Activity 3

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Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology: Activity 3: Renal Response to Altered Blood Pressure Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. If all other variables are kept constant, how does the afferent arteriole radius affect the rate of glomerular filtration (select
all that apply)?
You correctly answered: c. An increased afferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of glomerular filtration. d. A
decreased afferent arteriole radius will decrease the rate of glomerular filtration.

2. If all other variables are kept constant, how does the efferent arteriole radius affect the rate of glomerular filtration (select
all that apply)?
You correctly answered: a. An increased efferent arteriole radius will decrease the rate of glomerular filtration. b. A
decreased efferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of glomerular filtration.

3. If all other variables are kept constant, how does blood pressure affect the rate of glomerular filtration (select all that
You correctly answered: b. If blood pressure goes up, the rate of glomerular filtration goes up. d. If blood pressure goes
down, the rate of glomerular filtration goes down.

4. In the absence of other renal processes (including tubular reabsorption and secretion), more glomerular filtration leads
to a larger urine volume.
You correctly answered: a. true

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: What will happen to the glomerular capillary pressure rate and glomerular filtration rate if both of these
arteriole radii changes are implemented simultaneously with the low blood pressure condition?
Your answer : c. Glomerular filtration rate and pressure will only increase to the levels measured in the constricted efferent
arteriole experiment.

Stop & Think Questions:

If blood pressure were to drop (for example, as the result of blood loss), what changes in the nephron would allow the
kidney to maintain its normal glomerular filtration rate (select all that apply)?
You correctly answered: a. afferent arteriole dilation d. efferent arteriole constriction
Comparing the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular capillary pressure with the baseline values (from the first run), how
effective was the increased afferent arteriole radius in compensating for the low blood pressure?
You correctly answered: c. The afferent arteriole dilation returned the low glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate
almost to baseline values.

Comparing the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular capillary pressure with the baseline values (from the first run), how
effective was the decreased efferent arteriole radius in compensating for the low blood pressure?
You correctly answered: b. The efferent arteriole constriction improved the low glomerular capillary pressure and filtration
rate marginally.

Experiment Data:

Afferent Radius Efferent Radius Beaker Press. Glomerular Press. Glom. Filt. Rate Urine Volume
(mm) (mm) (mm Hg) (mm Hg) (ml/min) (ml)
0.50 0.45 90 55.08 124.99 200.44
0.50 0.45 70 49.72 58.57 161.76
0.60 0.45 70 54.25 114.72 196.72
0.50 0.35 70 51.24 77.41 231.12
0.60 0.35 70 55.58 131.15 245.57

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. If all other variables are kept constant, when blood pressure decreases, glomerular filtration
You correctly answered: c. decreases.

2. If afferent arteriole radius decreases in response to an increase in blood pressure, then glomerular filtration
You correctly answered: b. remains approximately the same.

3. If all other variables are kept constant, when the efferent arteriole radius decreases, glomerular filtration
You correctly answered: a. increases.

4. With blood pressure held at a constant value, which of the following combinations will raise the glomerular filtration rate
above baseline values?
You correctly answered: b. afferent arteriole dilation and efferent arteriole constriction

03/06/23 page 3
Review Sheet Results
1. List the several mechanisms you have explored that change the glomerular filtration
rate. How does each mechanismspecifically alter the glomerular filtration rate?
Your answer:
Laju filtrasi glomerulus dipengaruhi oleh tekanan darah, diameter arteriol aferen dan
eferen, serta perubahan resistensi arteriol aferen. Ketika tekanan darah meningkat, laju
filtrasi glomerulus juga meningkat secara proporsional karena ketika darah memiliki
tekanan yang lebih tinggi memasuki bantalan kapiler kapsul Bowman, meningkatkan difusi,
membuat laju filtrasi glomerulus meningkat. diameter arteriol aferen dan eferen juga
mempengaruhi laju filtrasi glomerulus; dengan meningkatkan ukuran diameter, maka lebih
banyak darah diperbolehkan masuk ke dalam kapiler, sehingga meningkatkan laju filtrasi
glomerulus. Perubahan resistensi aferen juga mempengaruhi laju filtrasi glomerulus.

2. Describe and explain what happened to the glomerular capillary pressure and
glomerular filtration rate when both arteriole radii changes were implemented
simultaneously with the low blood pressure condition. How well did the results compare
with your prediction?
Your answer:
Ketika kedua perubahan diameter arteriol diimplementasikan bersamaan dengan kondisi
tekanan darah rendah, tekanan kapiler glomerulus dan tingkat laju filtrasi glomerulus hampir
kembali ke nilai awal. Artinya, ketika terjadi penurunan tekanan darah dalam tubuh kita,
peningkatan radius arteriol aferen dan penurunan arteriol eferen akan membantu
menstabilkan tekanan kapiler glomerulus dan laju filtrasi glomerulus, yang merupakan salah
satu mekanisme perlindungan yang dimiliki tubuh, untuk melindungi diri dari tekanan darah

3. How could you adjust the afferent or efferent radius to compensate for the effect of
reduced blood pressure on theglomerular filtration rate?
Your answer:
Dengan menyesuaikan arteriol aferen, tubuh akan mengkompensasi efek penurunan
tekanan darah pada tekanan filtrasi glomerulus. Lebih banyak darah diperbolehkan masuk
ke lapisan kapiler kapsul bowman dengan melebarkan arteriol aferen. Dengan mengurangi
diameter arteriol eferen, darah tidak akan dikeluarkan dari kapiler seperti laju normal,
sehinggalaju filtrasi glomerulus tetap normal.

4. Which arteriole radius adjustment was more effective at compensating for the
effect of low blood pressure on theglomerular filtration rate? Explain why you think
this difference occurs.
Your answer:
Dilatasi arteriol aferen adalah mekanisme kompensasi yang paling efektif untuk efek
tekanan darah rendah. Mekanisme ini mengembalikan laju filtrasi glomerulus ke nilai garis
dasar di mana tekanan darah normal.

5. In the body, how does a nephron maintain a near-constant glomerular filtration rate
despite a constantly fluctuatingblood pressure?
Your answer:
Ini mungkin disebabkan oleh mekanisme pengaturan ekstrinsik atau ekstrinsik. Ada juga
dapat menjadi rangsangan darisistem saraf simpatik, yang dapat menyempitkan arteriol
aferen sebagai respon terhadap peningkatan tekanan darah.

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