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Lars Peeters

Basilan National High School

Group 1

Research Defense
Arising Misconception:
Career Guidance Program and Its
Influence on the Track Preference of
Incoming Senior High School Students
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• Introduction • Methodology
• Problem • Implementation
• Literary Review • Result
• Theoretical Framework • Conclusion
• Objectives • Recommendations
• Hypothesis
Background of the Study
In entering Senior High School (SHS), students will have to choose a strand that best suits their
skills, abilities and interest. Some students are still not sure on what strand they should take and as a result,
the strand that they took is not aligned with their passion. Because of this, schools in Philippines had
implemented the Career Guidance Program to ensure that students will have a greater understanding on the
different academic and non academic tracks when they reach Senior High School.

Finding the areas where students are experiencing difficulties in this process is important for helping them
and facilitating their career decision making. A study by Mubashir Zafar (2017) revealed that those who take
orientation for career choosing have reduced the difficulty for career decision making process. Information
regarding career guidance has prime importance for career decision making process. Another study by (Gati,
1986, 1996; Gati and Tal, 2008; Phillips and Jome, 2005) stated that helping individuals overcome indecision
and make better career decisions is at th core of career guidance program.
Although the implementation of Career Guidance Program have already implemented in some schools,
there are still students who’s struggling in decision making prior to the path they’re going to take. Taveira, et
al. also said that the process of career exploration can be particularly stressful in adolescents’ life. Gati &
Saka (2001).

Unfortunately, the students in Basilan National High School is filled with various misconceptions to the
point that many incoming senior high school students are indecisive in choosing what strand suits them. For
this reason, this study is conducted to clear out students from any misconceptions arising and help them in
choosing the right track that suits their skills. Furthermore, students will have a greater understanding of
educational and career opportunities, options, and to assist them in making meaningful and informed career
Statement of the Problem
This study generally aims to determine the influence of career guidance orientation on the track preference of
incoming Senior High School (SHS) students at Basilan National High School (BNHS) during the Academic
Year 2022-2023

• What are the misconceptions among incoming senior high school students of
Basilan National High School with regards to the different strands:
2. Which among the services of Career Guidance Program influence the choice
of incoming Senior High School students:
A. Career Guidance Caravan
B. Homeroom Guidance

3. Is there a significant relationship between the Career Guidance Program to the

track chosen of incoming Senior High School students?
Significance of the Study
Contribute research-based data and knowledge that can help the incoming Senior High School
students to clear out from any misconceptions about their track preferences. Also gain insights
about the influence of having Career Guidance Program, which could give students more
knowledge on selecting the right track for Senior High School.

Students. This research study can help the incoming Grade 11 students who are the primary
beneficiaries to understand their potential and increase their interest and knowledge in the right
track. This will also lessen and disengage from any misconception about their track preference.

Guidance Counselors and Teachers. This will direct them to come up with action schemes
and strategies in equipping the students with the necessary knowledge and skills.
Parents. It is important to the parents to counsel and guide their children who are found for
having problems in career choice. This study is an eye opener for them to know where and
what their children’s strengths are.

School. This study is essential to this entity since schools may serve as training grounds for
students’ development and learning. Through this study they can implement this program
that will serve as a preparatory for future career decisions.

Future Researchers. The findings of the proposed study will be serving as a good source
of accurate and useful information to the researchers. Thus, will benefit and will be useful
reference for the researcher that would plan to conduct related study.
Scope and Delimitation
This study is a quantitative research focusing on the influence of Career Guidance
Program to the track preference of incoming senior high school students of Basilan
National High School under the academic and non-academic strands in the school year

Furthermore, this study delimits itself to the misconceptions of the incoming Senior
High School Students regarding to the subjects being taught in senior high school in
different strands and will not attempt to get other misconceptions about other situation.
Review of Related Literature
 According to Super’s Developmental Theory of Career Development (2010), high school students are
at the exploration stage of career development, which involves crystallizing and specifying their
occupational preferences, while also making preliminary decisions about their career choice.

 Career development in high school years is essential for students to develop career maturity and self-
concept. It allows them to prepare for adolescents which involve tasks as establishing stable
vocational preferences, narrowing one’s occupational choices, developing career goals and engaging
in long-term career planning (Skiorikov, 2007 as cited by Lau, et.al. 2011).

