. (ed.), Contemporary Political Analysis (1967)
Centre for Public Impact
Clear objectives
When it comes to shaping sustainable
Setting clear objectives in the early stage solutions, some of that relates to finances
of design is crucial to developing good but there’s more to the story. If you don’t
policy. They are important in defining have clear targets, or a sense for ‘better’
the borders of policy because they allow you might lose track of your goals. And
for specific problems to be selected and it really is true that if you can’t measure
prioritised by local actors. To this end,
something, you will struggle to manage it.
the objectives of a policy should reveal Melanie Walker, Director of the President’s
why the change is being proposed, who it Delivery Unit and Senior Advisor to
will affect, what needs to be done about it, President Jim Yong Kim at the
World Bank Group
and where one actor stands in relation to
others who are also trying to bring about
change.22 Mexican government responded to these
levels by initiating ProAire, a programme
The inclusion of targets or indicators to address pollution on several fronts,
is particularly important when setting including reducing industrial and
objectives. Targets increase the pressure automobile emissions, raising public
on governments, bureaucracies and civil awareness, and promoting cleantech and
society and lead to a greater focus on
green methods of transport.
continuous improvement.24
The objectives of ProAire were clear
One example of the importance of clear
and measurable and were maintained
objectives can be seen in the case of
throughout its implementation. Within
Mexico City’s ProAire programme. Of
four years Mexico City had surpassed its
the 20 megacities whose air quality
carbon emissions target reduction of 7
was measured by the World Health
million tonnes, and in 2013 it won the
Organization (WHO) and the UN in 1992,
Siemens Climate Leadership Award for Air
Mexico City had the highest levels of
pollution. The city administration and the
21 Andrews, M., Pritchett, L. and Woolcock, M., The Challenge of Building (Real) State Capability (2015) Center for
International Development at Harvard University
22 Young et al. (2015)
23 Foresti, M., Wild, L., Takeuchi, L.R. and Norton, A., Governance targets and indicators for post 2015 (2014)
24 Hulme et al. (2014)
25 More information can be found in the full version of this case study, which can be accessed in our Public Impact
The Public Impact Fundamentals
26 Wesselink, A., Colebatch, H. and Pearce, W., Evidence and policy: discourses, meanings and practices (2014) Policy
27 Klitgaard, R., Policy Analysis and Evaluation (2013); Deeming, C., Trials and Tribulations: The ‘Use’ (and ‘Misuse’) of
Evidence in Public Policy (2013) Social Policy and Administration
28 Wesselink et al. (2014)
29 Bardach and Patashnik (2012)
30 More information can be found in the full version of this case study, which can be accessed in our Public Impact
Centre for Public Impact
31 Australian National Audit Office, Successful Implementation of Policy Initiatives: Best Practice Guide (2014)
32 Andrews et al. (2015)
33 Australian National Audit Office (2014)
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Action is the translation of policies into
real-world effect
Centre for Public Impact
Despite its importance, action is often the of a policy decision.38 For example, do
most neglected of our Fundamentals. This disadvantaged children improve their
neglect is due in part to the assumption reading or maths skills as a consequence
that “once a policy has been ’made’ of an innovative education programme?
by a government, the policy will be In this way, those investigating impact
implemented and the desired results of typically ask: “what happened?”
the policy will be near those expected by
By contrast, those studying action will
the policymakers”.34 The implementation
focus on activities that affect the rendering
process is assumed to be a series of
of public services,39 and they will be
mundane decisions and interactions
asking: “why did it happen this way?”40 A
unworthy of the attention of those seeking
policy may be implemented effectively but
the heady stuff of politics. Most of the
fail to have a substantial impact because
crucial policy issues are often seen to have
it was ill-conceived – or because of other
been resolved in the prior decisions of
circumstances. Hence, successful action
executives, legislators, and judges.35
may be a necessary – but not sufficient
This leads to different definitions of the – condition for the attainment of public
concept. Some see it as the actions of impact.
