Evaluation of The Students Services in Doscst
Evaluation of The Students Services in Doscst
Evaluation of The Students Services in Doscst
Chapter 1
This study is intending to evaluate the services obtained by the students from the
mentor’s officers at Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology. They are the
elected student’s officer to be the leader of Institute of Education and Teachers Training,
headed by Mr. Maven Ar S. Nuevo and his company. They are the responsible of
implementing the rules and regulations, project implementation, and facilitating different
programs and activities to the whole education students, in different majors. Their general
purpose is to leave the legacy to the institution during their administering term. This study
intends to evaluate how valuable are those services to the students. It also tend to know if
the students are fully satisfied of those services they rendered, or did the constituents are
still ask and demand for change and improvement especially with those services that seems
like not so much useful for them. In order for me to come up with some information about
this, we aim to conduct a survey to each year level. There should be a representative from
first year, also from second year, from third year, as well as from fourth year students, for
the representation of the whole education students. We will conduct an interview by giving
a checklist form questionnaire to the respondents. The questionnaire should contain the
different services they’ve rendered, list of their comments, and some suggestion from the
recipients. This study is also aiming to measure the satisfaction of the respondents and give
them also a chance to contribute their ideas regarding the improvement of those services
which they are not fully convinced and pleased.
Statement of problem
The problem of this study is to evaluate the students’ services rendered by the Mentors
officers in DOSCST.
1. What are the students’ services rendered by the mentors’ officers in DOSCST?
Education students
Education students are benefited with the services, primarily, they gain guidance from the
Mentors officers, through organizing programs and activities, which help them, enhance their
responsiveness as students. One of the leaders concern is to mold their constituents to be the
responsible member of society, trained today and lead as effective educator in the future. On
the other hand, the recipients are given a chance to express their reactions regarding those
unsatisfactory performances that the officers had given. Just like the common concerns of some
students which complain about the conflict of activities schedule, and lack of proper
dissemination of information during every activity. Every activity requires signing of activity
card, in which through the improper sending of information, the other student couldn’t come,
and are automatically subjected to failure of responsibilities. Their arguments are, who should
be blame, or take charge of those failures? So, by providing them an evaluation form they are
able to express their reactions, and can also suggest their ideas.
The IET faculties are also benefited with those student services rendered by the Mentors
officers, in a way that their responsibilities are being lessened. Instead that they themselves
will rule and organize the students, the officers did facilitate the services needed by the students
in the half of them.
Mentors officers
This study enables the mentors’ officers to know and evaluate how effective leader they
are, which also lead them to the higher form of leadership someday. They are also able to know
the reactions of their recipients regarding those unsatisfactory activities they rendered and how
can they change and improve services.
In this study, the benefit of the researchers is that they are given a lead or idea regarding
the mentors’ services, and how did the education students take it. Is it an advantage or
disadvantage for them? That information would enable them to come up with additional ideas
to the old perception of the study.
Definition of Terms
Services contribution to the welfare of others
The study will only focus on the evaluation of services of the mentors’ officers in Davao
Oriental State College of Science and Technology located at Guang-Guang, Dahican, Mati City,
Davao Oriental.
The respondents are the education students of different majors to be represented by some
first year students, also with second year, from third year, as well as from fourth year students.
Conceptual Framework
Independent variable Dependent variable
Figure 1 illustrates the independent variable which is the Mentors Officers of DOSCST.
Figure 2 illustrates the dependent variables which is the education students in DOSCST
The Mentors Officers are the responsible of the implementation of the services, and the
whole education students are the recipients of the said services. The significance of the services
are evaluated through conducting of interview in the form of checklist questionnaire, which help
the researchers find out the answer to the sub- problem.
Chapter II
Student services are commonly established by any college institutions and universities.
This is all about the work that performed by the one that serves in particular college institution.
This is very important to know those services because that will help push the students to be
interested to enroll in the said school. In the part of the parents they wanted to assure that their
children earn a proper benefit from the school they wanted to be with. Those said services are the
following; comfortable area for learning, innovative learning procedures, health care, guidance
counseling and a lot more. This said services are intentionally provided to meet the basic need of
the students while they are in the school premises. In other words student services are very essential
component in every college’s establishments.