 Based on the findings of Royo and Lamela (2021), most of the Grade 10 students regardless of age,
gender and family income would prefer to take academic track over other tracks when they enroll the
senior high school.

Lars Peeters
Conceptual Framework


Track Preference of
Influence of Career
Incoming Senior High
Guidance Program
School Students

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

Research Hypothesis
Ha: There a significant relationship between the Career Guidance
Program to the track chosen of incoming Senior High School students.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the Career Guidance

Program to the track chosen of incoming Senior High School students.
Definition of Terms

Career Guidance Program

Guidance Counselors

Career Exploration
Career Caravan

Optimal Decision
Research Design
In this study, researchers used the Quantitative Descriptive Research. It focuses on gathering
numerical and statistical data and generalizing such data thereafter across groups or people or to
explain a particular phenomenon. Thus, this appropriately cleared out the different misconceptions
of incoming Senior High School students in different strands and how Career Guidance Program
influenced their desired senior high school academic and non-academic tracks.

The target respondents of the study were the Grade 10 students from Basilan National High
School school year 2022-2023, with a target population of 1,403. The respondents of our study
were 312 students which is 22 percent of the total population of Grade 10 students in the
concerned school. All the names of the Grade 10 students was in the list, and systematic
sampling would be to take every 5th student until we were able to collect the desired sample
which is 312.
Research Instrument
• The instrument used to collect data was questionnaire checklist and online questionnaire, specifically the
Google Forms.

• In this research, the researcher uses 5 point of Likert Scale. In each of the statement provided, the
researcher asked the students to express their agreement toward the statements on the following 5 point

Data Collection Procedure

Researchers went to all Results of retrieved copies of
Letter of request and consent sections of Grade 10 and the questionnaires were
to the principal of Basilan request and ask their tabulated, and the data were
National High School permission to get the Facebook analyzed and interpreted
Plan for Data Analysis

Weighted mean and Standard Deviation was used to determine the misconceptions among
incoming senior high school students of Basilan National High School with regards to the
different strands.

Pearsons r was used to determine the significant relationship between the Career Guidance
Program to the track chosen of incoming Senior High School students.

Table 1.1 Misconceptions among incoming senior high school students with regards of the STEM strand.


1. STEM strand is only for students who excels 3.61

in Math and Science. A 1.11

2. STEM strand is more advanced than the 3.58

others in terms of the lessons being taught. A 1.05

3. STEM strand is the most advisable to take 3.7

because it is advanced for it requires A 1.07
students a strong background in Math and
4. Students who take the STEM strand are 3.20
intelligent. N 0.98

5. STEM subjects are too difficult to 3.56

comprehend. A 0.98

MEAN 3.53 A 0.05

Table 1.2 Misconceptions among incoming senior high school students with regards of the ABM strand.


1. ABM strand is only for students who want to

pursue a career in business. 3.76 A 1.11

2. Students who take the ABM strand are less

academically inclined compared to students 3.02 N 0.94
who take other strands.
3. ABM strand is for students who are good in
Math. 3.27 N 0.99

4. The ABM strand provides students with

valuable skills such as critical thinking, 3.70 A 0.84
problem-solving, and communication.
5. The ABM strand focuses more on handling
of money in business entity. 3.82 A 1.07

MEAN 3.51 A 0.10

Table 1.3 Misconceptions among incoming senior high school students with regards of the GAS strand.


1. The GAS leads to less promising careers.

3.40 N 1.17

2. The GAS strand is an easy or less

challenging compared to other strands. 3.39 N 1.04

3. The GAS strand is only for students who

are not academically active and intelligent. 2.90 N 1.31

4. The GAS strand is not as relevant or

useful as other academic strands. 2.95 N 1.26

5. Students who take the GAS strand are

undecided. 3.41 A 1.33

MEAN 3.21 N 0.11

Table 1.4 Misconceptions among incoming senior high school students with regards of the TVL strand.


1. TVL is only for students who can’t afford

college. 2.53 D 1.28

2. TVL students are those who aspire to

be a chef in the future. 3.59 A 1.18

3. TVL is the “patapon” strand since

students who take this strand are those 2.47 D 1.29
who cannot perform well academically.
4. TVL strand requires a lower level of
academic ability than other academic 2.76 N 1.23
5. TVL strand is the “last choice” for
students who can’t get into other 2.98 N 1.17
academic strands.

