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Academic Experience of Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Students

Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic

John Jerric A. De Guzman; Angelica S. Evamgelista, and Reign Beatrice A. Lumbera.

Batangas State University TNEU JPLPC-Malvar
Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]


Education fosters the growth of many important abilities and provides opportunities for every student’s
personal fulfillment. Hence, it is important to ensure that students have an educational experience that is
worthwhile, promotes learning, and rewards themselves. The study intended to determine the profile of
management accounting students in terms of age, sex, year level, classification as a student and general weighted
average. Moreover, it assessed the academic experience of the students in terms of social presence, cognitive
presence, and teaching presence as the online classes were implemented. The 147 management accounting
students of Batangas State University TNEU JPLPC-Malvar Campus were the respondents of the study. The
researchers used a descriptive method of analysis, and the data gathering instrument used in collecting the needed
information was the researchers-made survey questionnaire. In order to come up with the valid result, frequency
and percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA were used. After the data have been gathered, the researchers
determined the results. Majority of the management accounting students are under the age of 21, female, fourth
year students, non-working and have a general weighted average of 1.50-1.74. In the assessment on differences,
the variable of age and year level found to have significant difference, while the rest of the variables according
to profile found to have no significant difference. Lastly, the researchers discussed the implications of the
academic experience of the students.

Keywords: academic experience, management accounting, social presence, cognitive presence, teaching

learning process and productivity. The different

I. INTRODUCTION academic experiences of the students may become a
Education has a major influence in our barrier to their growth and this may become a reason
lives and has a significant impact on our growth as which they may fail to perform academically. All
individuals. It can provide a variety of experiences students are capable of improvement, but the
that can be used to build a better existence. This distinctions of their academic experience had a wide
cannot be understated because it creates range of effects on students, which made academics
opportunities that bring stability while offering a problem for certain groups of students.
plans for greater career opportunities, gives Due to the pandemic, the learning
intellectual capacity to make better decisions, and experience of the students has changed as face-to-
empowers students for a rewarding future and a face classes have been replaced by online classes.
more productive life. The quality of education of the The Commission on Higher Education (CHED),
students is linked with their academic experience, Memorandum Order (CMO) 04, Series of 2020,
which serves as a means for learning and success. It declared that everyone is called to be part of this
emphasizes the important connection between transition and transformation towards a new normal.
learning and experience that influences and The restrictions imposed during the COVID-19
improves the performance of the students. However, pandemic, allows students and instructors to conduct
due to all of the interruptions and alterations in the classes through online learning to communicate and
learning settings, the students' progress has become interact with one another regardless of the situation,
more gradual because the approach and but some students and instructors at higher
effectiveness of academic activities and their education encountered different challenges. The
experiences have been affected growing information regarding academic
According to Franchi (2020), students are experiences of the students during the pandemic has
able to learn anything through the use of the internet, found numerous major challenges, such difficulties
but education may not be optimum, particularly in with internet connectivity, restricted chances for
classes that need students to engage in face-to-face student engagement, reduced motivation for
connection and direct interactions. In certain learning, and increased educational burdens which
circumstances, academic concerns are frequently can affect their academic performance.
experienced by the students that influences their
The researchers conducted this study to that result in a more productive and engaging
provide management students with a comprehensive learning experience. Thus, this theory has a
knowledge of the implications of academic profound influence on a student’s experience with
experience during online learning. The respondents online learning. It guided the researchers to
of this study are the 2nd to 4th year BSMA students determine how the management accounting students
of Batangas State University TNEU JPLPC-Malvar assessed their academic experience in terms of
Campus during A.Y. 2022–2023. The study social presence, cognitive presence and teaching
assessed their academic experience in terms of presence because its main purpose was to assist
social presence, cognitive presence and teaching learners in achieving the learning objectives and
presence. As management accounting students who build a successful and meaningful online learning
had been engaged with online learning during the environment.
pandemic, researchers are aware that students’
experiences are not always favorable. The
researchers conducted this study because they Research Design- The researchers used a
concluded that the academic experience has a descriptive and quantitative method of data
significant influence on supporting academic gathering, with a survey questionnaire created by
activities, particularly in the learning process of the the researchers serving as the primary data
students. They believed that students should be
collection instrument. The descriptive method of
supported by active interactions and meaningful
learning experiences. Furthermore, this study will research was used by the researchers since it was
aid the researchers and management accounting the most suitable approach given that the aim of the
students by providing information regarding study was to assess the academic experience of
academic experience and supporting them in management accounting students, and quantitative
developing effective and rewarding educational method was utilized for this study because the
patterns that will support them in their academic researchers used statistical or computational
procedures for systematic investigation.
