Family Coping Index

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Family Point Assessed Justification

Coping Areas Scale Problems System

All family members are able to
perform activities of daily living,
Physical having no disabilities or injuries that
Independence 5 No Probelms hinder them. However, they may still
Assessed require occasional support or

Some of the family’s lifestyles are

considered unhealthy and are not
regulated by the parents, leading to
The family diet is an unhealthy diet mostly consisting of
not controlled, simple sugars and carbohydrates or
leading to most of having more of the suggested serving
the family amount. The lack of exercise of some
Therapeutic members to be of the family members lead to their
Component 3 overweight/obese. weight gain. When it comes to treating
Exercise is often illnesses or wounds, the family is
not practiced by somewhat competents, as
some of the family medications for basic illnesses are
members present and the mother and second
child knows how to perform basic
wound treating and dressing, and first

The family has some understanding of

the health condition, including basic
knowledge of symptoms and
Knowledge of No Probelms treatments. However, they may lack
Health 3 Assessed in-depth knowledge about the
Condition condition’s progression and the full
range of management strategies
needed for optimal care.

The family shows basic awareness

Family’s proper and application of hygiene principles,
hygiene is not such as maintaining reasonable
consistently well- nutrition, ensuring that most members
managed and receive adequate rest and relaxation,
Application of often some and carrying out some preventive
Principle of 3 members neglect measures like immunizations,
General Hygiene them. Family diet especially newborn to infancy
is also somewhat immunizations. However, there are
unhealthy due to inconsistencies in their actions; for
mismanaged or example, not all family members may
uncontrolled follow a balanced diet regularly, or
portions there may be lapses in securing
adequate sleep or relaxation.

The family highly values healthcare

services, including preventive
measures such as vaccinations,
regular health check-ups, and
screenings, and they actively seek
Health Attitudes 5 No Problems these services for all members. They
Assessed demonstrate strong trust in healthcare
professionals and public health
measures, following medical advice
and adhering to treatment plans

There is a
disconnect There is a lack of effective
between the communication and emotional support
siblings, and among family members, leading to
opinions of the two unresolved conflicts and heightened
younger siblings emotional tension. The family shows
children are often minimal ability to plan for positive and
Emotional disregarded, fulfilling experiences, and there is a
Competence 1 leading to an tendency to focus on immediate
emotional issues without considering long-term
disconnect to well-being or happiness. There is an
parents. The eldest evident difficulty in managing
child has a emotions, leading to frequent
diagnosed anger emotional outbursts, breakdowns, or
management withdrawal, which affects overall
problem family harmony and stability.

The family members struggle to get

along with one another, often
experiencing frequent conflicts,
misunderstandings, and a lack of
effective communication. There is a
lack of cooperation and support
Decision-making among family members, with
does not consider individuals often acting independently
the opinions of all rather than collaboratively for the
the family benefit of the whole family. The family
Family Living 1 environment may be characterized by
members, and the
family only gets tension, distrust, and emotional
along by means of distance, negatively impacting the
necessity overall well-being and cohesion of the
family unit. Decision-making
processes within the family are
ineffective or non-existent, with
decisions being made unilaterally or
without considering the input and
needs of all members, leading to
feelings of resentment or neglect.

The home environment is clean, safe,

and well-maintained, providing a
comfortable and healthy living space
for all family members. It has
adequate ventilation, lighting, and
sanitation facilities, promoting
Physical No Problems physical well-being. There is a strong
Environment 5 Assessed sense of community support and
safety, which positively influences the
family's overall health. The work
environment for family members is
safe, free from significant health
hazards, and supports a healthy
work-life balance.

The family consistently keeps

appointments with community health
services and facilities, demonstrating
reliability and commitment to utilizing
available resources. They follow
through on referrals from healthcare
providers, actively seeking and
Use of No Problems attending additional services or
Community 5 Assessed specialists as recommended,
Response ensuring comprehensive care. The
family is proactive in sharing
information about health department
services with others, helping to raise
awareness and encourage community
members to take advantage of
available resources.

Comments or 31 The family’s coping competence in the physical aspect

Summary: does not have major deficiencies, but does have room for
improvement. The emotional aspect, however, is in urgent
need of attention and improvement.

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