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1762 PDF
Pesticide Residue was Affect Bacterial and Fungal Population in the Greenhouse Soil
Condition. Bacterial and fungal inhabitants were examined through agriculture soil
samples. Survival of microorganism in soil was important to evaluate the mineralize
process. In the greenhouse experiment, bacterial and fungal population noticed as
essential assessment in soil healing with long lasting pesticide (A-soil) after the soil
treated with powdered rice straw as organic matter amendment, toxic degrading
bacterial as inoculants, and the both of those mixed treatments. That residue implication
also assessed to B-soil (as free pesticide soil) then revised with pesticides, and also
treated as followed for A-soil. Potential degradation of indigenous microorganism
examined all through as setting of control (B-soil) to recognize of its original population.
Those of treatments evaluated through microbial survival along 12 weeks incubation
in green house environment. Bacterial and fungal populations was affect to become
fluctuated along with incubation period as due to the treatments. Bacterial inhabitant
was considerably higher compared to fungal population. Correlations were significantly
difference with bacterial (p = 0.6654) as well as fungal (p = 0.9029) population in A-soil
evaluated to B-soil habitats since the mixed treatments present to both of the soil
(p0.005 = 0.6310). Organic matter alteration and certain microbe input was needed
in soil contain pesticide, because at the same time the survival of microbes possibly
mineralized organic matter, as well as the pesticide residue.
Penghitungan koloni bakteri dan fungi Populasi bakteri terhitung lebih tinggi
mengacu kepada metode yang dikembangkan dari populasi fungi. Kepadatan bakteri
oleh Carvalhal et al. 9). Penumbuhan bakteri berkisar antara 10 6 sampai 10 9cfu, dan
dilakukan pada media nutrien-agar (3g beef fungi antara 104 sampai 105cfu yang meliputi
extract, 5g peptone, 15g agar, dan 1000 ml populasi pada Tanah-A dan Tanah-B,
aquadest), sedangkan penghitungan fungi maupun kontrolnya (Gambar 1). Konfigurasi
Gambar 1. Konfigurasi populasi bakteri dan fungi (log-x) pada hasil observasi 12 minggu (M0
sampai M12) inkubasi. Populasi pada tanah bebas pestisida ( ) dibandingkan
terhadap hasil perlakuan karena penambahan SJP ( ), PST ( ), dan SJP &
PST ( )
Tabel 2. Hasil analisis uji beda nyata terhadap populasi bakteri. (S menunjukkan nilai beda
nyata karena perlakuan, sedangkan NS menunjukkan tidak beda nyata).
3.3. Fluktuasi populasi selama inkubasi kerapatan populasi juga dilihat secara
keseluruhan berdasar nilai korelasi (Tabel 4).
Fluktuasi yang diamati diperhitungkan Kedua data tersebut mempertegas adanya
terhadap kepadatan mikroba yang pengaruh dari setiap perlakuan maupun
diperbandingkan terhadap tanah yang tidak efek dari kelompok tanah yang terjadi pada
meneriam perlakuan (Gambar 2). Perbedaan Tanah-A maupun Tanah-B.