I Like Corn Poem Rubric
I Like Corn Poem Rubric
I Like Corn Poem Rubric
Name: ______________________________
Parts of Parts of speech Parts of speech are Parts of speech are Parts of speech
Speech are properly used properly used to add somewhat properly are not clearly
to enhance and detail to the used to describe used to describe
bring life to the description of the the subject. the subject.
description of the subject.
Effort Student took Student work was Student put Student seems to
great pride in neat but appeared minimal effort into have put very
their work and mediocre compared project, just enough little or no effort
presented what to the students to get a grade. into work.
appeared to be capabilities.
their BEST work.
Sentence All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences are Sentences sound
structure, well constructed well constructed and well constructed, awkward and
Grammar, and have varied have varied but they have a are difficult to
Mechanics & structure and structure and length. similar structure understand. The
Spelling length. The The author makes a and/or length. The author makes
author makes no few errors in author makes numerous errors
errors in grammar, several errors in in grammar,
grammar, mechanics, and/or grammar, mechanics,
mechanics, spelling, but they do mechanics, and/or and/or spelling
and/or spelling. not interfere with spelling that that interfere
understanding. interfere with with
understanding. understanding.