Directions: Your Essay Will Be Graded Based On This Rubric. Consequently, Use This Rubric As A Guide When Writing

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Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric.

Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing

your essay and check it again before you submit your essay. Each section is worth 20 points.

Traits 4 3 2 1
There is one clear,
well- focused topic. There is one clear, well-
Main ideas are clear focused topic. Main ideas
There is one topic. Main The topic and main
Focus & Details and are clear but are not well
ideas are somewhat clear. ideas are not clear.
are well supported by supported by detailed
detailed and accurate information.
The introduction is
inviting, states the
main topic, and The introduction states
provides the main topic and The introduction states There is no clear
Organization an overview of the provides an overview of the main topic. A introduction, structure,
paper. Information is the paper. A conclusion is conclusion is included. or conclusion.
relevant and presented included.
in a logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
The author’s purpose
The author’s purpose of The author’s purpose of
of writing is very
writing is somewhat writing is somewhat
clear, and there is
clear, and there is some clear, and there is
strong evidence of
evidence of attention to evidence of attention to The author’s purpose of
Voice attention to audience.
audience. The author’s audience. The author’s writing is unclear.
The author’s extensive
knowledge and/or knowledge and/or
knowledge and/or
experience with the topic experience with the topic
experience with the
is/are evident. is/are limited.
topic is/are evident.
The author uses vivid The author uses vivid
The writer uses a
words and phrases. words and phrases. The The author uses words
limited vocabulary.
The choice and choice and placement of that communicate clearly,
Word Choice Jargon or clichés may
placement of words words is inaccurate at but the writing lacks
be present and detract
seems accurate, times and/or seems variety.
from the meaning.
natural, and not forced. overdone.
Sentences sound
Most sentences are well Most sentences are well awkward, are
All sentences are well constructed and have constructed, but they distractingly repetitive,
Sentence constructed and have varied structure and have a similar structure or are difficult to
Structure, varied structure and length. The author makes and/or length. The author understand. The author
Grammar, length. The author a few errors in grammar, makes several errors in makes numerous errors
Mechanics, & makes no errors in mechanics, and/or grammar, mechanics, in grammar, mechanics,
Spelling grammar, mechanics, spelling, but they do not and/or spelling that and/or spelling
and/or spelling. interfere with interfere with
understanding. understanding. that interfere with

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