The study was anchored to the
“Community of Inquiry” model for online learning Respondents of the study- The respondents to the
environments developed by Garrison, Anderson & study are the second- to fourth-year students
Archer (2000). According to this concept of three enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Management
distinct “presence”: cognitive, social and teaching, it Accounting program at Batangas State University
recognized the overlap and relationship among the TNEU JPLPC-Malvar Campus during the
three components. Their model encourages the
academic year 2022-2023. The researchers selected
design of online and blended courses as active
learning environments or communities in which the management accounting students as
instructors and students share ideas, information and respondents because they had experienced an
opinions. online learning environment during the COVID-19
The researchers found that this theory was pandemic. During the duration of the study, the
applicable, and it was observed that the social researchers requested the college for the list of
presence, cognitive presence and teaching presence management students enrolled in the institution
were the variables that measured the students’ within the academic year scope of the study. The
academic experience. In this study, the social researchers selected the management accounting
presence refers to the involvement, participation,
students as respondents because they had
and interaction of the students in their distinct
educational setting. While cognitive presence in the experienced an online learning environment during
study refers to the ability of the students to absorb the COVID-19 pandemic.
and internalize information presented online. The researchers computed the total number
Furthermore, the teaching presence is the of the management accounting students and they
accessibility of the professors to the students in used a Raosoft sample size calculator to get the
imparting the foundation of learning and stimulating sample size of respondents that would represent the
student participation through the use of different entire population. Using a margin of error of five
strategies and instructional materials. The three- percent, a confidence level of ninety-five percent,
presence stated in this theory are connected in the and a response distribution of fifty percent of 237
academic experience of the students during online students, the total number of respondents came to
classes where they encountered challenges. This 147. The randomly chosen management accounting
framework of Garrison, Anderson and Archer students were handed a survey questionnaire, and
guided students to apply what they have learned, to delivered by face-to-face distribution.
retain their knowledge, and establish relationships
Sampling Design- The researchers utilized a September 16, 2022. The researchers finished the
stratified random sampling method in which the distribution of the survey questionnaire, and data
management accounting students at Batangas State retrieval process began immediately after the
University TNEU JPLPC-Malvar Campus were management accounting students completed the
given the opportunity to be included in the sample. questionnaire. The gathered data was tabulated and
This method enables the researchers to efficiently statistically analyzed with the expertise of a
acquire a sample population that most precisely statistician for interpretation of the total value.
represents the overall population being examined. Statistical Treatment of Data- The researchers
Data Gathering Instrument- The main data used different statistical tools to analyze, interpret,
gathering instrument used in this study was a survey and present the data collection in order to facilitate
questionnaire created by the researchers and it was understanding of the research study including
distributed personally to the management Frequency and Percentage to further understand the
accounting students to collect the needed data. The gathered data from the respondent’s profile in terms
researchers used books, articles, and other materials of: age, sex, year level, classification as a student,
that have been studied by other researchers and are and general weighted average. While, Weighted
related to the present study as the foundation in mean and Composite mean were applied to
conducting questions for this study. The researchers- determine the academic experience of the
made questionnaire was composed of two parts. The management accounting students in terms of social
presence, cognitive presence, and teaching
first part was related to the management accounting
presence. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
students’ personal information, and it provides a
utilized to determine if there was a significant
wide source of their information in terms of age, sex,
difference between the age, year level, general
year level, classification as a student, and general
weighted average of the management accounting
weighted average. The second part is the assessment
students and the assessment on the academic
regarding the academic experience of the students in
experience of the Bachelor of Science in
terms of social presence, cognitive presence, and
Management Accounting students. Lastly, T-test
teaching presence.