According to the article that I’ve read regarding the student services in the University of
St. Andrews, that there are number of ways in which student services are focused on helping
students, all people, come across barriers in life where they do not know where to go or how to be
best proceed. They need guidance, a pointer, a reflection to offer them a route to follow, or a tool
to get over a hurdle and back on track, student services are the ones who can provide this. Just like
the mentors officers of the DOSCST, they are acting as at first of call as a leader and their task is
to reflect back, to suggest options, to create effort strategies and open doors. Throughout the whole
student’s experience, night and day, they are always practice in ensuring no student is left at a
disadvantage as a result of the University or any of its services. In addition of the services in St.
Andrew University all students are encouraged to develop a sense of personal responsibility and
to make their own decision. In particular, they promote individuality, open-mindedness and critical
thinking, hand in hand with respect and without prejudice. This is exactly what the most leaders
of the group aim for. They invested their sacrifices now in shaping their followers, guiding them,
recognizing their different potentials with regards of different races they came from and so on.
They all had done this just to ensure that the follower now could be a great leader in the future. In
other words, they are aiming that everyone should be independent in making their decisions, and
responsibility as a future educator.
Whenever there is a positive effect of every organization towards their constituents, there
will also have a negative side of it. This is the reason why some are complaining that they are not
satisfied of the services. As I always hear from any of the education students in DOSCST, there
are a lot of times that the students complained against the governance of the officers regarding the
dissemination of their schedules during every activity. Sometimes the officers are failed to orient
their constituents first what will happen during the activity or when should it happen. Sometimes
also, some of their schedules are conflict with the academic schedule of some students. For
example, they organize an activity at the gymnasium, during a certain time, in which one of the
instructors scheduled also the examination for a certain class. Of course, the students will choose
the exam more than the activity because it has something to do with their grades, where in fact
every mentor’s activity requires signing of activity card and that card will serve as clearance in
order to enter into another semester. In this case some of the members of mentor’s society are
confused, insisting that what happened is not their fault and why should they pay just to be signed.
There are also some that complains about their implementation of projects and activities. During
the enrollment period, student paid the mentor’s week fund and as well as the t-shirt. The students
are looking forward or expect that the said activity that they are paying for will happen, but no
mentors week activity should be expected anymore. In fact they already distributed the t-shirt
without any word of what the students should expect next. There is something inconvenience on
the part of the constituents, and insufficiency with their leadership. As I read the article about the
student services in Curry College (colleges.usnews.rankingandreviews.com/best-
colleges/corry-colleges-2143) Curry college is a private liberal-based institution in Milton, in the
U.S. state of Massachusetts (a member of an American and Indian people) that was founded as the
school of Elocution and expression in 1879. It was founded by Samuel Silas Curry, in which the
school got the name after him. Part of Curry's mission is to work on the student-centered programs
and services which foster and sustain learning and personal development. They believe that
learning takes place both inside and outside of the classroom. Because of those commitment they
are holding to, they offer the following services on campus; Counseling, vice president for
Students affair/Dean of the students office, dining, disability services ,diversity and Inclusion,
living on campus, health services ,mail services, parking, safety, sexual misconduct prevention
and response, substance abuse and wellness education, wellness at Curry college. They always
support, challenge, and help the students to learn, grow, and live the college experience, since it
was said that "college years are the best time of student’s life." They assure to be being a partner
in making their students safe and have comfortable learning environment, which allows them to
make the most of their education memories that will last a lifetime.
I know that most of those services can also be found in DOSCST, while the others are not
yet. Evidently, the administrative forces of this college did everything they can just to transmit
their quality services, but sometimes there are just something lack with those people in charge of
those individual services. This is where the simple circumstance of mentor’s officers falls under.
This is not to be called wrong but just need a little more way of critical thinking, in making their
services more effective. (Emerald insight 2016) "The effects of transformational leadership
on organizational conditions and student engagement with school" Most school restructuring
initiatives assume significant capacity development on the part of individuals, as well as whole
organization; they also depend on high levels of motivation and commitment to solving the
substantial problems associated with the implementation of restructuring initiatives.
