1. Health problem
2. Family nursing problems
3. Goals of care
4. Objectives of care
5. Intervention measures
6. Method of Nurse-Family Contact
7. Resources Required
8. Evaluation
- A situation or condition which interferes with the
promotion and/or maintenance of health and recovery from
illnesses and injury
- A health problem becomes a nursing problem when it can
be modified through nursing interventions
- General statements of purpose
- The end towards which all efforts are directed
- Broadly state
- Not measurable
- are more specific statements of the desired results of
outcome after giving the nursing intervention
- Refers to the expected behaviors that the nurse will
perform with the patient must be taken for a source and
must have a footnote at the end of each intervention
Health threats
condition which predispose to disease, accident, poor or
retarded growth and development and personality
Family health nursing process is a systematic approach to disorders
help family to develop and strengthen its capacity to meet its The possible health threats are
health needs and solve health problems. -large family size
STEPS -lack of education
-assessment phase -immature parents
-planning phase -broken family
-implementation phase -poor environmental condition
-evaluation phase -poor sanitation
-environmental pollution
I. Assessment phase (family identification) -incomplete immunization
The standards of determining family health status can be -unbalanced diet
-optimum health of individual member Foreseeable crisis situations-anticipated periods of
-family life style unusual demands on the individual or the family in terms of
-family environment adjustment . They are
-family structure, characteristics compare families -marriage
health with these standards -pregnancy
Steps of assessment phase -new born
-plan for data collection -developmental stages
-data collection methods and techniques -new job
-analysis of data -death
-family profile and diagnosis -change in residence
1) plan for data collection
It includes data regarding Health threats and foreseeable crisis situation are potential
-family structure and characteristics problems and health deficits are actual problems
-life style, culture and socio economic factors
-health and medical history and health behavior 4) Family profile and diagnosis
-environmental factors Family profile implies brief description of family
Primary source of data collection- obtained directly from structure and characteristics, family life cycle and
the client (family members) culture, socio economic conditions environmental
Secondary source of data collection- obtained through factors health and medical history etc.
friends, neighbours, colleagues, family records, family team Family health diagnosis is the written statement of
members, investigation reports, reference books etc. family health problems which are assessed from
2) Data collection methods and techniques analysis of data collected
-conversation and discussion -it is based on the diagnosis
-listening steps of planning phase
-review of family health records -analysis of diagnosed health problems and assessment of
-examination families ability to resolve problems (second assessment)
-investigation -establish priorities
-interview -setting goals and objectives
Guidelines for data collection -formulating family health and nursing care plan
-be systematic 1) Analysis of diagnosed health problems and
-do not force to get information assessment of families ability to resolve problems
-explain the reason for data collection (second assessment)
-ensure confidentiality Families ability to resolve health problems can be
-be polite assessed on the basis of
-don't let the family feel small and embarrassed -ability to recognize the presence of health problems
-make them comfortable -ability to make decisions for taking appropriate health
-sympathizes and listen attentively and meaningfully action
-record the data -ability to provide desired care to the sick disabled
3) analysis of data -ability to maintain environment conducive to health
It should be categorized as health deficit, health threats promotion maintenance and personnel development
and foreseeable crisis situations - Ability to utilize community for health care
Health deficits-failure in health maintenance and 2) Establish priorities
development.. -means rank ordering of the health problems Criteria for
-diagnosed illness setting priorities
-deviation in growth and development a)Type of problem- health deficit, health threats and
-personality disorders foreseeable crisis situations
b)Severity of the consequence of the problem- nature IV. EVALUATION PHASE (FAMILY HEALTH AND
and magnitude of the problem NURSING CARE EVALUATION)
c)Modifiability of the problem- possibility of resolving the QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE
problem through nursing interventions within available QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION
resources It determine the extent of services rendered to the family .
d)salience-families perception about the seriousness of It accounts the number of visits , clinic visits, no. of
the problem immunization completed, reduction in mortality and
e)Preventive potential-whether the problem can be morbidity
prevented, eradicated or controlled. QUALITATIVE EVALUATION
3) setting goals and objectives -has 3 dimensions
Client focused goal-provide need based care to Structure evaluation-it measure the adequacy of resources
malnourished children in terms of manpower, material, time etc.
Nurse focused goal- after the nursing intervention the Process evaluation-it measure the adequacy of nurses
mother will be able to provide need based care to actions and activities implementing the nursing process
malnourished children Outcome evaluation- it measure the end result of the care
Factors influence the goal formulation given to the client
-interpersonal relationship Tools of data collection
-families perception of the problem -direct observation
-families felt need -questing
-families perception about seriousness of the problem -record review
-families ability to face the reality