public and private individuals (or groups)
that are directed at the achievement We have found that three elements tend
of objectives set out in previous policy to contribute to good action:
decisions.36 Others focus on whether
1. Management
an organisation can bring together
2. Measurement
people and material in a cohesive unit
and motivate them to carry out stated 3. Alignment
34 Smith, T., The Policy Implementation Process, (1973) Policy Sciences 4.2, pp. 197-8
35 Van Meter, D.S. and Van Horn, C.E., The Policy Implementation Process (1975)
36 Van Meter and Van Horn (1975)
37 Williams, W., Social Policy Research and Analysis, (1971), Elsevier Publishers p. 144
38 Dolbeare K.M. and Hammond P.E., The School Prayer Decisions: From Court Policy to Local Practice (1971) University of
Chicago Press
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Centre for Public Impact
46 More information can be found in the full version of this case study, which can be accessed in our Public Impact
47 Newcomer, K., Forging a Strategic and Comprehensive Approach to Evaluation Within Public and Nonprofit Organizations
– Integrating Measurement and Analytics Within Evaluation (2015) American Journal of Evaluation
48 Bardach and Patachnik (2012)
49 Australian National Audit Office (2014)
50 Behn, R.D., Why Measure Performance? Different Purposes Require Different Measures (2003); Yang, K., Managerial
Effectiveness of Government Performance Measurement: Testing a Middle-Range Model (2007) Public Administration
The Public Impact Fundamentals
51 More information can be found in the full version of this case study, which can be accessed in our Public Impact
52 Besley, T. and Ghatak, M., Incentives, choice and accountability in the provision of public services (2003) IFS Working
Papers W03/08, Institute for Fiscal Studies
53 Young et al. (2015)
Centre for Public Impact
54 More information can be found in the full version of this case study, which can be accessed in our Public Impact
The Public Impact Fundamentals
We believe that the Public Impact Observatory available via the Centre for
Fundamentals offer a new and compelling Public Impact website, maps hundreds
set of insights into how governments of impact case studies around the world
can systematically improve outcomes. against the Fundamentals. This should
It is our hope that policymakers, and help to stimulate new ideas by highlighting
those who seek to influence them, will examples with different strengths and
be able to start using the Public Impact weaknesses. We will also be developing
Fundamentals as a practical tool to test tools that groups can use to help apply the
and improve policy as it is conceived, Fundamentals to specific policy problems.
developed and implemented. For example,
We welcome feedback and reactions to the
existing policies and initiatives can be
Fundamentals and will seek to improve
tested against the Fundamentals to
and refine them over time. Our ultimate
identify strengths and weaknesses and as
aim is to initiate a conversation about
new objectives emerge, the Fundamentals
how public impact can be improved and
can help to ensure impact is embedded
to support those who wish to take the next
into the thinking from the outset.
step to doing so.
To help apply the Fundamentals, we will
be making a series of supporting tools
available. For example, the Public Impact
Centre for Public Impact
Allison, G.T., Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (1971), revised edition by
Allison, G.T. and Zeilkow, P. (1999) Pearson
Andrews, M., Pritchett, L. and Woolcock, M., The Challenge of Building (Real) State Capability
(2015) Center for International Development at Harvard University
Australian National Audit Office, Successful Implementation of Policy Initiatives: Better Practice
Guide (2014)
Bardach, E. and Patashnik, E.M., A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to
More Effective Problem Solving (2012) CQ Press
Behn, R.D., On Why All Public Officials Need to Follow the Basic Rule: Always Start with Purpose
(2013) Harvard University, Performance Leadership Report
Behn, R.D., Why Measure Performance? Different Purposes Require Different Measures (2003)
Public Administration Review, Vol. 63, No. 5
Besley, T. and Ghatak, M., Incentives, choice and accountability in the provision of public services
(2003) IFS Working Papers W03/08, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Bouckaert, G., Peters, B. and Verhoest, K., The Coordination of Public Sector Organizations:
Shifting Patterns of Public Management (2010) Palgrave Macmillan
Cairney, P., How Can Policy Theory Have an Impact on Policy Making? (2013) International
Conference on Public Policy
Cochran, C.E., Mayer. L.C., Carr, T.R., Cayer, N.J., McKenzie, M. and Peck, L., American Public
Policy: An Introduction, 11th Edition (2016) Cengage Learning
Deeming, C., Trials and Tribulations: The ‘Use’ (and ‘Misuse’) of Evidence in Public Policy (2013)
Social Policy and Administration
Dolbeare K.M. and Hammond P.E., The School Prayer Decisions: From Court Policy to Local
Practice (1971) University of Chicago Press
Foresti, M., Wild, L., Takeuchi, L.R. and Norton, A., Governance targets and indicators for
post 2015 (2014)
The Public Impact Fundamentals
Gornitzka, A., Kogan, M. and Amaral, A. (eds.), Reform and change in higher education:
analyzing policy implementation (2005) Springer
Grindle, M.S. and Thomas, J.W., Policy makers, policy choices, and policy outcomes: The political
economy of reform in developing countries (1989), Policy Science 22: 213
Hallsworth, M. and Rutter, J., Making Policy Better: Improving Whitehall’s core business (2011)
Institute for Government
Hough, M., Jackson, J., Bradford, B., Myhill, A. and Quinton, P., Procedural Justice, Trust and
Institutional Legitimacy (2010) Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 4/3: 203–210
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July 2018