was used to determine if there is a difference in the
The researchers-made questionnaire was assessment on the academic experience of the
presented and validated by the thesis adviser, panel Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting
members, and chairperson. After the approval of the students according to their sex and classification as
instrument, it was distributed to the management a student.
accounting students and the gathered data were
tallied and subjected to reliability test for its
Table 1. Profile of the Management Accounting
acceptability. Furthermore, the researchers used a students
four (4) point Likert scale to interpret the responses Age Frequency Percentage
and the selected management accounting students as 18 years old 3 3
respondents were asked to rate each item using the 19 years old 34 23
scale. 20 years old 45 31
Data Gathering Procedure- The researchers 21 years old 48 33
22 years old 14 10
constructed a survey questionnaire based on the
23 years old 1 1
information obtained from various sources. The dry Sex
run test was conducted face-to-face to the Bachelor Male 20 14
of Science in Management Accounting students in Female 127 86
Batangas State University TNEU-Lipa Campus on Year Level
September 2, 2022 to September 3, 2022. After the Second Year 50 34
researchers completed their dry run test, the Third Year 43 29
researchers tallied all the data and gave it to the Fourth Year 54 37
statistician. The result of Cronbach was 0.933% Classification as a student
which means excellent reliability. Upon the Working 19 13
acceptability of the instrument, the actual survey Non-working 128 87
was disseminated in person to the 147 management General Weighted Average
accounting students at Batangas State University 1.25-1.49 (Superior) 58 40
TNEU JPLPC-Malvar Campus. 1.50-1.74 (Very 62 42
The students were assured that all the 1.75-1.99 (Good) 18 12
information they entrusted to us was treated with the 2.00-2.24 3 2
utmost confidentiality and was only used for (Meritorious)
educational purposes. The actual survey began on 2.25-2.49 (Very 2 1
September 8, 2022, and was completed on Satisfactory)
2.50-2.74 1 1
3.00 (Passing) 3 2
The profile of the management accounting while men tended to skip ahead and encounter
students was determined and interpreted using difficulties.
frequency and percentage shown in table 1. It can be While, in terms of year level, the majority
observed that the majority of the management of the management accounting students are fourth-
accounting students were under the age of 21, with year students, with a frequency of 54 and a
the highest frequency of 48, or 33 percent. The result percentage of 37. The result revealed that there were
is likely related to the fact that 21 years of age is the more fourth-year management accounting students
average age of third- to fourth-year college students enrolled at the Batangas State University TNEU
that are categorized as seniors in their program. At JPLPC-Malvar Campus. This is probably the
this age, they are more mature and responsible in students from the second batch of K-12 curriculum
their actions. The students are taking more major and the result implied that there are more enrolled in
subjects and challenging classes, which the fourth- the university before the pandemic. Also, these are
year students are also undergoing on-the-job the students who are pursuing college despite having
training while working on their research papers. diverse experiences. According to Mateo (2020), the
They are typically taking on a lot more president of the Philippine Association of State
responsibilities and those greater difficulties can Universities and Colleges (PASUC) revealed that a
naturally aid their growth. This was supported by survey conducted by the organization resulted in
Stewart (2013), the ages 18 to 25 are significantly over 44,000 undergraduate students and almost
more likely to be referred as young adults. In this 6,000 graduate students from 112 SUCs around the
age, they have achieved the stage of complete country did not plan to enroll on the academic year
maturity, they are making plans for the future, and 2020-2021 because of the pandemic. Meanwhile,
establishing objectives for the long term. In learning, the number of university dropouts were expected to
Simonds and Brock (2014) asserted that younger be markedly higher because the survey included
students choose face-to-face learning, whereas older state-funded academic institutions, which represent
students favor online learning. Several times, older less than half of overall college enrollment in the
students preferred studying pre-recorded video country. Rahiem (2021) reported that despite the
lectures because some of them have expressed that difficulties that students encountered throughout the
they find them intriguing. On the other hand, the academic year, they successfully finished the
younger students have the opposite viewpoint and semester. They persisted in their will to learn and
lean more toward face-to-face classes. successfully completed the semester despite the
In terms of sex, the majority of challenges and limitations of online learning.
