Generation Z in Asia: A Research Agenda: Elodie Gentina
Generation Z in Asia: A Research Agenda: Elodie Gentina
Generation Z in Asia: A Research Agenda: Elodie Gentina
Generation Z, including individuals born from the mid-1990s to the late
2000s, is said to be different from other generations before. Generation Z
is said to be the generation of digital natives, with multiple identities; a
worried and creative generation who value collaborative consumption; and
a generation looking forward. The authors present here tentative observa-
tions of Generation Z in Asia using theoretical approaches and scientific
backgrounds: the authors show how socialisation theory (parents and peer
group) and technology (relationship with smartphones) offer meaningful
perspectives to understand Generation Z behaviours in Asia. Finally, the
authors ask some key questions about dealing with Generation Z in Asia
in the field of smartphone use, consumer behaviour (shopping orienta-
tion), collaborative consumption (sharing), and work context.
For several years, Millennials, digital natives, and other names for ‘Generation Y’
have been the focus of academic research (e.g. Business Administration, Behav-
ioural Management, Sociology, Psychology, etc.) and even more of practitioners
in companies, politicians, teachers, parents, and of course of the media. However,
over the past few years, a new generation slowly has moved into focus: Genera-
tion Z, including individuals born from the mid-1990s to the late 2000s. This gen-
eration of digital natives has grown up in a digital, technology-saturated world.
We cannot understand Generation Z without understanding the context in which
they have grown up. Then we can examine their characteristics, their behaviour as
consumers, and their behaviour at work.
There exist different generational cohorts ‘whose members are linked to each
other through shared life experiences during their formative years, including mac-
roeconomic conditions’ (Pekerti & Arli, 2017, p. 390):
Characteristics of Generation Z
A Generation of Digital Natives
The new generation of digital natives, who were born around the end of the first
decade, can be considered as a new breed of digital citizens. They have unprec-
edented access to technology. Unlike Generation X or Y, who are ‘digital immi-
grants’, Generation Z gathers the first true digital natives who have abandoned
traditional computers for mobile devices. Members of Generation Z do not need
to familiarise themselves with technology by comparing it to something else. On
the contrary, they propose new ways of thinking about how technology can be
effectively used. Generation Z perceives the world through different eyes: what
is a novelty for digital immigrants is something ordinary, for digital natives as it
is an integral part of their lives. For instance, 55% of parents estimate that their
children under the age of 12 are more technologically knowledgeable than them-
selves (Dingli & Seychell, 2015).
A survey by Project Tomorrow ( found that Generation Z is
digitally literate, connected, experiential, social, and demanding of instant grati-
fication. A 2017 Pew Research Center report showed that 92% of American teens
go online daily and 91% of them are connected to the Internet through mobile
devices. By age 20, these young adults will have spent around 20,000 hours online
exploring their place and identity in the world. Many adolescents consider smart-
phones as integral parts of their lives and can hardly imagine living without them
(Roberts, Yala, & Manolis, 2014). For example, in South Korea (the country
with the highest smartphone penetration rate worldwide), almost 75% of tweens
(aged between 10 and 15) spend more than 5 hours per day using a smartphone
(Roberts et al., 2014). Adolescents spend on average more than 3 hours per day
on their smartphone, suggesting that smartphone addiction among adolescents
is a prevalent problem among members of Generation Z (Gentina & Delécluse,
6 Elodie Gentina
American adults, 59% of them cite cable or satellite as their primary method of
watching television, according to a 2017 Pew Research study. On the contrary,
the majority of Generation Z use their smartphone as their primary medium to
watch videos. In a recent Business Insider survey (2018) conducted among 104
teens nationwide, only 2% of Generation Z said that cable was their most-used
choice for video content. Nearly a third said YouTube was their most-used source
for video content, and 62% said streaming including Netflix or Hulu. They watch
YouTube as a niche for hobby-driven content, such as beauty or cooking show.
A Worried Generation
A generation is ‘an identifiable group that shares birth years, age, location, and
significant life events at critical developmental stages’ (Smola & Sutton 2002:
364). Members of a generation share a history and common experiences, and
this collective consciousness creates their worldview. Each generation is shaped
by national and international events that take place during their formative years,
when their identity and world views are still in flux. Throughout the world, the
younger generation has grown up with the War on Terror, the spread of vio-
lent jihadism and terrorism. The Coronavirus pandemic might be a watershed
moment in the lives of Generation Z. According to survey of US teenagers
(ages 13–17) from Common Sense Media taken in March–April 2020, 63% are
worried about the effect that COVID-19 has on their family’s ability to make a
living or earn money and 42% feel ‘more lonely than usual’. Members of Genera-
tion Z have grown up in a world that hasn’t always made them feel secure. Thus,
they are pessimistic about the future – and overall seem unhappy with the state
of the world that they have inherited. Overall, 37% of young people think the
world is getting worse, compared to 20% who think it is getting better (39% think
neither) (Broadbent, Gougoulis, Lui, Pota, & Simons, 2017). In March 2020, a
Pew Research Center survey showed that half of young people from Generation
Z (ages 18–23) reported that they or someone in their household had lost a job or
taken a cut in pay because of the outbreak.
