Chapter 11 - Market Research (Notes)

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LO: Develop the knowledge of market research and its importance for the business.

The role of market research

Gather, analyse & interpreting information about a market.
Product oriented and market oriented
Product oriented: main focus on products
Market oriented: carries out market research to find out customer wants before developing a
The market research methods
- Quantitative information (quantity)
- Qualitative information (opinion/judgement)
Primary research:
Advantages: - up to date Disadvantages: - expensive
- first hand - takes time to collect
- more effective (specific)

The process: purpose -> method -> size of sample -> carry out research -> analyse -> report

Methods of Primary Research

Advantages: - detailed information Disadvantages: - not accurate (misleading)
- obtain customer opinion - takes time & money
- carried out online
Online survey
Advantages: - fast, quicker response Disadvantages: - cannot reach potential
- easy to complete respondents (no internet)
- quickly presented - people complete survey just
for benefits (careless answers)
Advantages: - able to explain questions Disadvantages: - unintentionally leading to
- detailed information bias answers
- time consuming (expensive)
Focus groups
Advantages: - provide detailed information Disadvantages: - time consuming & expensive
- interactions = understand - biased discussion
reasons of people’s opinions - may be dominated by people
- quicker than interviews

Why needs sampling?

To be able to find out customers’ needs and what do they needs or want.

Sample: A group of people interviewed

Random Sample: A sample created by chance

Quota Sample: A non-probability sampling method (number of people decided beforehand)

Secondary research


Advantage Disadvantage
- Cheaper to gather information - Might be out of date
- Asses total size of market - Available to all businesses
- Quicker to collect - Might not be completely relevant

Internal sources of secondary data:

Sales department, customer records, finance department, customer service department

External sources of secondary data:

Newspapers, government statistics

Who carries out market research?

Marketing research agency

What are the factors influencing the accuracy of market research data?

- How carefully the sample was drawn up

- Wording of question
- Size of sample

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