PhysioEx Exercise 9 Activity 3
PhysioEx Exercise 9 Activity 3
PhysioEx Exercise 9 Activity 3
1 If all other variables are kept constant, how does the afferent arteriole radius affect the
rate of glomerular filtration?
You correctly answered: An increased afferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of
glomerular filtration.
2 If all other variables are kept constant, how does the efferent arteriole radius affect the
rate of glomerular filtration?
You correctly answered: A decreased efferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of
glomerular filtration.
3 If all other variables are kept constant, how does blood pressure affect the rate of
glomerular filtration?
You correctly answered: Blood pressure directly affects glomerular filtration rate.
4 In the absence of other renal processes (including tubular reabsorption and secretion),
more glomerular filtration leads to a larger urine volume.
Experiment Results
Predict Question
1 Predict Question: What will happen to the glomerular capillary pressure rate and
glomerular filtration rate if both of these arteriole radii changes are implemented
simultaneously with the low blood pressure condition?
Your answer: Glomerular filtration rate and pressure will rise above baseline values.
Stop & Think Questions
1 If blood pressure were to drop (for example, as the result of blood loss), what changes
in the nephron would allow the kidney to maintain its normal glomerular filtration
You correctly answered: afferent arteriole dilation and efferent arteriole constriction.
2 Comparing the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular capillary pressure with the
baseline values (from the first run), how effective was the increased afferent arteriole
radius in compensating for the low blood pressure?
You correctly answered: The afferent arteriole dilation returned the low glomerular
capillary pressure and filtration rate almost to baseline values.
3 Comparing the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular capillary pressure with the
baseline values (from the first run), how effective was the decreased efferent arteriole
radius in compensating for the low blood pressure?
You correctly answered: The efferent arteriole constriction improved the low
glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate marginally.
Experiment Data
Afferent Efferent Beaker Glomerular Glom. Filt. Urine
Radius (mm) Radius Press. Press. (mm Hg) Rate Volume
(mm) (mm Hg) (ml/min) (ml)
0.50 0.45 90 55.08 124.99 200.44
0.50 0.45 70 49.72 58.57 161.76
0.60 0.45 70 54.25 114.72 196.72
0.50 0.35 70 51.24 77.41 231.12
0.60 0.35 70 55.58 131.15 245.57
1 If all other variables are kept constant, when blood pressure decreases, glomerular
3 If all other variables are kept constant, when the efferent arteriole radius decreases,
glomerular filtration
4 With blood pressure held at a constant value, which of the following combinations will
raise the glomerular filtration rate above baseline values?
You correctly answered: afferent arteriole dilation and efferent arteriole constriction.
Your answer:
The afferent and efferent arterioles changes in radii had an effect on the
glomerularfiltration rate because the arterioles control the blood pressure. Whenever
the bloodpressure is increased due to the arterioles increasing in radius, the
glomerular filtrationrate is increased as well.
2 Describe and explain what happened to the glomerular capillary pressure and
glomerular filtration rate when both arteriole radii changes were implemented
simultaneously with the low blood pressure condition. How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
The low blood pressure will result in a widening of the afferent arteriole to allow for
theblood to flow easier, as well as a decrease in the efferent arteriole to slow the flow
downout of the capsule. This allows for the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular
capillarypressure to react normally without resulting in too high or too low of blood
3 How could you adjust the afferent or efferent radius to compensate for the effect of
reduced blood pressure on the glomerular filtration rate?
Your answer:
The afferent and efferent arteriole radius can be adjusted to compensate for the effect
ofreduced blood pressure on the glomerular filtration rate because if it is dilated, that
waymore blood can flow to the Bowman's capsule. The efferent arteriole radius can
beconstricted, that way the blood is removed at a much low rate. Adjusting both the
afferentand efferent arterioles will keep the glomerular filtration rate normal.
4 Which arteriole radius adjustment was more effective at compensating for the effect of
low blood pressure on the glomerular filtration rate? Explain why you think this
difference occurs.
Your answer:
The afferent arteriole dilation is the most effective at compensating for the effect of
lowblood pressure on the glomerular filtration rate. This adjustment is able to keep
theglomerular filtration rate and blood pressure at normal values.
5 In the body, how does a nephron maintain a near-constant glomerular filtration rate
despite a constantly fluctuating blood pressure?
Your answer: