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STS Improve human condition

MODULE 1 Knowledge and world view

procedures, entirely beneficial.
SCIENCE- knowledge about or study of the natural
world based on facts learned through experiments SCIENCE as AN IDEA- systematic explanation,
and observation. Concerted human effort to observation.
understand, or to understand better, the history
Science as an intellectual activity- encompasses a
of the natural world and how the natural world
systematic and practical study, experimentation.
works, with observable physical evidence as the
basis of that understanding. SCIENCE AS A BODY OF KNOWLEDGE- subject or
discipline, a field of study.
TECHNOLOGY- science or knowledge put into
practical use to solve problems or invent useful Some Intellectuals and their Revolutionary Ideas-
tools. what exactly happened during the scientific
revolution, it is important to examine the different
SOCIETY= the sum total of our interactions as
individuals whose ideas have shaken and
humans, including the interactions that we engage
contested the dominant theories and ideas during
in to figure things out and to make things.
this period- the truths of their time.
A group of individuals involved in persistent social
Nicolaus Copernicus-model of the universe in
interaction, or a large social group sharing the
1510. Heliocentric Theory.
same geographical or social territory, typically
subject to the same political authority and Charles Darwin- Theory of Evolution, The Origin of
dominant cultural expectations. the Specimens 1859
GALELEON TRADE-Trade was given more focus by Sigmund Freud-his method of psychoanalysis was
the Spaniard colonial authorities due to the proven to be effective in understanding some
prospects of big profits. The opening of the Suez neurological conditions that were not understood
Canal saw the influx of European visitors to the by medicine at that time.
Spanish colony and some. It was a government
monopoly. Development of Science in Mesoamerica

PRE SPANISH ERA- therapeutic properties of The Mayans built looms for weaving cloth and
plants and the methods of extracting medicine devised a rainbow of glittery paints made from a
from herbs. They already had an alphabet, mineral called mica. Mayan knowledge and
number system, a weighing and measuring system understanding about celestial bodies were
and a calendar. Filipinos were already engaged in advance for their time, as evidence by their
farming, shipbuilding, mining and weaving. The knowledge of predicting eclipse and using
Banaue Rice Terraces are among the sophisticated astrological cycles in planting and harvesting. The
products of engineering by pre- Spanish era Mayans are also known for measuring time using
Filipinos. two complicated calendar systems. These
calendars were very useful for their life especially
How does science and technology affect society? in planning their activities and in observing their
religious rituals and cultural celebrations. The
pyramid at Chichen Itza in Mexico is situated at
Major impact on society the location of the Sun during the spring and fall
3 The Inca civilization is also famous in 3. Antispasmodic medication. They used a
Mesoamerica. The Incas made advance scientific type of antispasmodic medication that
ideas considering their limitations as an old could prevent muscle spasm and relax
civilization. The following were scientific ideas and muscles, which could help during surgery.
tools that they developed to help them in
4. Chinampa. It is a form of Aztec
everyday life:
technology for agricultural farming in
1. Roads paved with stones; which the land was divided into
rectangular areas and surrounded by
2. Stone buildings that surmounted
earthquakes and other disasters;
5. Aztec calendar. This enabled them to
3. Irrigation system and technique for
plan their activities, rituals, and planting
storing water for their crops to grow in all
types of land;
6. Invention of the canoe. A light narrow
4. Calendar with 12 months to mark their
boat used for travelling in water systems.
religious festivals and prepare them for
planting season; India

