Ee To Se For Roads Eot
Ee To Se For Roads Eot
Ee To Se For Roads Eot
From To
Sub: - Huzurnagar Municipality – Construction of Storm Water Drains under TUFIDC Loan
assistance in Huzurnagar Municipality- approval for EOT - 4 – Regarding.
Ref: - 1) Agreement No. SE CR (PH) /UNIT-II/TUFIDC No.1/2019-20, Dt: 07-06-2019
2) Letter of M/s SKR CONSTRUCTIONS, Suryapet Dt: 27-10-2021
With reference to the subject cited 1, SKR Constructions, Suryapet had made agreement for
Construction of Storm water Drains under TUFIDC Loan Assistance in Huzurnagar Municipality
dt: 07-06-19.
In this connection, the works widening of BT road from Pottisriramulu center to Lingagiri
road junction is pending due to delay in shifting of Existing electrical poles and transformers in
widening portion which is already mentioned in EOT1 & EOT 2 & EOT3 submission letter. Shifting
process of electrical poles and transformers started on 20-11-2020 by electrical department and only
650 meters are completed out of 975 meters and balance 325mtrs work will be completed after
construction of drain in the work place by the Huzurnagar municipality. In this connection SKR
constructions requested for extension of time up to 31-03-2022 to complete the balance work.
Hence, I am here with submitting EOT - 4 up to dated 31-03-2022 without any liquid
Yours faithfully