Transformational approaches to leadership have long been advocated as productive under these
conditions, and evidence suggests that transformational practices do contribute to the development
of capacity and commitment. Much less evidence is available, however, about whether these socio-
psychological effects actually result in organizational change and enhanced organizational
outcomes. Survey data from an achieved sample of 1,762 teachers and 9,941 students in one large
district were used to explore the relative effects of transformational leadership practices on selected
organizational conditions and student engagement with school. Result demonstrated strong
significant effects of such leadership on organizational conditions and moderate but still significant
total effects on student engagement.
It is so noticeably that every organization could encounter some problems and failures that
lead them to be more eager on looking for more effective programs to be implement, this has
something to do with their initiative. If the leader fails at one time, he/she should find another way
to succeed the next time. Restructuring and transforming ideas should be always applied in order
to earn the total leader and member’s engagement. In the same way with the Mentors officers, they
should have to find another way to impress their constituent as well as motivates those aspiring to
be the leader of the next generation and as a future educator someday. How did they see the
leadership where they belong today has something to do with their future career, it might be
negative or positive.
Chapter 3
Research Locale
The proponents conduct the study in DOSCST, particularly to the education students. It is
located at Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental. The location is much safe and
accessible to the students to reach safely and secure.
The respondents of this study are the education students of DOSCST, which are the direct
recipients of the services rendered by the mentor’s officers. This study is picking a specific class
to represent the whole education students.
Research Design
The researchers use the descriptive method to describe the group of people who take a big
part of the study. The researchers observe the nature and environment on how the subject acts in
order to create the conclusion. The proponents interview the respondents face to face by using
survey questionnaires to know the respondents idea in which the researchers have the knowledge
in the specific topic.
Sampling Technique
The researcher uses simple random sampling technique by gathering data in the sample
group of respondents. The simple random sampling technique is where the researcher selects a
group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a population.) Each individual is chosen
entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in
the sample.
Research instruments
The researcher uses a survey checklist form questionnaire in which the respondents provide
some ideas that is relevant to the topic.
Validity of the instrument
The test of validity is undertaken by trying out the instrument to some of the respondents
and determines whether the questions in the instruments will answer the sub-problem.
The test of reliability is done by trying out the instruments to some of the respondents, and
determine whether they have understood the questions being ask, as the researchers wants them to
understand. If they understand differently from the proposed meaning, the question should be
The researchers conduct the study through gathering of pertinent information through the
survey method. Distribution of questionnaires to the respondents and validation of information is
the most significant step so that were able to come up with an answer that is relevant to the study.
Data analysis
This research is intending to gather the information regarding the effectiveness and
satisfaction of the student’s services at Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology,
Mati City, Davao Oriental. The study particularly focus to the Institute of Education and Teachers
Training (IETT), specifically, the services rendered by the Mentors Officers, headed by Mr. Maven
Ar S. Nuevo, with his company. The respondents are the whole education students in different
majors. The overall populations of the respondents are 1462 students in all. In order for us, being
the researchers to come up with the needed information, we undergone with getting the sample
size of the general population using the slovin’s formula. We got the 0.05% of the total population
and as a result we only have 73 students to be survey to represent the whole. We use checklist
form questionnaire in gathering information from the respondents. The reaction of the respondents
regarding the services will be shown through the pie graph, while their comments and suggestions
will be presented through the table. The said table and graph will clearly present their answers to
the sub-problem of the study.
Chapter IV
Results and Discussions
Figure1. This pie graph indicates the reaction of the education students to the free
tutorial service of the mentor’s officers. 40% are saying they are partly satisfied of the service,
27% are satisfied, 22% are saying they are dissatisfied, while only 11% says they are very satisfied
of the said service.
Conducting Do-Day
Figure2.The pie graph above tells what the education student says about the “Do Day”
activity, conducted by the officers. 37% are partly satisfied, 31% are saying they are satisfied, 27%
admit that they are very satisfied, while there are still 7% who says they are dissatisfied of the
Figure 3.This pie graph is showing the reaction of the respondents regarding the
implementation of the General Assembly of the mentor’s society. 40% are satisfied, 35% are partly
satisfied, and 22% are saying they are very satisfied, while only 3% are saying they are dissatisfied
of the service.
