DRRR Reviewer
DRRR Reviewer
DRRR Reviewer
of disasters
Disaster - an event which causes
widespread damage, injury, and loss of Disaster Risk and Elements at
lives Risk
Factors of Disaster Risk:
Disaster - The. serious disruption of the
1.Hazard - is threatening event, or the functioning of society, causing
probability of occurrence of a widespread human, material, or
potentially damaging phenomenon environmental losses.
within a given time period and area
Types of Hazard Hazard - Any phenomenon, substance,
A. Natural hazards - are naturally or situation, which has the potential to
occurring physical phenomena caused cause disruption.
either by rapid or slow onset events
Examples : Capacities - The resources and skills
• Geophysical-(earthquakes, landslides, that people possess, can develop,
tsunamis and volcanic activity), mobilize, and access.
• Hydrological -(avalanches and floods),
• Climatological -(extreme temperatures, Vulnerability - A concept which
drought and wildfires) describes factors or constraints of an
• Meteorological - (cyclones and
economic, social, physical, or
storms/wave surges)
geographic nature
• Biological -(disease epidemics and
insect/animal plagues)
B. Technological or man-made hazards Risk - The probability that negative
- are events that are caused by humans and consequences may arise when hazards
occur in. interact with vulnerable areas, people,
Examples: property, and the environment.
• Complex emergencies/conflicts
• Famine Risk Reduction Measures - These are
• Displaced populations various activities, projects, and
• Industrial and transport accidents and programs that the communities may
transport accidents
identify after assessing and analyzing
the risks that they face.
2. Vulnerability - refers to the
natural tendency of exposed elements Disaster Risk - is the chance or
such as human beings, their livelihoods, likelihood of suffering harm and loss as
and assets to suffer adverse effects a result of a hazardous event
when impacted by hazard events.
2. Sinkhole
A. Natural sinkholes – occur due to
erosion or underground water. They
start developing a long time before it
actually appears.
B. Man-made sinkholes – are
formed due to activities like drilling,
mining, constructio n, broken water or
drain pipes, improperly compacted soil
after excavation work or even heavy
traffic can result in small to large