Marichou 1
Marichou 1
Marichou 1
The study was conducted in Congressional Integrated High School in Data Gathering Procedure
the city of Dasmariñas, Cavite.
Permission from the Office of the Principal had been first secured
Participants of the Study before the actual administration of the questionnaires among the
participants. Upon approval by the school principal, arrangement in
The participants of the study were the students from regard to the schedule of data gathering was made with the class
Congressional Integrated High School, both from the junior high school advisers to prevent any disruption of classes.
and senior high school departments. As per school records, there is a Before the administration of the questionnaire to the selected
total of 4,214 students enrolled in Congressional Integrated High participants, their consent to participate in the study was thought. It was
School. Realizing that the population size is too big, Krejcie and ensured that they are sufficiently knowledgeable that their nature of
Morgan formula was used to extract a considerable number of samples participation was voluntary and that all information that they would
who would participate in the study. Using the formula, 353 students disclose was treated with utmost confidentiality. As soon as the
were determined to be the total sample size to participate in the study. participants had given their consent to participate in the study, the
prepared questionnaires was administered for them to accomplish. Each
Research Instrument participant was given utmost 10 minutes to answer it. Upon answering,
the participants’ responses were then encoded and tallied in a prepared
A self-developed questionnaire was used to answer the research data sheet for data analysis.
questions. It was composed of two sections: demographic profile of the
participants and assessment of the SSG services. Statistical Analysis
The first part of the questionnaire asked about the
participants’ profile including their age, sex, grade, nature of Descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean, and percentage was
membership to school organizations, and economic status. used to describe the distribution of the participants according to their
The second part of the questionnaire determined the profile and responses. Furthermore, suitable kinds of tables and figures
participants’ satisfaction on the services of the SSG in terms of the were used to ensure clarity and intelligibility in the presentation of the
following domains: values formation, promotion of students’ rights and findings.
welfare, promotion of a child-friendly environment, recognition and
development of students’ skills and talents, and promotion of curricular III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
excellence. To determine their satisfaction on each domain, they were
given 20 statements which they rated according to their level of Participants’ Demographic Profile
agreement through a four-point Likert scale.
This part describes the demographic profile of the
To ensure the validity and reliability of the developed
participants. The demographic profile of the participants was gathered
instrument, pretesting was done with 20 participants. It had been
to define the difference of each member of the sample based on their
ensured that the instrument has at least 70 percent internal consistency,
characteristics. Likewise, it can serve as basis in understanding the
as per Cronbach’s α, before it was administered to the participants.
responses they give in the survey questionnaire.
A total of 353 students selected via simple random sampling,
Sampling Design
participated in the study. Table 1 summarizes the distribution of the
participants according to their profile.
Simple random sampling was done in selecting the participants of
the study. A master list of students from the junior high school and
Table 1. Profile of the participants
senior high school departments was obtained from the Office of the
Registrar. Using the list, each participants was randomly selected until FREQUENCY
the ideal number of sample size was reached. n = 353
Table 6. Students’ satisfaction on the accomplishments of the Supreme Recognition and Very
3.79 0.07
Student Government in terms of promotion of curricular Development of Students’ Satisfactory
excellence Skills and Talents
Promotion of Curricular 1.43 0.42
1. The SSG has Unsatisfactory
programs for 2.9 0.78 Satisfactory
those who 2.12 0.17 Unsatisfactory
difficulty in
their subjects. Based from the findings gathered in the study, the following
2. The SSG aids conclusions are formulated:
students The participants of the study are mostly composed 15-year old
Very females from Grades 9 and 10. Majority of them are members of their
experiencing 1.25 0.26
Unsatisfactory respective homeroom class organizations.
difficulty in
their lesson. There objectives of the SSG as mandated by its Constitution and
3. .The SSG By-laws are categorized into four domains as parameters of the study. It
provides some is found out that the SSG performs satisfactorily in terms of values
services to formation, promotion of students’ rights and welfare, promotion of a
Very child-friendly environment, and recognition and development of
allow me to 1.37 0.29
maximize my
Unsatisfactory students’ skills and talents. It, however, performs very unsatisfactorily
intellectual in terms of promoting academic excellence among students.
ability. The general satisfaction on the services of SSG is satisfactory, which
4. The SSG offers Very means that the organization is performing well despite some aspects of
1 0 its services that it has to improve.
tutorial Unsatisfactory
In light of the delimitations and findings of the study, the following
are hereby recommended: ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The Supreme Student Government should not only focus on
enhancing the co-curricular skills of the students. The organization The author would like to thank everyone who were all instrumental in
should also launch programs, projects, and activities with emphasis on the completion of this research paper.
enhancing their academic performance.
A related study may be conducted exploring the perception of the
other school stakeholders, aside from the students, on the services being Jeffrey Alcantara Lucero was born in the
provided by the Supreme Student Government. province of Cavite where he currently resides. A
The study may serve as a reference for those who wish to pursue licensed healthcare practitioner and educator, he
another research related to it. works as a a college faculty in some prestigious
higher education institutions in the country.
REFERENCES He obtained his associate’s degree in health
science education with distinction and bachelor’s
[1] BC College & Institute. (2003). Understanding student degree in nursing cum laude both from Cavite
satisfaction. Retrieved on 04 November 2018 from State University. At present, he holds three master’s degrees on the following fields: nursing and public administration, and education.
He was likewise awarded an honorary doctorate in humanities by the
[2] Chemutai, L., & Chumba, S. (2014). Student Councils International Leadership Institute in Potsdam, Germany. At present,
Participation in Decision Making in Public Secondary Schools he is pursuing a doctor of philosophy degree in nursing science.
in Kericho West Sub County, Kenya,„. International Journal of The author is an active member of the Philippine Nurses’
Advanced Research, 2(6), 850–858. Association, the National League of Philippine Government Nurses,
and the Philippine Nursing Research Society, Inc. Likewise, he is a
[3] Damiani, J. (2016). Unlocking students‟ perspectives of school certified school health consultant and a specialist in community
leadership: toward a theory of engaging students in school health nursing. The author is also a fellow member of the following
leadership. International Journal of Student Voice, 1(1). international research institutes: Royal Institute (RI), International
Retrieved from Institute of Engineers and Researchers (The IIER), Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SASS), International Society for
6-.pdf Quality in Healthcare (ISQua).