Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory: Metaparadigm Person
Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory: Metaparadigm Person
Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory: Metaparadigm Person
NURSING “the act of utilizing the A human being acted upon by a nurse, or
environment of the patient to assist him in his affected by the environment. Has
recovery reparative powers to deal with disease.
5 environmental factors Recovery is in the patient‟s power as long as
Fresh air a safe environment exists.
Pure water
Efficient drainage Environment
Light & direct sunlight The foundational component of
Nursing puts patients in the “best conditions” nightingale‟s theory. The external conditions
for nature to act upon them & forces that affect one‟s life and
development. Includes everything from a
Stresses the healing properties of the person‟s food to a nurse‟s verbal & non-
physical environment (fresh air, light,
verbal interactions with the patient
warmth, and cleanliness)
Nursing need Theory or 14
components of nursing All external conditions and influences that
affect life and development.
“Assisting the individual, sick or well, in the
performance of those activities contributing Nursing
to health or its recovery (or to peaceful
Assists and supports the individual in life
death) that an individual would perform
activities and the attainment of
unaided if he had the necessary strength,
will or knowledge.”
Health Therapeutic self-care demand – consists of
the summation of care measures necessary
Equated with independence, viewed in
to meet all of an individual‟s KNOWN SELF
terms of the client‟s ability to perform 14
components of nursing care unaided:
Example: breathing, eating, drinking,
sleeping, safety I. Universal self-care requisite
a. Maintenance of:
Dorothea Orem i. Sufficient intake of air
ii. Sufficient intake of
Self-care deficit Theory water
Orem’s general theory of nursing in three iii. Sufficient intake of
related parts: food
iv. Care associated with
1. Theory of self-care elimination processes
2. Theory of self-care deficit and excrement‟s
3. Theory of nursing systems v. Balance of activity
and rest
Theory of self-care
vi. Balance of solitude
Describes WHY & HOW people care for and social interaction
themselves vii. Prevention of hazards
to human life,
Suggests that nursing is required in case of functioning and well
INABILITY TO PERFORM self-care as a result of being
limitations viii. Promotion of human
Includes concepts of functioning and
1. Self-care agency II. Developmental self-care requisites
2. Therapeutic self-care demand a. Balance of different stages in
3. Basic conditioning factors human life cycle
b. Maintenance of living
Self-care agency – a human ability which is
conditions supporting life
“the ability for engaging in self-care”
“Conditioned by age developmental state, c. Prevention of occurrence of
life experience sociocultural orientation deleterious effects of
health and available resources.” conditions that affect human
1. Development & III. Health deviation self-care requisites
2. Operability – identified in terms of – related to deviations in structure or
the kinds of self-care operations function of a human being
individuals can perform consistently
and effectively. 6 categories of health deviation requisites
3. Adequacy – measured in terms of
a) Seeking/ securing appropriate
the number and kinds of operations
medical assistance
in which persons can engage and
b) Being aware / attending to the
operations required to meet self-
effects and results of illness states
care demands
c) Effectively carry out medically
prescribed treatments
d) Be aware and attend side effects of Partially compensatory – both patient and
treatment nurse participate in self-care activities
e) Modify self-concept to accept
Supportive educative – patient has the
oneself in a particular state of health
ability for self-care but requires assistance
f) Learn to live with the side effects of
from the nurse in decision making,
illness and medical treatment
knowledge and skill acquisition.
Basic conditioning factors – affect the value
of the therapeutic self-care demand or self-
care agency of an individual. Person
Age A unity can function biologically,
Gender symbolically, and socially.
Developmental state
Health state pattern of living Human being–has the capacity to reflect,
Healthcare system factors symbolize, and use symbols
Family system factors
Socio-cultural factors
Availability of resources Includes physical, chemical, biologic and
External environmental factors social contexts within which human being
Orem’s theory of self-care deficit
A maturing person deliberately learn and
perform actions to direct their survival A state characterized by soundness or
wholeness of developed human structures
Nursing is required when an adult (or in the
and of bodily and mental functioning.
case of a dependent, the parent) is
incapable or limited in the provision of Nursing
continuous effective self-care.
Is art, a helping service, and a technology
5 methods of helping
Actions deliberately selected and
1. Acting for and doing for others. performed by nurses to help individuals or
2. Guiding others groups under their care maintain or change
3. Supporting another conditions.
4. Providing an environment promoting
personal development in relation to Myra E. Levine
meet future demands
5. Teaching another
Conservation Principles: A model for
Orem’s theory of nursing systems
Goal: to promote adaptation and maintain
Describes and explains relationship that wholeness using the principles of
must exist and be maintained for the conservation.
product or nursing to occur
Model guides the nurse to focus on the
3 systems influences and responses at the organismic
Wholly compensatory – patient is unable to
perform any self-care activities and relies on Wholeness – the product of adaptation
the nurse to perform
Every individual has a unique range of Conservation of social integrity – family is a
adaptive responses critical social unit and the life of each
individual is woven in the fabric of family
The responses will vary by heredity, age,
and with the constitution of social group the
gender, challenges of illness experiences.
family is defined by each individual patient.
3 characteristics of adaptation
Historicity: adaptations are grounded in
history and await the challenges to which
they respond A holistic being who constantly strives to
preserve wholeness and integrity
Specificity: individual responses and their
adaptive pattern varies on the base of Health
specific genetic structure
Health is a wholeness and successful
Redundancy: safe and fail options available adaptation
to the individual to ensure continued
Operational – consist of those
4 types of adaptation
undetected natural forces that
Fight or flight: an instantaneous response to impinge on an individual
real or imagined threat, most primitive Perceptual – consists information
response. that is recorded by the sensory
Inflammatory: response intended to provide
Conceptual – is influenced by
for structural integrity and promotion of
language, culture, ideas and
Stress: response developed over time and
influence by each stressful experience
encountered by person The human interaction relying on
communication, rooted in the organic
Sensory-perceptual: involves gathering
dependency of the individual human being
information from the environment and
in his relationship with other human beings.
converting it into a meaningful experience
Martha Rogers
Conservational principle
Focal stimuli – those stimuli that are the In her book she discussed the phases
proximate causes of the situation. of interpersonal process, roles in
Contextual stimuli – all other stimuli in the nursing situations and methods for
internal or external environment, which may studying nursing as an interpersonal
or may not affect the situation.
Residual stimuli – those immeasurable and
unknowable stimuli that also exist and may According to Peplau, nursing is
affect the situation. therapeutic in that it is a healing art,
Metaparadigm assisting an individual who is sick or in
Person need of health care.
Environment Intervention