management accounting students are female, Moreover, in terms of classification as a
perhaps because they were more engaged in student, the findings indicated that the majority of
business-related programs than male. Females tend the management accounting students were non-
to be good at accounting, budgeting, and solving working students. Meanwhile, the other students
problems. Additionally, females are motivated and have a part-time job because probably they are the
persistent when it comes to academics, which may students who are relying on income from their part-
lead to positive outcomes for their academic careers. time job to sustain themselves and their family.
According to the Philippine Statistics Authority Inoue et al. (2021) stated that the number of working
(2013), in college degrees, females (56.1%) students has drastically reduced since the start of the
outnumbered males (43.9%). The Engineering and pandemic. While, some students still decide to work
Engineering Trades was the most popular academic despite the risks posed by the virus and the changes
field for males, and the graduates from this degree to the academic and professional environments.
made up 25.9% of all male college graduates. Faizuddin (2018) highlighted that students are
In contrast, business and administration working part-time or possibly full-time while
was the most prominent field for females, attending university is an increasingly common
representing 31.3% of all female college graduates. occurrence worldwide. During the pandemic, many
In terms of accounting assessments, Wally-Dima et lives and their livelihoods were severely affected.
al. (2013) highlighted that female accounting Not every family has sufficient income to send and
students outperformed their male counterparts. support their children to school. Consequently, some
Female students exceed their male counterparts students had become working students to support
because they work harder and have better learning themselves.
strategies. While, male students perform poorly Lastly, in terms of general weighted
because they are uninterested and are unable to average, the result implied that most of the
balance their social lives with their studies. In management accounting students had a numerical
addition, Yoo and Huang (2013) stated that female grade of 1.50 to 1.74, which is equivalent to very
students are more intrinsically motivated than male good. It may be assumed that despite the difficulties
students in online learning. Women were also more they have encountered during online learning,
likely to continue smoothly through a given activity, students were able to learn, establish their own
learning strategies and more, all of which contribute training program to the professors entitled
to their academic success. This was supported by “Migrating your Residential Courses to
Gopal et al. (2021), who emphasized that students Technology-enabled Distance Instruction”, and it
performed significantly better in online learning was a series to convert the classes into an online
than in traditional learning, which resulted in getting learning environment. UPOU is mandated with
a higher grade. They indicated that instructor contributing to the improvement of the educational
competence is an important determinant of student’s system of the country by devising and sharing new
satisfaction in online education. The improvement teaching methodologies and technologies with other
of general weighted average of the students in higher institutions of higher education through cooperation
education may be attributed to a variety of causes. and collaboration programs.
Rojstaczer (2015) ascribed this growth to factors
such as the need that students evaluate their classes, Table 3. Significant difference on the assessments of
the students' increased focus on their future careers, the respondents and academic experience when
and the fact that learning of the students outpaced grouped according to their profile.
their families' income. In addition, David (2022) Profile of the F- p- Decision Interpreta
management value values tion
stated that there is grade inflation where the number accounting
of students receiving Latin honors has increased. In students
particular, this is a result of the response of Age 3.228 .009 Reject Significant
universities and institutions to the pandemic. Sex -.413 .684 Failed to Not
Reject Significant
Table 2. Assessment on the Academic Experience of Year Level 7.266 .001 Reject Significant
Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Classification .514 .613 Failed to Not
students. as a student Reject Significant
Assessment of the academic General 1.182 .319 Failed to Not
experience of Bachelor of Verbal Weighted Reject Significant
Science in Management Composite Interpreta- Average
Accounting students Mean tion The table above demonstrates that there
Social Presence 3.24 Experienced was a significant difference on the academic
Cognitive Presence 3.15 Experienced experience of Bachelor of Science in Management
Teaching Presence 3.34 Experienced Accounting students when they are grouped
Grand Composite Mean 3.24 Experienced according to their age. This showed by the results of
As shown in table, the assessment on the the F-value of 3.228 with p – value of .009. The p –
academic experience of Bachelor of Science in value of .009 was less than 0.05 of level of
Management Accounting students in terms of social significance; the decision was to reject the null
presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence hypothesis. The results explained that the age has a
had a grand composite mean of 3.24 which was significant difference to the academic experience of
verbally interpreted as experienced. Based on the management accounting students. It is a factor that
results, the researchers observed that the students determines how students' academic experiences are
found experienced specifically, in terms of teaching affected by age.
