PA Fan SOP in Standard Format

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Standard Operating Procedure Doc. No.

Sagardighi Thermal Power Project Issue No.
Rev. No. 00
P.O.: Manigram, Dist. Murshidabad , PIN:742237, 01
W.B. Page 1 of 2

SOP for one PA fan stop at Stage-1 SgTPP

One PA fan can cater three coal mills when coal rates are around 0.53-0.55 and
load up to 175MW.
However, one PA fan can cater only two coal mills above such coal rate and load
could be raised up to 135MW. Change DC accordingly.

So, after unit reduced to three mill following steps to be taken:

1. To keep three mills load to be reduced below 180MW to avoid chance of
preferential tripping. (Preferential trip will active above 180MW).
2. Before stopping PA fan the unit to be reduced to two coal mills (otherwise,
since PA fan discharge gate closure takes 6-7min all the three coal mill PA flow
will become reduced below 40T/H and will eventually trip.).
3. Put sufficient oil burner for flame stabilization.
4. Check locally all powers of discharge gate and its lock gate of corresponding
PA fans are present. Power at cold PA damper and APH I/L dampers are also to
be checked. The gate and damper selection should be in remote.
5. Stop PA fan. Ask Operators to check whether the PA discharge gates are
getting closed. In case the gate tripped try to close the gate locally by changing
actuator selection in local. Also check power at the actuator is present. In case
no power, electrical operators are to reset the respective gate MCB.
6. Check whether APH inlet damper gets closed.
7. Open fan interconnection valves.
8. When PA header becomes stable, open APH I/L damper.
9. Take one mill if PA header pressure permits and check sufficient PA flow
through the coal mills could be established.
10. Before rack out of PA fan, put PA fan discharge gate and its lock gate in local
or MCB off.
11. Check running current taken by running PA fan is within limit.

Issue No. Rev. No.

01 00
Approved By Checked By Prepared by Date
Page: 1 of 2
Standard Operating Procedure Doc. No. SgTPP/SOP/01
Sagardighi Thermal Power Project Issue No.
Rev. No. 00
P.O.: Manigram, Dist. Murshidabad , PIN:742237, 01
W.B. Page 1 of 2

SOP for one PA fan start at Stage-1 SgTPP

1. Before rack in of PA fan, put PA fan discharge gate and its lock gate in local or
MCB off. Then confirm lock out pressed of respective PA fan.

2. Confirm Rack in of respective PA fan.

3. Put sufficient oil burner for flame stabilization.

4. Before starting PA fan the unit to be reduced to two coal mills (otherwise, since
PA fan discharge gate opening takes 6-7min all the three coal mill PA flow will
become reduced below 40T/H and will eventually trip.).

5. Close fan interconnection gate, Cold PA damper and APH PA I/L damper.

6. Operate all necessary blade pitch for checking and check its remote status,
necessary oil pressures are all OK.

7. After rack in check locally all powers of discharge gate and its lock gate of
corresponding PA fans are present. Check power at cold PA damper and APH I/L
dampers are present. The gate and damper selection should be in remote.

8. Start PA fan. Ask Operators to check whether the PA discharge gates are
opening. The cold PA damper & APH PA I/L damper opening to be confirmed . In
case the gate tripped try to open the gate locally by changing actuator selection in
local. Also check power at the actuator is present. In case no power, electrical
operators are to reset the respective gate MCB.

Issue No. Rev. No.

01 00
Approved By Checked By Prepared by Date
Page: 2 of 2

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