5. The first suspension bridge; Ayurveda, a system of traditional

medicine that originated in ancient India before
6. Quipu, a system of knotted ropes to
2500 BC, is still practice as a form of alternative
keep records that only experts can
medicine. Ancient India is also notable in the field
of astronomy. They developed theories on the
7. Inca textiles since cloth was one of the configuration of the universe, the sphericalself-
especially artistic achievements. supporting Earth, and the year of 360 days with 12
equal parts of 30 days each. Sama (2008) noted
Following the Inca, the Aztec civilization has also that their interest in astronomy was also evident
made substantial contributions to science and in the first 12 chapters of the Siddhanta
technology and to the society as a whole. Some of Shiromani, written in the 12th century. Ancient
their contributions are the following: India is also known for their mathematics. Bisht
1. Mandatory Education. The Aztec puts (1982) noted that the earliest traces of
value on education; that is why their mathematical knowledge in the Indian
children are mandated to get education subcontinent appears in the Indus Valley
regardless of their social class, gender, or Civilization. The people of this civilization,
age. It is an early form of universal or according to Bisht (1982), tried to standardize
inclusive education. measurement of length to a high degree of
accuracy and design a ruler, the Mohenjo-daro
2. Chocolates. The Aztec in Mexico ruler.
developed chocolate during their time. In
the Mayan culture, they used it currency. China
The Aztec valued the cacao beans highly They discovered various medical
and made it as part of their tribute to properties and uses of different plants and
their gods. animals to cure human illness. And example is the
practice of acupuncture. In terms of technology,
the Chinese are known to develop many In the field of medicine. Ibn Sina pioneered the
civilizations were compass, papermaking, science of experimental medicine and was the
gunpowder, and printing tools that became first physician to conduct clinical trials. His two
known in the west only by the end of the Middle most notable works in medicine, the Book of
Ages (Davies, 1995). They also invented other Healing and The Cannon of Medicine, were used
tools like iron plough, wheelbarrow, and as standard medicinal texts in both the Muslim
propeller, among others. They developed a design world and in Europe during the 17 th century.
of different models of bridges (Zhongguo ke xue Among his many contributions are discovery of
yuan, 1983), invented the first seismological the contagious nature of infectious diseases and
director, and developed a dry dock facility the introduction of clinical pharmacology.
(Needham et al., 1971).
Development of Science in Africa
Middle East Countries
The ancient Egyptian civilizations has contributed
With the spread of Islam in the 7th and immensely and made significant advances in the
8th centuries, a period of Muslim scholarship, or field of astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.
what is called the Golden Age of Islam lasted until For example, the development of geometry was a
the 13th century. The common language of product of necessity to preserve the layout and
Arabic, access to Greek texts from the Byzantine ownership of farmlands of the Egyptians living
Empire, and their proximity to India were along the Nile River. The rules of geometry were
contributory to the intellectualization of the developed and used to build rectilinear
Muslims and provided their scholars knowledge to structures, the post of lintel architecture of
create innovations and develop new ideas, but Egypt.
contrary to the Greeks, Muslim scientists placed
Egypt was known to be the center of alchemy,
greater value on science experiments rather than
which is known as the medieval forerunner of
plain-thought experiments. A Muslim scientific
chemistry. They tried to study human anatomy
named Ibn al-HaythTheam is also regarded as the
and pharmacology, and applied important
Father of Optics, especially for his empirical proof
components such as examination, diagnosis,
of the intromission theory of light.
treatment, and prognosis for the treatment of
In mathematics, the mathematician Muhammad diseases. These components displayed strong
ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi gave his name to the parallels to the basic empirical method of
concept of the algorithm while the term algebra studying science.
is derived from al-jabr, the beginning of the title
Metallurgy was also known in the African regions
of one of his publications. What is now known as
during the ancient times. North Africa and the Nile
the Arabic numeral system originally came from
Valley imported iron technology from the Near
India, but Muslim mathematicians did make
East Region that enabled them to benefit from
several refinements to the number system, such
the developments during the Bronze Age until
as the introduction of decimal point notation.
the Iron Age. They invented metal tools used in
Muslin chemist and alchemists also played an
their homes, in agriculture, and in building their
important role in the foundation of modern
magnificent architectures.
chemistry (Durant, 1980). In particular, some
scholars considered Jabir ibn Hayyan to be the The Lebombo Bone from the mountains between
“Father of chemistry” (Derewenda, 2007; Warren, Swaziland and South Africa, which may have been
2005). a tool for multiplication, division, and simple
mathematical calculation or a six-month lunar
calendar, is considered to be the oldest known • Caesar A Saloma – an internationally
mathematical fundamental mathematical renowned physicist
operations and other mathematical skills. They
• Edgardo Gomez – famous scientist in
have knowledge of the basic concepts of algebra
marine science
and geometry. The Islamic regions in Africa during
the medieval period was also benefiting from • William Padolina – chemistry and
mathematical learning, which is considered president of National Academy of Science
advanced during those times, such as algebra, and Technology (NAST) – Philippines
geometry, and trigonometry.
• Angel Alcala – marine science
These Filipino scientists are:

1. Ramon Cabanos Barba – for his

outstanding research on tissue culture in The University of the Philippines-Los Baños is a
Philippine mangoes science paradise for agriculture, forestry, plant
and animal science, and veterinary science. It has
2. Josefino Cacas Cosimo – for his works produced numerous scientists and various
on observing the characteristics of research in the fields mention.
Antarctica by using satellite images
The University of the Philippines-Visayas is also a
3. Jose Bejar Cruz Jr. – known national center for marine science, fisheries, and
internationally in the field of Electrical and other related sciences.
Electronics Engineering
The University of the Philippines- Manila is a
4. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz – notable for her center of excellence and has produced many
research on sea snail venom researchers, doctors, health professionals and
scientists in the area of medical and public health.
5. Fabian Millar Dayrit – for his research
on herbal medincine The University of the Philippines-Diliman also has
established a national science and engineering
6. Rafael Dineros Guerrero III – for his
complex to develop more research and produce
research on tilapia culture
more scientist and engineers in the country. The
7. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr. – for government must find ways to stablish more
inventing the meconium drugs testing research laboratories and research institute.

8. Lilian Formalejo Patena – for doing

research on plant biotechnology

9. Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz – for being an

outstanding educator and graph theorist

10.Gregory Ligot Tangonan – for his

research in the field of communication

There are other outstanding Filipino scientists who

are recognized here and abroad for their
outstanding contribution in science:

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