presence which had the composite mean of 3.34. The result also indicates that various ages
This indicates that the professors have an important may have different expectations and experiences in
role in the academic experience of the students, online learning environment. Also, age shows a
whether through traditional or online learning. It correlation with year level of the students since as
shows that despite the difficulties and restrictions of the students get older, their year level in college also
online learning, they effectively engaged students in increases. The challenges and difficulties that
the learning objectives, which help them increased students encountered were distinctive due to the fact
their learning opportunities. The students were still that, as they go through the college levels, the
able to feel their presence because all the instructors subjects every semester and every year become
of the Batangas State University TNEU JPLPC- more difficult. Additionally, the higher year or the
Malvar Campus were required to attend training seniors of their program have a greater number of
regarding alternative teaching and learning at the major subjects than the lower year, which means
University of the Philippines – Open University they encounter a wider variety of factors that affect
before the start of online classes during the their education, particularly during the pandemic.
pandemic. According to the UPOU (2020), it is their Similarly, Herwandha and Prastuti (2020) stated that
priority to offer assistance to the UP community the students as human aged approximately 18 to 25
along with the entire academic institutions in the years’ old who are currently pursuing higher
nation that are changing to the virtual method of education. The older students dedicate more time to
teaching in order to deal with and avoid the spread course-related learning, spend more time utilizing
of the COVID-19 pandemic. They conducted a asynchronous blended learning, and report having
extremely good learning experiences in online students had similarly experienced the academic
courses. On the other hand, younger students experience. According to Abenoja et al. (2019), the
dedicate less time to their studies. working and nonworking students encounter similar
In terms of sex, the results showed a academic and social experiences, yet working
computed F-value of -.413 with p – value of .684. students had lower grades than non-working
Since the p-value of .684 was greater than 0.05 of students. Both working and non-working students
level of significance, thus, the researcher failed to have a comparable sense of accountability as
reject the null hypothesis. This means that there was students, since both groups face the same
no significant difference between the sex and obligations.
academic experience. It may be inferred that sex has Lastly, in terms of general weighted
no influence on management accounting students' average the results shown the F-value of 1.182 with
assessments of their academic experience. p – value of .319. Since the p-value of .319 was
According to Harvey et al. (2017), there are greater than 0.05 of level of significance, thus, the
differences between male and female learning researcher failed to reject the null hypothesis. This
outcomes since males were more stable in their implies that despite the fact that all students had the
attitudes and females performed better in their opportunity to engage in academic experience, their
engagement. However, they also have similarities in overall weighted average does not depend on
learning outcomes depending on their learning whether they received high or bad marks.
styles and experiences. After the result of the study has been
Additionally, there was a significant gathered, analyzed and interpreted, the implications
difference on the academic experience of Bachelor of the assessment in the academic experience of the
of Science in Management Accounting students Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting
when they are grouped according to their year level. students are presented.
This shows by the results of the F-value of 7.226 The researchers conducted this study to
with p – value of .001. The p – value of .001 was determine the academic experience of Bachelor of
less than 0.05 of level of significance; the decision Science in Management Accounting students
was led to reject the null hypothesis. This implies namely social presence, cognitive presence and
that the year level of the students has a significant teaching presence. The researchers were able to
difference with the academic experience during the identify the implications for management
pandemic. The year level of each student is linked to accounting students after conducting the analysis
their age because their level rises along with their and interpretation of the data they had acquired. The
increasing age. Due to the fact that the students are results revealed that the social presence, cognitive
of varying academic levels, the degree of difficulty presence and teaching presence was assessed by the
of the topics they are required to take also varies, and management accounting students as experienced.