MEAN 2.86 N 0.05


1. Strengthened my interest or 4.25 SA 0.95

aspirations in choosing my strand.
2. Gave me an awareness of the current 4.05 A 0.81
trends in the labor market to match
with my choice of strand.
3. Enlightened me about new programs, 4.14 A 0.76
Table 2.1 Career Guidance Program theories, and practices that match my
skills with my choice of strand.
that influence the choice of 4. Assisted me to learn what type of 3.75 A 1.08
incoming Senior High School positions or job titles are presently in
demand in the labor market.
students 5. Listening to lectures in career caravan 3.78 A 0.99
gave idea about my chosen strand.
6. It helped me feel confident about my 3.93 A 1.02
future career goals.
7. It helped me develop my skills and 3.58 A 1.04
knowledge related to career planning
and choosing my desired strand.
8. It helped me develop practical skills 3.80 A 0.96
that could work in whichever career I
will choose.
9. Informed me the possible career paths 3.78 A 1.07
and work-related issues and
10. It helped me demonstrate a positive 3.28 N 0.99
perspective towards learning wherein
21st century skills are developed.
MEAN 3.83 A 0.10

1. Our Homeroon Guidance Teacher 3.49 N 1.07

discusses and give information about
different career paths and job
2. Homeroom Guidance is a valuable 3.80 A 0.93
subjects and is worth my time.
3. Homeroom Guidance has provided 3.97 A 1.02
me enough information I need for my
future career.
4. It helped me express an oath of 3.59 A 1.13
commitment in valuing myself and my
Table 2.2 Homeroom Guidance that decisions in life.
5. It helped me reflect on ways to utilized 3.58 A 1.07
influence the choice of incoming in achieving my desired profession
and choose the appropriate strand for
Senior High School students it.
6. I displayed positive attitude or 3.23 N 1.31
behaviour in choosing what field I
pursue after answering the different
activities our Homeroom Teacher
gave us.
7. Our Homeroom teacher help us to be 3.31 N 1.29
equipped with the necessary skills
and values for our future development
and opportunities.
8. Strengthen my knowledge that is 3.72 A 1.22
required to pursue my chosen career
9. Provided with essential opportunities 3.04 N 1.40
for self-understanding, self-direction,
and self-actualization.
10. It connect me with my peers and 3.73 A 1.14
teachers, participated in interactive
activities, and support me for my
academic and personal needs.
TOTAL 3.54 A 0.14
TABLE 3.1. Significant relationship between the Career Guidance
Program to the track chosen of incoming Senior High School students

Misconceptions Career 0.65 SIGNIFICANT
Guidance AT P < .05
Chapter 5

The descriptive method of research was used in the study with the aid of a
questionnaire checklist and google forms. There were 312 incoming Senior
High Students who were utilized as respondents in the study. Weighted mean,
Standard Deviation and Pearson r were the main statistical tools used in the
study to facilitate the analysis and interpretation of the data.

 From the 312 respondents participated, on the STEM and ABM strand, the data
gathered elevates to obtained 50 percent of the students agreed on the arised
misconceptions while the remaining respondents were amounted to the same
average percentages which are: GAS and TVL students
 Based on the data gathered, the Career Guidance Program and Homeroom Guidance Program
are both effective and influential program to the upcoming Senior High Students as it obtained
an overall weighted average of 3.83, which corresponds to the “agree” category on the scale.

 The Homeroom Guidance that influence the choice of incoming Senior High School students
which committed to the coefficient of correlation (r) is 0.65. This study shows that there is
Moderate Positive correlation between Career Guidance Program to the track chosen of
incoming Senior High School students.

Based on the findings of the study, the researcher hereby concludes that Career
Guidance Caravan Program and Homeroom Guidance Program are both influential
on the track preference of incoming Senior High School students despite of the
misconception that has been arised.

1. Guidance coordinators should come up with more activities that will give
exposure and engagement to incoming senior high school students about career

2. School guidance counselors should provide a more functional Homeroom

Guidance to enlighten or enhance one's mind in career choices.

3. The School guidance counselor and its Administration should provide

orientation to the students' parents who are prone to misconceptions about career

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