Family Coping Index Hypertension: 3-Moderate Competence 5 Complete Competence Area Description Scor e Justification
Family Coping Index Hypertension: 3-Moderate Competence 5 Complete Competence Area Description Scor e Justification
Family Coping Index Hypertension: 3-Moderate Competence 5 Complete Competence Area Description Scor e Justification
The objective of this indicator is to present benchmark for approximating the nursing needs of a
particular family, thus Family Coping Index. It is the coping capacity and not the underlying problem
that is being rated, and it is designed to record family rather than individual coping capacity. In public
health nursing, the family cannot be seen only as a factor that affects health; rather, the family is the
Family Coping Index is measured with the following scores:
5. Health Care Attitudes Refer to the family’s 5 Barrientos family is willing to have
perception of health care in teaching and seek professional
general. This is observed in help in order to solve health
the family’s degree of problems especially to address the
responsiveness to promotive situation of their mother who has
of health Care workers. hypertension.
6. Emotional Is concerned with the degree 3 The family is competent in terms of
Competence of emotional maturity of emotional state as the family
family members according to exhibited calmness and control
their developmental stage. both through the interview and
This may be observed in teaching, but lack in attentiveness
behaviors such as how the and discipline.
family members deal with
daily challenges, their ability
to sacrifice and think of
others, and acceptance of
7. Family Living Refer to interpersonal 5 Family does things
relationships among family together, each
members. member acts for
the good of the
family as a whole;
children respects
parents and viceversa; family tasks
8. Physical Includes home, school, work, 3 House/Church is in good
Environment and community environment repair.
that may influence the health is free
of family members. of accidents but has
pest hazards.
9. Use of Is the ability of the family to 3 The family seeks healthcare from
Community seek and utilize, as needed, government and private facilities
Facilities both government—run and to monitor and help in the
private health, education, management of each members
and other community health but not regularly.
Problem Cues Family Health Problem
1st level of Assessment 2nd level of Assessment
Hypertension Subjective: Hypertension as Health 1. Inability to provide
Eldest son stated, deficit adequate nursing care
“I think Okay naman si to the sick/ at risk
mama kasi may iniinom member of the family.
na maintenance at Lack of the
Aware naman sya, necessary
alam nya ang mga equipment
bawal at hind isa may and supplies of
highblood” care.
2. Inability to provide
adequate nursing care
Objective: to the sick/ at risk
member of the family.
about the
prognosis and