this is contributing to the disparity in their academic The findings implied that students had a
experiences. This was supported by Gautam (2020), struggle in learning, expressing themselves, and
every student has their own learning and a distinct digesting the information presented in online
approach of acquiring knowledge. In a related learning. Therefore, in social presence, students
manner, some students achieve outstanding results should build their competence and courage to
at class, but others are more independent learners communicate in class, so that they may feel at ease
who are easily distracted by large groups. It is taking part in discussions. Meanwhile, in cognitive
possible to enhance the online learning platform in a presence, the activities that promote learning and
variety of different ways due to the large number of empowering students to explore their ideas must be
choices and resources it provides. It is the most established. In teaching presence, professors should
effective strategy for creating an ideal educational motivate their students to engage in class
setting that corresponds to the requirements of each discussions, optimize the use of various resources
individual student. Students are more likely to do accessible to students, and encourage students to
well in college if they take an active interest in what make more effort in their lessons so that they may
they are being taught. participate continuously in class discussions. Lastly,
As to classification as a student, the results the study revealed that age and year level of the
presented that there was no significant difference on students have significant difference to the academic
the academic experience of Bachelor of Science in experience during the pandemic. It also showed that
Management Accounting students when they are there is a correlation between the age and year level
grouped according to their classification as a of students, since as their age increases, so does their
student. This shows by the results of the F-value of year level in college. In addition, students have
.514 with p – value of .613. Since the p-value of .613 distinct subjects, units, and levels of difficulty,
was higher than 0.05 of level of significance, thus, which results in diverse academic experiences as
the researcher failed to reject the null hypothesis. they get older and they are in different year levels.
This means that even working or non-working
IV. CONCLUSIONS determine the relationship of teaching and learning
The majority of management accounting to student success. They could utilize this work as
students at Batangas State University TNEU the foundation for further research studies,
JPLPC-Malvar are under the age of 21, female, particularly those relating to the academic
fourth-year students, non-working, and have a experience of management accounting students.
general weighted average of 1.50-1.74. The This research also could serve as their basis for their
academic experience of management accounting study in doing comparable assessments on students'
students in terms of social presence, cognitive academic experience.
presence, and teaching presence were interpreted as
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from have encountered in order to make this study possible;
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systematic review of empirical research from throughout the constructing of the research study,
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[44] Sharma, R., Jain, A., Gupta, N., Garg, S., Batta, his constant words of encouragement that helped the
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Research , 226-229. and expertise that helped during the process of the
[45] Simonds, T. A., & Brock, B. L. (2014). study;
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student preference for types of learning member, in recognition of her enlightening
activities in online courses. The Journal of knowledge and beneficial suggestions made over the
Educators Online, 19. process of the study;
To Dr. Raymond O. Ramos, panel member,
[46] Sriratanaviriyakul, N., & El-Den, J. (2017).
for his insightful comments, and recommendations
Motivational Factors for Knowledge Sharing that helped for the improvement of the research
using Pedagogical Discussion Cases: Students, study;
Educators, and Environmental Factors. To the Librarians of Batangas State
Procedia Computer Science, 287-299. University TNEU JPLPC-Malvar Campus, for their
[47] Sumardi, S., & Nugrahani, D. (2021). accommodation and assistance;
Adaptation to emergency remote teaching:
To the management accounting students, for their
Pedagogical strategy for pre-service language
time, approval and willingness to participate in the
teachers amid COVID-19 pandemic. Turkish
Online Journal of Distance Education, 81-93.
[48] UNESCO. (2020). COVID-19 Educational To the researchers’ classmates and friends
Disruption and Response. Retrieved from who were always there to inspire and encourage them when they are in their difficult times.
19/education-response This manuscript is entirely dedicated by the
[49] UPOU. (2020). Migrating your Residential researchers to our Almighty God, to their families,
Courses to Technology-enabled Distance friends, professors, and to all people that helped
Instruction. them in any manner.
To everyone who has been part of this
research study, thank you and God bless!

John Jerric
Reign Beatrice

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