Facilitating Different Activities
Figure 5.It’s another pie graph that indicates the satisfaction of the constituents of mentor’s
officers about how they find ways to discover the talents and potential of every members of their
society. 45% are telling that they are satisfied the way it was implemented, 31% are saying they’re
just partly satisfied, there are 15% of them say they are very satisfied, 8% are dissatisfied, while
only 1% is very dissatisfied.
6.The pie graph
illustrates how the respondents observed and experienced drug prevention activity of the mentor’s
officers. 33% shows their ultimate satisfaction of the implementation of the said activity, 30% also
are saying they’re satisfied, 29% are partly satisfied, 7% are dissatisfied, while only 1% is very
Clean Up Drive
Figure 7.Here’s another pie graph which shows how the respondents observed the clean
up drive activity.41% says they are satisfied, 28% are partly satisfied, 22% are admitting they are
very satisfied, 8% are dissatisfied, and there is still 1% that declares the maximum dissatisfaction
on how the said activity was implemented.
Figure 8.The pie graph above indicates the respondent’s satisfaction of the implementation
of activity card in the mentor’s society. 37% says they are very satisfied, 30% are satisfied, 24%
saying they’re just partly satisfied, another 8% are saying they are dissatisfied, while only 1%
show the extreme dissatisfaction to service.
Respondent’s Comments
Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly
Comments Agree nor
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
1. Fastness of Service 11% 27% 44% 15% 3%
2. Transparency of
14% 34% 41% 7% 4%
Mentor’s Fund
3. Staff Availability 11% 38% 44% 4% 3%
4. Staff Friendliness 16% 44% 33% 7% 0%
5. Staff Helpfulness 21% 40% 34% 5% 0%
6. Staff Urgency of
16% 32% 47% 3% 3%
7. Staff Dedication and
Loyalty to the 14% 38% 44% 4% 0%
8. Fair
Accommodation of
Every Members with 14% 44% 32% 11% 0%
regards of
9. Others 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Here is a table that shows the different comments of the respondents, and with
how much did they agree to the way the officers facilitate the services. First is the fastness of the
service.44% from the total respondents are saying they are confused whether neither agree nor
disagree if the services are really executed quickly. 27% are saying they are somewhat agree, 15%
are somewhat disagree, there are 11% who justifies that they are strongly agree that the services
are really faster, while 3% are strongly opposing to the quickness of every services. Secondly, is
the transparency of the mentor’s fund. 41% are confused neither agree nor disagree to the
transparency of the officers in handling the money of the mentor’s society, 34% are somewhat
agree, 14% are strongly agree to their transparency, 7% are somewhat disagree, 3% are strongly
disagree to the transparency of using the funds. Another comment is the staff availability, in which
44% of the respondents are neither agree nor disagree to the availability of the staff every time that
their presence is needed. 38% are somewhat agree, 11% are strongly agree, 4% are disagree, and
3% are strongly disagree to the officers availability. Next comment was the friendliness of the staff
to their constituents. 44% are somewhat agree that the officers are friendly, 33% are neither agree
nor disagree, 16% are strongly agree, 7% are disagree, and so far no one strongly disagree to the
statement. Another one is the staff helpfulness, in which 40% are somewhat agree, 34% are neither
agree nor disagree, 21% are strongly agree, and 5% are still disagree. Another comment was the
staff urgency of responsiveness to the needs of the constituents. 47% are saying they are neither
agree nor disagree, 32% are somewhat agree, 16% of the respondents are saying they are strongly
satisfied, 3% are disagreed, and another 3% are strongly disagree with the service. Staff dedication
and loyalty to the recipients is another comment that comes up as we have an interview to the
respondents. 44% are neither agree nor disagree, 38% are somewhat agree, 14 % are strongly
agree, and 4% are still disagree to the loyalty shown by the staff towards the respondents. The last
one is the fair accommodation of every member with regards of tribe /ethnicity. 44% are somewhat
agree, 32% are neither agree nor disagree, 14% are strongly agree, while 11% strongly disagree.
