Eapp Mini Task Rubric and Format

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Saint Louis College

City of San Fernando, La Union

Basic Education Schools
High School
(PAASCU Level II Re-accredited)


MINI TASK RUBRIC (Third Quarter)
Second Semester SY 2022-2023
(ALL STRANDS- Grade 11)

4 3 2 1
FOCUS & There is one clear, There is one clear, well- There is one topic. The topic and main
DETAILS well-focused topic. focused topic. Main Main ideas are ideas are not clear.
Main ideas are clear ideas are clear but are somewhat clear.
and are well supported not well supported by
by detailed and detailed information.
accurate information.
ORGANIZATIO The introduction is The introduction states The introduction There is no clear
N inviting, states the main the main topic and states the main topic. introduction,
topic, and provides an provides an overview of A conclusion is structure, or
overview of the paper. the paper. A conclusion included. conclusion.
Information is relevant is included.
and presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
VOICE The author’s purpose of The author’s purpose of The author’s purpose The author’s
writing is very clear, writing is somewhat of writing is purpose of writing
and there is strong clear, and there is some somewhat clear, and is unclear.
evidence of attention to evidence of attention to there is evidence of
audience. The author’s audience. The author’s attention to audience.
extensive knowledge knowledge and/or The author’s
and/or experience with experience with the knowledge and/or
the topic is/are evident. topic is/are evident. experience with the
topic is/are limited.
WORD CHOICE The author uses vivid The author uses vivid The author uses The writer uses a
words and phrases. The words and phrases. The words that limited vocabulary.
choice and placement choice and placement of communicate clearly, Jargon or cliches
of words seems words is inaccurate at but the writing lacks may be present and
accurate, natural, and times and/or seems variety. detract from the
not forced. overdone. meaning.
MECHANICS All sentences are well Most sentences are well Most sentences are Sentences sound
constructed and have constructed and have well constructed, but awkward, are
varied structure and varied structure and they have a similar distractingly
length. The author length. The author structure and/or repetitive, or
makes no error in makes few errors in length. The author difficult to
grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, makes several errors understand. The
and/or spelling. and/or spelling, buy in grammar, author makes
they do not interfere mechanics, and/or numerous errors in
with understanding. spelling that interfere grammar,
with understanding. mechanics, and/or
spelling that
interfere with
EMPLOYMENT The author successfully The author somewhat The author employed The author failed to
OF THE employed formality, employed formality, some aspects of employ formality,
ASPECTS IN objectivity, objectivity, explicitness, academic writing at objectivity,
ACADEMIC explicitness, and and caution in all parts some parts of the explicitness, and
WRITING (2x) caution in all parts of of the paper. paper. caution in writing.
the paper.
PUNCTUALITY The mini task/output is The mini task/output is The mini task/output The mini
submitted/ presented on submitted/ presented 2-3 is submitted/ task/output is
or before the scheduled days after the scheduled presented a week submitted/
deadline/date of deadline/date of after the scheduled presented more than
submission. submission. deadline/date of a week after the
submission. scheduled
deadline/date of
Saint Louis College
City of San Fernando, La Union
Basic Education Schools
High School
(PAASCU Level II Re-accredited)


VOICE: _____/4
CN: G14 WORD CHOICE: _____/4
Name: Jerry Apryl Vienne B. Palabay Date: February 27, 2022 MECHANICS: _____/4
Grade and Section: 11- St. Jean Baptiste Marie Vianney EMPLOYMENT OF ASPECTS
TOTAL : _____/32

Overcoming Academic Stress

Being a top student is often highly significant in all Asian homes. It is common knowledge that
Asian parents place a high priority on their children's education. This is demonstrated by the fact that
many Asians are successful, just like in China, which is renowned for supporting prosperous
enterprises and is one of the richest nations in the world that excels in industrialization. As a result,
bullies often target and even exclude children who struggle in school from their own families. Most
Saint Louis College
City of San Fernando, La Union
Basic Education Schools
High School
(PAASCU Level II Re-accredited)
students deal with academic stress daily, leading many to believe it is not a severe issue. Yet,
academic stress could be one of the most severe concerns the globe may need to consider fixing due
to the wide-ranging consequences it has on students' lives.

This circumstance may not appear to be new in the Philippines because parents of most
Filipino students frequently put pressure on their academic achievement and are not content with
merely passing marks. It is well known that the Filipino educational system has proven to be
challenging and tough to deal with, as evidenced by the experiences of exchange international
students in the Philippines that are posted on various social media platforms. This pressure may be
one of the struggles that Filipino students face, especially those who attend private schools where
strong academic performance is anticipated because that is where the children of elites and wealthy
families go to school. As a result of the pressure exerted by parents and the volume of schoolwork
completed by these students, the term academic stress is introduced, which is defined by
professionals as the psychological condition of a student as a result of ongoing social pressure and
self-imposed strain in a school setting that exhausts the children's psychological reserves. This an
issue that students tend to overlook all the time, which should not be the case because it endangers
their academic performance and daily lives. According to specialists, its repercussions include poor
academic performance, bad health, anxiety, and depression, all of which can lead to suicidal behavior
and an act of suicide. As a result, students must understand how to deal with academic stress.

The ways that could help students overcome academic stress are to get enough sleep as a
good night's sleep is essential for both mental and physical healing because when tired, it will be
harder for them to focus on schoolwork and make themselves a schedule for their studying or reading
to stay organized and for time to be used wisely. Furthermore, forgive themselves when they make
mistakes, such as submitting school requirements late, and stop straining themselves to do things
that are beyond their capabilities just to please and gain the approval of others, which endangers their
mental health, and instead do things that bring them happiness and self-fulfillment. Furthermore, it is
for them to take a vacation or have some time where they simply focus on themselves, away from
academics and demanding parents, for them to breathe and relax in preparation for their next
academic battle.

Life can be brutal at times. To be at the absolute top of the pyramid, many people will go to
great lengths. But, to attain greatness, people, particularly students, must remember to take care of
themselves, as their health will be one of their investments to achieve greatness and wealth..
Saint Louis College
City of San Fernando, La Union
Basic Education Schools
High School
(PAASCU Level II Re-accredited)

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