Their greatest sources of anxiety, experienced by around half of Generation Z
throughout the world, were the age-old concerns of money and school. Despite
media focus on the issue, the pressures of social media were only seen by 10% of
young people as one of their main sources of anxiety. There is some variation in
the level of happiness depending on cultures. The highest happiness levels tend
to be in developing countries such as Indonesia (90%), Nigeria (78%), and India
(72%), and the lowest happiness levels are in advanced economies such as France
(57%), Australia (56%), and the United Kingdom (57%) (Broadbent et al., 2017).
A Creative Generation
Members of Generation Z seek to make, collaborate, and co-create, as they want
control and preference settings (Saettler, 2014). They apply their innate talent
with new technologies and social media to launch new businesses and participate
in the creation of new products that appeal to their peers and others. Online social
8 Elodie Gentina
networks function not only as socialising channels but also as means to partici-
pate in co-creation processes. Generation Z want to collaborate, interact, create,
and share their ideas on social media platforms. According to Gurtner and Soyez
(2016, p. 101), ‘young consumers can be described as “agents of changes” and
thus more open to innovative technologies’. As the most connected, educated,
and sophisticated generation in history, they don’t just represent the future, they
are creating it (Kingston, 2014).
Growing up in the midst of a recession makes Generation Z less likely to believe
in the availability and security of good jobs. Instead, they are more focussed on
creating opportunities for themselves. They exhibit strongly innovative, entrepre-
neurial, and independent spirits, and 40% of Generation Z claim that they plan to
invent something that will change the world (Seemiller, 2016). They place a lot of
emphasis on being resourceful and entrepreneurial: 72% of high school students
and 65% of college students want to start their own business (Gentina & Delé-
cluse, 2018). Not only is Generation Z a group of consumers, but they are also
the next generation of business owners. Generation Z will start businesses and the
peer-to-peer (P2P) economy will continue expanding.
consumption is often associated with the sharing economy and takes place in
organised systems, in which participants conduct sharing activities in the form
of renting, lending, trading, bartering, and swapping goods and services, etc.
(Bardhi & Eckhardt, 2012; Belk, 2014). The main motives behind Generation Z’s
engagement in sharing practices are to satisfy their need of community belonging
and cost savings.
cultures. Several motives of shopping are socially and culturally anchored. More-
over, fundamental differences in parental socialisation philosophies that exist
between Eastern and Western cultures may impact Generation Z’s decision-mak-
ing styles. It is widely believed that Asiatic parents exhibit a high level of control
over their children, are protective, and alert their children to always try to ‘do
things right’.
However, it is important to note that the traditional Asiatic family system,
which values children’s dependence on the family and the unquestioned accept-
ance of parental authority, can be questioned today. For instance, China is a col-
lectivist culture with high-power distance (Hofstede, 2001), which explains that
Chinese parents have strict control over the kinds of products their children can
or cannot buy. But today modern Chinese parents also allow their children more
freedom in choice of brands of the permissible products.
Are there different shopping orientations (utilitarian vs. hedonic) across Asi-
atic cultures? Does Asiatic Generation Z place more importance on price and
performance attributes (utilitarian orientation) or on emotional image attributes
(hedonic orientation) when making purchase decisions?
- What are the psychological and social mechanisms that explain such cross-
cultural differences in sharing practices?
- What can be done to encourage prosocial sharing of rides, cars, durables, toys,
and other resources that are now used wastefully?
Prior research has shown that the practices of sharing are much more intense
in collectivistic cultures which value social links and consideration of others, than
in individualistic countries, which emphasise individual assertiveness (Belk, 2007).
For instance, this positive view of interdependence is demonstrated through the
intense experiences of sharing rituals in China, as seen in high preference for group
travels, beverage sharing (Gongfu tea ceremony), and others. Both the Chinese
national culture and their religion stress sharing practices: Buddhism emphasises
‘dana’, or generous sharing; and Confucianism ‘shi’, or giving, as an antidote to
consumerism. Shi (giving) can be linked up with different nouns, including giv-
ing goods (shi shan) and giving medicine (shi-yi), but much more often with giving
teaching/education (shi jiao). The result is not only less materialism but also more
community. Sharing is viewed as a prescribed norm in China with the concept of
‘zhanguang’ (meaning ‘share the light’) (Belk, 2007; Gentina, Tang, & Gu, 2017).
Sharing is also viewed as a prescribed norm in Japan (Gentina et al., 2017),
which values social links and consideration of others. The sense of a ‘we identity’
governed by the perspective of ‘being part of a cohesive whole, whether it be (that
of) a family, clan, tribe, or nation’ (Belk, 1984, p. 754) is demonstrated through the
intense experiences of sharing rituals, such as the communal bath house (Sentō
and onsen), the tea ceremony (Sado or way of tea), and the spring cherry blossom
festival where families and friends share food and drink to celebrate the start of
spring (Hanami).
What is the nature of sharing in Asia? Does sharing refer to an other-oriented,
an act of ‘generosity’, which is regarded as positive, productive, and enjoyable
leisure activity? Or instead, does sharing refer to an egoistic act, turned towards
individuals themselves, rather than altruistic?
The concept of ‘self’ is a fundamental assumption shared within a culture,
which may help understand the other-oriented vs. self-centred nature of con-
sumer behaviour (Tynan, McKechnie, & Chhuon, 2010). In a collectivist culture,
the sense of self is governed by the perspective of ‘being part of cohesive whole,
whether it be (that of) a family, clan, tribe, or nation’ (Belk, 1984, p. 754).
differences were underlined. For instance, in South East Asia, members of Gen-
eration Z seem more confident than younger people in China and North Asia
about how the educational system will prepare them for the workplace.
Social media is also a relevant criterion in shaping their choices for employ-
ment: 26% of Asiatic members of Generation Z state that they plan to use social
media to seek advice on career. The leads to the following questions:
What motivates Generation Z in Asia at work? Are there different sources
of motivation depending on the different national cultures in Asia? Concerning
the sources of motivations, more than 50% of members of Generation Z in Asia
are ready to choose a first job with a lower salary to get better training and have
experience. They seem to prefer to work in an interesting environment for their
first employment.
Moreover, why is Asiatic Generation Z talent more likely to pursue entrepre-
neurship? May be due to the fact that technology is so malleable in a sense that
creates the opportunity for customised experience, members of Generation Z step
away from traditional and defined roles. According to ADECCO (2014), 30% of
Generation Z in Asia state that they would like to start their own business. They
will start their own business as a start-up rather than taking over an existing busi-
ness such as family company.
How is optimism versus pessimism shaping Generation Z in Asia? With Asia
being the world’s growth region, Asiatic young people tend to be optimistic and
think that they will be better off than their parents, contrary to the European
Generation Z who are rather pessimistic. In which sector of activity does Gen-
eration Z in Asia want to work? It appears that Asiatic Generation Z shows no
interest in traditional industries (manufacturing) but prefers to work in service
industries (advertising, marketing, consulting, media, hospitality, arts, sports,
and entertainment). If at all, for which countries does this hold true? And what
could be the consequences?
We know quite a lot about global patterns of Generation Z. We have a few assump-
tions about Generation Z in Asia, but many questions. Given the relevance of Asia
as a whole and the countries behind it, these questions need answers. However,
Asia is no homogeneous area. Therefore, it makes no sense to go at least at this
point for generalisable conclusions: We have to understand each country in its indi-
viduality, with the drivers behind the development of the Generation Z in its coun-
tries, with its norms and values, with its behaviour, both as consumer and at work.
This book is one of the first to provide a detailed examination of this gen-
eration within Asia, comparing the Asiatic Generation Z in relation to country
and culture-specific drivers based on interdisciplinary and international scientific
research. It presents a generation born with digitalisation and mobile technol-
ogy, who have grown up through COVID-19 and climate change. We do not talk
about ‘the’ Generation Z in Asia in the singular, because beyond the similarities
between young people in Asia, we identify striking differences. As a result, we
prefer to use the plural and talk about Generations Z in Asia. The objective of
16 Elodie Gentina
the book is to give the reader a chance to understand Generation Z across Asia.
This includes societal and managerial feelings, goals, concerns, and behaviour
of a vast continent that stretches from East Asia through South Asia, Southeast
Asia to Western Asia.
The books is structured in 11 country-specific chapters stretching from East
Asia through South Asia, Southeast Asia to Western Asia: China, Hong Kong,
Japan, and Taiwan (East China); India and Pakistan (South Asia); Indonesia,
Vietnam, and Malaysia (Southeast Asia); and Turkey and UAE (Western-Asia).
All country-specific chapters follow the same structure, with every chapter giv-
ing us analyses of native researchers from across Asia. The book starts by con-
textualising the research: demographics; industry structure; economic growth;
identity (preservation of local differences, regional integration); general values
and norms (economic growth and values); socialisation (parents, peers, school);
and public policy. Second, the book describes the main characteristics of Gen-
eration Z: description (size, behaviour, values, dreams, fears, political attitude);
social media life (digital revolution, the role of influencers, web 2.0/3.0/4.0, com-
munity, online social networks, smartphone, Internet); ethics; and public policy
(standard of what is right or wrong, what is considered as ethical for Gen Z)
and special features (for instance ‘maker scene’). Third, it describes members of
Generation Z as consumers using a range of theoretical approaches and scientific
backgrounds: e.g. shopping behaviours (retail, at the mall/online, how the web
changes shopping behaviour); buying, having, being (materialism, relations with
brands, brand loyalty/products vs. sharing, collaborative consumption). Fifth, it
presents Generation Z at work, focussing on both their expectations (work–life
blending, vision of the work place of the future, loyalty) and their behaviours
within companies (communication, digitalisation, relationships with the team,
authority/leadership, intrapreneurship/entrepreneurship). The last section gives
some managerial implications so that readers understand how to deal with Gen-
eration Z in marketing and in management, telling readers how to deal with Gen-
eration Z as future consumers and workers in Asia.
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