Respondents Suggestions
Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
1. Continue all the
25% 41% 27% 7% 0%
2. Lessen Unnecessary
21% 44% 25% 11% 0%
3. Change all the
10% 37% 37% 10% 7%
4. Change the other
Services, continue the 16% 41% 36% 4% 3%
5.Add more necessary
29% 40% 25% 7% 0%
6. Implement
transparency of 36% 33% 23% 7% 0%
7. Change the
Facilitator of the 16% 36% 42% 4% 0%
8. Others 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
The table above shows some suggestion of the respondents regarding the services
rendered by the mentor’s officers. 41% are somewhat agree that all the services should be continue,
27% are neither agree nor disagree, 25% are strongly agree, and 7% are somewhat disagree. 44%
of the respondents are somewhat agree that the unnecessary services should be lessen,25% are
neither agree nor disagree, 21% are strongly agree, while 11% are somewhat disagree with the
statement. 37% of the respondents somewhat agree with the suggestion that all the services should
be change, another 37% are neither agree nor disagree, 10% are strongly agree, another 10% are
somewhat disagree, while 7% are strongly disagree. 41% are somewhat agree that the other
services should be change while the other should be continue. 36% are neither agree nor disagree,
16% are strongly agree 4% are somewhat disagree, and 3% are strongly disagree. 40% are
somewhat agree that they should add more necessary services, 29% are strongly agree, 25% are
neither agree nor disagree, and 7% are somewhat disagree. 36% are strongly agree with the
transparency of services, 33% are somewhat agree, 23% are neither agree nor disagree, and 7%
are somewhat disagree. 42% are neither agree nor disagree that the facilitator of the services should
be change. 36% are somewhat agree, 16% are strongly agree, while 4% are still disagree with the
Chapter V
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the services rendered by the
mentor’s officers towards the whole education students at DOSCST, Mati, Davao Oriental. To
accomplish the goal, the researchers intends to know the different types of services, and it is
necessary to collect the reaction of the respondents, determining how much they’ve satisfied with
the different service, and the importance of those service towards them. The researchers also
propose to give chance to the respondents to express their comments and suggestions regarding
those services. To determine the general importance of the student’s services, the researchers
undergone with some review of related literature on how those services are connected to the
whole body of the mentor’s society. The research was conducted at Davao Oriental State College
of Science and Technology wherein the respondents are the education students of the said
The researchers conducted a survey to the respondents wherein they used descriptive
method in order to describe the group of people who take a big part of the study. The researchers
observe the nature and environment on how the subject acts in order to create the conclusion. All
respondents were asked about the different students services being rendered by the mentor’s
officers and some of the possible comments and suggestions by the use of a survey checklist form
questionnaire in which the respondents provide some ideas that are relevant to the topic. The
researchers conduct the study through gathering of pertinent information through the survey
method. Distribution of questionnaires to the respondents and validation of information is the most
significant step so that were able to come up with an answer that is relevant to the study. The
researcher uses simple random sampling technique by gathering data in the sample group of
respondents. The simple random sampling technique is where the researcher selects a group of
subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a population.) Each individual is chosen entirely
by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample.
When the researcher finished the survey to the respondents, they calculate and tabulate the results
of their survey.
The overall aim of this study is to meet the questions being asked in the sub-problem. First
target was getting to know of what are the services rendered by the mentor’s officers. What are the
comments and suggestions of the respondents? Finally, it was answered through the participation
of the recipients of the services, by answering the checklist form questionnaire. As a result, we
found out that there are still some who didn’t really recognized the services as important, while
majority of the constituents are acknowledging the credibility of the service.
Direction: Put a check in the appropriate column options based on your personal experience in
the listed services of the mentor’s officers below.
5- Very satisfied
4- Satisfied
3- Partly satisfied
2- Dissatisfied
1- Very dissatisfied
Name of service/s 5 4 3 2 1
1. Free tutorial in Math and English
2. Conducting Do Day
3. Facilitating Different Activities
5. Providing the avenue to the students to show up
their talents
6. Drug Prevention Activities
7. Clean up drive
8. Implementing Activity Card
9. Printing Event’s T-shirt (e.g. Siglakas, Mentors
Direction: Rate the possible comments by putting check regarding the services listed below,
according to how you experience them personally.
5- Strongly agree
4- Somewhat Agree
2- Somewhat Agree
1- Strongly Disagree
5-Strongly Agree
4- Somewhat Agree
2- Somewhat Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree